"339 A _ 'ttsh = 359:.- tht' ,2, 1L- " BFoui.'ri; /" d 21.1%;- 1 gig ' j The anniversary of Bobbie Burns was most fittingly honored in a short biographical sketch, given by Mrs. Wood, interspersed with three of his 'given by Mrs. T. Morrison, a visitor for the evening, also added much to the enjoyment of all present, Miss Forsyth assisting at the piano. The serving of refreshments brought the evening to a close. .. , ' A meeting of the quarterly board of Central United Church is called for Thursday evening, February 3rd, at 8 pm. in the church schoolroom. Every member present, is the request made by the board. We are glad to know Mr. 1N.rorth-i,iiiifif'3'irkiiirs ington will be with us once again. iof Fr’iday Febru St. John's Church 1 iviisiiil' is also Sunday last all services were splen- , near future with didly attended. Mr. Kingston, of Trin-: den who is a c itydCollegegave the girgt oflliis series, '; iiili'ndiii iiid 1.8 an! .was appreciate ‘y all present.! "ll. it l, , The vicar was away at' St. Matthew's l brilliant speaker. Church, where he was formerly at-', WE tached. ', H ewsn Thursday afternoon, February 3rd, the regular monthly meeting of the Vomen's Missionary Society will meet in the church school room at 3 p.m. A cordial invitation to all. _ ', Tuesday, March Ist, is the date that has. been set for the concert in the town hall. This concert will be given by the choir of St. Matthews, under the leadership of Mr. Dawson, organ- ist ppl. choir master. Just keep this .datexin mind. Tickets will be out this Wéek.\ Entire proceeds to extension work l The young people have resumed their week night meetings on Tues- day, opening at 8 p.111. The programs are varied and interesting. Let every young person in church rally round this 8rganization. St. John's Mission Harding Avenue Sunday, February 13th, Mr. J. Worthington will give a special ad- dress to the Sunday school, and in the waging will/oe. the ‘special‘ speqker. tached. : Hewson---Hooper $a,the afternoon the wardens and “f A quiet house wedding was solem, few of the officials visited the Sunday nized at the home of Mr, c. G. Hoop- sehool. They propose extension oi/er, Linpincott St., Weston, on Satyr- the parish hall for the much needed i day afternoon. January 29th, Then his accommodation for the children. {second daughter, Alice Lavina, be- 'They were surprised to see how all i came the wife of Wreford Hewson, the classes were managing under the: son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewson. difficult conditions. Their visit Ylli'Malton, Ont. Rev. Garnet Lynd, u make them all see the necessity for a former pastor, and family friend, of- extgnsign- 7 . PM) . .. ificiated. " They were surprised to see how all the classes were managing under the difficult conditions. Their visit will make them all see the necessity for extension. - The rector will assist and officiate at Mount Dennis, with the bnshop " the diocese, for the reopening of the Churchrof the Good Shepherd Confirmation classes held in the church "every Sunday at 4 p.m. There are a large number in attendance. You are welcome to attend. Election of officers of the W omerr's' Auxiliary of St. John's resulted inl, appointment of the following ladies) for the various offices: Honorary pre-; sident, Mrs. J. Hughes-Jones; presi- dent, Mrs. Barber; vieepesident, Mrs. 1 Mackey; secretary, Mrs. Shakespeare; 1 treasurer, Miss Haggard: Junior Supt†Prafer meeting will be held as USU- al on Wednesday evening of this week atf p.m. . ' ' The Women's Auxiliary held a home cooking uhd rummage salt last Saturday. A goodly sum was, netted fogthe _effo1'ttrcput forth. _ _ _The.vicar will preach two special addhresses at 11 and 7 p.m, In the ut'- ternoon he will give the chilrlwn‘s ad- dress at the Chm ch of tho Good Shepherd, Mount De-is. C Central United The X. L Bible class met on Thursday evening last in the church schoolroom. _ The president, Mrs. Pearson, took charge of the business session, which was followed by a short hat most enjoyable program and so- cial hour, under the leadership of Mrs. Palmer and hef'committee. Miss Hut- ty gene the Bible reading, Mrs. Pal- niif continuing with a word picture of the verses read, covering the familiar parable of "The Five Barley Loaves and Two Fishes," which, as she very clearly pointed out, exemplified in our lives, meant Service for the Mass ter. - The young people meet every Tuesday night. Come and join in these meetings. Don't forget the big event schedul- echor the evening of February 12th, when Jack Miner will give a lecture in Westminster Church. The regular meetingof the Ladies' Aid will be held on Tuesday after- noon next at 3 p.m. in the church pagers. _ T Westminster T Rev. Dr. Haddow was in charge of the services on Sunday last in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. G. Ernest Forbes. The" Needlecraft Club meets in the ,schoolroom on Wednesday at, eight p.m. All interested in the club are eordially.invited to be present. The Weston Presbyterian ladies ex- tend a most cordial invitation to all friends to join with them at a social afternoon tea on Saturday afternoon, February 5th, at the home of Mrs. Ireland, 44 Cross St. In addition to the serving of afternoon tea, a home baking yewill...allt? he held. District vice-presidents (rural): Mrs. D. Hendry, Mimico; Mrs. James Marshall, Milton; Mrs. Henry, Bramp- tpp: Mrs. W. A. Wallis, Weston,; Mes. D. Snedden, Richmond Hill; Mrs. G. Cooper, Willowdale; Mrs. A. Stirling, Wexford; Miss M. Somerville, Union- ville; Mrs. D. Young, Agincoqyt. District vice-presidents (city): Mrs. J. McGonegaI, Mrs. H. H. Allen, Mrs. J, Tytler, Miss M. Black, Mrs. Angus McMurchy, Mrs. J. McKenzie, Mrs. K. Brandon. _ President, Mrs. J. A. Hilts; honor- fury vice-president, Mrs. M. McClel- Tand; lst vice-president, Mrs. D. M. Rochester; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Donald Hendry, Mimico. Of this amount mission bands col-i lected $1464 and the Yuogn Women's! Auxiliary $2468. The Toronto Pres-) Byterial has now a membership of; 9904, including 1ten age girls, and' the Y.W.A., which‘represents an in-', crease _d_uring_ _the year (pearly 700.I Reports given at the annual meet- ing of the Toronto Presbyterial of the W.M.S. held in the city last week were most encouraging. The sum of $25,- 776 having been raised by the aux- iliaries. PA PM. TWO Presbyterian e/drab?. opening Ell-ell nome 101 but ly? "man going into another e0un- Mrs. T. C. O'Govman has kindly eon- try .1s Jesus Christ. The other coun- sented to be the hostess for the next try. is heaven (Jno. 14:.ir6). At His sewing tea, which will be held at her, gpuig He bestowed gifts upon His home, 38 King St., on the afternoon disciples (Eph.. 4:8, 11‘; .12; 1 Pet; ' of Friday, February 11th. "1.0% These gifts are lis. goods,“ YI Weston is also to be favored in the things BELONGING TO HHXL His I near future with a visit from Dr. Pad- oy.rn servants bond, servants) .are all den, who is a ctr-worker with Dr. His disciples, considered as His PY'- Grenfeil, and reputed to be a most chased property and working for Him brilliant speaker: The talents represent the gifts of the x C Eggs; (ft, 12:6-8; 1 Cor.d12:4, 8,11, WEDDING _ ; p . 4:8-11). He di not give _ rHewson---Hooper ithe same amount to all, but variedl A quiet house wedding was solem. l the gifts according to the several ab, nized at the home of Mr. C. G. Hoop- i ility of each servant to use, No ser- er, Linpincott St., Weston, on Satur- I vant was left without a gift. The day afternoon, January 29th, when his 1 least sum mentioned is one talent second daughter, Alice Lavina, be- _ ($1,200). The most poorly gifted came the wife of Wreford iiiii'vs21lirira.nt of Christ has enough givenl son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hewsonihim to do something with. Reeeiv-) Malton, Ont. Rev. Garnet Lynd, aling larger gifts involves larger: res-I gomnte: pastor, and family friend, of- l ponsibility (Lu. felt),' Tie, talents', icia d. ‘were given not or t e pei anal ben-i _ The bride wore a dainty frock ofleflt of the receipient, but to use {01" white silk crepe de chine, and car- the Lord (cf. 1 Cor. 14:12; 2 Cor.) ried a shower bouquet of roses and li- IA). If we use 0111' gifts for our! v, of the valley. Her attendant, Miss own torivate advantage we are gull-l ‘Ferne Hewson, sister of the groom. ty of embezzlement of trust fumlsl ‘Was dressed in pale pink sr:eorgette,i, lhe man receiving the five talentsl and carried a shower bouquet of rose: 1 increased them by using them. We 1 and lily of the valley. Howard Hoop- can trade with our talents by using? er, brother of the bride, assisted the them inHabors for Christ (1 Cor. 15:; igroom. Following the ceremony lun- i 10: 1 Tim. 6: 17, 18; 2 Pet. 1:5-10;; icheon was served, and later the hap- 1 Cor. 14: 12). The man with the, my oouple left midst showers of coil- two talents also traded with them Efetti and good wishes for a short trio. land succeeded proportionately as well T Mr. and Mrs. Hewson will reside onias the man with five. The one tal-; ;their farm at Malton. J‘ent man was afraid of losing what' _ -rc=.Sr-.=i-r-- Ihe had and hid it instead of using it. , _()BIT.L‘ARY It is not only one talent men who do 1 _ V . Miss Drinkwaltor this, but the temptation to do it isl l Weston and communitv friends svm- peculiarly strong with one talent men. l i'patlhize inost deeply with Mrs. Drink- [They are tempted to think "If I had) igittei iii he?“ trouble and sorrow of l five) talents there would be some use). 1ltituC,ir'fi, flued.e the death of herirn trying to do something; but whatl w s - his“. Miss Drinkwalter httdiis the use of trvmz to do anything; ibeen visiting for a few weeks withlwith only one talent?" k i "ii111"s1Drinlcss'itlter, and a few days:'; 11. What Their Lord 'Did Upon) 'ipremous to her deeerse, was seized His Return, 19-30. 3 Pi'ith an attack of the. flu, which later, The coming back of their Lord re- F in spite of medical aid. developed into presents che return of our Lord tol 1it,il,litg'. congestion of the lungs, from this earth. ‘When He returns He will: in ieh she‘was unable to rallv, passing make a reckoning with us (Mat.16:f ';1yeaeefulls away on Thursday night 27: 1 Cor 4:5: 2 Cor 5:10) IN 'Tr lJanuarv 27th. The remains were tak: one of us. shall have a part Iii tg‘tl ',it,tt Coburg for burial in the family reckoning (Ro. 11:12). If we arel P . T true believers we shall not be judged, 3 Tuesday evening of this week the Lmission circle met in the church, holds ing an open meeting, Reports of the "alendar plan were giveh, also the (special feature of the evening that of i negro spirituals, rendered by Madame Names, tt colored vocalist, much enjoy- ,e _'. The contributing artists, both from the city of Toronto and local, were of the highest order, and the various numbers given by them thoroughly en- joyed by the large, number present. Mrs. T. C. O'Gorman has kindly eon- sented to be the hostess for the next sewing tea, which will be held at her home, 38 King St., on the afternoon of Friday, February JItly The purpose of the meeting was to raise funds for the purchase of surgi- cal appliances for the Harrington hos- pital, Labrador, and a most generous collection was contributed towards this cause. Dainty refreshments were served at the clbse of the program, after which a hearty vote of thanks was tendered the host and hostess for their hospi- tality in opening their home for the occasion. Weston is also to be favored in the near future with a visit from Dr. Pad- den, who is a co-worker with Dr, Grenfeil, and reputed to be a most An event of delightful interest in the circles of the Weston branch of the Grenfell mission work was spent at the home of Mrs. J. K. Moffat. Queen's Drive, on Monday evening of this week. The bride wore a dainty frock of white silk crepe de chine, and car- ried a shower bouquet of roses and 1i- Vr of the valley. Her attendant, Miss Ferns Hewson, sister of the groom. was dressed in pale pink georgette, and carried a shower bouquet of rose: and lily of the valley. Howard Hoop- er, brother of the bride, assisted the groom. Following the ceremony lun- cheon was served, and later the hap- py couple left midst showers of con- fetti and good wishes for a. short trio. Mr. and Mrs. Hewson will reside on their farm at Melton. The you'll-2‘ people's meeting; of this Week took the form of a social hour, with a splendid attendance, and: an ex- cellent program given by the mem- bers. This society is doing a good Work among the vouna‘er members. W“ the church. Bible study" is held every other week under the leadership of Mr. Poyntz, also social, éducational and, rpcreatiopal programs taken up week by week ERENFEEL MESH“! Elm iliffir'iil',), Proceeds to be Used in Purchase of Surgical, Equipment' for Harrington Hospital _ It is expected this Sunday, Febru- ary 6th, a representative of the Thr ro-nto/ church extension board will speak at either the morning or the evgning “service. Saturday evening last several mem- bers of the Sunday school enjoyed a sjleizhride party, meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Poyntz, for refresh- ments and a social hour. The Sunday school also has made great progress, and has a bright fu, ture opening up, 3100 having been raised for missions, a substantial pav- ment made on the piano, and the church brightened and improved with new lights, these all being features of the year's activities. The business session, at which ye- ports from the various departments were given, was most encouraging and uplifting, showing progress and growth along all lines, a net increase " sixteen members. The mission cir- ele extended their activities, also the B.Y.P.U., a special feature of this branch being the bi-weekly study hour. " '_--'-- . l. At the conclusion " the opening) The annual congregational supper [session of, the Sunday school in Con-f and business meeting of the Weston tral United Church on Sunday a very Baptist Church was held on Wednes- pleasing service was held, when thif-) day evening last at the elyortr. A ty-tWO/ members of the various class-l banquet was served early in the eve- I es of the Sunday schoolwereupresent-i ning, all present doing full justice to I ed with their awards of attendance‘ the many good things provided yy. the merit, for being present the entire ladies. This was fbllowedby all Jo1n- thirteen Sundays of the months of 05:1 hill iss the singing of several hymns tober, November and December., Tle) and a devotional hour. . Marge number of scholars receiving The business session, at which ye- l these prizes is a fair indication of the l ports from the various department? , interest taken by. the children of Cen- , were given, was most encouraging and i tral Sunday School, in the, sehoolranrl I uplifting, showing progress and I the lesson study. hour, Another pleas- I growth along all lines, a net 1Wu'e'a.se ingdertture is the increase ofmumbersr, " sixteen members. The mission CIP- from, Sunday, to Sunday, the, enrol: 'l, ale extended their activities, also thevment- of January showing a markedf B.Y.P.U., a special feature of thisl addition to that of January, 1926. Fol- branch being the bi-weekly study I lowing is the list of scholars winningl hour. - - - " the attendance awards: 1 Miss Williams; Dorcas seeretary.Mrs. Mattison; thank offering secretary, Mrs. Smith; Living Message secretary, Mrs. Pedrick; social service secretary, Mrs. Scott. Progress the Keynote of Past Year-Bright Future for Corning Year HMS? llliljllll) 1jllllijlij, ai),,,),,!],,:,?),!),':, {EM 1 Some say that the age of chivalry I is past. The age of chivalry is never 'past, so long as we have faith enough to say, God will help me to redress ‘that wrong; or, if not me, He will help those that come after me, for His eternal will is to overcome evil with good.--Charles Kingsley. lCEN'rHAL SCHOLARS ) ATTENDANCE REWARD Golden Tei-Well done,good and faithful servant: thou has been faith- ful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the Lord. Matt. 25: 21. Lesson Text.--Matt. 25: 14-30. ExPOSITu)N.--I. What the Ser- vants Did During Their Lord's, Ab- sence, 14-18. _ Rev. A. S. McGrath officiated and Mrs. Newbury played the wedding music. The bride was given away- by her father and was attended by Miss IoorisiMeDoohig, sister of the groom and Mr. Horace Sainsbury, son, of Mayor and Mrs. Sainsbury acted as groomsman. The coming back of their Lord ye- presents the return of our Lord to this earth. When He returns He will make a reckoning with us (Mat.16: 27; 1 Con-4:5: 2 Cor. 5:10). Every one of us shall have a part in that reckoning (Ro. 11:12). If we are true believers we shall not be judged Senior department-Louis? Skelton, Clarice Rush, Beverley Davidgp, Mack Pearson, Aubrey Ellis, Willie Ward, Fred Holdsworth. _ 51cDooling---Bullock A very pretty wedding was salem- nized at the Baptist Church, Weston at 7.00 o’clock on Saturday evening, January 22nd. when. Nora. Violet se- cond daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bal- lock became the bride of J, L. Mc- Healing, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. McDooling of ngen’s Dri.ve.. Primary department-Helen Best, Elmore Scythes, Hillary Seythes, Hel- en Eagle, Dorothy Terrill, Gertrude Allen, Harry Irvine, Erskine Larose, Lloyd_Larose. 'ew" _ ' Junior department-Jean Sainsbury, Eileen Larosc, Dorothy Hooper, Grace Rowntree, Gwendoline Saye, Bruce Larose, Jack Irvine, Herbert Skelton, Alex. Pearson. Intermediate, department-Beatrice Allen, Beverley Ellis,, Arthur Mat- thews, George Courts. Lloyd, Sains- bury. 7 -. . This Week's ' S. S. Lesson Lesson VI. 7 February 6, 1927 THE PRACTICE OF CHRISTIAN STEWARDSHIP ' l',i:luo. Violin. Singing. Cello. Mun- dolin, Guitar. Banjo. E100"- lion and "(Many Fons from $8.0t) u. U-rm. No Class Teaching. Principals: MISS' H. MEREDITH SMITH _ (1todallist Royal Academy of Music, London, England) MISS BLANCHE M. THOMAS tAssociate Toronto College of Music) 'lijr'roato,hmstitn FEMS AW (1jliE '"i, (College of Music ") "rcietritoue Jl‘ncl. 0078 FIRST QUARTER 2570 I)1'XDAS s"r. It Tuitiol CHIVALRY WEDDINGS -ie2-It)mos THE TIMES ANT) GFIDE. WESTON as to whether ive are saved or 11015,! SUN) jthat is already settled (Jno. 5:24); 11.00 a.m.- ibut we shall be judged as to our' 'h),a('-) 3'00 ward- (1 Cor. '3:13-16). The Lord is '- Pm {represented as coming back "after a 7.00 p.m.- 'long time,†This was' said hecause Wed., 8.00 i many expected that His kingdom was Monday, 8 "immediately to, appear (Lu. 19:11). Frid _ 7.( lit has now been "a long time.†The I ay). . five talent, man presented himself A Cordial first to the Lord, He was pot afraid to come. There was a tone of exul- tation in' his words. We, toq,may?resg3yt< so live as tty have on fear in the day of His coming and of judgment (1 ' T Jno. 2:28; 4:16, '17). The servant ‘said, "I have gained other five tal- . Ients." In, the parable of the pounds Rev. J. the servant says. "THY POUND hath 160 King St. gained ten pounds" (Lu. 19:16). The SUNDA two statements set forth two differ- 11 J, exit sides of the truth (cf. 1 Cor. 15: tl Dent: ‘10; Jno 15:5; 1 Cor. PAS; Gal. 2:20). "j, eeps.S. The Lord'srar)swe1. was in itself abun- " 1)1C?li' dant reward, "Well done, good and 'd0i,lilr',', faithful servant." It was his fidel- Mi @313" 'vVi ity, not his‘success, that His master -. "is I')',', . praised. But praise was not all hel ' Jrga (rot, he was given enlarged opportun-i ity and authority (cf. Lu. 12:44; 22: ihiS Lord. T 29; Rev. 2:26; 3:21; 21:7; 2 Tim. 2:iaet. It did 12). But even this was not all, then »‘ slander his 1) was added the wonderful word, "En- _ know his L ter thou into the joy of thy Lord.â€idid. False Leighton says, "Here a few drops ofithe bottom C) ioy enter into us, there we enter into ‘ and unsucce: joy as vessels set in a sea of glow.†i exposes the "The icy of the Lord" is the joy the [shows the re Lord Himself has (cf. Ps. 36:8). Next 1 "Thou wieke comes the two talent man and his re- j He was con port is glad and confident. He re-lmouth. His ceived the same praise and the eon-lhe cast into fident. He received the same praiseiits awful 21g and the same joy for he had been in l and all becai his measure faithful as the other (cf. I (useless). l] 2 Cor. 8:12). The one talent maninot do ill, l held back, but he had to come at last. { His talent i He, too, called his Master "Lord," has already but he had not treated Him as such explains tha' (Lu. 6: 46). He said he "was afraid" he has will that is not the spirit of true service who neglects (R0. 8:15; 2 Tim. 1:7). He tried to lose even th: shift the blame of his failure uponlruns througl Southbound T.22 21.111. 11.05 a.m. 4,08 pm1. 7.07 p.m. The 7.07 p.m. train runs to North Toronto station, the balance to To- ronto Union. Westbound--, No. 605 Motor , 6.32 a.m. (a No. 31 Steam 6.4411421. No. 607 Motor 7.30 am. Crt No. 20 Steam 7.40 a.m. No. 38 Steam 1.27 p.m. No. 35 Steam 4.00 p.m. No. 609 Motor 6.05 p.m. (b No. 37 Steam 6.30 p.m. (a) Daily except Sunday. ' (b) Daily except Saturday and Sun day. Eastbound-- No. 606 M No. 608 N No. 26 & No. 30 & No. 34 St No. 610 M No. 36 St No. 38 St v'e'yrl',sC.1rtlr'TIUN J'cAT0y_-ffe.u0 P1'l' ycn'i' in ntlxvmys lo an}; adiL-vss in i‘unmln. $2.7m _ year in advancv to l'nitt-(l Stains. Single copies 5c. ADVERTISING rtATEs'--Lep,uar Notices Sc Der lino for 1'irst insrwtion, 11(‘ pm- line for each subsequent insertion. Busjncsn [Ape-ails or Readers: 10c pct" lint" for cach insertion. Church or socielr Notices of tenteptuitt- moms. concerts, 010.. where" an adimssirm fee ix to bc clmrg‘wl 01' a collection taken. Wt" charge Sc poi line for each insertion. Meetings: Announcements of club, organization or'society nmetings. 30.1)01‘ line. for each insertion: minimum charge 2:30 Its-ports of mecting‘s hold gladly in~ sorted I'rce. In Memorial“ Notices and Cards of, Thanks, " per line: minimum charge 250. Birth. Klar- 1'iage and Death Notices, no charge. ("Jagalfiqd. Advis., 350' per mach inscr- tion for ads. not exceeding: six lincs: ot'or 'vhat,rrrr) per each extra line. Professional Cards and small stand- ing ads. not nxceeulinp,' Ili,." Single col., $7.30 per yfar. Auction Snlc At1vertiayissps, rates according to siie and number-hf insertions. Display Matter Rated on application. ALL MATTER‘ FOR I‘ITBLJCATION must be, inwthe office not later than noon TuAtsrlasv. This is absolutely necessary to,ensm'e insertion in tlic issue of that week. Published (-u-ry Wednesday by THE CHARTERS I'I’BIJSIHNU co Ll\[l’l‘El) S. CHARTERS. Mun (Motor - SUNDAY, FEB. 5th, 1927 Ill a.m.--Eev. D. G. Cork, of India. '2.4Stm.--Suttday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.-Studies in,Reve1ation. MR. SHEARER. Mr, ,Choir Leader. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1927 Residence. 32 William St RAILWAYS TIME TABLE Canadian National W estbound 9.37 a.m. 8c00 11400 3.00 7.00 7.00 C. V. CHART! Main Street North Iteet,or---REV. J. HUGHES-JONES, MA. Vicar-REV. W. E. MACKEY Organist-W. A. GREAVES FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER EPIPHANY, FEB. (ith, 1927 Motor 6.45 a.m. l Motor 8.10 a.m. Steam 8.03 a.m. Steam 12.42 p.111. Steam 4.25 p.m. Motor 6.30 p.m. Steam 7.12 Fm. Steam 9.0Y p.m. runs trpm Weston Park V _ 1 Station.) _ Sunday Service North Bound 8.38 a.m. 10.11 a.m. 5.48. p.m. A.M.-Haly Communion. A.M.---HoJy Communion. "The Vicar." P.M.---Sunday School and Bible Classes. P.M.---Wrensong. "The Vicar." St.John's Mission (Harding Avenue) P.M.---Evensong. S. Wilson. sr. JOHN’S ANGLEEAN CHUREH S. WILSON, Ma ma gm THE AJNITED CHURCH IN CANADA (Established [858} Rev. G. Ernest Forbes, B.A., Minister. WESTMINSTER “CHURCH Eastbound 7.58 p.m. an 'SeGaraarNrrli 3323mm (a) (a) (a) (b) (b) lhis Lord. Thus all faithless servants i tact. It did not lessen his guilt to Islander his Master. He did not really l lknow his Lord, though he said he! idid. False notions about God lie at lthe bottom of careless and frightened land unsuccessful service. The Lord), exposes the folly of his excuse, and] (Shows the real trouble in five words, ("Thou wicked and slothful servantâ€! (He was condemned out of his ownl lmouth. His talent is taken away and lhe cast into the outer darkness, with l Pits awful agony and impotent rage,; I and all because he was "unprofitable" l Wuseless). To be damned one need; not do ill, he need only be useless†lHis talent is given to the one who has already ten talents; and Jesus; explains that the one who uses what he has will get more, and the one) who neglects to use what he has will y lose even that (vr30. This principle l lruns through all life. l SUNDAY, FEB. 6th, 1927 ll a.m.--"The Correspondence of the Deeps." I . 3 p,m.-Sunday School. 7 p.m.-"The Christians Journey." Cordial welcome to all, Miss Bell, Mr. Real, Presbyterian Church of . Weston Wednesday, 8.00 p.m. ' Prayer Meeting:. ance." CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Sunday, 7 p.m.-Gospel Service Subiect, "The Cities of Refuge." Mr. P._Ken_1p. _ __ _ .. ' 11.00 a.m.---"Three Resolutions." 2.45 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. . 7.00 p.m.-"A Great Deliver- Harding Ave. P. KEMP/ Superintendent Sunday Services, Feb. 6th, 1927. Sunday School, 8 p.m.--Lesson, 'stif.2,',Praetice of Christian Steward- ship." Mondéy evening, 8 p.m.---Ladies' Aig Meeting. J" - -- Tuesday 'evenfng, 8 p.m.-Young PeoDle's Meeting. Wednesday afternoon, 2.80 p.m.--- Mothers' Meeting. iVlUl/HUI'S l‘IUCLlIlg. [ f T , Wednesday evening, 8 p.m.-: PAINTER AND DEC0RATOR Prayer Service and Bible Study. 5th1 PAPERHANGER a Specialty Beatitude, "Blessed are they that) mourn." T Reasonable Charges EYES EXAMINED REV. A. S. McGRATH 151 King St,, Weston, Phone 639W SUNDAY, FEB. 'sth, 1927' 11.00 a.m.-Public Worship. 3.00 p.m.---Sunday School. 7.00 p.m.-Publie Worship. Wed., 8.00 p,m.---Prayer Meeting. Monday, 8 p.m.--B.Y.P.U. Friday, 7.00-Juniors' Meeting. A Cordial Welcome to All. THE CHURCHES Fred, L, Martens, PUB,. REGISTERED ()PTOMETRIST By Government Examination 163 Roscmount Ave. Phone"? 70 John St Office 360 HIGH CLASS SIGNS AND SHOWCARDS HARDENS AVE. MESSEON Baptist Church J. F. WOOD BERT IRVEN 52'MAIN STREET Real Estate and Insurance --Phones-- . Cross Street Rev. J. G. Cheyne, Minister SUNDAY, FEB. Bill, 1927 Cordial Welcome to All! Organist. MRS. DEMOREST, Organist WESTON OPTICAL Ph one SUNNY M r. Real, Choir Leader. Phone 639- REP Res. 434 Weston 0-7-13t l 1 ._ .. v. . " J-' 1IRS CARTAGE ; DR. J. T, HAQKLfm g -"---'---s--------------------------------- ' Dentist V I: _ i f . : . C '/1 A. Mackay dk Son) O fice _ Coleman & Hackett Bloel; 1 ‘ i, MAIN ST., WESTON ' 297M MOVING AND CARTAGE _ Opposite Bank of Nova Scotia ’Representing the strongest Financial Fire Insurance Companies doing busi- l, ness in Canada, both Tariff and Nor l Tariff. l _ l All kinds of Insurance written-Faro l Buildings, Dwellings and Stores, EWerl 1cantile Risks, Live Stock, Automo- i, biles, Plate Glass, etc. l Greatest care taken to protect our j patrons. e 1 Also representing the New York Life iInsurance with a Billion Dollars ol iAssets, Real Estate, etc. E 14,5 John St., Weston 1‘ Reasonable Charges l Satisfaction Guaranteed 1 Cor. Church St. & Rosemount Ave. I Phone 4763 WESTON The Granite Cancrete Bchk Bee, Ltd, University of Toronto, Toronto Conservatory of Musk ' I WESTON BRANCH W. J. Inch Apts., Main and John ‘Sts. Telephone 687W Excelsior Life & New Hampshire Fire A. W. Pritchard, Manager SCARLET RD. N. WESTON PHONE WESTON 268 i Wm. A, Riggs FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE e ED, W. BROWN \\7OOI)BRIDGE Moving promptly attended to by ex- perienced men. Prices reasonable. No moving too large, no moving too small. WILLYS KNIGHT SEDAN FOR HIRE WITH CAREFUL DRIVER GENERAL TEAM'ING “KNLAL by â€*1“le Sand, Gravel and Filling Always onli Plates,. Root-Canal Work, Gold Hand. Movings Promptly , Work 7 -' 1t.ryled to. ... 3! Bank of Cimmlrce Bldg. Phone 79 #1213415; I'"',, noon, Phone 356 l WESTON Phone 79 at (i.d.5 a.m., 12.45 noon . and ii.45 p.m. . Licensed Auctioneer for Counties of York, Peel and Simcoe Free Theory Classes Prineipal--Mrs M. R. DeMorest, L.T.CTM, , 1245 Jane St., Mt. Demiis Phone Ken. 2152 or Weston 17io Albert Ham, Doctor of Music) _and other references. Phones JUnct. 3193 and 1354 832 Weston Road THE E. J . MUSSON INSURANCE AGENCY Lon (Eijldliljif; GEMS Experienced. Riverside Drive, Westmpunt PO. Box 289, Weston Nurse Mourant Real Estate and insurance Office General Tinsmithing Roofing & Furnace Work A, l BERQESS o,, E. LaRdse HNSHRANCE Bank of Montreal Chambers. Phones: Res. 246; Office 723 WESTON PIANO-VIOLIN-VOCAL Piano Tuning Guaranteed Weston, Ont. MANNING McEWEN g Distance Moving a specialty MANNENG McEWEN Terms Reasonable Forms Moderate MIE 263 R, J, LLOYD Phone 666W 07-13w-T-E-E Phcne 156W x-_8-13t City Studio 507 Ontario St. Studio Weston 198 Main St. N. P Phone 395 TEACHER OF PIANO _ - Studio-Bank of Nova Scotia Building Dr. Harrissn C.Roos DR, CALVIN h. DETLOR, BA, DENTAL SPECIALIST Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public 2922 Dundas St., West Toronto (Above" Taylor’s Shoe Store) Real Estates Loans placed at Current Rates Telephone JUnct. 992 Elgin 1863 John T. Anderson DENTAL SURGEON K-RAY EXTRACTION BY GAS Nurse in Attendance Officc: Bank of Montreal Bldg, Main and John St., Weston V Phone 205 _ V Barrister, Solicitor, &c. Office: 1017 We§top_ Road, Mt; Dennis “JUnct. 6402W" "Weston 432F" Residence: Ken. 4377M G. H. Gray, L.L.B. L. S. Lyon, B.A. MONEY' T9 LOAN ON, GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Office Hours: Daily, also Monday and Thursday evenings. 1 J/ill go any place. Drop a card. 35 years' practical experience. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Rank of Nova yicotia; Chambers Phone 15fl, Weston Money to Loaf, on good first , PIANIST-TEACHER Studios , Bank of Nova Scotia Building and M Edmund Ave., Westoh V PHONE M8 , Secure Results Use These Columns To Advertise Iillfilllillltlf M, POLLETT MADAME RUTHERFORD t Piano Tuneryand Repairer 378 Befesford Ave., West Toronto Phone Jet. 72 301 Crown Office Bldg., Toronto (Cor. Queen & Vittoria Sts.) Weston Office 52 Main St. North ' Phone 495 WEDNESDAY, FEB. 2, 1927 Studio: 55 Rosemount Ave Weston Phone B20 T Sl'lilrlrll, BQWNTBEE ' F. h. SILVERMAN, " C. Lorne Fraser, MA. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto MRS. T. B, ROGERS PARSONS & ADDY Barristers, Solicitors, etc. BARRISTERS Solicitors, Notaries, Etc. mortgage securities. I . Tieacher/iif tzr.h Piano'and Theory F. B. EDMUNDS GRAY & LYON Vocal Teacher' PHONE 88 MUSIC PHONES LEGAL Money to Loan Phone 1025J x-36T 3mos. Ran. 8914J WESTON o-16-52t I