Times & Guide (1909), 31 Aug 1934, p. 6

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CHARTERS --At Harding Avenue Mission on Bomber 2nd, the young people's .on tn from the People's Church will sing and play, and Mr. Hooper Vin con inue his talk from a chart, “The Course of Time and Eternity.” W -Patrurtige the independently own- od Ind operated store. See the week- Ind specials advertised by the Wes- ton Grocery Store, operated b W. B. Cormack, opposite the Town as“. L-Cetttrat United Church Sunday School will continue to meet at 10 o'clock Sunday mornings for two non weeks, resuming at 3 pm. on Sunday, Sept, 16th. .--Mrs. Reign Phillip? Warren's Kindergarten- rimary Classes con- Md It 102 Queens Drive, open on Bet, toth. f,ir?ftir'i6Eii'ir.ifi"tf"hu"r't'." l/li Cu:- Salve. Get n. at Brigg's Drug Mn. x-lw The metropolitan newspaper draws a large circle of coverage round any fair-sized city. The suburban newspaper draws a circle just big enough to cover a concentratedebuying area in that city. In the suburban paper, therefore. there is no waste circulation. It is read from column to column. It carries the message of the advertiser framed between columns of friendly new: new“. It bespeaks a welcome for every advertiser-introduces him to an inner circle where customer acceptance is backed by frequent and extensive buying. Trw SUIUIBAN PAPEI is rm LOGICAL MEDIUM rm rvnv anvrnlsrl tr F qut. A t OMC r NTMTH) unit In PM In -rtalEt.--5 cent Lead Pencil and hill Pad to all ty" buying school huma- from Inc . x-tt M Main St. N. Phone Opp. Town Hall 191 WESTON ' GROCERY STORE (cows. CAELUsE? and IN, ',r.yPCT0Ey'N.i)i As, hurt. Use Kipper Snacks 2 for CN Grape Nut Flakes 2 for Eta! White Toilet Flush tin anew-.5 wit St. William‘s Raspberry or 'trawkerry Princess Soup Flakes 2 plugs. Holiday Fancy Mixed Biscuits, lb. I. B. BURMAGK GROCER hAuPTON Coresmtvaroe Pun Cum News lad tiirbr's 'lt sale advertise- HALL t Glynn.” in th I inane. It will llnch's. . WEEK-END SPECIALS I. 32ari. 'tqu0Mttttg comm, LIMITED “and Office: Baum. Ontnrio 'Atad a Tm Vat Tatum, Wm, New Tm and Pan Credit Weston “Local Items THE INNER CIRCLE WESTON TIMES AND Gum IS 2T " 16: IS Ill, Published by will iurteh'i.-Tori"n't'o" Nrar TOIONTO Anvnrnu WEST TOIONTO Venn . (Lula Foreman T. Eaton Co. Ltd) - -__ "V“--.mwu Hy the renter influx of children expect- ed 511's fall. In former years the entrance candidates have about equalled the incoming pupils of the lower grades, this year being an ex- ception. All schools in this area have been painted outside, while McKee Axenue School has been painted in- Mattresses Rebuilt and Recovered for $2.95 up. Also a good selection of Chintaek, Crettones and Linens for Slipcovers or Drapes, from 40 cents per yard. All kinds of fur- niture recovered, repaired or refin- ished. Prices Reasonable and all work trurrrtoteed. Geo. Mackay -- _. - _ "__ .-___.~...., ( --The fourth anniversary of the lacs] Salvation Army Corps will be held on Sunday, Sept. 9th, with ser- vices at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., conducted by Major and Mrs. F. Ham. On Tues- day, Sept. It, at g p.m., a program will be given by the Earlscourt Song- ster Brigade in the Citadel. This is an 1pef,.ty2,.y, to eqjoy and profit by sumo no,“ In" »\"-‘-‘r‘* some "'_i..%rsr. uuclu, "iiiowaaie, there ‘is to be one new teacher in the Area namely, Miss Ruse Smith, to succeeii Miss A. Brown in Old Yonge Street School while Miss Ann Elliott is to take charge of one class in the porG able school at Willowdale, the re. opening of which is necessitated by ths, "an.“ inn... " -Cer , V --?ccurding to a statement issued by Secretary J. Brown of the Area School Board, Winomiaxe, there 'is r.. Ln nun -_.---, . ‘ . _ -Rev. H. E. Wellwood will con- duct both services in Central United Church next Sunday, and will bring his congregation two fine messages. In the morning his subject will be IArise, Shine!" and in the evening, "The Winning Post," a special message to young people. Weston Upholstering & Cabinetmaking Shop l --8end as your local and personal items. With fall and winter activities beginning see to it that the doings of your club or other organization is recorded in the columns of the Times and Guide each week. --Don't forget ladies, the meeting of the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Weston 2te,'.ttee1')s Club on Thursday, Sept. 6t , at 8 pm. Come out in force to get ready fur a lively and busy winter. Girls' Bicycles for Hire (Agent for al C.C.M. Products) Tra e in your old bicycle or have it overhauled. Used bicycles on hand. Mower knives and lawn mowers sharpened. All jobs promptly done. No job we can't do, l _-Buy your school supplies from the merchants who advertise this week. Their aim is service and quality and reasonable prices. l --Harvest Home Services at St. Juhn's Anglican Church are not tar oft. Definite announcement as to the Sunday will be made shortly, 8 JOHN ST. Bicycles and Repairs TIM. A. WHITE - . _ __ -.u""r very fine series, SPECIAL 223 MAIN ST. ti. Phone 424d Ity/P, Anniyersuy !11looL. SUPPLIES at prices, x-it --At St. John's Anglican Church on Sunday lust the Vicar was in charge of the services, and there was an im- provement in the attendance, As the summer drawn to a close the attend- "tee will immune more and more. Next Sand-y, September 2nd servirttrs will be in haying with the 14th Sun, day after Trinity Ind Labor tho. At " mm. there will be the glosing of the summer Sunday School and a speciul Children', Service will be held. All parents and teacher: In Inked to be green! with the children on this occasion. Come Ind see what the little ones can do-it will surprise C.N.E. am "at. Foremost mung than in Miss Frances (Bobbie) V M, 11-year-old daughtn- of Mr. ma In. Jock Alun, tge Drive, who ttPtfiptrer.o beirttrepteredin dancing Wm, has "G; riGiia'L' W in addition to medals tron enr- 1tutt the Ttthy' 2mm gold, Trofdy Averted -What mig t have been a serious accident occurred on Wednesday, when a ear driven by H. S. Savage, M Cross Street, Weston, was crossing 'ithe intersection of Gladstone and lShanley streets, and was struck by a westbound coupe coming on Shanley Street, Mr. Savages car was turned round and topple over. Ruth and Mrs. Savage in the rear sen sus- tained bruises and a few cuts when the windows were broken, but Jack and Mr. Savage were barely scratched. The top of the car, fenders, glass, and one wheel were broken. In. Won " Moduli- -Cottemtuhtirrnst to the Weston rung ladiea, who have been success- tA.ti. winning 1t"teitys prizes at the j --The followin officers were elect- it) Friday ni ht 'V the Ward Three, North York fluu'l Liberal Asso- ciation at a,meetin§ held in Maple Leaf School: Presi ent, Otto Carr; vice~presidents, Andrew Davidson, Percy Salt; secretary, Robert Sander- son; executive, Charles Lawrence, William Snyder, Deputy Reeve Reu- ben Phillips, Fred Marshall, John Dickin, Roy Devins; treasurer, Depu- ty Reeve Phillips. Dr. Fred Hambly,, of Willowdale, president of Ward Two Liberal Association, presided for the} election of officers. --Thieves entered Martin's grocery store, Kini and Elm streets, about four o'cloc Saturday morning and stole a quantity of cigarettes and to- lhaeeo. Entrance was made through lthe back window. Four persons ttt ‘ing upstairs heard a noise and loo - ‘ed out the window, but seeing noth- ing, attributed it to imagination and returned to bed. The theft was dis- covered Saturday morning. This is, about the third time the store has been entered. Chief of Police Holley is investigating. Picnic Saturday _ --All scholars of St. John's Amy lican Sunday; School are asked to be lat the ehure on time, Saturday Sept. list, at 2.15 p.m., to go to Thistletown for their lcnic with the Sisters of the Church. This picnic is for all children who attended Sunday school during the summer months. The Vicar would like those who have cars, to take the children to the picnic on Saturday, and the use of these cars will be much appreciated. The retru- lar Sunday school sessions will begin Sunday, Sept. 16th, at 3 p.m. most Impresswe address, basin his remarks on the let Chapter of gave- lations. Both he and Rev. J. C. Wil- liamson spoke of the fellowship en- joyed during the month and expressed the hope that it would be continued from time to time in the near future. --The last open-air joint service of four Weston churches, on the Bap- tist Church lawn, was held last Sun, day night and was largely attended, ed. Mr. Henley, organist of Central United Church, was at the piano. Rev. H. E. Wellwood, the speaker, gave a most impressive address, basing his l --Mrs. L. M. Powell, of 96 King ‘Street, Weston, ained outstanding _iyeces's, in the classes fur Ladies' ‘Fancy Embroidery work at the Cana- Idian National Exhibition nuw being ‘held. An award was obtained with each of thirteen articles exhibited, and these included five first and four second prizes. During the past two years at various exhibitions through- out the Dominion, we understand t at Mrs. Powell has won well over loo, prizes for this class of work, the, majority of these being first and) second awards. l I -The Girls of the Golden Rule Club of the Harding Avenue Mission had their picnic last Wednesdaj' at Hanlan's Point. Mr. Sheldon rove them to the wharf and went and met them coming home. Mrs. Cameron is their leader and their class song is-- “Take off your shoes and stockings [and let your feet o bare, We are the girls of the Gokfen Rule Club, and touch us it you dare. Mrs. Cameron is our leader, We love her very true, and if you interefere with her, we'll make it hot tor you." --Ort Sunday evening at 7 u'elock, in St. John's An lican Church, Rev. W. E. Mackey i'2il speak on a must timely subject, “Industrial Economic and Labor Questions of the Day as l‘hey Affect Relief." His message will be a timely one and should be of much benefit to all who are privileged to hear him. I” n WW Q Pitui- ua lon m. "rmet6r tm, in... "i6ahG"i"ii'iG"'rG"r' --Mitrt, Judy Summons, of Weston, and Mrs. Harrison are demonstrating in the Victorian Room of the W0- men's Buildin an the C.N.E., and by special requesf posed for the movies being made at the C.N.E. We may suun hope to see Miss Summons on the screen. -Rev. W. E. Mickey Vicar of St. Johnu Anglican Churcii. extends a cordial invitation to members of Wea, ton Council, Welfare Banal, Local Council ot Women, and ot or town organizations to hear his discourse Sunday night on industrial, economic and relief questions ut' the day. Sunday. HU morning iiutgeet will he "8upply and Donut“! and in the eve- ning, "A Tragedy of nonunion." -With union church services over for mother lummcr. Rev. J. C. Wil. liamnon of the Baptist Church, will preach to his own mum- tion next Sunday. His morning numb will be “Suonlv and Dam-Ind “A G, u... l...» 40 sheets good quality. linen finish paper, size 8x10 inches. 2 BUNCHES SUCKERS 5 FOR Se GUM DROPS, lb. PEANUTs, m. SPECIAL WHILE FOR 1 Te THEY WEEK LAST pound Chocolate Buds Linen Writing Pads Tooth Brushes J,",'),',',','),',.':,, 10c -----------, Colored Bobby Combs 10c was was 5:7ng2 20c in; SET YOUR HAIR WITH than. Cram FACE POWDER Ball Pop Suckers WAVE SET 15c 8 Colors and Brush in Metal Case Pencil Boxes “Tammi: um I Each 10c 1000 POUNDS FRESH A bbou. Webster's Fur School Complete With Key HOLLYWOOD OR DR. ELLIS WATER COLORS 1i.itt1iy-statusnery--roiiiriGi'iie"i, ESTHER Schimi Dictionaries ea. 10c Ilk, 20c [jilIiItJjll 1ljijij5i' 15c 15c ISc ISe 5c AT ' , , rSe---10e I to $1.00 , . . STORE 34 Main St. 'ir-weston-atop. John St, "-==-----'-"'"-'r-'P-er-e-e-e--r--et---. TAKE, THE 31%?“ flf/T, OF BUYING KBBY’S Good Wearing-Easily Put on A well-tailored line of quality Ch bray, triple stitched laid on yoke, inched collar, extension neck I): one pocket. Sizes 14 to 17rv. Ruled Exercise Books . so“) SHOE REPAIR KIT 30c Ruled News Scribblers LEATHER SOLES 25c pair Also t‘untains 180 pages MEN’S BLUE CHAMBRAY Plain News Scribblers Weiston - New Toroito 64 Pages-ruled and mag-gin Picture' Cover Or 1)ilcloth We have them all in wide range of Per can LOOSE LEAF BOOKS Make The Old Piace" Look Like New PAINTS, VARNISH ,eiSiu, Contains 180 pages RUBBER HEELS IT WILL PAY YOU TO SEE OUR ASSORTMENT OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND YOU WILL SAVE MONEY BY COMING TO KIRBY’S Ring Style. Tyi in. x Irv, in. EASILY PUT ON New Covers New Cox em ISc pair WORK SHIRTS w'iATIsF'ACTIoNr OR YOUR COMPLETE AND ENAMELS You Will tched lair! on yoke, at, M oxtvnsion nm-k hand. J izvs ll to lite. Each " Many Other Items On Which ALWAYS tipivtErriiiid"'aiak ISe Se §AVE MONEY Lemon Oil tSe WILLIAM’S OUPSOAP Floor Wax 20c CLOTHES Plus 40 for 10e am- FIRST QUALITY WOOD VERY SPECIAL-as OZ. MONEY REFUNDED THIS IS REAL VALUE Our Big lit, Eraser colors. Red :2“?le _ 1 c ----------, DRAWING BOOKS PENNY Etthstyts SCHOOL BAGS No. 1 size keratot 1'2 in. size 84 Da ales 11itt!1enware--imsn's Wear l I B. CAN HIGH GLOSS A Big Value 15c 2Se CUTICLE REMOV RR POLISH um W33 All was in ,5 Mererrized . Thread CUT“ NAIL GIRLS’ scum masses 93c masses Me M Kinds Of Sewing Needs BOYS' HOYS' BOYS" DELUSTERED (YELANESl-l 4 Yards in Bunch ELASTIC 10c S'ee the New Fall LADIES' Thread Se Pencils 5'for Se Pen Holder Se INK 2 _ oz. Se CHINESE SLIPS Manicure Supplies AT SPECIAL u0lE8' HOSE Rubber Tip Pencils Asst. Mechanical Pens": Me AND All Shades mom woun- n, m4 [iErrRiiri3 's' TIES 4| BOYS' GOLF HOSE all shades KIRBY'S q Me PRICE PAIR An Exeeneni Pencil For School Use LACE TRIMMEI) Propel and Repel Style Makes a Real Point Globe Pencil Sharpeners 'SMART-NEW $1.00 SHIRTS WAIs'Ts Here POLISH. Bin Tune 15e Needles Se Spool Silk, All Colors Me 2 hr s, 15c 150 150 59c Me tttht 10c ISe t

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