i I In!!!“ Church lesion Paint, & Body Phones 709W LY. 1863 41 Main St. S. Weston Used Tires and Parts for all makes of cars. Glass installed in all makes of cars. Weston Auto Wreckers 93 MAIN RT. SOUTH. WESTON . ll tcm.--"))., Purpose in Its Rev- ohtion to Man." 8 patt.--sunday School. 7 p.m.--"The Psalmist's Question --What is man?" Yienrs Rev. W. E. Mash! also. Um“. Hummus etc. CLEANED IN THE HOME with Hoover Cleaners Floors mlished hates from 25c J"//,'2 Weston 539 C. Lmte-trair in; '," my, “V 1.4.4 IAIBIS‘I'IR. SOLICITOR. Ete. hi " No}! 83min Chalm- Wm.- 152W"""" am. out Funeral and Ambulance Service 1273 WESTON ROAD Phones: JUnction 8921 Weston 487 I". J. C Wink-Ion. EA. BIL l Mar; Phone "" Mtsyturareturirur American Grnnllo tnd Marble. also Cnmdhn, Soot. Ind other Foreign Gunmen Shop equipped wlth the In»! weumatlc tools. sandblut. rlte or cell Jy2A..etptiee.. Toronto Conservatory Of Music WESTON BRANCH Main and John Sm. Weston "" Walton Rd., Mt. Dennis Plum. Singing. Violin, Theory, During. Elocution, Guitar, etc, [hydbnok 9240 Weston 1051M Flynn Bros. Orangeville Monumental Works Marion Russell Demorest Reptrirt to. A__utn_1‘ops and Reliable Taxi Gun-nod WI. A. 3160. 1* June " MW. DENY". Jun. 1.0. .. Won.- ANI. Wort Guru-med LT.C.M. Singing, Piano, Organ Private or Class Weston 1051M Lloydbrook 9240 , p.m.-Sunday School. 7 pi-Evening 1'service--Rev. A. J. Arthur, a: nun at. North WESTON I. C, BROOKDANKS no“ Weno- Gin-w t " l P-ers Anywhere In Wenon {or 25: Piano -. .-. "nu-nus :1. [nil-n Mn Toto-to _ ie-ob-rio-ti,-." Loe-l 'terr-tteo . Aut: "an!“ - --ii' an? ffiia-" , SUNDAY. HAY Wth "" 11.. I --"The lung: of Empire Day". 245 t.2r-1ll'f,d, School. 7.00 p.iv--"The Changed Life". Welcome! s. re.,' siiFri'iibiii M Moqr servlce nelson-bl- In". ',, JOHN’S MGLIOAN MISSION Rent - mac}; Wood Work wWifirN lull-eggqu-gguuw. mks-g Avemte--Co-nity Hall- ct. UNITED CHURCH Is your truck or automobile insured? Rates urn much lowrr this your than in provinus ynars Hull particulars on request Bank of Nova Semi; ur. Phone 415-W Weston, (Int mam-no- un. II“. 0-!- - . View. In. “'0". o no... In... at I'OIQOI on!" " Inl- " it". "- _.. 16 MAIN ST. N. "rer Post Office Real lnlnrlm-o Sonia Firn Autnmnhilo Casualty Phones: "tfirr--19.'t Rrnidence-ttTg GRAY & LYON F. A. Silverman, B.A. Harri-Ia. solldtor. Ac. 1011 Want)» “and. Jinan! Denal- PHONES “Jun". 0402" "\ve-ion 5441“" Fir-Munro: Run. 4377 HONEY To LOAN on "ooo FutN'r AND SECOVD MORTGAGE SECURITIES orrtrr, Noun.- Dnny; aim Tuesday And Thursday evonlngs_ F. W. MERTENS J. Edgar Parson; W. M. Penman, B.A. 16 Mlin St. N. Over Pmst Office BARRIS'TER, SI )LICITOR, Etc. Over lnth'a Drug More Phone: Office 80 Rea. 1071 Dr. Harrison C. Roos DENTAL SURGEON X-RAY EXTRACTION BY GAS Nurse in Attendance Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main and John St., Weston Phone 295W Ruidence 295d Over Ten Years' Experience Office: Cor. Main lk John Sta. Weno- Phone-I W'olton “I“! Junction 4013 Dr. A. C. Clarke Mills Dr. T. A. Carpenter Dr. W. J. Rodwell lk. H. M. LeGard ' _ w. ACKROW my). ALAN BULL alike-(armor Mun & King Crea. “In“ Nttmber.-weston 9 A JUnet. 3511 'tendenre-pru Kin. Fit. Phone Wen-Ion 739 ("fro Hours 9-)†u.m.. 1.3 um. 6.31M! p-m. Phynkh- and Snrmn 10mee cl Or. J. A. Molar-I) I. Hone-out Avtune Barrister. Solicitor. Me. " 1863 Money to Loan 8 Tmmo Street, Toronto 046-52 IAIIIIITIJRI _ was In.“ - Office Hours Daily From 9-5 P.M. Tues. & Thur" 7-9 PM. x-46-13-T VITEIIIN An" SURGEON Dr. R. C Wade PHYSICIAN & st mil-xix " a. I. or», m.- k t “In. an. FARMERS I luv-J4, " at as Mil" DENTIST Offiee: FARR BUNK 16 Main St. N PHONE 129 DENTIST sym Wilson, in Charge Ht. N. Cur. I'Illc St. Phone 1 1 86 h, the world . . . that Mme curried l hy nm annually kills hundreds of ‘lthonsnmfs of vietttns . . . that hook, worm infects 60 per cont. of the ‘foarlh's mpulnlinn nnd in the most im rum of ttll [mlporinl diluent-s?" t ',lltrlk' either. till ma t Naeinat. 'intt “any. demand by Dr. T. W, EM. Cameron of Manon-Id College, wee, und puhli-hcd by the Nut-1 jun-m1 Renritteh mum-n. l m that comet-non it is safe to any [that much important Ind little known march work is being carried on both days are, Ills! faded nwny, It is difficult these, days for the House even to put on a good display of toothbrush moutstaches. Sir George Porky boasts the most imposing heard, I should any. and there are a few with somewhat inferior pre- tensions. Ire. Hurtubiae of Nipis- ing runs Sir George 1 {sir second and the president of the CCF. is not Gr behind. The Champlain bend is affected by one of the French mem- Mrs. Messrs' Carmichael, R. S. White, .lncobs and Motherwell are among the few who would not look too badly out of pluce in a. group phomgmph of the 1900 members. But the leaders of the Conservative party and the Liberal party set the style hy <mmth~shnvon fares, and many cab- inet members and oppmltiml front- bench-rs conform to their lendershim There is perhaps none better fitted to carry nut the first step towards the creation of such a body than Mr. Price, for it has been his experience in life to work with the workers, know intimate- ly their troubles and in his municipal sorvivo comp later in conttct with the men higher up who the employers as wvll as those who finance. This is an idealist's thought, born out of the realization that the line of thrmavkation as between tlfése three most effective factors of our indus- trial prngresx have in the past, so it has seemed. been opposed to one an- other, for as it were their respective gain, whereas, like the wheels of a clock, working in accord as they Should, the better results would be brought about, in the ultimate for all. On Thursday night the XL. Bible Class of Central Church held its regu- lar mix-ting with Mrs. John Gowland in the chair. Mrs. Milner and her committee were in charge. The speaker of the evening was r. A. C. C. Mills, who ave an interesting and instructive 'dd on proper care of the teeth, and was introduced to the gath- ering by Mr. Rham. Miss Margaret McConnell rendered two pleasing solos, and at the conclusion of the moi-ting lunch was served. V In the (-nurso of his various address, es throughout the riding of West York the Conservative candidate, J. Ray Price. has drawn to himself consider- able favorable comment on his sugges- tion that, granted election to office, it would be one of his first aims in the in, tel-est of the workers in general to ar- rive at some scheme whereby finan- ciers, industrialists and the workers may be brought more intimately into accord. A party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Medhurst last Saturday, May 19th, on the Occasion of their 15th we’ding anniversary. A really enjoyable evening was spent, Mr. Harry Worthington of Holley Avenue and Mr. Chas. Davis of To- ronto being the recipients of the eve- ning's prizes. Dr. H. C. Roos attended the dental convention at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, Monday, Tuesday and Wed, rursday of this week. Dr. G. E. French of Niagara Falls and Dr. E. A. Roos of Mount Forest wore also in attend- ance at the Convention and are visit- ing Dr. Roos and Mrs. Roos of Weston. Dr. French is a brother of Mrs. Roos. Among those in attendance at the meeting of the Synod for this Diocese held last week in St. James Cathedral Parish Hall, Toronto, were the Rector of St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. J. Hughes-Jones. the Vicar, Rev. W. E. Mackey, and Mr. Sam Wilson. The engagvment has been In- nounced of Edith Mae Brown, daugh- ter of Mrs. Chas. Brown and the lute Mr. Brown, to Gordon Leslie Usher, son of Mr. Thomas Usher and the late Mrs. Usher, the marriage to take place quietly June 9th. I The Ladies Auxiliary ot Rangers gBranch, Post 213, will hold a eucbre {next Tueadhy afternoon in the Legion lHall, at 'd pm. _ Let r tsocusl Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Muckny. of Sykes Avenue, who last week eele, brated their golden weddin anniver- sary, are spending a 'fl'lM at Hill. crest lodge, lnverhuron Beach. on Lake Huron. .. w. m-.. â€w... "my.“ mun- Congratulations to Dr. Ind Mrs. R. l hen of the iLiD Aid aid the Youn H. Young (nee "net Calhoun stretct/io/dt't Brtciety of Everston Part N.. formerly of Weston) on the bin ,Unlud Church. Dduly tefreshmenta of a daughter, Kay, u the Goshen 1 were served and a will time t-njuyed. Hospital, Cullen, Indiana, on Thurs) . o . day, Muy 17th. Over 200 normna all†a. .1... kn.†Rev. Ernest R. Fitch and Mrs. Fitch, of Granville, Ohio, were visit- ing the pwst week with Mrs. Fitch's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Lamont, 175 John Street. Did you know . . . that "Malaria 1ti11 tht. muggy kijling disc!†be Mme idaG%iaTi,iTe" iii,' "guilt", ly undergone} serious operation tit Western otspital. The In my friends of Mrs. Edwin Ncwsomel sp, Mal? Sage: North, will PARLIAMENT' HILL HEARS (Continued from An Appealing Suggestion " have your Personal Ind "can and :9de this column, Weston Personals Two) up." has been picking up scrap iron nll over the worklynd one of the moot "rial on†of m. kind ur- Hve0 the m day from Autumn. ‘ Miss June Blake chiral! to hive- PS- 1aijiii'iia A record in servin u sexton land parish clerk in Emery MU, Enz- l land. for " years. She ind her “than the lived to be 92. have maid these position: ever since the church “I ‘opcned. Between them they hue new six clergyman fill the Vic-rue. Her church work holds her Rte-mt inter- est, and “though she is 74,:she so" to church my Sum-y nnd fast any to coll the bee. "t don't thin! that the young people today Irv any worn than we were man they dont attend ehmrh on Sunday." she said. "hm I should like to no more youngsters " tending divine service." electricity to speed growth and make life easier. Nearly 400 are employing it for milking and in butter mnking. Market gardeners have recently found that they can lecelerute the growth of "get-hie: by starting them In a hot-bed warmed by electricity. The "magi"! current" is just being intro- duced into hen houses, lights earhr in the evening and morning. delutllng the. blddiea into believing the day is longer and thus ettusing them to lay more eggs. Uitrtr.violet rays pro- duced from a lamp is being used ex- tensively in the rearing of chicks. A friend of mine facetiously sug- gests a way in which would-be sew» tors might make sum of their appoint» ments. He recalls the device which was adopted by an aspiring Scot who was given some kind of an nssurnnce that if he made . large contribution to the party funds of the party then in rower in Great Britain he would. in ater honors list, he dubbed Lord Blank. He decided to avail himself of the proposition for ten thousand pounds, in Ivor of the plrty, signing it: “Lord Rhrnk." l This serum, if injected into the! 'patient, renders him inscnsihle to the, leffccts of the plant. An interesting: sidelight was revealed to me in this: connection by a National Research] scientist. He knows of a woman who is so ultra-sensitive to poison ivy that I every time her husband goes into the:' woods she suffers an attack! Ap-i parently he brings back on his clothes ’ or shoes minute particles of the poison [ ivy which comes into contact with her i skin by direct contact or by their presence in the mi. Other people can plunge around through woods with l complete immunity. , JAPAN GETS shtANr,krARGr, at the Ottawa laboratories and elstrct where in Canada encouraged by the) National Research Council. Working; on serums, pne scientist has isolated‘ whet seems to he a highly satisfaetory: antidote for poisoning, which annoys so rpqny people. A , A reception was held immediately following the ceremony, Mrs. Mae, Pherson and Mrs. Fordham, moth r of the groom, receiving with e bridal couple. Later the bride nd groom left on a motor trip, the hr I? travelling in a beige tweed swa suit, with brown amories. The out-of~town guests were Miss S. C. McLean of Oakville, Mrs. W. E. Ross, and Mr. Gordon Ross of has Angeles, Calif. WOMAN same FOR so YEARS F'ordhnm.MeVnn A pretty wedding took place in the home of Mrs. D. MncPherson when her niece, Florence Isabel Melton. daughter of Mr, n. J. Mclean, was united in marriage to Mr. Frederick S. Fordham. son of Mr. and Mrs, F. W. Fordhom, Mount Dennis, Rev. J. C. Torrance officinting. The house was prettily decorated with spring flowers and the wedding music was played , Miss Elouise Fordham. During t e signing of the register Miss Anne Fordham sang "Beetiuse." The bride, who was givrn in mar- riage by her father, wore a becoming dress of dulse blue chiffon, white hat and shoes, and carried a shower bouquet of pink roses and baby's breath. Her only attendant was her sister, Miss Winnifred McLean, who wore a pale yellow chiffon dress with pink sash and hat and carried Arm erican Beauty roses and baby's breath. 'The best man was Mr. Ed, mund Wright; "Gu;siii"or'"i'ite""iricfi, . _-___-e, . .. . U _ l Over 200 persons called at the home {of Mr. and Mm. Philip J. Mackay. ‘Sykes Avenue, on Wednesday of last week, to tender them congratulations ‘on the occuion of their golden wed- ding anniversary. During the eve- ining, members of the Weston Fire Brigade, of which Mr. Mackay has Ibeen I member since its inception, to- gether with their wives, paid a sur- prise visit to this well knwn couple. Both Mr. and Mrs. Kathy wish to express their sincere thanks for the many beautiful bouquets of flowers sent them. for the many kind L'on- gratulations artdhrdod wislm extended to them, and td thank tsll those who in any way made the occasion thel happy one it was. Over thirty friend. of Mms Audrey) Hastings. tethered on Thursday night} last It the home of In. W. Burling-‘ ton, Harding Avenue, to tender Miirsi Hutim n uni-news shower in; view of her te,',ogtltif Tarriage.) The room had been rem y tlecuraud‘ in a color scheme a pink and white) and the zine, which were daintily) wrapped, were prenatal tu the bride- co-be. Thoae resent included mem-; he" '01: the del' 4119:"! the Young‘ ELECTRICITY AIDS FARMERS Dr. Milton Ruby and W. B. Mather have but Q.'iti".T.tt latter', parents, Mr. and In. A. . Mather. Mrs. A. [churn-g, Crow Street, spent the weekend, ' Montreal, Frr.m.ttt of chtlnnd “are . usiryr In. A. T. Huber in just returned from a ten day grig tChicuoru. Pz,tr_thiItttrie,tdt ttPe “My There are steel rails red with mu, old sewing maehinvs, and autmnuhiln- fenders. On the top of one heap was l. buttered trombone. Scores of old ldrums ranged side by side with piles "sf wornout machinery, car wheels, jeooking stoves, and scores of other [ancient and apparently useless tlr- "ieles, together with hundreds of thouunds of old horseshoe; Even obsolete cannon were in the cargo. After nerving 3-1} yI-ara W', (Hun-wan] of lifeboat:, in the Orkney Island-u 3 Jack Swanson, nf lnnghupr, In... re tired. and only hccau 4- he has renew-(H the age limit, In that [mu- he helped save 54 pcrsolm. and hr, holds a silver medal and bar for heroism, Formerly Rector "f the Church of tho (inod Shepherd, Mount Dennis, whn will be in charge of the Sunnis) evening service at St. John's Arudi, can Mission, Handing Avenue. (Head Offices at 11.10 Bar St.) are open to receive new stu- dents for Day or Evening, in- tensive study of choice of subjects leading to a business position. Inquiry or visitation welcomed. KI. 3165. Elm MAN SAVES 51 in 53 YEARS mu W. R. SHAW, Registrar. HIRE SUNDAY NICII'I‘ REV. A. J. ARTHUR A GENERAL Moro" VAL“ ‘. FARR a sons um, was“); J. BARRY, BOLTON out. Imwwmu THE DEAD ow my Tworoun--ttt.-. Ctmrt time on has " an. was da- tum which party they would lup- port. Well, for my put. said one. I don't know much than! it. But I do know dad has always voted Conn":- tive, and he hacs made I study of poli- ties and he knows hm unions, to 1 MI I will vote Tory. Welt, that is good enough for HIP, said his pal, Woston 2s4-athte. 837. Ammo Dulu- WESTON 845 hm Imam OI. GUARANTEE in any "an. If any (Muir in u-d I“. heinllr puma. _ m GL, kn. in Kahlua - by my: Maurine. undul- ‘rillnu by In in: I â€than! of five run and will mph“. 4222-3! yt, .49.... Jo We Sollclt Your Enquiries 0n Pounded FIVE Tretiiviihrii, In mums " Mannâ€: MV-(jul' Mull!“ by {he _ “Insurance; a t-rtoU ut' YI-e , um: mu reptsrce, "r,Htl' .r "dsuet w n: rHoUsANIt Your HILLARS w,» an“ if .‘Iv 'tr' IN dawn-He! M'e, 'lo-ret, Clothes . Permutect is a scientific imported moth proofing solution electrically applied by compressed air. It is harmless to the molt delicate fabrics and does not affert the feel of soft woolens, nor the tensile siangth or appearance " anything. Odourless, colour- less, stainless. It strikes at the root of the trouble by rendering inedible to moths so that they starve to death rather than eat them. 65 Main SLSouth Weston ,rsl7i1::, "Pontiac is the best-riding car In its price cits! and I've tried than all. Knee-Action Wheels make it feel like a much larger cu..Sttun- line it modern but not em. I 'm perfectly "tiat5ed with my 1930 Pontiac!†_ PRODUCED " “It“ rDAlCI 'tiere4-_-oi. BICYCLISIOIJIYM 1.ro. 2168