Times & Guide (1909), 22 Dec 1933, p. 6

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- - ..._._. """' _-. -.e -e '.'" l _ . . ~~_._ -..‘_..-, "er . . , ' a I very moderate rwe._ t hustmu at Post offiee (been in Toronto only two mouths. iiN!i?iiii, " 2h't'r "yyie gt. a _ --There will be one delivery uf "raillThe entire proceeds were given to N 'sptst of Keete Street. x-it l m. Weston on Christmas Day. The provide Christmas Boxes for the pour ------o------ _ _ _ l wickets will be oxen (rum a to 10 UAH., m Weston. cceth"intt,'1tt, "pif,it',ii,t' .1? i, tyusrt'ttla'io"Jt,i, ',taih,et),ent'1htc2"yl ------u----- m ttttttdns St,, and prepamid to rm I for box 'lluldcrs. The l'uslmaster ro- chI work drom his many old cus- l pnrt> that Christmas mails are abuut MRS' M. E. SMITHSON AGAlN WI " well as new. x-lt 1 the name as last year. "Fmg CENTRAL a R h --Miws Campbell'" Golden String q-tttty (ave several selections ut ai tight, in the Weston Town Hall last) my waning. (Hume?! was given l . my? Chritsmas Boxes for the} Fini, Weston .-Two Christmas "utvrtuiruucnts was staged at Westtninstur Church ttts we ' the Primary Drpzu'tnwnt WW their convert on Tuesday night, 'ltd,'? Wednesday night tho Main T l resented a musical mnlutu "id hours white gift service. -Tonight in the Baptist Church. an Children will be given their usual mum‘s supper. and at oight n'clnck l [romert will be held. Mr. Oliver, Mr will present the Christmas) equal tt Dickens. There will be the! ml iistnxas tree and Santa Claus will be in attendance. 1 ' ------o----- 1 Cyclist Struck _ I . Two Homes Kohbed L --Struck from behind by " cur while), --TWO York TowgishIP housis “"‘l""pushinz his bicycle south on Wmtulli‘ trliuti.tr"yrday night, "H" " "u,eTi Road Sunday. night, Russell Foxhugedt‘ tity of ire'g.IT and “WW?" tu.ly'u. fl',") M, of It; Gilpin Ave., was severely We of W. ortiF, If Grey f r'rstusnt, bruised about the body. Harold Jones, was 'ttttterm! by means M u 1lyit.,t,',1ifj,er, Av.enur.driyT of the car. T- he ' Ind rings. brooch”, sticeyitticlmoied the injured lad to the Office. tG' links, and money taken; hal‘ly‘nf In. J. H. Nesbitt, where medical yen“ gta"E'tty, $333. f, "A321" Haunting was 'IC,','; tPigixwabhz'ter am?! mg a urs . rm'. e " ito go who. ,onsa P e..e_1'r. o L to i,iii,'iiiia2ijie, horhhumq may I:,": ', York Township police investigated. I unlock during t r nrur , ant l, ------o------- I jewelry and opera glasses stolen. -. ) Service Station Entered _ [I Newest and Latent Drug!» 'ttet Bud Varis, ('nnr'la we 8. Sugar Bowls and i'rvam Jugsnlelcrutrly urn-ml. . nice Watch, Cluck or Diu- ' a a very moderate grin-e. ppud at 2837 Dumbo: t., a how out of Keele Street. x-lt “W of Thistletown will ,tdtmtrt.ttiias. may from , to lock. Thine has es are to be ara' up.“ _ - -ettas, M "itqt- ' ML fshitsa gig-m More rf, our an! am. ”In “t I. $1.2! Silverware GIFT CHINA m Local Items Citrarette h id,eal ttift for mm 82.75 to I GG -iiiiihiif,iuit?.ertxi; Ihe Optii 1ciun, 2837 Dun as, n ew doors eust lot Keele Street. FV x-lt iP%al" IIDIIIO I --A splendid progrumme was pre- Aeyrtd on Thursday evening at the _ Weston Town Hall, under the auspices """'"r"r""""""rr"r"r'rrrre/aut.' " Dennis 2eriti; No..207, --Could an gift be more awe tablel . .S. Srgnoifa Fault-C I- avanti was than a nice flitting air of t'll,'t'tll'll,',t/ the sr:,',',',',','. tirti.tit,.t.stitiititeti by. Mrs. ll. when supplied by 'dl') and. the Opti- [ H. uners. pianist, and Miss Ada clan, 2837 Dundas, a th' doors Jirf?,teyrtrh, vi?lit,siytv, tsud other .artEts. of Keele Street x-lt bignora Fantechi-Tavanti, Lynco So, . v- prano, was formerly of the famous La Ch . h ' _ . “Seala Theatre. Milano, Italy, and has “an” " Potit Office ‘been in Toronto only two mouths. --h'uttttt Claus made his annual nut to the inmates of the Hospital at Thistletown on Saturday, vaunted fry 50 tnemlrers of the Knights of Colum- bus. Artur the staging of a Christmas show, the boys and girls received gifts. The male choir was in charge of Gerald Kelly and the party was organized by Fr“! Cartan. chairman of the automolri e co . ‘. mini 1m: mum Hum nab '" unangr _ '"'rT.' _ "CV-. - . I --W---- of Gerald kelY and the party was i)iii"t1eiii',',' helrd 1ft; annu'rl tnmxtlglf‘ ---- . or anizol by Fre Cay-tam chairman an! vet mun) u ICPI‘S as 'rl .‘i . Trl') 1u'i',r,/2eiafiig,t,tgc i,',?,',','.?, xratlfyn}: or"'..',',',',)"' ziif 't'iisi'iiiii'i/)iom.8.8ifl HONOR Itou, V____~M o----. W1U' were L'IVPII at" 9 " " . " --At Central Church on .r'suuGy.a officers were elected for PY,,: Humor-1 AT MEMORIAL SCHOOL >|wciul Christmux Missionary ul‘forin sary Presidents, Mrs. H; E. Wellwuod,! “ill ire take-n and envelopes i1'(fsrrtlll'ri,ir'r,., H. Worden; l’resuk-nl. Mrs. M. Frm T-." . {or this purpuw. The calendar car-l.. Smithson; lst y.ice llres.itlen,t, Mm.“ lilo fulluwnig IS Ill“: Nuvmnber mies--tkis-aptrealr 1'4s-ma9y-yastsusC, 1Lu,_Lul1; EDS! Ltyt, r1.'rerily1te, Mrs. 'lc1yyn' Roll for Memorial School: Canada and in lands overseas, Mission-j A. S Madam; Hen-Mann: Secrgial‘yj Ci"rr'"iNt'.C'tliih'" 'NFiUrtti, -N0iten My doctors, nurses, evangelists aryL, Mrs. Stanley LaRose; Financml Secre- ( Dillistone, Dorothy Beurdall, James other workers are ministering to the, .tary, Mrs. G. Y. Snider: f.'eee;s,,p.e,t,1riiiG%i, Hill. Jack, Teacher, V. needs of mvn, women and children ine.?, Secretary, Mrs. L. Taxing; Treas- i Lowens. tlw name of Christ, for the extension) urer, Mrs. W. J. Ward; Pianist, Mrs-i Jr. Iv.--Matgaret Neale. Edith ol whose Kingdom this Gift is “a!" M. J. Rowland; Pagi"yyy:r' (”mienef.” Brigham, Mary Lcuty, Eileen Poole, cated." ll!“ l iyor/i)eifp,1iyid.'/y/T1t,'n;'o'r"e'a' Cuthbertson. Teacher, C. -----0-- l At the annual meeting of the Wo-; q ?.',e.,c1',l"1G"1f1er" 'ie""'"' ,'lfl)i1lyo'lh,' Service Station Entered . men's Association of 'rir1rll'ivt,i'if'1iiijii' Iglgt rd,',' T!12,-hd,1tl1. o-Thieves, broke into the SunucuiUnited Church, the following officers f.e.tlyn, 0 y uson. , . ~0rvice station at the corner of Gil-'were elected for the coming year: Fraser. ' . _ V ' lwrt Ave. and Rogers Road last week.i Honorarv presidents, Mrs. J. K. Mor-': secund--Willium bymom, Murray hut nothing was taken. They smasliedlfat, and Mrs? G. E. Forbes; 'paiiliiuft,lac1)yrtalhi, Donald Warren, Helen a door panol and opened the lock fromiMrs_ H. H. Rudolph; lst viciVpresident,Arc1olini, Harvey Bell. Teacher, N. M. tlu. msio. After breaking off thelMrs. Gillian MacLean; 2nd v"tcewresi-':Fuller. rumhinatiun “Wk on the sate, the menident, Mrs. J. Wells Fraser; 3rd vice-l First-Robert lleviiiulnn. Ann Itisn- tutLst have been frightened awafy, forlpresident, Mrs. Peter Lindsay: 4minihr, June Richardson. Marian Shier, Hwy left without owning the sa C. In-iiceoresident, Mrs. Alex Barton; "36.211055 Dubson. Teacher. it J. Scracc. sptwtor of Detcetives E. Old and Stir-ism.” Mrs. S. A. Madman; min-sou"; gown. of “Natives l,. Gray, of theorrs'. Alex. Sims; treasurer. Mrs. E.lri=-t--r-""'"'"""'"- York township police force, an- mChllla; mite box secretary, Mrs. Alex.; ' vstiguting. I Sims. , ' --North York residents on relief. Mrs. K Smith, Mrs. J. A. Livingston, will not get an extra full voucher ttyrs.. J. C. Irvine; convener of re- Christmas this year as promised by'; freshment committee, Mrs. J. A. Cam- township council, the resolution 1fririii.' vomiting it being quashed by thyl . Members of the association ex- authorities at Ottawa. f3elyctantl,v. 1t),vg,is.isjcji, appreciation of the untiring was announced at Monday's meeting work of the sident during the past of council that last week's resolutionl year and urged 'tll'. to continue in this would have to be rescinded. It waslomce which she has filled so ably. also announced that [vital outstanding', Mrs. Forbes read a mite box story taxes in the municipality. amounted tnit-alled "Money gauge." and the mem- $7ll,468 at December 15, as compa.yedliG.T, enjoyed a 309i,” hour while tea syi.th,Srf"//0? for the "orrewonuinrlviiti, ser%d hy the executive. date lust fear .__.__‘,_____ --F'im, believed to have been caused) by carelessness on the part n! tramps,‘ completely 8estroyed three large barns) on the farm of Cameron McCrae, '.',"; the Fifth Line of North York Town- ship. early Sunday morning. The (mm; er managed to save a numbel oC; horses, cows and igs, but a quamityl Ff implements 'l'u"fiiiil'l were a tnlul? oss. l Lack «of telephone communication made it impossible to summon the North York Fire Brigade in time to save the buildings, which were won destroyed. the loss being estimated at $3.900 __ _ A A _'l'lrvrc urn going to luv a hut "(yr-"sling; Ree-l happy children in Wrv,trm this Christ-' Him-Sec., C. Gil man, thanks to thr local boy 'eicout,u; Peck; Marshall and llw Wvston worRIng men's Mth‘. Whalon; 2m who arr wnrking tngethur vrtuctrtinst?y.tmitteertt.Y1, uawl toys and transforming thmn into! mitteeman, Bro glistvning now creations. Thpy will mitteeman, Wo be distributed to all newly vhildrt-n m I Committeeman, the town at the big Christmas tn-oil’lyi 5th Comn calvhratiun 1rvinmstatted hy the Work- I Cruwkor: Audr ing Mrn's Hull in the town hall oan‘inlny. Wor. Saturday afternoon. So far morn than Wor. Bro. A. ( 200 toys haw been ‘hrought in. And ' _-__ lwsidlw that, a group of buys undm‘i ol Richard Amsell is busy every tin)“ . A making hrand new toys in his cellar Dell workshop. Some of them, trained at The sympath the vocational "shool, are turning null district gops n all carts of games. Kvery nerdy child I Simmons, of 4t who turns up at tho Christmas treeAn the death of is going to get a big bag of candy and Audrey Ivy J a lot " other [nod things. The Chrirt- r {rows and 1 Mr, Ml'Crao- stand that for time hl- had "veit hath-rm! hy ninth who travellv" nu tlw m railway track, and “In: :1va i balm, PM 280 I IAIN ST. N. WI MIMI 'P‘I'ONI £33 ferry Christmas to All! W. B. REABURN Ylnlley's. Potter & Moon‘s Lavender, Palmer's. Vii-din, St. Denis. Wlternu‘s Writing Sets, Neiluon‘s Ind Moira Wm: ARE JUST A FEW OF THE ITEMS AVAILABLE HERE Far I Convict: List of W Visit Our Store . XMAS CARDS-TAGs-SEALS-ETC. DRUG STORE GIFTS RICHARDSON’S Beautiful and Useful Radio Service I. D. A. DRUG STORE We Invite Your Inspection of Our ("rd1ttiilrliifts. RUDOLPH G AGAIN " King St sun“: trun- par by in his nu mo in an annual ulfuir of the Working Men's club. Many organiza- tions hive been co-operating to round up used toys MRS. M. E. SMITHSON AGAIN l 551;; HEADS CENTRAL a. RA., my; Annual Election of Officers Held Last Week-Gratiot", Reports Received Mr; iii. irgcrrr/ce,rnirvaionat Cute vener, Mrs. H. Breedon. Annual Meeting of Westminster Church Society Held-Mrs. Forbes Gives Story Program cummittee, Mrs. Dancey, Mrs. A. Smith, Mrs. J. A. Livingston, Mrs. J. C. Irvine; mm'ener of re- freshment committee, Mrs. J. A. Cam- axon. Members of the association ex- pressed appreciation of the untiring work of the sident during the past yggr and. 's.l'i.s'i'G"lkt: to 'i.t?.n.'ir,'ue in ‘this Ceutrul United church.wotuy.u's [huh of Inttmt The sympathy of Wnstmount and (district zoos out to Mr. and Mrs. S, jSimmnns, of 4th Avenue, Westmount, An the death of their infant daughter, Audrey Ivy Joan Simmons. aged p, ‘months and 11 days, on Dec. Nth. Death was caused by bronchial pneu~ 'monia. Surviving are four brothers and two sisters at home, the parents, Jud the grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. :Wm. Bannister, of Toronto,_ -r, . J. ll. FINLAY, L.0.L ELECTS NEW OFFICERS Lodge Will BeHeaded For 1934 By James Antrim As Worshipful Master G Wm. nmnlswr, Ill mummy. -c' The funeral whm on 1181'. mm. at 2 o'clock. and intnrmnnt was mad in Riverside vpmetery. Mr. Robbins n? the Westmount Gospel Tabernacle was in chug: oCthe services. ASSOCIATION PRESIDENT The election aniripstallatjort td "T' UBITUARY THE TIMES & GUIDE imported to Etobicoke Council at its meeting last Friday by the township engineer, W. H. Walkm. The report showed that permits, representing ‘ $755,860 had been issued as compared i with $488,863 last year. A great part iof this development is In the Kings- }wuy district. " As u gesture ad uppieviutinn for ‘the work done in the township by m [5%. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses' Assoc- iation and the Victorian Order of lNurses, council paused grunts of $25 , to each of the bodies. The "rprescnta- Hives of the organizatium ,rep,o.rttd I '1 Jr. Iv.--Margaret Neale, Edith ." Brigham. Mary Lusty, Eileen Poolv, “Noreen Cuthbertsun. Teacher, C. _ Ross. I Jr. 1V.-9h-nest Tlurruitim, Alfred iLaidler, Raymond Murrow. Sr. UL-- 2 Arthur Foster, Juhn Ferguson. Teach. gar, A. E. Lawrie. I Councillor W. A. Arm~1mng an- lnqum-ed his candidacy for tiw reeve- lshlr following the retirement " Reeve l Wi lium Clarkson, lleputy-llon-vv W. L. [ Stephens and Councillors H. Smith and ( A. Roberts stated that they would ! seek re-election. iia"uJtui%nrtiT//iiirlieutw hid tak, on place where the nurses “ore in at. tendance. It.') A recurd.incrmwe in building was . , It " ‘///\ 'Thiii'ri9't" F'v2 r'-' Cr'Cr.U" 'L'?.rc?i'JV "c,rru 'qC"iliielrt wan-'1 Si'irpt Sr.QCised L'k'irs'5? Van '"i%'rsdBQ imFir W?! was" V13" a 'dliialll I"fftctf"dillttfE'ttillllljlhllll,,'f HAS l RECORD INCREASE ill',"' 34 MAIN ST. WESTON tut Satisfaction T win Features . Economy KIRBY’S 5 -10-15c th ' $1 .00 Katharine Hepburn qqVV_ Joan Bennett s,,.,,?.-, _ . Paul Lukas .. _rrrrw_r___ qVrV_ .. Frances Dee qrrrrrrr.r__r___r_ .. Jean Parker ._____Vt_-__r_r___ ., IEdna May Oliver T ,, ,. Don lass Montgomery (l'llll8 Sfephenson TT_T_vr_ “LITTLE w"Wi', Spring Byington v___etr_rrFr_ _r.r_____ Mum Samuel Hinds qrrrrrr_____rr. _ ....Mr. March Mabel Golcord VVVrqq T.TV Fr___ ___ .. qrrF ”Hannah John Davis Lodge _..,.,.,............)), Nydia Westman _ .. ___rrt'F_ . ___. Trv ...Mamle The himdred million who have pre- served their admiration for "Little Women" will cheer this reverent, ‘scnsitive and lovely film Ida union lot the book. Women have nog Uert diféiéd ti/sei, an emotional treat in many years. Rejoice that Hollywood has not tampered with the story. Bless the dialogue writers who preserved the actual lines of the book, Thank the director and the imspived castin that each character stands out as "light) as it was etched by Miss Alcott. And above all, take dozens of handkeehiefs when you see "Little Women." The four girls who play the Little Women were born to do it. You have lKatharine Hepburn, as Jo, stealing the film as she stole the original story. iii? Bennett plays Amy. Frances Dee is Meg: Jean Parker is the saint- Jst Beth. _ The supporting characters are cast ‘with the sam&cara They are played Iss Eglna May Oliver, Paul lJIukas, You remember the story so well that no outline of it is necessary. The set- gingx violate_ no detail .of your imag- TirrGiGirarii't"eGTTtiu-iGtrieFrrir- cording of a popular book which ever has been made. inea ones "ciiliJwomert'r will have its Lin- udian premier at the Uptown Theatre, Toronto, Sat. Dec. 23rd. "l can't see any sense in talking when l have nothing to say."--]. P. Morgan. By “and Phttut 4 (New York Mirror) The Cast: In every minute frame at I: 'I'/ w i) ill) Esme" new“ ..Fritz 'tre?) Trr' _r_____ "c,rrf,,'tt _____ _‘....,.,.,..Bet ....Aunt March _____ F_.r-_e. Laurie Mr. Laurence _r.r_____ "V" Murmee ....MI'. March .. qrrF ”Hannah ,..........‘......Brooke _r____ Trv ...Mamie 17.75 AT "There are still a lot of people in "There is more anxiety in England the world for whom sex is not the about the international situation than most irnportant.thiuir"--Ge0rge M forpttany years pust."‘Sir John Cohan _ The only way to have more on hand at death than you saved dur- ing life is the life insurance way. Life insurance is the only financial plan which guarantees the whole face value of the contract as soon as the first instalment is paid. ' . If the purchaser of a life insurance policy dies after making only one payment, his beneficiary receives the full face value of his contract. On the other hand, the estate of a policyholder who lives to a ripe old age will receive more at death than was paid into the company dur- ing life. So far as we know life insurance is the only financia plan which operates in the fashion. It's a {act worth considering. ,, ... . . . i .. . A I _ " N, =__.t_'.__. .,_._L V'FILLVb1 "yum“, ... ...v ........v... -eev -- -.--- -__e_ - m We will be glad to digscuss your investment and protection prob lems with you, i you will Eignify your desire to have us call. GAMES BOOKS DOLLS 15c-25c b-2b. bps tl, W’s-“"TOYS _ TOYS or Ma, KINDS Tops. Dishes. Mechanical Toys Trucks. Teddy Bears. Animals. Aeroplanes, Billiard Tables, Kitchen Cabinets. Banks, Blackboards. Chimes. 5-Pins. Blocks. Moulding Wax, Mouth Organs. Everything Imaginable OUR'PRICES ARE THE BEST OBTAINABLE Light hor Christmas candle of joy with flowers. And - v-l-nmubor, there are no flowers more beautiful, no ttlk-?-:'-? Christmas plants mole fresh and lovely than those ' \\in our shoppe. f Weston Flower a. [Shoppe THE ONLY WAY Old Mill P.0.--Toronto Representative THE DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY Held Office - Waterloo, um. Heart T. W. BEAMISH 19A Main St. N. "pttoiti, 198 Greenhouse: Scarlett Rd., Phone 298 (‘nmr m and brawn around. Meet your ”but " KIRBY‘S and mm your shopping tk profit pleasure. HANDKIES Sitmm, A Wonderful Asa-1mm . 5e--10e-13e Dainty Boxed Handkies 1.ie-23e--33e and brawn

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