Times & Guide (1909), 22 Dec 1933, p. 4

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Central Lunch “€736 earih'it entitle put- - to a discount of 50c mm a in. On; coupon to With tun. iii» and " all“ of Coal in Stuck . Properly Screened tl0hL---00lfti %l CARTAGE w yum- ml and yun th" have to scratch your ll perplexity when u and weather comm. Ahe My lull buys his m ‘vlile the mercury tro ”d the price m ,hr 53 Co rd Local "ut',',', Disnnce . mung Find a Spunky Yuri: South Stllinu “General Machine and , Automotive Work fairs to Washing Machines . a Specialty _ I PHONE m " MAIN ST, N, “is. td trom York Times Al ide and presented to A'll Carnage Co. with 0 -- bas. and Night me blade Pastry e Mrs. S. Simmons, 4th Aw mung, Weston. wi,h to . . In nei hbor: for lh"ir mam d"tr'li0 their wrmn pavement, also for the many "toral trihuttts sont. n-‘HI " is worth 50t Aiif tGike yryais M 939 T Ren.; Scarlet Rd. Plume 959 ub- [mulled for Your ___ 7M ___ tor M munch. I. A. mun-ms M It. Toront- under this heading 10e per ' ling. Minimum charge 3‘11“)!!! Kim" Orangeville nmenlal Works murlnu Amerirmrt than“. WHO. mo ('mmdmn. Scot. I“ “fell“ (haunt-s WW,,', with Hm In»! I tools. Jaw-dbl”: WESTON i. "i; in?!" I Tm’m 256 AND UP .90in All: i was: (mama :u ' own: 311;. wood Service rth End kte Shop OF THANKS BEE} mm. $3.00 $3.50 tlt YOU. Weston i I Mount Dennis Locals "PGjdeeds were devoted to (h? hockey (cam of the club, which is composed of local boys. -N.-Y-.-,-rrtr-Ne-.- we» ., A- MIéWOf-FAM4 ', Pry, he was a member of a well known I York County family, and many of the, ,nllier citizens of Weston will remcm-l, _ her him. He left here T.?. years ago: it!) take up fruit farming at Catskill. (At the start he worked on the farm 1 of his Late uncle, Frederick N. Dubnis, lnn whose death he inherited a large) 1 part of the farm. which he continued Lu» operate. He took a keen interest I in public affairs and was an netivo‘ li'igure in local, state and national circles. As President of the Catskill Hoard of Education he did outstand- ', ing work and gave valued leader-shin in matters of school administration, i, for over lt; years. At the same timi- ; he retained a deep interest in agricul- l tural affairs, as the following tribute E from Earl G. llmughtnn, Groom- --T'he Christmas Cheer Entertain- men! will he held in the Church of the Good Shpherd on Sam, Dee. 23rd, at 8 gm, The enteHiitunent is sponsored y all the local ehurehos and is under the able supervision of Miss Ethra D. Wilson. [laid Benefit Euchre -itose Athletic Club held a success- tul euchre and poultry draw at. Legion 'iall, Weston ryad, Monday night. _-Hn, extend ortu,rrtstulations to huruthy 1irovn uf Dennis Avenue, who Woit thes diploma for prufirivm'y on PASSING OF THOMAS RILEY REPORTED FROM CATSKILL Was A Native of Emery With Many Conneetiotts in Weston and District and District 1 And already the annual school lays ----. (are bein rehearsed under the ti'r"e'c?i' Word has been received of the tion of Jig-s Wattie. Mr. Bell and Mr. death of Thomas J. Riley, in Catskill, l McMurray. Any stray wanderer who NA'-.-,---)-.- we» A-Gtirt-oiauLsv.asiitsis-thc practice 11mm: [halts Pry, he was a member of a well known should not be surprised if e hears a York County family, and many of the lusty villainous voice grin out, "Aha, older citizens of Weston will remerilme proud beauty, you are in my her him. He left here T.?. years aro:powuh/' or p? . Sweet bode- to take no fruit Carmine at Catskill. ments! Who can unfix the forest and "Mr. Riley has for years held an important Office in Farm Bureau As- I ‘suiciutiun and both our organization 1 inml other organizations in which he'i Ewas interested has suffered a distinct ‘loss. He was always willing to ar- ', Fume responsibility and to give un-i stintinzly of his time for the further-H ance of agricultural work. The value 2 y of his contribution to the farming in-i .terests of the county will be felt for [ imnny years to come." . The funeral was hold from his late) residence, 330 Grandview Avenue,; Catskill, on December 13th, and large-Z ‘ly attended. Rev. Jacob Van Ness,] Lpastor of the First Reformed Church; of Catskill, of which the late Mr.', l Riley had been a member and elder,‘ i officiated, assisted by Rev. Dr. Cots' lnelius B. Muste, of Brooklyn, N.Y. (Those attending; included reprtrsenta-; Wives of the Farm Bureau and other; [organizations of which Mr. Riley had) been a member, and it was nbviou:’ that they keenly felt the loss they had sustained. To many present iiL ' Riley’s death was a personal hereave' I ment, for he was popular, beloved and ' vet?_pectfd in a large circle. l The honorary boarnrs were Addison P. Jones, Victor Smith, Geo. A. Deane and Louis ll. Dm-kor, all members of the Board of kdueation, and Earl G. tllrnughtnn and M. G. Allrieht, of ', Green" Courtty Farm Ruronu; John T. I Kunmlm-len, Supt. of Schools; Wendell 18. Sherman and Dr. George L. Branch, "Rip Van Winkle Club." I Avtive Mann's worl- Jack Day, Allen illuy, Edward Dunn, Edward Lamp- mun, Arnold Truvor and ('Iurvnco An- dl-rsnn. liuriul wus in the Jefferson '1'mwlng1. 'N Thy pulrlicLgshtr8s were County agent and Minna” of the Furl PsyIsyiu,prill gestify: _ .. ih-rsnn. lluriul was" in the JPfrerson i't'nmvt .R'l'ho public ls were 44mm) ar, . ri 2 r. Itilor and , tho outiro [our ing stuffs attpmlerl thn , funeral. q I Mr.Hliley is survived by his wife. formerly Miss Nvllio Abvvl. two suns. llmllni,‘ nnd Wilium s'., " 'laughter, i,Miss Jamil. all of Catskill, and two lhrothers. William A. and John It, IRile both of Emery: two sictvrs..Mrs. EGonrgv Stmmrt. Thistliwn, anl Miss ll, M. Riley, of Emery. (or columnst 'Vox Lyrm‘ who considecatcly looked after this umn last werk. dour humor. it _ :nwusmmod brill thrs usual porpr't Hall,'. but Wm t Aftor a wovk and mom or arduous preparation, the High and Vocatiompl l.iterarr .'iocictirss are holding their joint Chrie.trrms mocking to-day, and l' wmhly you "with-many tripped an hic mlumn Last wrvk and noted that hs- content, of sump were of a highly 41pm my rrr,turtr and of " suporlaliwly ‘Ium' typo "f intvlligonco. Undoubtrl y you urn-m ugrm-uhly sur vrisod. No, lonr ru-m’r'r. it wacn't " (vimh of un- m-rusmmml brilliance oy _the pang of. From School Halls I WWW “Ac/*aja mar of ‘me'Sch'ml plmluct of that ma- ox Lyrm‘ who 'r'f.' s-.--------.-.--" Ale Itt,0' work in her class. This in (the hird comocutive year that Ike 1 has Won this honor. Her brother Nor- ‘gum has made a tine man also as he ' teu,ty, homo , similar diploma [rum t n rimurv " lull manners of doing are anticipated. iPerhaps the most wonderful thin of lull is that promised hour and a Ul Name after the meeting. Here's hop- ling Mr. Bell and the W.C.V.S. orches- tra have the 'Last Round Up' finished 3 all -On Sunday next, Dec. 24th. in Chalmers Church, the combined choirs of the district will unite in a special Carol Service. Rev. C. A. Gowuns presidimr. The special Christmas messagle will be brought by Rev. Fred Kendall. Mr. George King will be at the. organ and Miss Kthra D. Wilson at the piano. Mr. D. Anderson will mnduvt and a colWction will be Nikon to defray expenses. the Frimarr' Any person who i, incredulous about the fact that the mango is the Cust cousin of tius berry on its mother’s side should drop into Biology class some afternoon at five o'clock and be enlightened, “an...” gm“... fang. Lamar-Him. t ""irr-"="re "22"“?1, 7;; . " should not he surprised if e hears aunumpty, Ring of Hearts, the yt/ti lusty villainous voice grin out, "Aha,iTurtle, the Mad Natier, Tweedledev) me proud beauty, you are in myfand Tweedledum, the March Hare and powuh!' or p? . Sweet bode-wall the other funny people are in thcl ments! Who can unfix the forest undtfilm. All played by such Hollywood mnvo it from its earth-hound iGtr:r".'ltiarr, as Richard Arlen, Rosco Ater; l see-er-l see-oh, fudge!' as theiGary Cooper, Leon Errol. Louise': prospective Barrymnres, Gishes u'iiilii,ii,nd,i,,,' w. C. Fields, Cary Grant,l Tevrys gn through their paws. Iaby Lenny, Polly Moran, Edwam' -----. ‘Everon Horton. Jack Oakie, Edna) Any person who i, incredulous May Oliver, Charlie Ruggles, gs:,'.':) about the fact that the orange is tlie"skiinvovth, and Ford Sterling. ar- iirst cousin of the berry on itsllutio Henry plays the title role. ', mother’s side should drop into lliulngy‘ Naturally, the story of the picture class mmv afternoon at five o'clock is almost identical with Carroll's and be enlightened. immortal yarn. Practically all of the: ___--.-.--. scrnes in the hooks ttiN' reproduced Thumbs Down. No Quart". and faithfully in the film. SAM FACTOR SPEAKS T0 l MOUNT DENNIS LIBERALS Thumbs Down. No Quarter. and faithfully in the film. Th bl 1e,',e"lh)1r,.y'm __ n -- L , 0 ig ter wloyyal s up ut 7i'str:Trrt.Nr:n 1.c, mmsnmvr 's/dyora'e,tv""d"s it ht has gm you F "r' WESTMINSTER P.. The dramatic individual who' .- ------ gums into your eyes, HTSM‘S your (Continued From Page I hand, and inquires thrunli‘ly if you :m- something majestic, venerable intellectual. _ ficant beyond anything we kn 3. The telephone you ‘ggess wro.t.his 4. The unfeeling maniac who face- tiously asks you 'how much didja got in Geometry l" 5. The cavortimt ape who insists on showing you " new step in the wry middle of the dance floor. "Tho Liberal party has had a plank ‘in its platform since 1918 for the for- 'mation of a scheme "f urusmployttwnt iinsuranco." said Mr. Factor, "and thv tragic thine IS that we have not put ‘it into effort until now it is a diificult thiyyt to do? ' ' And now, as we close, may we wish the two patient readers of this col- umn and all others who perchance may see this, a regular Joyeux Noel. Heil- vgo Weichnnchten. and on top of all that, a Merry Christmas, and may your New Year be Happy! M.P. For South Toronto Ad- dresses Gathering in Jo0y's Both the Conservative and the COP. parties were subjected to at-) tacks h Sam Far-tor, M.P. for Southi West 1c"/l'l, during an “address bts fore the Mount Dennis Liberal Assam-l ation in Jolly's "all last Friday niirht., He also attacked past regimes of the) Liberal party for nut living up to thcl platform. I Mr. Factor stated that the Liberal party has a platform now which will "new", tr.adss to thr $2.500,000,000 mark. This will. ho stated, take earn oi tho unemployment cituatiom, He said the prmsr'nt Conservative Gov- nrnmpm has done nothing hut piln up taxation on those whn cannot pay. rtori't caller who maker, After living for generations in storv book land, all the strange, unusual people that roam the pages of Lewis Carroll's beloved fantasy "Alice in Wonderland," have come to life on the screen, They can be seen at the Tivoli Theatre, when? Parantount's picturization of the famous story is my showing. A _ secretary of Toronto Deanery and past president of the Junior Clergx Asusociation, assistant at the Chum. of Simon .the Martyr, Toronto, tor tour years, who has been appointed rector ot the Churvh of thc Good Shepherd, Mount Dennis. . Sweet, x‘Ehlarkably i n t e l l ig . nt 'r't2r 'he gheshire Cat, .'h"He',,'i',i,t',', r91. tht,Wbi.te Jioigltt V 1W21 ty Dumbtv. Rim: of Hearts: the 'PIII “ALICE". PEOPLE I "In this period of painful transi- tion, can Christianity offer a solution to China's family problem ? We can- not offer with any confidence our present Western home life us a model 1 tor the ('hilww. Hut can we not Care- "idly evaluate the good in both the past and the present and help China to prosen'o what is best of both eivi- Jimtions‘.” Dr. Hodgkin. author of i“l.ivim: Issues," believes that the ‘nroatost contribution that the mis. isinnury can make is the establish- ment of a Christian home of the fin- ;nst type in Chipa.. . something m.ajestiD.vetterayle, signi fiept.lteytytd anything we kgnyv." . Elaborating upon each point, she explained that the-family has been, through the past, the center of the religious and moral life; the training ground for citizenship; the cohesive social force; the chief factor in secur- ing national continuity; and the unit of industrial life. "Yet this tradition- al structure," she continued, "so deep- ly rooted in the past, is weakening and disintegrating under the impact of modern Western civilization. The Chinese student educated abroad has imbibed our doctrines of democracy and of the rights of the individual. He has lived in a state where youth is free to make his own choices and direct his own career. He has broken the bonds of tradition and no longer respects the opinions of his fathers." l Tite will be It carol service at St. I Andrews Thisthstown, on Dec. 24th. iRev. T. ll, Butler officiated on Sun. '(luy last, and. more was u good sized (conzre,r,atirm. At' Um conclusion of the meeting, ton was served hy Mrs. Moffat, us- sisted by her daughter, Miss Janet. Doc. mm was White Gift Day at the United Church and Rev. F. Sulli- van “m in rhatg1 Suitable hymns :.nd nzulimb trHI't' nicely rendered. Last Tuesday. the Women's Insti. tute hf Thistlrstown met at the home of Mrs. D..l.ove. A very interesting paper by Mrs. W. Ham: on the meet- ing of the Convention which took plum in Toronto. was given and Mrs. W. Duncan gave a paper on “Histori- cal Rmonrch." About 20 members wow prey-m. The annual Christmas riraw gift and u dainty lunch brought tho program to a close, THISTLETOWN - REV; ROBERT P WALKER We arr sorry tn white that Mius The Stranger’s Return HEATHER ANGEL Ily, the story of the picture Councillor Mertens, Chairman of identical with Carroll's the Finance Committee, said that al- yarn. Practically all of the though the year had perhaps been a, l the books are rvpvodueed little hard in finance matters, it hadi in the film. been a pleasant one, and the town has -- o -- com?)l .tht"/tel', JIt,1,'te,t any serious' , , , , _ , Fr., trou e. P pan tri ute to the townl I“) A} Pili‘iltth , , l hall staff, especially the Clerk, for thv, or “ Ks') “135' FIR W.M.tl, l assistance given the Finance Commit- ‘. ------ _te.e. “I have been very much im-: intinned From Page I) oressed this year with the value‘of" r mai s in I' pm, . si l. our county representatives," sah .lr., :hnd j.fi1tiiinviT) Ligawlgm {Mertons “Although we have severedl ating upon each point, sheiyrnnect.iortwi.t.it Mr. Gar.d.houte, we; I that the-family has seGi,Anoy that in his new position he has; the past, the center of theithe interests of Weston at heart. And) and moral life; the traininsrou.r new Deputy-Reeve was v_rell [,'"; '01. citizenship; the cohesive sewed at the County Council. yyy To; the chief factor in seeur- other members of the rounml havol mal continuity; ahd the unit shown a great interest in the work: rial life. "Yet this tradition-19f the town." In conclusion Mr. Mer- are," she continued, "so deep- l tens s.ta.ted that he had not made up: I in the past, is weakening his mind whether. he would be a can: ntegrating under the impact‘didate for Couneil next year. ‘ "n Western civilization. The; fhyncilly, N'k.rohy, who spoke but student educated abroad hasl briefly, said." had been a..pltasye our doctrines of 'i'iiiiiiCr'a7s'r)ie,r, him to sit on the Council duringi the rights of the individual.) 1933, and that he had greatly enjoyed lived in a state where youth tho wort. , J? make his own choices andi Coun.cill.or roster Rowntrce me 3 own career. He has i,ii:tii,.iiii.'tr,',t.',seod, sincere thanks to the mem- is of tradition and no longer) ers of Couneil as? a yhole,. and to‘ the opinions of " 'iaiia'."L;sithe .mtml"Ts of ys Committee In', tis period of painful transi- l particular, for t.he.ir co-operation "tor-l [ Christianity offer a solution?"K the year just ending. Hy also; /s family problem ? We 'iiiiirar?preei.a.ted very much the assistance; r with any confidence our) 'ttTen hm! by th.t:stair 5." the WW"; Western home life as a model , mi” While he did not divulge what 'hinese. Hut can we not eare- ! otflee he would be a candidate for Il aluate the good in both the I 1934, Councillor Rowntree stated that', l the present and help China ' he WWI" he in the running. . we what is best of both eivi- Councillor F.ckenswillrsr said he N" ‘2... Dr. Hodgkin, author of premium yery. much the vo-operation Issues," believes that tiritxtend..ed to him by the members of vontrihution that the r,iirlouneil and the town hall staff, and ran make is the establish- 'rty.e.t.s.sy, the hope that 1934 would h" a Christian home of the fin- l " "er sueeesgt'u'l PIN:. . . .. emu: curs ' ' lit suntan use mm Too Much Harmony I' MOUNT DENNIS THEATRE SAME PROGRAMME MONDAY I T'CESDAY--DF,C “slim Christan Day 12.07. Monday. Dre. 23th. FEATURE PREsFDiTATttrN RING CROSBY SPRING To LIFE Midnite Show “Royal Castle” Dinnerware May Only Wiftyir,tt OLAND with Linnel Barrymore and Miriam Hopkins Where the Best Pictures Come First & GUIDE FRIDAY AND sATURUAY-itF1C. 22-23 f T tad I how t born be wish“ go a i,,vatryte,tt,nutt'piet'.rru.t,od't; iiE""i't WWI} ii: Thistihtoi'n Weil" _ Gih'ejT iuie "3&5":th event: who took pm. tgt thtrty iii,i,fiiridiija5gGjigi25at {my Coma were well rendered by the scholars. WESTON TOWN COUNCIL BRINGS WORK OF YEAR TO A CLOSE the work of Reeve J. A. Cameron, Deputy-Reeve Gordon Harris, and to f'N______ttte_, tr-..--, " duo [Nina-Inn v”.-. -_tter "e-e-e-ee e-" _ -éiliiiihG. Mortens_ of the Finance Committee, as wall as other council members, for their untiring work in the interests of the town. In ac- knowledging the honorarium voted to him, Mayor Ttetten said, :‘lt does a person gem! to know that his services are appreciated." Reeve Cameron said in part, "l wish to thank the members of the Council, as well as the staff of the town hall, for their courtesy and kindness to me during'my term of office. It has been a pleasure for me to sit with this Council. It is also a genuine pleasure to be associated with men who work so faithfully and in such a business- like way. I had a most interesting year at the County Council, and would like to pay tribute to both Mr. W. W. (Birdhouse and Mr: Harris, ‘Whn‘were with me there as Deputy-Reeve. I am a candidate for the ofiiee of Reeve in the coming year, and would like the support of Council." Deputy-Reeve Gordon Harris thank- ed (‘ouncil members for their m-nper- ation during the year and also expressed appreciation to Mr. Cam- eron for assistance given him at the County Council. He also appreciated, he said, the co-operation of the town hall stuff; . enrzid-r- the :sth camera": Councillor Wright thanked all, par- tieulurly the Mayor, for their kind, ness to him, and said it had been an pleasure to work o,n the council. I Councillor Suinshury thanked the Council for their co-operation during the your. "It has been intensely in- teresting, this Council work, and has horn a real apprentieeship for me," he stated. _ _ Ex-Mayor Pollott when called upon, said that he had not missed a last meeting of Council for 13 years. He congratulated Council on their year's: work, and paid particular tribute to Deputy-Roevp Harris for his untiring efforts in connection with relief. "l hope you will all stand for another year," he said. "lt is a had time fur experiments. I wish you all " very happy Chfisimns." ' Town Clerk M. G. Musson, who was called upon, also spoke. "At this last meeting when we look hack in re- trospeet for the year's work, it seems to me that it has not been an easy one. There is so much morn to it than just coming to council meetings." Councillors, he said, have so much ox- tra work to do which is not are" as ph_\'<icnl work, and the way it is all carried out, he said, is a credit to the men who aspire to municipaLsdficp. He congratulated the Council on their ability, shown during the year, to -iiutiUFtNit"io (Continued From Pane l) in GEORGE "gttr,tttttLr DEVIL’S PLAYGIOIIID W3? 25-26 hop to their expense budget. "I wandered at the first of the year," he stated, "whether it would be possible for you to lump within your budget." Thon- will he balances on the right sidv of the bunks in several depart- ments, particularly that of the Relief 1'itmmittrT, he said. _ _ _ In convulsion. Mr. Musson thanked the members of his staff for their loyytlty to rim. _ _ _ .- Leonard Dasies, speaking on behalf of the junior staff, said "We, as a staff certainly approviato your aplrre- ciation nf us." ' Other: speakers in- cluded G. Howard Gray and Mr. Lawrence. Following the meeting, mvmhers of Council, Ks-Mayor Pollen. members of the town hall Staff, and others, were the wuests of Mayor and Mrs. Totten at their home, in the King George Apartments. 87r, MAIN NORTH ,lTUART F\\‘URS Bl'ILIHNG PLAN FUR THF. “DELI-15$ Hello WeSton! SO WHY NOT COMPLETE YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING _AT' JAY'S? téo,,ti,u,eer From Page I) proliem. Sly: Surnoy Needed A. unit: The need for a survey of the ro- "ihotltroaN lief situation in the township by the . --- newly a tpointed relief board was em- phasizmi by Mr, Lumley, He stated Wedding C that if such a survey is made it is th dnu Mar likely that many items not now " s'llTi'l'ri't', lowed will he found to he urgently gettin' awful It’s Too Late ti/tii tiikiii Town lbw, PHONES: WESTON 676,1 PHONE 226 WE DELIVER 6 MAIN ST. SOUTH Weston Music and Radio _......... Armstrong Door Co. .V.__VV_t...____.._w. Felktu. Bros. ...m.e.____.VVVV_tqeqV_tV__q-q__V-q_F.r-_ The Weston Dairy Co. .evr__t._F._.V__ It, A. Saalmans F_V______.r__.V._FV_._F__VV__rre_ C. L. Coleman P.FFFV_F_r. _rrFV.FFFt.FF_r.VFF_r__F_ Alex. Cruickshan.k .Frr..rrrr_r.rr.FFr.rr.e__V_ The Weston Coal Co. .rrt.eFFt.V__.. Richardson Radio Co. .rr..rrr.rr.VF..._ Betty‘s Limited, Mt. Dennis f in iy"tr/ii' Inr.d"'/t)ii,s' nii""'ri'ow"'ri"siiJfi'di/t -r'iv," and out: confetti'" ' I "d wdl hm {nund to he urgently gotlm' awful gritty," 2.00--2ao ON C.K.C.L. Special Christmas Programme iiriii'iirirFiiiii iiLiiiiiii LePAGE’S FRUIT MARKET Open Every Day Till 10 Fm. and Christmas Morning A Complete Line of Cut Flowers, Flowering Plants, Christmas Wreaths, Christmas Trees . _ SANTA CLAUS' WILI. SPEAK TO THF, BOYS AND GIRLS OF MT. DENNIS AND. WESTON DURING THE PROGRAMME Ind-lug Tn IN Lo.0.r. HALL. CHURCH ST.. WESTON mu“. BBC. 22ad At 8 my. f Listen in Saturday "RITISH CONsoLs Watch For Special Feature At These Big Guns: AMIBSION RAIL sins A. L , as: l ”‘33 u I (W A." In M PLAYING AT Tkr. MAPLE LEAF GARDENS May the Fruits of your Yuletide be Happiness and Prosperity JANE ST.--city and-Suburban Delivery Sponsored By WES"NN'yl LEADING BUSINESSMEN All Kinds of Fresh and Smoked Fish nouns IM‘ MY WY ”GIT FISH AND CHIPS 7.30 MONDAY NIGHT OF COURSE . (J. o. 1'OLLYER) DRC. 23th TWO GAMES gag's WESTON ON THE AIR! I“ Tu - Radios, Music, F,'tc. Doors, etc. Cleaners & Dyers Milk, Cream and “utter Watehmaker and Ji-wollor Tailoring: and Furnishings Garage and Service Station .Cnul. Coke and Wand Radios, Refrigerators. Etc. James, Jellies, Marmalades needed. Ho advocated relief upon a set basis of commodities so that the same amount will be given no matter what tht price {lpctuatimis misr1.t.tAet Councillor William Noble, Giididatef for deputy reeveship of Ward Two, stated that the Board of Supervisors will save the township many hundreds of thousands of dpllars by the refund- ing of the debentures over a longer peri_od of years. _ ' . "The action of the Consolidated Public School Board in establishing a dental system in the schools has lmen attacked," said Trustee Frank Oke, seeking re-election. "The system is justified by the fact that already this year l,Mri children have been treated and there has been Mt ex- traetions and 5.223 fillings. Now the children are in better htralth." H Trustee A. G. Orcjnrd, also seeking re-election, declared that the hoard is trying to give the best gimme edtter tion'to the pupils in he Wig: schools. He declared that the-hott' in giving efficient administration) is successfully grappling with a big prtlgem. . , Wedding Guvst--"This is your four- th daughter to re! married, isn't F..'.." roirnpeakers were A. Welsh and A. Macburon. candidates for the 9.30 V Mom: .I.-momN AC ”TIES SERVICE MELROSE 5292 PHONE 916

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