f WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19, 1927 A Want Ad Will do it, CLEARING SALE OF OVERCOATS Many lines of Men's and Boys’ Underwear, Sweaters, etc., at clearing prices. f 2 a lg s-ii',""")')')"'")')),,:,,,;,,:,)'" iifili,i,t, a; w _ "WE PROTECT YOU ELECTRICALLY" Use the Phone JUNC5. 3262 We Deliver 2948 Dundas St. W. 2 Doors West of Beaver Theatre 2949 Dundas St. W. 5 Cent Fare on TWP. Cars. _ 8 Only Melton and Fancy Tweed Cloths, also a few Blues. Reg. up to $35.00-. _ sWi's'ii its ('(sji'ai"iii';il)ir1 _ " 2-41} ["ij'_sii'ji,iiii'_'i,._',,i, N, / 54%: 'i'i:_iji'iiii,r:.i,l,N,,s, 1ii,iititiilii"_ Iv; 3 51:42:?“1‘3 _ . r :53?" 744:: . cu'- 'lliztrD: a. 6 Only Men's Freize Cloth Good Warm Coats Vaudeville Acts Every Night. Youll See Something Good and Worth While at the Oakwood! JOHNSTON co. Ringling Bros. yss 7722/ P a e r $9.85 AT LOWEST PRICES FOR VFTAPS Thursday, Friday, Saturday January 20-21-22 ItiBtil , . g. - . l . 2:. " " hall, ttiitrit V " ME mam . - " - - 4 ‘ 4.2,!- 'e I _ h' MI - " * - l t . _ > " - - . rm " MM N . a} "d - E h ImEt MTV mg " "V . a. u . FE " ' * B8 BN 1-H " ' . - " . " 'EAAeitt Btrrkh VJ ME K. 3 NI - Mi, trt ' v 'ihm iN m ,1 " , ItitN gg BBN if)“ ty if " if? Free Parking Space . For 400 Cars With Man in Attendance mm jlYlElll, [Bum DOVE Columbia Pictures, Jbesents- 'YihAjhdApalar Mrelhie iiitig JOSEFH VANCE Directed by RALPH INCH A great author-a master director--two famous stars --a brilliant supporting cast and the greatest mys- tery story of the year. TiiiLareiit __ Cast The Modern Concenience for Every Home. 33 Everything in Electricity 4 Childs' Overcoats, 4 to (l years, dark shades. Good warm Coats . . . . . . 5 ...... ..,.......$Z.9 35 Boys' Overcoats, 9 to 16 _years, greys, blues, fawn and brown freize cloths. Special-- AND $6.95, $7.95 $8.95 10 Boys' and Youths' Coats. Regular $15.00 to $19130. '.t.?.l.r.rr.r.$ 5 ...... ........ 11.9 Boys' Mackinaw Coats. Reg:. $6.75. Special ...$ 5 5 Only Our best Coats, blue and light fawn shades --newest styles'. While they last--- Space _ tll" ,, Cor, in l d Con " THE A'l'hl! 7M= 14 Only Men's Blanket Cloth, Freize, Chinchilla, etc. Reg. up to $25.00 ii " 9) Illl a ill " - J‘ V Ill " j " I . - e Vi ' Er" ' ND - s / _ a; I N ghd a . I Opp. Beaver Theatre ' 'e.' " " 'ti ' _ ' d WV a . , $1248 $22.95 THURSDAY, FRIDAY &’§ATURDAY Jan. 2th, 28th & 29th ca-ii-tatt William FOX presen es THEATRE Buck Jones, as the roving cowboy in "Desert Valley," his latest starring drama for Fox Films, which is show- ing at the Oakwood Theatre next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, gives a rough and. tumble portrayal in a struggle to protect a desert water supply against the machinations of an aunscrupulous land promoter. Fist fights are frequent. Buck gains a triumph in behalf of the cattlemen. The annual meeting of the Etobi- coke Townshi Horticultural Society was held on ganuary 7, 1927, in the Islington Community Hall, Canning Ave. The following were elected of- ficers for.1927: Hon. president, Gor- don M. Scott; president,, Mr. W. Wrinch, Lambton Mills, Ont.; 1st vice- preSident, Mrs. R. H. Tier; 2nd vice- president,' J. Robson; board of direct- ors, 2 years: Mrs. A. C. Meades, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr. F. H. Norris, Mr. Geo. Wild, Mr. T. Bowler; 1 year'. Mr. T. Somerville, Mr. R. H. Tier, Mrs. (Canon) Greene, Mrs. Lake, Mr. D. Norwood. STARS COMING TO PALACE MON- DAY IN "THE BLONDE SAINT," LOVE STORY OF SlCIL,Y _ "The Blonde Saint," a stirring love story with Lewis Stone and Doris Kenyon as the stars will be the fea- ture at the Oakwood Theatre, begin- nigg next Monday. - .. Italian gardens, a Sicilian fishing village, a mountain villa and ruins of a pagan temple on "The Isle of Life" are the principal scenes in "The Blonde Saint." Mr. Stone is in the role of an American novelist, and Miss Kenyon as an American girl whose Puritan ideas on life in general gain- ed her the nickname, "The Blonde Mrs. (Canon) Greene, Mrs. A. C. Meades, Miss L. Tier were elected representatives to the Ontario Horti- cultural Association, to be held in the King Edward Hotei on February 10 and_11, 1927. Saint." The . seeretary-treasurer's report shows a small balance on hand for 1927. F W. Wrinch Elected President l Etobicoke Township Horticul- tural Society _ rAtmatter'thpt has been giving two municipalities considerable cause for thought in the past, has been the Question of the annexation by New Toronto of the asylum property on the Lake Shore Road, or of arrange- ments for its retention by the town- ship of Etobicoke. The matter has now been brought more or less to question of definite decision by the action of the council of New Toronto, when at their Teg- ular meeting on Monday evening last New Toronto Prophses to Annex the Asylum Property from Etobicoke an: PHIPQSES DON'H MISS the monster mob 8eene---the fight in the temple ruins-the mad leap into the Mediter- ranean---the moonlight awakening of a lasting love! It's Intense! It's Immense! WEEK END ATTRACTION This Theatre is equipped with all fire protection and is on one floor. WE HIM. ANNUAL MEI MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY 24th-25th-26th Secretary, J. Portch. AMEN LEWIS STONE Always Fresh Air and Comfortable at This Theatre. '. Oakwood & St. Clair ---With- NE UN of THE TIMES AND GUIDELWESTON y The Vocational School auditorium presented a very pretty picture, with its festoon draping of pink and white, platform banked with palms and ferns and huge Canadian Union Jack for a background, on the occasion of the annual dance, held last Friday evening, under the auspices of the Weston Horticultural Society, at which were some one hundred and fit- ty guests. .. _ _ HIRE". IANEEE Johnston's Orchestra Supplly Music for Annual Dance of -the Season Johnston's four-piece orchestra sup- plied the music and the floor was in perfect condition for the tripping of the light fantastic. _ _ N Mesdames G. Coulter, Hilchie, Gunn, Callander, and Inglis, patronesses of the evening, received the guests, and took .care of the entertainment of all in a very able manner, as"did the members of the various committees. Refreshments were served through- out the evening from a large dining table, artistically arranged, with a sil- ver basket of pink carnations in the centre, silver candle holders, and pink candles, the flowers being later in the evening presented to Mrs. Green, who, with her partner, W. Banks, were the winners of the spot dance, arranged as a special feature of the program. A recent meeting of the joint boards, representing the Islington public school trustees and the recent- ly formed Etobicoke high school board was held to consider the plans for the future conduct of the school affairs, and a statement pf the situa- tion will be declared/Ili the course of a short time. bf t- F In the meantime it is understood that the tentative arrangement arriv- ed at is for the continuation schools to be carried on until July next under present conditions, in fairness to the pupils, and at that time it is felt the high school board will be in a posi- tion to assume control of the situa- tion, and work incidental to the con- tinuance of the courses. they decided by a rtiHution in coun- eil to ask the Township of Etobicoke to consent to the annexation of the property by the bpwn of New Tpronto. Tentative Plans fotr'the Future Care of Continuation Pupils Discussed No definite understanding has yet been arrived at in connection with the property disposition, but it is felt that an amicable arrangement in connec- tion yr"1tlrtlf1s will ye_arrilred at prior to the high school board assufning control of their duties. The matter will, no doubt, be one for deep consideration on the part of the Etobicoke council at their next regular session, and no reason is felt that any immediate decision will be made unti1,the subject has had careful deliberation and thought giv- en to the suggested course, in the best interests-of the township. HUB COMEDIES ‘ NEWS REVIEWS Each Night. Serial Every Saturday Afternoon for Children. DORIS KENYON ME _ ", SWllll, llifl 5 Cent Fare on V Weston" Cars. ll FEATURE H5 1127 LIVES SACRIFICE) , AT LEVEL CROSSINGS Ottawa, Jan. S).---) level crossings of Canada took a record total of 127 lives during 1926, and caused injuries to 367 others, according to statistics compiled from the monthly reports issued by the Railway Board. There were reported to the Board a total of 297 crossing accidents, and in 229 of them automobiles were involved. As recently as 1912 there was not a crossing accident in all Canada in which a motor car was concerned, ae- cording to available figures. The pre- vious high total of crossing accident deaths was set in 1924 when 94 lives were lost in this manner. Record Total is Reported for 1926 by the Bureau of Statistics In the past 12 months 22 passengers were killed on Canadian railroads, and 334 passengers were injured. In the same period 129 employes were killed and 1,741 injured, and others killed totalled 275 and injured 555, this classification including the victims of railway crossings. On Friday of this week, January let, Mr. Lennox, of King St., will have passed another milestone in the journey of life, attaining the grand total of 93 years. By a standing vote, the c0ngrega- tion passed a resolution' expressing congratulations and good wishes to the veteran minister on entering his 97th year. Woodstock, Ont., Jan. Sh-Rev. Dr. W. T. McMullen, Woodstoek's grand old man and the oldest surviving ex- Moderator of the former Presbyter- ian Church, to-day celebrated his 96th birthday. He was showered with con- gratulations from friends all over Canada, as well as in the city. To mark the occasion he took his place on the platform of Central United Church this morning and made a brief address to a large congregation. VETERAN Of 96 YEARS PREACHED a SUNDAY Two piece dresses are undoubtedly the outfits to wear on all occasions from sport to opera. This is good news for most of us because it means that small pieces of material and partly worn frocks can be utilized in Aheir_malfng. f " Usually those for morning and sport wear consist of a woollen or jer- sey skirt and sweater while those for more formal occasions consist mostly of combinations of velvet and metal cloth satin, crepe or moire. In the latter, the velvet more often makes the skirts while the other material forms the Illotyse_or jumper. - Several of the local stores have a gorgeous display of two piece frocks. I found an adorable kasha and sweat- er dress for sports wear. and-al- though I shall have to economize rig- idly to restore my budget to normal--- I couldn't resist a white velvet and silver evening gown with a "pink-y" silver rose on the shoulder of the shimmey jumper. 3 cups of sugar 6 tablespoons of cocoa 11/; cups of rich milk 2 tablespoons of corn syrup 2 tablespoons of butter 1 tablespoon of vanilla Mix sugar, cocoa, milk and corn syrup. Cook without stirring over a low fire until mixture forms a soft balljh cold water. Remove from fire and'add butter. Cool slightly by plac- ing pan in a vessel of cold water. Add vanilla and beat until light brown in color and creamy in consistency. Pour on buttered platter and let cool. Cut in squares. _ _ __ _ _ -witiirwi'yu,Va'r"'", what did you think of that blood and thunder 91W. - I. . .. Rev. Dr. W. T. McMullen of Woodstock Celebrated Birth- day at Church This riscipe makes a delicious candy which will not sugar or get hard and stale. Boardinghouse Keeper (jokingly): “I don't suppose you know what it means to be hungry, Mr. Smithers?" Boarder: "No, but I'm learning." inch pieces) 1% cups of milk 1 tablespoon of butter 1 teaspoon of mustard 1 teaspoon of salt 1/2 cup of minced ripe olives Vu, cup of cheese, grated Ih cup of cooked green peppers (chopped) 2 tablespoons of chopped pimen- tos Id cup of buttered crumbs Pepper Cook macaroni in boiling salted wa- ter until tender. Make a white sauce of the flour, milk, butter, mustard and salt; add cheese and green peppers and cook slowly until cheese is melt- ed. Put a layer of macaroni into a buttered baking dish, then a layer of the cheese mixture and olives and pi- mentos; repeat until all ingredients have been used; cover with buttered crumbs and bake in a moderate oven for twenty minutes. Teacher-Now, Bobby, tell me which month has twenty-eight days in it. Rich people miss one thing; they never know the joy of paying the last instalment on something. - taek: In my opinion it was more like thud and blunder, Mam»? gl) fiylliiii.,ei,'.giiiii,ti,)il Spanish Macaroni 2 cups of macaroni (broken into I- Bobby-They all, have. BY MARJORIE ADAMS Chocolate Fudge RECIPES the WGY Star is Murderously Attacked One of WGY's popular entertain- ers lingered between life and death for a few days recently as the re- sult of a murderous attack by a mar- aufijng cat. .. . escaped from a circus, but was an ordinary alley cat. The star was not a beautiful young lady but was Pete Van Curler, a Hartz Mountain can- ary, with a throat that emits golden music. Pete's cage is placed along side of the director of the orehes- tra, and when the violin begins to sigh Pete just lets go with every- thing he has. same time ago, while Pete was perched high for the night, a tramp Northe cat was not a lion or tiger . , "t q ir " ~ . " " .. _ " " - q Er, . . , a: ' , .1; " " - . . " " " ‘ I q <7 _ Aim. __ " " - - 'm q I c. " " Et 'e ik . " BE It k. RI , ‘ NR1lii1 _ " MBh, ' . , " v " _ _ . 1:5 I "Ami 'htItt - ' 'tlat , " & - _ . . 'lt 'ri" Our iwice-teyear clean-up of all broken lines of sea- sonable goods is an event that is greatly appreciated by our customers. Every year we find that more new people are taking advantage of the prices we offer. S h ir ts 52533: nr.k.e.s., in great variety. $1.69, $2.39, $2.89 Socks Unde rwe a r Windbreakers Gloves Suits Hats it Overcoats FRED C FRANK Opp. Post Office "Ifh95, $24.75, $28.75 "t EVERYTHING ON SALE Leading Shades and styles, in Brock, Dan Dobbs, Peer, etc............... Buy your new Suit now while prices are lowest. Regular $25.00, $30.00 and $35.00. t 5 OnSale........................ 16.9 $1.19, $1.68, $2.49 It’s a Small World (FORMERLY DUNFIELD'S) Latest style leathers, or finest quality wool. On Sale o................... Fan‘cy _,),1tteei,,1/l1lif, in all gi‘ades of English Cash- 1/-,11:'c)1,1d..'ji.l1.c..&.r.)1.'.o.cl........... (ith: Mk, $1.19, $1.29 $2.49, $3.39, $3.98 {In sum. $3.95, $4.95 ers 'ir/r...?.?.".".") $4.89, $5.95 _ ottl We have a very good selection in all sizes of blue and fancy tweed Overcoats. All greatly reduced for quick clear- 3 5 ance............... 16.9 'iI2g8, - It - - a; - , rr ghil , ‘ 3-3::- - - wan, I tik ‘ 'ragghN " - . ' a ' " ‘ » - E . - r " r. " . " _ M. - " w Ili' an ."3'. .175 » . Stanfield's, Penman's, Woods', Britannia's, etc. None better. Re- duced prices range $1 95 from................ o The comfortable outfit for all This broad interference which is an inherent characteristic of the spark transmitter is thus mueh more an- noying to the coast listeners than to the inland listeners. _The broad- cast fans on the Canadian Pacific coast are particularly bothered by this interference and are making" a determined fight against it. Radio [Clubs and associations have appoint- ed committees to call upon various candidates for election to parliament to ascertain their attitudes towards the situation. The problem is made more difficult by the fact that most of the interference is caused by for- eign ships belonging chiefly to the Japanese and Dutch Governments. Canadian Listeners Start Drive on Spark Trahsmitters The spark transmitters, as used by amateur radio operators) used to be the chief bug-bear C or the earlier broadcast listeners, h1nfthe last few years however, the tube sets have replaced practically. all of the ama- teur sets, until now it js only the commercially operated sparks that cause the interference, -it"is-iftrpai that he, will soon be on the air again with his regular en- tertainment. _ 3. Is" 5T?ef?..... $3.98 3r??? $2.95 Dundas V & Keele . $1.29 lity 89c PAGE FIVE