WESTON TaM.. South Station St. T M 939 Ron: Scarlet Rd. Phone 959 ' Sales laughed for Your li Cord tl and Long Dist-nee Moving Piano- I Speciahy It ' Cord I. P0 LLETT Walla [gash appoint- " hanger of thNoromo B6atrlet of the Bell Tele- l'nly. “acceding Mr. A. J. I _i*tisltas been appoints" “a." of the Brantfnrd Thus appointments become January in. “STRICT MANAGER Ns ad from York Times, do and presented to I Carafe Co. .with (Cl wi l entitle _pur- tdlmmnrol 50e on a 'Ellpon to ouch ton. btseimt and success of labor I a: dependent upon the "ipqefesrrttf the other." RTAGE "but: 351 . IAIN ST. N. m Gnome Meals 2Se AND UP an DH and Night me ade Pastry b', “Iliad Avenue 148 .’ Pupil: prepared for Exnminntmn. r---00ltti is worth 50c tttlr, screened ' " . Nel Pt' unanimi- trrieed rUht. {a} Lunch of Coal in Stock dr Screened Setvice thing to do "ttr money BEE} Am MI drum. i'i'ifi"iiiiiircirt 7 A TEACHER ...rt.r_ $3.50 $3.00 ifai. , V Ibo um Bell, KN., of lee,',',': ‘Rev , in ahty 'e,tt,t,i.nct, the Cottage Nutss .cPittg I tng Home for t e winger months. 'hy f? hetii"itrthiikati, lie; on Thahsday unit. Mis. litâ€. of Int WOOL . Christmas 2t Symnuw is extended to Mr. Iten- tat gate and sons of 4edieortte, treat. in the loss of who and mother on Wednesday of this week. i The Women's Association is "10mins: inext Wednesday afternoon, Jan. 3rd. lin the Humbervale Church, at 2.20. , As this is the annual meeting a full attendance is requested. Mr. and in. Campion Carruthers, botanist. an to be- congratulated on the It',) of a daughter, at tho Cottage - ursing Home on Dec. 27th. Mrs. J. Jackson. Downsview, who has been confined to the Con-Afr Nursing Rome has recovered <u.’ i. viently to be taken home. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perks, of Pointe Au Baril s ent the Christmas holi- days with the latter's sister, Mrs. S. Wilson, and Mr. Wilson, Main Smw‘ North. It is expected that, due to the eavement suffered this yreek by Lt, B, quingbam,_ serviges in i The Sacrament oi th" Lm-(h Supper will be observed in tlw morning of 11119 lst Sunday of this Now Your, Jan, envement suffered this week by Rev. It, B. Ledingham, services at the JtteahyteriaschusrhmexLS1uuiay-w0 be taken by Rev. W. M, Mackay. 1th? chum-h uro- with Rm. H. F. On Wednesday evening, January Wm, at it pm. an lnterdenoutinutional Prayer Meeting win he hnld in Cvn- tral Unittul Church, under the auspim-a ot the Weston Ministerial Association. St. John's Sunday School annual Christmas treat was hvld last night in the Parish Hall, beginning with supper for the kiddies at 5.30 and the concert was presented for all at 7.210. A splendid program w» avrancrml. m, St., John’s Anarseacshson Mist/tie.1'ltirk.t.e is siisi,ti.,t,ttr may Friends of Mrs. Dave [Immune will my?! to.. letrn ttat.whi,le shopping in the city.lusl Week. she fell arid sustained a broken hip bone. She was rushed to Toronto General Hos» pital, where her condition latm. was given as fairly good, an. Mapiohurst Lodge, Daughters of England. held a mom <uccvssful Poul, try Euchre in the L0.0.F. Hall, Church Street, on Friday, Dov. 22nd, with the prize winners as follows: l, Mr. Yen; 2, Mrs, Stanley laPvosp; '.l, Miss Cor, 4, Mrs. yfr'rttil; 5, Mrs. Bak- a; Winvnéf's of the froV-ez'e-uut wire as follows: 1, Mrs. Hastings; P., Mrs. Lond; 8, Mrs. LaRose; 4, Mrs. Ward. The sympathy of the community in extended to Rev. R. H. lmdinzhnm, and Mrs. Ledingham, m the tlnuhln- bereavement they hare suffered An the past few days. On Sunday, Dun 24th. Rev. Mr. Ledineham's brother, Thomas Lcdingham, who residwl at Woyburn, Sash., passed mm ', and or Tuesday of this week, wort? was re- treived that Jim Ledingham, another brother, 1T.2itt,"r"/, away at his home at Durham, ntario. extended ti, Riv. R. B. Ltsdiruthhm/ If it's rml-lmrkov vuu 'dyp lamkin-v 'e1a'vtgdt1ievhTa'dn stuhtrchu11irtj, why 1ou't mks this 1iounle-heud- Gi, pas} few da 3; 'ti' si'f,'ll; l 'ni) I on " R5n‘1nu .llir1k {nary y'et.it1osrluy Mth Rev Mr‘iédin 'hiiif.'s, b',u,'f.",'..)yy/, Saturday, “spe‘cmllyjf they :n'-- Thor'nns Liiiiai'tTii 5m; 1:0“de 'illjrhe, to M anything like the tuo Woyburn Sask. pnsised min , and or' unmof survmil up ty? the customers trir Tuesday li' Gil week wortrwn: w- I Dec. NHL. The first Came yasr.tli" ceived that Jim 'caii'wiiiii' iiii/tihl “mini" oi thy ryltht, when the fact- brother had assed away at 'hi) home '; lruw-lhng 1,litu,ril yuungstmw "rt- at iiiiitiaG 8llifr"l, . . T 'fvntr-d tlu- s'tsrckrYaryl Packers 1-0 ' ' m. . ‘_ 19nd made them like rt when the gm Pupils of the Woctnn hr'uwh of th, 11â€â€œ! tgi',',]." “M Nst uud hraavy in tho _ . q 'Ati l . Toronto Cyvs!'rv.a.tory. of MIrsit. will: Th: gnmv st,urtol out with both T/fr',',', $351332? /1ttJ,it."itip."t.i'trh', ,tnnm's playing " Wkly-0pm) Camp, but 2 30 tG k . 'Tii _ ' , le: ' . .'. , ', tlut ( :mlcimvn rr-hml an tqm'-rttat1 .at 'ifif, M "0 . ' 301mg artists yill. n vtrshes. while the tlnuhlwhluv gm'v an will. (i [1;er :3"! It?“ Kwart, Mimi [ vxhihition pr I'nru‘nrvi paysinIr, with ,','e't"t'.'" bi; 2,' IN}? real',': "ie Jon- , {hum nu'n In on (Wm-y play. that Wits Wil, J rot YR 1llr'"'l'; _ .Mgmrtt ( " trtrat to yum-h, and phly the stnllnr M ri , 227:1†ob {Pt- . /'lit?, 'fl‘N.i\\-ork Hf (hum-r Hull m tho m-h' for 'd,'?,',')',) l F/fll'a/,, P trsvali'i,1"i',' “at: _l'c,' I'y4itt't lou". thom "iT the wstutt't' Sainsbury, Evolw‘n Graham, Emmi" 3:“ Ill tii' i"""."": . _ . , Thornton. Winnifrod Bridgman. “MW _: 1n annulul pvnmi'wh just as fust inn Canning. Viola anlaml. William 3"" play 1ivlrniryx-rast attllyt.h de- showy Joan Morrison, Hw'h'n Hand,; tumm- m‘rn- hunth'nLr out \tlH Inuit;- Gordon' Wood, Paulirw Allen, '/','i'iitht',tht with, a trliny; tff/wt. Pythr' Weisdort Hilda Wright r?ri'i'tl'/l'vyliryyy.1; ol the Irsyir1v.ihlvs., and l ar- Luekett. 'met Wont†'iiiitw, Pie- ', Imllk putatxgkun " XIII-play thitf waif}! I . ie, . ", _ mu'o . "Ni y-unu: . trr 1 srrttt,,Ph.vlli: Cameron and Roth Cal ‘minutm of nluv. Plunging: tank 1 Bro-to-Partridge An interesting wodding was sol. emni'zed "rt Friday. D00. 22nd, at 5.30 o'elork, " the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. Partridge, 276 Maple Loaf Drive, Weston. when their oldest daughter. Miss Iola Partridge. hommt- the brido of Mr. F. llrmkbnnks. of Windsor. Ontario. Rev, Mr. Osborn, of t'oehill, officiated. The moms wow lastnfully decorated in a mlor srhemss of pink and white, and the bride, pivnn _in .mnrriuzp by her father, was t_rwnod :in maroon chiffon velvet, and carried hGuri, a human of yellnw mums. The Mm.“ W“ Min Edith Partridge. who ware heavy drawn rvd silk and earried relhrw mumri. Mr, Arthur Aykswonh. of Toronto. attended tho groom. Following the ranmruny a rr- eqw'aon WI! held, Mrs. Partridrrs wnl- eoittingt the guests. Mr. and Mrs. Bmolhanks will make thvtr homo in Wanton. um. Ariy 1hit'an Personals THISJSXOUR CAB ay wishing to unite with 1sked to gr! in touch Wellwood. Rev, Dr. Kings‘ou, Dean of Trinity College, and Rev. Prof. hunk. of Trin- ity College will be the special sfeakors at M. John's Church next Sum ay. .There will bo n Fellowship Hour in the Hamid Church on Sunday ow- ning. following [hr Iezulur service All are invited. Miss Edith Wectovet, R.N._°M York, spout Christmas with her ems, Mt. and 1fr,c, Westover. Gr Mreet. On Friday ot Iml wovk the annual Sunday Srhuul mppor and entertain- ment was held in the lluptisl Church. Following supper, a: program was pre- sented, consisting of singing of carols by the schools, exorvises, several films of moving pictures. and the presenta- tion of gifts from the Christmas tree, Mr. o. Master acting as Santa Claus. Mr. Master also gave "A Christmas Carol," by Dickens, taking the part of Ebenezer Scrooge, whom he imper- sonateti to perfection, to tho grout en- £191?“ of the large audience. Prizes we: if" EEK" FriirariirArtrnhir-mmrtay L.'J.'.L'.'.‘.V"' ..§_;':.L..L:"' CLLCU. Lu, wme K110 presentedTo the may" School scholars during the evening.. ' 1415! Birthday Still hale and hearty, and widely,, known and highly respected in Wes-J tun. James Conron of Weston vele.I Matted his 81st birthday on Christma, Iray. Bum an Contnm Place, Main Street North, Mr. Compu has spent all his life in Weston. A son of the First Clerk of Weston, Mr. Conrua re- ceived his education in the Trinity Col. lpge School. Westun, as well as the luval High School. "Jim" as he i, knoim to his friends. was Reeve when We.ston was still a village in 1902. Hi, father was first Clerk of the village in 1882. and his brother, a resident or Tornntn. was one of the first Coun. eillurs. In the year 1879 Mr. Comm] married Miss Eda Hulle) ‘:|llli recently they l'I-lebrateil their Mth “Wilding anniversary. Both are on- joying good health. Mrs, (Din) W. E. ilYarson of Mt. Dennis and Mrs. A. Inn-ares, of Weston, are daughters. lllillllllllllllfSllfO SW-M JllllifflS Mimico Wins Fourth Straight Game in West Toronto Mer- cantile Group ‘chocks with a tolling offm-L Blythe LRrihincnn, of the Invim'ihlos. and Var. â€loll putting on " display that would ttlt,' Art Ross jelous, After 10 minutes of play, Cummings took a pass from â€want-x to score 13w only {goal ot tho Kamp. tho pound Lnding l I‘for Invincihlns. C I he last poriod saw the Parkers ‘lvluyinz four men up on the forward inn and only tho wurk of "nil-y and “Rubinsnn, on the winnnn' "vice, ‘kvm them {rum tying ti '" .st'ort', \.H1 "nilr‘y's poke-che) working to par- ' faction. With Ruhinmn vsvrvvnz.hi.~‘ j fourth penalty, Rmu- Lm-kry i,'lr' ttt thr, occasion and ho stand "' the ', Caitlmuttn dug!» handed with " run! Two Thtillers Staged for Big Wednesday Night Crowd at Ravina mm in mm pin-ion. Tho strcurul period Wit with play li'ssrtniryv-fas't Andy “lair display of stick handling the ganw 'srvlimt Invim'ihlos l, stock. Yards o, For the winners Robinson. Lackey, Bailey and Greatrex wnrv the best, with "ihehcliffe, HRH. Hudzins and “Limp the pick of the 1o,cprc. Witt Fourth Game The .irrond zanw returnâ€! Mimico " winnors for their fourth =traight win, deforttimr the St. John', Ewel- siors 3-2 in a Knmr that Wu: a real "a-o."."."""-"""-"""""'"" EXCELSIORS IDOWNED r:.' Reid, "vturtptoit,'f& the holidays. f poriml Witt, just as fast ‘hgning-fan and both de- handing- out stiff body- a tolling (-ffm-L Blythe the Invir1vihivs, and Ihr. an " display that would the village a resident first Coun. 1879 Mr. par 2ttan The mom: paid-nu“ mom with both teams plyin part at- ,tention to-the m a: prime feud, hogan braking out “my min. utes, with Stimson. far I o, being the big oItenAttzrAys,t_t)et he tttttit; _ any weight, but he sure hands out " moan trip, and if on don't think hn' I will have u said {may you are mis taken; he was andrrd more birds by the Inns than the rest of the team put tngelher. Male and Anderson scored for the .' int: in this session, with Fennell tal i for Mimiro, the period grading _tw_o 'S. Karim an... my be “we!!! iii,', G am EWtnliiiri [SHEA . '% mm pom- 2h rm. with both teams but canton to try their luck from the lue line, with 311ka suiting ttttf/rt [NM twin! 3 on n on o rrison that G"ctl'/oils', ping LIT J',y,rtt'tl iptn "ttte he! tar the my - tof the rim The second â€mu“ #5:: ow The last period was a wow and West l Toronto has yet to witness a mom ex- [ citing 20 minutes. With Chain and Tisdale leading rush utter ruin for the Saints, the Mimic'o bo '5 were kept, hemmed in their own out? of the rink and the only way they could renew-l the pressure was to shoot the puck upl the length of the rink. With ton‘ minutes to play, Fennell picked up thel puck at centre ice and let go a long shot from the blue line that completely 1 fooled Haworth to give Mimico tr our! goal lead. The last five minutes otl the game saw the Saints playing] "sxeryvruuruur-anduuuasmorsculie (The Editor. iTimos and Guide, Weston. Mimico boys had to wsort to the push-it-up the ice game to hold their our goal lead, the Came ending 3-2 foriflene. Dopp's Industries. . For the Winners, Harrison, Goodi tt'aiut1on.R. and Pennell wore much the hvst, withl - -- , . - Bissell, Clapp, Tisdaln and Wright MUST CANDIDATES SEEKING the pick_of tht.l?sets. . [ ANOTHER TERM IN OFFICE Fh'iskine fighting for that first win I hav" not that improssinn, in fact, ttttits' the contrary. If you refer to my letter you will son that I said "ll"' the taxpayers can afford to vote another. #500. it should ho put to 're- ot" . Your article on page mm of last wook's issue anoms to infer that I am under the impression that (he taxpay- vrs have nut orntrihutrrd to relief. As I also said in my lottor, it amounts to only " few vents. hut (won a few cents should not be added to an already high enough tax rate (nu-pm in emergency or for ossentiuls, and a musical organization decidedly is neither one or the other. Admitted that the' hand has been a means of gathering and holding to- wether " number of our boys, so have other organizations for boys and thaw do not i-xpovt to be supported by the taunp'vrf. . . Take "for instance, the Roy Scouts commis on. and Wolf Cubs with over one hundred Wal l" Murray is tho other cad- on thr-ir volls, The training and dis- didate Hr- has snrvod this town on viplirus' they am getting is fittingithe r uncil for many years. He them for munv things, especially good know, the conditions of the town and citizenship. Trail Rangers and Tuxis its quirements. [In has many qual, Iiuys art. nthm' lmys’ organizations in iti Fl for a good t'vunmis,siotter. town, So there you are, loft on Tour own Why sing]? out the hand 'ds; an N joctivp for this assault on the taxpsf, "rt' ppckets? _ _ _ . . _ it is prmummi that the band ob. tnins payment for its survives. which with the help of various private mn- trihuCums rrtrrred to by you in your article. should ho sueh, as at least. to vurry itsNC or min-uses in connection with it should ire curtailed. You say the band has been a decid- od how-fit. and has brought many hnlilvl's to the town. Like many nthor honors, nmply, insofar as the taxpayt m's nro voneormed. I still maintain 51>- do many of tho taxpayers, that thisre is no necessity to add nurro frills to our civic expen- ditures and I would again warn the taxpayurs that they are ostablishine n Hwy (humorous prevalent if thw “no this by-law tin-mush. and upon- ing tho way for nllmr organizations to pun-opt} along similar lines. I wnuld appreciate the snmn pruni- inonco to this hutor, which you gaw- to your awn nrticl" last week. _ Yours truly,_ Editor, Times and Guide. " Weston, Ont. A good many mothers are sorry that our thw sohuul: arr not avail- ttble fur such organizations as the scouts, or tho guides. without a charge bring made. Children should have e uso of tho schools. in the ostimm ion of those fathers and mothnrs who tssire to set- them become the best typrof cjtizrns. . What the Board of Education needs if nvw memhers with vision, sympathy 12.05 Mildly. In. tsst, Feature Presentation WAl,1,AtT'. BERRY. GEORGE RAFT and JACKIE COOPER ' C ' in Hold Me Tight MQUNT DENNIS THEATRE Where the Best Pirturer, Cttme First IAM BS DUNN Same "rograeeArtdntttndheyt.tr. Jan. In and 2nd Same Programme 1"ttN and My. Jan. N and 2nd Matirtee " Year's Dly "ROYAL (‘ASTLE' DINNEIWARE TUESDAY ONLY Weston, (hw wEDNEs0AY-TRURs0AY--.hot. :lrd-tth _ newâ€: mu. . , Me "tht I Below the Sea SALLY EILERS mama]? snow r'RmAY-sA'rcRDAY--tuiy. 294:0 BILL ROGERS in Where the Best Pictures Come First with ru x PA Y F, R THE BOWERY Doc. 23, 193.'t Riv/hm. mumps, an, 103:: NEVIS/Hrs EVE DR. BULL sorry avail- :Is the charge .%Wiu was“. ot “I gnu} t mu t i." It tf to oan_ (oN/tur, ita for a: new vol ls Candidate For Officé of Coun- cillor _iet TArwlmhltr of h.SAlhnhliMii ONFAMILYTR Men mu) come and men may go, but the Gurdhouses go on forever. Ono is at least almost persuaded to believe that. The resent. municipal campaign in s,th',t.ore1 and Weston " first gave the impression that for once, the name (lardhouse would be conspicuous by its absence. This. however, Wu; not to be, "ll whqn nominations loomed up at ls ington on Friday, k. Stanley Gardhouse, brother of W J. Gardhouse (a former trove of the 'tug,'"?',','],",';,) announced that he would be a can Mate for the office of councillor., - _ -. . "w...†2w...“ T' --ete' __ ,7 _ . umsnn servic).fr?.stt one born and il';'Jl1i,"r1tliselnvifli1i;Fit"rl'ti'r"rtiit,'a.'iit'-' The long and faithiul service which this old family has given in the muni- cipal arena in York County, is in it- self a recommendation. The very name means mmething. Etobicoke Township, by winning Stanley Gard- house, would 1.w aseured of olran, non-I 1y conversuint with its problems. The l Claixthouse blood is pure, and Stan is going to live up to the family's best} trmiitions. l I Wm. J. Lawrence who has served for the past six years on the Com- ‘mission is offering-his service again He has been thrbugh the mill anti ‘ can be depended upon to give service. 1 Mr. Jim S. Wright is another cam lditiate for a place an the commission. His year's work an the council and his "excellent work in Rotary with the crippled chihire commends him to the public as useful man. He is u keen, sum-e: ul, business man and ha ttw time devote to the \vnrk of the cnmmis on. This year we hm‘e a lady _cittyiidates'i In the person of Mics' Ethel Y. Savage.i With a record of fine social service In Weston for many years, Miss Sass l age possesses many qualities which'! irefit her for wider tl heres of sew-l ice. In these days wiien our women l, folk are becoming WP.. and oecupv- _ ing seats n (the mighty, it may liei that Weston will elect the first to ll' Public Utilities ("ummissiom Ex, I Mayor W, J. Pollett's candidature is i another interesting feature. Like Lorne Coulter he belongs to the "True and Tried" ranks. 11/1‘ for a good tTnsmissiotteF. So there you are, loft on vour own good jmlzment to make u wink-tum of four, with tix good Ones' to pick from. mm, "ér.er NA 'V"'" TF55Ts, b'r ,m.‘ .._r.r.F And lagtly, we cunw to the Board of Education. Four oi" the retiring Trustees are out for l'e-Oh'rlnn, They are thn 193.â€. chairman, Dr, F. I). Cruickshank, along with John Low, A. W, Pearson and Mrs. Fl W. Mor- fat. At tho nomination mvoxing Dr. Cruickshank delivered a wry import- ant address, in tho course " which he covered very fully the wmk of the 1933 Board. or the medic" himselt, little need he said. For years m- have 'Yexnrdod him as one of our yum-t du- pomlablo public ‘rgwn. .?.io f"'t.tr'r' ltriv lune fun be paid to his Work. than that which will be indicated by P. plain, leziblo cross opposite his mum» on thp hallo; slip. - In his address "lread.s"relrrrvd to (which is published in another mlA umn), Dr. Cruickshank pays high tri. bute to his fr?lls'tuttys,s.., Main. Luv, Pearson, and Mrs. Moffat. They haw served in a splendid spirit of Crr-r)ir"i'- ation and deserve richly, a renewal ui puyiie. confidence“ . And there is " nvw candidnln h the person of Mr. W. H, 1 Sum»! We can introduce him as M ry Fue' cessful buriness executive and " ’mm of very fine .reeutrtiory And we fool that reference maul he made tn Councillor A. W. l" 'h' swiller and Dr. H. F. Ir .', IVnrr ith fires of Councillor 2 not seeking ro-olorth to the ot't'uw of Councillor and L iliti rmmw sinner respectively. ' l? them t realize that tho publir CT ', imom l Weston is one of RratofulWss to thm for what they have don for. the ml town. , /\ “Van as you pious», But do “A Voila fe, 2591's»... RALPH RELLAMY A SCOOT'§ MOTHER mu up no school. In, (by not try some itiiie in: with rprerenct' mauli or A, W. I" 'h' l J. lr .', wntr ith, "PI" , Ni l t to the offuu', I'VVl 4 iliti "rorwru, bun ' l? them to "xt' Mir CT ', imonl i: H" lofulms to tlwm my? FAY WRA Y M BOARD sl OF EDUCATION STUART 1lifhY0ll (lf J1tg TO MAKE BID FOR PLAN FOR BUILDlN 1934 PROVINCIAL MATCH Would Place Many Now on te. lief into Jobs, He Claims The nved of c mencutcr wine scheme of luuil . in the Township md, . ' . pPrsons' on relief van he placed in jobs. was vmphusized by lt-Col. R. J. Stuart at a meeting of the Rowland Ratepayers' Association last week. He also advocated thet PS- tuhlishmont of unemployment insur; mum as a cure fur-tho relief prohlirm. A. W. PEARSON . ELECT w../ H. D,, SNAZE "i utwillor Noble. eandidatedor the down rooveship in Ward Two, stat- ml that thero wm grout need for the revision of the tax burden. and tho board of supervisors will do this by unending the term of the debentures. He urged his vim-(ion so that he Can co-operate with the board in ro- "stairlishinw the township's credit. Other spoakers we"): Charles Mc- Master, candida“) for turunvillor; F. Silvormnn, candidate for councillor: Frank Okrs, A. G. Orchard, A. Welsh, F'. A. Watts. A. Mnclmren, candidates "wr (he school board; Gilhert Dean and E. G. Humphries, candidmos for tho rvm'oship. ihhit Th ii'iiirii.iiei't' ' _" is tri"'", pa. E. n. N . tylttyl0lltShl0lillt . f Eight Years' Experience in Your . Service. T. & Y,, MERCANTllLE HOCKEY LEAGUE sttt'ittcii5v,ediy'. DEC. 30t . 1933 " ASIA MEMBER OF' THE BOARD OF EDUCATION MONDAY. JAN. lst-TWO GAMES l tn P.M.-.-MtTPem (‘ONSOLS vs. MeCmrFRoN'rENAt'. M) P.M...-C.CN. w. ('ITIES SERVICE. BOARD OF EDUCATION â€1"st In". SEATS AND we DUKES $1." Ind-Oh- Tu Ind-tin: Tu and llphold the high standard of ediication in‘Wl-slon Your Vote and tntl- is Respectfully Solicited tty VOTE TO RE-ELECT UNICIPAL NIGHT T) HEAR COUNCIL CA.Nl)llyATFay; A ' BERVIEW SCHOOL For 1934 to the to the Ontario Plowmens' Association is Invited to Bring Provincial Match to York County At a meeting of veprmtentatives of the local l’lnwmpn'g Associations. Couneirfors, and other interested, held in the Town Council Chambers} Rich- mond Hill, on December 21st, a reso- lution was past extending an invita- tion to the Ontario I'lowJntrn's Assn- ciation to bring the Provincial Match to York Couuty in 19M. Already Mr. F. I'. O’Connor has Tpry genvrnuslv offered his 600 acre farm, namely Maryvale Farms, near Wexford. on which to hold thh Match if York is successful in securing this noted oven! in 19214. . Committees, won-v appointed to in- terview tM’nrk County Council and the ('ity of Toronto to solicit their co- operation in support of this hm undertaking. A Committee was also chosen to represent the County at the annual meeting of the Ontario Plow- mpn's Association, when formal re- Ruvsat will he made to hold the next Provincial Match in York. _Rom~o Grortrr Kollam, (31' Vaughan .Reevv Grortrr Kollam, of Vaughan Township, pn'sidml nun-r the meeting. t a'_efruru'AUHte , â€1 Frr", I)! EE I. "ttEs" AND (mum!!! Tse