I. LGrIlum -e-- "t___.... -. ... v. m. u, whorl everybody in 0.3 world will have trerltfiod all the time."-Bernard Day and Night Nit! "one: Weston SRO-W (Chm Reversed 0n City Cab) ' Germany's oldest lighthouse stands . Namath Inland, new Helixoland h V1â€! " man vomll playing be- m British pom and Hamburg‘ For " With: mifhty tidal waves have WM this o guardian of the sea without linking t e least impression. MBttytm-mtttgtAPLANtt "tmm a LY. my mum 31pm lu- Mal: diet, _ _ "We are within sight of the day L... ......_..L...a_. :_ AL ' . ... . NEW LAID EGGS SEALSHIFT COOKING ONIONS Greening Apples m Carrots Basket Basket Pannips Basket I"""'""-"""-"-"-- Fruit Market Phone 916 Aylmer, 212's TOMATO JUICE Tin ilEMONtiTRATioN Saturday, Nov. lit Come in and Try Famous Thistle Brand Sausage WESTON GROCERY STORE 83 Main St. N. Phone Opp. Town Hall 199 Singapon- Sliced PINEAPPLE y. a B, CATY;UP N-uz.. lurk}. sift;- 2 for qufk ()uukrr LePage’s WEEK-END. SPECIALS W. B. GORMAOK GROCER SPECIALS BRIGHTEN UP WITH A 5lNtwitrt"d" SERVICE as YEARS ON GUARD FERN BSe a BSe ea. 87', MAIN ST. N. Opp. Town Hall lull. 2 fur (e25, OYSTERS Is, IS 19, lb 29c tk 2% 22c 19c 23c .'N"'""e ...m...., "an...“ n. (the Weston Girl Guide Auxiliary was thnld on Friday, Nov. 2nd. at 3 o'elork, Mn the Pablir Library. Weston. with lfnurteen mothers brat-M. After the men-III- business was nwr a very de- lightful talk was [inn by Mrs. L. Rallnntym on Piano" Mothers nf Cumin, which In: much enjnynd by everyone. Tu and cake Wis served by nu? cap-bk moi-l canvpnon. Mm. J. D. Franklin and Mn. A. G. Crap. the Lteal Ammeiatiim of Mt. Den- nis- md district will hold their regain mommy meeting on Tedny, NW. 18, h Chalmers Church. Mt. Dennis. at 8.15 pm. All mothers of the Amr.. â€in, m corditlly invited to be M I M. John’s Church News l ---F'or the Sunday morning service in! St. John's Anglican Church. mpm- ibers of the parish and friends arr iaskml to assemble at 10.45 to be Ill (place in plenty of time for the uh- iservnnce of the two minutes' silenos lat two minutes to eleven. The ser- lvice will be in keeping with Remem, lbnnce Day. with suitable hymns, otv. Aev. G. H. Hiscock is the speaker for Ahe day, and his messages will he in ,keeping with this solemn occasion. In Ithe evening the Vicar will preach. was." _ Elf-SM" "m ifâ€; '--Aiotetogeriae whether beer shun†be Misha! in Ydrl IAtJlf",'?Ntutti,t,t"/.'itt5t lee tceq-test when - . _ -Restonia Rebekah Lodsre No. 30.5' held their annual Bazaar, hot supper, and euchre in the [.0.0.F. Hall. Wed~ nesday afternoon and owning, with) much success. About 100 sat downi to an aTr,tt',ig,r, hot "past at xix O'clock. ollowirut this, 17 tahles otl nuchre were at play, prizes going ml the following: l, Mrs. E. Webster,: Weston; 2nd. Wm. _Mowhray, Weston; 1 3rd. Mrs. lsherwnod. Wutmnunt; uh.l Mrs. Goodrhild. Toronto; 5th. Mrs. LaRnse. Weston. The ladies wish to tttmth all the friends who helpmt int any way to mnkn- the owning the': undoubted wants it was. l er was Rev. J. H. McVica'r, for "iiiii'; years a missionary in China. His ad, dress was a most inspiring one, and the anthem rendered the appropriate anthem, "Send Out Thy Light," by Gounod. A ladies' uartette rendered "Wonderful Love at; Jesus," by Lor- enz. --At St. Matthias Church, West- mount. Mr. Wenham Fave the Cath- cart Bible Class their anniversary message on Sunday morning. Rev. T. B. Butler finished his very clear und inspiring 'lf,1"Ti',' on the Lord's Prayer on Sunday. . r. Robert Cath, cart was a very welcome visitor. Ru- mour has it that the A.B.C. players are producing "skull's Fight," on Nov. 29th and 30th. They are right on their toes and their play will prnvP, a real sensation. --Last Sunday morning the Wo- men's Missionary Societ of Central Church held their annuarchurch ser- vice in Central Church, the Dorothy Pearson Auxiliary and the CG.l.T. lytt.yyr,,tti.th ,th,e,ma, The gue‘st speak- :had run away froin the Victoria ln- ‘dustrial school Sunday, the school car collided with another machine at Queen St. and Kipling Ave. and over- turned, Deputy Superintendent W. K. S. Pettinger who was driving, and three inmates who were with him. were shaken up. One boy suffered an' injury to his foot and was moved to hospital. The boy who has escaped returned voluntarily' last night, Capt. W. G. Green, superintendent, stated. --.nenuyprt,' ot the Royal Black Pre. eeptory, along with L.O.L. Nos. 191 and 216, attended a "Guy Fawkes" night crrmmetnoration service held in Elverstun Park United Church Sunday night, when Rev. H. J. Hunt, the minister, and member of the order, occupied the pulpit, speaking on the need of a higher spiritual elevation. "Guy Fawkes" night is widely ob- served in the Motherland as the an- niversary of the plot to blow up the British Houses of Parliament. ---Thty WA. of Elverston Park United Church have announced a Sun- shine Tea to be held in the church on Thursday afternoon, Nov. 15th, at two o'cluck. Neighboring Associations have been invited to attend. and Mrs Inglehart. President of the West Pres, bytery, will speak. --D9nald Mullmiuid, Wuston's grand old man, celebrated his 94th birthday last Saturday, and the chief quests Were the members of the session of the Weston Presbyterian Church. Mr. McDonald was the recipient (if many congratulations and wishes for many more years of health and prosperity. V“. .. .V.B\. . .iua’, "VF. ULâ€, at 7.45 p.m., Mr. Gilbert is coming with lantern slides and pictures of Bible stories, especially for children, but yiults are welcome. Admission is --At Harding Avenue Mission on Sunday next, Nov. Nth, at 7 Puri., Mr. Huoper will give the guspel message and the Ruse brothers' quartette will sing and play. Everybody welcome. -T.he Weston Lad e, 1.0.1.. 'dlti, will hold a euchre Cid; evening, Nur. 23rd, in the Lo.O.F'. Hall, Church Street. at 24 Wm. There will be good prize, and refreshments . -The Hillcrest Ladies' Aid pre- sented a play, "Clubbin a Husband," in the Elverstun Park 5nait,t,'i' Church on Nov. Ist, under the auspices of the -Some evening soon, Harding Mis- sion will hold an entertainment m aid of the Christmas tree for the Sunday School. Watch for further announce- menu --Last night Mr. J. McNab Wilson, of the Toronto Humane Society, gave an illustrated lecture on animal life in St. John's Parish Hall, under the auspices of the Junior W.A. -The Golden Rule Club held a most enjoyable Hallowe’en party in the Misslon Friday night last. --Th. "rulin- .iiionthirineetine of .A “JANOA- I‘:_l I‘,,' I n u. --While pursuing two inmates who ,J -___-- _ . A -- ~Memb§rs of the ttoya) iiruek Pre -Don't forget Friday, Nov. 9th, at AK .B.Mr. ".. (‘HL._A ' n‘ Weston v, "'e""-_._. “A. Vkr IllIlll .1 "r m“. was "eurleq on ‘ Following mmplaum Hun! but“ "A Mount Den merchants and relief recipients, It _ been prevented was decided to ask Hun. David Crull Home jekle. for why a letter had been sent to grocers l FCoMinul Local Column of Women. The sulici tor “If†{Instructed to draft n in law SOI'TH STATION ST. Wardrope Oartage MliL---t0itE---tt0tn Superior Scratch Fee Pratt's Poultry Ream Prau's Poultry Regulator, small $1.00: 25lb. pm] $3.50. Master Dog ancunts, Term-r K, 2 lbs. 19c. Oyster Shell. 100 lb Here's another list of budget pleasing items from Eaton's extensive stock oi foods and remedies for pet stock. Wise shoppers choose to buy at Eaton's for variety, value and prompt service. I‘Imm‘ "isto,, [Jim h.'utov's Tw/tnlmm' Srl'rit-a Im- [Luau Human QEATON’S FOR PET STOCK NEEDS Iysler Shell. mu lb. hay, $1.29; 25 lb. 35c 'ard Dug Food, 2 tsnsrz5c. EATON'S SONGSTER BIRD SEED 1 lb. pkg. 15c <4S T. EATON C9. Enwmnsmmc FIFTH FLOOR. MAIN STORE d, 100 tbs. $1.259; 5ullbs. 98c; Mum, l, Tum-r K'bhlcd Meal and Puppy thbled Meal gatonia LAYING MASH 100itEssf.1,.9yc1q.ts.. $L93; 25 lbs. 57c. un'x 'I'wlt/Ihlmr Service The famous rhnfrty,glpe't"ii,'gt swcwt-an easily igested foo invaluable for infants, growing childrcp,and enjoyed by the whole family. A Product a! _ The Canada Starch Co. pkg. J5c; large pkg " aminÂ¥ _them was (In lined o was oFiieifartfi"v"iii'ehi"i."' "A Mount Dennis resident bu even been prevented from) Damn! awny mun» ninlllnn 1.... AL. “4-.-- “a, t'ckletr for the' whim tuc.dii, fContinuod/ In Pale Five) , THE mugs t swing Science advises the consumption of a quart of milk each day by every man, wo- man and child. for theae itema, IMITED r._. Lynlted WESTON 959 51c 70c; t2 lb pail supplyA only what An Armistice Day Tribute Sixteen years have passed, bringing with them un- dreamed of peaks and depths of human emotions and experiences-so much so that it is only natural to overlook and forget at times the very men who made that first peace possible. . Much has happened since then-s ful day of November 11, 1918, , peace, at least, came to a torn world. It is to bring them their just due and honor once again that we dedicate to them-living and dead-. this Armistice day tribute. lt is in the wake of their glory-in the reflection of their brave deeds - that we offer these few sincere words of praise and thankfulness. . Though their sacrifice may have been in vain, it is the spirit which' prompted their effort - not the rAuit--that we commend to-day. . Along with the memory of their valiant stand at Ypres and the head-long assault of Vimy Ridge, we hold firmly to the hope that it will never be necessary again. The Times & Guide Charters Publishing Co., Ltd. t then-since that fate- w h e n military I and troubled mom. Roma! h 1m . at“ A,