Hi , it In 'rr, , , iii [ if:? u;- “it! 'i'i fr, as " tli 3.23 " "it at; 2: an ri, ft, " " " " " 'll , " it a; ii. " " (a " h ii' 'ii' ii 4i a; a jj, :33: fi it " " 3! 'ii iii: " ' w: ans; u; a!" " 'its: if? , 5H as $1. at " " " 'et " (, , as th " " ‘3? " " T kt' "John, trirriifrcjrianners' aré awful? I noticed that you dusted the chair at Mr"cir,.r,Herrp'? before you sat down. And tlyerrjrittle boy was watching you, too!" Yi'iss/i., And I was watching him! I 53m; ctrro siyl,t,lss,co,.-fiitl to be caught on a 'v-r, "..cHNl9'iiu_c,L"iT-1nr Jmnt Pl n. , 't1',iltiissir; "if, , N That the Weston Lacrosse Club will this year go into the game with the strong support of the citizens was at- testtid'by Tfri'Htsit?senee at the smoker of representative men in every walk or life, commercial, 'educational, indusv trial and otherwise. Teacherj,triiously)--Do you know who is the laziest person in this room? Percy (innocently)--1 dunno. Teaeher--You ought to. Who is it, when everybody else is industriously studying,, sits and watches the; rest or looks out' of the window? Perry V (lnjghtening)--Why, you, A Arnold 'snith,'president of the On- tario Lacrosse Association, resident of Weston, who has taken a lifelong in- terest in all kinds of manly sports, was likewise kindly remembered. He pro- phesied that"the succes§ of the Wes- ton team in $113922 would he repeated in 1923. Coil‘mleehting on the import- ance of lewrosse as a national game. and the proud position occupied by Westoh. sWir5htrti'-Flynn emphasized the importance of the senior team look- ing after the junior teams if the town was to rank as the' centre of this great national sport. Fine Boxing Bouts Under the auspices of the Amateur Athletic Association and the lacrosse team, a number; Sof boxing bouts were pulled off, thi,riu/c)pollo Club, of To, ronto, gratuitioukly furnishing some of the best amateur boxers in the city for the oceasioni, No decisions,were given. The first bout was between Bell and Black, of the St. Mary's Club. The second bout, between Windyett and Pickering, of the Church of the Good Shephevd,-was a clean-cut expo- sition of the manly art of self-defence, as was the thirWbout between Beard- nmre and Kerns, of the Apollo‘Club. in the fourth bout, tween Matt and Potter, of the same club, the boxers here very evenly matched. . 'l'harfiftlrrg1trk-,pclosing bout, between Doig ond Behrz‘lmore, of the Apollo Club, was ll rattling good ,exhibition. Walter Lees, " member of the Wes- ton Lacrosse Club, together with Arn- old Smith, handled the bouts to the éntire wtd,hetiim of the big crowd. Perry V Miss Jones The Weston siienior lacrosse team, winners of lust 'iear's Ontario ehuin- pionship cap, were awarded an (yva- lion,. and each member was presented with handsome silver medals, together with a group picture of the team of 1922. The presentations were made by Mayor Flytrtrteui1d, Reeve J. M. Gard- house, and 51:9 laSt yenr's victors ad- vanced to stfii'j,'ir,t',.iiye, to receive their trophies, tltvi'l'itjeri"; cheered to the echo. r.tirfie?rhe Players Last year’s players were Harold Coulter) f‘Ilappy†Riley, Nelson Coul- ter, Ellerhy' Farr. J. Holley, Lorne Me- liwen, Edgar Kingdom, C. Ramshaw, Fred Rowntree, Gordon Dickin, J. Coulter, W.' Coulter, Ken. Kingdom and Neil Felker. A pleasing feature was the presentation to the mayor, David Johnson, vip,ttuote.rudext, and H. H. Ru, dolph, "pieifrdserhrYif the club, of group photos of, the team. . ' i, It was the first of the season and all hands turned out to support the lacrosse boys in their effort. Our senior lacrola'e team put on a smoker and gave the proceeds towards the funds of the Weston Amateur Athel- tie Association. It was the great de- sire to do something for the associa- tion that prompted this move. It has been feltthat the senior lacrosse elulo should assist the boys more than they did last year. Our senior team are opt to do something along thy; line this year. "This is their first cf ort of the season and they received the sup- port. of the citizens. These boys Cer- t,ttt,Wlo,rycee,ektree,,st,tepe. to give them some "retis"rf"trtiidtmrttte' is to he played in Weston. ' .,:'l'lie 11ll))ia,.st [ho was chairman, gave .". m s C n splendii 'ttll and called upon the senior teal . ff; (o uncertain terms to do more thisCi'é, , for the younger fel- "lowsL IrlWet,tlii!is', that is might be a good thing (it the seniors took over the two teams and look after their backing. He pointed out the great cost that is entailed in operating a team and the loyal support that had been given dur- ing the past season to the smaller boys -by some 'ttpst/t $161} of the town. Our mayor 'ie'),f,"i'ijfiii_,iiilii'i, make a plea for the boy. (iiij,i,tjil?si%)F/se, ree’ve of the town, also 'i'fi'tii?,, He raised the sen- iors for tjittiiiriiti?euent work, and look- ed forward to one of the best years that Weston' has ever had to step on the field this year. The musical J)1'0- gramme was a great treat. Sl))lll)_fl 1mm _ TEAM Ell] SMOKEH Proceeds-Are for the Weston Amateur Athletic Associa- M tion-Big Crowd. f J. 193$}; Jmiiasuus' I ", . .-§~‘}'.~a;-_ _ 33??" iir3V,st "The Proprietary or _ rr Paterihiedicine Aet." Bathe morrdrigt and night with hot T water, therCiiiap1y the Liniment JEFF-EMS Nlil)lijllill C0. PRICE sriif PER BOTTLE WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, 1923 'cirriiii" REMEDY TORONTO, ONT. THAT'S EASY PREPARED BY ' 6%: Quebec Avenue we Ll“: At the last meeting of the Board of Directors of the Bank of Nova Scotia, Mr. Francis P. Starr, of St. John, N.B., was elected director of the bank, SUC- ceeding the late Mr. James Manehes- ter, of the same city. Mr. Starr was a director of the Bank of New Bruns- wick at the time that bank was aural- gamated with the Bank of Nova Scotia, and will represent on the Nova Scotia board the interests of the former cus- tomers and shareholders of the Bank of New Brunswick. He is also a dieee- tor of the Eastern Trust Company, Halifax, NS. \ i - gggitg . T 1 L) il'ii'ili . A .- 3'53 ttNL r". ©i) g d J BiiEMt8 - I’ " V INCH,honor graduate Optician, tests your eyes accurately. He is a refrac- tionist and optometrist. 15 years' ex- perience. x-26-1t Miss Rhoda Williton, a bride oflast Saturday, was the recipient of two bridal showers, one on Thursday last, when her associates of the Moffat Stove Co. office presented her with a handsome electric shower consisting of an iron, a toaster and several other appliances. Friday afternoon the mem- bers of the Swastika Bible Class pre- sented her with a prettily arranged box of aluminum ware containing many dainty and useful articles. Expressions of good wishes, health.and happiness were also tendered the bride-to-be. ker, Dorothda Woodhead, Gertrude Peelis, Gladys Rallinson, Violet Hop- ton, Rose Martin, Francis Bain, Leon- ard Martin, Theresa McDonald, Helen Irving, Sadie Usprech, Audrey Huston, Evelyn Wallace, Moelie Ahramovitz, Audrey Adams, Louis Peelis. On Saturday evening last atu,..ihe West Toronto College of Music the Pit- pils of Miss Rheta Sosnowsky gave a very enjoyable programme, each one displaying splendid teclmic and style. Those taking part were: Max Winesan- With the coming of spring one sees the painters and decorators at work. Mrs. J. Irvine's house on John St, is much improved in a coat of paint, also Mr. J. T. I?afr's, house on Rosemount, with the new verandah. These are the little things that. count much in the upkeep land appearance of the home town, showing: as it does the interest taken by the residents in their homes and surroundings. The many friends of Mrs. Hutty ex- tend to her most hearty congratulm tions on her 77th birthday, which she celebrated on Saturday last. A resi- dent of many years, she has made a host of friends by her sterling qualities and neighborly acts of kindness, and on this anniversary occasion many took the opportunity of expressing their ap- preciation of her merit and friendship by sendingsmessages of congratulations, flowers and other gifts of cheer. Under the direction Mr. Kirk the work of renovating N. J. Seal's real estate office after the recent fire has progressed rapidly and Mr. Seal will move into his former office on Thurs, day morning of this week. The inside walls have been lined with fir, which adds greatly to the appearance, and when given a coat of paint on the out- side, this excellent business corner of the town will also be greatly improved. Reeve J. M. Gardhouse and James Cameron acted as judges at the annual Spring Horse Show at Clairville last week. The many friends of Mr. Jacob Bull were pleased to welcome him out to church again on Sunday last after his recent confinement of the past few weeks., _ All Spaldings' goods procurable at' Inch's cut rate drug store. x-M-it Mrs. Mills and little son, Forbes, are visiting with her mother, Mrs. (Rev.) Jones, Church St., for a, few days. Life is, not too short and we are} Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Coon arrived never too busy to be courteous. Hmme last week after several weeks' -- -rr CCs-- - - (sojourn in St. Petersburgh, Fla. if)'- '.. <tErsu' ' ' BIRDS OF A FEATHER In all, about 22 miles of good mild, with concrete base, will be constructed. The average cost per mile is close to $20,000. Twenty-two Miles to be Constructed in County Toronto and York Good Roads Coup missioners have awarded contracts mnounting' to $00,000 for work to be done on the good roads system in the county this summer. Thu roads on which the work is to be done _rlre Scarlett Road, Don Mills Road, Browns Link, Weston Road, Kennedy Road; York Road and 'Sutton Road. _ It is hoped that special delivery of eggs can be made where possible to avoid any possibility of injury through shipping. Plans are being made to have the secretaries of School Boards meet the Agricultural Rrepresjentative at some central point in the township and decide on the place where the School Fair will be held, T ", _ , _ JACKSON- -ROWNTREE -- At the home of the bride's parents, King St., Weston, on Wednesday, April 18th, Florence, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowntree, to George C. Jack- 7 son, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Jack son, Elia. x-26-1t The School Fair outlook for 1923 is very favorable, judging by requests for seeds. Entries have been received from 120 schools, which indicates the popu- larity of the School Children's Fair. 4,800 special packages of garden seeds, flower and grains, and 350 doz. eggs will be delivered during the next two weeks. Twenty-sik bags' ofiotatoes "of the Green Mountain variety will reach Newmhrket for delivery during the early part of May. An epileptic dropped in n fit on the street the other day and was taken to a hospital. Upon removing his coat there was found pinned to his vest a slip of paper on which was written: "This is to inform the house surgeon that this is just a case of plain fit, not mrtppendicitis'. My appendix has already been removed twice." Watch for particulars nth week on the special programme to be given in the Baptist Church under the auspices of the Young Men's Club on Thursday and Friday, May 10th and lllh. They will present the well known play, "The Cricket on the Hearth," in ihree acts, Everybody is invited. T Mr. Brookbuuk is busily engaged in the building trade again this summer, having just started work on several new houses in the Pelmo Park as well as various other sections in the town. Courtesy is the one medium change that is always "ceepted by the' people of every country globe. Mr. Walter Bull is starting; eNcava- tion work on a new house he intends to erect (m the old High School grounds. Three other houses, it is stat- ed, will be placed on these premises during the coming summer. It is well in all the trials of life; hope for the best, but to be prepa for the worst. A sign of progress is noted on Main St. by the erection of a sign of the Bank of Commerce, as to the erection of a new building and occupation of same when completed. Miss Smith, of Scarboro, is visiting her. aunt, Mrs. Kanke, George St., this week. YORK COUNTY SCHOOL FAIRS GOOD ROADS, $400,000 MARRIAGES THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON of at I; to ared par the , The Pugilist (emphatically).. Yes! An' I lick every one llV 'em." Scene: Sports department of an Am- eriean newspaper office. Characters: Sporting Editor; :1. pugi- list; his manager. Time: The present, Manager (smoothly): They soitanly treat us royal in Yurop. Soitanly do. Th' Kid, here,,gets a great hand every- where he goes. He's tl knockout with them society hugs. Meets them all. Lard George, Barney Shaw, th' Duke 11V York, Oil Haig-all them guys. He meets thern-dim't you, Kid?" soue--- cup of sugar, 1,; cup of butter, 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 cup dtrnvater,-dlaaroiing.t Mix the butter dnd sugar well; boil the flour and water and add to the mixture. Cook until clear and flavor to taste. OLD-TIME CUP PUDDING Two eggs, 1/2 cup of butter, 3 tea- spoons of baking powder, 2 table- spoonsrof-sn1gar, 2 cups ot-flour, 1 cup of milk, r cup of raisins, chop- ped, Mix the ingredients and steam half an' hour in small cups. Serve withfhe following sauce: Lady J?ortchester, wife of the son and heir of Lord Cornavon, is now in Egypt where the explorer of Tutank- hamen's tomb died. She was formerly Miss Katherine Wendell, New York S'O- ciety girl. Leonilda Cupolo is only 14, but she is held by New York City police inves- tigating charges that she married two men', 'one 2r,vthtrot'her 67. _ V svGFst:istF' my ' "y?yt, _ _ i:ir', V _ fan fiii; .:n;<~~<;::;;>, te.:':)':.;)?'.),?:-,: "Dr‘s-xiv .1: Pr', _ " u‘.\\-i' J.; gags: 'il "in T 1 ofcff,fkt: Meri! 1'ti's't,tyriiiiis' :ts'ifr?i)iiki':yA.1jiis: , iii?. 8/4 Hays-"‘4 ..- 'eV T _ _ JA' e . t&R'i, _ J%8rgiWik'at9 ".'pr'C'", ",Y', ' :Rdt':i:i:i:?: 5‘"!!! 11:2} " vi†_ -r ,. :3: . kb: .33.». : aEitWeir: â€Â£2? 52:92. _ R%liil 7f ',. , J 3-233: MW., $ilgiih' aBR _ _ . _ 38WtlWt1, M!BE%tit 'oy. H . _ w8WllFtt8LR, ItEattNe, #%Wr:r :1: Cikcci. _ _ s'a!EEEt : 13¢»:ng a" “My y', ""el2tgi5E sNtw, .' RN2NiMt" :1 1.234114. tQ an. :33: y . _ $EE _ . y'. YYY. ca2iK$8N F., my a»: -; CP. g: a. Sg? 5%. q _ ".' ietE.E:'ats, â€A?†T ‘--‘:-‘:"i:-.‘.-‘ '-y", 'cN:F, "fr' 938* M5W'tii' T ' 315.33: "e.s?'?'?' . attWNtlitE' Eglie kci, ". 5:221" _ T 'RlBtMm Ik. T W144"- "I "ic.; " MI88R??8t.k, â€$0334 ., cy.'.:::: _ 31v ," 'tEieigigk" EW' â€-5 y _ tci: ." . T '8ER18Mi, Bar '%ib'. " W:": i .3" " ,co ' ilee!?J.ttalg a , _ Prim "i/f::'::'::'::)?.': Cy pt: 1%tEiat EMO, y.1?:l.Yy??. '4tFifr , 'iBmrlilM8.'9 GQgililh8 s'-",ttf:t".': -'P_'s T . :a-. .,..~. ,'dT [tliiN5 49:44-21:21 ',' _ Mri8rmt, FY tro, " EOM yi: - .. . _ ara888eEim2888igi,Rl " t2$w:Â¥>’:{""1‘3" T Ri8EaiagiRi" . _ RiRtY:it: MilWkss'. 5. 1 :i%i8llmitttBtK:;, 975:4 .'-:=":i:-.‘“. ' P, .: T :i::jc.NeiulimKt .4 34-2-21»; 'i.:".:'-":?'!;:.-. V T T Cw.' "uT8glht88g' 5-11: , RR' :1"? _ 'ii, -’ :1 "st?,??,?'"' _ Tr Bki:t," _". Q "p." .' _ : V , "'. 88Shi"is", v:reiff/ 23"“:éx ' i _ ', "p,' -:-:-4- Alth KCiy: / may] "w'.--' V _ 'r _ _ » 'c. m K _ "a 'FFF: T VT _ "." k - .1 _ igtsk:~'>-Zf _ _ y meg-(f. 3?: ", : V _ " w. x . , ;.:,;. _ _ _ .;§_§(~i§~ 2ly"i::V:i (,-' .9 . "Cu. _ k, _ _ (9tNNgirk"tliii:j, 21:312-15- ' "y".," _'vpr' _ T ". C 1WMttt82 i".liciiri:"' +113" ' yeC, _ _‘ i, c' t"i)'y,S8aa89 b".:::;: Tf' “5+3 'Cys: .-' l /, _'.r',' 1.; F (:y:fi.%aWiiifc:.i'i?j: y?iiff .,:'r :::Acc:,::rri) _,",,' J" i 9-211 C 2??y.%ilgt :ffffiir? Yi", .' "i, 1,1" l': 'tif: _ ri:'j":.':i'i.i:,,; fz-EéEziz‘3.1-.'-:Za‘23:5-.-.1-s.2-=.;,5 3,522: .. "" 1 5 Yc'i':iy.,: (ii,'".:'::'::."..??;",):,:':':':?'."-" .155:5.a:;.;:-.‘:2'.=.:a':2‘;:i':}ai,i'55-‘51.Liza:-a‘éiii .' .. gm;- FOURTEEN R,] YOU WANT RESULTS IN ADVERTISING 11iashing â€At . . hr third week of our Clearing ht Sale. hr store was crowded out last week end and we were unable to serve the public. Phone your order in early to insure satisfactory delivery, especially for outlying districts. Apricots, Sweet Brier V 3 tins for ....... Kipper Bravo Sardines 2 tins . .. . Peas, Corn and Tomatoes 2 tins for ....._...t.. Excellent Qualit} Seeded Raisins, grey ribbon On Sale Again-“SHAMROCK CRE‘AMERY BRAND BUTTER ...... PHONE YOUR ORDER lli TO 479W M ONCE 7 bars of Laundry Soap at .........Ir..., PROCLANiATllON C WlllaLJlLiAdDSOllil' 16c, 2 for WHEREAS THE TOWN COUNCIL AT A SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON MONDAY NIGHT, APRIL 23rd, 1923, INSTRUCTED THAT A PROCLAMATION BE ISSUED, REQUESTING THE CITIZENS TO OBSERVE A PERIOD OF DAYLIGHT SAVING, COMMENCING AT TWO O'CLOCK A.M., SUNDAY, MAY 13th, AND CONTINUING UN- TIL SEPTEMBER 9th, 1923. F _ TO CARRY OUT THIS REQUEST OF THE TOWN COUNCIL, IT WILL BE NECESSARY THAT ALL CLOCKS AND WATCHES BE ADVANCED ONE HOUR AT TWO A.M, ON SUNDAY, THE 13th DAY OF MAY, 1923. I I c' THE TOWN COUNCIL MOST RESPECTFULLY ASKS THE HEAR- TY CO-OPERATION OF ALL CLASSES OF CITIZENS IN MAKING A SUCCESS OF THIS MOVEMENT. PROCLAIMED PURSUANT TO THE INSTRUCTIONS OF THE TOWN COUNCIL THIS 23rd DAY OF APRIL, 1923. ' , R. J. FLYNN, MAYOR. nacks Soda for .. DAYLIGHT SAVING . The Charters Pub. Co. Ltd: ‘ Consult Us PHONE JCT. 3744, WEST TORONTO, OR 26 WESTON GOD SAVE THE KING 1111 WESTON ROAD You’ll Get SERVICE CUTS BUSINESS .;9C Mc 25c 25c 43c 25c 31c 1 lb. tall tin Salmon, 20c Lemon or Orange Peel per lb. ..w......... Shredded Wheat 2 for .............. Khovah Health Salts 2 for .....n.............r..rn.. Extra Special Toilet Paper 5clarge roll, (i for ......r...W... Orange Marmalade 12 02. for ...................... 150 jars of Hunt's Apricot Jam in 1- lb. jars, for Mic; 2 for........... o" tins for Real good value at 25c ......39c 59c 33c 25c 25c 25c ISe 45c PAGE FIVE _ 'iii' I