iii); FII , 'i/ta ' WHAT IS THE DATE (Ill 1lllllf.1llllll! La: , Prices Right lï¬â€™ï¬ï¬‚nIniiiva-xili"In"uII"mmnun-nuIInmumIImum"IIInun-nuImum:Iumuulmmuululu-"munnumumuu] Phone 530 12 Church St., 1N/esTon" WHAT ABOUT YOUR CONCRETE WORK? . ALL MATTER FOR PUBLICATION must be in the office not later than -t noon Tuesday. This is absolutely necessary to ensure insertion in the issue of that week. ADVERTISING PvATES---Letgal Notices, 8c per line for first insertion, 4c per . line for each subsequent insertion. Business Locals or Readers: '100 per line for each insertion. Church or Society Notices of entntain- ments, concerts, etc., where an 'W11istslf1T9tt is to be charged or a collection taken, we charge 5c per line for each insertion. Meetings: Announcements of club, organization or,' society meetings, 50 per line for each insertion; minimum charge 250. Reports of meetings held gladly in- serted free. In Memorinm Notices and Cards of Thanks, 5c per line; . minimum charge 25c. Birth, Mar- _ riage and Death Notices, no charge. Classified Advts., 25c per each inser- tion for ads. not exceeding six lines; over that So per each extra. line. Professional Cards and small stand- ing ads., not exceeding IW' single col., $7.50 per year. Auction Sale Advertising; rates according to size and number. of insertions. Display Matter Bates on application. , SUBSCRIPTION ItATES--t2.t)0 per year in advance to any address in Canada. $2.50 per, year in advance to United tates. Single copies 50. K. & s. was ' ALL" SIZES Published every Wednesday by THE CHARTERS PUBLISHING co., _" LIMITED si. f2.mN11TTfrtf?'lres. TIMES Mil) GUIDE PAGE TWO WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1923 8.00 a.m.-FIoly Communion. 10.00 ann.--Sunday School. 11.00 a.ni.--Vatins. 7.00 pm1.--Evensong and sermon. Preacher at both services: "The Vicar." Organist, W. A. Greaves, Rectory Road. 'TRY OUR SERVICE _ Corner "Dimdas and Runnymedé Road ' GENERAL HOUSEHOLD AND BUILDERS' HARDWARE GLASS, PAINTS, OILS, ETC. FARMERS' and GARDENERS' SUPPLIES Eagle Garage If you want a good job touch at once with Ill‘lylljnllllnlllIllInllllllllllllIIllllgfllllulIlIIIIIIInllllllulIIIIlllllulIIIIllIllI"IIllll"luglllllllllullllllllm UNDER MANAGEMENT OF C. R. WALKER GENERAL REPAIRS BY FIRST-CLASS MECHANICS AT MODERATE PRICES. TRY OUR NEW FILLING STATION FOR PREMIER GASOLINES, OILS AND GREASE. e v." CHARTERS; gec.-Treas, ST. JOHN’S ANGLECAN- CHURCH Special Attention Given PHONE JUNCTION 199 Daily Delivery for Lambton and Main Street North REV. E. G. HUTSON, L.TH., VICAR EIGHTH SUNDAY AFTER WESTON S. WILSON. Manager CONCRETE CONTRACTOR .' ti. GUFFIN V CHANGE. OF OWNERSHIP , E. GRAHAM PHONE 324 Lambton and Islington PHONE ORDERS at the right price, get in Day Sessions $15.00 a month. I Evening Sessions $5.00 a month. J. FRANK FOSTER, Principal. PHONE JCT. 4161 W. Offers you a Complete Office Train- ing Course, including Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping and other essential Commercial Subjects. Fall Term Sept. 4. The Misses V. and M. Irwin are spending the summer months at Winde- mere. The regular meeting of the 1Vomen's Missionary' Society will be held on Thursday, July 19, at Mrs. Joe Jack- son's. The Ladies' Aid will meet as usual on Tuesday, July 24th, i nthe church. Miss Marjorie Black, of Mono Rd., was the guest of Miss Irene Phillips this week. _ _ The Strawberry Festival held on July 11th on the Church lawn under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid was 'a' great success. Many people who lived in Downsview a few years ago came back to spend l good time in the home town this week. A splendid programme was put on, both instrumental and vocal, an dthe artists Who came forward with their talent are congratulated on their splendid numbers. THE FOSTER BUSINESS COLLEGE 2922 DUNDAS ST. WEST TRINITY 3rd Ave., Westmount DOWNSVIEW Deliveries Prompt Phone 583W SERVICE BATTERY mus s,',, "; Several frbm rp1ibervale were in at- tendance at the Orange parade to High Park on July 12th. Scott-Ellis A quiet wedding took place on July 4th at 3.30 p.m., when Olive Irene Ellis, daughter of Mrs. Win. Curry, Gull Lake, Sask., to Mr. Frank Scott, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Scott, frumbervale held their annual Sun- day School picnic to, High Park Wed, nesday afternoon, JulrHth, About one hundred were in attendance and a jolly _time was spent. Many thanks are due G. White. and Mr. L. Diggins for their kindness in taking their trucks to take the children. Master Leslie Stevens, of Brampton, arid Miss Jean Worgon, pf Laulhton Mills, have been visiting at the home of Mrs. J. Worgan. _ The July meeting of the Ladies' Aid held at the home of Mrs. T. Chapman had as a treat (it strawberry social. A pleasant time was spent by all present. Congratulations tl, Mrfand All’lrsiE. Worgan, a little son arrived to gladden thtiy home, on, July 10th. Mr. A. Grahirrn,, df (aledon East, spent the Week lend " the home of his daughter, Mrs. Wm) Bracken. Mr. and 1rrs..Wrn. Mather and Mr. Wm. Scott ( spent last Sunday at Brampton,, visitors with Mr. and Mrs, O. Mather, Miss Mary Crejghtpn,is spending hol- ideys with her s/ister, Mrs. E. Reid, in Brampton. - . _ 7 Robt. Wilson, the well-known 'come- dianr will be present, assisted by Grace Donnick. Members of, the Kleinburg Orchestra have promisedto lend their talent, which will be very much appreciated. ExcelleRhone se- lections will also be" an important number on the programme. The chair will be taken at eight o'elock by Rev. Mr. W. J. ,Arms, of Thistletown. A real good time is being provided for, and all who can should attend this gathering, and enjoy the very promis- ing evening of fun. 5mitlrfielti is not slow to answer to the call of the warm days, and has arranged for a big garden party to be held on Saturday, July 2lst, in aid of the Church Flind. There will be an excellent programme put on, so be sure to keep the date open Und attend this fete. Now is the time to hold the garden parties of the season, and every com- munity is taking advantage of the fine weather and arranging for festiv- ities of all;kinds. The choir picnic was held last Friday night, and proved a very great success. The usual games and races were ar- ranged and entered into with zeal by everyone. The baseball match be, Food services were held at the Meth- odist church on Sunday. A very fine trio was rendered in the morning by 1Mrs. Silverthorne, Miss M. Silverthorne and Lloyd Mashall. During the even- ing Mrs. Silverthorne and Mrs. Mar- shall rendered a very sweet“ duet. With the new organ, the choir', under the leadership of Mr. Made, did splendidly, and a very fine service was given, The annual garden party of the Queen St. Community Society will be held on the 28th. Great preparations are being made for this event and the usual co-operation of the people is expected. The Women's Missionary Society will meet on Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Hughes at 8 p.m. The sub- ject of the evening will be mite Boxes," 7 I; ing; ove and above their allotted loads ought to be stopped. ,Our roads cost us enough money as it is, without the additional cost Which these trucks are imposing upon us. A nesir télephone booth is being in stalled in Glover's store. l On Saturday afternoon the rivals, Lambton Mills team, will meet the llslington boys. Enough said. Trucks Overloaded It has been noted that the traffic is continually increasing on the Dun, das and Bloor St. Roads. The motor traffic, while heavy, does not damage the road. 'But this, however, cannot be said of the truck traffic. The hills of Lambton and the Old Mill are cer- tainly crumbling under the weight of the (heavy sand and brick trucks. It is detrimental to the district with their great pull on the hills, and it is eer- tirinly destroying the road. In every municipality care must be taken to regulate this traffie and preserve the roads. The trucks that are now carry- It was announced on Sunday morn- ing that the opening of the new or- gan would take place on Sunday, Aug. C The Brotherhood of the Weston Meth- odist Church will hold their Sunday afternoon meeting at 3 o'clock in the Sunday School. The speaker will be Mr. John Manvals of the Lambton cir- cuit. A hearty invitation is extended to every man of the Church. The serivces at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be very helpful, most of the time being devoted to singing. ‘Coxne and help with the grand old hymns, which will be led by the choir. Weston Methodist The Methodist Sunday School Sunday will be held at ten a.m. ficers and teachers find that" the s is better attended between ten and en o'clock than whim held by coml it with the preaching service. teachers and scholars are asked present next Sunday morning a an). my (d"" ' ttii? Mr. . r a J, C, "gmercj a GU _ Illateg? ‘ -__- 'dWif ---- HUMBERVALE WEDDINGS St. John's Anglican SMITHFIELD SLllNlG'""rCyts4 Sunday mornin-i. H ai" ten at ten (mm. Of- nd that' the school ween ten and elev- held by Fombining rvice. AH asked to be gm TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON next A Fastidious Animal The city girl holidaying in the Coun- try spoke to the farmer about the sair- age way the bull regardgd her. - "Well," said the farmer, "it must be on account of that red: blouse you’re wearing." "Dear me," said the girl; "of course, I know it'g awfully out of fashion, but I had no idea a country bull would notice it!" On Thursday afternoon about 4.30 a Ford touring car came rushing up Main St. and hit the back of the Irvine Lumber truck, which was going into the gateway. There wa sno excuse, lrow- ever, fo rthe individual, as there was lots of room to pass the truck, as it was halfway over'the sideyalk in the eo- trance to the lumber yard when it was hit. The rear wheel was hit with such force that the back fender, the radi- ator and the radius rod were badly damaged, and the front of the engine stove in, Mr. Young, the driver of the touring car, was severely cut about the ‘head, but after having the wounds dressed he was able to go home. Mr. Campbell has the case in hand. Late- ly there has been too many speeding cars up the road during rush hours, and greater care should be taken. Those permitted to drive cars on the road shrould, in all cases, have the very best control of themselves and the car. It was only good providence that prevented a fatality in these cir- cumstances. The truck driver, Mr. James Lake, had turned in and had the right of way, and was in no way to blame for the accident. _ Hard Knock The Concert Artist-"I was in splendid form. My voice filled the hall." -' "Yes," replied her candid friend, "I noticed several people leaving to make room for it." SIEHlfliUS REUBEN]? iff “IRVINE [UMBER YARD Two Men Coming from City About 4.3,0 Hit Truck, Broke ‘Front of Engine _ Mr. and Mrs. R: S. Evans are spend- ing two weeks vacation. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Holsworth are spending the week at Wheatley. Miss Matjoriii Tier" and Miss c. E. Tier leave for tw_o_weeks vacation at Bobcaygeon. M/ and Mis. Steve Barrett and J. Alfred' are spending a motor trip to Rochestgl: apd ‘cher points. Toronto, Rev. John Moir officiating. The bride wore her travelling suit' of sand poirett twill with hat and shoes to match, and wore a bouquet of sun- set roses. After the ceremony a wed- ding luncheon was served at the home of the groom's parents. Later Mr. and Mrs; Frank Scott left on a trip to Muskoka. On‘their return they will reside in Toronto The Rev. Canon Geen, Mrs, Green and daughter, have safely arrived in England, anénare 'cohlfbir'table settled at Waverley Aouik, Deer Barn Road, Guildford. _ At the recent piano examinations of the Canadian Academyof Music, the following pupils of MissieGertrude Cul- ham, Islington, were stieeessful: Pri- mary Theory/Miss Isabelle Sharer, Miss Mabel Jefferson, first class honors; Junior Piano, Miss Mabel Jefferson; Primary Piano, Miss Olive Beamish, honrs; Miss Jessie Garbutt, honors; Miss Edith Bainbridge, honors; Miss Mary Dier; Preparatory, Miss Wilma Garbutt, honors; Miss Marjory Mc- Donald. lslington presents a very attractive picture for home sites, although it would be much improvement to have some of the long weeds and grass cor- ners introduced to the sickle. The Highway Commission suggested cutting down more of the weeds and hetve the whole thing attended to. _ The Sunshine and Second-to-None Classes had made all arrangements for their picnic on Saturday afternoon to Meadowvale. The start was made un- der the leadership of the Sunshine Club, but the dark, black clouds poured forth their contents and obliterated the real sunshine out of the day. The lit- tle Sunshine Class, however, were not daunted, and with the Second-to-None Class came back to the Sunday School rooms and had one glorious time. tween the married men and single men was really well played and was a fine game. The picnic was voted a big success by every member who attended. The Old Presbyterian Church Sunday School will hold their annual picnic at the beautiful valley on Mrs. Sam John- son's farm, Richview. on. Saturday af- ternoon, July 2lst. Children, teachers and friends will meet as usual at the Church at two o'clock and bring the necessary baskets with them. Games and races will be arranged. and a real enjoyable time is anticipated. 5th. An inspection otthe oraan was made and everything found to be most satisfactory. Work will be commenced immediately in preparation for the in- stallation, and during the interval of one Sunday the piano will be used in the Church. The report received says that, the organ is a very fine-looking instrument that the Church will be very, very proud of. T On Wednesday, Aug. 8th, an organ recital will be given, when Mr. Legge, the manufacturer, will preside at the organ. Services on Sunday' will be as usual, with the Rev. Mr. Hutson in charge. Old Presbyterian hui,,,, â€mmlulnmmuml 11.00 a.m.---PuNic worship. Sunday School in conjunction with morning service. wl . 7,00 p.rna--Public worship. _ Organist and Choir Leader , _ R. Weatherston - Everybody Welcome. Box 221 I Service; Public services 11 ann., and 7 pam Sunday School 3 p.111. Wednesday 8 pun. Prayer meeting You are invited to attend Teacher of Elocutitm Pupil of J. H. Cameron 20 Church St. w, Cross Street . 7" Pastor: V _. Rev. W. M. Mackay, BA. Residence: Humbermount, Weston , Phone 293 O-43-12t T _ Téacher 6f Pidiioy jr . Weston Branch Conservatory of Music N For particulars apply 5 251, Church Street, Weston V Phone 531W Mrs. M. R. Demorest, L.T.C.M. o-37..52t _ ONTARIO LAND SURVEY‘OR MUNICIPAL ENGINEERING . TOWN PLANNING Residenee--166 John St. 0-23-12t Phones-Mar, 260 or MS Home L Seymour Old Presbyterian Church 96 MARIA ST. ' WESTON 105 ST. JAMES CHAMBERS _ _, 79 ADELAIDE STREET,EAST . iirfiim, COLLINGE 1c-37-52T W. ‘C. BURRAGE 106 Rosemount Ave. Phone 106 Manufacturers of r Pressed and Rug Brick Many shades of the several calm Nr select from. Get in téuch with the Local Agisnt. ', Eitihltsited 1858 . Pastor, Rev. Forbes Rob-rtson. Itesidenee, John St lM,'l'0l1 PRE§SED BRICK COMPANY _ _ Consultation Free \ Office Hours: 2.30 to 5; 6.30" to 8 And By Appointment Phone 96 Chiropractor, . Office: Bank of Nova Scotia Bld. Main St. Weston Spinal Analysis Weston Representative 12 Lemaire Ave. Ph mammal Weston Branch Bank of Nova Scotia Phone Jet. 6778 For Weston ZZBJ Principal: A l Toronto, 36 Tor. St. Ph. M. 1963 Weston Office, Bert Irwin Bld. Baptist Church Management of Property Secretarial Nvrork '. . , = (.tticPy.r1tj.ts _" - Toronto Conservatory of ' Music 'v,i'r',', ‘ .i_' , Veteriniriatr l ' _ 223 Main St. N., Weston , _ Phone 449 10.00 '.i.rm-Suriday School. t 11.00 nmi.-Pubrre worship. 7.00 p.m.-Publie worship. . Rev. Mr. Crozier, of Winpipeg, will preach at both services. Isabella Moffat, A.T.c.K., Orga‘nist. P. G. Riggs, Musical Director B, M. LEGARD, MS. WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY GEORGINA BURGESS T. E. ELLIOTT: " ‘astor, A. S. McGrath, B.A. OFFERS FOR EXCHANGE A FRUIT FARM OF 40 ACS FOR A GOOD HOUSE GLADYS BURSLEM SUNDAY SERVICES WESTMINSTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH DR. h. M. McKAY J. W. ACKROW Phone 269 PHONE 495 " ARCHITECT mmimuuflWMI Electro Theraphy ' C Weston SUN DAY, JULY 22nd TORONTO 0-99-'25st Weston '"'"""'"""'""'"""""""""""""---"o--, tCr] Phone 445 x-l-u-PPM' 0-34-12-T Weston ( Rev. Frederick Robertson, Rector The Rectory, Rectory Rd. Weston, Phone 467W" Services . 10.00 aan-Sunday School. 11.00 aan.---Morning service. 3.30 p.m.-Service in St. Andrew's Hall, Thistletown. 7.00 p,m.-Service in St, Nat- thias Church, Westmount. Rev. 1. B. Walwyn. BA. Residence, 85 King St.. Phone M. A. T. Mather, Choir Leader. Organist, Miss Haylock. Sunday Service: 10 a.m.---Bible Class upstairs. 10.40 ann-Sunday School. 11.00 a.m.-Publie Worship. 7.00 p.m.---Publie Worship. Brotherhood-end and 4th Sundays A cordial iGitation to all Family Washing Given Special 3 Attention All work guaranteed to be well done, T _ Goods called for and delivered. _',' CHARLIE WING Phone 585 17 Main St. N. FIRE, LIFE, AND. ACCIDENT c;'" INSURANCE, _ ED. W. BROWN WOODBRIDGE , Kinsmen Avénue Agent iz'eror wFiie‘i Accident, Auto- mobile and Plate Glass Insur- gncq In Sate Companies and at" Best Rate; Weston Methodist Church LicenSed Auctioneer for Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe. _ Terms Reasonable. MANNING McEWEN, [ F V Weston; Ont. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE , _ COMPANY BANK OF MONTREAL CHAMBERS _ WESTON x-26-3rn 163 John St. 0. E. LaROSE [ MOTOR LIVERY Overland Touring Car with care- ful and capable driver for hire Local 661J GENERAL TEAMING , Sand, Gravel and Filling Always on Hand. Movings Promptly _ Attended to. Phone " " 6.45 "au.. 12.45 noon and 6.45 Dan. Motor or Horse Drawn Vehicles. Excavating. Local and Long Distance Hauling. Ford Touring Car for hire. Scarlett Rd., Weston Phones: Touring car for hire with careful and capable driver. No moving too large, no moving too small. 145 John St., Weston Phone 166W Moving promptly attended to by ex- perienced men. Prices reasonable. LEAVE YOUR WASHING -. AND LAUNDRY WITH US DRESSMAKER l CORSETIERE I Representing the Spirella Co. 131 King St., Weston 7 Phone IM ST. PHILIP’S CHURCH. Real Estate and Insurance Office EVERYBODY WELCOME CHARLES aus succxas-SOR TO o. E. LAROSE MOVING AND CARTAGE Long Distance Moving a specialty. THE A. R. PRITCHARD MISS M. SOSNOWSKY MANNING McEWEN E. J. MUSSON J. C. McLELLAN "mailman ETOBICOKE h. MACKAY Phone 268 CARTAGE Phone 241. ity Park. 7449W WESTON Weston Weston I VIOLINIST ', Residence: 191 Main, St, Wellin- , . Phpne 578-J . Ca Studio: Bank of Nova Scotia, WESTON. _ . Concert Soprano F , f Teacher of Piano and Vocal Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory Examinations STUDIO: 17 Joseph St., Weston Phone 228 J. 1 Margaret C. Newsom) P G RIGGS 'l ; VOICE PRODUCTION __. INTERPRETAiaoN , Open for a limited number of pupil. For appointment: T . Plano andDrgan-I‘uner; v' wiieo Any Place Drop a c 378 Beresford Avenue, West mom " Telephone Junction " " Years' Practical Experienoo CHIROPRAOI‘OR . Chanda Diseases Hours: 8toirandrto8anats, appointment. C Saturday 8 to 5 Phone Weston 4824 20 Guestville Ave. Mt. J King Gum-g4; Bank of Nova Scotia Chamber. Phage 152, Weston}; " Money to Low on good Fifi! Mortgage Securities t Barrister. Solicitor, Noted? Milli.†7 2922 Dundas St., West Torch“ (Above Moon's Hardware Store) Real Estate Loans placed;§:.; _ T Current Ranged ; ,. l Telephone Junction Mt Bank of Nova re -BARRISTER _ t SOLICITOR, NOTARY, ETC, 301 Crown Office Bldg., Tortrrtt4 (Cor. Queen & Victoria Stg.) x?. WESTON OFFICE) r. F . 52 Main St. N. Opp Central Howl Monday and Friday Evenings; and by appointment 7 G.Howard Gray, LLB: JOHN T. ANDERSOh LEONARD L T. MORLEY _ University of Toronto Toronto Conservatory of Music BERT‘IRWIN BUILDING 52 Main st.pi. Weston DE Nurse in _ MAIN ST,, WESTON ' Opposite Bank of Novn'Scotil DR. J. T. HACKETT Dentist Office: Coleman & Hackett Bloch Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg, Main and John St., Weston Dr. Harriscn CRoos' DENTAL SURGEON . Office Hours: x-36-52t ‘PHYSICJAN AND SURGEON 188 Main St. N. WESTON 178 Church Sn, Weston, .' 176 Church St., Westore Phtjne 16t PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON .: Hours t to 6 pau. Evening by Appointment Marla St., Weston, Phone June. at! --and-- ' - 332 Bloor w., Toronto, Ph. 001. I EAR. NOSE AND THROAT Consultations by Appointment. Teacher of Piano Lessons Given in the Homo: Phone 498 or Write 3. Lorne Fraser, F. I). CRlJfGulhW, " Dr. H. D. Livingstone h. Arthur an WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 1928 Mill B. AYERS J. W. Brown, M. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone Weston 564.! IR E. M. HONEY '. B. 1ilDMUNDtt e Apts. 36 King St. WESTON Attendance-Extraction by Gas ' Dental Surgeon Phone 620 Phone 295 Phone 41 12 to 2 and 6 to 8 s,) Drop a Chrd x-31-52-i 'l £62