Tmtow... , [noon w... philton _.. Mord __. , Those wt d .eort0m . ft-rss, Ind . Under Hydro System Under Private Ownership Tomato PPP.".........' FFVVq TTr. __ .31.“ Montreal '._P_.._..,_ T '-t .,.A......:3.m laden ..t._r_..r__w._r..t__Pe_. ___ ct. 1.74 Detroit ._ F _.. TVT VVV . V_rr_ 4.35 el1t,'p, _...___""_-__V_...'.t-F,q___ 1.74 Buffalo _.).,...,..,,.,.,., 4.14 and ._..wtw_PP.__V.__.__6......-_ 1.74 New York....,..-..-, 6.60 M ..r._r__"rswrr-_'rr_re_r_ 1.74 Boston "'e."..'rrrrrr_wr'--.w..-rrr_ 5.80 _ who complain that, Hydro is not being wisely - economically administered should study the above has. and Ilsa remember the further fact that Hydro m 56.000 rural consumers at an aver-an mat. in- - of all charges. of 4.37 per kiroteattt-hmrr. , M ylt Mr. Hepburn promises to dismiss the can iM' “Us who are producing the abpve results - to find with†for imam My A ettmparative statement of the cost of domestic light- - service in Lyme-l Canadian and United Mates cities . interesting and illnminativr. Look It the following for the same quantity of electricity. . Under Hydro System Under Private Ownership It is a simple matter to compute, that, if Ontario Hydro domestic consumers had had to pay, for the 740,000,000 â€butt-hours they used in 1932, as much per kilowatt- in]: as United Stairs consumers paid, their bills would bu mexntwl the mast sum of 841.490.0m or nearly mm moro than tho amount their electricity actu- - cost them under Hydro service. HE Ontario Municipal Electric Association furnishes T the information that in 1932,the last you for which eomparativo figures are available, all the domestic consumers served by Hydro municipalities used an Igne- llh of 740,000,000 kilowatt-hours, for which they Aid the mate mm of $11,676,000, or In avenue coat. in- chi-We of all charges. of only 1.57 cents per kilowatt- hour. According to United States census figures for 1982. the domestic consumers served by privately-owned Itilities in that country paid In “page of 5.60 cents per kilowatt-hour. ' »* - Totaieoturztedao the people of“.._......$87.162.000 These are payments that cannot he reduced. Mr. Hepburn and his followers are Well aware of the fact, but in the hope orincreasinE discontent, and profittintt thereby, they continue to repeat that administrative ex- poms will be cut. in two, and that 50 per cent savings will be effected. UCH is being said by the Opposition Press and M Opposition speakers about expenditures of the . province. They do not mention the fut that dur- ing the past fiscsl year the Henry Administration has -tdrd the following amounts in relief of the tax- “, because tf the Gammon did not most these Thin is a large sum of money. It Wu willingly ftmtished to those in need, and brings nothing but grati- his from thousands who would otherwise been in wnnt all "Haring. With the improvement on every bond now “kin: place. those who have been aided will soon be in A position to relieve the province of this Inna! outlay. expenditures, they naturally would have to be met by the Inicipnlity and eventually passed on to the citizens: Cary of the sick and suffering. free "etint,, _ _ - __ SSISTXNG those who were unable to obtain work A has been one ot the heavy charges upon the province during the depression yenrs. It in the proud boast of the people of Ontario that no person has been unable to procure food, shelter, clothing and fuel. But providing’ these necessities required the expenditure of Inge sums of money. The Henry government tarnished the following sums during the years named. Mrrt,mrr-ts..rrpttrrtrito-.rro..s a: Gui. new “nub-n. in “a column- " tho undu- t.ry.ittatetuIusu%rGrriG7Garav'av'iiri; - Mullah unlu- . "vol of and: "v.e%-nt u te.wei.'iytrrrut"vrrtiaraodAtiruieterFi.-iii.ii ttfrueer.i.d.rvthr_iisur"GrGtiiiri"iVii7ir. -"'-MuMvrt-t.6uswrittiu.rGiuuuG"ttaCeu'i.'T, - an: in new: u not evrrectad by The Tina. its Hamlin lb." u.“ lurk [proportion orthetu-u-trertGiGGl Chumuuudby [In ' “I by lush admin-um. Times and Guide toramGi 7 U.LLLL.LUC, Upkeep of the Highways diiiiiiinGGa'G iiCii 633; "..r1".r.'.CC'..C1"..i.".. Gryytta. to. 8afety League, Last Post hirid, "eic.UL.Ud.C....CLLC',..U.i....r...C.Lu.U..".r.,." For Education _"--------.---. Adyttinistrtstion of Justice and Law En- tl.,if,Sie 52â€"53103;Z:I::::::7:: #isee_1lrnroms, Public Welfare Ftmetions... (f',i,ei2iii',i,ir FiiGGiG LILL'ILZ thrio mad) Foundation grii.kuhFiiGii w REE; ttiikiG"iriiGiUG' TiAiiLo nihih'uunl‘ oliEmAu tttt'Aei'fLl.t'2s1P,'aru,,ueetttAPp. '..ircrt,.rheLtiietfCeiieit?? 'trckuwhaenrstiad.rtiirrliretG/ta; mm». M.'t mam-nut " It... to a. ll gee%.t . Burl-u. Imm'cound. we ' tun. "r; l y- ummy '.. "urn inch: ll an... .4- --.-1- _.u| h m-C-, -, - __. 1981 1932 MYDRO's SAVING 10 CUSTOMERS br-thet-Meet-tthat-to shahr "he! and I!!!†the Henry Comment into uymhnbem prom VortlIk-u and 'F"dhiiiN0t Th. Hepburn and minnow. “MMhnWW. -- 'tt.ti" was than an be M m m». ',NiP,',iifi2euiicduEuie, aria ara "iiATyti."ii: Y‘s-u '8l'llhthr%,=d'l'=1'S=A"fiAt'f. ., rytu"ef-.eyaAtewtyraiitbeitritscGimritk" WHERE THE MONEY GOES t Mouth-dumml :aholk I:mï¬ï¬‚bfhhuߤa§:mhnbn “our .&;mhw wind..:. ï¬tmmuca:w“u.u on. "cts-harness-hir/rise-vie-ilu-ia'.-.; L hm mu Ian-ml. " “I. to the lush). dent.l . Burl-Ion. lunch'coltnd. Mk; mix than. W; I an. t"eeh."e nun huh“ ll - UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF CAMPAIGN STORIES “Dwain. â€9.?5' bye-999! "er ty FRIDAY, MAY M, 1934 "tks-ev-r-ttr B. WILSON. lung-r. ILVA V. PHILLIPS. mum .t 24,000 . 4,948,000 , 13,700,000 . 13,500,000 , 5900,000 13,400,000 . 1,616,000 , â€mom 1.735.000 t,tmo,ooo 12.000 9,767,000 154;0oo 26,000 This is Victoria Day. mtrnvd after the Rom! Qumn. During tho lifetime of the illustrious Soverrittn. the am. of May W a public holiday in many pan: of the Empire. A popular rhyme among school children was "thr 24th of May is the queen'., birthday. if thoy don't ttive us a holiday we'll all run away." Thr holiday is "homily ohMrle in Canals. A bank duh for 85.400. 5"!er M Mnn'rpn’. was: ro- reived by Hon. C R. Mutt-m. â€minor of Nalmnnl Revenue, In conscionce money. This I.- one of the llrmf t%,'J,ttCygtt,,t,,'tl'tti; [mummy-u; the cm of Cum: It iwdnor moivovl thirteen mtrMiom of mark-mm money mnginx in amount from 25: to $81. There are still many persons m Canada - - h a“ M. An inrroaw nf $200,000 a day nr $11,0tt0,tttto ahovrs the revenue estimated for the pas! " days. Increaawl rar- lmdings. n train of $14,600,000 in ronstrurtinn cnnlracta. 250,000 morn person' at work arr somo of the indiu- tions of tmprovement whieh an welcomed in ('Inndn. Ontario might revert to similar conditions. By the simple expedient of demolishing all schools, hospitals and Homes of Rofugv. Closing all lhvatros and stock-ex. changes. hunishing all automobiles, and. in KOHPTIl. gn- ing hack to the harbarism of thc Storm A20. â€Marin would become a tax-{mm l‘rnvinmn And then, perhaps, the critics would hr, satisfied, But, if the facts of our history, and the developments of the past twenty-{hr years under Conswrvativr, Gov- ernment. indicate anything. our people arr not, likely to take any surly drastiz- steps. I think they will herfd fast lo thr advantages already Kainrd. and still tHhere tn Conservatism 'Mministratron; and I think they will pay gladly whatrvvr prim may he neresnnry within roar-rm to "mun that Provincial progress in the next decade Shall be greater than any hitherto known. There are. I understand. a few placvs in the world where Provincial taxation is unknown --Eskimo-land, for instance. and the African jungles. But I doubt whether mlny of our citizens would care to live there mnrvly to Avoid the tax collector. This constitutes most of Ontario's direct taxa- tion; and even some of that can be avoided if you don't bet on the ponies or dabble in the stock murket. On the whole, don't you think we people of Ontario are pretty lucky people? Premier Henry put the matter in a nut-shell when he said. in the course of his budget sprtrehr - “In regard to revenue, the hnnm‘ahle members of the Opposition try to give the people of Ontario the idea that they are suffering under a heavy burden. This Kovornment is not a taxing body to any great extent. Rather are we a seller of Her- vices. It is a matter of significance that the revenues obtained are chiefly from these services --luxurieg which the people do not have to purchase unless they want to. Out of the 51 millions we col- lected in revenue last year, only about five millions can be attributed to direct taxation." There are people in this province who think that the province is taxing them to death; and Mr. Hepburn is careful to foster that idea. Just what provincial taxes do they have to pay? Not one in a hundred could answer the question. Let us see. then, exactly where We stand in this matter. In 1933, the Ontario Gm'or‘inwnt volleeted $22,037.- MR.81 in taxes. That monuy was derived in the lollow- in: nmounts from the following sources:-- 1. LAND TAX-tttttpM/m: R levy of ID? on assvssod values, with a minimum of$'d.00 per parcel: on land in unorganized districts. 2. MINING TAX~$744,000.31. This comprises an acrenge tax of 5 cents per acre on all mining claims of over 10 acres; a grnduated tax, ranging from 3 per cent, up to 7 per cent, on the annual profits of every mine in Ontario over' $10,000 and up to 815,- 000,000; and I tax of 2 cents on every thousand feet of natural gas flowing, drawn, pumped or pro- duced in Ontario, with a rchatv of 50 per cent. on the gas used in Canada. on those citizens who can afford to indulge in pleasures and luxuries. Ontario is the most lightly taxed province in the Dominion. In proportion to size, waith. popula- tion. and the benefits derived. she has paid less for her progress than any other nuinnomy under the British flag. And here is I Net which few people realize: that most of the taxes we pay do not have to be paid at all unless we use the services offered us. XATION. debt, expenditure. are words heard many I times in every political contest. Sometimes sane, mible informed diaeusaion is heard. . Usually. extravagunt utterances and violent denunciation takes the place of reasoned exposition and just argument. At the present time there are more than the ordinary amount of reckless assertion. One unfamiliar with the practices of political parthnns would be liable to con. clude that the Henry Administration was composed of men whose only thought was how to place additional burdens on the shoulders of a suffering people. But moat people attach little importance to the reckless utterances of politicians over anxious for power. They agree with the late Hon. W. S Fielding that "wise expenditure is true economy." and do not allow them- tselves to be misled. Ontario levies little direct taxation; must of it is in- direct; Bnd it is so apportioned that the bulk of it falls on the broadest shoulders-on Cum“. on Corporations, and Mr. Rm in be.“ rebukod by the Lihenl pm†And by prominent men of the party for the -ranted myth and: upon mpomlbhe and hononbh citizens. Hence tho withdrawn) of "scandal atoriea"UGiirm, foundation, and the running of which Wu injuring those who nude them. 1h Abitibi amnion which was [on to bring dinner. unduly to Mr. Hakka and the Prime linu- ter, in when bud, and Mr. Herttum an debt, Im- lion, and extravagance is the has". uo'cnd Ind in "no: In any he spoke Io rock- I leave it to yourselves how much of'that you have to pay. CORPORATIONS TAX-$7,566,944.66: levies in various amounts against Corporations and Com- panies doing business in Ontario; against race tracks; and on stock transfers. If we stay away from the theatres and the movies. we don't have to pay that tax. WINE TAX-t151,0ty.t.76: a levy of 10 cents per gallon on all native wine. Most of u: don't have to pay that tax. GASOLINE TAX-tW/tttmi/sr. a levy of " cents per gallon, with a rebate to farmers who use the gasoline in tractors nr farm engines. If we don't drive a motor vehicle, we don't have to pay that tax. AMUSEMENT TAX-$827,248.58: a levy on all admissions rusting 25 cents or more to entrrtain- ments. . LITTLE DIRECT TAXATION I thomprott Prrrtvr, xi» yvars of awn ipastit's at his residency, Weston Road. IA pioneer of York County, he was lhorn in Vaughan township an the Porter homestead, and during his life- time had served in municipal circles. (He is survived by his wife and a (daughter at home. Mrs. A. Tyrwhitt ‘Mrs. J. R. Dennis and Miss E. J iFranks of Weston are nieces. l Plan " the disposal plant site fur ‘tho prnpusmi srsewer â€stem in York itownship, is presented to council of jthn' township by Engim-vr Fl. M. Proc. itur. It recommends tho drowning and lwidonin‘g of the Black Creek through ‘61... "HI t.ti.._r6._Ww Pvvmivi. Bvhnvtt, Sn I am told, is very popular with his secretarial staff. He is quick and "fficiont, and although ho lets off steam occasion- ally, his bark is always worse than his bite--as an executive's, presum- ably, should always bv. He came in one morning at 9.15 .o'clock. (I un't. imagine what made ‘him so late that morning) to find one of his assistants ongagml in perus- ing a copy of the Ottawa morning pnpvr, Mr. Luekham, a resident of Mount Dennis, living at 1283 Exlinton Av. enue, is aecf4entylly killed by caving in of a sand bank. the golf course) Ordination service lll Mount Den- nis Baptist Church is of an impressive nature, and Arthur Lee is ordained for service. He will leave shortly tdr Central Africa. Harding Ratepayers Association, Harding Avenue, Weston, hold suc- cessful concert in their community hall, and present. thc amusing play "The Harding Avenue Quick Lunch." Re Ms presented In Wan)" Coun- on shims that total assessment for 1924 is $3,522â€, an increase of $398,27t over 1028. l'upulltion far 1984 is 3965, tut Increase of 31m started' Ji, -thGiiririii"iuriioi'2 pavement. persona At a "tetirtg of Weston Council, Reeve Gardhuuae reports danger sir- nil: will be placed at the north end subway by the Highway Commission to give wartfut of danger zone in that localitx', and an! work will soon be " In. A.» In. J. T. Moore, HA3 Westmount Avenue, Mount Dean», announces the engagement. of her daughter. Ada, to Mr. Malcolm D. C. McRae, of Weston, the marriages to takv place in the ggmn'h of the Good Shepherd, June WHAT THE MUCH-TALKED-OF DOMINION PENSION DON!) WILL 00 FOR You Fur 3n invostmmt " 3|†A year (or “K multiplr or Indian thereof) yvm can "tango for A ttuarrsnteed mom ly inrome for We. beginning " any age you desire from " to " You don't have to wait till you an old to enjoy the pmceeda of I Dominion Pmsion Bond. Fill in the coupon below And full information will he sent you "HYIV†POWER INTERRUPTIDN In mule trom roof- nnd barks and "acorn the ORIGINAL COLOUR in the NATURAL way. " the Mime um: alvinu the hair its naturnl. helathy lusty-m Price $1.00 per hauls. 5 to 7 O‘clock a.m. rr The power in Weston will be off from c, to 7 o'clock a.m. (Sunday morning). II.H.P.C. are making tests of insulators on their feeder supplying power to Weston. m nematoggitt. 5929*!!!95 idiiiari Thorrtrrryt Punch THE TIMES a GUIDE Fully Equipped To Svrvico And Repair Any Make of Electric Motor or Apparatus Repairs Service Re-Winding 15bech From Our Files of 10 and 15 Years Ago an b. restored to m NATlkaL corock widoldkhe me in a dye or tint, SOLD UND_ER A MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 72lt Factory Electrical Maintenance SUNDAY, MAY 27th 11’ij -irhcirFAiiriiirtiiiTirifo ANGELIQUE GREY HAIR RESTORER Briggs Pharmacy We have proper insirumrnts. to test your Electrical Equipment A NGELIQUE SPECIA L SHAMPOO [my 91IT FOR YOURSELF To keep the hair nnd sum, gl;;e YOUR GREY HAIR Price 23¢ per Mule If" Sale Br wr,'h'TON PUBLIC UTlllrlris, Wt [hiker Tho prum- ministvr's rvmarks h0- fnrn the Drama Festival about exits and ro-vntram-os were given wide publicity, but In ambiguous remark shunt th" province in which he rc- sidml for a quarter of a cvntury did not 51mm to reach [hf peers. _ Thu young lady, who hid passed through their. Ininm' L-ycluno‘s hefnrr. felt quite san. in replying. mildly: "l'm mrry, Mr. llvnnvtt. It wouldn't have happl'nod if you didn't woar rubber hvvlst." "Young lady," he stormed. "is this what the nation is paying you for-, to sit, here at a quarter after nine reading the morning paper!“ And othpr appropriate remarks. A sun is born to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Death, "urnharnthorpe Road, on Fri- day, May 29th. At Church of Good Shepherd, Mt. Donnis. Rev. A. J. Arthur unites. in marriage Hilda Helen Hinds and roseph Henry West, late of the R.C.H.A. They will reside in Wes- ton. l Dr. John Summvrville, Treasurer of the Prvshytvrian Church of Canada,) who dim! at his home in Toronto a; few days ago, was formerly a resin dvnt " sttum. llv'was "no of the; first "hires at the Presbyterian Churrh; and was: largely instrumental in haw» ing a resident minister stationed in thel town. , At St. John's Anglican Church, Wes- ton, Miss Kate Backless becomes wife of Mr. Percy Knight, Dr. Archbold of- ficiating. They will reside at Morley Cottage, Westmounl Avenue, Weston. Driver John Cannon uf the 7th Cav- airy Field Ambulance Corps, Calgary, returns home after 4 years overseas, and is visiting his sister, Mrs. A, Varcoe, George St. Lily, daughter of Mrs. G. M. Wid- dop, Toronto, marries Reginald Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hill, Wea- ton, at Riverdale Methodist Church, REV. Dr. Long officiating. Attendants are Mrs. N. H. Keener and Mr. Ar- thur Hill. J. D. Case tractor demonstration is held on farm or Robert Wardlaw and is successful affair, and u a result the local agent, o. E. [.an has several fine sales in prospect. _ Clean-up day is observed in Wes- ton with all citizens co-operating to fullest extent. Sew. R. J. Lloyd of R-oqot Avenue n-turns home after 3 years' M'I'YIt‘t' In Fruit-e uith the 268th Bat- talion (infantry). Commenting on Thn'rukson's, play, Auto Starters and Generators Rownund Ignition Parts in Stock 15 Year: Ago WESTON '11-‘11 MW About tltpd I mu. t to have 'i'U find man! "t "I find n'dimcun to believe," he aid, "that the aid architect could have lived for 25 years in Alberta and still remain sensitive." Prob. ably Mr. Bennett was thinking of the tough hide needed by such urchi- tecls of fate as himself. “We!" which and": M] “in uchiuct who had lived in “has 25 was. wu new 'M"q" sdandatofiua.nasdwhoirs- in some revolutionary unci- mu. tho prime minister is reported 50' Eave. expregseq can; Examining: " MAIN ST. N 4rmsrt'ioww THE -r s,',',',,,, DUNLOP GUARANTEE is good anywhere in Canada The House of Commons i, nut only 122 MAIN ST. N. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF BUILDING MATER. IALS AND LUMBER FOR ALI, CONSTRUCTION PUR- POSES BACKED UP BY PROMPT. FlFinClENT SERVICE AND FAIR BRICKS CRUICKSHANK GARAGE WESTON YARD: Va Ives, Spark Plugs, Ignition Points and Carburetor. . . . DUNLOP Tires are absolutely guaranteed against all road hazards, excepting puncrures and damage " the result of running flat. The DUNLOP guarantee is good at any DUNLOP dealer from coast to cotot--'tt is a real guarantee and “aim in mak. ing the name DUNLOP mean Dependability. We carry a full range of DUNLOP guaranteed tires. Junction 9662 THE In] The DUNMH’ guarantee in atsurancc to you that your DUNLOP tires will give you a definite service. “min-n Vuh'anizing Equipmrnt for hxpert Tire RIP-ifs J. C. Irvin. Mgr. In our shop this te-adjustment, ur tune-up is with scientific instruments. Performance of motor is accurately Incasurvd not gun-mod at adjusted. to factory specifications. . . . must be adjusted to very specific limits and, since constant operation gradually changes these limits, their re-adjustment from time to time is necessary. TRY tiClh'NT'lF'It' MONK 'rl’Nl'H'l'! JOHN HEBGIN IRVIN LUMBER M. I‘P-TILIHTRT‘lth-Rl-TPHRS WESTON "mm It" AND SERVICE STATION PHONES: lslington so the "kiddies". You‘ll never buy them a cheaper, healthier toy. Ask us about low privvs for materials for different size hoses. Easy tr, ('unslruct set full hirsute or consonant rdd,jiiei,r . m with which virtuaHr every use wu adorned. There were-i my " - infinite varieties of thr King kT wed beard, thy Dumb-r new M. the I'mndrenry. V a; "aa. chop ttsf, .Ul [gamut west.:.. but. than iii; In!†..froiakGririiL "’" can“: ol the aid-ti.- mbry cor- respondents that around turn of the 'mnturCrt. w and not: pie- turesque. chiefly.o, pm: of up .wgwnm‘ an, “hr/9.- Build il Sandbox the Children WAY. KAY " Iâ€. ISLINGTON YARD: Alec. McLean, Mgr. â€P331800 Weston " WESTON 387 LTD. of fun for for is - and done your