Times & Guide (1909), 30 Nov 1934, p. 8

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ELM is urged hid heaers to strive with ma: faithfulness in the twelve “an to come. He will 'speak here rill in the near future Next Sun, , being the first Sunday in Advent, mice: It St. John's all day will be Mal. and all eorttmunictmts are de. Mred to attend. At the R a.m. service there will be Corporate Communion for the Senior Bible Classes, Young linger- Bible Class and the A.Y.P.A. A.t. 11 and 7 o'clock special addresses will be given in keeping with the Ad- vent season. St. John'. News ~Lut Sunday at St. John's Arutii. SP.', Church the services worn splen- didi attended, with a particularly 'iii'irvt',t,'lretil,ti,te. at night of the men. Viear preached in the morning on St Hatchet: 6: 31 and Jeremiah 23: II. In the evening, Dr. H. C Hiscock arched on the Collect for the Sun- . As this ended the church‘s year Ill nut Sunday begins another year. Pe ttMtttit.te.6f the Advent sensnn. Chm)!” and Mrs. Clark Wardlnw sang I Iolo. Mrs. N. P. Meaden, Mrs. G. E. Forbe- and Mrs, R. Haddow took part in the devotional period, At the close of the meeting tea was served by the hulk-nu, Mrs. P. A. MacLean and Mrs. ' W. Fraser. --The meeting of the "Markers' Club" was held on Nov. 16 at the home of Miss Marion Avery. It was docided to hold the future meetings of tAt mg at the. horteof the mem- wéré nervea mtrGiiairts, __ 'ii-ire" "REE?” fiirit7 ttatt', were donated for use at the uh House. Mn. The meeting of November 23rd in held at the home ot Miss Doreen Metrttr%, when the main obfiect of the meeting was a discussion 0 a project to aid poor children. Following the Min! a social evening was greatly 5.6...- L_ __----- n a _ "--The November meeting of the W.MS. of Westminster Church Was hold on Tuesday afternonn at the home of In. F. A. MacLean. Queen's Drive. In. W. M. Chisholm gave a very com- mhentive' "fe. (d a chapter jn _the “not when the members and their daughters spent a very pleasant time, they: being 22 ladies and 20 youn lube; present. Games, singing 2mg 'a ducting were enjoyed and dainty - rudiments were served. Thirtv- -rAt the home J? Mrs. Stinson, 243 Hun St. N.,. on Monday, Nov. Mth, Elf. Jediey Agxiliary, .W.W.C.,, enter- --h very successful euchre was held under the" auspices of Maplehurst lathe, Iuuglnerty.d. Enyrland, at the hom'e" 0'03}; - "wuGiirvr'Friiiciiii Road, on the 19th, and the winners 'ftp'. L, 15438. CSulter; 2, Mrs. Dead- mm; 3, MA. 7G1:é:g}(-., -iteTr'i"sihaift's were served during the evening The Bagel-lion prize went to Mrs. utter- "Gunman wrmprioos Chou-den, Benn Pots, Custard Cup, Pudding Bowls, also Flower Potd md Vases ‘ A Made-ittiestorwprodurt on dimly at ' h '00”, Euchre of the Ladies' AW of the W.W.C. will be held I the bone of Mrs. Francis. 7 Deni- 0'. Avenue E., on Friday, Nov. 30th, at 3 in. sharp. Price 15c. x-lw ----0------ r-ON A.B.C. Players playing “NIP: Ugly" ue out to win their hud- ou hut-allay and Fridlxio! NI Ink. The new organist, A rs. #irold En'hnd. has now a very effec- tim choir practicing for special Christ- Ilu music. --he mothers of the Weston Girl Guides are invited to the Guide en- lollrnent. beng held in the Memorial School on Monday. December 3rd, at T.80 p.m. The regular monthly meet, i of the Girl Guide Auxiliary will nu. therefore, be held in December. TU next regular meeting will be held on the first Friday afternoon in luxury, 1935. -The regular meeting of the Cen. ty-l United Church Young People's So. (tutu-S held on Monday evening, No- vem r 28th, under the direction of the Luau-y Department. Miss Mora Skel- ton. Rev. H. E. Wellwood and Stanley Mus-Olwhite gave interesting reviews "tt the lives of three of our Canadian Pooh. The meeting was closed with a short social period. Fred English ilarg,"re ,.-m. 'hrthers' Auxililr to Scouts pta' 03h will nice: " tin “We Lib. - quad-y. Dec. tth, " a p.m. .wrzs women in a new laundry an mt need in Canada for the first “in uld known as “Bag O' Wash." The Winn government has granted let- tee, Intent covering the new bag, and myth!) of .the fume: lugs Yyrn Pi" I)» and Night In.» nae: Wm 5501 (any. lent-ed 0- City Cab) Tmson Pottéry Ltd. '-Cortriderable Email-est is being d-g-J A., ._., . . . at firrrerar/rrriaiiisrifit1Ti' iilil Wash idea in proving to be popular. 'NtVftFd W -rtj.ii" OVENWARE WESTON, "NT, Weston Local Items Slr, everyone. "hefresGGii'; {PLANE LY. no: ' -The bunt held by the Lttdies' Auxiliary of the W.W.cl, an Saturdny. Nov. 24th, VI: I m MNSS, Mrs. ttten. wife of the Mayan orned ithe Tgfni-lly " 2 Ie', and who t great was t Min [Md achieved in so short a time. In. élilligln. Milan. presented Mrs. Lrgei, with I W. The thunk: of I“ when is extended to In. Hilli- '_tg.'egpatghgdiid'uiii,ieii,.iY in: -eta&htq , menu. H. mm. --Next Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock in tho vhurch, St. John's An- [zliran Young Men's Bible Class will hold a joint sorviro to which are in, vited the Young Ladies' Bible Class, the Rangers Class, all members of the congregation and their friends. The specill speaker will he Rev. Aldridge, whose mother Rave such an interest- line address at a similar service some tweaks a 0. Mr. Aldridsre's son. who Iattends Eniversity. will preside at the ;nrgan. An interesting time is assured (for all who attend, and President L. .(L Phillips is looking forward to a ‘rcmnd turnout. jet ttrt a..." . E" I.eL"jjyrit" ___. , m In. I. DYE-nu. L"at -ttatmmiu_tiiitGtkGfi"i/e'r -t%rsneheraro6ed M in the 'hortthateret_thetrq-i.Th-e m_fmm_vnmhg --As he rode his bicycle north on Scam-rt Road and turned up Bridge Street an his way to Humbor Heights Consolidated School, where he is a pu- pil, early Wednesdly morning. Walter Winson. Aged 13. of Scnrlett Road South. was knocked from his machine by I car driven by Andrew J-mieson of Meldnwvnle. The boy used between the wheels of the our Euchre it could he stopped end the wheel was comxlete- ly demolished. Picked up by the river of Kingdon Brothers milk truck, the lad was taken to the office of Dr. F. D. Cruicksh-nk, wh‘re he was given medi- a! ntention. He WI! found to be suf- (Hing from broken ribs. bruises and a bad shaking up. Later he was removed to his home in an umhrul-nca Police Chief J, E. Holley. who investigated, hid no chartte against the driver of the CAT. p.m. He will also bo the preacher at St. Andrew's Church, Thistletown, at 3 p.m. The preacher at St. Phili 's Church in the morning will be $18 Rev. F. Rohertson. Missionary Here --The Rev. Robert Cathcart, who has been doing missionary work in the Diocesv of Yukon for the past {ow years, will he back with his old friends in Westmount on Sunday nn'xl. Mr. Cathcart will address the [mile Class at St. Matthias Church, in the morning, and will be the spiral Iyryute.r at_f.he ovgning service at 7 Gnrdhouses Win -ln the Inter-county Stock Judg- ing Competition held at the Royal, the York County team, composed of Earl and Reford Gardhouse, of Wes- ton, and Norman Bangs, of Hdzeley, stood third in competition with thirty other copnty tems. Reford Gardhouse won the gnl'l‘ Sal-V medal for the high score in judging . beef cattle among ninety-three con- testants, while his brother, Earl, stood, lt -second ieHedtri-raulawoedr-oClive “$02-65; 11yy: and Noiman Jumrs, .8.t.h, among in,” n MW. ...... mun..." “-553, um. " the samemumber of competitors, people's lender hasr LGrTe'i'euarar10th, carrying tiin mail for Sweden, guest speaker for the occasion, his sub- ‘Denmark, Eatonia, Finland and Nor- ject being "Life's Great Moments." An ‘way. lqttpr and paper mail. and nuruvl excellent musical pl'ograme has 815011113111 Via Sweden, Htrya,r,tia..yd Lat. been prepared. All the young people, i.v1a, letter and paper Pail; the sumo iand their parents, are cordially invited. 1lpurs apply 'P Doc. i'tl1., for the Come and spend an enjoyable evening. Stenmer Frederick Vlll sailing {nun -----o---- *Hallfux Dec. 10, carrying parcel mail -Last Friday night the jury irt. land specially addressed lvtters and yestjtratinit the death of Ivan Mulhol- papers for De.ryttarlr and WWW and land, of Weston, who was struck and ifor .Stoamer Kosviuszko sailing from killed by a motor car driven by Wil- lHulifax. Dec. Alth, carrying pump] liam Doherty, of Athlone, on October [mail and speciallx addressed letters 24th. returned a verdict of accidental _ and papers for Jyyy1nd, death. The accident occurred as Hui-1 Steamer Magnhild sails. from Char- holland was walking along the Claim. j.lettet?.wn Dec. 5th. !varry1nq mail for ville road. A rider was added to the f.!. Pierre a.ryl Miquelon. Sile,l15 finding of the jury recommending that 2,ir,,ty,ts for mails at the Toront? Post all mesons walking on the highways (Office are 1.0.00 pm. for registered at night carry some light, such as a Hetters and 3.30 p.m. for WWW-1 post flashlight. Coroner Dr. w. H. Chadd and newspapers Der. l, and 5.30 pm. ton presided. go; ordinary letters on Sunday, Dec. ------o------ n . -The Weston COP. Club w hold a social evening on Wednesda Dee. 12th, at ll o'clock in the To Hall. The speaker will he Mi Jeanette Johnson, of the Yuuth Ur of the League Of Nations Society Toronto. She will take as her sub, ject "Im rialism." Miss Johnson re- cently 1Wl',eli1 the Local Council of Women. --The Central United Church Young tries Peopie's Society are holding their first ‘TOm annual banquet on Tuesday evening, pm. December 4th, in the schoolroom, cum- ‘cel l mencmg at 6.45 pm. Rev. J. D. Parks, hm.” B.A.. B.D., an outstanding young :fili.p people's leader has been secured as 10th guest speaker for the occasion, his sub- i Dem Ject being "Life's Great Moments." An "vat. excellent musical programe has also 1"!“ been prepared. All the young people, iv’a' and their parents, are cordially invited. ihour Come and spend an enjoyable evening. SE“? -Next Sunday, the pulpit of Ceutri United Church will be occupied bot morning and evening by Rev. K. F! Long, BA., B.D., minister of Collie Street United Church, Harrie. Rev. MI Wellwood goes to Barrie on Sunday t conduct anniversary sevvicus at thi church which is one of his forme charges. . l --Rev. W. A. Hunniset of the Fro Victor Mission and the Mission orche: tra gave an entertainment in Elverstu Park United Church under the auspice' of the Young People's Society on Wei nesday night. Assisting him and th orchestra were Bill Carnegie, boy sch ist from St. James Cathedral, Tommi and Miss Springford. elocutionist. --A dedication service for the Wes, ton Girl Guides will be held on Sun, te eveninf, December 2nd, at St Jo n's Ang ican Church, Main Strevl North. Guides are requested to meel at the Town Hall at 6.30 pm. sharp, l -A general meeting at The Mac Donald Junior Conservative Assucia tion of West York will be held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday. December Ilth, a the home of Mrs. W. H. Cameron, yd Little Ave. All members are ox pected to be present. "-Fntx_nuaa. home talent by coming to the Town Hall on Wednesday ol Thursday nights, Dec. 5 and 6, to set "All the Rivers", a three at". play pul on by local young people. 35 cents. I tHuiiiiiiiié ti'aAU'L"o"Gai ”Bl-r; Me, " lobe“ Street. Much influence had been brought to bear all season rrtt the most pram. inent players to forsake their own Club and join higher company. a a practice much Ileplm-ed hy all true sportsmen. S. Hivks, Treasurer. in presenting the Clul, balance sheet, pointed nut that in spite of poor gawk heavy travelling expenses. referee fees, affiliation for-s, etc, there remained a balance of a few rents As a few small obligations to the governing Soccer bodies have to be met it will be necessary to sell all Club "gtt"g','e comprisinq of goal posts. go: nets, strips, football and other material. It had been hoped that Soccer would firmly establish it- self in the town, especially as the Rangers team had shown such gnod form. " under the rih‘umstances the nfflcials wisely decided to cease operating, having rnmpiled a splen- did remrd from a playing standpoint. and the Club clear of any debt. Secretary J. McVittiv rwptsrted on) tho season’s working of the (‘luh and ; complimented thr team an tho min- derful record achieved during thvi four years it has boon playing in) league football. The RNI and Whites i sutuwedtsd last season in winning the; Divisional Championship and the' boautiful trophy which irons with it.‘ and the year previous had the honor of winning the Brizdnn Cup. “IL; in spite of fielding a good team, alli the memhors of which acquittedi thernsNvcs; WP“. the noressary fin-' RHI'OS to run the Cluh pronoriv wprri nvvor forthcoming, the officials hav- ing to dig down deeply into thvir awn potryety _ The eonttretttttiott at St, Andrew's Church were given an excellent sor- mon on Sunday on the "Gardens of the Bible." preceded by n bountiful payer by the Rector. Communion. I lam number "raking, followed the semen. Best thunk: to Rev. T. R. Thttter who works so faithfully. [Fr"Fr "rt .».m.a; 'FH Irlt' \vnwwfh frT the thlv." pun-wind M a Mxvmfm prayer (w the Rootnr 1lrnvvurnvr,n, a 18"!" numhr-r partnkmsa. mun-“4 th., Se-toe lorvmv Rpm thank~ tr, Po T " Butirr sho work, s't"t Mythfu? ' ISe Rm ll (a'hvm‘ l " 'ak, 'h» .rv \lt’? hm Ind Hr, " Mann h- ..\ Mal yam: Ir .h, n“\H-n (up; " o . Yukon and svH! haw an “my.“ nit menu" fur u. Eurhro F'tv'"t THU-:h\ F\"Y‘x‘w.\ STORE wetrome - - -- _ - Rev. R. Cathrart wall In vice Der. 2nd. He has he an! - in tho mission Yuk». :94 ml! have an It." S_hil:ky 93h! to with the that. It will be much regretted by tol 3656?? TM}; mum?! artrttme-tmrrr-t,rr hear that the popular Weston Rang-f ers Some-r team has dot-MM to disw band, this Iim'isinn having hvon rttach- ed at the annual general meeting of' the Club whn-h was held an Nov. Nth (Wednnsday) at the dressing mum. Fair Grounds. . _ RANGERS SOCCER TEAM DECIDES T0 DISBAND Regrettable That Step is Neeess sary After Team's Brilliant Showing For the Steamer Alauniu. sailing from Halifax, Dec. 8th, currymg pur- cel mail and specially addressed let- ters and papers for Pranee and mun- tries via France, mails close at the Toronto Post Office Dec. " at 5.30 pm. for all letters, and 3.30 for par- eel past and newspapvrs, The same hours apply on Dec. 7th for Steamer Gripshnm sailiqg from_rialifax Dee. lingers on Dec. " and ’1 THISTLETOWN ISe - 20c 2Se - 39c Men's Hose 15c-200-25c 34 Main St. N. White, 24 sheets Colored, 12 Ith Ith, To 25c TOILETRIES , Cutex Nail Requisites shéets Hollywood Wave' Set Woodbury’s Creams and Powder WORK SOCKS Tooth Paste all popular brands DRESS HOSE Is, Tooth Brushes Splendid Quality J ergen's Lotion li, Ith 10c I IGGUI- I' HI' E.“ and each '"'Jlii"""" tttht v- . . 'h, ' F tif"'""", 39e ”19:53:.23m Me AND 35c Boys' Golf Hose Pure Silk, pair Fine . Rayor, Is, Fancy Cords or 1 Oc Ribbons Tags and Seals, 1 tht 44 in package HOSIERY Men's Fine Come m and Look Around SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUND Boys' Good Wearing Shirts 25c TO 49tt $1.00 ea. JUST SCADS OF TOYS SHIRTS 59c ea. ine Quality Broadcloth. collar attached See them, tind you will realize In fact almost anything you could think of. We have over 500 kinds and you will certainly find complete satisfaction here. you need shop no further DOLLS-BOOKS-C, AMES 10e Stt , , Se-toe . ISe _ to " STORE WESTON Opp. John St. Slips Dance Sets Bloomers Pyjama Bags Hundreds to choose from. A really smart assortment. Wool lined and full cut. 25c and W, Children's Men's Ladies' TIES $1.00 Mtt $1.00 Mtt o choose.' a __i. we “5c Str""' 10c , E3 2 Ply, bail 4 Ply, hall Mending Wool, 50 yard skein KNITTING WOOL Stt AND 10c CANDY SPECIAL Fresh Chocolate Buds Assorted Chocolates All popular shades. 25c lb. 25c lb. ls. IS, Salted Peanuts Is, Gum Drops Hard Mix. nkles Itht 15c

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