Fii) Letters written by Charles II. of England, when li fugitive from his throne and people, to Sir George Cat- eret, at that time Lieut.-Governor of Jersey, and to the bailiffs and cur- ates of the island, have been discover- ed in a secret drawer of an old piece of Jersey furniture at a sale conduct- ed on the death of Madame Humbert, a descendant of Caterets on the mat- ernal side. The existence of the let- ters had been known, but thirty years ago they disappeared and no trace whatever was found until an antique dealer, conducting the sale, found the secret drawer. One letter is Charles's farewell to Jersey, and an acknowled- gment of the islanders' loyalty to the throne. This was written immediately after the Battle of Naseby. Another urges the speeding up of supplies which the islanders consented to give him, and was written from his Court at Elizabeth Castle, Jersey, while a third gives instructions and permis- sion for forming a company from among those deriving trade in the premier industry of the island at that time--the manufacture of worsted stockings. The letters, under the will made a year ago by Madame Hum- bert, are to be handed over to the possession of the Societe Jersey and wil lfind an honored place in the mus- eum. There was a fearful crash as the train struck the car. A few seconds later Mr. and Mrs. Pickens crawled out of the wreckage. Mrs. Pickens opened her mouth to say something but her hus.bapd s‘yqppefi Jter. "Never mind talking," he snapped. "I got my end of the car across. You were driving the back seat and if you let it get hit, tipp't Name me!†4, WestonDyer&Cleaner Send us your a last year‘s coat and just see how clean and bright and new we'll make it look! Youll be delighted with the result! 58 Main St. N. Phone 360W PAGE EIGH’B BUY A NEW THE KGLS'EEB _lllllLhDllro MORE THAN EVER . . . A FINE sm Phone 126 Weston Dairy Mother, make that child of yours a winner of his class this year by giving him or her plenty of Weston Dairy Pure Milk, Cream and Butter. OVERCOAT? School Days Are Here - Once More KING CHARLES' LETTERS The tonal quality of the New Kolster is so lite-like --so realistic-that you can sense its superiority at First hearing. We invite your inspection of the New Kolster. Come in and see us. JOHN HEBGIN Dufferin and Main St. WESTON Phone 935-F Realistic Radio WHY 2 DENISON AVE. WESTON Weston Admiral Sir Charles Madden is re- sponsible for an amusing story con- cerning a distinguished Italian naval officer who was a truest in the ward room of a certain British battleship. At lunch the steward offered him a rice pudding, naming the dish in def- erence of the guest's limited know, ledge of English foods. But the gal- lant officer rejected the proffered helping with every sign of disgust. "What's wrong, captain?" queried one of his hosts. "It's only rice pud- ding, wholesome, if uninteresting". "No doubt", was the answer. "But in Italy, you see, we do not eat vermin". A chorus of surprise: "Rice-vermin?" "Si, si, I know enough English for zat. Mouse; plural mice; rats, plural rice. I eat :19 rats, sank you!†T Russian newspapers recently re- ported, with considerable display, that the Soviet authorities in the Far East of Siberia had taken steps aim- ed at preserving the remnants of ' a tribe called Karagasi, held to be close relatives of the Indians of North America. Although these distant cousins of the American Indians are described as peace-loving hunters, who avoid clashes with other tribes and never commit theft or murder, their conditions of life have been so hard that their number has been re.. duced to about 400. By transferring them to a district where there are plenty of wild animals and game fowls, the Soviet Government hopes, to prolong the existence of the race. Main St. Devices that mean conveni- ence and prices that will please the housewife. Eveready Flashlights - New low prices. From $1.25 to $7.50 Everything Electric for the Home. HOUSEHOLD LABOR SAVERS W. h. DICKIN RUSSIAN INDIANS Yorke Bros. FUNERAL SERVICE 1220 Weston Rd. Mount Dennis Phones Not Listed Weston 1260; Jet. 5722 No extra cost for use of Funeral Home. (Adult) Funerals, in- eluding grey cloth cov- ered casket and ser- vices complete from $55.00 and up accord- ing to selection. PLURAL OF RICE Yorke Bros. have opened another modern Funeial Home at 1220 Weston Rd., Mount Dennis, run in con- junction with their West Toronto Branch established 1919. Our kind service and fair treatment has _ been tried and proven. _ Modern and Low Priced WESTON Phone 404 On Saturday, Sept. 14th, relatives and friends met at the home of Mr. Graham, Balmo Crescent, Fifth Ave., Weston, to celebrate the 25th anni- versary of their wedding. Rev. Mr. Forbes presided and a splendid re- past was partaken of by 50 guests and dancing was also indulged in. Best of wishes were extended to Mr. and Mrs. James Graham and were the recipients of many beautiful presents. Harry Hook succeeded in winning first place in the quarter-mile event at the Orillia Athletic meet last week and on Saturday at Hamilton he also succeeded in bringing home the hon- ors, coming through in third position. ( Mrs. G. Ernest Forbes leaves on Thursday for Montreal Where on Sun- day she addresses two congregations on the work of the W.M.S. of the United Church. She also addresses a number pf group meetings on the two days preceeding, as well as the two following Sundays. _ Weston Bell Telephone Employees, under the guidance of Manager Sam Totten, and Miss Brown, made merry at Elm Park, Wopdbridgte, last Wed- nesday evening. The evening took the form of a corn roast and dancing was also indulged in on the Pavilion floor. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Garratt, Main St. North, and family in the recent sad loss of her little grandson who passed a_waly on Sunday afternoon at the hos- pita . With his customery zeal and enter- prise, Mr. Robinson has completed a new greenhouse which will further equip him to look after the needs of the district in this capacity. resumed business again at her Beauty Shoppe, has returned home after an extended vacation and has resumed business again at hre Parlours. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Wm. Livings, Fifth Ave., is progress- ing very favourably after undergoing a serious operation in the Toronto Western Hospital. Miss Jessie Wright was elected Honorary President of the newly- formed C.G.I.T. Group organized in connection with the Weston Presby- terian Church on Monday last. The many friends of Mrs. F. Noon, Westmount, are sorry to hear of her illness, and wish her a speedy recov- ery. Mrs. J. R. Gates and the Misses Gates, of Capetown, S.A., were the guests ofHUr. and Mrs. Mellish last Sunday. A crew of men, under Foreman Ella, have just finished putting new supports under the bridge-Safety First. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wilson and daugh- ter of Toronto spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crane, Scarlet Road. Inch, registered optometrist, twenty years' experience, tests your eyes ac- curately. All work guaranteed. x-46-1t Mrs. William Sainsbury, Lippincott street, has returned home after an extended visit to the Old Country. Rev. Mr. Westbrook has returned home after an extended visit to the Old Country. Miss Jessie Miller of Ottawa was the week end guest of her sister, Mrs. F. Parkins, Main Street. Mr. Harry Allen, of the Times and ’ Mr. and Mrs. L, Oswald, of Port Guide Staff has returned after a Colbourne, are visiting in Weston and shooting trip to Waubauschene. lare the guests of Mrs. Frank Moore. ers' Ititilllt,l ev/ BANK OF MONTREAL WHEN SENDrl/,i'ii) MoNIt'llit ORDERS MCA We Fr. - THE WESTON TIMES E GUIDE Esitah1ished 1817 TOTAL ASSETS IN EXCESS OF $900,000,000 Wife and Son. o-46-It. WERDEN-1n loving and grateful re- membrance of -Captain Fred A. Werden, who gave his life in the "Great War", October lst, 1918. "His name Iiveth forevermore." Aunt Laura, _ (Mrs. J. M. Pearen). o-46-lt. PEAREN -- In ever-loving remem- brance of, J. M.~?Pearen, who went to "Higher Serviee/' October lst., 1928. "From the ground there blossoms red, Life that shall needless V," The sympsthy of the community goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Limpert in their sad bereavement. {Ml}. and Mrs. -R. J. Flynn, Mr. and [cthr,iti1n1os..yrisfityl,,yr:.etrd MES: S The funeral service was held at his parents residence on Saturday after- noon at 2.30 p.m. Rev. W. E. Mackey, Vicar of St. John's Anglican Church was in charge of the service. Inter- ment took place in Sanctuary Park Celnetery, Wes/tony" Dedisased Mm was in hisuzhtde/tii year, was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo- nard Limpert, 86 Russell Road, Wes- ton. A l Raymond Limpert. "r, The death of Raymond. Limpert occurred at the Toronto General Hos- pital on Friday, September 20th, fol- lowing an operation fog _apperylieitis. The newly formed troop of Baden- !PoWell Scouts attended Divine Ser- lvice last Sunday morning at St. John's (Anglican Church. J§¢Totten, Mr. and Mrs. Doug. Web- 1sterrand Mr. Walter Webster, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Graham, and Mr, and NEW. Robt. Braiden. Among those who attended the great Conservative Dinner last Thurs- ggy at _th1 Roy_al Yoth Hotel,, were A delightful affair took place last Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Cakes, Main Street, when the former was honored on the occasion of his birthday by a surprise gathering of Friends. The evening was spent in cards and music. Weston University Women's Club are holding their first meeting of the season at the home of the President, Mrs. E. F. Burton, 224 Queen's Drive, on Monday afternoon next, and a cor- dial invitation is being extended to any woman graduate to attend. Weston Women's Liberal-Conserva- tive Association are meeting in the Town Hall on Friday evening next, and a full attendance of members is urged. Don't forget that Daylight Saving will be discontinued on Sunday next and make sure that your clock is turned back at midnight on Saturday. Messrs. Ed. Westover and C. W. Brown, are the finalists in the Senior Tennis Championship Events, being played off this week. Weston High and Public School students are getting in trim for the Field Day events on Friday of this week at the Fair Grounds. _Rpgistration for the evening classes at Weston High and Vocational School takes place on Thursday and Friday evenings of this week. . Mr. W. J. Moon of New Hamburg is relieving at the Weston C.N.R. Station during the absence of Mr. Brown, who is enjoying his vacation. WESTON BRANCH c. INGLIS, Mgr. IN MEMORIAM WHEN you have occasion to send Money Orders they may V be obtained readily at any Branch of the Bank of Montreal, OBITUARY Salt your food with humour, pepper it with wit and sprinkle over it the charm of good fellowship. Never poi- son it with the cares of life. VERN. , The School Field and Athletic Meet next Friday afternoon. I have 250 Rotary balloons to be inflated and I expect that my pressure will be some- what depleted by that time. Save all your warm air between now and Friday and it can be put to very excellent use and will most cer- tainly be appreciated. Rotary's Controlling Force. "The controlling force of Rotary has been from the first, is to-day, and will be to-morrow, the idealism that lies in individuals everywhere; men who want to spread abroad a thing in which they believe and for which they are ready to work. To urge the ad.. vantages of Rotary in itself to men of other and different races! From a discussion of the vital forces that animate Rotary in the September is- sue of "The Rotarian". see, "What Is tht,.controlljng Forge of Rotary.†Diogenes hunted for an honest man with a-lantern. If he. had livetrin these days he would have had a hard job of it with a searchlight. However when he was queried as to his luck. He remarked "I still have my lant- Two gentlemen were fooling around with sticks and a small ball, They happened to slice their drives into the rough and went in search of the balls. Their fruitless marehings to and fro were observed by a sweet old lady with kindly and sympathetic eye. As they were about to give up in dispair she came towards them. [ l District Governor's Visit. _ Our District Governor has very kindly consented to make his official visit on our regular evening, Thurs.. day, Oct. 10th. This has got to be a 100% attendance. Charlie will be accompanied by Mrs. Charlie so it is imperative that we make it a "Lad- ies' night." He tells me that he has a lot of information that the ladies have never heard before. So, if that does not bring out the ladies, I do not know what ovill. Somehow I doubt Charlie's ability to do this. But he seems quite confident. _ Last Week. Absentees---Dr. Blackstock, Bill Milne, Dr. Gardiner, Sam Totten, Alan Peirson, W. J. Ward. We also had the extreme pleasure of having John Love with us again. Of course, some of you fellows would remember John. He has not changed greatly. Next Week. Boys' Summer Camps-This is the subject that Earl Lautenslager will speak on next week. Earl is an ex- pert in this line and rated as one of the best "Boy's Workers" in Canada. Come prepared to receive some real information. "I hope I'm not interrupting" she said apoligetically, "but would it be cheating if I told you where they are ' Bill is a member of the down town Kiwanis club and is a minister of gospel. His former charge was at Bond Street. Now he is devoting his time under the mew organization for the rehabilitation of the prisoners. His story is one that should be broadcast from coast to coast. Those who are behind the effort are doing some- thing worth while: A -- -. THe following is the copy of the Rotator as issued by the secretary for the week. It did look as if all the talent had gone off to the big banquet but when the roll was called and all the boys were in their places it was not so bad. Those who came heard something th1t_thftovill long remember. Bill McIllory gave the boys some- thing to think over and also showed that the present tend is conservation of all forces available. He called upon the service clubs to do their part in this great work of placing men who have served terms in ou1-ayious jails or PT institutions. Some real admonitions was handed out at the regular weekly meeting of thp Rotary last week, - if? ROTARY 7n "Was It Golf? " Even if you are at present receiving good results from your radio, take advantage of our special offer. At your request we 'wil call at your home with our complete instruments and make a thorough in- spection of your equipment for you. The two dollar fee includes a report of your tubes and batteries, etc., minor adjustments, and up to one hour of our time. (Minor adjustments do not usually require more than one hour). A somewhat lower rate applies after the first hour. Renewal tubes, batteries or other accessories will be supplied at standard store prices. If trouble exists of a nature that cannot be remedied at your home, your receiver will be brought to our fully equipped service shop for repair and returned to you promptly. All work directed by an engineer. T W t R di . es on a 10 Sales ' Service Phone 1340 “m Elias Rogers Standards have changed in garage service as styles have changed in automobiles. Try this garage-you will appreciate the thorough and personal attention. Battery Charging; Washing, Greasing, Storage, ' Tire Service, Etc. School Supplies Typewriting Cruickshank Garage tif Service Station 7 Papers Memorandum Books 54 Main St. N. Fast Photo Finishing Service r PHONE 435 50 MAIN ST. 122 Main St. North Pho: Phone or Call for Demonstration. You will be under no obligation to buy, mGlHARlDSOlhll) COAL COKE TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR SPECIAL $2.00 OFFER Test Our Garage Service SARTELL'S GARAGE SCHOOL SUPPLIES PIANIST-TEACHER Fall Term Commences September 3rd. Studio: Bank of Novia Scotia Bldg., Weston. For Appointment Phone Weston 248 or Hudson 93681. FREDERICK M. POLLETT We Deliver to All Parts of MOUNT DENNIS at City Prices D Owned & Operated By 202 Main St. North T. C. VanAlstyne, I.R.E. (Opp. Church St.) See our advertisement elsewhere in this paper., RADIO SERVICE A. T. SQUIBB Neilson's, Moir's and Hunt's Chocolates. Kodak Film and Supplies. Drugs, Sick Room Supplies. sf School Supplies and Text Bboks., Waterman & Parkevtens and Pencils. Druggist and Stationer Coulter and Main Streets, Weston Phones: Business I; Residence 798 ADELAIDE 6812 One Ton Means 2000 lbs. We Invite You To See and Ride in the New Alfred Rogers,, President Bookseller & Stationer Weston) Ont. NASH 43a Fountain Pens Typewriter Oil Visiting Cards On Display At WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1929' 53% -e-t-l--l--t--xg, Phone Weston 945 Playing Cards Carbon Papers Correspondence Cards COMPANY LIMITED Phone 387 x-42-2-T