IB Tuuchil vi "tME , IE S. Only Funny picture {ruin a .1 V P, . '. . “2 " "YS ' ii) ‘ . f q K er ' " _ ' ‘ w; ' . , N M A. ig wi ' a; "A"? " "W I - , T Weston Auto Wreckers Used Tires and Parts for all makes of cars. Glass installed in all makes,of cars. 41 Main St. S. Weston PHONE 709W th-tim, neeehtrrt-ersirtthtt-tdFhee, WWW-(meditarsmdpmerIW-m a! lMggu','g Saul-dâ€, all having bemt in We on inttthe-th-itrteeti oftheotttarfo and mmdthmwaiyï¬nqm Ape 'p_?rteheemeetherttrnOrt_th. - SiSite',iiCi, reevseato tr.ftbetmtettmqtdttte" dC.V.()RmEn-flv:amgwnlthemm mane: Junta .B.M,T-msMo; 'et.md"iB.uridR-it6tq.thttmi-.t. C Lorne Fraser, MA. oPr6WF7iiiig'i, and OPTH‘IAN F. L. Martens. th.B. Dr. A. C. Clarke Mills Dr. Harrison C. Roos DENTAL SURGEON X-RAY EXTRACTION BY GAS Nurse in Attendance OTyta:.1ur:k.o! MIntryy.tl Bldg. (HEATED CAB) Any Place in Weston-loc Three or More Persons-Me Rates to City and Other Points, Very Reasonable A. McKAY Dr. W. J. Rodwell DENTIST V Office: Cor. Main and John Sta. Over Inch's Drug Store Phone: Office 80 Res. 1071 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. Etc. Bank of NM: Scoli- Chunk-rs WESTON u [’hones: Weston tstir Main' and John St., "iiatun"'" Phone 295W Residence 295J . "I-tm---- IA. Mt gown -l-l-l-- IA , NOW Phying " " FRIDAY and 2 Features 'll'dUIf."rgg SATURDAY PEtlta' Day or Night P. . COE Any matinee Farr Block: " Main N. N. Phonis: Off. 193--Res. 29'†FRIDAY, APRIL 5, 1935 "" or T43d CENTRAL TAXI (HEATED CAB) 88 MAIN ST. NORTH (Opp. A. & P. Store) TAXI Phone 156W DENTIST Office: FARR BLOCK Hi Main tit. N. PHONE I29 PHONES: 'Young and Beautiful Juliet. 0769 -Added.-. WM. HAINES in Touching the souls of millions of more deeply than did "l Nearly Tr, newspaper editors and publishers from towns and villages in Ontario and Quebec who were in at- tendance at the seventh annual meet- ing of the Ontario and Quebec division of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association in Toronto on Friday, paid a visit to Brampton on Saturday, when thev were guests of the Charters Publishing Company. After going through the offices and plant in which The Conservator is produced, the party enjoyed a tour of the plant of the Copeland~Chatterson Company and the flower conservatories of the Party of Nearly Seventy-five Publishers Enjoy Tour of Dale Estate Conservatories, Copeltutd-Chattersort Factory, and Charters Publishing Plant-Entertainer, at Buffet Luncheon --tieventh Annual Convention Held at Royal York Hotel in Toronto Friday. Ontario and Quebec Editors _ Guests in Brampton Saturday J. Edgar Parsons GRAY & LYON F. W. MERTENS 16 Main St. N. over Post Office W. M. Penman, B.A. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. BA. BARRISTER, SULICITOR, Etc. Elgin 1863 Money to Loan 18 Toronto Street. Toronto . 0-16-52 F. A. Silverman, BA. Office Hum: mum val-o Tm)! Ind Thurndny "whim. "ffiee--193 Over Post lyffice lteal Insurance Service Fire Automobile Casualty Phonon: "lunch “M" Anny Hurst could have truly distinguished . . " “all! 5‘. Null- can!“ with WARREN WILLIAM ThtrrHter. â€truth". It. 1017 "Non Road. Mum haml- PHONES Rochelle Hudson Ned Sparks, Henry Armette Office Hours: Daily From 9-5 RM. Tues. and Thur., 7-9 PDI. x-46-13-T Ramon": Ken. "" MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Room 7M ('unltdtmliun Lire “I'll. Cor. Queen and "unmi- an†Toronto 6 Phone Elli“ "lit BARRISTERS BolicltorB. Notaries. Etc. 16 MAIN ST. N. G. H. Gnu. LL.“ L. S. Lyon. EA. Ontario and Quebec Newspap ermen Visit Brampton Residence-ttTJ "Wm-Inn " ' M" Phone 1 l 86 Phrutt â€I. How-rd Juan. New Toronto; Mr. Ind In G. A. Dftts, Acton; J. B. Lake, Pow-sun; JIM H. 0mm PrP. W. D. Sun ' Flora; H. A. Rum ' Maury; M. Prime-n 'll7ll',JlC, m; J. r thmtheott, Esau; wank ,...Rtei_AsFcle3,rtr_ePy 53.5.53: as. " 1"i'tt'.yL"at ' IC. 2..hthfitsei VIC. win m; whammf. 31mm “myth; yrtd In. , F. “minimum. Al trrlt' u'clnck all the Mir 1012s were vntrwtnintvl at a buffet lluneheon at. the home of C. V. '1 Charters, genctalmtanairei" uf the lCharters Publishing Company. _ J Of more intimate interest to the r. . . . . Visiting group were the office, edit- orial. and production departments in which The Conservator and other weekly and monthly newspapers and magazines are published. Only such a party so well acquainted with the inrinting trade and journalistic pro- ifession could fully appreciate the suc- lcessful manner in which this firm has lkept step with the swift trcnd of pro- lqress in the last twenty years. The luncheon at one o'eloek brought the ‘tour of the town to a most pleasant and enjoyable conclusion. Heard Lieut.-Govcrnor I An appeal to the press to mould ipuhlic opinion in support of larger Izrants for medical research, particu- ilarly into the cause and control of cancer, was earnestly voiced hy New ijtp,.n/yei,o,a',r,no,,r Hubert A. Bruce on tida.y night at the banquet at the iRo.val York Hotel in Toronto which 1wound up the convention of the new.» pancrnien. An appeal for influence of l the press over the opinion and tlit,sivits _ of the public was Sh‘cswwl. and he re- called the revolution by Prof. Julian ‘illuxlvy, in 2m arldrvsr, how rm'r‘nlly. ithat limo. "mum" and effort iif'IU' ox- ‘lpemlod upon illtllhll'izll rp-cnrch to an [oxil'nt fur iiruv, “router 1min upon immlicnl vrt-iraith, (‘lnw lllmil the hvvlc Inf industrial rowan-h. ho nun-r1. rmnc lrvsoarch tlcsignml tn pcrfvx‘t TPN' in, !strumcnts of war. Many were the vxclamations of do. light and surprise as the gathering of journalists passed through the glass-covered wonderland of flowers, each section seeming to surpass the one before from point of colour and beauty. Upon leaving, each person was presented with a souvenir in the form of a box containing a magnificent bouquet of Dale monogrammed roses. At the Copeland-Chatterson plant. all were impressed with the intricate and efficient arrangement of presses and mechanical equipment utilized by this firm, the largest exclusive loose-leaf manufacturers in Canada. "lt is your duty to RM riuht such lamentuhlc vvidoncv of nun-x think. ink." (kw-land In: Rmcv. "Thr, thoughts and 1lenvaruli, of the pmph can he turned in a new dirvvtion by the mm. the tymntritm' and the print- ing press, and can Ire invlucml to plead as oloquvntly for tho disarmamvnt of disease as for military disarmament." Rofrrring to his mums) at thn Maple Loaf Hardwns an Thursday ow- ning in behalf M tlw Kincmu, Juthv‘v ('ancr‘r Fund. Hi; Honor dwlurwi Hm! if tho linw and mm‘uy (vanu‘d M mankmd In “irrch'vum-nm" “pro lurw ed to thc hattht upon canvrr it wmuu enable a rekoarch scirntjsh "pcrhaps a Canadian," to dn for the victims of cancer what Sir Frederick Ranting did for the victims of diabetes. "lt is your duty to SM lamentuhlc "Vidoncv of y ink." drclnrmi In: R; thoughts and 1lenvaruli, of Dr. Bruce reviewed the slow and laborious progress made in the world- wide effort to learn the cause of and develop a cure- for canon. Some head- way had hem" made. he indicated. THE TIMES a GUIDE --Sutspended from a high branch of a tree by a bathrobe cord, the body of a uun man was discovered by two )3er Â¥uwnshi boys in a vacant lot at the rear of Miranda avenue. The young man was later identified as Edward Ryan, aged 21, of Old Weston mad, Coroner Dr. w, G. Mc- Cormack, of Boon avenue, was sum- muned and, after performing a post- mortem. announced that no inquest would be held. Fire Damages Bowling Alleys I --Atteacted by a bright Fare in the front windows of the Maris Bowling Alleys, Weston road, while return-} ing home, a Mount Dennis man went) aver to investigate and found a sec-1 tion of the interior ablaze. A call was sent in to Mount Dennis Fire i,ij..f) partment and Chief Smith and hisi men reached the scene within a few) seconds. Two lines of hose werei played on the flames and the were) extinguished with only slight (Lineage; caused. l 'rq6WrrT_ "N aw .bTrtrTEV _a.brrEVErN. an“ 'ren Tr' Sucking to cope With threatened uviis I Silvvrthm'n Ave.. James Gamock, aged tions in York Townshu», Mount Dennis 22,of Avon D12, Robert Prell,aged 24,ot United Workers Tues ay night IIEHIWdl Donald Ava, and Anthony Caseone, 14 block captains to form the nucleus aged 'dl, of Hufferin St., were empire-l of an army Of registers to take wh.at- handed while driving through Silver- i-ver action is necessary. Two are Hu- thorn streets in a truck. They were Pending at present." Is stated. (harm-s, takvn to township police headiuartcrs" of Chief COPSNSNC Jehr.t., Faulds that) and appeared in York County Police tho recent mu! m Yprk 1meinr was! Court today. The arrests Wert made by inspired by Communists wuru denied by l Detective-s Scum» Cuvsun, Ihislrvuuk and Party Marks. The Workers were fight-) Mckiminie. ing solely for better relief, he said.) -----o-------- Plans for a hunger march t.o the prrr-l --bhnphasiziue training of children vincial government to present demands should not lse left wholly in the hands toy a M) PM cent. increase in I'Plit'f. $20 l of the mother. Crew Leader Armbrust minimum monthly shunt-r ulluwance‘uf Ruver Scouts told guests at a and abolition of the relief board of ro- l father-and-son banquet of the 39th view were revealed. lputrol of Mount Dennis Scouts Fri- -----D-----. [day night, companionship should be --Forcing a rear cellar window inithe keynote of the home. "Three the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Long, dimes as many boys go wrong where 33 Lessard avenue, thieves ransackddithe father is dead as where the the home and stole a quantity oflmuther is dead," he said. Nineteen jewelry. Included among the articles frubs received their tenderfoot badges, was a wedding ring, which had be- I two their second class, and one first longed to Mrs. Long's mother and Itrlass efficiency badge. Thirteen first which was valued as a keepsake. Two l stars were awarded. In the scouts watches and a number of other rings ‘division six second class and three and trinkets were taken. Mr. and ifirst class badges were given out. after the discovery that animal can-Vat bill," he said. ; cer was almost identical with h'umanl A member from Pembroke stated'; cancer, and he believed it advisableithat the act intended "to do just; that all alleged cancer "cures" beiwhat you fear. To make you ern- tested on "tumor bearing animals be- ploy more men than you will need." fore being applied to humans." He re Another member said: "lf it is ferred hopefully to the wrok in Lon-l arried out it is a matter of life and don, England,of Dr. Thomas Lumsdeni ath to many of the businesses rep- and his associates who had produced: sented here to-day. We cannot in serum of cancer anti-bodies which l raise prices no matter what the Min- "in time might be elaborated into an iistevs say." W. C. Walls. Bruce] effective treatment of cancer." vaarce, and Elgin Harris were choseni "The press should remember that it to represent the association in pro-l must not only Rive the people what testing the new act. 1 they want, but also eater to their Mayor and Premier Speak f needs. netds of whi" thty may y.rt Mayor James Simpson of Toronto) be conscmus or atrpreeiatwe, His tendered the visitors a civic welcome; Honor observed. and highlights of the program during‘ The Lieutenant-Governor stressed ‘the day were the forum on advertish the "almost superstitious yrr,iiriirhiiild'se, led by A. E. Debbie, of the} of most People for the printed word." Smith's Falls Record-News: address arihthe “lastinzfanél powerful" effect l on "Co-operation Between, Weekly 0 t vyriniont D t e W955- iPublishers and Their Retail Merch- It 'tfir/gi','),',?",',', all“: 310:9: Hi, 'ants," by George S. Hougham. execu- o,' t l ou ‘01; fd d†it 'IC), Lf‘tive set'l'etal'y. Ontario division, Re- Fonor‘ L8H?†u a Cr, t c 1','1/,l' itail Merchants' Association of Cana- .eigus. n ., on ah mit to t - (hjkla- forum on the editorial page led’ tinction of harboring the ?,rm,',teyl;'y" M R Primeau of the Hunting- surgeon. Dr. Abram)“ f.t1tesy tholdon (Que) Gleaner; forum on busi-I further honor of having such a thir-ii,";',',, management led by John A. ti.ryruishef son as Hugh Templin, Marsh Amherstburz Echo; address; minor of the Fergus News-RoconLl ' .: _. sc,,' ' q _ Mr. Tcmnlin received last night the by John Anfm‘â€. presidcytt f/yy/tty, (10"on Prss,ru.r, Flditneinl Ti'nnhv i_Arts. Cy1nifrl; (mum HI jo?! prttinsr The Lieutenant-Governor stressed the "almost superstitious veneration of most people for the printed word," and the "lasting and powerful" effect of the opinions of the press. Fergus Paper Wins Honor At the outset of his address, Hi, Honor congratulated the town of Fergus, Ont., on adding to the dis, tinction of harboring the famous surgeon. Dr. Abraham Groves, tho further honor of having "sueh a dis- tinguished son" as Hugh Templin. editor of the Fergus News-Record. Mr. Temnlin received last night the Genrge Pearce Editorial Tr'mhy. awarded annually in the memlit'r journal considered to have the best editorial page. The presentation Wtt'l made by Bruce Pearce of Simme. son of the late George Pearce. who em- phasized the need far sound editor- ials to advise the iieviple in such timc, of change and transition. Dr. Bruce was formally introduced to the news- papermen bv c. V. Chartrvs of anmntnn. A Wife of thanks on lw- half of the gathering: was tnnved by Herman Rice. of the Huntsville For- raster. Other speakers of the evening in- eluded T. P. Lancaster. M,P.P., of Havelock, retiring: president of the :rssnriation; Walter liegge. Granby, Quebec, new president; and T. F.. llumnnn. King's Printer for Ontario, Oppose Invitation During the meeting on Friday, members of the humiliation lirniest- ml individually and Mlleetively against the new provincial industrial "ct suggested by Hon. A. W. Roe buck, declaring that it would ham, 'string the weekly newspapers in the province. E. Roy Sayles. managing- director, Roebuck had said in effect. either pay these wages or my out of business. "l consider that a very un- kind reply-We shouldn't come under -Foreing a rear cellar window in the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Long, 33 Lessard avenue, thieves ransacked the home and stole a quantity of jewelry. Included among the articles was a wedding ring, which had be- longed to Mrs. Long's mother and which was valued as a keepsake. Two watches and a number of other rings and trinkets were taken. Mr. and Mount Dennis Locals Would Slop Evictions Youth Found Dead '."t'ltattt','r':,d,,'.nr'."g,'np,r't."regtg2gt 'r.C.Ri,Wmtmt;Mr.-d "r.1g.rer-d,N ; II. III In. C. R. Pt Orillil; Mr. a! In m 'alt, Com: W. H. aliens. King-nine; P. A J. Bgyh, fhehr6EnqiRtee,r9rmtoi"r_trdu3eiiqNi.' ttie,htt=e.ra."tia'titil'gtfNt"t'at. n. ' . . l C. PrgN til hr?" 'Ry,ritBit. P. attd In. . out]: my . InLAlIl-le at. mumwwnuuuwu..........mu...m...m...m.....,.mm..........................a Mrs. Long were attending a school concert, and when they returned home, they noticed the blinds of their hw-se were drawn and all the lights nun- our They suspect two men wh m they passed on the way home and have provided York Township police with descriptions that may pos- sibly result in capture. Would .Coettieript Wealth Captain Elmore Philpott, Liberal; candidate in South York, speaking at a! well attended rally in Jolly ti Hall Tues, day night, declared that, if elected, he would sponsor an amendment to the, Military Service Act making its provis- ions applicable to money as well as mom "We will face another European war unless people use their heads," hei predicted. "l fail to see where Europ- 1"/) war is worth a single ('anadian‘ i c." Recovery Tuesday night by York Township detectives of a heavy truck tire reported stolen last Oetnber, re- sulted in the arrest of four men on charges of theft. The men gave their names as Rum-rt (iamoek. aged " Of Silver! horn Ave.. James Gamock, aged 22, of Avon Dr., Robert Hell, aged 24,ot Donald Ave., and Anthony Caseone, aged 'dl, of Dufferin Sh, were unpre- hended while driving through Silver- thorn streets in a truck. They were taken to township police headquarters and appeared in York County Police Court today. The arrests were made by Detectives Segue, Curmn, Itislrvuuk and McKimmie. led by Wuler imggrt, Granby (Que.t Leader-Mail: address by T. E. Row- man, king's Printer for Untario; brief address by H. Roy Saylvs, managing- dirovtnr of the Canadian Weekly Nutspnpvrs Ascrwiation: forum on subscriptions. led by W. c. Walls, Barriv Examiner. At (ho luncheon at mum on Friday, the assernhly was ad- drvssed by Hon. M. F. Hepburn. prime minisior of Ontario. (Ifficers Elected Walter Imago was electod presi- dent for 2935, Bruce M. Pearce viro- Walter Imago was electod presi- dent for 2935, Bruce M. Pearce viro- president, and M. R. Primeau secre- tary-treasurvr. Directors: W. C. Walls, Barrie; George Lake, Tim, mins; A. E. Debbie. Smith's Falls; H. E. Rice, Huntsville; P. Fl. Rioux, Itrmmmondvillp, Quohov‘; John Hol- land, Slamtoad, Qua; P. A. Giles, Lailute, Que., and C. J. McTavish. (Continued from Page One) ‘. smut-body. smnvwhorv. made a lot of) money out of th" last war. Who WIS?! it ? Let us go down the list and analyze, I To begin with. the man in the trenches I --huck private. non-conL. or orifcer--r, reaped no profit, and his dependents,) waiting anxiously at home, did not get 1 TH F," NAN “N THE STREET rich. The office and factory worker who kept the, wheels of wartime pro- duction turning did not prosper unduly. True. they earned very good wages. but as fast as they made money they had it taken away from them via the high cost of living. The farmer and the small factory owner were probably ahead of the game fora little while, but that was small piekings--the gravy which overflowed from somebody else’s dish. The man who made the millions was the financial big-shot. _ In Fnirness to All And for what did the commoh people fight '.' We thought it was for freedom and honor, for personal liberty and other hltrhl.v-etrmrrtendattle phrases of a like nature. But was not the fight equally for the safety of our vested in- terests? The common people ave their all in what they considered mac I national emergency. Vested interest risked little or nothing and rocked a handsome profit from our efforts. There is no fairness in that Hunge- ment. Senator Hughes, in his drsstir pro- posals. had the right idem Neither he, nor The Man on t e Street. accuse any or all of the Canadian financial mug- nalvs of complicity in promoting con- flict so that they may reap a pmdit, But it is only hit that, if evn such a national emergency should arise again. they should be called upon to make I COUNTER CHECKS The In Mt. Dennis 3;? GIANT RUMMAGE SALE under auspices of Clovelly Chapter No. 144, O.E.S. will be held at 1163 WESTON ROAD, MOUNT DENNIS, on “MURDER II THE CLOUDS" LYLE TALBOT ANN DVORAK “The Richest Girl In The “and" “KID MILLIONS" Store Open at 10 a.m.--Great Variety of Goods mums-n: MIRIAM HOPKINS EDDIE CANTON SATURDAY, APRIL 13th W HUN EtiDAY--THiDAY--APttiL 10-11 DOUBLE BILL FRIDAY-SATURDAY-APRIL 6-5 0 You cannot tell your customers bomHH' w at good ttterehamiige. ptompt _ and personal money - to an. manyou repeatitirttootmrtre . The moot freqmt contact with you h tam in made by your Con. Books. for your hills on" at . We '0 M "rt - CAI. I MONDAY-TUESDAY-APRIL 8-9 DOUBLE BILL JAtCr01t _ l "l " A THIEF" . Sales Books "s, . Order Forms 4 toiher's good-will. V V __ . __ -- "j You have pinned everything in your MD Huge your etttytomer--artd to keep a. thh-ing if mor? ygluablo than your a. Mickey Mouse (Juneau DOUBLE BILL sacrifice proportionately as mt II my made by the rank and {m of M- nation LEE TRACY HEARD-ro Mr. and Mrs. chk D. Heard (nee Betty Kendall) It tho Somerset Nursing Home, - hum, England. on Friday. latch 15, 1985. a daughter, Marjorie Eileen. “You BELOIG T0 IE" MARY ASTOR under auspices of Ladies' and Kai’l Conservative Associations of Wes- ton, in Legion Hall, Main St. N., Good Prizes Thurs., April 11, a u. Notices under this heading minim- um chums 50e. BIRTHS - MARRIAGE and DEATHS “The Interim†mmmmmumn-nnmumm-mmu EUCHRE ADMISSION 25e TIM MCCOY RICA RDO CORTEZ HELEN MACE Refreshments