PAGE EIGHT 192e-4-passenger roadster, driven 7600 miles, repainted, looks like new w...,.........................)" 191fl----Sedan, motor rebuilt, repainted, in splendid =c<mditi<m mb.................. .............$2250 i1918---'Totoring, motor rebuilt, repainted . ' . . . . . . . $1450 Other makes--- ‘ _ ‘Two Dodge Sedans .....'. . . . . . . .$725.00 and $1025 TWO Nash Sixes ................$875.00 and $925 Hudson Super Six Touring ' . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . $525.00 1920 McLaughlin Master Six Sedan . . . . . .$1175.00 Twp Overland Sedans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2N75.00 and $775 _ Every Franklin possesses 'the riding comfort, the ease, of handling, roadability and durability which has made this car world famous. f'llMlful)MfMOl)l MOTORS Ltd AA good used Franklin car bought from an author- ized Franklinrfyealer and backed by him will give you greéter transportation value than the same amount of money invested in a new car of any other make. 1?hranlklin Cars HERE ARE THREE VERY GOOD VALUES WE . ARE OFFERING: 472-486 Yonge St. 1uiiilE-lP0WELL, LEMITED Many other makes -u.--, all excellent motor car investments, and each guaranteed, with the privilege of 7 days' trial, _ Dui‘msf'1923 we expect to sell and deliver 1,000 used cars-cars which will be taken in trade for the increasing number of new Stude- baker can: we will sell this year, To-ttay': we have an assortment of renewed cars in excellent condition. Many have been repainted. others have been overhauled-and EVERY CAR-regardless of its make or price ---is offered to the public with a positive guarangee of complete satisfaction.' us - ~1-. ..“ . n - 493,. " Sit) " - . u ' “I " ' GE " " Y ‘ I K, & my . " -m 'tl g ' Big ' . " lh' 'i' ‘1'; Mr " , 'gil , p s ‘ " . _. ‘ q w ' 25:1 " l-rl’n 9.. . - - - a p . , - - Used cars now on sale at Lee-Powell, Ltd., 472-86 Yonge St. All cars of first Quality-each backed by a guarantee of positive satisfaction. Wire wherls, newly painted, néw‘ttres. Hudson Super-Ski t'tttFiretrrieree Lute Sport Model, condition like new. Studebaker Special-Six Touring . . . . ' . . . . . $395 do, Completely ovm‘hauled mad pain-ted; excellent Condition Shidshakeri Bix-Six Touring . ' ' . . ' . . . , , . . . $450 sttinted in rich blue; Excellent McLaughlin Master-Six Coilpe ' ' . McLaughlin Master-Six Sedan ' , t Overland Sedan ts.,,,,,.,,,,,..,', Remarkable Values-Easy Terms Guaranteed cgi'iisiir',i:ifk?ifirri,sir. You can buy with confidence and drive with satisfaction l The only part of a spark-plug which it is essential to keep clean is the sur- face of the porcelain, lava or mica core that insulates the centre or Jive termin- al from the shell or grounded portion. It is unnecessary to clean the sparking points themselves, despite the general belief to the contrary, although any deposits that bridge between the points should be removed. Plugs will not become dirty except in engines using over-rich mixtures or which al- low loose oil to collect above the pis- tons. Even when these conditions ex- ist for a short time and then cease, plugs will clean themselves automati- cally-the electrical discharges and the combustion disposing of soot and oil deposited on the insulation. In an engine that is run on a correct mixture and has a properly working oiling sys- teen it should never be necessary to remove the plugs to clean thern, and they blysirrtrrd'n thousands of miles 'trithottrattention. Plugs, the insulation of which around the live spark-point is ertriosred,' can usually be cleaned suffi- ciently merely by brushing off the de, posit from the end of the bushing, but to ilorg thorough job the plug may htrirtr"to.' be taken apart.' Plugs, the end insulation of which is not exposed, usually have tirhe taken apart to en- able the porcelain to be wiped off. I SPARK PLUGS SHOULD CLEAN THEMSELVES .$725.00 and $1025 .$875,00 and $925 ...........$525.00 ian ......$1175.00 . {$675.00 and $775 condition This guarantee, with our reputation as Can- ada's largest distributor of Studebaker cars, absolutely safeguards your purchase with any used car you buy from us. We have faith in the cars we sell-new Ot used. When you buy a used car from us you have the privilege of driving It on seven days' trial. If not satisfied with your selection bring' the car back and exchange it for another, What could be fairer? T $475 $495 $225 $450 $39$_ down-with easy terms Phone North 8000 It is essential, of course, to have a sound of such penetration that it is not only heard but in sufficient volume and of such commanding sound that notice is taken of it at every (instance you need to meet every speed require- ment of automobile travel. Take a speed of twenty miles, the rate at which an automobile travels IIS- ually in the city, when not in the con- gested business districts. At twenty miles an hour a car travels twenty-nine feet a second, and the proper five sec- onds' time in terms of distance should be seventy feet." This is probably the most important distance to remember, because of the amount of city driving. The distances such as I have out- lined for a few of the more common speeds can easily be remembered, par- ticularly due to the fact that motorists are to-day pretty good judges of dis, tances. A tire run underinflated is more subject to a stone, bruise or bruised blowout than one properly inflated, due to the fact that the indentation or stretching of the fabric will take place much easier when the tire is soft. To correctly take up the slack of the brakes push the pedal forward about two inches and keep it in that position by means of a small block of, wood. Tighten up the turn buckle for the adv justment until the brakes are snug. Never permit the paint work about a car to chip off, nor permit air and water to Work their 'way into the ma- terial underneath. Paint protects tho surface below itiorn the effects of moisture, This is particularly valuable on wheels, fenders and benéath the car. .. _ The next important speed to remem- her is thirty miles per hour. That or slightly higher is the speed at which cross country and inter-city travelling is done. At this speed the car travels forty-four feet a second. Less than 220 feet is not enough. It is necessary, of course, to translate five seeonds' time into terms of dis- tance. It is apparent that when an automobile is travelling at the rate of fifty miles tht hour, or seventy-thee feet a second, that the automobile horn should be, sounded earlier than when the automobile is travelling at the rate of ten miles an hour, or fourteen feet a second. fl Practically all automobile drivers know when to sound their horn, but the majority of them do not sound it quick- ly enough to allow for the varying rates of speed at which their cars are travelling. Five seconds' time is pm- per time for pedestrians Ol' other auto- mobile drivers to know of your ap- proach. FIVE SECONDS AT LEAST WHEN SOUNDING HORN Your automobile horn should be sounded approximately five seconds distance from the person or persons you wish to warn-either in other auto- mobiles o_r on foot, declares the presi- dent of a company making motor horns. at which sound travels and the rate of speed at which the automobile is trav- elling when the horn is sounded. Sound travels at the rate of 1,100 feet per second. " . The two most important elements in horn sounding are the rate of speed, u Keep Paint in Good Condition Underinflation of Tires " " " Brake Adjustments THE TIMES AND GUIDE. WESTON The touring department of the On- tario Motor League has just published its new road map of the province of Ontario and international main travel- led routes, a very carefully compiled document, which indicates all provin- cial, connty and township roads in Orr, tario, as well as the concession lines, and all state highways and main roads and county roads in the states of Mi- chigan and the northern part of New York. In addition, the new edition of this map, which has, been revised up MOTOR LEAGUE'S saw. Friday night Jim did not go to market as of yore, But 'rose like any other man, at just half after tour, He went to town, sold all his wares, as blithe as cer could be. Was home to do his evening chores, somewhere round half-past three And once a field of ripened hay. and thrice big fields of grain, Were saved by Jimmie's speedy car, just before the rain. The old folks say it sure is strange but true as we're alive, Jim's care saves him, the keep of a horse, and does the work of five. And now they all are planning, in our little town, To ALL own cars, to market go, when spring season comes 'rarourid. Jim Smartman was a farmer man of credit and renown, _ One of the most progressive men in our little town, He drove his crops to market with a team of dapple grays, He always travelled all night long and all of the next day. ‘ And then Jim bought a li'l car, the old folks gasped with awe, C 'Hoot mon, he's nuts-expense for nought." His finish they said they NEW ROAD MAP to date, shows on the reverse side a large detail, map of the Muskoka dis- trict, and maps of the cities of Buffalo, Hamilton and Toronto. It also carries Jugs tor sixteen tours in Ont'ario, Qde- bec, Michigan and New York, and much information in respect of steam- ship lines and ferries on Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence, Lake Erie and the Detroit River, Lake Huron and Georgian Bay, and the Hudson River.. There is also a small extension map giving a route through from Toronto to New York City. The new, map is superior to its predecessorrbdth in the amount of information it provides and in the legibility of the text. Popular Because:- While the evidence from all sides over- whelmingly proves that the quality of Dun, lop Tires never was higher, amazing as it {nay seems, Dunlap Prices are remarkably, ow. 531 YONGE ST. Carefully Tailored One-man Tops for t (Fitted to car) Scat Covers, for Ford Touring Cars in ble texture Whipcords and mrdun Ford Coupe Seat Covers in washable Burbanks ...t....r......t ...., To Cover Cushion and back Vonly t' . In Corded Velvet to match upholstcr) Cushion and back only . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ Spring cuveiw: protectkyuur springs fro for Fords only _ .. . ' . . . . . . . . . . .. Spare Tire Covers '"v.w.......... .,. " ' ', L ":h' . Irigi " ""1313" Igth " " “ ' i _ ~ " " ' , 'a Howey a: . " ' ’ " . "li iiiitR Sh j, "" ' m. wan m . “v - " '. . . " B' tie Ag, aBitta a. - r MI IE - MhN Mam-"g ME "OF , Th "ll 'ili8ily e itSBEth :4 u». It I: " MN - a, may,†Jun - ‘ w; Br, myth:- MRh k' ‘ FR KM Ilit ' ' sexist: s kiwi n‘egéamxr [h, M - " Ariim gdlmMlt MEliifN %lilEF 'g'tettt = MF h FEW of' BUR Si?ii1lhrsi'll1Ci)'i"jrii,i, Prim range from EESEE Ea}; EEEEEEEE FOR A REAL BUY IN A GOOD USED CAR THE ART€RAFT TO? AND TREMEVEENQ CI), 2liNgEfNil) (Chll mm ARE NOT WORN MIT USED was}; REPOsSEi5itiiriiiiiiiD) 9 BLOOR ST. EAST (REAR) _ Phone N, 9308 Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., LIMITED Head Office and Factories ' Toronto Branches in the Leading Cities A178 Dunlap, Tires," Tubes and Accessories - Any One, or All Three, is the Right Buy. tll" springs from dirt an SEE us Il mpl IC NORTH 1495