me can" put on by Thistletnwn Attttetie Club went m" fins, again on My. Please RN35; in mind the date, Friday, April 20th. Lust Sunday Rov. F. Sullivan mined a very interesting sermon, . g " his text “For, lo, the winter h put. the rain is over and gem; Known]?! appear an the earth? the of the singing of birds is come, 'rd the voice of the turtle is heard I or land." In spring everything m us of thew and faith, of God. mt on to say hind " urn-in‘:_- _ n . r, Special prayers wpre offered for the }neove‘? of Eddie Button after a film operation. _ Joyce Dunning returned to St lildren's College after a week's vacu~ The Women's Guild met Tuesday “known in the Sunday School room. "he the industry in Canada in tho an. pun-hm "VA-bled its out- 1b1tStit,,g'JPj,i,hi"g,"iiji _ tarrttmt an attic o “a! W, c. R. C P and th1ti?i"i'iiiidifi't'j? an 'e, a... here an week. F At St. Ayure,r's,HGtletown, Sun- day School every Sunday at 2 p.m., Church “nice at 3 pm. [ttrf,',', Mn an". cleaning up their lawn and you 2"“ anther dozen following suit. It is human 5W0. No person wants to be out-done by their “New. Start a paint job on the street and one finds Emu other,, in the same frame of mind, and work 'tthat. this line will be undertaken. One just has to a“ â€at the actions of, their neighborhood and you a. that some onion was taken to see that, these ;m when issued are sent to those in need? It tin-ll - from the converution that many of 1:“ cheque are not used become the people have tinned §m or do not know that they are entitled to the u Someone who is in authority could clear up I“ whole matter in a very short time by letting the rut how if there is a considerable sum of msmey u u. we: been cashed by those entitled to the (much. It this fund is large there should be ‘1“. Revision made for it being returned to the gen- ?“ W Ind thus lower the rates charged for this tmt protection. [1934 w APfiIL'w ,1934 The dam [It on by Thistletown “that- m“; 7 . u em-tion the other day, it was asked: "What PM†of those compensation cheques that are - mind?" Many thousands of dollses' worth I†un and: "" without claimants, stated the party, - "I not bring and. If this is the case n: A not 'N. tut some action “I taken to see that these 44“,, . . _ f" 5iiiirtraiG- _"." M We F a: - '. In! it V #11:. 1 L tit m Jul." mr. Tut,', m by Dull THISTLETOWN eeFeeV ......... hum. e and pow" will only enter march when the mice of the “this heard in our hearts. . Young ersoplp's, Sociely will he " â€or-day, April lath. The I.†Committee is planning a INNm about "Famnus can I lininnaries". I. Ii†o.iv.e-iionum suf- 'Pt2eUrtly,r,r Ill' .S'tttyrhr. mice on Sunday was very inspir- The Rev. T. B. Butler likened lives unto the merchant seeking goodly pearl, and not being con- [ with anything but the "Pearl of ti price". Appropriate hymns and k made a beautiful service. Or. llt, Mrs. R. Reagan. ISLINGTON RING TIME ti, I very opportune time for a “aviation Campaign. People are thinking "tne such I line of thought. It only requires new. lendenhip to net the thoughts into action. V "_.ILL'tic-""_'"5.""t*.-_ti- hound-:- uni-u I [and d not MI in in Irm'nu by m “to“ Ind â€and In Tho Ti.- lem an -u " u. and. nad In. web - nyhinlymmvflu’nxhll‘hthlmnr pwwmduuumbyh-‘huluhomumu If not. -_mmulmwunm-luuh mmh-unml Wuvwh!tuumcrmhnnmm'bhnm DU " an mun-nut. ~77 v" -- v“: a 'o.ringtittte, a house.elean1 our individual lives, in the in the whole york]. Cove, 31W; mm» N has". Tirdrhul ',dt'tt ht. WHO COLLECTS ON THIS? RENOVIZE CAMPAIGN m m; karma; FRIDAY, APRIL M, 1934 m. 'dll 1mm mt and Guide S. WILmN. Inns". IVA V. PHILLIPS. Editor 11th United Otttreh will hold their minnow -rriem on Sunday. April and. The" M“ be mice in madman! My... lav. R. J. â€(will “math "tettteryt: m and a. um um he‘ In.» a "N. ' a! In- tel on“ Mrs. A. Parson on I visitor with not @lefs. It. Ashton, in Eat Tomiciy'fmi WEE} TH. 1 Mrs. H. Hunt read the Easter measure. Plans were madv for the mniwrsnry supper and concert to be held in Hum. bemlo United (myth on "may rvming. April 23rd. Dainty refresh- rm-nts woro send " the dose of the meeting, Mrs. L. Biting: Ind Mrs. A. Allen bring the hmtesm. The May hunting will be Mid n the home of In. P. Elfim. Mrs. Noland was the winner of the box of CT,,?,',', donated by the committee of t 2nd unit. I The Woman?, Assoeiation held thvir April meeting in the church on Wed- nesdny nftrihoon, April 4th. .Mn. 5yinf,. the Prpsidgnt, wins in the chin Mr. and Mrs. T. Barnes and daugh- ter, of Carlisle, spent Easter Sun " with Mrs. Barnes, St., Ind Mr. and Mrs. T. Ewart. Master Doug!†wo,Gn, Jr. Thistle- town. spent .aster holidays It the home of his uncle. Mr. C. org-n. Mr. and Mrs. King and dtughtor, of Quintonâ€, were also visitors with Mrs. . on. P/ a recpnt visitorGiith her mother", rs, D. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. D. Tiffin and family were wwk-end visitors at Brantford. It was expected that the budget for the year would be struck by Couneil on Monday night, but no action could be taken as it was announced that the budget of the Board of Education hid not been Waived. l A deputation from the local branchl ‘uf the Victorian Order of Nurses asked ) for a grant of $400 to help carry nu; the work. This was also referred tol the finance committee. Handmaster: George Sllnsbury also appeared on be. l half of the Weston Silver Band to ask,) for an advance on the grant from the! matter wax referred to the finance committee. drive for members. Miss J. Flatt, so- pram, and Miss M. Rifle, elocutionist, assisted. The presi eat, J. H. Bea- mish, entertained with an illustrated travelogue on “Highlights of he- and." APPLICATIONS TO EXTEND THE WUUDBRIIKIE BUS LINE FAILS Mrs. A.,tf Locust Hill HUMBERVALE (Continued from Page One) Two thousand four hundred and forty four persons on relief in the larger cities, were found to have liquor permits. The permits were cancelled and will not be restored until the holders are removed from the relief lists. Canada exported 8,874 cattle to Great Britain in January and February, which is 3,985 more than in the same period last year. l VERYONE is getting ready for a big election cam- _ E paign. Those in authority and the powers that control the destinies are all on the corners talking of the coming Provincial Election. But these are the only Mple that seem interested. The rank and file of the people do not seem to be worried about the coming provincial election, but are more concerned about their own personal affairs. There should be a greater awakening of the public mind to the needs of the hour. Ciovernuuents do not just 'operate irrespective of who the government is. To have sound progressive govern~ tnent you must select men who have the ability and are Willing to give leadership. It would be a serious time to make any experiments in governments. Those who have so sueeessfully guided the ship of state to the present condition should be carefully balanced in the scales before they are cast aside. Those with new ideas of questionable merit and stability should be proven before the powers of administration are given to them. Those seeking nominations and party sup- port should be men of high standard with abilities to entitle them to sit in the seats of the mighty. If men of this type are to be elected, then the people must he prepared to cast the vote. The vote cast moon: the type of government that will rule. " all will give thought and consideration to the claims of the respec- tive candidates there will be no difficulties. If the people remain indifferent to the claims of the eandi- dates, then there will be some elected who will not be the choice of the people but the choice of those who voted only. Plan to know what you are voting and why ‘ you are voting'. . l Such a plan means more than beautifying the bed individual property, It mans dollar, and cent: into the pockets of our merthants. Every little piece of renov-tiou that takes pluce will require materials and workmen. Who Will tret the results? Will the men chandise required be bought outside of the district or will the people demand that the local merchant be given a chance for the business? Men in business, this is your chance to stimulate trade and we that you get your share. There is big business It hand and watch these columns for invitations to buy locally. ft's the tire-test opportunity in your history to put over some- thing big and worth while. will wholedmnrmdly out" into thes unfit-31V; that is being launched by the city and those maid- ulities that surmuud it. my. in on dintriet if a. m Chub-la vain; Tom-w and Building Ann - in... efNetive. Thou would be a a.“ up in ti. tuna, which and inside, mm M in - locality and a much lure suntan ph- w 1m in undvkit. Multthcwuwh enacted in the Ibo-pin; dint-kn. M val be mom nun-um “on fronts. better dig.â€- a! win- duws. and bright. well painted sup" I“ - " business. one would we a very pleasing - “my centre ready for business and ready to new!†a. - honored guests. This an an be done if the My “I u- tt" have“ In uni-(u NOTES AND COMMENT POLITICAL POT BOILING Two Mrâ€? mm grid how we miss Never ail-ll your mmory fade w W: will than - the spot whm you I. hid. . --Pttther, Mother, Bmtli" 'ttd CA..r!?11rrc-rulotirtr memory of Since you in; kiwi}: . -NdV missed by his wife Injflmily. KrNGDON-m, loving memory of our dnr hush-ad and father, Edgsr Thom» Kinnkm (Eddie), who phased away April IO, 1932. l We miss you at I thousand turns Along life's wary way. Pay fife to In is not the "me The Women's Missionary Society of the llownsview Circuit met in Ashury United Church, Bathurst St. Mrs. N. Dickin, president, presided. There was a good attendance, several new members were enrolled. During the business session it was decided to hold in birthing party the latter part of April. S on articles were read by Mrs. Youn on h'a!ikihewan, Mrs, Shirley on finrea, Mrs. Stephenson on Temperance. A trio was rendered by _ Mrs. Helm, Mrs. Harper and Mrs. Rose. After givin an interesting} address on China, Lv'. Fl. C. Marlins-J dosed the meeting. A social time was enjoyed, the Asbury ladies acting an“ hostesses. 3 Margaret Smith atJuliet Crescenlun Thursday. ---_- . Mr. S. being of Braelodge Farm, and Mrs. Laing are muvIng to the West, and a number of friends held a surprise party at their home last Wed- nesday evening to bid them farewell. Mr. W. Bruce of Brae Lodge Farm has returned from Scotland. Itarver" N. "tui/nr/k"', JiiCiaiii any Artril H. t982, Jn the United Church, sprviN‘s next Sunday will be at 11 a.m., and Song Service at 7 pm. Everybody welcome. The Young People's Society held their weekly meeting on Tuesday eve- ning under the leadership of Miss Marjorie Watson. Noting under this heading 10o pr 'HI"" line. Minimum chug! Miss Vera Bagg and Miss L. Phillips were guests at the wedding of Miss Margaret Ho per last Friday evening at ?v'1rJld,l,ofa"/,'d' United Church and the Carls-Rite Hotel. Miss Irtyytatet Phillips visited Miss DOWNSVIEW IN MEMORIAM ASBURY 'at min] in}. iirriik iiiirairiirrii. nnd lily-of-tho-vallav Wis tied with I shower of satin ribbon. White kid gloves and satin ["1an TRet'"', her Inactive bridal 01 fit. e bride f win unaided by her sister. Mitre Stella Hopper as bridesmaid, Who wore a becoming gown of pink angel- skin lact- with ruffled tulle and large mm to match. smart tiff the fare hut, and carried a bouquet of Hriarclif! 'rosos tied with pink chiffon. Mr. _ Roginnlrl Ball of Weston attended the (room. The ushorq wore Mr. Donald Glennie and Mr. Pred Harrison of To, ronto. Following the (crummy. I reception ‘1: hrld It the (‘nrls-Ritel Hotel, Inâ€. Hopper. mother of thr) bride, shod, Marin; I gown Ml mm}. hhro Inrl curs-n of Talia-y mnn men. Mrs. amnion. mother of the groom. :Iso rewind Ind “a ("and in black romaine crepe, with touches of velvet. my! me a comm of "new "in! pun Ind liirorttt.. upâ€; The “his: '3" mull! de. same: tsitd ',,i,l,'jjtottiiigtj,i." Her boaytjhl bouqmwtnn bytttrflr rof"'s Westmoreland United Church, Th. rnnto, was the yer-1w of an interesting early Sprin'g Wedding last Friday evening, April 6th, when Miss Mats garet Phoebe Hopper, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Hopper, To- ronto, became the bride of Frank William Crayden, «on of Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Crayon, Weston, Rev. L. I. Hunter officiating. Mr. Puttonharn played the wedding marrh and dur- ing the. signing of the register, Mrs. Dewitt sang "All Joy Be Thine." The church was beautifully decorated with palms. ferns and lilies. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore an exquisite wedding dress of white satin, cut on princes-i lines and falling into a small train. The sleeves were puffed at the elbows, with buttons; extending from the wrist. The long; veil was of real llelginn lace, rttllintt in ttrneeful folds from a becoming Juliet up larranged Tith orange bigg- FRANK CRAYDEN MARRIED T0 MISS M. HOPPER Now let us prnpnre oursslre; for the grand got trrgether this evening, and all be on time. Westmoreland Untied Church is Scene of Interesting Wedding as Weston Boy Weds Oh yes, we are to have another dance on Saturday, April let. Will you be there? Let us make it a good one just to finish up the season. we enjoyed ourselves before, and one final fling will not go amiss. ‘ l If things are ever u, move upward {someone must be willing to take ‘the first step and assume the risk of ‘it. No one who is not willing to try ’chnrily, to try non-resistance, as the lsnlint is always .wi.llinsr, can tell And here's wishing you many happy returns of the day, Charlie. The ladies tell us to keep hammer- ing away about our club house, and the way that things are progressing it will be almost impossible my“! a buildin in town in which the' Club with "lli its activities can function in a profitable manner, so let us again urge that every member put his shoulder to the wheel and give the required push, also an extra shove. _ - ._,v, """"N' u... .m whether these methods will or will not succeed. When they do succeed they are more powexfully successful than force or worldly prudence. Force destroys enemies, and the best that can be said of prudence is that it keeps what we have in safety. But non-resistance when successful turns enemies into friends, and charity re- generates it otrierrtr.-uwiuimn Jones. are now enrolling at the rate of fif- teen each meeting that is held, will you not become a member, it will surprise you to learn m certain activi- ties that are to take place in the near future, and we can but emphasize the fact, that in unity is .-,treng1h. Through the efforts of our members we feel that the stigma placed by some upon our organization, has been outlived 1t/titiiens 9f one district . "___ __ -os ' _ . "It Is cheaper and the result IS the same." "Why in the world aw you with wank cartridtrrs 2'" . _ .. PPV .._. n... â€In: ta mention the mi, that sumr of the shots we place in thi, vulumn do no better than the following chestnut. FOX Y (:RAmA ? Study rather to fill your mind than Four coffers, knowing that guld and silver were originally; mingled with dirt, until avarice or ambition parted therm--Seneea. Walt' we are wondm'ing what it is, a waltz or a cake walk'.' What a great deal of time and ease that man gains who lets his neigh- bor's Words, thoughts, and behavi r alone confines his impu-u'um to h2g1- "elf, and takes care that his own actions are honest and righteous.-- Marcus Aurelius. In sag: he may, 'nuugh said, she's ad her lay Some day perhnp- he'll wish she had said no, and that he'd stayed at home. Pop’s mad. “I; his mxnd to fly away fly “my, To a Ind a thousand miles or so. he's Ma sai ‘tlon? '14:! iiGGF, $131.01; 12M it no hitch h m x. the Jul, We atsatl have son. of its most. salient 'points explained at our meeting on April 27th. Put 3 mark unjust. the dnte and be tight on the job. My ME; wa time, THE PLACB-utson Hall, Ni we “P061 to It. tun-t puma of our memtr.m, do!" 10:12: that ‘3. com- miueo has ttttttry set so that we nun: inn; " ___A "T-., We fife], although we, do not like le", do rc"?. 5:00:11 JP-opera: THE m mus & GUIDE " o'clock to-niuht, shooting so, he's u Flynn Bros. The " Spring Clean-Up Drlve Is On! ' What are You Goingto no Aboutlt? 10A MIN " tr. Used Tires and Parts For All Makes of Cars Glam Installed Rebnbbit Connecting Rods Rewaund Generators and Start- ing Morora " MAIN ST. S. WESTON F PHONE 709 _ Mr. Merchant!, Tell themthe Answer,! Phones: JUnction 8921 Weston 487 -V _-'.- - w marry a liar, would gms?'. vietohi-"Ye, - 1 - less you to: to in u' Lett: Funeral and Ambulance Service (Head omeeo at I)†Bar StD are open to receive new stu- dents for Day or Evening, in.. tensive study of choice of subjects leading to a bulimia position. .1nftr'.irr, or visitation welcomed. I. 3165. Ame uk iid' tug-W iri' a with Lg...- “ I... Pinon of mum, N" ' l Repairs on All Kind. Cr Bieretea A Splendid Range of 'f,h'"h'tht,l'J"tf, Amaricln Guam Ind Mar-No. A no etudlu. and. and other For-(tn Grating shop equipped with tho In“. wermulc Sft d 8:1;dblrt. rte or c In .0 pron. I. M. Rm Pronto!" Local 'ub.e-tt.o $ibiiijiii Weston Poultry Fan BABY CHICKS unto was _ 7' From 03813! Wu that brem-"Yoq 1m . liar I Orangeville Monumental Works VIM. h. WHITE 1273 WESTON ROAD WESTON Auto Wreckers 6 JOHN ST., Wmon HEADQUARTERS FOR USED movcim Trade In Your Old One a. A. unmi- ll. 1-“.- Ite. _ Filing Areemrorieo Carried W. A. ROSS. PROP. " GRATTON ST. Piano: Wau- 29! . 'r)yItsrtrltrs '. R. SHAW, tterutrar. The 'rIittes 8: Guide Ie,etlt 3.9"“ I- w Aht the burning question! There's, the yard to rake, the storm window» to remove and store. the cellar to'whiteivash. the house to paint indde and out, the fence to repair, Batd--thinh of it-that new closet for the bathroom, new grates for the furnace! Who's going to do the work, who's going to supply the material? raiiiTii, USE THE COLUMNS OF Vicar: Rev. W. R. Mickey MRS. T. II. ROGERS ST. JOHN’S MGLICAN MISSION w. B. REABURN Certified Master Radiotrieian " KING- STREET (Cor. Rosemoum) Private Tuition Studio: Mi, Rut-amount Ave. Plight: Wuhan 6201 RADIO REPAIRS and. iiii .Twai... "sa. Work Gun-Red Reliable Taxi 7 p.m.---Eveninit Service-Mr. Sam Wilsun, "C.onrirmatiom" 3 p,m.--.'iunday School “I Inl- at. Noni . “'ESTON M. C. â€RDOKHANRD Phone “'r-ton 0024' I In I l'uunlnl Anywhere In Wanton hr " TEACHER " PIANO C R U I C K S H A N K Garage and Service Station CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH Cutrol, Muck-no, Mobile and Sunoco Oils PHONE 387 122 MAIN ST. N. WES'ION Ill!)"seeinir the Gvairti/." "riilPptisrna Service 2A5--Chureh School. 7.00 P.M.-"The Hamlet of the New Testament." Phone 280 Weani- M “our Service nelson-bio In". Lubrication "Lee-d" iii ua; it Pry', DINNIS~ Gun-t4 THATS WHAT EVERY Sumo uorokxsr GETS HERE Rev. Untold E. Wellwood. B.A., ED. St Queen's Drive - SUNDAX. AINV15yt, um Harding Avenue-Community Hall t A TTENTION hr 25e t.t. t.t. When we say we give you attertthah we mean it. Drive up to our m tur as and you get your gas pmâ€, ly, cuurteously. But you get Ie6. We test your tires, oil, water, and hat- tery-and we clean your WWâ€. It's the "somethirtextra" you'll like . . . it costs you nothing mom Try us. [Ia-ppm Church 7x.m.~Re\'. J. C. Williamson- "An mien: Union." ll tt speak. It". i. c. wan-nu... ILA. an. Pillar: Phone "" 11.tum.-itev. Mr. l’ackham will Toronto Conservatory Of Music WESTON BRANCH Main and John St... Weston "34 Weston Rd., Mt. Dennis Piano, Singing, Violin, Theory, Dancing, Rloeution, Guitar, etr. Lloydbrook 9240 Weston 1051M 3 o'clock---Sunday School. Marion Russell ,' Demorest LT.C.M. Singing, Piano, Organ Private or Class' Weston 1051M Lloydbrook 9240 FIIIMY. Sam Wilson, in Charge N: I)