Times & Guide (1909), 25 Apr 1923, p. 6

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l s22 . #g' 1llCl'i)Rlf BONDE kt,') PAGE SIX 'i When you have no reason to smile. keep, in, practice anyway. Don't give way) to the blues. Buck up! Be a man! Yellow ball in the corner pock- et. y C ' Oh. account of the present high levels Victory Bonds may now lk) advantageously traded for DOminion Government, Munici- 'iur and Provincial Bonds-in Some cases CbIOnial Bldg. 13 King St. w. HIS MASTERS VOICE RECORDS 442 Quebec Avenue, Toronto, Ont. Phone June. 6990 A Renowned and Effectual Remedy for Dyspepsia. Catarrh, Liver and Kidney Troubles. As 'a Blood Purifier and Spring .Medieine it has no equal. ADUI/1W-A, tablespoontul before ‘each meal. CEtTLDRBN--A teaspoonful before "each' meal. Wig. No. 5428. "The Proprietary or Patent Medicine Act.” JEFFERIS MEDICINE CO. . To Yield 6Per Cent. / DYSPEPSIA REMEDY PRICE $1.30 PER BOTTLE Rits', JlillnlllB' TONIC MIDLAND BOND CORPORATION This _ Genuine Write or Call TORONTO .-TtieL. LIMITED -AND-- DOSE. PRINCESS PAT. NETS Adel. 1041-2 Telephone 250 Royce Ave. Juttcfion 2982 WM. SANDERSON'S Water Reports for Two Areas Presented by Township F Engineer. _ On Monday rrnernooncthe Etobicoke Township Council held..their regular meeting in the council chamberV all members present. The whole session was one of tranquility, there being Jrt- tle business other than routine. Fol- lowing the, presentation of a petition on behalf'of the residents of Abbott Ave., a cinder path with be laid. This is indeed a good measure as the under- foot condition' in the past have not been (llllllillll. Ellfr REGULAR MEET Nt'uet/4li1toStrop Razor l Stores C ll] The township engineer, Mr. Redfern, presented the water report for Water Area No. 5. As this had to go before the Railway Board, it was sent on with a deputation, who carried out the wish- es of Council on Tuesday morning when it received their verification. The report presentation was featured owing to the fact, that ther'e was not a dis- senting voice. Eastwood Park report on Water Area No. 7 was also present- ed _to. council by the engineer, and the estimated cost is in the neighborhood of $45,000.00. . all that is desired. However, with the Cinders laid it will make an agreeable difference. Advice is the most worthless corn- modity in the world. Those who might profit brit don't need it, and those who do need it won't profit by it. If they could, they wouldn't need it. Special Friday and Saturday' 2860 Dundas St. West or. Keele St. Junction 5500 Model C Set consists of Solid Metal Case, plush lined, razor, strop and three blades complete, all for.........,......,.................-...-..,,................:) A limited number only to be disposed of. Valet AutoStrop Razors have sold previously in $5.00 n}odels only: In thi_s cage Strap apd Blades alone are almost woruth the price of the sirhole outfit. Greatest Sale of This Famous Razor Ever Recorded in Canada ONE DOLLAR For One Week Only Water Report THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON illlf SEEMS Ml Ci,llli:1" NW: SEWER hlllS i The Scoutmaster, Mr/Carl A. John- son, will appreciate the services of any person who can find the time to ()CC'tlr',- ionally "drop in" on the meeting nights and give a little instruction to the boys along the line or branch of Scoutcraft. The Boy Scout movement in Toronto has not got the backing; that it de- serves. Boy Scout training is one of the finest foundations to the mnking of a man. Some people have the idea that Boy Scout training leads boys to think of soldiers and get the craving that they want to fight. That idea absolute- ly holds no grounds, a certain form of military training is taught, not to de- velop the boys' ideas along the fighting line, but because that form of training 'is essential to the ideals of a "man." As quoted from the "Victorian," some one said, "The Scout [movement is not It has been arranged lo organize another Boy Scout Troop in West To, ronto at the Victoria Presbyterian Church. A Bo Seouts’ Rally in con- nection with this movement will he held in thejhurch basement on Tuesday evening, May lst, at 8 o'clock. The work will be thoroughly explained by Jno. G. Kent, Chas. Mitchell and other leaders. The parents are invited to ot- tend and bring their boys along. Boys of 8 to 18 years are cordially asked to be present to join the troop. Every boy is earnestly requested to attend, whether he is a scout now or juset in, tendrto be, or whether you have grown over the scout age, you must remem- ber, "Once a Seoutrttlwtrys a Seout." We hope to see you there: 7th Toronto (St. John's) Troop Plan for Summer Camps and Outings. The 7th Toronto (St. Jolm's) Troop of,Cubs and Scouts are well on the way with their spring and summer llt'tr- gramme. Camps and outings luu'v been planned. "The Scout Camp" is to be held in the Muskoka district in the vicinity of Bula from August 3rd until August 18th. The "Cub Camp“ will be held at the "f.imehouse" dup- ing the last two weeks of July. Both the Cubs and Scouts have en- tered a team in the Western District of the Scouts' Softball League. The Cubs meet every Monday at 7 17411., and the Scouts every Friday ut 7.30 p.111. "Bill," said Henry. "I wanchafto Be very careful. Firs' thing y' know you’ll have us in a ditch." a branch of army training. Destrue- tive ideas are eliminated. Scouting is character forming, recreational educa, tion with the development of true citi- zenship as an aim." ' Mothers and dads, get hehinduyour lad and encourage him to spend _his leisure thoughts and hours with boys and men'who will some day be citizens of Toronto that are worth while. All Boy Scout work is done voluntarily, but is not half appreciat'ed as it should be. Boost the Boy Scout movement in West Toronto. _ ' "Me?" said Bill, "why, I thought you Two gentlemen were uncertainly fliv- vering their way home from a party. FAMILY REMEDHES irfhe "rPsT.?/Tets', 730‘ a] in _ astonishment, was drivinh" SUPPLIE KODAKS FILMS AND fjAn Advertisement in this paperwill whiting quick and satisfactory results " «£7? ' 7t%5,Wsz, “a y5i'i'itrtsr u: ‘.-m‘*\g‘, _ I {f . I J is g " o 'e5 sa __ ._ GWR iEI Bi iM 9: 3314.3; ikti MIM M ...~ - . Fe if”, " ti8MM, it b ‘4 allllllLI I Bl 52}? 5331735353 Rani! 'llim “I: 'rg"- Iii'" , urm iv " MM gli ROA? ., BS 'ttNE © - IMI" W: gr MB M li MM :1 l B. ill! , Ei " r 'ij it M'k' Way Ilt ‘ "s 't'u'f . ' is M gt, ‘r. _ tg " Loo ~'3..'1 _ I1W 'N' Bl' a PV glEd 41 er, " ' - _ Fr., , t Lo, ( Ki IN IN fid = . " " 'lt Ja, - ff? " as . - up: F . 3. A.- . F' MN Fliif tg " I ll' . iliqt 2 >2 , Ich? mm rlunr'i)lc-lvtus,tord, men's and young: d0uNe-hreasted sh ME 222591.23/ KY, 5 mum 5113')“. Latest checks and herringhom‘ d 0 ll 1: l e - breasted llititlll - ' . V . A w" % ,. : ‘miuz‘. nntlnng nnwmz' Hold at a pnce that 15 Models. " ElF 88 1 'r), 'i.rtl than at rash stores. ' “‘ ' ’ , ' _ _ I . _ R21 , 3 2' . C.u T, a a _ F _ FBA qs .. . 1-,: 3.722 gr!ter :2 fr, ‘-l' u . --:. " EEM5" 33:1.» KW t"iiii 'd " tii? Ml g h' 'iEi%l WN BF IM _ r"r _ ‘ 33F 2 gy gi +2 TN 223 BE ‘ " ' fig Mil - w ' ”12.2 e ~§.§ ily MEI " . T "et . RI BItt - _ F32 itil M' oy 88 iN 2132:3152 © I , , " It Mr" 255% Eh Ilgi , B! Rt " Mt ' L , _ . IN :21? ' Fs _;, tNe & R? aa wng , :4 " P tE , F C, 'ilt W c8fg tE , " M, = . M " ' - i,c.iii Ri _ " RBI im V 235125 itll El H li. r - [hi . E C filltt " & " Allh dgiihaM 'M, ‘ Il a". P, Itt if F G $52.53 , st'!,) a $$1 (iii. i in? i, ‘1 Fag), 'i"-"""-""'"",";;."":","" One Need lk Without E Main (iitiijine - 35% Queen West i 2f)180,vrmlas $i.W. - 744 il)irpj.iprtl1p/lLsrtr., :54 F: a' . N 4:623, . M IM gNih if Ar Till u . iN w M h. A " Bttl yd“. P, V. r . _ m - ;_..: ”my, Ttrt' " , " p:- " It A, " . 1b., BIN MI & I to, 3r Fr MI _ = Bits, " " m RE q 8aiN1 , W, ‘6 'tt " b' e BE " " WP " 57, MIM' “an - " " u-.- _... n. - r Av I .1. 1- .J c ‘ Wm Lt v.1 A y; _ , " ':-.;l:" " - If; ME IA ‘01- m 'dn Ei W: m: m". , IFS' ta ma tq. - Ith , . KE - N " nag:- L. s = " Et gt} ra igl -, " h StlEEtR ,3 , u v , . 1" A " " I no N nun“; ilRit -: . v " - u l _ MI . Lt5 . mm) 'ftr a " r H " , " M V51? M MMil2l , MI, a s , © lat “M- " " 'a Mt r: Bit qRt '" " n . ' tM ' © - IiNtah . _ MBI " at , F. " "d we q a tt Nil w 11 A " - " , " " k LR, " lg 'r' his nm " BB1 Et “a; t i'?, Wi _ 'ki :14 1W. m u; w, W _ .4. E . " - 'a . awi ae IR BtE a ' » B' E " " . ah r - a , ‘ - " tBin _ HI - " : ' W' " . *3. Ml 'iilhe . N Ei UN M & IM " art a , vim.“ u, 'MI, + IN 1': a3 ' _ " .-'x!4 " ay _ “my amm m m can my ' ati :2, 'RI at: F , sp9?i' IE a; , Mit , , i». " n LN ‘ ' - " tl) 1hit2' - is Mf fd a tit liiih saw, BE - " v - ' ' ' NEW Nt 'M' 3.; & iN a; 5 t-NIbNM li " «‘1 M “a ‘ . ' ‘ , in ' " 'an ttit. £33er 11.1.2“ "Niiq " 2 w li, ' w " 5* I a (\ " ItiN Mar '" . im lit " J tt . " ' NC, . r - w :- - = up. a; ‘5 " , I, " W 3:; k. - triilb' y tlti , w . MI - RreuaM' , I , ' I , _ " T Ladies’ Fancy Coats mepy styles in Duvetyrrc, Yoltnu-s, Trim Mines, Debatines, Poiret Twiils, etc. Very nvwcst models. All silk lined. Same are fancy trimmed. Some in the new cape ef- fem. li‘vm'ything of the latest. Arm‘ally wopth at; high as $49.00. Redue- $35 ()() Ladies" and Misz’es’ Coats New 1713:1111: ffpé mats] in Luvats. Tons, and all tho new Spring shades. A won derhtl new line, very spatially I) c, () pricedat _.", .. ."'. .. .. .. .. E05 In all sizes. We are disposing of our entire stock at 25% oft' the regular prices. These prices arn'm‘en fess than gen'line Cangolcmn Rugs can be bought for at a cash stow. Extraordinary Bargain CLEARING! 250 Suits - Bro] EABEES’ NEW SPRING DRESSES Lines That Were From $25 $12S5' ' ---- l _ to $3/5,, $13.35 __ ' _ Other Excellent nvality nicotine and serge dresses in shades} of Mus. Mack and grey. Pretty, new sprimrstyh's. These if bought in the regular “(my would so” at $225. ' worth as high as $49.00. Redtie ed in [Him to .. .. H .. .. .. 2111mm: all the satr,n,it, bffecis in such matrvials as Alhyme Crepe, Canton Crepe and Velt?tr. Thcsr2 Lil'osse‘s tire well worth $35. "y These are Only Examples of Our Dress Vega. Other Drawer; up to $45. Corduroys. blues. greys, check and stripes. Al- mnsv every conceivable materia‘ and trhade “imam styles; for boys who are particular about their appearance. C ' C . , NN mp " r: "' Mfm'. MI/ gRrti# ili8iNW " .1. Il . , f . . . F. BMIE .. r?" 'KE = EWlh MI M, 714:. m; M , 'iaRRt mi; h li NM " " " " , r I - 'MBE h, n 1Mihe -x!" REI. WWI . Rib?, w, tlA it?“ " , gr. MN " “my: . " . Mi an M3 " Mil "am-4.. a: 1 4k "a8iR 'KE .. 3...: ill an». n, MN “a". Mig Miltr " "tiN " " " 'N E hrs}. rgl Nt ilig MI it, Egg, a m Nil gel gg 33,3; til - 'Ntl' IN " "J I I f“ . I " M mtg ' V 'N ROE Bl " ai m, A? M La; NE' .m: T 'Mr, r th ME . EN t,‘ " . BMt Tii - 4" " . " - a 411124 eg, 'h?tig R8 a... I... . Qlil, ME MB Ws? it ll IX m, " BW, -.,.: Ith I t. Mt Sg f - lttN ME u' w FJ, MU' i52 " b' * kg; te lllgBlk1 3.4,. “a MN Wat' If) MB8N y“. W k mir k "hl" I‘ "aM, a " “ " ar, .21 Itigllg W “‘ " iM, " MI Eial at.» IE - 3, qriltt " " .3 ' itB. IRI 'li, im BF, Tgi2 475 MI F Ist Ely " "lm Ilimil Bil m4;- I II I " ....J , = YB. Ir. IIN, ig, MI 1%" Mtl " ( " Mg " MMI - LI .4 " _ J H HT. " , it " ME _ I “L if M. " i' , tr, 4""? 1i81t TYB, " " BN , 'r, K, II 7, . a © " gt i- (lit Ml BE IBhtaF El tel “in... my, Ill- illhtl' Ire - A. IM M. M ML: 5‘ bp, MR _ may I; “a“. My: - FE8 .u m ..».. . . PRETTY NEW DRESSES AT $35.00 $23.00 and $29.00 QEN! Be Sure'You See These NEW GREY SUITS'" tr" _ $215.00 Lack ttiii' These Low Prices for Mer/s and. Women's Wear-and take advantage of mm terms of CONSOLEUM RUSS Coo t BOYS' SUITS, _ $7.93 Canada 's Largest Credit Clothiers Clearing! in all styles, an. m _ dt' 3;: Mam? - , "' "r ‘5' . t 'a h' ,1 A, ”was.“ '" Tgait . " s' , a: a: N a Al ,. . l , Rik "Biktteih-r',' _ "-9 , C "AIT TBP, R? 1tltg t',tt . M' I C 'e. ,1 . -: " NF ' , , " ' _-_ii'r'Ct C iD ”we? e" a w ' a a W753: 'digtia, - , A , v 'G WM'. ssssM I; '. , tft = "v 1h _ M1Ilrl - C t2rrk#E,, 5.x. " luv». T r " , " , M ' ' ' " , , iMe,8Rrgg "a; my? C T '. 'r, M, a. " " / metaiaggrr-, AG,,idlF ", Ladies, here is your opportunity to buy a suit. Owing ‘to the backward weather earlier in the season, we have decided to dispose of our entire stock at these greatly vcdueed prices. Every guit is silk lined and beautifully tailored. Materials __ Tricotilies and Poi)et'nsii1rs.; ,rcjtylesr--Tailoverl, Thvc,-pieee, Russian, ete., i c'1,1ors--,- Nery, Wm k ml all the JICH' shades. It will pay yolto bu; nun well for wear next fall. _ N i at Entire Stopk of if? Women': Spring Suits Chr, Salle at TWO Price's: $18.00, Suits Worth as Highas $65 Just arrived from tlie makers! New greys, Lovats, herringbones and all.the popular Spring shadqs. Beautifully tailored. _ GABARDiNE TOECOATS, ... ... "",". $22 CLEARING! 250 Suits - Broken Tweeds, fancy worsteds, plain and overcheck materials This price is even less than actual cost of materials. No man need be without a new suit when they're sold at so low a~priceu BLUE SERGE SUIT, $2,3 Beautiful blue sierges --e new models. Don't fail to see them.' . Blue herringbone and plain weaves. Finest Quality. H4v1ad-tail- ored: _ single I and, double-breasted sh d o Il b I e -- breasted Guaranteed Indigo Dire' BLUE SERGE SUITS: $35 _ Chokers in Squirrel, Fox and Sable. 'r/perial values at .. .. .. lil? St Fox Throws, large animal shape, in Cinnamon, Brown and $28 00 _ . _ . Black. special.. .. .. .. " _ b " a Mt IBN " I .5 Q I' M, F, I tr Jil .. ' " - _ V,” in. P. . ' .,. trim? - - ‘ _ 'rl tl “5 2; I ik " * "V " :r, k N Al' " .4 aw bll iv ig = Btim C '14 p hr: " ."‘ It Jil, 4. Btg1 " " - . MEN'S TOPCOATS $29.00 WEDNESDAY, A PRU 1923

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