Times & Guide (1909), 4 May 1934, p. 6

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I Weston Local Items JiiaiiiGi " “sin sum North. The ‘m it known In "The Weston Sug- - 'tpi) Hm by Mr. Munro at t e m Dennison and Main Street. he emulation w" mused at the Wgwon (Eagerly-wig Iqagwgk when --A -iaiUfirFiite pupil of 'iitdthgt,',tl,jr',tit he_held, in gru- 'greitt naked Mr, Carma -. poet- which he had not advrr- --At A social gathering held at the l home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Collintre, l queens Drive, on Wednesday sl,",!',,'",'?,',;) winners among? the canvassers in the recent Horticu tural Society memher~l ship drive were presented with their: t2it The winners were: I, Helen I wrence; 2, Betty Meadon: 3, Edith‘ Shorney; 4, Marion Partridge; 5, Dean 1 Williamson; 6, William Duffy. The l preeentations were made by Directors l of the Society, and those in attend" IMO included parents of the prize win- ners and the members of the Society's 5 executive. " WM. generally felt that T the young people ha worked conscien- I thing " the canvass this year and! et, ey deserve the greatest possible , Similu Name. ---The “tuition of residents of WWII ii drum to the similarity of the mm- of two locsl grocery stoma. One of the” is known as "The Weston Grocery Store", owned and operated independently by W. B. Cormack. {med} of tAAblor's. This store is Juvenile Lumen --The Juvenile Lacrosse team held its first workout on Thursday night, tur lat, with the followmg players lining u '. Bill Wallace, Campbell, Len Abbott, alum. Bent? Harris, Russell Sackett. Jack O'Su livan. J a m e s Choper, Bill McClure, Bill McLean. Harold Wheeler, Jack Baldwin, Bob Kingdom Fred Walls, Wallace Veals. All players are requested by Manager Jennings to be on hand Saturday Afternoon " 2.30 o'clock. -ht Int Thursday night's meeting of the Weaton-Mount Dennis Rotary Club. luyor S. J. Totten was presen- ted with a beautiful leather bill fold III monition of his retirement after over forty years’ service with the local lull Tdephone Company. The s aker a! the Wing was J. Frank V00”, who told in 3 most interesting way of any work of the Big Brotherhood a on 'h, 12th. Memberships can I be punch-sad from the member- lhlp connner, Miss Freda Druding, plums 675, or any member of the exe-" mrtive Honor Mrs. Wood --Nea. Ed. Beach entertained the Julia and Scouts’ Mothers at her home on May 2nd, there being about eigh- toen present in honor of Mrs. Bert Wood, who in leaving on a "if? to Eng- land. The tables were taste ully dec. trt.ted,with sweet peas and smilax. Follomng n thing luncheon, the Hon. bury Pmident. l rs. Byres, presented In. Wood with a suitable gift and each lady . her a pleasant and note Jon y. Tenni- --The courts of the Weston Tennis Chi) m being resurfaced and new - and nets are being purchased. , is mreeteCt.o. hay? agrangi open- .--Rev. G, H.Hruseock, of Toronto, in the Ipocial speaker at St. John's Anglian Church hat Sundag night, when ho took us his subject t. John ":i3--"ror he [hall not speak of him- - but will show sou things to come." The" W a Iplen id turnout of young purple at this service. m. " Elventon Park Church on . y, April 20th, " Harding Avenue Kilian. Kin Muriel Gammon WIS the “not of the lucky ticket 3nd the box of chocolam. St, Mum“ --tht Sunday evening at St. Mat- thias. Rev. T. B. Butler give a very comprehensive e6neeption of life here, “at. The Rector and his wife are fishing N_ew yorkjvitp f.ri.eeiafor ten Mt a that Rev. Frederick kGGAGii Itln conduct services on Sunday, May --A sum in taken in " the asitdt'lllp.' fiven_bx the ypung -3erviee in Central Church next My night will be of u special n» his. when the pastor. Rev. H. E. Wellvood. will have associated with him inthc Ionics the Christian Work. m’ M from Manor. Road United Church, Toronto. ttuid. Poe choice of accommodation, Int now with, " S. H. HILL. \ t l Dufferin St. W., Weston. -The regular meeting of the Cen.. tml Chute]: W.M.S. was held in the My School room yesterday after- ”on. with In. Wood' in charge of tho program, which included the study hook Ind Ipecitl music. --ut In have your local and per- “! “-1. They will increase the it-e-t in your pun-r and keep the mm of your various organisations in the public eye. €33}; ffsi.-0iairal in iii 'eA.aAd. "an. aim days on ocean “._I 90 point-Ill pucke- of, Rich bifiir his. Non " by; toe as low as Pia-o Recital x- It l --The Ladies' Auxiliary of Weston lWorkinzmen's Club held a Fhwhrrs at (the home of Mrs. Harris. the Prosi, merit, Victoria Street, when four and a l alf tables were at play. The winners 1were: l, Mrs. Timpson, RI; 2, Mrs. iHarris, 77; 3, Mrs. Reid, 74. The (prizes were donated hy Weston Dairy lin the form of, milk tickets, and pre- (serves by Mrs. J. Summerhayes. We thaw: a surprise to announce soon. ':tterttlemen, watch the paper for the date. The final eurhre will be held Eat the home of Mrs. A. Francis, i55 ;Main Street South, nn Wednesday. ',May 9th. Silver Wedding --On the occasion of their silver 'wedding T,'f"ie7rtt."ti' which fell on U‘riday. April 27th, r. and Mrs. An- ;drew Davidson, 46 Henry Street, were (given I surprise 1party by about twen- ty-seven friends rom Weston and To, ‘romo who gathered at their home to (do them honor. Mr. and Mrs. David- (son, who, have resided here for twenty Weston Boy Scouts -th, Saturday. April 2Rth, the mem- bers of the Weston Boy Scout Troop held their first hike of the summer sea- son. The hike WIS the largest on record, there being 29 boys in utterl- danee. The group wns under the diroc- tion of Jack Barnes. Troop Leader. [iIlllESflMijErfiirtrll (gears after leaving their home in lugow, Scotland, were presented with anumber of beautiful and useful gifts, and the evening was pleasantly spent in dnncing and refreshments. Wrestling --The next wrestling bouts at War- burton's Hall will be on Wednesday, May 9th. For full particulars see ud- vertisement in this issue. The last bouts were murh enjoyed and there was a big turnout. Come and join the fans next Wednesday. -8peaking at a meeting of the North York Ward 3 Educational Asso- ciation in Elverston Park Church, Tuesday night, R. J. Flynn of Weston declared that during the depression, his firm, the Runtin-Reid Company, had not laid off any of its employees, and asked the question "If a fund is built up to take care of depreciation of machinery, why should deirfeciation in pmployment not also be taken care -On Sunday next at T o'elock, Mr. Green and his quartette will sing at Harding Avenue Mission. They are known as the Sunshine Band. Mr. Hooper will give the gospel message. And on Mothers' buy the' Ladies' Aid will be in ehartre. of?" --When he fell on the playground of Weston Separate School, while playing last Friday afternoon, Joseph Deldeggnn. aged 14, bit his tongue badly. Dr. W. A. Cameron, who was summoned. found it necessary to put in several stitches to close the wound. The injured lad WIS removed to his home and his condition is not con- sidered serious, News Ito-l --hems for this local column will be most welcome. Let us have ac» counts of your school and club activit- ies Md make this a column of much interest. --The A.B.C. Payers of St. Mal- this Church, Westmount, excelled in their dramatic effort on Saturday at Thistletown. Tomkins Orchestra was greatly appreciated, also the talent of Mrs. John Noon. Give Entertainment -A number of local artists pro» sented n musical program at Christie Street Hospital on Tuesday evening, which was greatly appreciated by the "hoys". Those taking part were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tomkins, well known instrumentalists. Mr. and Mrs. Hambly, vocalists, and Mr. Winston F. Henslar, pianist. -Weston Red Cross, #1333 Cam- paign, objective $2,000. he Execu- tive of the Weston Red Cross Society beg to acknowledge receipt of the following contribution: previously ark. nowledged, $547.00; Ministerial Asso- ciation of Town of Weston, $30.28; total, $577.28. The campaign is still open and further contributions will be gratefully received and acknowledged. C. Lorne Fraser, Campaign Treasurer. . sung: Corp --The Salvage Corps of the local branch of the Canadian Legion will resume their work in Weston on Mon- day next. Save your pipers. rags. bottles and etc. for them. --Mu" Jones. Min Sutton and In: Tomlin-on have been accepted u hadron of the Primary class a. St. Matthias Church. Min Eileen Scott has also offered her services. --0io. lbviduon. your local iceman, is not in I position to give Wanna poop]. 'tarly morning delivery. mm BIB BUGS, DRAPES CURTAINS, COMFOHTERS BLANKETS, CUSHIOIS CHESTERFIELD SUITES erâ€"ké And other Household Articles " Hill " SOUTH, tmmm :Tl-n' Scouts Were divided into five par- _ ties under their respective Patrol l Leaders. Each of the parties hiked on a different route, all coming together 'in the woods just West of Lambtim lgolf course. Here a meal was cooked, leight boys passing their fivelitrhtinir, and ten passing their cooking test. Ite. cause of the success of this hike, and at the desire of the boys of the troop, the officers have decided to hold even more of them during the coming sum- mer period. JEAN FORBES AUXILIARY HAS ITS REGULAR MEETING The Jvan Gordon Forbes Auxiliary of Wvstminster United Church held its study meeting on Tuesday evening, May lst, at the home of Mrs. W. Gardhuuw, 154 Rosemount Avenue, with thirty-one members in attend- ance. The meeting was opened 'with the wall to worship given by Miss Agnes Sims, who also Rave the sentence prayer, After hymn 6R7, Mrs. East- er? read the scripture lesson. The ch ter from the study book was taken by Mrs. D. Davidge and was very interesting. Mrs. John Thomp- son then gun- a report from the West Presbyterian Conference, which she had attended as a delegate from the Auxiliary. Mrs. Lindsay Ward sans: a very delightful solo, and the meet- ing closed with prayer by Bertha Murray. Following, refreshments were served by the hostess and her com- mittee, Mrs. Fuckler and Mrs. Lang, and the meeting adjourned with a hearty vote of thanks moved by Miss Jones. "No man or woman of tho humhlost Tort can roallv be strong, gentle, pure and good, without the world being the better for it. without somehody being helped and comforted hy the very ex- istenee of that 'roodriss."-Ptfillips Brooks. The last sowing mot-ting of the Auxiliary was held April 17th, at Mrs. John Thompson's. John Strvet, with a splendid attendances. Mrs. Gardhouse is Hostess to Members on Tuesday Evening Retiring President tad former Mayor of Woolen. who In for many years been Active in the (‘omerulive in- terval: in West York. R. J. FLYNN It's Rich .lt’s Pure Weston 126 JU. 1216 2 Dennison Rd. W. It's Healthful WESTON DAIRY MILK GIVE It's Good Among those relatives in attend- lnce were Mr. and Mrs. A. Mallaby of Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Coulter, Weston; Mr. And Mrs. Levi Goddard, Maple; Miss Annie Ryan, Toronto; Miss Vina Atkinson, Maple; Mrs. English and son, of Beeton; Mrs. Williams, Toronto; Miss Frances Len- nox, Toronto; Mrs, C. Kearns, Ton-om to; Mrs. Lowerustein, Toronto; Leslie Cruikshank, Toronto; Douglas Ram- say, of Weston, and many others. AUXILIARY TO THE LEGION ENTERTAIN AT h BANQUET The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion, B.E.S.l.., Post 213, en- tertained the members of Rangers Branch '213, and their wives, at a banquet in the Legion Hall, Main St. North, on Tuesday owning, May lst. The tables were prettily decorated in a color scheme of green and white, and were in charge of Comrade Car- ruthers and her efficient committee. President Comrade Mrs. Pigrott was chairman of the owning and Cave the toast to the King, and the singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow" followed. President Comrade Trink- wnn of the [hangers Branch gave the toast to the Legion and fallen com- rades, which was ably responded to bwaonirnge Coyncillor synsbufx The Ladies' Auxiliary Zone Repre- sentative, Comrade Mrs. Hodkinson. entertained with a few delightful songs, and Vice President Comrade Noon gave the toast to the ladies, to which the Provincial President, Com- rade Mrs. Ginn replied. Commuity singing was enjoyed and the re- mainder of th evening was given over to dancing. The Comrades ex- presse their ppreciationo of a very jolly evening, at the close. A happY and. took place on Satur- day, Apri 88th, " the home of Mr. and In. W. J. [Annex of Thornton. when the well known and highly re- spected couple marked their golden wedding anniversary. The gathering was attended by their te/g son, Henry Lennox of Barrie, wit his wife and two grandsons. as well as who: relatives and friends. A wedding a per was served at six o/clock, the if»; being rn.oat prettily decorated with flowers and gold trim- mines, and candles burning. Mr. Arthur lullaby of Weston acted as Toast Master. The singing of the Doxolotry wt" followed with a lovely recitation by In Mallaby. Many toasts were given and all wished the bride and groom of fifg year- up many more years of he th and ha - piness. As In. Lennox cut the three-storey “he, a toast was given to her and her husband uni wu fol- lowed with the aimtine of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." A purse of money was pmmbed to them, the presentation being made by Mrs. C. Kearns. During the evening neighbours and friends called to tender contrratuia- tions on the happy occasion, and music, singing and squire dancing were enjoyed. . Members of Rangers Branch and Their Wives are Guests at . Enjoyable Gathering WWII! "MAW Mr. Ann: W! of Weston is TM “later " Marking Protect your furs in guaranteed cold stor- age vaults. No worry for you. Fire, moth and burglar proof. FUR STORAGE C! all” Event One of the outstanding features WU .the performance of young Billy Liv- Inn of Weston. Miss Campbell Wan presented with a basket of roses and an engraved Signet ring as a token oupeiitti.on from her Pupils. "A lulu] Story" was one of the events of the evening, in which many students took part, and equally charm- ing wen the scenes "The Artist," "Where Dunn: Are Made," “Basket of Flown." The evening was brought to I clone and an exciting climax with the “Gypsy Scene." Thole taking part on the program were as follows: Joseph Paterson. Ruth Ball, Harry Price, Deane Mc- Donald. Doreen Strand, Daisy Ball. Grace Sworn. Pat McGowan, Enid Shuttleworth, Marjorie Barrett, Grace English. Norman Piggott, Audrey Liv, iruts, Billy Living-s, Merle Sansom, Theresa Wiles, Margaret Wiley, Mar- jorie James, Eileen Shuttleworth, Allan Sutton. Fred Pmettsh, Joe Tracy, Helen Ball, Mildred Pinon. William J. Buvers, Thelma Burden, Lilo Har- vey, Pat Ashton, Herbert Stow", kenneth Hill. Roy Rattle. Readers-- Marguerite Brown. Lilian Camp and Roseltha Holtby Dunc-era from the studio of Miss Pat Skuee, Ontario College of Music. Aecompanists-- Miss Blanche M. Thomas and Miss Lillian Garth. Awards were presented to tho fol lowing: Eileen Shuttleworth. Senior violin; Ruth Ball, Joseph 1'aterson, first class honor certificate in Inter- mediate violin; Mildred Pizgmt, Ther ma Burden, Lile Harvey. honor corti- ficate in Intermediate Violin; Hilly Livings. first class honor certificate in Junior Violin; Fred English. Doreen Strand, Allan Suttbn, first class cor- tificate in Introductory Violin. to uppity by New spectators who ergoyod a beanitully arranged entertaigtmmtt. Period costumes were worn by all than taking part. uEgi,NPti3nltrnltr IMtauIhrN0iautetE An excellent com was dun 2. tiys..mtilts. "t.wey 4413- WW1. victim-"z. in the York hem-{.1 au: torium wk. _ The hat) tut" filled BAPTIST SERVICES WILL HAVE MUCH BNl%0iiE Special plans are under way for thc services in the local Baptist Churvh next Sunday, which will be (“undurtml by the pastor, Rev. J. C. Williamson, and large congregations are looked for both morning and evening. OHM; Future ,CEveaiattr Local Congregation to Mark Cvn, tennial Sunday and Diamond Jubilee of Missions An excellent colleen. l in Perth.” ef Young Billy [brings " Waste: The stout and thin of a Parisian creation, and are they angry! One of them is on her way to say something pungent to a curtain modiste about "exclusively designed" costumes. The other (on the right), also is on her way to end this plurality of polka dots, but by a far more satisfactory method. She's off to the nearest telephone to put a want ad in the Times & Guide. Smart girl! She knows it's the place to sell clothing of all kinds for cash. And she's right! Try it yourself! THE See The Lovely Girls! TIMES and GUIDE , " might also be noted that the Baptist World Alliance Congrats; ‘which is held every four gm, meets lthis August in Berlin w n Barb“ lira, all over the civilized worl will gather to discuss the work of the denomination and draw inspiration from the gathering and the contacts which will be made. Dr. John McNeil, who is Princifnl of the Theological Department a MeMaater University, and formerly minister of Walther "brad Baptist Church. Toronto, is {ERIE}; of God," “a a: both services music and hymns will be appropriate. _ - lens-day villi-m i! Whoa“ mun-thin. th-atintoft-r6Wittuas cam-tu-sae-u...-. 'iii7yfii' t' - " rg'ttgtf, II tttihthL"irtx Sum” . I". Mr. William- td"Ji't'thT"aN"u'rith"l' of "cver-ratrer of .y?dem Minions," and will dad with it In t moat inter- esting and . helpful ffur; In the Iva-Tn; wan ti PIOKLES ST. WILLIAMS' Raspberry or Strawberry Jam Kinney RASPBERRIES 83 MAIN ST. N. MUFFETS BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP - ----------- . W. B. CORMACK, GROCER Tiger BRAND SALMON“: Wasrou 6mm 8mm; SPECIAL MAY 4th--8th Get Your Pictures of Toronto, 100 Years Ago CALL FREE Brand Sweet Mixed We Deliver GGiir in a Yam of the world. He began the col ection in Brazil when he W“ SS, then went to Java, when he spent three years with his butter- fly net. Next he visited the Malay Archipelitto for two years in his aest. He then unveiled through gouth America, Japan, China, and SM, and can ht thousands of butterflies, in- i'ierl'f.t'r some of the runs: in the wor . In] Fruhstorler in [mud " (0W of 10,96irbattereti" to m Nauru] History Imu- in Putin. Ind it is Wing unwind “tuition. In (in causation are ugly 1m VI- new tf, ”$33;- ruhatorfer, . S . t II I imam " Sfhlt, in :11 mm of Irvin“, 'tt It“ BUTTERFLIIS BROWN "DAY. - l l” With Each y, th. pkg. of Salada Tea 2's Squat Cohoe Tail 2 lb. Tin 15 oz. jar 21c 2 nkgs. 19c 32 jar PHONE 199 Ilk 28c 16c 17c

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