€523 R, DATED at Toronto this ist day of Jiareh, A.D., 1923, by Messrs. Johnston, rGrarrt, Dods & Grant, M32 Bank of Hamilton Building, Toronto, Solicitors foCtlrtrtrtiprttr)ttttit, _ "', _ _ "Ck-21-5t , Notice is hereby" given that a Court ‘of Revision of the Assessment Roll for _the Township of Etobicoke, County of York, will be held in the Municipal Hall, Islingtqggy on Saturday, the fth May of April,’1923, at 2.30 pm, for the purpose of hearing appeals against me said Assessment Roll of the year 1923. All persons interested aré re- quested, to take ;notice and appear be- fort the said Court at the said time and plate. V , Noticé-fis hirir'ie,brgivert pufsuant to the Rrris'/i9. Statutes of Ontario, 1914, Chapcél‘ZLNSéc'. 56, that all persons having claittyithgaiivrt the estate of the said 1ilpirmrHarie Gordon, who died on or aboutlhe 's'eventh day of February, 1923, are required to send by post pre- paid to the undersigned, the solicitors for the Executors, their names, ad- dresses, and statement of their claims duly proved ME. affidavit, on or before tht Fifth day of April, 1923, and that after the said date, the Executors will proceed tortiistrihute the, estate, having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have notice. _ x-20-3-T Dated at Toronto this Eighth day of March, A.D. 1923. ANDERSON & McMASTER, 226 Mavety Street, Toronto, _ Solicitor,?,' for the Executors, "Why, John," she cried, in injured tone, "how on earth do you think I can manage for a Whole week on a pal- try dollar‘WF 'r . Smith got marriesf. The evening of his first pay day he gave his bride 8th tsf his $15 salary and kept only $1 for himself“ , NOTICE is hereby given that Chester Abbott Redmond, of the City of Toron- to, in the County of York, and Pro- vince of Ontario, student, will apply to the Parliament of Canada, at the pres- ent session thereof if the application con be heard, or at the next ensuing session thereof, irthe application can- not be heard at the present session thereof, for an Act annulling the mar- riage between himself and Angela Ur- sala Frances Edwards, of the City of Toronto, in the County of York, on the ground that the said marriage has never been and cannot be consumated. Clerk "of the Township. Dated at Islington this 19th day of March, 1923. x-2r-3-T In the Matter of the Estate of Emma Jane Gordon/ late of the Town of Weston, ixy the County of York, Widow, Drvcemsed. Biit thaségohd payday Smith gave his wife $1 and kept $14. himself. "I'rf admit l don't knpw,†he arr swerpd. I had a rotten time, myself last week. It's your turn now." _ DATED at the City of Peterborough, in the County of Peterborough, in the Province of Ontario, this 17th day of February, 1923. ' x-18'-5t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Esther Levin,- of the (pity of Toronto, irfr"thiy_Cfunty of York, in the Province of Ontario, Married Woman, will apply; to the Parliament of Can- ada, at the preéent session thereof, for a. Bill of vDivorce from her. husband, Isaac Levin, of the said City of To, vapfo, on the ground of impotency and noiyHytiynmatioi? of marriage, _ WESTON _ V Pabiished every Wednesday by THE CHARH‘E’ES PUBLISHING co,, LIMITED S. CHARTERS, Pres. C, V. CHARTERS. See,-Treas, SUBSCRIPTION R.a'T%s--t2.00 per year in advance to any address in Canada: $2.50 per year in advance to United States. Single copies 5c. ADVERTISING RATES-tego Notices, 80 per line for first Insertion, 4e per line for each subsequent insertion. Business Locals or Readers: 10c per line tor each insertion. Church " Society, Notices of entertain- ments,; concerts, etc., where an admission tde is to be charged or a collection taken, We charge, 5c per line for each insertion. Meetings' Announcements of club, organization or society gneetings, Sc per line for each insertion; minimum charge Me, Bepcrts'of meetings held gladly in- serted free. In Memoriam Notices and Cards of Thanks, 5c. per line; minimum charge 25e, Birth, Mar- riage and Death Notices, no charge. Classified Advts., 25c per each inser- tion forrads; not exceeding six lines;) over 2pttL1'utg, each extra line. Profes 10ml] Cards and small stand- ing ads. not exceeding IW' single col., $7.50 per year. Auction Sale Advertising, rates according to size and number of insertions. msptay _Matter Rates; on application, ALL ‘MATTER FOR PUBLICATION must be in the office not later than noon Tuesday. This is absolutely necessary to ensure insertion in the issue of that week. NOTICE OF APPLICATiON FOR ANNULLMENT OF MARRIAGE TIMES MI) GUIDE PAGE SIX APPLICATION FOR DIVORCE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28, 1923 “7"? w 'id COURT, OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF ETOBiCOKE C i,t5figrt , Preacher at all services: The View. - Monday and Tuesday, April 2 and Ir-moe Communion, 1 _ prgms.iisvtcyr, W, Greaves, Rectory Road, _ NOTICE TO CREDITORS 8.00 a,nr--Holy Communion. lLOO ahc----Holir Communion and sermon, Introit, "Christ Our Passover is Sacrificed for Us." offertoirir', anthem, "Thanks Be Unto God." 3.00 a.m.-'r-Cliildren's service. 7.00 p.m.---Ivensortg and sermon. Anthem", "Thanks Be Unto God." , , rt, ST. JOHN’S ANGHCAN CHURCH Solicitor for the Applicant WILFRED HUYCKE, S. WILSON, Managér. Maia Street North REV. E. G. HUTSON, LT“. VICAR EASTER SUNDAY s. BARRATT, Tht Council has also constructed as a LocirriiirrtAremettt a six inch water ‘main, together with hydrants, valves and specials: On Blbor Street from Church Street to Blio'or Place a distance of 2561 feet. Ort Bldor Place from Bloor Street to the Kingsway, a distance of 506 feet. Orr Kingsway from KitrgMvay Place lo Mossom Road. . On Kingsway Place from the Kingsway to 1000 feet north, a distance of 1000 feet, On Mossom Road from the Itingtway to a point 1736 feet east, ardistance of 1736 feet: The special rate per foot frontage is 7% cents. T The special assessment to be paid in twenty atmual instalments. The estimated lifetime of the work is 35 years. _ _ The special rate per foot frontage is 8 cents. , The .cost of the work is $45,944.37 of which $36,695.43 is to be borne by the area. . The special rate per foot frontage The Court of Revision will be held on the. 24th day of March, 1923, at 1.30 o'elock pan. at the Town Hall, Isliogton, for the purpose of hearing complaints against proposed assess- merit or the aect1racy of frontage measuremeents and other complaints which Ferimns may desire to make, which is by law cognizable by the ' A four foot sidewalk four feet in width as a Local Improvemeent. I I. On the east side of Kingsberry Avenue from the Grand Trunk Rail- way to ~H0rner Avenue, an approxi- mate distance of 1937 feet. 2. The Mst. of the work is $2368.65 of Whiqh ,32718;§5.;}S tp be paid., by, the corritiiatiitrc, ,_i _ J, _ ("#1: ". _, 1 A six-inch water main, together witf1 the hydrants, valves and specials on Main Street from St. Georges Streito a point 690 feet west from the centre line of St. Georges Street. On Dearborn Avenue from Main Street to the centre line of Cherry Street. On Garden Street from Dear- bohirAvtnue to :1 mm 250 feet west: The special assessment to be paid, in twenty annual ipstalmerlts. _ T _ The" estimated lifetime of the Work is 30 years. ALSO The hofeial rate per foot frontage is 13 cents. The Council has constructed as a Local Improvement: _ The cost'of the ivork is $4,595.00 id which $2,547.00 is to be borne by the area; . Court I. The Council of the Corporation of the Tdwnghip of-Etobicoke has con- structed as a Local Improvement "a concrete sidewalk, four feet in width on the west side of Montgomery Road and the south side of Tyre Avenue be, tween Dundas Street and the westerly limit of Lot 122, Plan 1602. The special assessment is to be paid in ten annual instalments. ' 3. The estimated lifetime of the work hr 15 years. . The special rate per foot frontage is 1347-10 cents. DATED this the Nth day of March, 1923, C V The special assessrheént is to be paid in ten annual instalments, 3. The estimated lifetime of the work is 16 years. Alto 2. The cost of the work is $1071.43 of which $321.43 is to be paid by the Corporation. - _ _ Township of Etobicoke TAKE NOTICE THAT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COURT OF REVISlON _ ct Holstein cow, in full flow; Holstein cow, in full flow; Durham cow, in full flow; 2 Holstein cows, in full flow; Holstein, fresh; 2 Holsteins, fresh; Holstein cow, fat; Durham cow, fat; . SHEEP--4 sheep. IMPLEMENTS---Team wagon, set of sleighs, get of trucks, Wilkinson plow, Massey binder, Massey hayload- er, John Deering manure spreader, Massey Harris drill, International side rake, land roller, stiff tooth cultivator, M.H.; Cockshutt sulky plow, disc har- row; spring tooth cultivator, potato digger, 2 sets of wagon springs, set of double harness, number of water bar- rels, [double seated buggy, 60ft. inch hose, cutting box, jack and belt, horse power. TEftt'MSL-q?at cattle, potatdes, hay, oats and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 5 months' credit on approved joint notes. Six per cent. allowed fdr cash. MANNING MeEWEN, of potatoes, 100 bus. oats, 15 tons bf alfalfa hay. TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1923 At 1 p.m. HORSES--Btown mare 8 years old, h.d.; brown mare 6 years old, h.d.; bay mare, aged; bay mare, in foal; bay mare, aged; yearling colt, h.d.; pony arid outfit. CREDIT AUCTION SALE OF FARM . STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS The undersigned has received in- structions from THOMAS PETERS to sell by public auction at his farm, Lot 31, Concession I, Etobicoke, on GRAIN AND POTATOES--50 bags cows-u-Black NOTICE cow, in full flow; full flow; Holstein Durham cow, in full cows, in full flow; s. BARRATT, Auctioneer: L RJTL Clerk Thelma herself took him to the front door, and as he stood there thanking hetance again, he said suddenly: J'Yott'ver had a hard time of it t" She nodded. "Yes, harder than I realize." "My poor lady," he said gently, "I know; I understand. One can sito little, one can do legs. Don't"thfnk me presumptuous, doh't ‘think me the preaching kind of padre when I say, to. Jou--pray !†Thelma did not speak; she squeezed his, hand. She was touched beyond words. Suddenly she realized that the hand that she held was cold and old and worn and thin. The hand of. a good man who had worked with it all the days of his life in the cause of those who were poor and those who suffered. "fDon't believe it.' Just tsrdy. Let Tesjust tell you that very hear here there is a little old church», very small, and not very beadtifuls St. Marlls---- my; church. It is altvays open, day and night, and if you ever feel as though things are too baid, too terrible,too dif- fieult, come in for a minute. Just the peace, the quiet, the thought, of it all mal.It help yy!" _ {Sometimes I†said away: _ "Yes, yes!" Thelma answered quick- ly. "I am sure he would want to. Of course, it is too late to-night." "Of course.†. "Bu"t one day, if you would come, I am sure it would make him very happy. You don't know how it 'che'eré him, tip to hear something of the world he has lost!" He bent his head. "I will come as often as he Wti'tits me, Mrs. Rathborre, and as often as I can-get away from my Work.†The girl started, and lacked at him. "I know it seems hard to behtve in anything when such a thing is this hairpens--eh?" M _ _ 't ' "Let me," she exclaimed,, “send you home in a ear." “ He lboked at her, started, and c0- loured a, little. "Isn't it strange, Mr. Lamb," she asked, "how anyone does that! How one misjudges everybody! The people you. think are. generous and kind are so often hard-heart ed impostors, who have jusit a veneer of selfish heartiness about them, and those that you think hard of heart are often secretly gentle and kind and generous!" . , "That is perhaps one Of the 'first things we clergymen have to learn, Mrs. Rathbone," he said. "You know, the Jews are often the best of men." She was silent for a moment, and then he said again: "I should liké to see your husband-- if he would like to see me!" "Thank you very much," he said simply. "I am a little fatigued this evening.†_ The nurse knocked at the' door'" the library, and without waititig came in. " bone?" Thelma was on her feet in a seirond. "Why? Nothing wrong? Isn't my husband asleep? _ ', _ _ “How like him, Mrs. Rathhone!" he said. "How very like him! I'm glad that I have the privilege of telling you this. It was two or three years ago now. Your husband came to me one day, and I remember him saying: 'I'rn auturney-lenfier and a Jew, sir!' I re- member the words very clearly. He wanted to start , home for the poor, homeless lads, and he asked me to do it. I, oflcourse, was overjoyed, but I told him what it would cost-and well, you will understand why I have come to, intrude my little troubles on your great ones. Regularly, on the first, there has been a cheque for a. hundred pounds from your husband, but, of course, for the last two months there has been nohing, and it has been awkward." She handed it to Mi. Lamb, with a smile. "Mr. Lamb," she said, "I cannot tell you how glad I am. you have come to tell me this to-night. I thank you! It just proves to me what a good man my husband is. And, do you know, that until I married him, I thought of hom as a hard, hard man!" ' "l know." _ T She searched the wise old face with rather sad eyes. f The clergyman put out 'a hand, and touched her on the shoulder with a fatherly gesture. _ Thelma,, looking very pretty and sweet in her evening-gown-for Isaac liked to see her "dressed up" as he put it, for dinner, before he went to sléep foIr.the. night-Wes reading by the fire. "No; I can’t get him' to go to sleep to-night. He is restless, and he just asked for you. He says that' he will go..f.o :sleep when you} see him.†_ - 'Oh,H am sorry! He told me' no- thing, and, of course, I did not knosir, He would wish that done." She crossed the room, opened a desk, and, raking, out a. cheque-book, quickly wrote out thtr'necesssiry draft. She looEed up in surprise as she saw the. nurse-Isaac', night-nurse. ve .“j’g’s, Jiurse?" she asked. l _ Thelma/was out" of the door already, and had started upstairs. It was a long climb to the top of the house. Isaac had, in a queer mood, almost in- sisted upon :1 lift being "put in the house. But that had been the one thing in which Thelma had won the dav. Thelma jumped to her feet with a cry, Thelma started. This was complete news to her. "No!" she said. "I knew nothing about it at all. He told me nothing. I had no idea!" (Continued from last week) The girl told him, and he listened with real grief in his handsome face. After a little, he said: "Well, now I must tell you why I have come. You mustn’t think me mercenary, and if I did not know that your husband used to get real joy out of it all, wild horses would not have drawn me here to-night. You know, do you that your husband ran a home for poor boys in my parish?" _ "No!" she said. "I knew nothing about it at all. He told me nothing. I had no idea!" A gentle, rather proud smile came into the old man's face. She found him now very wide awake, nil rather bright-eyed. tirrasr /" The girl "W, (itld you come up, Mrs. Rath- THE PRICE SHE PAID CHAPTER 19 The Prayer Thelma, looking THE 17Apiit1rp)pT) GUIDE, WESTON -____- ..-, _ Her maid was rung for, and received het orders with evident surprise. But Thelma somehow' ftrle,that to-night she could not go and sit in all the glory of the t"mgshe hiiil tyinight' af such a etogt. She wanted no box, no stall. She wan- ted no diamonds shining in her hair, ho furs to envelope her velvet shoul- ders. F "I krimv, dearie. Yhu'rt the best girl in thtrwoiW.t 'A'nd the worst'of it is,fwifl1 me here like this, I ean't get eaten With the yotiittbligMei.r, And"':--- lie latrghed---'q can"? very well ask you to get even for, me,,him being your bet boy/dried,' piari I .5“ She stood fitil'r, Saw him close big eyes s1depily, and went softly out, tell- ing the nurse that she thought he Would sleep nb'w. C Then she went to her dtessing-room. She had to gd out? There was nothing in the‘world she wanted to do less, but it did not occur to her for one moment to tweak her promise t'tt the sick than. She fmriitr ‘a theatre where the show di’d1not stiettr to be, doing very well, paid the' money, and got a good' seat in the pit. 'The man on the. bed, breathed, a deep sigh. _ ' "That'g the stuff! Gdod girl! Ire- cause, you know, if you War; to do that new, itl would be an awful" mean ttielct.' -“I wtntltin"t, 135M!" she said simply, just a touch of pride in her voice, "I couldtr't." ' She donned a coat and skirt, and went out quietly into the night, “with a few shillings in hér pocket, '33 in the old’days she wtiuld have gone to a: theatre, in the; old days before she had sretred. thefing. -- - 7 'Slowly she wandered through the ttreefs. It was rather good to be alone and out like this, to feel that she was her old self again. _ Her old self, and yet With What a difference. She felt the gold ring on her third P,iyyy and sighed. What a difference it did mike! Th first" aetotndird, the lights were turned on, and suddenly her heart stood still. ( , _ Shit heardn girl’s voice just in from df her which was fsitniliar to her. For irrnoimerrt she could not quite place it; but‘ leaning forward a. little, she saw that the girl just in front of her was Nesta Phillips, the green-eyed little thing giomjfid drkstthafrer"s, who had magic? her wedding dress. She spoke too loud. Thelma saw Tom grow red. She saw several people look about and grin. Tom said.. There was a, moment's silence. She was making a ridiculous scene, and tho smiles had grown into nudging fitters. Tom looked at her. "No, Nesta, I do not deny it," he said. "I do love Thelma. I always have; I always shall! Nothing can ever alter that!†. T The bandage, the end, the begining of _yietytrreiiy'st [ , . ..._.,.. PtN6- "w“..b my»... And she Was spe'al'rihg in an urgent; rather petulant tone to a. young man at her' side. Tom! / "Y6n're not listening!†Thelma herd her say. "Yom never do listen'fo the, Tom! You‘re thinking of that wo- man !" ' ' _ . 1orrdittr not wait long afte'r' her. Thelma, was glad of that, for it was ter- rible to sit there and not speak to him. Someho'w the sat through to the end 'of "the show, but she knew nothing about it. _ C Tonirt words wer'e to'o urgently burn- ing themselves into her consciousness of life. He loved her still? He had always loved her'and‘ always would! How the thought thrilled and thrilled! But she was a wife now-another man’s wife. Tom still loved her! gï¬he felt the color come into her cii'l'e'iis and the musiei,i,hto her heart. :_,i.bshett in a little, as the truth began She kissed him, trying to hiide the tears'in her eyes, Vimd‘ went to the door. There he stopéd her . "You don’t ever“ see anything of thtt young Goodwin now, do you, my deer?" _ l Her heait stood still. "No, Issute," She ‘Said. "‘1 havén’t stiett him since the day I became your "wife!" ' V T "Well, if I am, Nesta, _thrre_is no need to make a'po‘iée aboilt it he/re!"' ' The little héad was togsetV, and Thél- ma, knew that Nesta wag ahgt‘y. q "I see, she isaid. Well, that does it! I might have known that you wéré still thinking of that girl! Good night and good-bye." T And, before Tom could do a single thing, she had turned, and,' putting on her hat, left the theatre. _ "Oh," he cried kihdly,. unconsciously huffing her a, list, "none of your quick, penny-it-the-slot oaths! A real promise by yam love to me, girl !" "I promise you, dear Isaael" she said. "I'lt go now." "Good girl! arid t'lrsleep like a fop. And mind you remember all about it!" All" thrjéople 'yott saw and every- thing! "Good nighf, tlearfe! 'Have a good liFr. Buy yourself a box, if you like." Nesta tsr'sis an he? feet, a greed-eyed, red-headed little fury, her face sav- agtand ptett.v. - W w, . - "What were you doing?" he asked. "Reading," she said. "Why aren't you oui?†he demanded in a voiee' not quite as gentle as usual. f'Why don't you do what I tell you? Why aren’t you at a theatre or a,. danee--eh? You’re a pretty woman. Pm not going to have you moping a- round home like this, just because I'm a helpless lump tl' Thelma bent low, and smiled. "My dear, I im so much happier t,ookitig after you! What joy would I get out of going about and having a gay time, with you here?" C "I see. You 306% ever; pi"e"iinlt that you are not" sfilrit, [ove with Thelinat" tiiiitawn on her, she hated herself for" it “7†(Continued next week) "And what joy," demanded the man irritably. "do I get out of lying here and thinking of you wasting the best days of your life? You've got to do as I say!, It's getting on my nerves, Look here. what's the tithe?" "Hatf-past eUht,'1she told him. "Half-past eight!" he exclaimed. "When I was alljight that was just the time I was having my second drink, and you down there doing nothing! Thelma, you go to the theatre to- night.'" I "Yes, Isaac," she said nreekly. "Sitear it to met" "Yes." Box 221 Teacher of Elocution Pupil of J. H. Cameron 20 Church St. lhT 0-43-12t FE" WJWQMMEWSELEFSWWW Weston Branch Conservatory of Music “Int particulars apply 25! Church Street, Wench - ' Phone 631W v _ Services _ Public services 11 am. and ' pm. _ Sunday School 3 pm. Wednesday 8 pan. Prayer meeting You are invited to attend MRS. MARION DEMOREST, I L. T. C. M., Principal Phone Junction 5879 W, at Weston 228J Piano Violin Voice Culture Kindergarten 11.00 aan.--Publie worship. , Sunday School in conjunction with morning Service. 7.00 p.m.---Publio worship. Organist and Choir Leader R, Weathisr'titiui FWF- _ 1rtyttttApjlt Welcgme.‘ :‘A TORONTO CONSERVATORY [ _ OF MUSIC F WESTON BRANCH! _ Bank of Nova Scotia, .. Main Street HAVE YOU A COUGH? This is, of Vital Interest to You Woodstock, Okt,,--"My husband ',vHmyi, steaks a good word for Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and, we both feel that he owes his present good health to this splendid puidieine. Bronchial pneumonia, as trtettild', left him withwhriaaic bran: chial' trouble and it just kept getting worse every year; even though lie _dtiet6ttid and tried event remedy teeod1memied to him. Some nights he' Would cough so hard I used to by afraid he might die before morning. Last tall his mother' advised him to try the ‘Golden Medical Msaiert' and from the first few doses he ini- prbved. It is Just . yearxnow and he seems to be entirely on?“ ot all bronchial ailments." Mrs. S. M, Greer, 27 Btderrham " _ Get the bisreovelatat at any medicine dealers. tablets or liquid, cry after doctors†medicines failed to do any good. I am new free from all signs of rheumatism for. which I most heartily thank Dr. Pierce and his wonderful med-leinesf‘ Mia. Kerwood Cook, Box 464. Send 10e to Dr. Pierce’s Labor» tory in Bridgeburg, Out, for trial pkg. “any of Dr. Pierce's remedies and write' for tree confidential Intds. teal advice. _ v-1-.." _"e_"_.- =.,;./-- : tts tl' i , t N . ' ar 'ht?,' . F , 'r 3 law ' . cr,'" - u, "s aiM q 3. . _ 39.57.;- , "a ‘1'- m ' _ >373": t'; We a b."' Ju; . " UNWERSITY (h) TORONTO TEACHER OF PIANO L t _ ,Pupils prepared for t I University Examinations T STUDIO, 195 John Street, Westin, if you are a Sufferer, Heed THE Advice ‘ Collinwood, tJnt.---"It is with pleas are them I write this-note of com. r,, Gia. =,, mendatitm. I sur 'dgEa Eire, tered with 1111mm= - - â€(ism jar rheumatism "d tre:axs, t P for three years x†e<t "t. I and hm? been 7ie'i Bit cqmNettlr, cured . ‘ ~94 ot same“ by ta} "1 ing a few packs - Tala-iii' ages of D F! f- Meat _ Pieree's Annie 'ee-Fe" ("g ‘ Tablets and Dr. bt, Je I 13; It Pieree's Golden T. 3 _ . AMedical Disco? Cross Street 7 _ Pastor: T ' Rev. W N. Wiuikir/ (BAA. Residence: Hamtbermiiunt, Weston Phone 298 SUNDAY SERVICES Old Presbyterian Church Pastor, Rev, Forbes Robertson. Residtmee, John St. Friday, March 30th, 8 pam-Pre-Communion serVice. Preacher-Rev. Mr. Meir, of Woodbridge. ISABELLA: MOEFAT, Amc.tt. Management of Property Secfetarial Wort) _ _ "cs)ypcountinst' _ Baptist Church Pastor, A. S. MeGrath, BA. GEORGINA BURGESS Kathleen il Ittrgirs T. E. 'ifiiiiii"t " RHEUMATISM ? GLADYS BURSLEM 11.00 am 2.45 p.m 7.00 p.m WESTMINSTER MigMttiM CHURCH Teacher of Piano Phone 504W. '0-10-l2t WWQMWMRNHWHHEINIQQIMQ! Phone 269 Organist: --Holy Communion. s---fiunday - Sehook r---SpHrial musical service EASTER SUNDAY Weston Weston Established 1858 Rev. Frsieiiek R?hertson, Rector The Rectory, Rectory Rd. Weston, Phone 467W _ Services 10.00 a.m.--Sunday School. . 11.00 aam--Morning service. 3.30 p.m.---Service in St. Andrew's Hall, Thistletown. 7.0lp.m.---Serviee in St.. Mat- thias Church, Westmount. ‘ EVERYBODY WELCOME Residtmee, John St. Phone MI Family Washing Given Special Attention _ VF Atl Work guaranteed to be wel'l’ done. . _ Goods called fir and tktirvered, CHARLIE WING T _ Phone 585 T Licensed Auctioneer' for Ceramics of York, Peel and Simcoe Terms Reasonable; Esme†Avenue WES’IOII tt Main St. N. Rev. 1. B. deya, BA. ', Residence, M King St. Phone 48, A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Sunday Service: Publie worship " mm. and ' pm. 2.45 Sunday School Wednesday 8 pm. Prareir meeting Brotherhbod 10 thm. 2:16 and tth Sundays. MOTOR LIVER? ', Overland Touring Car with care- ful and capable driver for h)re 163 John St, FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE ED. W. BROWN WOODBRIDGE _ Is holding a olass in Modern Dancing every Thursday evening at 8 o’clock in the'Wes'ton Separate School Hall. All the latest steps Will be taththt, Argentine, Tango, Lucerne, Fox Trot, Ritz Walt'z, ete. _ Phone 374 or (2111110 Rosemount Ave, Weston, GABTAGE lie-tar a? Horse Drawn Vehicles. Excavating, Loni! ttiid Long Distance Hauling. Ford Touring' Car for hire. " Mtin St. S., Weston. . Phones: ' _ Local 808W. City Park. 7449W. Agent for Fire, Lit-e, Accident; AAtte mobile and Plate Glass W- was in Bate Companies and _ GENERAL TEAMING ' Sand, Gravel and Filling Always en Eand. Movings Promptly Attended to, Moving promptly attended to by ix.. perienced men. Prices reasonable: No moving too "large, no moving too imaii._ Touring car for -hire with-careful and capable driver." 145 John St., Weston Phone 156W Weston Methodist Church Phone " " 6‘45 Ran., 12.45 noon am] thts pm. D R E S s M A K JE. R _ CORSETIERE Representing the Spire-Ila Co. 131 King se, Weston Phone 183 SUCCESSOR TO 0. E. LAROSE MOVING AND CAR'rAtrE, CHARLES GILLIS Long Distance Moving a. specialty EEAVE rjtijijijiiiiiiii mummy w WITH US T Real Estate and, Insurance Office Miss GLADYS COOPER EYES M. SOSNOWSKY n PHILIPS CHURCH MANNING McEWEN; Weston, Ont, A cordial invitation to all. MANNING liklMilt E. J. MUSSON J. C. MCLELLAN. 0. E. LaROSE h. MACKAY ETO‘BICOKE Phone 268 Musical Direcior. P. G. RIGGS, Westbn Weston Manufacturers of Pressed and Rug Brick C Many shades of the several coiors to . sel'éct from. Get in touch with the Local Agent. W. C. BURRAGE 106 Rosemount Ave, Weston Phone 106 » _ Plano and Organ Tuner Wm " My Place Drop a. Card so Beqqtsrogtt Avenue, West TOM“ r' t Telephniié Junction " ' . " Teari' Practical Experience MILTON PRESSED 2lllG COMPANY '. C .e VIOLINIST l Residence: 191 Main St, Wests: Phone MMM, 011106: Hair: St. N, Phine ll A. Foster, M., k Concert Soprano Tcachgr of Piano and Vocal Pupiis prepared- for Toronto 5 "Conservatory Examinations STUDIO: 17 Joseph St,, Westmr Phone 228 J. Chronic Diseases Hours: 8totitind7to8andtry appointment. _ Saturday 8 to ' Phone Weston 482-3 20 Cuteat,mhs Aves. Mt. VOICE PRODUqTroN C INTERPRETATION Open for a iimited number of pupil- For appointment, Margaret C. Newsome Studio: Bank of Niova Scotia, WESTON. Nana in Attendance-Extraction, by Gas , C Howard Gray, LLB. BARRISTER S'QLICI’LZOR, NOTARY, ETC. 301 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto (Cor. Queen & Victoria Sts) _ WESTON OFFICE ' 52 Main, St. N. Opp Central Hotel Monday and Frjday Evenings 1 and by itthh.rintment .. Dit. J. T. HACKETT Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Block MAIN ST.. WESTON Opposite Bank 'jof Nova: Scotia Bank of. Nova Scotia-Chamber, Phone 152, Westoh Money to Loaf'Bn good First Mortgage Securities Barrister, Solicitor, Ngtary Putsttd 2922 Dundas St, West Tomato (Ebove Moon's Hardware Stoh) Real Estate Loans placed at _ (fitment Rates Telephone Junction 99] Marta EL, Wanna, Phone Jana. "" 178 Church St., Weston 176 Church St., Weston Phone ttt PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i, Hours t to 8 p.m. i Evening try Appointment , 389 moor w., Tomato, Pb, Col. Siei EAR, NOSE AND mini Consuitatlons by Appointment. Offite: .Bénkjolf Mdntreal Bldg: Main and John St., Weston _ JOHN T. ANDERSON Teach? of Piano Lessons Given in the Homers C Phone 498 or Write King George Apts. 36 King St. WESTON Dr. H. D. Livingstone WEDNESD LEONARD L T. MORLEY 3. Lorne Fraser, University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Mania lk. Arthur Gum , VETERINABIAN Formerly EWIer’s Veterinary Infirmary ot Tomato .Harriscn Cl Rooy DENTAL SURGEON Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. J. ill. Brown, M. F. B. EDMUNDS Mit B. AYERS Phone ANstost 664J mammok Phone 578;] ‘A Y, Phone 295 MARCH 28, 1923 Ptttme "