Weston Historical Society Digital Newspaper Collections

Times & Guide (1909), 5 Apr 1935, p. 4

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h Be, sitting room, "GiriitTi,Tad, Ind sun room, all furnished. Ap- ply " Edmund avenue or phone tiMtrJ. was; " - good nuivket-gardenitw land, Mt Fan’s! Estate. Apply S. Fraser, Bnunlr Avenue, off Scarlett Road. __ x-lw I nut éase, excellent condition', good a new. 31 Cross Street. o-lw FURNITURE - Oak buffet, china cabinet, combined, and exténsion table, and set of walnut finish dining chili, the lot for $11410, pr yill ‘sell tR,if.'if(5tEi,fJ5it,' 2.15191; IC, ago, good mathet-garxlenirur land. IUTIGE to CREDITORS in krt. In die Barrett Road. All persons_ having claims lrtitr0ii,i,F, 16, desires work by day. Ap- tht estate of Thomas Naismith, who ply 1 St. Alban's Avenue, Wes- died at the Ville? of Woodbridge, in tun, D.H. the Township of “5th and County m--.-"-""""-'-."'---'---"-"-"---.-:--"-- of York, on the 23rd ay of February, EXCHANGE 1986, no required to file proof oft ""--'-e-----------------,-e-e--_, --. line with the undersigned on or be- i we, exchange Sherlock Manning {on the 27th day of April, 1935. After _ organ for lumber, or what have that date the Executor, John W. Nai-i you. Whiting, Fourth Avenue, West- ttt wgl! proceed a; distlribute ttld', ', mounc. o-iw ' “m regar only to t e "e'-"-'-""-,-',-?.':---','-:'-,'-"-?"-;'-:,-.---.":'-'-,"-;-,--"-"-'"-"-"' claims of whim he shall then have CAR WASHING had notice. - __ -_-- 7 --- C - «w -ee ------- Dated, March 28th, 1935. ce, WASHINk'G my! greasing, $1, . _ expert Wot mans ip, ast service, DALZELL & STEWAR i', LaRose Service Station, Jane St. and Galt, Ont., Weston Rd. .11; 0375. n-Iw 'THE Longstaff Pump Works are NOTICE TO CREDITURS 3 still doing business at 40 Main ---- 15L N., Weston. Pumps, windmills, In the Inner of the estate of Acmil. pressure systems, repairing. Norman itty>rtiy Inn,“ (sometimes call. _ fkrtysonr, manager. Phones: Wes, oi "Frank Martin") late of the City , ton 28,5 and 48-rA', of Toronto. in the County of York, ( --- '8le'fl'lt'lt,i,,,,ri thatall i all any ven a a per- m having any cfliv/,'d against the HUMBE mate of Aemilius Martin Tourgis (sometimes called "Frank Martin"; -- Into at the City of Toronto, in the Mr. und Mrs. w Conn” of York) superintendent, wha ' her Bay, spot it died " the laid CR1 of Toronto, on their daughter. M or that 24th day 0 May, 1933, are , Mr. Tiffin and fa, are, to and by Joni. prepaid or --__ »_ nymph clIims uly verified to' Mr; w .l mu" - -_-- .- __.._ -. FWPVV Fur...“ TF' &itFif their chims éulg verified to the administrator, Jo n Franklin Tom-(KI. or to the undersigned on or him the 22nd day of pril, 1935, with their names, addresses), descrip- than and full particulars of their said chimngnd the nature of the sH'urity. if Ph halt! by thy"). And after said x-aw I; PROPERTY FOR SALE ' ARTICLES FOR SALE IRquhii-zn iBriaETiouse, -ijiTi,'u. GdiNGE near car line, reason~ in. Mrs. T. Johnston, Woodbridge. 0-2w the Eighth Guelph Sale ARTICLES imi SALE ' THIS BEAWNG-."Fdr Sale", "For Rent", etc., etc. 1iiiii'vi':ii, le pot word, with , minimum of Me cash. y.hr if ked, also Mk extra if apply Box No. care of this _ copy must be in by 10 a.m., THURSDAY, to in- Iure publication in current issue. Phone-Weston 26 {STRONOMI'L $1.50; child's kin- 1i'g,tittt set, and a Sellers kit- a cab net, porcelain top. Apply 163 II St, or phone 792J. o-lw Apia there will hr 1 quality liretst, of hier, prorim yny t'rrA, m4 "tturi, fresh or S rirteintt. A fvw mid-Summer and early Fall mm 4 Ind I hd good Mia-r :1st (eight month olrit of Rag Apple l'rthst hrw-dr . “O malorfty of the mt! have food R. f). P. Records mam undm farm conditions. Records n from 11,000 to 15.000 Ms milk r” trem " to 4.28r'r. Numerous entries In now milking from 35 to h. pr h . no sure nhd sn- this and "ttr-up of cut: and ttmferR; Ier_ied MM?! who In sending their best. All thank to thrs iiiiMiUrVa6iiiatiinie " i. TtihGiirtsioiiiirG' ICYCLE, cam, in first $5155; Mon, gent's. Pred English revue, phone 456. x-lw 't0Ugtigtort" SALE ROOMS FOR RENE In“, W A , Woodbridge. REE furnished or unfurnished rooms, sun porch. separate em co, heated main floor, residential rich Apply Box 107. Times and Lg,i ,i prtw (NO. old HeipiGaCnraF {vi Guelph, 0nt., Tuesday, April 9 e' M'u'.'tt.ie'd,u1"'!h.u,,tgu.t r. ”lung‘s-on“ inn-arm A "In.” of bulls that compare wry favorably with anythvng mid " TM R. o. P. damn with romrds " high In . _ fr, “‘A -.- _ Erna! (and pr, If in the mnkd. it f0_x 60. Watson's Hotel, Solicitors for the Executor, TIN QUALWY SERVICE BULLS WINTER FAIR Bl,'ll.l)lN(.S. ClTt HF '0! A'g. cannihE o-lw REGISTERED IOLSTEIIS a“: Y. mm Mme-t 1. a... x-tw 0-2w LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FEW grillkwi-Hlii rogistehrzl Jorsvy from heavy urmlurilu: dams. ah FT,. grade and registered Jerseys from heavy producing dams, aim. Yorkshire pigs from prize winning Stock. Lancaster Bros, LUL, RR. l, Weston (Dixons Corners), telephone 174 Ring 21, nr Midway HM, Toronto. xMw BUNGALOW, five rooms, iglodwsWiz: ed lot, all conveniences. Rent rea- sonable. Phone Weston 247. p-IE COW, one plough, one section har. ness 'water truu h and other odds and ends. Phone ,'li',ll,/',,'l' 247. _xclw DOUBLE recleuncd seed barley, Gov't graded O,A.C. '21, at Mk and 85c per bus. Gov't graded hui- less oat,, $3.00 pun um lbs. Roth five of noxious weed. Apply Wm. Cause & Sons, Streefsville. x-2t SEED potatoes, Irish cobblers, grown trom certified seed. J. C Ilislnn. U high (wen. - in "irld,ii' ddiitrU'. Fred English Hardware, phone 456. x-1w 0' min certified seed. J. (imam), Weston R.R. 2, phone 1891-232. O-lw LIGHT Sussex hatching eggs, 180d layers. J. G. Chapman, Scarlett Road Weston. - o-3w YOUNG couple seek light his; m. keepiyr, moms. Apply Box 113, 1 grown from n-rtifiml .,ved garker. Weston, RR. 3, plume Times a‘nd 't'uiilid, ce, WASHING with greasing, $1, expert workmanship, fast service, LaRose Service Station, Jane St. and Weston Rd. JU. 0375, o-lw Mrs. W. J. Ellins haw lwvn “smug tho past work with rrluliwn at Columbus. .. Mr. and Mrs. Whitworth, of Hum» her Bay, spent the week-Md with their daughter, Mrs. D. Tiffin, and Mr. Tiffin and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashton, of Fin-t Toronto. wore Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. w, Pearson. RISH COB “Milt t,tuul mpmm GAS . RANGE, 4-bgrner, EGGS AND'POULTRY SERVICES OFFERED WANTED TOWER?“ SEED GRAIN) ET? ROOMS WNTED wwtTr WANTED HUMBERVALE MI Neentive ‘vhny Federally Tested potatocs , Lorne , 251711."). n-3w o-lw x-tw 14.0.B.A. Holds Euchre Almut 100 members and friends of (from) Victoria L.O.BA. gathered in t e Orange Hall Wednesday night and took part in games and euchre. Win, hers werc Mrs. Len Wallace, Mrs. Jark Watson, Mrs. Earl Ring, Miss GerCu. Frankam, Les. Wallace, Earl Ring and Gordon Shaw. let was presented kw the following east: Mrs, Russell ml. Mrs. Ken Stevenson, Mrs. John Dalsiel Mrs. Wilfred Scott, Mrs. li, D. McLean, Mrs. D. C. Lon house, Mrs. u. Ba B, Mrs..W. Allan, 'in/r',,'. Leo Watson, Ph': J E. Anderson, Mrs. G. W. Shore, Mrs. Leo Watson, Mrs. Tambiyn was the director. A ladies' quartette com- tee, of Mrs. G. W. Shore, Mrs. lmlsay Ward, Mrs. J. E. Anderson and Miss Miller sang old-tinte melo- dies; cornet solo by Bert Shore with 'list. Mlldrgg Shye_at the piypo; Miss Mildred Shore at the ram); tyrariityr.s_by Maty J. BurLon an - Mrs Complete Study Book Mi»ion study meeting of Wund~ bridge Christ Church Women‘s Aux- iliary was held at the home "I Mrs. Ross Livingston, Thistietowu, Friday after-nun" with a large attendance. Mrs. J. ll. Kidd, literature secretary, presided. The feature of the program was the reading of the concluding chapters of the study book entitled "Stewards of a Godly Heritage" by Miss Bessie Wallace and Mrs. Sidney Stratford. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Weatherill. Leo Watsan. Eek JEABJerbH presided. J. lngils Buried Joseph lngils. aged Mi, who died at the Toronto General Hospital on Wednesday, following an operation, was buried at Nashville Cemetery Saturday. The funeral took place from his late residence, lot 17, Con- cession 8, Vaughan Township. Mr. and Mrs. lngils were without a rela- tive in Canada, having left Scotland soon after their marriage. OH-Time W.A. Satin! Amm- Matty Elders The old-fushiuned social held under the direction of the United Church Women's Association Wednesday It" “treated many of the elders as well as the youth of the community when an old-time quilting party was the feature of tlte.irtyert1m. TAe. piny- k The young people of the, United Church enjoyed a social hour together 1:1fii':'i, they were entertained by the _“Annie Kitching" Mission Circle [Girls, on Wednesday night at the (home of Mrs. Albert Barker. Elder's Mills Old Boys' Athletic As- sociation entertained many friends at a banquet and dance in Kleinburg Institute Hall Friday night. Third of the series of joint meet- ings held during the Lenten season, the Y.P.S. of the United Church will be host next Monday evening to the A.Y.P.A. of Christ Church and the Y.P.S. of the Presbyterian Church. "The Renewal of Society through the Cross" was the topic Rev. F. Sal- livan dealt with on Sunday last. His text was from cckitiiiiiiid 1: 21, 22, 23, and St. Luke 23: 38. Euchre Club of Pine Grove held a meeting Friday night at the home of Mr. Robert Hendry] Over seventy were On Monday, Rev. F. Sullivan con- tinued his new Bible study series on "The Economic Laws of God." non't hunt the ontcrtainment on Friday, April 5th. to be given by the Public St'hnol children in the Town Hall. Came and vnjuy an open-tun "Thr' Smiling Sixpence." also songs. damn mud rrwitotions. Tim Sunday School workrrs' .nrolA mg wan hrld on Wednesday ttt the home ol Mrs. Wm. Kinttdon. After a slurrt inning-w meeting, Mr. Bran- hurwi. our suporintenOnt, law an iutvroding prrviow of the coming lmuuns. On Friday, Apml 12th, mrmhvrs of thc Vnitvd Church Sunday School will prment two plays "The Troth of tlv, Gift Trrsr" a mmody. and "Tho Way. At St. Amlew's an Sunriay, Rm: T. B. Butler conducted sprvico and [an n fins. wrmun nu Caiphas, tho high pried. Afterwards hr dispensed Com. muninn to bis t'ortgrr'tration. Prawn-s aw Ming wit! fur the sick ot the Parish. Ch, Fri-Luv and Saturn) tho Thistir_ lawn minstresL, pm on their ehow. u" ("naming lamp rrn-xrk hath nisthts. of Attairimont," o" French‘s short plays (f",'.','),'.",',, In. Pup on) sync which -rttmtfe, pvpry effort for the Win- of the economic mm Mm in “it urn-rm [mes his Manny und We: I mere umt VIM for UN! hoe-n Wm. All m- itiative, ”whim Ind individuality is _ In order ttt tutor» the "new man either Ntt, hrto lino with than ttlr.. My M hm . HM Rev. Mr. Kidd, of Wrmllhrirfm". thr new Rum! Donn, will “Mach on Sun day. April 7. WHY» All an" urrml tn CtrftIC In day. April 5th. to help. prnupm-n. the .‘hiivlrr'n of srhool who am putting overturn. TICF. PnrzellmxT WAS SHAKER as “in“ i'i5F'k"iii'l'ii2r"i's'i'3i!iiiFi? m hmhmudhnd Lenten cetrvirrs arr hold at St Andrew's moi-y Thursday at k p.m. THISTLETOWN retsowyi,GfiGiirTitter hand. the WOODBRIDGE Chu.lt Her.ltiBarytyt.t and Vaughan Township av, of Samur‘l 'ut by thri 1' thr d: V an thei, THE TIMES & GUIDE York County Fish and mum I'ro,MO tective Association livid their :mnuni’ meeting in the 011mm Hull nll WM r'rT n.esday night. Spoukvrs‘ uf thi' M1- ' lull. mug were: Mr. D. J, Tiiylor, UPWILV Minister of the Department of Games: and Fisheries; Mr. (irognry ('L'irk, oi'! N“ the Toronto Star Wuvklv; Din Jururs ta-ttl. It was “Men's Night" at the Unit- ed Y.P.S, last Monday, as the young men put on the pI-ngrznmm- fur the entertainment of the young ladies. At last Monday's min-ting of Nm'lh‘ York Township Council a gram. of- thirty dollars was approved for Hut-“VIM! Pine Ridge Cemetery. _ .. and Mr. W. Lane. of Hu- Toronto Am." lers' Association; and MI. (instlv, Irl'r' sident of the Ontario Gum? I'rnlt'rlivv Association. Major A. A. Muth‘llzil' was chairman of tho ”wrung Hitler and Mussolini. llnth thou- loud. Pt's. _tt'ieivaaly, the {in-mun 1h) nut mn- sider t e value of human life but ttval it as a unit for the girrrificatitm of ilw state. Men are nothing more than tll1I[r, trained, disciplined and dressed to du the bidding of the Mate. litonmnim. religion and all other Irhases of lil1. become secondary to the main ohjurliw of militarism. In the former case mt'll either follow the rulers and submit in army discipline or fact. the firing squad. Christianity Thus these great isms, failing to dv- velup the individuality and talent oi' the human being, are nut in the best in- terests of humanity. Christianity puts into practice that which nur Lovd Jews Movirtgin-povi" out. That's ul, most the order of the day in Wood- bridge. Indeed the village has Pte- sented a moving scene during the past two weeks as the familiar sight of truck loads of furniture recurrs day after day. No less than eight tami, lies on one short street have changed residence. Monday ni ht in the Sunday School room of the $resbyterinu church, the Presbyterian Young l'uuple's Society held their closing banquet nf the 8ea- son. in attendlncc. Prize winners for the evening were: Ladies: Mrs. Art Chap- man and Mrs. 1. Hart; Men: Mr. C. H. Maxey and Mr. John Stevenson. 5ftitifiii'; ‘. FARR ' SONS LTD., WESTON FEATURES Weston 2.M--JUne. sum ' AMI” Dell" BARRY, BOLTON, ONT. The speaker presented a word pic- ture of iii-eselit day cohditions. The world tot ay is facing a crisis, he said, and the future is in the hands of our young men who are looked upon to take the reins of leadership. "lf men use as their text books those which have de- veloped Couituauism and Nationalism, what can we look for? If men will use as their text book the Set-i )tures there can be no fear. The choice lies with the young men of today," emphasized Mr. Wilson, pleading with his hearers to give the sort of leadership which is needed and closing by quoting "God, Give Us Men." _ A time like this demands strung minds. great hearts, true Faith and ready hands. Mon whom the lusts of oiTive do not kill, lllt‘ll whmn the spoils of of. fice cannot buy. Men who lltl>>l'>\' umnmns and hart, u “Ill. \lvn who hun- hnnm- and W!” not lie, Men who run stand lwl'uw the dn-miuod and _ in his ircuvluuvus i'lullrwy without weakening, Tull, sun l-i'mrnvd mm who slund nlmw- the [mg m public duty and pri- valt thinking.” Christ emphasizes, such an carinf for the helpless, the sick, the maimee ' the diseased. the poor and the widow, with more than just sympathy. He is inter- ested in the uplifting of the soul as well as the phf'sieal being of humanity, The gaudy up endor of wealth, the glory of power, the ruling of empires, have no place in His order. The chief end and aim of Christianity is to develop the physical and spiritual life of man so that he will realize his responsibilities to his fellow men and thus go about us- .sisting others. The practices of Christ and the early Christian churches are being carried out by many of the ehyyyhes togiay. ' WILFRID R. SCOTT FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 78 WOODBRIDGE Ann-1M, rm WESTON, TORONTO AND Sl'BURBS N0 EXTRA CHARGE Phone Charges May be Revvrsed (Successor to J. J. Deane) (‘hupluin {thanked the speaker and cloud the meeting with YPWc i Th. .4... “I... an...“ m..." ."' A...“ ladies invited, and Will be held W, the Weston Theatre. The Bunker will to Capt. Earl Baker, 0.8. ., nnd his aub- jeet will be "The Spirit of Vimy, Thou and Now." Liam May ("unite Milton.-Plams Ire under will for formation of A Lions Club in man. A branch was ornnized in Orin - ville recently, making seven in lit Brampton district. ”'l‘hé'clnvirrltnhwavrihly Day" on April .7, We}! Tll .be I? 029". "ryai.rys, with W. J. Ward & Sons Funeral Directors PHONES: .ll :. 0691 Orangeville Monumental Works MnnMuvturing Amerin'nn “1111th and MAI-Me. ulw (Hum-Jinn. Sum-h and sither Foreign (GrIInlteu. Shop equimned with the hunt pnmlnnnir tool» Sanllhlnnt. Write or (all mu! get writ-cs. h". N. KUTLK0h'F, Premium Local “cure-emu“: J. A. MATHEWS Gl" lndiln REL. Toronln 91 Weston 168 Woodhridge 99 The People What They Want to Know P' FRIDAY, APRIL 5. was "I'd, Teil “I'd lrll llwln “lwro to m-L tlu- things, Hwy “nut - - at the prices expect. I'd let them they And if In} svpvict_ Witt; mnrv than thcy'd ordinarily hear about it "That ls the The Times and (Slide If I Wrote The Ads," Sell Them” Idea! “Tell Them “an! the quality of Says Our Advertising Manager to 3m)

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