IR. , i7,cig w, Tr8 an EX $3 PAGE ST}? '-N. "We do everything to sell our goods except to misrepresent them" 41 MAIN ST. NORTH PHONE 560 6 MAIN ST. N. PHONE 732 '----"_e. .'_e__ -" _. ...-..._ --.. PHONE 732 EXCLUSIVE FOOTWEAR FOR STYLISH WOMEN AND CORRECTLY ATTIRED MEN DR. SCHOLL'S FOOT EXPERT always in attendance 36 MAIN ST. MAIN ST. 16 Main St. S. HIGH-CLASS CUSTOM TAILORING AND MEN'S FURNISHING QUALITY STRAW HATS, WITH BLACK AND FANCY BANDS ARROW SHIRTS AND COLLARS. HATCHWAY NO-BUTTON UNDERWEAR. PLAIN? AND FANCY HOSE. AGENT FOR PARKER'S DYEWORKS. Honor Graduate Opticians and Optometrists THE "REXALL STORE" THE "NYAL STORE" Cigars, Tobacros, Cigarettes, etc. LACROSSE STICKS MAIN ST., WESTON MAIN ST. 52 MAIN N. 38 MAIN ST. PHONE 650 BUCKWHEAT MAIN ST. N., WESTON CEMENT BUILDERS' SUPPLIES and SEWER TILE Office Phone 27, 7 - __ _ - Night Phone 236 ELECTRICIAN Specializing in House Wiring "A Test Proves the Rest" It establishes unity and makes living worth while JUST RECEIVED-NEWEST STRAWS Extra Smart Shapes and Bands BUTTONLESS UNDERWEAR and HOLEPROOF HOSIERY SILK AND LlSLE BROADCLOTH SHIRTS--$3.00 MEN'S AND BOYS' BELTS WESTON INSTITUTIONS "Don't live in the present in fear of the future and miss the joys of both" BUY FROM YOUR "8traight forward dealing is the keynote of every transaction.†B. J. FARLEY FLOUR AND FEED STORE START BABY CHICKS RIGHT BY FEEDING WITH FINE BABY CHICK GRAIN HOPPERS AND DRINKING FOUNTAINS ALF. REAL BARBER WESTON COAL AND LUMBER C0. D. L. and W. SCRANTON COAL Burns Well and Gives Results FOR WESTON REAL ESTATE Bookse11er-Stationer Educational and Office Supplies. Purveyor of Choice Meats. Canned Goods and Vegetables. Value-Service-Courtesy RYAN’S BOOT SHOP 14 MAIN ST. s., WESTON A. M. OLDHAM GENERAL HARDWARE PHONE 392 "We sell the best-quality firet" H. H. RUDOLPH, Manager iNCH’S DRUG STORE EARL STEVENSON {s TENNIS RACQUETS FISHING TACKLE SEE BERT IRWIN F. J. BRIDGMAN R. ll. COLEMAN M. il. CRESWICK MOODY BROS. Prompt Service BOOTS AND SHOES SHOE REPAIRING "Two feet of comfort in every step.†Fruit and Vegetables in all seasons. Foreign and Domestic Fruits BEAR THIS IN MIND-AND BUY FROM YOUR WESTON MERCHANTS. THE FIRMS LISTED ON THIS PAGE ARE RELIABLE AND WILL GIVE YOU THE BIGGEST VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR - AND THAT DOLLAR SPENT IN WESTON WILL COME BACK TO YOU. THIS IS A FACT-NOT THEORY. HELP YOURSELF AND HELP WESTON. 's 65 MAIN ST. T. G. RICE . NAT. NASO P HON E 466 Community Ihryprtrjl)itrctory MASHES, etc. PHONE 36 PHONE 649 PHONE 344 Weston's Progressive Business Men's Association PHONE M0 PHONE 14 PHONE 53 'N, Phone 2 LIME INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION TO EVERY CUSTOMER Mr. A. M. Oldham declares that you can't expect to build up a successful Hardware business, unless you give the very be'st individual attention to the local customer. Regular customers are the ones to be depended on and) everyone in business knows that every customer has his or her little whims which a little judgment and tact will always put right. Now Oldham's store is known all over Weston and for miles around for its courteous attention, and Mr. Oldham and his capable staff deserve all the business success they have had, and this has all been gained by giving, satisfaction to every cus- tomer. The store has always a good selection of Hardware, and whether for the garden or the home, you will find everything there to satisfy your requirements and the prices rock bot- ‘tom. (No fancy cutrate prices on some articles) but the very possible keenest priceyquahty considered on every piece of merchandise. Note M. Oldham's slogan on-this same page, first column. This is no mere number of words, but is really meant, and has been strictly adhered to all the years Mr. Oldham has been in business, now over "Straight forward dealing is the keynote of every success". twelve years in Weston it Money Spent in Town PaysvDividends PHONE 30 PHONES 96 AND 95 REPAIRS 1039 Weston Rd. Boys' Cotton Jerseys). [ Ums’ Boys' Bathing Suits., Girls' Boys' Khaki Pants. L C Girls' Boys’ Shirts and Blouses. ' Girls' Everything in Dry Goods 3nd Men's Wear. High quality goods at the lowest price. Think what this means to YOU! Get the Habit-Buy in Weston Harmony in any community is brought about through its residents living in accord one with the other. Building for the future on the basis of brotherly love and friend- ship. "The house divided against itself is bound to fall" is a quotation often used but its full meaning never understood. l - Character building is just as essential as home building, and both are necessary for the upbuilding of any community. The sta- bility of your merchants is the first essen- tial to a com'munity's success. Its residents are secondary, inasmuch that without the merchant your community would become a residential non-entity. He stands for civic improvement as well as social betterment, because he has laid the cornerstone, through his belief as well as money invested in you as the basis upon which the whble community super-structure is built. You as individuals would no more think of building a home without first placing a foundation upon which to build. If you did you would be poor builders. You are the foundation upoerwhieh the merchant has based his belief for the building‘of a com- munity in which you as residents can be justly proud. Patronize your merchant. Every dollar you spend with him will pay a dividend to you in the future. , Harmony In IF THINKING OF LOCATING IN WESTON or vicinity, consult the oldest established Real Estate office in Weston. BUY A COFFIELD FOR QUALITY Prices $125, $135, $145 Singer Sewing Machines, New and Used Ph'l'Tfifl8a's ELECTRIC STORE REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C. E. GROSSKURTH THE TIMES AND GUIDE, WESTON A Community h, ll. MOFFAT ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES PRINCIPLES, HIGH "DEALS ' FOR BETTER BUSINESS The principles that Mr. W. E. Cole- man has had in business all his life, (nearly 21 years of which have been spent in Weston) are the principles of service and satisfaction. We said in our article of March 18th that Mr. Coleman stood for the very highest ideals for better business, and there- fore there is no use in repeating the Same article, only to state that this well known men's store still continues to give Value, Quality, Service, Satis- faction. For high class custom tailor- ing and men's furnishings you cannot .do better (even if you go to the city). ‘Mr. Coleman's tailoring has given sa- tisfaction for over twenty years, and a great many of his clients are em- ployed in Toronto. Yet they find that taking the quality and the finish into consideration they can always do well at Coleman's, when it would be as easy for them to purchase in the city. But they do better in Weston. The adver- tisement each week always in the same space on the first column of this paper is worth your while reading. Al- so note that this store is agents for Parkers Dyeworks. We wish W. E. Coleman will long continue to serve ’the people in Weston and surrounding country. She: "Something is preying on Dick's mind." T _ He: "Never mind, it will die of star- ration." Girls' Girls' Girls' Girls' No Food for Thought Middies. Khaki Bloomers. Gingham Dresses. Hosiery. Phone Weston 702 WESTON WESTON Clearing line of Children's Pantie Dresses. Reg. $1.00. For Baby's Rubber Panties................................. Black and White Elastic, 6 yards for,.................... Ladies' Hose w..............,........................) Ladies' and Men's Rubber Heels m...........,.......-..", ElectricLightBulbs....................................5 MAIN STREET 32 MAIN ST. 50 MAIN ST. N, Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. I Dresses-Hosiery-Lingerie Everything to make your holiday a success. Individual attention given each customer. C,, L. HARDING MAIN ST. "Never failing courtesy and prompt attention await you in this store.†Phone 265 P, TIRES 69 MAIN N. Opposite Post Office 6 MAIN ST. S. SALE "The Home of Good Shoes" Big Reductions on all Footwear. Two or three 1 pair lots in men's and women's---50 per cent, off. White Canvas Lines clearing at .'..R.....r. ..........81.00 Running Shoes, all greatly re- duced. . One Ladies' Line Strap with heel. Clearing at ...... . . . . . . . 731.25 Repairing done on premises 483 MAIN N. 1.1'hen you make comparisons think of quality as well as pnce. 202 MAIN N. Suits Cleaned Pressed, Dyed, Repaired Gents' Ready-to-wear Suits Suits Made-to-measure Choice Butter and Eggs-Poultry and Vegetables Sharpening Saws, Tools, Lawn Mowers, etc., a specialty N A few bargains in Used Lawn Mowers and Bicycles ---in splendid condition--- J. GILBERT HENDERSON’S WESTON TIRE SHOP ' TUBES ACCESSORIES Have your Tires and Tubes properly repaired. "Vulcanize and Economize" _ BUY BUILD or SELL "Buy the best that you. can buy at Simpson's.†Our Slogan "Two Thousands Lbs. to the Ton." Choice Meats, Fruits and Vegetables. Agent for C. C. M. BICYCLES Joy Cycles and Kiddy Cars SECOND HAND AND REBUILT WHEELS HODGETT tl Co. MFORD’S s, T0 $1 STORE DRUGGIST AND STATIONER REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SIMPSON’S MEAT MARKET (Phone for a List of Special Offers) PHONES-WESTON 689 & S16W PHONE 490 T. E. RICHARDSON "Buy where variety ist Fresh and Cured Meats ASHBEE AND SON VACATIONS NEEDS IF YOU WANT TO SEAL Coal-Wood-Coke Fish in Season. F. E STOKES R. A. WHITE See " Always remember 'He who serves best serves his fellowman" When You Purchase from you become a vital factor in the growth of your community Boots and Shoes Made to Order 46 MAIN ST. PHONE 238 59 Main St. N. MRS. A. R. mBlilillliil "The Best is the Cheapest." Individual Styles a Specialty W E S T 0 N INSTITUTIONS HOUSE OR LOT YOUR OWN HOME YOUR PROPERTY “Always Something N am†Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg. l" --MILLiNERY--- T. HATTON Shoe Repairing 58 Main St. North WESTON PHONE 435 PHONE 382 PHONE 364 PHONE 275 PHONE 538 PHONE 20 19c to $1.00 .ISc per pair . .5 for $1.00 PHONE 410 WESTON Phone 28 ,,Snippets" ", A New "Coal Yarn" Worth Watching . Jones was fortunate enough to gel: half a ton of precious anthracite last week, and it was dumped on the side-. walk. A colored man offered to pug it in for half a dollar and Jones hired/ him; but when the job was finished the man asked for 60 cents. " "Why, I thought you said 50 cents; Jones protested. "Fifty cents for putting it in, an' 1 cents to pay a boy to watch it. (vlh boss, if someone had grabbed a couple of handfuls you’d been out a dollar, at least." , "Ma," said the newspaperman’s son, "I know'why editors call themselves 'we.' " “Why?†"So's the man that doesn't like the articles will think there are too many for him to lick." "And a horse ran away with my brother and he wasn't out for two months." "Wot's this 'ere 'ome rule for Ire. land, Garge?" _ "That's nothin'! My brother ran away with a. horse and he wasn't out for five years." "Well, it's like this 'ere.. if my mis- sus wants a new 'at an’ I tell 'er the old 'at looks fine an' she slings the kettle at me, an' I buys 'er a new 'at ---well, that's wot 'ome rule is!" "A pedestrian," returned the con- ventional father, "is a person who walks when you are walking. A jay- walker is a person who walks when you are driving." , The Exact Difference "Father," said the conventional small boy, "what is the difference be- tween a pedestrian and a jay-walker?" Jones-ol hear your wife had an ac- cident with the car." Smith--), it was not serious." Jones-"Oh, no; just a little paint scratched off of both." A Patrick and Tommy were two very small boys. One evening they werc both walking along the road, and on! said to the other, "Do you know what happened to little John. He is very much failed. He used to be as thin as you or me, but now he is as thin as the both of us together.". I saw a salesman unwrap a beauti- ful piece of velvet in which he had carefully protected a shoe. He set the §hoe on the square of velvet and it certainly looked like a real sample of footwear. The green velvet just set off thetan of the shoe. The sales.. man handled the shoe as if it were & precious gem, gently and lovingly. I decided he was a real salesman, and then-I heard him say, "Ain't that a swell model, Missus?" After thé holidays. A new class for Weston: _ And How They Do Attract “ The class was studying magnetism. "Robert," asked the professor “how many natural magnets are there?" "Two sir," was the surprising an- SWer. "And will you please name them?" "Blonds and brunettes, sir." Terence.. " 'Tis a fine kid ye have here. A magnificent head and noble features, Could you lend me a couple of dollars?" Pat: "I could not, 'Tis me wife's child by her first husband." An Englishman was once pursuaded to go to a baseball game. During aha play he looked away for a moment and a foul tip caught him on the ear, knocking him senseless. Coming to he asked faintly, "What was it?" "A foul-only a foul." "My!" he exclaimed, "I thought it _ "Ah!" said the host, amiablv. "There's been so much talk about ake danger of overindulgence in this new stuff that I thought Pd better pro- vide myself with a stop signal, and that zebra is just the thing. When I see it all one color, then I know I've had enough." _ The young doctor coughed rather gravely. “I am sorry to tell you," he said slowly, looking down at the man in bed, "that there is no doubt you are suffering from scarlet fever, and, as you know, it is extremely contag- ious." The"patient slowly turned his head on the pillow, and looked to- wards his wife. "Dearie," he said, in a faint, but distinct voice, "if any of my creditors call, you can tell them at last I am in a position to give them something." T" - .__h___', One Good Turn Deserves Another A clergyman who was getting his hair cut came to himself with a start. "Finished, eh," he asked. was a mule." "Yes, sir," the barber replied, "I finished some time ago." , "Then I must have been indulging in a nap. It was very kind of you not; to wake me. The rest has done, m good and I am grateful to you'for what was a refreshing sleep.". "Don't mention it 'sir,â€~ responded the barber. "It's only a fair return. I attended your church last Sunday." Perhaps just as well that Westryl has not a. music store. Not His Twilight Week M‘ Miss Pippen--Have you "Kissed in the Twilight?" Music Clerk-lt must have been the man at the next counter. I've been here only a week. Another 4.4. yarn: . His Zoological Dead-Line The inquiring friend, in process of being shown about the newly acquired country estate, stopped in amazement and demanded: "What on earth are you doing with that zebra?" WEDNESDAY, jun? g, 3% "k Felt Like a Mule, Anyway Fine Words Didn't Work Cart Before the Horse Good News At Last Why the "We" He Had Failed! By T. Anticlimax Defined So Glad n2" T -..;. V r