Times & Guide (1909), 28 Mar 1923, p. 7

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V ' © l? ‘ (Mtit ews a a St 'd ' “3 " 1 GENERAL WANTED-NO washing' WANTED-rlxperierwed stcnog,umpher' for Weston factory. One living in Weston district preferred. Apply in writing stating salary wanted. Post Office Box 760. x-22-1t Sales for the present season to date, since the first of January, strongly indicate the supremacy of the Ford car, C. Graham,’ Ink-311 dealer, having sold eighty new"tars, and thirty-one second hand, making a total of one hundred and eleven thmnsfcrs in less than three months. FOR SALE-crown Huron range with _ or without water front, $1500; hand washing machine, almost new, $10.00; Wilton carpet, S-6x9-f), $10.00. Phone MATCHING EGGS--b'arred Rocks & White Leg:horns, ic., great layers, Guelph train. $1.50 per setting of 13. Pekin duck eggs,.$1.50 per set- ting of 13. Phone 134.121. o-22-lt FOR SALE--Cohunhia g1 nut finished, automatic new.' Machine Alone with a gopd selection $75.00 the lot. Phone 5 "Inch, the dpgician and Optometrist, teirts your eyes accurately. Glasses re- paired and refitted. x-22-1t The many friends of Mrs. (Rev.) Hall were grievepFtd hear of her ser- jousvnceident on?"otirturday last. She was coming in from the hack yard, and the high wind prevailing wrenched the storm door froth her grasp, swinging; it against her with a force that threw her backwards down the steps to the ground. The f,a,ll dislocated the knee and broke her limb just below the knee joint. Dr. Charlton was summoned and rendered first aid, then had her 1'el'nOV- ed in Ward's inibulance to the Western Hospital. We are pleased to note lat- est reports are very encouraging; as she is resting comfortably and recovering: as' well as can be expected from the 'sever' shock. A‘speedy recovery is the wish of her many f,riends. FOR SALE- Can.aries, singers, also 2 Barred Rack roosters. Apply 229 Main St. North, Weston. o-22-lt FOR SETTING EGGS FOR Remember the Union Prayer services held this week in’ the Methodist Chu rch. Wetlnes,4ity night, Re". w. M. Mackay; Thursday; ' We?! ltr. MeGarth; and Good Friday morning, Rev. Forbes Ro- bertson. The choirs of the various churches will glso lead the singing. All cordial invitett:tcrjioin in these Easter sei'Vices. ': _ _"- The C.C.Mrrfhtitball team will play an erchihitioii)ysgiWle on the holiday morning, rNraiiltrp(rth, at 11 o'clock, with Tlured-red-Vets, in second division team. ‘ .-; 12);; C BATHROOM FLAT--.? rooms newly decorated, all conveniences; balcony. William St., opposite Elm Et. Apply after 5 p.m. o-22-li REPORTER-part time only required of responsible party in Weston who could send us news of new construe- tion work, new businesses, business removals, changes and fires. Sta- tionery and postage supplied. Pay- ment made for each report. Write MaeLenn Building Reports Limited, 315 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. FOR HIGH GRADE ELECTRIC FIX- TURES-we can supply and instal single fixtures op' complete outfits and give you greater value than To- ronto dealers can offer. 285 Main St., phone 34,(id x-15-13t BUNGALOW FOR SALE-NO. 235, King St., near Pine St., six moms, conveniences. hardwood floor, side' drive, lot 35 feet frontage, one thou- sand cash, balance arranged. Apply w. C. Burmgc, 106 Rosemount Ave- nue, phone 196 \Westnn. x-21-lt EXPERT ELECTRICAL REPAIR.. ING FOR DEFECTIVE appliances. Motors, stoves, heaters, irons, in- struments, 0th., skilfully put in or» der. Our charges are moderate. 285 Main St. N. Phone 31.61). range ll with n and wan etc. F Weston 301, Weston OI" cooking. Apply Mrs, O'Gortnan, 38 King ht, Weston. Phone MA). o-22-lt Leghorn S. $2.50 per , Leghorns, til.5.00 per 35 ders, South Phone 270-T WEDNESDAY,', MARCH 28, J.923 DR SALE--High' strain of White Orpington: eggs for hatching; cluck- ing hens and hen hatched chicks; also Rouen dueklings; duck eggs, 81.00per setting 11 eggs. Phone Mills, 537-W or address P. O. Box Weston 79. x-22-12t Reg. No. 5429. "The Pmtr.rtr'iratavy Patent Medivinea Act." 'JEFFERES MEDICINE C0. Bathe morning and night with hot water, thon apply the Liniment PRICE $1.30 PER BOTTLE SALE with wat, mirror tt ashstund, Forrester GOITRE REMEDY 442 Quebec Avenue TORONTO, ONT. se PREP ARE!) HY W setting tting '15 Station V or 119. ater and J IP, b'ii'F, R IS" . CHEAP GREAT couch front "r box Exhibition 15 eggs. T-Moffat nt, oakhall )x seat, d 1, chicken i Holley A, 5 eggs. imported eggs. J. grafonola: ( stop, go 2 cost $1 SALE 1 of 5430J. St all stand dresser n house, Avenue, --White stock Black d stock, I. Saun- Weston, x-22-tf good as $160.00, records x-1.5-lt ~22 22-lt 21-lt coal :and al 1t 1t tHalf a cup of butter, 11/: cups of br'own sugar, 1 egg, 11,313 to 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1/r teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of cloves, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/2 teaspoon of soda, 1 cup of unsweet- ened apple sauce, Id, cup of floured dates. Cream butter and add sugar slowly, creaining them together. Add beaten egg. Sift flour, baking pow- der, salt, spices and soda together and add to egg mixture. Add apple sauce and heat well. If apple sauce thins mixture, add remaining half cup of flour. Add floured dates and mix thoroughly. Pour into greased loaf pan and bake in moderate oven 40 to 50 minutes. This cake may be frosted if desired. Apple Sauce Cake tHalf a cup of butter, 11/: br'own sugar, 1 egg, Il/e to 2 flour, 1 teaspoon pf baking Curried Eggs with Rice Four hard-boiled eggs, 1-3 pint stock or milk, I ounce butter, 1 teaspoon curry powder, 1. ounces cooked rice, The goods are tastefully arranged with a white lattice background and the whole effect is such that few people pass without pausing; to review the scene. The lighting effect has been so ar- ranged that the source of light is con- cealed yet the light is increased until it is the brightest spot on a well light- ed street. If you wish to enter into the spirit of the Easter season, visit the Old Presbyterian Church on Good Friday "evening. The choir are giving Stain- er's "crucifixion." ed thi f \V/ y, may Withstand more moisture. "Wil worth ff a hox They are'Direrett and Better. tat tN tt - M hag-my W1," "fight. R, {yea Ask for them Ihlil Phi" I " , iN tti a I' by name 'N 7 593.. Yttstk ' 2gdthgSMyai m-‘wa--w‘ s. T' “*1" - "qriT=r1t..-e-u-saI-Rq-- a THTS CANADIAN MATCH Ct.? .6 LIMiTED..MONTREAL Mr. Man , Men's Brown Calf Goodyear Welted Boot, rubber heels, extra good grade soles. This slme is built on the season's newest last with the French square toe effect, a sure winner. $5 95 skr1zes6tol()....r..,......,.......,: . ["he Shoe we illustrate made of calf loathm Look it ovcr, man,-and the price is This shoe is made for us by the Tetpault Shoe Co., and is built to stand wear. Mude of brown calf, Goodyear welted sols, season‘s $4 95 nrwcsl style. Sizes (i io H) .qq..mr'.F o Added teach iiit?tk, mé’ané’ " TESTED RECIPES ‘mys‘ Box Calf Bull Dog s nor soles. _ I t IN _ " d," fw 4 2 , _ P, . ))- tN .1 - M' r IEiit La _ = Rligllllet1 E I mat - 1 1h - - w - - " 'tt YdN" ‘ .2. " arp, "H _ 11‘»: JEMt a.", atm ' T 'r". tet Tti, Jain“ dr, " "WW 1rieroht, . _ a, Mt I? . [i,'iSii " - ._.,“; tieap , M C BBiidlBSt " .._' " ref' (1‘ delllr f,.-', St', wr illiiiiriii ' - 15?r2'I v,f).'t, . 1 . . tF 854 CT , dN 41 '.FeFPo, " 1.. 1,1149%. m fb.Gls. tMI » ,1... 41.1,... 'rarffii?g,u, ' M . ' , , , St r " ' - I. - F., 'tg'i'iiilt FFTh as 'hltEall ft - ”‘4: -_ A Aii% 1'72". gh 11 (o' _ _ 1‘ iroi2, ’ w I. 9 ' " _ - .. Sail Asia? EEaiiit" tt Eiiiriat, 1 if? 9 gip E-tea, dltgi5hk Uef%k'y . l {7 t" 19:3 (s""), Mr) ' " .. ‘ r * " " .w....1~- tr 2dliee "N . . _ a8Br Ihigit5 . X) ' tltr JP 'at . ’4}. .99?” 22... 1;. 211’ t 1 " %' , . . -r.. . - K2aei 10 ....§.. .1. - b' A~ ,. tSTX" - .. . g 1.. ./ th. - it 'l' dfiitt . .1 l 4Ei5iillr A?) IEEM' gal, irEeat *" ' 15,-";- 'ii-titil? A; M" ' 1 11‘ I ' (il'; Cir,l'irck.f, / p,is' 2. 1 . ' _ " g t _ w: fail, 17a " WA .7 mr I 2% ' iirlit5iiial " 1 :dly ' l .5911» r?,,)',,).-',;,?-:-::"-"'-'-"?' ,1 ? J, q ‘ 'd 3.214. AE '5.C-CC' '.;s;-1"‘ J’s-2? ES E, at Fjeetl% g ttihs 1.1/9;? h" ’ Ml tFai, _ , _ 1 /(iccr)'i'i,?'ii',ii:, it/u, ” _ I " 'tiii-r-Fri " faq sr. truEFi; i. Eeail 31‘2ng %iiigF' tr2ali, tiiiiltti' gr I a ' r. .531“ 1,175; "t $1.: 1 - I _..~ "let - - It t9' - cn . F/F-set Ba QiiitgtF r ' amll " th - 'i8, 15"“ 3 hu (c, :llti'ly"' -/ 'STS " .-AT"“<"Wx - 1%,. - l -iiiriiiiiiiiggi3, fs1iii.'ii','s,sr iii/I‘d}? ' " f t?-fisi' " AjFRd Il KE2G ai, ' Mlttlt, ARit . 2 Atie 1 21 w/ Pie) 1.3%] , - r , re A "eh) 2NlF' 1r J: "1 _ - . GF mt 99513317331 k' 'au, 2eiap" f y $313331." SP" . » 'm f 1? - ea, - . " s',,ggglliliillil; tigtaifP' ' Ms' f f ESI' it at.j,tjiCii MF Eat . 9 dr tNIP IiltNliil Kale' .11. .1“, $33)) ti' rpm . " - rr-AR - t?f2M _ - .91 Mitt? 1. " "tere? 'Ti' 1.1; “ l.)tt.';ft'yt: vtitti,Eii'i'et . y .f‘r tR " . s6jififii$' taa, ' n. = 2 1.1.. 1 11.1 gas, 'ia -1115; K4,iiisi) rt1rs?iii,t?ii,,')) ',,l-:l;'ii:,ii,itiik?citit'i'_ img' C - . - qIr' t'sil - tttttltr' . ’ -2. am, Bia. Illt& 1. .11.»: rag MM gsggiliifla r 3%.» uam 5%? t2igt', ‘ rs',iiii'j'ii,':),';)'j)/ 13956139? . Ll3!: gig? - .N'l \ 1 AMN' M. . 'aB" m, ”a h'LA P B ttNNN Nib a FP BNI 1,151.3 Fg.% w. Knight" C' V. . fy, .2 us' .r' 1'47. 3-: " aatN . tg1hN . M" o .,\ ' itiW' 15»? yup}? MP' a; laBla)ti?' Bf igt') t,!:tii:ii,2"/ 'tiii'(clti'y,t,'si'rSEri, 'Met'" _ t!,fiA! tpr .11 AF ar 1iiiigl qlililldlF 1 air 1&5 J,,i,'tsEi, k) 'lb; (vlf'si', 1.,,zst,avfitii', ' B . " "méx AM, . "Ah“ $192.2 1,311.9 'NN gem . Wim? Et, 1.1923211?" t%3df','ft W111? +~ _. 2 a v" illtliiisggiiiW' 1,"; AI 5%: iit% ' aa %MIr gg. T Tagp 's'vrniTt2 _ 'rss?,) 1.: 'tr; t “119% gg? .111" 2.591" aa, iele' . .1 1:4:- ' MF 711....- dit% A .2735 . 1..., '. $lilb i,i,tj'ti_,t?iwi5,:rst: {6.19 '-2tttm /, Q; A”. 1 t,,,,4%'t 'h' BOYS" BOOTS FOR EASTER SPECIAL Close at New: Wednesdays 2866 DUNDAS STREET You Can't Beat it E f Law Boots built with the famous solos and solid leather.in- $2 45 Sizes l-5, $2.95, 1l-13 . . _ The added length of MAPLE LEAP MATCHES means greater safety when lighting ranges, stoves or lanterns. They win not glow after use. They are not poisonous. Rats won't gnaw them. They withstand more moisture. They are'Direrent and Better. fiéfigfijfififiew m m ” r n , . " , NF - _- " g ._ " ' " PP. Ass l' w, s "3; = "“‘- " Q tRt w Ft M, " - te, , w . n I r” a: < $It"q ‘ tt ~ Mtih Bh J: Bi E . _ _ . n _. “a a“. ak gMtiaf8 1 teaspoon flour, 1 finely chopped small onion, lemon juice, salt. Shell eggs and (Min quarter pieces. Fry onion slightly in hot butter. Sprinkle in flour and curry powder and cook slowly five or six minutes. Add stock or milk. Season with salt or lemon juices and simmer gently for half an hour. main serve An Effectual Remedy for Croup, Bronchitis and Lung Trouble of any description. TORONTO, ONT. F PRICE 50 CENTS A BOTTLE Reg, No. 5426. "The Proprietary or Patent Medicine Act." DTTtECTTONS-Adults, 1 teaspoon- ful; children, over five and under twelve years, one-half teaspoon- ful; and over one and under' five years, ten drops in water, every three hours. JEFFERIS MEDlCiNE C0. Put in eggs and let them re- until thoroughly heated, and with hot rice arranged as border. 4W2 Quebec Avenue JlilTlillls' IW)l)lalTls REMEDY Prepared by g I , BEh' 4. . . .1 4,. ' TE - l - " 1 1__.1 " 1.1-1. tW 1, - T. SD' 1 " " _ m, ~ trs 1, M41 11 " " BE ' :5" ' '15 2. 'lirdr . 11315-1111.“, - " q', M " w . r , .41. " F,'i.? _ 'iii), Fti' 'i,';') _ w' . I' . ' - h. iN " " . , _ atBNBiMrim - Bt * , .12.»: M 1:1 .1 . 'ieiu' 2 l, J' 'ct" r Ml am , _ " El. th' _, -. t tare my 54 r gti tit ile Arm .1 =,,'ii9 , .t,?, 2111,4111' c); y .. ' I '" ’ mine " mt ik Rm 1 - ." " Mem, IN Eg "1.1:: - a? 1 ' F/ sf '" a " 'e Mb, '!* » " " , , 4 Mt' " BO, Mg ' :gql " 1 lit 4 a , h " Blil Kt gr - 'R Ie " - :1; = m al ttg gt #, fil idf A, IN Ig . IN Bi - Ah' " .1: ll' - g, RN SS, m‘ it; It' Milt I 111$ if?» j: , . My " - up?" Ith ' J . ['k if: d5 q t2 Ca an? IlEtk - ( Fr; tap - - _ " u": s S T R E E T "BMilr, 'Ea» - A l K E E L E C-?, _ _ MIN. " W U r. BlBlIllM - Fine Black Calf, sewn leather solos, rubber heels, ft shoe with " neut appearance and built in stand hard wear. Sizes 1 to 5, $295 $3.45,Iltol.3-,.-...t.. "in; "Il?" . my [r - " are he“ MT?"" > tit" ' that: T? tt a- . "a y, ~ " a f a. " E. . fg BE & " y gr. Mal I " 'N atta' M n- a N a w: aidte ~ A. & ' .. "A a» E A; ' & , 2‘s 0:. 5 NF a, .5 _ u . " - aft-5.5:: ANt .41 4am,- » m:- Gl ~.,5,v I’ntvnt Leather One-Strap, patent and gym)”, plain kid or1e-slrup, viei kid two-strap, Ox, ford; in brown or calf or kid and kid hm- tlier lace Oxfords, " wonderful $4 95 army. Sizes 3 to s. Special i, . THE TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON Again demrnnstrating the remark able buying pnwcr Hf you this storc.‘ Here you will find fine looking shoes of real quality pnccs. FEATURED Mr. John Moody and family, of Y.?, King St., Weston, wish to thank the. many friends and neighbors for the kindness and sympathy extended "to them during their recent sorrow and bereavement. T x-22-lt "'-"r""---rT_" -eee - _ _ "a-ua-o-a-teLetters-tttee"',':.".',',?'. AfiiFiiiEiiit; my? ' W W m SV Pd'd AN B. ra- a 1 h (A .111 I"; - 5‘\5-‘ - ' tt P,., rh'.il 'titil ',.t\ll Rll5 'g..b TIii' A, i” .luPt.yh ' J ii'olijl fer- Itt if Mt Ri..?.) SIK'K‘i): " / 'M Ci -. . ,, " IM WN - J ' ‘ '.. T . : " Aliimttit M -, - / 3:377»: .3723, Mitiil ,1, 1uglra,8llllturstihilllrrRii' ',"lyg . " SE/al 'tidly/itil tl 1ll'gltk'li8da 7.5:; & I SF, T: .47 . E my}, trWf MI 477 57.745 7:. " c5 :77. ., . ). ' " " Lt g.thRyM1t'gg,r, 7‘ '77:; " Eb', " ip, M grAmr ‘ ._.. . ttWW. 1rytrf. 'ii8EM $,,tsi6t7lh'gt.' .v V 'NE, El aMi8lt . 'tim . __ N r ': j) " lille-RI 4F, Rb 4WJ. thNeir,N 8t Btitsg AiiN pc" . ale, Elr.t a, E Mr0,lEiill, 59, Brt.W' Ki: at: _ _ 52 a' 5.: tgl 3:“er " P. 7 " dig 1t%litll, iltt it; T, a; 'tr, tiire F 2g - " 7137mm tht,, 39 415,5; m 28 77.7 'ii iEd m ,-:; _ t CSI' *RhN' , "g wr lmd frm J9. -e tmi bF'T 'T'. Ps"" , Buy your hardwood flooring by name and _ cfii5iF'" si' insist abso)u,tcely on Seaman-Kent "Beaver _./_...\_‘__- 33%;“??? Brand," S?re'that the name and trade mark -ar " “in“? are on every bundle that you receive. The _.---=u'- E lull name “Beaver Brand” is your guarantee 1.21;? i2j' E of permanent and complete satisfaction. . _ EE tifi, , trv)ryh' I _ AM? a“? " If .you wish to lay your floor yourself, tagEilEiygtejils'aistiii write us for a copy of our folder on the ti5lilllill 'llitiir?i,'i'i'iril laying of a hardwood floor. The r)gllaWllt.llmliliv?i',iiifia'l!ll,! . . . 1111 l ,, .1-11111 Lag, work presents no unusual difficult- «11'1‘111l'1'1‘1'1é‘llflflllllmnl'Mtge? ies, provided that you are us- 5;: l 1ifki'iie-'i-r,,iiiME1ecl, ing '/Beaver Brand," which is ssgiii'sjii" h' u " 'ri,',;jj',i;'tf1iiiiiijllglih' so perfectly made and match- sgtaiiittj'ftiliii.Eii. ' 3?“ ed that with ordinary " bsfri _ YAhN3,k w, =-..=e.i". iEc7-.=ss . " " Cd i“ 'e, 'r==i22',EU-sC,er-i-grTz' care fine results fl// Eh 'WST. 'ae-r-, ,, peruir--E . C "faee, "gaiitli? t'd2W'. wr. -- "suv-pt-i-tv-C-r-Ca-i-r.-..'. may be obtained. ///{// AL] "..i8gJa2 // Ph tryf3TrFrFrr-r4 CARD OF THANKS From the King of the Forest to the King of Floors , " b'?, _'it',é5 5ji 7iii. John St., Weston BANKER"? & SKEPTON MOODY--0n Sunday, Mumh 25th, at Patent Leather Strap Slippers with the new cut out (-fi'ccts or with suede back, all the nvwosi styles and o'ornlyiiititiorts, madc- with 11w nt-w baby Spanish heels. $5 9F _ciiztxr,.",itys'..........,....... . D her late residenc‘c, 92 King St., Wes- ton, uMrs. Jno. Moody.' Funeral on Tiiesiday," Mart-h 27, _ at 2.30 p.m. Interment .in ' Riverside. Ceruetery, Weston, x-22-It CHELDREN’S PATENT' LEATE’EEEQ giaEFFERS Puteu? Him Phone 540 1rstti?ttt: "2C,1ei,iir'ii'ia'tif55 y ;M._; gamma-J 1'f'ijii, At) 1kdr Eil] b' "igt?Y _ -’ ' ' . g: I h' artat J'.'-. _ 999% ' Mar, ' tiiiiit3i , _ {43/ =sis-s-giti?r' l _-, F.,) iii, t 1.1mm 1 l!- _ , N T P, AMil 31136955935333 . ti5lilllill 'lWiieiikiiii'iii'ii I , fi "“91""! NW“ ag, , JI! 'li/iv,", [W' U i,1'jfjiilijii//1, St li " 'ggrf; I h' J " -f'i.',r,f',j,i;ffiliiiiiiE-glih' l . rawi'sf r "ri'fftf; 'iitkttsEc?lrgi,aiN t' it)? h' a b'ft2Ccstirriii'iii5ci? -- "’ fd T,% t // LC--".?"?,.':'. ‘ c-ii-iris?:-.';'--' 8l 'W/ ',=pt--=--=-.v-7rr-21i=T-P. 5E7-2iepe _ ni/ksrsi buvklr Si/A‘S tl to li) mflmr Stimwr DEATHS in your dollar at lity at popular trt-dill ans $1.65 n (' W 9 made with strap and (me for “HIP lots. Uvel‘ l tarrty I Bars ot JUCCC‘SSEUR lucrcnanunsuzg 'F"'" "Ln ”’3 tl was“ rg ‘%’~§m» ds, T"" 9 tf'" v, ' & 1:7. FM% w *3 g, _ _ _ a ' it' WMF, _l ' V V z c .r .; r BT . "qtits, e t? ' 4 my E“ t is “if; 'g ti,' a? a Mi“; ‘ k 'l ig Air, 11‘ l Fr r, v, _ A“. Mis, lil , “A? 4.1; jl ELL il "it ji)Ls4 F , ' sf, T r 0., {A 2;” m Err" , gf _ tCl 'ri' {:3 a} f (l ., ily. 5. _. _ irf. gain-w n s,,sttt' 1 Pf? (I), t Ji, {ACE/ye} C. "f a Cir) mm 59E 292? WEMS MI, WEST ATEEEEEEEAM) SWEET $1.45 5E3? 'Uiil li/ij"')?,,:)'"], ihill Over Thirty Years of Successful Meichandising I - 'tc. (ii0ho '33? , YE BMX rMyf,i)tiiil Bui) own m 'j5rtisd Rack _ MEN! We h im Mi " Ngé, © _ Jth fl Boot)? down u 1nd we m it 1 Greb 81 grade. t) Sim I'l('f SiT,.0W, "iaGTG=aTasGTGuaaaGr? ' s-ar-u-as-r-ssc k, ___ E may“ )wn C h E STREET l I il lil, SH; lt'F if"? For Active ',i,iiiii,',i'_i,iiii, Boys Ft TOC $2.45 and unned Sizes _ 10016. thi med the prices of yck-bottom. If yo' fl 6 h o pen Evenings bililt fur us by the lid through of No. l whidc in [Muck and ll tfN © iris _ IB gl LI ' Al _ (.32 .r. , a z. _ B , ' $1.. w, W I l 10 h p ,lrck and brown, may bunt, except wn, soles Jenih over instep, l 'dcv,ute, prices cos, of Work. If mm work $1.95 git-mm $4.45 $4.95 PAGE THREE Eti,

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