Times & Guide (1909), 13 Apr 1934, p. 1

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I Honolulu» T mples. James, grandson of Rob- , "h"ll','lliodt who was ban _in MI ton, saw yous of service on the Weston Council, while John Gnrdhouse, J. M. Gnrdhouse and W. J. Gnrdhouse all served u Wardens of York County. Wilbur Gnrdhouse is at present Treas- urer of York County, After serving two terms on York County Council. Spirit'of Early Pioneers , Mrs. C. Show. Dennis Avenue, was any "ter illness of some weeks, Ind is survived by her ttutr band, I am: and a daughter. Rev. A. J.. .Arttpt 18 Church , of .Good Three generations of the fuming: lulu: Phillips, who emigrated fro Williamnport. Pennsylvania, and cross- ed the border in 1800, have also figured prominently in County nffain. His son, Samuel," was the first Councillor elecud in. King Township, where the pioneer settled off Yonge Street. Two ‘of his sons followed on the sumo Coun.. ell, Joel and Daniel, while the latter": non Robert W. mung). was I member ofthe York County uncll for in“. and " present in County Cle and High Chief Constable. __ the diryet descendant: of York (hun- ty'u mom-r union .2. will to the from. in may urban: of mivity,lnr- ticnhrly in pubic life, Bo In to pw that they have inherited the ping-":3 spin frpmjhair forbeors. who Jaw Name. of those that emigrated from the lothcrland or from Penn-ti. " tho outlet of the nineteenth cen- hl'rz, or even at the clone of the oi toenth century. as still to be found union; than prominent in county " faim. Ganention after generation new to have interim this trait, and in men] can York Countz Council In- unkod in its members ig three tl','.""" [our-lions of I sin; 0 fun- r. - 92W". E-il.r's Iteotd . ducandnnu of Robert Ind John Gard- houle. who an" from the County of Cumberland to settle in Etobieoke around. IM0,fus on. of tht ouutgngirgg Ellerby Parr who not so long ago served us Wilden of York County, is another of the family, his full name being to wit, Ellerhy Gnrdhouse Farr. And they any that he hm: not reached the pinmcle of his ambitions yet. Like W. J. Gardhouae, he in llid to hlve one eye on I sent in Nrtiament. Mnybe some day both will have another sec- tion of their anatomy on those cush- ioned ants, and M.P. or M.P.P., to ex- tend their .full nomenclatures. One never knows. "It is interesting to note that, as in the former ttnet the fifth year in proving to the year of recovery in this despretrrtion."-- Charles G. Dawes. De-d-toe-tr-turic-v-auger/rs 1unrartyaiti_dirttagi-rtMeNdiet-4AdNamet.Ary rhddGdiiGu%rarr,Vithitlrarseh iy Pee) Ind_§n9ther ir? Aort, all file present Warden of York, Major D. Ernest Spngue. is a direct descen- dant of David Sanue, who secured I Crown deed in North Gwillimbury exactly a century Mo. The Lundy family, which emigrated from Penn- Wlniu in 1798, has also been rel» . and from time to time in munici- pal éircles, with Pred H. Lundy, the present Reeve of Newmarket, ranking in the clan. Other family names which have figured in the annals of York County for successive generations are thosegf Tyrrell, N.urhswytdy., Thtel- In“!!! “I I yrl‘ll " Iguawunucv ' " "ere er, Chester, jukes. Cruiekshanks, Walton and Baldwin. Toronto and York Roads Commis- sion sanctions spending of $180,000 on County Ronda In 19 4, work to be Marted first week in May and com- pleted by the middle of July. COM. Hockey Team, ehtrmpioms of the Mercantile Hockey League, “e tendered complimentary banquet it Weston Vocational School. J. W. Gibson, General Manger of the Can. nd- Cycle and Motor Co., presides. Speakers tnelutu R. J. Firm, Reeve Gardhouse and Mr. Rudolp . lo Yen! Ago York Township Council at regular meeting instructs trenurer to " over sum of $1500 to Western Proa- pita! Campaign Fund to enable that institution to fetch its objective of $25,000. g'heiGiii-ixmaetrCturtera1 service. to Kim -diYoFGio- Vbékinnin? (iris 28th.. It in arched there will be u number of out: on from Weston. First puma of season of Weston J1tepite USN”! Club_will pkg tee RE Weston-W irFiir6Gtip/ oiiAitril With Weston lacrosse Club elem offi- cer! for ma.- follows.. President, H. R. Rudd l 1nee-Pramidmtt', John F Hyljey; "erita.rr-Trtrurer, P.4d E ?iiiiiiti,i,ii2i.ii2id',tYg ist Ati. 9.A._L.A. Council. puny Reeve Eller- tif Ark. iiaiFiaiiWari irustitGfaa who gaging! A Ltty Conny who Second Ontéio Hugicl! ngtivpl il' _Uv_\dct_mbhn pt.rt. V.__(‘o_mnmrI Extracts From Our Files of 10 and 15 Years Ago hm}; tlGiUlGirir, iridium your" a. mum I Pteierved iii County'A-nb by y t21rh"d2,fn',%A'lretts'dEt', Is Still Well to the Fore he] irakra aGlVirrii.%k. iG 1 ”iii thi chit. "Fra. J'esaepqk)ed 'ie,U','td'f, iairas%ak "'m'e'e'tiig man the month in connection with the Point content. now on foot. _ _ IRS. A. It. MI SPEAKS TO THE LOCAL ECM. The regal” monthly meeting of the Women'. Christian Temperance Union vu held at Central Church on Tue:- 9: Afttmen, am an. with an Trina." fiauiiia" 5.311133th _ _ jun bulimu, plugs wgrg mydg to In. A. R. Hill, formerly of Angola. [no u informal but very inter-eating talk. relating experiences in Africa and the attitude of the native church tis.the liquor .quetrtion.. Tye waive elders themselves made the ruling that church members must be total nbstainers and non-smokers. Mrs. Hill also touched on the "Little Blue Book Series" issued as a Fedenl ser- vice under the Department of Nation- al Health, and urged every womm {resent to lose no opportunity to avail erself of this sennce and make it as widely known as possible. M OUTSTANDING SPEAKER AT WESTMINSTER MEETING ' In I','rt1"I years or service in China’s m province, Chengtu, where there is, even today, not ont, mile of mind. Dr. Kilhourn saw the medical work grow from its smhll beginnings in n rude hut to its pres- ent proportions. Today it is almost self-supporting and the service for women, with which Dr. Kilbourn is connected, includas a Women's Hos, phtal, training school for nurses, medical college, and orphanage in the city of Changhr, besides the work in rural districts. __ __ 7 Tells of Experiences in Africa and Attitude od Native Church Progress of medical work during a lifetime of service among the people of West China was told Sunday night by Dr. Rana Gifford Kilbourn, when she addressed the joint Thank Offer- ing services of the Woman's Mission- ary Society and the Jean Gordon Forbes Auxiliary of Westminster United Church. - _ _ "Medical work," Dr. Kibourn in- sists, “is a great means of opening the doors of all classes of homes to the Gospel story, and of breaking down prejudices and opposition among the_politietsl and Pil.ita.rp 1tadera.'t The program took the form of a regular Sunday evening service with Reverend G. E. Forbes presiding. Special music was furnished by the choir under the direction of Mrs. "We trifle when we assign limits to our desires, since nature has set none."--Bovee. ' Where ytek..%r, Evan terin -not Gn'; Isabelle Stewart. Email: an eomirdrud" QM 472 in 1918. . igh Schogl rggom enrolment of " Inc-I5. 1mm n. M’Ul“ out Int ' “I!!! Haul; Tran-m. “in T. b'Gi'i"., Tue or In. Thoma Harri-on; Aa- mum Fair/ep, 'tm. 1. W. Stewart. .'y,rhye.r.rmeattt-ttsar- “1%.”? .,. ___eoolmmmmlhchd Results of Weston Horticultural Society campaign shows membersip of 1.786. Society sends a cheque for $21.00 on donation from the local iety to the Royal Horticultural 8oeiety's War Relief Fund. Pte. W. G. Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barton, Mgin Street North, returns home with the Third Battalion and is given n mm wel- come. V At meeting of Weston Bond 'of Edueation, the report of the Weston Public School shows enrolment of 515 Mr .u'hd trrslhGitish"iirrke'r, Mm" Sergt. J. Barrett Barker. son of Mr: And Mrs. Joseph Barker, Maria At special meeting of the Board of Educttion contacts we let for the new Public School. meeting,» home of Miss Annie Kel. lam. (leer: are elected " follows: President, Mm. Nichol; VTee-Presi, let, m1. It, Mrersi9iemtarr,, Eli-s REEL-Ii}: iifithrgT 3:33.53; rel-the- Mr. Joseph in... Gunner J. H. Coulter, son of Mr. Levi Conner. orthe 5th 'Ntd,t. Division, returns to Cami: on o0tr. shig Olympic after mvice oversea. Girl" Gdl 64 Eli mm s. T. Funk- oim. mu. mm fly: Pang and mm In: Dr. Retta Gifford Kilbourn Ad. dresses Joint Meeting of W.M.S. and Auxiliary Iii/tor-tia; _ years. of service _in X.L. Bible Clan holds its "mun! Beret, l. BcgrettVMgrkVer. :99 pf ' Iltust York’: My wurtr--wEtrrort" Wuhan. York, and Etc but. Townships 15 'ttmtMotusttirhfueeerre-to my” [Ingeni- "jillIlEI'lii, [If mum Mill}! IRE EWING should nuke their wty to the Fair Ground burrow to View that Bromine: to to the chili: Boeeer tid- itof the town when the loyal tem Villain Will Give lac-Is I Gruelttrtt8etet Tone-10w take on web formidable rivnln u To- ronto Beottiah, Dominion and North American champions for 1933!. Both can“ expect to be It full strength Ind n stirring gun. in nasurod. The visiwn need no introduction to followers of Soccer. as they no looked upon tt-lly " the but mm in the Dominion, u their record: prove. Nevertheless, with the Iron. Ind ox- pcrioncod eleven that the locals have ttot was" the Weston orneinht feel that they Git mule the mining nil the PG',", much u victory on tar. sky- . ith Ye Weston mm. tttins iueut _ """r "wrung..."1.71m» from Fridny to Wedneudny will give our Fruity toAhditUdir will “give our busy store-kn n a dance to see thee 't't'h'?iT.lTu. . - ., . _ - u wanna 1. Alumni; goe- for Mt in a this, minute but. one NI Mamba an dab. Wed- nc-Ilu. April 18th, no p.m. Mrs. Ballantyne then called on Mr. Percival Green,.who for 15 years was a missionary in the interior of Japan. Mr. Green gave an illustrated lecture on “Lights and Shadows of Old Japan.” He stated before he began his lecture that the Japanese made wonderful slides, and his Ipictures were very marvelous indeed. e said news- papers did not give much idea of con- ditions in Japan. History was more helpful. Russia is a great menace to Japan, he said. as Russia's policy has always been one step East and one step South. China never owned Man- chuokuo and never'will. Russu wants it and Japan will die rather than let her have it. Japan used to be a pure- ly agricultural country but is now al- most ttelf suprrting industrially. The Chinese are appy to have Japanese rule. Environment does not make the _ma.n or else the Japsnese would be perfect and instinctively know there was a God, for they are certainly sur- rounded t beauty,. said the speaker. Flowers ere are in profusion, with the thrrtsanthemum as the national flower. Electricity is all over the country, even in small villages, but only a night service out of the cities. Themotofthelotnsisusedasa food in Japan, the leaves are in the shape of a cart wheel and the flowers are very lovely. The Japanese are a very da nty and polite people. The main bout next Wednesdny night Jg",'2,g to be u will light of mm wrestling with Jo Mlle Mur- uy. of Leuide matched with Bennie Emblem of Central Y.M.CA., the green» dual-i9 champion. This Pt lom troy I- I winner of the art id Tith, And Murray will be hud- mehed o stay in the Hum» one ’ur limit against Mm. semi- find. “so for one hour limit, winner to take two out of three fella. brings Phil lawn. “other Item wrestler r.f tte.Aohrf.orytel TArrrrtiys Wrest- aGnpiaroiiiA -ruiGetiFiaviAoi, it an be [Holy anticipated that Suhar- g-y’s atmggleyill be . tostpnf _ day's struggle will be a last and mel- la one. th teams are desirous of ad in: to their reputation. The kick- off has been fixed for i'il27; and all that is required is a fine y to draw a record crowd. Just to show how both teams felt concerning the final issue of the game, it was ifficult to select a suitable referee and eventually Mr. Jack McVittie was appointed to handle the game. A collection will he taken on the ground on behalf of the local club and the officials appeal for your support. 'tgt',',"'; "with? d'g'gltv,", In; Sr, It dun w e urgent hum r of Knuth out was won t Miss Cad- we 'tg room. lias Jessie right sang two dullghtful songs. accompanied b Mina Govonlock. "Early One Morningx nn§_“M|_ry_.of Argyle." .. . __ man int t%iiiik fail; événinf. April 18th, Alattntrtonhi Hal]. _ f it ex. Iin Club album Wnldy Meyers, of 'r%,e'l,'ll,l. 2a I!" well “mulled but Lawton thou take Myers' mm- m-e Mth than bttdr-iurnE The re- llml my little 2g,tt Ei [Junta I glued mt lll Ply., JCqm-al' .. : _ Aug” you} The re ular monthly meetin of the Memoriaf Home and School 'all, was held on Monday evening, April 9th, in Memorial School, with the President, Mrs. Lorraine Ballantyne, in the chair. There was waning number in n,- trendgncet rs, Itrd Mofftt't' prize imrui, ,dfAdirithkr siex't wrestlini boats on Wednesdny evening. Apri PERCIVAL am SPEAKS TO HOME AND SCH. CLUB WRESTIJNG BOUTS TO BE HELD WEDNESDAY Bouts on April 18th In Warbur- ton's Hill --pv, Changed Very Jt_ttetestingAtldrtstt Given All - fans in Ind uoqnd t3ytrt ItytrercBraneh y?. 213, Canny” wan: mfrviiaiad M an” EM.M“-:.,. G "Lights aiid Shadows of Old Japan" . at 3.15 p... From many - a hers. Mrs. Ween} _ vek EWEIBE of the evening J1 of the Tom Crawford then used an spake: of the utemoo _ . Eamon Byer- aon Young, of the Tom Conference Bun‘ of the Wom'l g,ig,i,tyg, W: (a the Jle1t/, m w o an mos gr comprehensive adhes upon TI he. minions of the cub. A social W wu spent and to. “Wed in the "hoot room by Mrs. Kaitlin and her oun- mittee. mums!» tea, In. Young was p with u [only bouquet of spring 'lowers. it as marked in linden how ‘6: a . 2"at"',e'tg', of grid“ n: rtrteett. mne- tndepzf the at', m mod. mom-Shanda "I!!! it,tlli'gittt=leg'titl'tt, Conference V.0.N. [DUCK Night. (b) FIE “3010p: C'hopm. Rumba. (a) Ril erxM: Schubert- Liut, Hark! Hark! the Ink. (b) Mae Hares; ReciuMon. The Great Guest ir/r/UQ yl'g'Sir,i,",,',tle I,tg"rgl't o ' e, rpm not . Banks; Raff. Cnntinu. iii, 'Le,'.',',', Banks; Schumann. NoveBetto, (b) Winston Hensler; Dunes V3100 Cup- rice. (f) Isabel Nixon; Sibelius. Ro- mance (a) Merrill Bailey; Ennlmum Over Hill and we. m Phyllh Gil "tee Itortprt, _' - .. - . _ -- Largest Attendance of’ Year Greets Brampton Visitors Who Put on Playlet tion, Mother’s Glam, (f) Anne Loose; Handel, Minuet (e) Mable 'Eid- dlebrook; Gulllinni, brr'eGi;iiii, m Marion MucMillnn; Heller, Andie, (b) Jessie Cameron; Davies, In Hung- ing Gnrdons, (e) Paul Lyrics; Dance Number (f) June Tomlinson; thn- munn, he Poor Orphan, (c) Bernice Evans; Friml, La C-chnchn.\(h) Mary O’Sullivnn; Gebhurd, Hulequin’s Ser- emde. (b) Melvin Ketehmson'iden, Duets, Nos. Pour and Five, (d) Mur- pg', Webb Ind Geo Piggy; . nyd‘g. 's'rfi'l.ht',.ho,1?l'Nzlill, ‘1- Inn} Gad-d; vale 'thiisaiiiiiiiCii;) Elisabeth Hales; Nevin, Nucluus. fir) My?! Thoma: .Goriryr Thoma June The regular monthly meeting of the Victorian Order of Nurses was held in the town hall on Thursday evening hit. Possibly the large” attertthutee of the yen greeted Mrs. P. W. McLean and Mrs. R. Mosley, who are identified Zigler; to!) Niami CAI-Inland LT. p .; m rum. mum. 1.633.; (3) "an: Snovbnll; (I) Ruble!“ Col- Iins. A.T.C.M. l . Mrs. R. Mosley, who are identified with the Vietorian Order in Brampton. and Were present on the invitation of It?“ Laura Spearintr, Weston Branch urge. The visitors presented a very inter.. eating and instructive fillylet entitled, "Two Visits in One". t tiortrared the visit of the nurse to I home, where the members of the family were at first antagonistic and doubtful of the neces- sity or worth of such a service. The play had its humorous us well as its interesting sideligts, but eventually, after the nurse's monstration of her ability in such emergencies, the mother was ready at the ring to place her full confidence in e - and extend the full hospitality of the home to her. The phylet tpatittt the nmu'u ability to he. uh opposition Ind cope with difficulties she may meet at any time with inexperienced and un- trained mothers. Splendit! PryEram Merci By garet "BiuherriGitGiri," "Fol? ik, -"_-H ' (b) Margaret i'i'l'll'E,/, Kenna; Folk Songs. (c) Myrtle Lu Rose: Din- belli, ALtetitt.tto, (b! Mar? GEE? Yiiir belli, f1e,gilt,t (b) Mury (In? meter. Fo tiyyr,fe) Dongld Ili; iriiirf'iiriidtt/ iGrGGrk "faiirdii, (e) Dorothy McNeely; Knmmmr. lyrmr., LArtAgo,fi.nsintt W11. (e) __f’;|}yirl'3(:m(u)l Sadie Swain- A.T. CM.; (b) Marion Demonic. irit.dir.:, L9) 1urrftottrs INT-.91.: mus-1- RECl'l'Al. B GIVEN BY THE PUPILS 0F WESTON BRANCH A delightful recital Wu suged by pupils of the Weston Branch of the Toronto Conservatory of Music in the Conservatory Hall, University Avon last Friday afternoon, and . lute number of interested friends nnd pur- ents were in attendance. The pros-run rendered wns of outstanding merit and was as follows: Anthony, 1231‘?! Wateth) Marjpn Canning 3n -- - nuclei. roll mnxu. 1c; Wnulu rlgsvw; Knmmerer. Folk Songs, (e) Kathlyn gmsgnhg . Myyntrre, vit8ttr, (d) Billy Ewart; Mozart, Minuet in E le) Frances Young; Slater, Duiay Chaim. (b) Joseph Hilliard; Schubert, Slum Song, (e) Muriel Holdawotth; Redh- yon, 11othtsifNapey, m. Ame When the taunt new-dov- ott6ad m markedjn‘ We!) 50'” Locals at 'Conservatory of Music Recital Hall FRIDAY, r I meeting. Linn used an I :moo _ . Exam ' of the . , Bra) of the I ' 84min, of 'thc WAR DEBTS 18, ST. JUNE H35!!! umropdm services. largely at- , were held throughout the day on Sunday last when St. John's Ant Bean liuion on 'j.agding Avenue ecle- 'rated itl Month anniversary. Since its in.” in ml of 1928 the linden bu been centre of thriv- lanely AW Services An Future 1 math Anniver- ihmdnrt5ehetelandMirstsioator. gum Pty Tribute to Waiting-hers itttaetiritrinthedi.trietnndh" nude u big contribution to the com- munlty we in that section surround: in; the town of Weston. It m and u a linden of th. John's arch in Walton through the efforts ot Iufte.9. Hyglt-J_onr,_luetor ottuparw,uithG.k.G."tiirtui, then Vic-r at St. John's. Service: it“ been held each Sand” in” that time and have bun under the direction ttd Mr. & Wilson for the Members (Io-(retained Rev. A. T. Holmes, Padre of Toe H, was the specie! speaker at the Holy Communion Service on Sundny morn- ing and preIched an inspiring semen to the Inge congregation. Mr. Holmes else congntulnted the mem- bers on their splendid work and warmly commended the fine spirit of eo-operation which had resulted in the growth and development of all ‘bnnches of the Mission work. _ The Sunday School Session in the ‘nfternoon was featured by the pres- entation of flowers to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boddington who have long been active workers both in the Sun- dist school w_ork end other netivities. and Lia' - man 1033331 y... We“! th,",', _ m m m uvo “no...“ 'dal . he b .51“. 9. plan-(In. "_Nqyy- tiii r1'i?l'lt?irllfttiti?t?li.ti iiiiiiii'iiiiRt, iiiii was 'tEGi1illSi' In. M. 0. Dixon and In. J. Edwin Nmutdummm 1km mmmmu ulce- tfttteepyetd.Ftte.ttFqttt: Over one hundred were present at the evening service which "a con- ducted , S. Wilson. Specinl music was ren ered by the choir which in- eluded also some of the Easter music given on the previous Sunday when the Choir members were vested for the first time. Mr. Envoy, choir- master, conducted the choral work Ind Mr. Lewis rendered very impressively a tsolo number "Open the Gates". - __ Vicar Review: Work G 1de in' {Hoff i}: 553m Ga “r: won. He sated Slat the work Tu: made an?! contribution to the com- Par.titr .. had seep mtyfre.d.trr.mrre" gallant mines which hath-u m Several Tit',',?,',':",',',','?, were mule by Mr. Mu e: on behalf of the Willing Workt.ra, t e _Sgn_dnx S.ehoy WP?” graftion and friends in the district. to r. and Mrs. S. Wilson and to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boddington. Mr. Ind Mrs. Boddington were the recipients of a handsome 'ge/an,', mantel clock, 'thet engrav , in recogni- tion of their on; and faithful service " the mission, and Mrs. 'tthe.' m also presented with a. fern. re. s. Wilson received a beautiful basket of flowers from Mr. 'eta,, who made the presentation on be All of the members of the congregation, and Mr. Wilson was asked to mourn B. leather travel case as a mark 0 es- teem and appreciation from the Mia- aion members. Warm thanks were tenderd to the members from their kindness by Mr. Boddington and Mr. Wilson, And in extending his appreciation, Mr. Wiison paid a. warm tribute to the untiring efforts of those who had made the mis'sion‘ york possible and FM were g,t,ttr..t and Delilah. “turret Me- ell; Dong, "The one o Titles," In. Moors, not]? "E'en u the Plow.. er,” In. Rand-l ; 'lh'lk "The Bend of the River," Bryce Mot At; duet, "l Live and [an Thee.” M. McDonnell Ind A. White; piano solo, "Why," "whims" (MW). 'fra. l. FdtiirNertype; G ' m i,i.tiiiit', mum. Kidd w'ifu; to“, "Mot r Shem.” Mr. F. W. Mot t; sour, ft) "Vale", (2) "I, War," Ed. Napalm," long. "God Send You Back to lei In" our that. "Go Pretty Ron. I. Mc- aaa and L. Phillips; m, '1.” Hy Etc-4M9! . balm. Eon: during: the' yenré Rina; at; max Sevml fulfils of Mud-me Ruther- ford'I voea e m held n recital at Mrs. P. W. Mofht’s home, " Denison Rd. W.. on Thursday evening. April 6th, " 8 pan. The following was the pro- and A. White; song, “Kaolin Hopin' " Beth Wax-nee; song. no" 'ind Arms” (Snmlon). hunches Phillipaj ans, "Softl_y_ A_ytreB_Mr 1ieitt Followin we service" iiG. w. E. Mickey. 'l/id,' of St. John’s, nicks Erie!!! ogtlining the splengld vypr of PROGRAM AT RECITAL B , SPLI'NDIDLY PRESENTED V Find solo, "Love Song” (Phaet- ewnki). Mrs. J. Edwin Nm- duet "ut" Dream in O'er," M. iia3GGi norm ACTIVE “BEES pils of Madame Butherford‘s Vocal Class Hold Enjonhle Gathering at Moffat Home ion m3 tontieiiting thtu.ie Song” (Phaet- Newsomc- duet, r M. 1iieiiii't cc on Opin'" "gluon: Anti Irene: Pelle: as My Benn . Mnmret Me- Applications to Extad the ", -, Woodbridge Bus Ia1ite.llrdt Ontario .aritieit Ilfmllilmlt0@0NtlhT almthl,0ltmi0alata mu Winifred Rubbe- Sunk Weds Willin- Cordell ABen of Montreal and Mrs. W. J. Allen, Woodbridge. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her father, was charming in a gown of ivory satin mule lt princess style, with long veil of " e caught to the hand wit a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried Johanna Hill roses in shower effect. Miss Merle Allen, sister of the groom. was bride maid, and was gowned in blush pink with large hat and carried brier hill roses in shower bouquet. Mr. Chester Anderson, of Weston, wu beet nun and the wedding music was plnyod by Mr. Clare Henley. the church omn- in. Rev. H. E. Wellwood ofnelited. During the signing of the register, ‘Mr. Lister Hartley, of Oshawa, bro- }ther-in-law of the bride, all; “Be- cause". A reception followed at the ‘home of the bride’s puentq. After a mater trip to western points, Mr. and Mrs. Allen will reside in Mont- real. For travelling the bride wore a smart blue and gray ensemble with gray accessories. Central United Church: the scene of a pm"!!! inte . wed. ding on Sun y memoon, win my: JYit1nihsiIulaleen Smith, lec- ond an?" of Ir. unfiirrsij.’ i. Smith, anon, was married to Wil- line gaming. Allens..onlr _ton .t.tf. yr. and; if tui/ttid/itll/die, ncint ' in Arranged against a background of palms, and pocket baskets of the same tttr- were suspended along the WINS. __ .jiU W "ddiiti rum, 787-1 3:811:23 o! 'lull d trat at elrcztlnm. a; nun-Inm- Rowland John Hating can of liq Ind Mrs. M. P. Hating- of Weston, Ont., and nephew of In. P. D. Hen- tig of this city. The chancel of the Csthednl m offset 2 tall atm- d-rds of eala lilies, w ite id: and Mr. Frederick Chubb provided 333' muaie 'Put "WM” "Mr. i rty ie conai o lovely“, her mm In. C. A. F",lkirigtort, u mum of tumor; [in Jean Stoddard, Bridesmaid, And Mr. Norman M}!!! Mr, Kenneth tfe "It is a good thing to demand lite erty for ourselves and for those who agree with us. but it is a better thing and a rarer thing to give liberty to others who do not agree with as."- President Roosevelt. Rowland John Hastings is _ Married at Vancouver B.C. "One of the _ loveliest prelim” weddings wn the service performed at Christ Church Cathedral Thursday evening by Rev. P. H. Wilkinson, un- iting in marriage Dorothy Hanna. vulgar "'g'grtg of Mr. 1nd In. M. A. Pratt, __ _ tlylttAmstme, mg gr. (ix. ushers Ken“? ions! Ate-da, best man. During the signing of the register In. Jo n Bryce m "Because," T,"2't11ft"'g,S'tt A ':"ie,tf', r- of get,', .eo We? “°' Ut 0 wow, I out nun. It: worn “in. R m 'i'ltlciiih'ti, " 'ot, a",','.". may HM to the low '. no Delicious refreshments were served 1nd the evening closed with n few ap- propriate words from Mrs. Moth: and an invitation to "eome again". Lovely Easter Ceremony Unites in Marriage Former We“ by and Miss Dorothy Ptatb-Mi. Hastings is Son of Mr. "td In. M. F. Hastings Queen’s Drive-Christ Church Cittodrd I, gglgifnlly Decorated For Event, and Rev. P. B. Will“ i ates. Mr. F. W. Moffat naked as chairman for the evening. It wss due primarily to his desire that the" pils should have an opportunity to Exocrine better acquainted and to gain experience that the recital was held, and all agreed that it was a eynp)ete success. . The following account of the wed- fitted to maid. of an be“ with a dint. of R9w_1.-nd 1thn BMW» ”.599“ 010% “W311!!! q WAS l Aii4 ithiiU%iiF “ii. the." KC; mm». tmhkftt3hiq aging .. him Madame Ruthertord Wu trqettPd, 'with I lover bouquer (if 'arf,', by Miss Margaret McConnell. in when of her successful instruction of her pupils and their warm friendship for tion being made by Mrs. Laurence Philo mnwummpmd-umufig RtmHitsBtat-hr-Wesrt-to+tmetit" (rt PtshtieMeetitagMnrBeCalkdt.mse-W- PL' g="l'leflt'"lPhitdtgAtt,?iiift"ter2t Ci- 'G'JeT%fhahh'llfll'lTulS'.ird'N'i'drdta". r6 Bridal Putty “a“. tte,,he,f,Tatf, an. . on o ' I!" lion to ex“ 'krl,f,M'."lllri'pt, tween Wuto- ad Kala - ' Dundu Street. Tu. m 5 served by the Vols-Ind W ated by the mac. tor u- at,BT. tieg of "use Mum Reeve a." LGKGGdviiiifiac%» - rem" he. a. who '3- me of mm ttttrid to = rt Mr. Watta' up“. More muddy.) _ G. and (has. gum???” m of tho 'liliat n ' was: tion {the " in Wash- . t'tktt'2 bah-J! of tho an to op- t 1tt'x,'tuirfietielt, di.ean.U. " 0 n 'I counei W10- Wing L transportation nobl- h e.ton. A deputation In. - bridge naked that the to" d- - thing to provide better neon-0M.- ntt eendofthetm.lineatth- end “at? 3.1" . fiat an. " sugges . pl called in Weston to 1,tJttttpg', at tritt,e,rit',g on tin has up :tion. eeve June. Cum Ir.ettintr in. touch with other. - _ - peg it. ways with re-rio-ttsin" . -"i.""' “we: was 'iiiiiiiiiiiiit ".33 w IC m run Infmglale. Tl"', TI will WM 0 a or . . - 'iir'.'itFFjir,i,i,'e' ii'i'ielr.i' E it Bant- mg. . . n, erby _ M Griffith “3%.; Halo. A. {sum-- will the be sought wit thq TM Twaporhtion Gianni“ - i in ormation pmsai e n so“ will be obtained Hogs I ie up my; eailed. f a. a. 9 union to. " tl '::i'i'.'iiiii't','; headed hi1“ rs. . and 'Co‘uncil akin; ',ethi11l!,'ftltt the mi of a W that] _ _ clinic. The retention m If. {I {C council by Mrs. J. A. um “I , pointed out that Dr. Combat, had a! ' dental service work in Toronto hr ti. ' l' Department of Health, had mud Chi _ there Wu a possibility of " put out of such an 1indertakihtt hem W F after by the Government. It VII - l 3. ed that there are 400 children in Ital V schools who need mm at tho ', present time, and that I dentist - f init three consecutive hours could hul- dle five use: "tt can} of 110., The ' ties who have made a "std hulk portation problems. It I.“ to in the general feeling eh: “I madHd of the present street an line b in very bad condition. _ Famxy'fcaancil ”rm: commit- tee to ir1terview gay "but.” td. {slit- "" ""‘ri ink W's-at i'it.i/d', 'UTI'. In. thudigd la n M m - made S",',,',")')'.'.")',',,',,','.'", m". 'ii'mboom" -rev 7:57 - FIB. yellrow 33' and NI- hum . . Many M an nah-d It Ob, T mam held a“)!!! at}! - brsdi's, tiaitd kn nit ifihrdiaG, __ a i'ii'hii'il',th ttht a I 'IW. cope. tho a (I. RI“: dark ttroyrp an a m or 'h ttotytmtt f mo- in: ed. rt“? 'a"4'l'll t)ltNh1',)dll We." - m": iijid 33ft}? iiicGal iniTriThriFsii wild: ' reached to tt,ht2't,tt II. the o m m. it"s; carried a ?ii'd m at d kbroimulll at 'ld.'.',',,' 'i'Si'l'Al'l'u1'gStf Madme- m.mw€. was. A "was: m a NE. rved b thW-unlaqu-i‘ 't ed by Ul T.Y.C. (or do -iyfrl. j, as of W“ od v _ 5.... Kah- avg“ _ DOV! . rem" ho- tl- pdbo v3- ge of mum-u. ttttrid to = at Mr. Watta' alpha Mon unkind Bond. G. Round (has. In solicitor. all Wile: B. . ' maul. China“; of the Tulip-ub- , nn Commie”! tht - Gi-dt,' -iGiiiiai in}; In." Two) [silty-, will 2ldlt _ Sgncjilog E 1't'lffr. 3

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