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Times & Guide (1909), 5 Apr 1935, p. 3

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A. lORNE COULTER B POSSIBLE CANDIDATE Vicar: RM. W. E. Mackey Sim‘o his unnuimnus re-election to the office of president " the West To, mum Ciervntive Assori.tiott. Mr. A. Lorne Fault" has been mentioned all nvor the riding as a definite possible andi'ite for the {cramming nom- ttttt eoetemttioet, " ter! tyPPort: sterling wail}; tVe AAFiiiiiaii G ll 't.m.-. Special Flervice--Sam Wilson. " Ir,rtt.--Surttlay s'ehool--Special Service. 7 Ir.tto.--l(vening Service-Rev. A. T. Holmes, Padre Toc-H-Weston mm Mt. Dunn's Prrsts of Canadian Lvitiort will attend, "The $ifiritofrimy-Then and Now” ST. JOHN’S ANGLICAN MISSION Open Session ll WESTON Presbyterian Church A ll Welcome ', pm, Community singing 2.30 to 3 pm. Weston Silver PUBLIC MEETING British - Israel - World Federation (Canada). _ Public Library Hull. Weston MONDAY, APRIL 8th AT 8.1.5 P.M. Speaker: MR. v. D. DOVVDELI. or" TORONTO CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH T ILm' SPIRITUAL Ram It. it. Ledingham, R.A., Minister r! l'llYSlC Your Church. Needs You--- You Need The Church fio where people work in the public good-and you will find the church already there, at work. (lo where he the sick and the maimed, whvro priva- tion has placed its stamp of desperation ttrl blighted lives there. too, you will find the church. Co where the enemies of society wreck human lives for human greed, where blasted hope and sinful degrathr. tiun slouch hand-in-hand-and there, above all, you will find the church, bearing its message of truth and right, stulinr,r always to allay the evil and enhance the good. and it needs your support Sunday"! This world might ln- " very poor place in which to live if it wuru not fur your church. But it needs you-- FRIDAY. APRIL 6, 1085 p.111 It)" I I Weston Four. "iquarr Il auth l la»- Mr. Bruce Metcalfe, Musical itirector Title: “THE LAW OF THE LORD" 'I'nlk Weston Four-Square Man's Class m Morning Svrvh'v. Sunday Svhnol. F.i ejiirig' Service. l I Churvh Srhuol --"The (‘nnscrim (Ir-p55 “rarer” "Jesus, [)vspised and Reject) of Mon," Also Rays" and Rev. Harold E. Wellwood. B.A., H.” $1 Queen's Drive SUNDAY. APRIL T, 1905 Harding Avenue-Community Hall Thirteenth Anniversary All ladies cordially invited. Meeting begins WESTON THEATRE Speaker: Capt. Earl Baker, (LBJ). on the subject Hand in attendance Sunday, April Tth Open Meeting in Tre Ohm Ahm- l, Milton.--Within one hour In Sat, gunlay. Hilton fire brigade lns'end mm alarms, both Won-d after Ichimmy Nun drvehrtwd in difhr.. on. sections at the an Why not, gun to ehuirh this both within and without the riding no Marvin; 9f rrrmrnitjort. Mr. Coulter “a for many you! ehairttuttt at the finance Committee of the Weston Board of Education, Ind later served I term as mlyor of the town Rev. J. C. Williamson, B.A., B.Th.. Pastor-Phone 493F ll a.m.--"The Renewal of the Christian Fellowship." " p.tm--Sunday School, 7 Ir.m.-- Yuung People's Service. Spaikvr: Mr. Fred Bracken. Me; Muster University, an “Three: Choices-Which ? " BAPTIST CHURCH No Minimum Charge Sam Wilson, in Charge Mr. and Mrs. S, Wilson attended the C.W.N.A. convention at the Roval York Hotel on Friday. A miscellaneous shower was held Monday from 2 to 4 o'eloek at Mrs. W. Higgins in aid of a garden party and bazaar to be held in the summer , the Ladies’ Aid of Harding Ave. A LVU0tt. Mavis Bailey, ttir,,",','.',?),',', daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bai ey, who has been studying only tive months with Miss Ada E. Camfbell, has already played at, two recite s and is making splendid progress. Andrew Clark, six year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, John Street, has MW, studied the violin three months wit Miss Ada E. Campbell, 22 Sykes Avenue, and has already played at two recitals. He shows great promise as a violinist. At the annual meetings held in To- ronto last week, Mr. J. M. Gardhouse was elected a member of the Live Stock Records for Canada, also as a Director and one of the Executive Committee of the Eastern Canada Live Stock Union. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Pollard, of Napanee, attended the Canadian Weekly Newspapers' Association Con- vention at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto on Friday, and then were week-end guests with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wilson, Main North. The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Wes- ton Workingmen’s Club will hold their final euchre of the season Friday evening, April 5, at 8.80 o'eloek. The aggregate prizes for the season will also be awarded and a good burnout will tits appreciated. Mrs. J. P. Driscoll of the Children's Aid Society of Yark County, had a very appreciative audience on Mon- day evening at Weston Public Lib, rary. The speaker told of the various phases of "Home Influence" taken into account when the placing of chil- dren in homes was considered by the Society. The annual meeting of the Mothers' Auxiliary to the Scouts and Cubs was held in the Library on Tuesday after- noon, and the following officers were elected: Honorary President, Mrs. D. Boothe; President, Mrs. C. Byers; Vice-President, Mrs. J. W. Barnes; Secretary, Mrs. Bert Wood; Treasur- er, Mrs. Hastings; Social Convener, Mrs. W. Hall and Scarf Convener, Mrs. J. Armstrong. 10 Years, Ago Weston Town Council appoints H. L. Seymour ax Engineer for the Town of Weston. Building and plumbing permits for 1925 to date total $26,- 875. Conforming with the City of Toronto on Daylight Saving, same will start in Weston on May 3 and continue till Sept. 20th, notice to that effect to ho published in the local The tollowinil officers were elected at the Annual eating of the Weston Lawn Bowling Club held in the Town Hall on Tuesday last: President, H. L. Coulter, Viee-Presddent, s. E. Chapman; Secretary, J. H. Porter; Treasurer, W. C. (?g,r,fy Executive Committee: A. L, Camp ll, J. C. 1r- vin, R. W. Wade; Chairman" of Mem- bership Committee: W. C. Ridden; Auditors: C. E. Grosskurth and D. J. Davidge. paper, The new store which is near com- Bletion at 1017 Weston Rold, Mt, ennis, will be occupied by P. A, Silverman, B.A., Solicitor, and G, Armstrong. Real Estate. Members of York Township Council make tour of insrction of the locnl improvement wot carried out in the Township, among the places visited being the Rogers Road extension to Weston and t e Eglinton Avenue ox- tengion to Mount Dennis. 9............................................................n.m...............................'..........m..............n...........................| Death occurs at Mt. Dennis of Di- na, 3-yetr~old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asquith of Grey Avenue. Rev. A. J. Arthur of Church of the Good Shepherd affirm": at the funeral service. ' West York Conservatives, 500 strong. meet at Weston Town Hull for the purpose of selection of their it.",',?,"", for the 'rp. elation. if',.' our, Wu, J'., in; t unanimous C nice. Deputy have R. J. 314-6ng prom, the "new" and Miss trim Roqen seconds the ttomittation. (‘th King, President. is chairman. On Sunny, April 19th, Hum Dell- nis continuing Presbrtrrinrts will hold their first mmnion mice in God- (ludi- Hall, In. Forbes Mm of Wench and his four Etders king in ehargo. I btmtGetf Id CM ma?l'eor,tlu"a"l'latT/%f: Music is to play an important E.,',.,', in the school child's education, iss G. Barton, musical program convener of the Ifgdengted Home and School clubs, told a large atherin on the Islington Home and gehoo) [b' Tues- day. Learning to play the piano is nntd necessarily learning music, she sax . Miss Barton mentioned the scheme of sponsoring mothers' singing clubs, where wholesome singing provides educational entertainment. "With music comin into its own again the artistic worlg has ained fresh cour- age and music is M',': on every school eutTieul1pn,", she stated. M/Ceawrri"srriiiiiir' and Mrs. M, Marsh were tea hostesses. Mrs. J Laiwi presided. _ _ Extracts From Our Files of 10 and 15 Years Ago Weston Personals THE TIMES & GUIDE A very ttteg violin recital was given bf t e pup Is of Miss Ada E. ampbel at the Westmoreland Church, Westmoreland and Hullam Avenues, lut Friday evening. The students layed remarkably well and their teacher deserves credit for their careful training. The halt was well filled and the sum of forty dollars was made to help Foreign Missions. Cuttirmtulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Bumber, 1800 Weston Road, on the birth of a son on heyday, April 2nd. Professor and Mrs. D. S. Ainslie were guests of the Lieutenant Gov- ernor of Ontario and'Mrs. Herbert Bruce at a. tea held in Chorley Park on Saturday, Mpreft 3pth. During the various curling compe- titions just recently completed at the High Park Curling Club in Toronto, E. C. McDonald of Weston achieved success which is seldom equalled. Out of twenty-five games played as vice skip andelp on the rinks, he was a winner twenty-three times and sus- tained losses in the other two games by the smallest possible margin of one point in each game. Mr. James Dunn spent Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. W. Davidson and family. _ At Harding Avenue Mission last Friday night, a missionary rogram was lam. on, the special s',2',alC'r'l,r be- ing r. and Mrs. Dancy, returned missionaries from Nigeria, West Africa, who gave an illustrated lec- ture. An interesting feature of the program was a solo sung by Mrs. Dancy in the lanfuage of Nigeria. The Friendship C ub servvd re resh- ments. (Continua! from Page One) for milady, and all manner of acces- sories. A cookery demonstration was under way in room 105, where bak.. ing was for sale. and displays showed reasons for failure in the Taking of tea biscuits, meringue. muffins, cus- tarfis, etlte, etc. _ 15 Years A More than sixt "five 'r"iends of Mr. Ind Mrs. W. flowntree gather at their home at Emery to honor them on the eve of their departure for Weston, where they will reside. 'I'hedy are given a suitable gift and an I - dress. Work is progressing at the Wes- ton Bowlin Greens under the suga- vision of in. Alex Oldham. he ground has been seeded Ind Mr. S"orge Moogh looks after the level- GYMNASTIC DISPLAYS GIVEN AT NIGHT V SCHOOL CLOSING Russell will' GvrGrrGi ira, line, The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers' Association of Weston Girl Guides will he held in the Pub- lie Library, Weston, on Frida , April 5th, at 3 pan. The guest JJI'l2d. will be Miss Lillian Oliver, who will setitf. on the problems of the teen-age c ild. All the mothers are urged to attend if ossible, and any interested friends Gl be made welcome. Refreshments will be served. A model tea room with Chinese lanterns shedding softened light, yel- low and orchid table decorations and vases containing daffodils presented a pretty sight. A sense of smell drew many to the room where stain removal was demonstrated by girl students in crisp white uniforms. An interesting exhibit on Canadian His- tory was also seen on this floor, showing the development of the provinces and Canada as a whole, and many were the spectators who ling- ered to see the Liquid Air demonstra- tions in room 111. The C.C.M. Athletic Association will "W, its new grounds on Satur- day, ay 8th, when two fl','.'";?, of tootbtl.l w.i.ll .tre playedhand A t. T. A. In spite of inclement weather Wesl- ton G.W.V.A. holds non successful can“ It Woman, In” J. GIN. house will. a claim“, announces that the AM “for Set-inks of Wm has pm the G.W. VA. with n dug-e for $156.24. If portions of township of York 'rftthterbtim!orrorutedairatonrttor the old Imperial Bank Building in Mount Dennis is being remodelled as a residence for Mr. J. M. MacDonald, Mtnuger of the Bank of Nova Semis. Mount Dennis. Kodak Athletic A9soeiation hold most successful dance in Paviowa Dancing Acudemy, I 'gg,i,,tl, cur for Weston and Mount mm: “guests lowing Kale Street " 12. cm. The committee in charge of the dance was rude up of Misses M. Wink- worth, M. News, M. Smith, L. Ag ton, Ind Messrs. W. J. Hues. . Blulh P. Rowe, M. Kan and E. Mn. w. "hr. .i1'i'ii"lru"a' - On the second floor were the ex- hibits of writing and ty.pewritirqp and demonstrations of typing, dupli- eating machines, dictaphones, stenc- graphy and adding machines, which were accorded large crowds of spec- tators. There were also exhibitions of British History, French, Geo. graphy, first {car art, biology and physics. ln t e hall on the second floor was a splendid commercial art exhibit, featuring paintings by F. R. Wintrebottom, Commercial Art In- structor. Tht tld Impgrigl Bank Builtin; Gymnutic Display in the gymnasium a huge crowd wine-Ind the Maya Run by the boy. ot WD, whichh brouyht round: of bt, plnuu. ln colorlul costume: the git I ot Forms 4 and 5 presented the ili, tary TIP. The work of the boys on the horizontal and parallel bars, Is well u in tumbling and the forming of pyramids showed in a very con- vincing way the benent these lads {re teeeiving from their ymnastic tram- ing. A skit ',lfli"t'l,P"'?i'Jl'Q Days" fenturinx gingham dresses and over- alls, was ut on by the girls of Form Ill and g, Spec” and showed some very clever oot work. Ukuranian dances by irls of Forms H2 and H3 was: (jolo'rgul 9nd nicely gut fp.. School Jaatra,' ANNIVERSARY SERVICES AT ST. JOHN'S MISSION Music it’d; tiid" ifiditfest'; iiiiar, (was; Icapaply‘ provided by the High Building Fund Has Recently Been Started to Secure Site and Suitable Church On Easter Sunday, 1923, was held the first Sunday School Service of St. John's An§lican Mission, Harding Avenue. ext Sunday, April 7th, mine the J2th Anniyersary. Started as a result of a desire on the G'il of the parents of a number of c ildren living in the landington district to have a Sunday Se ool local.. ly, it has grown from a very modest beginning to an organization which is a. real credit to the neighborhood. The first meetin consisted of only I?. members andgnow the Sunday School has an average attendance of over sixty. _ Application was made to the Rev. E. G. Hutson, who was vicar' of St. John's Anglican Church, Weston, at that time, and permission being ob- tained, the Sunday School was carried on under his leadership under the name of St. John's Anglican Mission, Handing Avenue. been shin hall Ga, durum. new with. 011.. about an lath 1Uhtrfieefr.It.tttff, 'tftf This Sunday School is at present bein held in the Community Hall, 135 1iililti Avenue, Weston, which has been t e home of the Sunday School toy the past _12 years._ - After operating as a non-denomin- ational Sunday School. for over a year, by a majorit vote of the mem- bers it was decidedyto join the Church of England. For the First two years, York Coun- ty Junior armers have held an Inter- Club Competition in Music and Public Speaking. This year. 3 Competition in Dramatics is being conducted. Six Clubs will compete in preliminary events and the three winning Clubs will hold the final at Pickering Col- lege on Fridny evening, April 12th. A cordial invitation is extended by the Junior Farmers' Club to outsiders to attend both preliminary and final events. .l'lowun cup-1m" The following is the prelimina schedule: ry "April 9th - Belhnven. Township Hall. Mt. Albert J.P.A.-"Waitintr for thtArrr11er", _ -. -- - - cai,diesu"eG.a April 8th - Woodbridge. Orange Hall. tjnions4pe-"The Violin Maker of Cremona." ily, Pim1--tttree winnin Clubs on Fri- duv evening. April 'll'lt " Pickering College, Nam-rid. This Dram-tic Competition is i new fut-n in the programme of the York Junior Farmer: and is him looked forward to with - inter-pat. in"?! mu"; "5.? In; Mr. gam Wilson, lay reader of St. John's Anglican Church of Weston, was approached and became the lay minister to the people in the Harding. ton district. At the same time a regular evenin service was started and under the feadership of Mr. Wil, son has held regular weekly services of The Church of England in Canada. Service is held once a Sunday in the evening at q o'cloek. On the second Sunda in each month the Sacrament of Hui; Communion'is also observed under the ministration of Rev. W. E. Mackey of St. John's Anglican church, Weston. Paw." tGbieton J.F.A. - “The Ghost s'uo.rr'lAt,Boo.t.ll.rkiryton. ... Aisril [tttr-Victoria 'iiiidare, Town- shive? lull., ___ -- -- -- _ _ silk Anniversary Services On Sunday next, April 7th, there will be special services all da . Morn- ing service will be at 11 J'lral', and Sunday School at 3 p.m. In the eve- ning at 7 o'clock a "Vimy" Memorial Service will be held. Capt. Rev. (Padre) H. G. Holmes of Toe H will be the special speaker. The Canadian Legion Posts of Mount Dennis and Weston are attending the service in a bod!“ The choir un er the leadership 2f r. J. W. Hervey, which now has It was recently decided to com- mence a building fund to secure a site and a suitable church for St. John's Anglican Mission services. One of the congregation, Mr. G. W. Wilkes, has made a model church which is being used as a receptacle for the build funds. A building com- mittee of the following was formed: Chas. B. Lawrence, G. W. Wilkes, Chas. L. Watt, Chas. Bowker, J. W. Harvey and W. C. Boddington. The ladies have organized under the lead- ership of Mrs. Chas. B. Lawrence. Al- ready a substantial sum has been raised toward this objective. Mr. J. W. Harvey. is People's Warden, W. C. Boddington, Reetor's Warden, and Chas, L. Watt is Vestry Clerk. In the meantime, until the new building is ready, services will be held each 'S'undluy in The Community Hall, 135 First JI' I1relirtinary, Trials at 2t veste.d memisirs," 'wiiidniier spe- cial muste for the occasion. INTER-CLUB COMPETITION OF YORK JUNIOR FARMERS Hardirisr AvGiite.' Vellore J.F.A. - "The Monkey's an I in. I! w weiJP-rhl'lt by polka to tpr chtoiia Square-it the Fun- Beluga gm. - "The Bishop's Woodbridge on" April 8th What a thrill to step out in a mi T that is immaculately cleaned and, pressed, it gives you an air of emtfi-, denee that you don't find in new clothes. . "5 "." . u . a. ,Jii _ -"-'--"--r---.TGuU-a=='Ga= m. CLEANERS & BYEtt8 M MAIN " s. wssr IlRmhol DWI] _ miiiti=tifiiiiiiii - WESTON " THE The finest gift in the world to a poms] ghild is , healthy pody. The balanced nutrition mild gin-nth safety of Weston Dairy Milk make it childhood', finest food. WESTON DA Weston 128 “I. Irvin Lumber Co. Little Man, What Now? All tlitany-lol Low Priced product of The fiyriipiiriARc" CO., Limited HOMES everywhere are getting into the spirit of repair and re- modeling work. Be sure that your home gets the best materials from a reliable source. Get our prices and reduce your final costs. Plant: Weston: LY. 2168 FiriivEuFlriFiiFii “rue FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD” AND AT SMALL 008T By our own scientific sanitary procu- in our own modern plant insures the utmost in workmanship and safety for your clothes. WESTON 845 JU. LIMITED

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