Times & Guide (1909), 22 Dec 1933, p. 1

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' Weston Town Council Brings Work of the Year to a Close Various rep'orts were presented by committees. Councillor Foster Rovin- tree, in mounting the report of the Works Committee, stated that his de- partment had budgetted for every month and t the outset of 1933 had determined tr, within its means. There wil lbe any a small amount overapent " the end of the present ' year. He also stated that the unem- Kloyed of the town had put in 4642 ours of labor on undertakings of the Works Department in the town during the year, this labor being valued at $1898. Reeve J. A. Cameron Announced He Will be Candidate for Reeve. has been very gratifying to see mem- bers of Council ive their time and energy so ils',lii,i'thvir, in the service the town," turi ayor S. J. Totten his Iddreu It the statutory meet- 1 of Council last Friday night. "The Ire, the Deputy-Reeve and the others hove been towers of strength to me in the work during 1933." All members of Council spoke briefly. as "fidimr-eteik- Ie- ‘6. Mwsaorr,- Ex- Mayor W. J. Pollett and others. Town Engineer F. Marshall in pre- senting the report of the building and plymbintr department, showed that permits had been issued for buildings valued at $32,225 during 1933, which was a decrease of only $780 on last year. Fifty permits had been issued weaver this building, and $163.50 pal_d irethtuto.w!t treasury. - f Councillor Wright, chairman of the Transportation Committee, which was to discuss the Weston road service with. members of the York Township Council, presented the report. He stated that one meeting had been held and the York township representatives were to call another meeting, but nothing more has been received by the Weston committee. The suggestion of Beauty Reeve Gordon Harris that Mr. Marshall be authorized to utilize unemployed labor in the construction of a skating rink at the high school, was approved by Council. Councillor Ackrow reported that with Mr. E! D. Bunting, President of the Weston Workingmen’s Club, he had viewed land suitable'for the erec- tion of the proposed Club House for the Club. The members of Council were in- vited by the Weston Workingmen's Club to attend the Christmas Tree and Concert let put on by the Club in the town hnl on Saturday, Dec. 23rd, at 2.30 o’clock. “If. his been a splendid year. and it' Town finances were discussed at some length, but it was announced that final figures would not be avail- able until some time this week. Allan Peirson, superintendent of the Public Utilities Commission, presented his report, which was the subject of much favorable comment on the part of the uncil, as the report showed that the c, mmission had finished the year wi h a surplus in two sections. One hu red and forty of the new hot; watt! heaters have been installed in o to' , and this was also the Hub- t " uch favorable ruminant. as t e, field r the installation of these heaters in imitod, so many residents already ”easing heaters of one kind and other. It' was stated that the possibl number of customers for them in W “on Wu 1000. An hono rium of $50 was ordered paid to M yor S. J. Totten in appre- ciation o his services during 1983. The account of the town solicitor. G. Howard Gray, was approved and or- dered paid. _ . . Addresses Mayor S. J. Totten expressed strong appreciation of the co-operation ex- tended to him by members of Council during the year. He paid tribute to (Continued From Page Four) tea", R. J. Flynn Innounces that will seek reelection to that office fo'r 1924. Woman's building permits for 1923 involve I total value of t256,660, with December return- yet to be filed. ‘MounkDenniu Hustlers Romania for .0“ch tannin in 1924. It is m WV! Indies' organization. Wedding his! trt of Miss Kath. lon Ida and Dr. . Emerson Bull of 131W. Rev. G. Forbes Robertson ""Bttr' ”New W.3. No»: (.'2lliUt.tilem'Nd'sdi,d'fft iilfr"iLtf2'.u M “H“ Mt, . EM!“ tt in 19lu--others Are Noet-eommitttu--Mttyor Pays High Iri u_te le, may“ Irtorttt. of Cogncil purine If33, and iLiiiG him For" Their co-o-G-council iiuieLU Satisfaction at Various Reports Received-Water, Power and Light Commission Ends Year With Surplus in Two Depart. meats. Extracts From ql, Files of 10 and 15 Years Agn Forest Kill’l ftrttt village council is and I! ted-mum with L H. m I and Hutu- J. o. in: - hula: Jo n Midg- . B. G. Lay. KC. as on“- I“! w!!! M98311»!!! -iidtidig. and“ ism" " Years Ago NUMBER C ' S. J. TOTTEN T0 RETIRE M TELEPHONE MANAGER Completed 40 Years of Service With Bell Telephone Co. Last April-Began in 1893 Mr. S. J. Totten, who has been the Bell Telephone Company's manager at Weston since May 1, 1911, an who completed 40 years of serviee_with the company last April, will retire on January lat for a well earned rest from active service with the Bell Tele, phype 90mpany. . _ Mr. Totten entered the service as a lineman in 1893 and was appointed Local Manager at Weston in 1911. In 1918 his title was changed to that of Area Manager of district adjacent to and including Weston. In 1926 Wes- ton became a local office, again and Mr. Totten its manager, which posi- tion he has held since. ' His many friends in the telephone business will miss his genial smile and eo-operation, but are gratified that Mr. Totten is enjoying the best of health and will continue to be any)? in his personal endeavors. _ RETURNED AS PRESIDENT OF WESTMINSTER W.M.S. Mrs. A. W. Pearson Again Heads society-Others Of- ficers Elected _ Mrs. A. W. Pearson will again head the Women), Missionary Society of Westminster United Church, Weston, as a result of the annual election held Tuesday in conjunction with the regu- lar meeting of the society, at the home of Mrs. F. W. Moffat, on Den- nison Road. Mrs. G. K. Forbes occupied the chair during the election of officers; and the nominating committee pre- sented the following slate: President, Mrs. A. W. Pearson; First Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. H. F. Penney; Second Vice President, Mrs. James Cameron; Third Vice President, Mrs. A. Sims; Recording Secretary, Mrs. G. C. Dob- son; Nhgrg,'g',t',ti.n secretary, Mrs. J. A. Livingston; reasurer, Mrs. H.. G. s. Jeffrey; Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. P. A. MacLean; Secretary of Christian Stewardship,' Hrs. J. A. Meldrum; Stranger's Secretary, Mrs. A. Smith; Missionary Monthly Secre- "ary, Mrs. G. E. Forbes; Supply Secre- itaries, Mrs. J. K. Moffat, Miss Agnes MacMurchy; Temperance Secretary, Mrs. Gillian MacLean; Literature Sec- retary, Mrs. A. M. Oldham; Press Secretary, Mrs. H. F. Penney; Organ- ist, Mrs. J. A. Meldrum: Super- intendent of Mission Rand, Mrs. Dean Newton; Mission Band Assistants, lMiss Agnes Sims, Miss Queenie (Hynter,.Misye Myielint Penney.. . West York’s Newsy 1Weldr--WEST0,.N, Woodbridge, York, ttnd_ribit1tlrilh1trPhi_rt, . ' b _ . "fa """"e. . a,” Emma t anh @utht who has 'eompleted- oveefortryears' service with the Bell Telephone Company, will retire from active service on January Ist for a well earned rest. Mr. Totten has been the company's manager at Weston since May I, 1911. STUART FAVORS BUILDING PLAN FOR THE JOBLESS Believes Busses Would Be Solu- tion. to Weston Road Trans. portation Problem Lt.~Col. Deputy Reeve R. J. Stuart, of great promise Git she had .to re-l ""” napenenceu “a" ', ctnAid?t.e for the reeveship, Tuesday turn several times to answer the ap-l -- l {light told the annual municipal meet- plause of the audiqpee, . l Never was there a time in the his-I mq of the Mount Dennis Property The Aloha guitar trio was well re- l tory of York Township, when it was, Owners' Association in Bala avenue ceived and contributed several finelmore necessary that the ad histra- school that he is in favor of the pro- numbers. Miss Muriel Martin, dantse- tion of its affairs should be Iced in: motion ora building scheme to insti- use, gave an exhibition of cGssicislit.he hands of experienced and tried, tute work for the unemployed. _ ‘dancing that was a treat to the audi- i then. Pitt a period of financial He felt that such a scheme wouldience, and we hope to see her again inldificulty an heavy unemp.loAmettt.,. be doubly beneficial, for besides pro-lthe near future. ‘Col. R. J. .Stuart has. proved.himself viding work for those who need it, it! Sydney Paul, Tenor, who sang.” be well in touch with the situation. would also mean that houses andl"Trees" by Reabaeh, and "O Soleland always ready to grapple inteili- public buildings could be ereetedlMio" was well received. Mrs. Beth‘KentIY with the proble.my Trich heye cheaper now than in the future, andl Ellis was splendid in her two ref,t,,tli'c'i'h%fe7. the. municipality. His a saving would result. hers. Mrs. Phyllis Carpenter, a iii-ig,,",,"',':,'.?'),'? attitude towards those Col. Stuart also expressef the pram) with a charming personality,) who are ou.t of work arte. his efforts opinion that bus transportation might greatly delighted her listeners. Miss, t? case thtir burdens and 1.rr.u?rovf It: be the solution to the Weston road; Helen Glass, contralto showed to fine: lief eyulitions,s have proved .him 'f" transportation probhem. He declarai)ifect in her solo, “My Dear. [soliii.rttr,ptl, friend of the yttiyr, class. that 0 thing in favor of bus service‘ Signor Augustine Caruso sang an aria His choice as reeve for {.334 a? sue- is the "get that, should it not pay on from Pagliacci. Mrs. T. H. Rog.ersf.'.ie,"Y to Mr. Alf. Grayvill p, 'lf, to one street, it could be shifted to an- was the accompanist of the evening} brink a.tttou.t.'a 'i',t,tib,,il,?g,tig', 12f, Th' other. He pointed out that the City‘and her expression and feeling in her and with his i/fe,','.",':!,, £31“ e $9.0 of Peterboro has adopted this system l long list of numbers added greatly to l matters as they are, m" p to rmg and found it more satisfactory thanl the success of the artists. York back to normal. tram cars. l After the eoneert,Mr. and Mrs. El ------o----- - Deputy Reeve William Lumley ad- _vbcnted a change in the water sup- ply system of the tuwnsh'. He stated that the City of Toronto is chm-{inf too high a, rate for water supp ie to the township users. and advocated the securing of special leg- islation to allow the townshi to insti- tute its own system shoal: Toronto not makrrsome alteration in the price of water. Col. Stuart also expressef the opinion that bus transportation might be the solution to the Weston road transportation problbm. He declared that 0 thing m favor of bus service is the 'tfl that, should it not pay on one street, it could be shifted to an- other. lie po.inted .out, t.ha.t.the City MAYOR S. J. TtyrTEN WILL RETIRE TCrt8iOLl, 6iW. i moms Of comm TO 1 mom: ms BASKETS l Program Arranged by Mrs. T. H. Rogers Under Auspices of l 0.35.15 Enjoyed Weston Town Hall last Thursday night was the ac of. a .most enjoz'l- able concert Ir ' by"Mrs. T. . Rogers and an the auspices of Mount Dennis C ter, Order of the Eastern Star. The large aydiee was given the privilege of healing a real grand [ open star in the out artist, Signora‘ lFantechi TavantL formerly of the famous La Scale theatre of Milan, or voice is so "sarefully trained that each tone ia'dearl defined East (is a wonderful?! tune: violin. er range is so wi dye; dies not lose its mellowness 'sweetness when reuhing the hi notes such as D flat. Her exp ion was perfect, transporting the ‘ence to the scene V .oubennem ' “herggleytjpng ' were chosen and' ins without a , doubt one of .thefipest singers ever i heard in Weston and seldom heard in ' the_larger cities. _ _ .. ... . Her program w“ as follows: 'Neis La Notte Placida from Trovatore, Ave Maria with violin obligato by Gounod and Aud Wiederséen. Miss Ada Cam bell's string quar- tette were a crexgt to her and Rave fine rendition 0 several difficult numbers, showing the careful training they had received in ensemble play- ing. Miss Ada Campbell's violin solo, "The Rogary," by Nevin, was exeep- tionally [30911. l., .-' Miss Kathleen Rogers, the only local artist on the program, gave a masterly rendition of Chopin Valse for piano. Miss Rogers is a pianist of great promise and she had to re- turn several times to answer the ap- pla~use of Pe aqdlqlcq. ',, After the concert, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Flynn entertaimd. lit-their honey- and their hospitality was much appre- ciated by the guests. We congratu- late Mrs. Rogers by whose effort this program was brought to Weston and sincerely hope to have more of these delightful evenings at an early date. if? iDAY, DECEMBER LA 1988 member of well known York County family, who has announced that he will be a candidate for Etobicoke Council at the forthcoming election. He is alson of the late John Gard, house and a brother of w. W. Gard- house. He will seek election as councillor. STUART STRONG CANDIDATE FOR REEVE His Election Would Ensure Con. tinuity of Government by an "or Experienced Man 'Wmer, and m mama? my course of conversation one said. "How's de business?" - _ "Business am sure good," answered the other. "Ah've bought a donkey fo' ten (lollahs, swapped it fo' a bicycle, swapped that fu' a mangle, swapped de mangle fo' :1 bedstead, an' ah sold de bedstead fo' ten dollahs." WILL " CANDIDATE Why Suppbrt Annual Grant 7' For Five Years to Band? 9: Question Is Before the People For Deeisio-utue is "all d the Matter Which Should Be Carried by I Majority " Oh Tax-s-Think the mater out Before A Buried a.“ h Marked-Weston Owes the Band Support. ------- V' "i“ W - ------+ In this issue you will read a mm that puts forth a certain view on the h. S GARDll0ll3E WILL RUN matter of the proposed gm of W'- . 00 to the Weston Ban for the next As Er08kih0i comm five years. The writer does not IP- lprove of the propozal and points 0:1. -----. certain reasons an argumen I . y Members of Well-known Family the gum sfhonld "f, I: vow. Thi. is ' . . N a point 0 View a wo seem, all Follows m Plttts, of Father the face of it, very logical. The write an to er (er argues that itrould be better to _ A third memthe House of t/lrrn, "ails '/t','s'iL22, '31th r" iGardhouse. well known as a municipal trf',,'"',"':',,',""','),',',',;'.",',',"',','.,,,', hegnpm establishment in the County of York, upon to turn ' bzrte. a“ of . V HS about trrmatre-his “WWW pubs 'taiéé'tii -RrraCiriirTririair. “icy ite, Elie life. We refer to A. Stanley Gard- also been i'll'Ulfl'll/, to make A lot house, of the second concession of of private contributions and the drain Etobicoke, and well known live stockmas been very heav . Still the storm breeder, who this week has announcedl is being weatheretl" and PM“ in his candidatureI for the Jittetieetytreirii made. _ l lic life. We refer to A. Stanley Gard- house, of the second concession of Etobicoke, and well known live stock breeder, who this week has announced his candidature for the Etobicoke) township council. A son of the latel iJohh Gardhouse, one time mayor of l Weston, and brother of the irrepress-l '; ible W. J. Gardhouse, Liberal standard l bearer in West York, and e nephew'; of the local squire, J. M. Gardhouse,l he seems- to carry the label that Isl likely to see him through. As a mob! ter of fact, he is startin where his brother and father star-tag, and let lt l hope that he goes as form they went. I ; He_is _seeking election as; councillor, l A third member of the House of Gardhouse, well known as a municipal establishment in the County of York, is gbyut'Eq-- mailtispieittrt-fttbr put?- wows nomumons [ WILL BE HELD TONIGHT -He is, we Eight mention, a cousm of W. W. Giarrdrhouse, Treasurer of the County of York Fairly Assured That Major Tot- ten, Reeve Cameron and Dere uty Reeve Harris Will Run Delivery of this week's issue will have been completed a few hours be- fore Weston holds its municipal nom- indtions. For this reason we are pre- eluded from knowing exactly what the final line-up will be. A close exam-; ination of the situation to date, how-l ever, makes it fairl assured that' Mayor S. J. Totten, Eeeve James A. Cameron and Depuy Reeve Gordon Harris will be candidates for re-elec- tion to the respective offices they held in 1988. - h,egert,trelttttie/eMrr [rig mute or many years t%rWriirirroFhiiiiiy yous m " local [aggressive movements. He has given le ership as presiding officer in the Council and his return for another year would only be well merited rec- ognition of what he has done for his home town. 24mm. i In reference to this grant which in lbut a very small matter, is one that i should be carried by a big majority. It ;is the proper way to promote an or- "tanization that is a decided benefit land a pride to the town of Weston. 1,The Weston band has done a real [OF iviee in this town and the whole com-l 1'i1tie',t'i, It his hbelfiil the mains of gat ering an o in toget er I I'i"GiiG of our boys. It has trained ithese boys and given them something ;to occupy their spare time. The trin- ‘ ing has enabled many of them to be- }cume better citizens and a credit to (the town. In short the work af the iband and its leader has been and to one of the departments of cit milk 'lual training or high school. , has (educated these boys and given them lsomethingoto live for. Does the mat. . , ter of A5 .031 seem too mueh for up); a' service '? You can not estimate what has been done for these boys in cold dollars and Cents. The usociatiou. the trainings, and the discipline has been of the greatest value to these boys and young men. V Then you must remembpr that no single organization has brought more honours to the town of Watch thtm this same band. Under their on he. cemlive tgl. _",',l,ti,t,ir'gtitt,hr. an un- ies y pu e su scrip Ion an w' ments, they have a record to be I to hold. The day is “he” the public subscription in not __ nor can you secure the returns. wt [tom the band mast ye-ttgrit/D., tory way to raise the money a hir,' seated by the moral-d baht!" " ", next five years. t is to hoped t, the people will give this tgrtrlr .. law considerable thought will In. their way clear to give the grunt their . support. ROBERT mumiuns ' mum comvmvas.

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