Notice To Creditors tM'tgt'a of the said estate. on or the "th any of Mar, 1985, their a a! dim-en uni the full pau-~ tmp.", a! their chins up! the nature It â€his: tif my) held by them 1 mm by statutory deeliration. after the aid Nth day a. no“, the can of the said do. will be “an: "no" t: w "rtttred m retm 'h",thr.t'lliu'r,tllh'l1U thou out! (Tm or 15th a. of " ' M M , A'gUkhy, 411%. but: for a. nil m. FOR Renb--revsonable, 10 or any less acreage, good market-gar- dening land, on Fraser Estate. Apply S. Fraser, Braeman Avenue, off Scar- lett Road. x-2w Be, sitting room, and kitchenette and sun room, all furnished. Ap- ply 68 Edmugnd avenue or phone SSS-J. x-2w 3-RING gas stove, high porcelain back, good condition, or would eie change for electric rangette. Phone 1113j, Weston. o-lw SHED 24' x 20' for sale. For par- ticulars apply to George Pollard, 38 Main St. south. x-lw PAC. POUR s-ROUMHD houce to run, ull um- veniences, garugv, "drum-v, large lot. Phone 742w, Wr~bm. u.1w '8tr-,huit' in let, a mums, mod, em improsiments, large lut; also, for sale, extension table, 2 set. tees, phonograph Quebec heater, reasonable forwash. Apply 14 Cross Street. o-lw LARGI-LHot Point electric range, white enamel, grrit,ic't?1 new, four-burner. Phone 9. j, 20 St. John's Road east. x. 1w a box, real bargain..Apply 25 Duf- ferin St. W., Weston. x-lw All persons having claims against the estate of Thomas Naismith, who died It the Villnv of Woodbridge, in the Township of aughan and County of York. on the 23rd day of February, .1935 are required to file proof of name with the undersi ed on or be- fore the 27th day OPApril, 1935. After that date the Executor, John W. Nuismith, will proceed to distri- bute the estate, having regard only to the claims at which he shall then have had notice. Dated Much 28th, 1935., hiaiii a STE_WART, Notice To Creditors " â€no": hIVing chins a tins! .0 at.“ of Don-Id 4"fh"Jl',,fli'. dc. Irpe who died an or about the 8th - Inn-r1, 1986, are notified to “go the, mug-aimed. W. H. Kirk- __"-" __ solicitor tttrVesisrs.%iiniidi mum“! and Robert MuDon Sf, rooms, all run\rnienn-<, double garage. chicken Imus». large gur- den. acreage land ubtunmhlv, Apply 170 Russell Avenue. x-tf D and verandah,' special" summit} rate. Phone SILJ. x-Iw g'iiF,i.',iiiiiai.i,it/i'ir'Arijt,?, Gara box, real bargain..Apvly 25 Duf- WALNUT dresser and lady's dress- ing able, walnut color single Simmons Bed complete with mattress and spring; also electric heater and other household furniture, in good condition. Apply 208 King Street. a, 1 ajii'a%lFirFtTt.iirtaGiss' 35:11 ;' rho 1 Quebec cook stove, $12. Apply 9 Rectory Rd., Weston. o-lw Re, change purse containing $10 and $5 bill. also Hydro electric bill. Reward if returned to Times and Guide office. x-lw ll a. but. " Donald MacDonald. ha a! the T." M Weston. in the - of York. mun-u. do- [-i’IECE dining room suite, 5 Lugs“, iaqtasasisrtr_,table,, I â€1331}: ARTiCEEE {on SALE (TH.R0OM flat, 3 byighf§o3in§ All copy must be in by 10 a.m., THURSDAY, to in.. sure publication in, current issue. UNDER THIS HEADING-"For Sale", "For Rent", ete., etc. the charge is 1c per word, with a minimum of 25c cash. 10e tet.e if hooked, also 10c extra it apply Box No. care of this office ROOMS FOR RENT RUMACAPS HOUSES FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED Richardson'l Drug l.D.A. Store HOUSES TO LET FLATS TO LET Galt, orit., Solicitnrs for the Executor" FOR RENT Bachcha M .m- minc RUMACAPa- they give quick Ind lure relief. LOST Phone-Weston 26 x-lw I The celebration of Easter is the imost ancient festival observed by the 'Christians. In olden times it was called the Sunday of Joy. It is the custom of some of the European coun- ltries, and especially the more moun- 1minous regions, to usher in Easter [with the ringing of church bells, i then at intervals throughout the day, ‘the hells are rung for different pur- IRJses. Thus the first hour is the , esurrection, and at the beginning _the strokes of the bells are light; when they gradually increase in iVolume, until all are literally peeling _ forth their joy. In like manner there is set apart an hour of bell rin ing 'for the awakenin of the earth Earn the deep _sleep p.'.l'lndr, _ - 1 Duplex Electric Iruner; Mahogany iGateJeg Extension Dining table; Victor Orthophonie and Records; ‘double bed, spring and mattress; ,(Sressing table to match; Walnut {Chest of drawers; 2 ice'boxes, annex stove, Quebec heater; drop-leave Kit.. 1Chen table and chairs; linoleum, dish- ves; glassware; pictures; lawn mower; 'tods, etc. 25 assorted hand-hooked mugs-m '..» ._ _ 1 T." Tr. TrFF.'WFPr,"wtigrrrii,- _ In 2ig1T/ie,hhdrgr,t, of olden times were tol to gr) to bed can-WK the eve- gigi, before Easter, so t at they mig t rise in time to see the dancing sun on Easter morning, because there was an old legend that when the sun rose on Easter morning it danced for joy an it came up over the horizon. VAmong the older people of 100 years iuro in England and parts of Fur.opt RELIABLE Woman wants work by the day, housework, Monday, Wednesday and Thuiu'ay, $1.30 per day. Phone Weston .305. x-lw RELIABLE man in Weston will re- move and store storm windows, polish hardwuod floors and otherwise assist in spring cleaning either in house or garden. Rates reasonable. Phone 26. DH WANTED by June lst, six roomed house with conveniences by care- ful tenant; rent must be reasonable. Apply Box 215, Times and Guide. IiHi1ir..T,,f,y,? upholstered, ah-wor-k guaranteed. J. Hlphick, 128 King Street, Weston. o-lw THE Longstaff Pump Works are still doing business at 40 Main St. N., Weston. Pumps, windmills, pressure systems, repairing. Norman G. Pearson, manager. Phones: Wes- ton 285 and Mia-4;, x-lw II1h1,'li11yl?, Rurepayers' Hall, Harding Avenue, amateur talent for Wvdnemluy, April 24, at K ts'clock, 3 prize». Apply not later than Sm.- urduy tlie 20m. Apply (A! V. IL, 28 llrnry Strum Max 2-13, Weston. 0-lw tun at Shell Gas Station, 4 corners. Thisuetittm, Opt., "P A M - at ' f-' p1"! Called By Early Christians Sunday of Joy it was the custom to put one's best clothes on u 3 token of happiness, and from this old custom has com the one of the waning new huts on East" Sunday and aiding society parades in "any of the larger cities. We also find that in many plumes gifts were presented to friends on last" Sunday and today we still con- tinue it by the giving of Easter rub- bite we! chm-ohm eggs. - _ EASTER CELEBRATION OLDEST IN CHRISTENDOM The date of 5:3le is not u fixed as list, Christmas, "tl: is gem-din- r 5 . mt. mater un " is the our foaming the first Friday. culled Good 2Pit after the full moon on or after trrh 30th. Thin year the full moon was on April litth and Good Friday, April 19th. A l‘CTlON SALE OF Nut time the drain pipes in your kitchen income clog-pd remember that 'tt r,','),?.',",", and our!“ sgfhlticin is tn ta o a“ your pot n mix it equally with Sal-Eda. th month hailing tum pnruy to dip. 1.0le it and sum it down the drain tow“: the Win. [at ft mud in the pipe new Mun and than fhtstt with ham" m. The ob- nnction will hue Ghana-d and the Cain ipe be clear than will be no use! to all a â€In. Ammmimmhbm mum-await» SERVICES OFFERED norsanom (was FOR SALT IRL, 16, desires work uyury."'AT, ply I St Album Avenue, Wes- WORK W ANTED UPHOLSTERIN G HELP WANTED Sat'urday: WANTED HOUSEHOLD (£0008 ti Aim! 27th ",'G7riiiTrtii"," Auctioneer 0-lw Mr. Perkins Bull finally took his guests to Brampton for the last day of the visit. They inspected the green- houses of the Dale Estate and were presented with examples of the fine horticultural products of the town. They iFiiiirthth tytturrTatttetrattr dinner given by Mr. D. o. Bull at the B. H. Bull Estate. An informal reception for Brampton officials was arranged after the dinner. The Lord Mayor was accompanied to Toronto and to several of the principal cities in the United States b Hon. Peter Kelly of Northern Melting. Both of the distinguished guests worked tur- thusiastically during their visit in the intfjrests of an increased Irish export tra e. "The divisions of our people are un- natural," he said. "The boundary be- tween the North and the South is man- made--rmuie by politicians and are a menace. I hope the people on our little island will soon c, together as a united countr an make the best of things. Canaclians who retain their in- terest in the Old Country can be of aB- sistance in encouraging the idea of a united Ireland." Toronto's welcome to the Lord Mayor and Mr. Kelly was exceptionally ent usiastic. They were met at the Union Station by Mr. Perkins Bull and other representative citizens. To the skirl of the kilted pipers of the Irish Regiment, the party proceeded to the steps of the city hall for the civic re- ception by Mayor James Simpson and members of the Board of Control and City Council. The brass band of the Irish Regiment was present at the city hall and the audience of thousands of persons watching the ceremony broke into wild cheers as it struck up "My Wild Irish Rose." The new Dublin housing scheme calls for the erection of 2,000 new cottages this year, the Lord Mayor said. Each cottage will have three rooms and hot and cold running water. While they will be rented at a loss, the Lord Mayor still contended that it was good busi- ness for his city to sponsor modern housing because it will eliminate a great all of illness which is now cost- ing the Dublin corporation thousands ufvgounds Pnnually. _ _ "Irish whiskey is the best in the world," smiled the Lord Mayor, who is a teetotaller. He also contended that Irish horses, linens, poplins and wool- lens are also the best obtainable. He emp.htstiet.illy declayed that with spell good products to sell it is unfair to Ire- land for other countries not to pccept as much Irish merchandise as they sell. At present the export trade of the Irish Free State is only one-sixth of the im- Rort trade. The Lord Mayor and Mr. 'elly were both advocates of “dollar foLdollar".tryyie agreements. The Lord Mayor envisioned a more united Ireland in future. Old preiu- dices are breaking down and the great- est friendliness exists between the N?t.tlt and South, be said. The Lord Mayor's engagement book was full for the three days he remained at_ Mr. Bql)'s home. The events includ- ed an address to the Toronto Menu Canadian Club, a reception at the home of his host, Lorne Lodge, Rosedale, a public reception in Columbus Hall, and a luncheon at Queen's Park at which the hosts were Premier Mitchell F. {Hepburn and the members of his cab- net. (The United States Indices are those of the Federal Reserve Board; the Canadian Indices are based upon data from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. Each series has been cor- rected for seasonal variation and placed Z"', base 100=monthly aver- age of t e period 1925 to 1929.), The famous~or murnous--old tene- ments of Dublin are being torn down as swiftly as possible and replaced with neat, sanitary. modern workingmen’u cottages which will be rented for 'diithl less than $2 . week, according to ight Honorable Alfred Byrne, T.D., Lord Mayor of Dublin, who recently visited Toronto and Brumptou an the Kutft of Willinni Berkinn Bull, K.C. u Employment in Manufacturer. Canada United States Industrial Production: Canada United States Revenue 13arlo!uiings: Canada United States 1935 1934 1934 1934 1934 Jan. Dec. Nov. Oct. Sept. NEAT HOUSES REPLACE OLD IRISH MEETS Rt. Hon. Alfred Byrne Tells of Progress Being Made _ " Home 8R3 83.l' 73.1 61.3 IDEAL for Rose Bushes, Zinnias. Glttrliolase, Astorr, Chryssnthemurns, DIhlias. Sweet Pas, em lin-otlmt for Voplahlo Gardens and Greenhouses. Just ATTACH OUR NOZZLE, mnuining a Mick of Niall!» to your retruUr Garden hose and spray . _ . lndhponsahuo for Small "e Ms LIT Estates, Library CmndS, Murtieipat Parks. Gmnhoum. NO iirit G-Read for Instant Use. Nil-tic! is nude My Nirothte Ind Fish Oil Soup. lt Ilinnlvos. and ity “Ruth goo: into Ttd: killing the posts that attmrk plants V T _ A Cartridge of Kin-Mic Intro from I to 1% hours L. R. WHEELER M " 902 KILL THE BUGS At last the Work of Spraying Plums. Trees, Shrubs. Ete. is Made Easy, Economical and Rapid The Trend of Business 87.3 78.5 R4.2 77.6 61.3 71.4 With Your Garden Hose 87.1 89.7 67.5 00.4 CA) 87.5 76.5 NADA AND THE l'NITED STATES M.2 66.6 87.3 73.4 56.5 REPRF‘SENTATIVE Feli. 81.4 ou 81.2 73.7 68.3 1934 Peir 84.5 77.9 TM 73.9 "The and l 61.3 GoC'-Miiton A number of members of Christ Church A.Y.P.A. attended the annual Lenten Rally held by Peel and Dis- trict Local Council at Dixie on Tues- day last, when the Rev. Armstrong of Toronto was guest speaker. The play, "An Old-Fashioned Mother" was presented by a group of Toronto pen le in the Latter Saints Church on ILi‘ucsday night, and was much enqued by a large audience. Evening “ranch Meets The evening brunch of Christ Church W. A. held its regular meeting on Thursday night at the home of Misse, Isabel and Vera Smith. It was "Literary" night in charge of Miss K. Brown. Final ar- rangements wern made for the annual bazaar and sale of work to be held in the Sunday School mums on April 26. The Euchre Hub of Pine iirove held it, tum-tin at the. hum.- of Mrs. Burkâ€, prize tsinners bring: Miss Pearl McLean, Mi,,, Anna Darker, Mrs. B. Ansely, J. MurTuggrrt and Jack McLean. Tl". next [muting will be held at tht. home of Miss Pearl McLean. Mr. and Mrs. J. T, lynch, formerly af Woodbridge, and now of Lindsay, motored here Sunday and attended morning service at Christ Church, visiting old ftOnds in mm: later in the day. The WA. of Christ ('hurch held its regular meeting Thursday after- noon last in the Sunday School room, with the President, Mrs. F. W. Hicks in the chair. Final arrangements were made to send the bale out to Western Canada fur missionary work. Two quilts wet" finished, one for the bale and the other fur the empty stall of the W.A. House. Mrs. Willis, Mrs. Stratford and Mi,s Mary Wal- lace were appointed delegates to the annual WA. Conference to be held at St. Paul's Church, Toronto, The meeting) closed with refreshments served y Misses B. and M. Wallace. Television will not invade the privacy of the home, and one cannot P"' it/surreptitiysslv to witness what is going on inside the house. This was the assurance Riven recently by the British Postmaster General in a recent speech in London. “I would like to reassure any nervous listeners that, wonderful as television may be, it cannot. fortunately, be used in this way," he declared. "The television service ivill be transmitted on ultra- short wave lengths. hut the normal sound service, which is operated on medium and long wave lenzths, will continue as at present., Sneakers, ac- tors and artists can be televised, and, apart from studio Mum-s, films will be-trarsmitted.- There. seems every likelihood. also, that it will he found possible to tvlevise certain outdoor scenes whivh can be liruught within a compass." Park (martini Elm Park Dance Hul at Wood- bridge opened for the season on Saturday lust, und was crowded. The music was supplied by Chris. Morris and his orchestra. ('hris Hunt-d five years ago in Wmnlbridge with a three-piece band, and now he has seven. Both Canadian and United States indices of Emloyment in Manufac- tures expande substantially from January to February. The Canadian index increased by 2% and the United States figure bv sli htly less than 2%. The rectmlI of fl'd','fsd.ii'i' Pro. duction varied notably as between the two countries. In Canada, the index scored a further gain of about 3% from January to February, following the more pronounced upturn of the previous month (amnuntin to more than 7%). In the United gmtes, the index contracted by more than 2%, mainly as a result of recessions in the fields of textiles and food pro- ducts. Changes in Revenue Carload- ings were favourable on both sides of the international boundary, " though improvement was slightly greater in the United States than in anada. '--Revispd. --Figurps Compiled by Bank Of Nova Sentizi. TELEVISION NOT TO PEEP THE TIMES & GUIDE WOODBRIDGE Burl!" Hub Meets Businms Sesainn 275 RHODES AVE. of learning is to know and Vaughan Township the study of citizenship, Miss Bessie Nuttress, the convener, presided. The program included a history on old familiar hymns, by Mrs. Leo Watson, a duet by Misses Marie Allen and Mary McLean, a comet solo by Bert Shore, oval duet by Albert and Stewart R erfurd, a piano duet by Misses Conn Ross and Elizabeth Robinson, u , per on citizenship by Clare Bush and a selection from Edgar Guest's 124mm,: by Miss Bertha Whitman. WU. Meets Members of the Woodbridge Wo. men's Institute were entertained at the home of Mrs. John Kellam Tues- day afternoon. The program was de- voted to legislation and laws in gen- eral. Mrs. Fred Hicks read an article on "Are We Studying Current Events." Mrs. R. Ward, Mrs. Wilfrid Scott, Mrs. J. Kellum and Mrs. G. W. Bagg sang a chorus. Helen Ross read an interestin collection of cur- rent events, and Mrs. W. Roddy had charge of a contest on rules and regu- lations governing Women's Institutes and other organizations. Mrs. W. o. Duncan being the winner of the Con- test. A question box was in charge of Mrs. S. McClure. Delegates ap- pointed to the district meeting at Edgeley on June 5 were: Mrs. A. B. Cousins, Mrs. A. iiollirtsrshead, Mrs. M. Farr, Mrs. H. N. Smith and Miss L. McNeil. "The Sunbonnet Girl" will be pre- sented in the Woodbridge Orange, Hall by the Presbyterian Church choir on Thursday and Friday nights, April 25 and 26, at 8.20 p.m. a party, in honor of their recent mar- riage. at the home of Mr. Don. Me, Kenzie last week by the employees of W. Robinson and Company and were i',,r,ti:"'..',i'.'tthed with tt china clhinet, Mr. Howarth making the presenta- tion. Mondax‘ night's meeting of the Ignited C urf .Y..P.s, was evoted to Friends of Mr. Herb Wright will be glad to know that he is again up and around, recovering from his ill- ness of the past few weeks. o1d'dijfyihrrs _......,..' 33%;}? .l'e)lllrf.1c., Mit KRUSCHEN SALTS ...,....,.,,_tRht â€136851135 j1li1).?fc.._, 496 ELECTRIC on. _....,......,.....) TUMEEZ "'__"""-e-rrrr_-ee, $1 .00 MUS-KEE-KEE .'__.w_ww_rrrww... $1 .00 way??? 135.1%. _.. $1 .00 W. s, " LF-RY- Citizenship Program 11on.dity nightls, _meeting of the Mr. an) Mrs. Len_ Beryl! were given VALUES IN MEDICINES ---uftuiiGls'T- WOUIHSRIDGE. "NT, See your nearest Terruplané dealer today TERRAPLANE Steel sides, steel floor, steel roof . . . over a rugged inner frame also ALL of steel. I in CANADA’S ONLY BONES ALL OF STEEL tfrpi, V ,_,_ In.“ , The vei from April's face, Sweet, my Aprilwlgughing, waiting Until the ateway swings, And she am? Lent can kiss between the grating Of Easter's tissue wings. Too brief the bliss-tle parting comes with sorrow. calling l :7 her upward flight, Awaiting Buster's wings M she must borrow ', . Ere she can hope to fly-- t Those.glurious wings that we shall see tomorrow _ Against the fur, blue sky., a. _ Has not the purple of her vuture's lining --, . Brought calm and rest MII', Has her, dark robe had glut of _ __ , ."" "trr""" __- golden shining, _ w Been' na'ught but isleatsurh'pult Who knows? Perhaps when to the world returning T In youth’s light joyousneas. We'll wear some rarer jewels we found burning In Lent's black-bordered dress. So hand in hand with fitful March she lingers To beg the crowning grace of lif,t.i/1r with her pure and hnly April l, 1388 Lent gathers up her cloak of sombre shading In her reluctant hands. Her beauty heightens, fairest in its tad us As. sGGii1'sly she stands Atvtitintt Eater's benediction falling, Like silver stars at "tF _ Before we can obey t . dmmons EASTER' SPECIAL SUITS Sizes 34 to " $1 t ‘Wlth Extra Pants 'e' ferr. 519$ - $13.95 - $15.00 FIRST CLASS HOME-COOKED . MEALS""“" WOODBRIDGE H. N. Smith EASTER WILFRID R. SCOTT FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 78 WOODBRIDGE Ert:iiFifi7tTit%A%7,"Ad'J,T2. ""t1ttr1e..rkr.o'r"jGGidik. MI!" and â€onâ€: only - WATSON’S HOTEL NWS SUITS April-u/ue/Gi,' sighing, WESTON, TORONTO AND SUBURBS NO EXTRA CHARGE Phone Charges May be Reversed Young Menu (Successor to J. J. Deane) ght of uWOODBRIDGE 31W wi'if A print Identilt “and: that mum. rapefruit off the Item, inatUd as sipping them. offcrtd.iteetiyJyeaw from cupping them on reducel docs from Item and ro.t, sheeting Ara, and iiiG, iAfefiaii." The Massachusetts Historical So- ciety possesses a III-r, thick book on alchemy written bt.fuiyt 16.00, which belonged to Gyrt.neetisttt'p first colon- ial governor, John Winthrop, Jr. Good-b a dear Lone good-1 'o'll 'i"dk your "tGila' wh - -- iiiiriotrtiGoiC" __ Against the far blue lky. W. J. Ward & Sons Funeral Directors PHONES: Orangovillo Monumental Works JU. 0691 “WAY. APR“. to, "" - Mauturncturitttr Ann-Hun Granite lnd Maria, lilo Cludlnn. Scotch Ir."' other Fungal (Ff-nip. _ shoru2iui%iCwitit-itir Inc-c pneumnic mob. SIndhluL Write or all And not who. ROOMS BY DAY -rGiaarr- lac-l Bonn-mull" I. A. MATHEWS an [nun Rd., Tor-uh SI Weston 168 Wo'odbridge 99 B. M, IUTLEDGE Phone " $15