I can“. TAXI (mun CAB) ARCADIAN NURSERIES SPECIAL Mattresses remade $2.95, and re- covered in new cover, $4.00 and up. “will kinds of furniture recover- yhapeirrd Hui. refiqished. All work arunteed and estimates tme. {an the ypar right hy hav- 'tte {our work done in your own lot-any. G. MACKAY We Fore-Ill ofthe T. Elton Co. lam llpholstering ' Cabinetmaking Shop In." LY. tttttt o. Wm new NURSERIES If" Flowering Shrubs M Grown Pet-mums A'hef,,'",' CAB) Any e in Weston-toe Mac or More Pert-s-ga: Rates to City and Other Points, Very Reasonable A. McKAY Phone 156W Women's Arch Preserver, cum bination fitting, some wedged Other Welts $4.00 and $5.00 Smart styles in blue ties ......$4.95 v.17 smart blue Sandals, with my trim -------t3.9ii Childmn'a C. J. Hurlbut: ll-A? 't.._...rTtrrrr. ......,$2.25 Ind $2.50 l-ly' ----$1.f6, _and 32.25 " Main St. N. Weston 943 BOYS' CH EMS. Ilse 11-2 .V_e._.____. BOYS' CHUMS. size 3551...“... tMtadtan Three-Year-Old In hte soled calf and id welts ., , VV'"" MEN'S MURRAY ARCH PRESERVE}! SHOES mulch-mm tii-qiCLC.C.rfii.iii""ii,' its; a] MEN'S GREB WORK BOOTS $3.50 and $4.95 "" or T43d 34.95 To $7.50 , Irvine's "Own Shoe" made “Din Last" In double soled lung]. soled welts, in fine ttt and Oxfords. These Bre M‘rocker lists and show u IAIN ST. imam Lt?pr,A. & P. Store) . " THE LATE iP,iltPdi'e'2"gi25ii' t. W a! m vid- 223 MAIN ST. N. Phone 424-1 L Irvine’s (ttt STORE un AN " $8.50 TAXI “of: Day or Night $3: Atty Distance Irvlne’s it Shoes PHONES: $7.50 $2.75 $3.50 I?“ "as. GoAacatiiii7 1. PM}! e the 99-5". .An 'itga'tstdeiittiiteri!.iiit 'PSS, 03???" It t,uT,tt of" is or t 'mjd a my Vac-tin m I m soloist. The Thursday nightl m m MM i Wenmimrtor United Church. Rev. ft. B. lMingh-m l q the SPEPT. grid _the liming germ via VA: held in the ht2,t, Churrh with Rev. T. B. Butler ringing the Mam Central United Church wt.- crow on Wednesday night for the service which In.- in than» of the choir, who presented very beautifully the Cantata, "Olive! to cam-R" Tho choir m mined by In. . Me. Rugh. common. lin- Minnie Sinnrm. much-pd M.r.aChtr..us Hamming), Punion Week (honed -Nasion Week w†fittin ly oh. servzd in Weston this wee: in a series of united services "ranged by the Ministerial Association, pup-ra- tnry_ to the Easter season, The in- t_mdurtory service was held in the Preshrteiian Church on Monday 1tlt and VI: Iddrossed by Rev. A. J. il, Hum-on. fh.t,Tyesficttisrrtt the ur- Creepy Comedy Store: -r'la.vintt a creepy comedy entitled "The Ghost Story," the team from Nobleton won the finals of the inter. club drama contests of the York County Junior farmers, held Friday night at Pickering College in Newrmirkoi. Wal- ter McCutcheon was coach of the win- nine out starring Walter Hill and Norma Williamson. Teams from Unionville and Mt. Albert took art in the finals, Unionville playing “TC: Vio- lin Malnu- of Cremond," and Mt. Albert playing "Waiting for the Trolley." The iudges were Miss Nell. Jefferis of Hart Home Theatre. Toronto. and Miss Jes- sie L. Beattie of the Community Wel. fare Council, Toronto, --Palm Sunday services at St. John's Anglican Church were well at- tended, the Vicar preaching at the morning service in keeping with Palm Sunday. Palms were distri, buted to the congregation. The leader of the Men's Bible' Class spoke to the men and the Young Rangers' Bible Class .were also present to hear the address by Mr. L. P. Davies. In the evening Professor Lowe preached and Mrs. Tomlinson ren- tgr the solo, "O Lord "Correct l e." C.C.F. candidate in West York is ex- pected to be m'esent. with Dr. Luke Teskey, the South I'ork C.C.F. can- didate. -At the evening service in the Weston Baptist Church and also in the morning, special Easter music will be given by the church choir, the gamior choir and a special soloist. Rev. r. Williamson speaks in the morn- ing on "The Renewal of Hope" and in the evening on "The Relation of the Resurrection to Experience." St. John's Church iCourt .on Wednesday of next week, --orttanizations of St.gohn's Angli- (the Chief states, can Church do not meet this week} --=---0r-.z----- because of Holy Week services “chi --T.he, position of Trustee formerly morning and night. The preachers 19““le by W. Wilkes or) the Hard- this week were: Rev. P. M. Lamb of mgton Rntepayers' Association .Trus- Tt"cuptmq'r,tev. T: 'w, -rmrrretrofi, tee Board, declared open by Chum" St. Clement's, Sister Sheila of tin-H0“ Hetiry .at a recent mm"! of Sisters of the Church, Professor“? Aeociatjom when Mr. Wilkes' Lowe, Trinity College, and the Vicar,’ resugrtatitm was asked for, and was Rev. W. E. Mackey. Services on lnot forthcoming, Taf, filled Wednes. Good Friday will be at 10.30 a.Grtlay night bythis elesy.on,by. aeclama. and 8 p.m. On Easter Sunday, the "ion,.?t Val Hook. This action caused 3 eakers will be the Vicar and l'adro considerable comment on the floor of Ifolmes of Toe H, and services will be the meeting aryl MP“ Hearn rter.tdertsd at 7 a.m. 8 a.m. 3 pm. and 7 pm. :his verbal "ilia'et,i/t11 as chairman. '_____'__0__;_ This will be (lea t with at a later date. Conservnives Pity Euchre (The Association decided to hire its --The Weston Men's and the Weston 'caretaker only on a month‘s besis: m- Ladies' Conservative Associations kiirirttead of by the Yetrp, with the idea . joint euchre on Thursday night of that the work can br, spread around, last week in the Legion Hall, Main St. to advantage, among unemployed N., and I most enjovnble evpninnr was: men. _ --The quarterly meetin of Hard. ing Avenue Mission Sunflay School was held last Thursda night. Re- ports for the quarter sllowud attend- ance to have been 1283. Collections ani gradually increased. It was de- cided to hold the annual Sunda School picnic for July 20, allhouglx’ no place was decided upon. --The Weston C.C.F. will hold its regular monthly social in the Town Hall on Friday, April 26, at R .m. The guest, speaker will be Mr, Earl yyt.Tslag,e.f: M.aioy. RUM: Fish, ---At an executive meeting of the Grenfell Mission Society Branch on Tuesday night, it was decided to hold Theatre nights at the Weston Thea- tre on April 29 and April 30. The film, "Man of Aran" is said to be one of the very finest films ever released by the British Picture Corporation. The Islands of Aran are off the West coast of Ireland and are small wastes of rock without trees or soil. Robert Flaherty of Toronto spent 18 months on these islands to complete "Man of Aran," 60,000 feet of film being used in the production of it. --Today being Good Friday and a statutory holiday, the local Post Of- fices will be closed all day. There will be no delivery by the carriers in town or on the rural routes. Mails, however, will be despatched as usual. --Mis. McGregor was the soloist at Harding Avenue Mission on Sunday evening' And Mr. Hooper gave the Gospel message. A real interesting Bible Stud is held each Tuesday at 8 Fin., 'li"d everyone welcome. and 8 p.m. On Easter Sunday, the awaken will be the Vicar and Padre olmes of Toe H, and services will be at 7 a.m., 8 a.m., 3 p.m., and 7 pm. N., and I most enjoynble evenin was spent. Prize winners were as I/rd.',',".. First, Mr. C. Trinkwon; second, Mrs, W. Snazel; third, Mrs. R. J. Flynn; fourth, Councillor William Hall. A con- solatitn prize, a beuutiful bouque' of cut flowers WIS presented to Mrs. â€on? Tnylor. Messrs. Lorne Connor and . J. Flynn presented the various prizes and It the conclusion of play, dainty refreshments ware served. ---At the Presbyterian Church un Sunday morning, Rev. R. B. Ledjng- ham will speak on “Jesus in the Midst." His subject in the evening will be "The Triumph." I “upmama-num-uranium-uuumsum-unnu-nununmummnuunuummumuunummuqmmu-umuuuunuud --Westmitut.r Church choir will --iaut night the sacred cantata, (We l Cantata entitled "The Gall. "Olivet to ulvury" was rendered in can" at the Euler Sunday evening St. John's Church I? the choir of St. unice, commencing at 7 o'clock. Martin's-in-the-l-‘iel . of Toronto. The C omservativen Phy Euchre --The Weston Men's and the Weston Ladies' Conservative Associations held I joint euchre on Thursday night of least wick in the Ltstior.t.0fi, Main St. Weston Local Items At wuwli 'fi. W": "I": An dffef T rdscdtl, --The 6th of May being the 25th anniversary of His Majesty’s acces- sion to the throne, this day has been proclaimed a statutory holiday, and will be observed as such in the local Post Office, a Communication from A. M. Gibson, District Director states. The wickets wil be open for one hour only, from 8 to 9 a.m., and mails will be received and despatched as usual, but there will be no mail delivery either in town or on the rural routes. --York Cuunty Council of Home and School Clubs has arranged a lec- ture tour of the Ro al Ontario Museum for parents an} children on Tuesday afternoon, April 23rd. The tours will be conducted separately. Those interested are asked to be at the Museum at 2 p.m. Successful Sale -A most successful rummage sale was held on Saturday morning at 1163 Weston Road, Mt. Dennis, by Clovelly Chapter No. 144, Order of the Eastern Star, and a goodly sum was realized for the work of the Order. The ladies in charge wish to extend their thanks to all those who donated goods for sale. _-At the quarterly meeting of Harding Avenue Mission on Wednes- day night, the following Trustees were named for the ensuing year; Mr. W. Hainges, Mr. R. Cameron, 311'. Moffat, Mr. W. Higgins, Mr. Re Broken street Lights -Numerous repeated complaints regrding the breaking of street lig ts on William Street, Dufferin Street and Jane Street resulted in the apprehension of two juveniles from York Township by Weston police on Wednesday. They are 16 and 17 years of age, Chief J. E. Hol- ley points out, and are still in at- tendance at school. According to police, the boys have made it a habit to bneak lights on their way to and from school, and the resulting loss through these misdemeanours, stretch- ing over a period of months, has mounted to an almost appalling total. The two juveniles will appear in Court on Wednesday of next Week. the Chief states. --Mrs. Chas. Bowden addressed the Ladies' Aid of the Harding Avenue Mission recently, ,,f,ivveih5 a splendid scripture lesson. Seven solos were contributed by members and Vice President Miss Hirst took charge of the meeting. --0n F iday last in St. John's Anglican f’arish Hall, the Sisters of the Church had charge of the child- ren’s service. There were nearly one hundred out in spite of the inclement weather. . bl. John's Church I? the choir of St. 1".rtiys-iethe-viel ' of Toronto. The choir 18 made up of over forty vuites. "' wwn mm. In "I? morning. the Poet Jt"hd, as usual will be open All day and the uuual delivery will be given on the rural routes'. The Cleveland, Ohio, Aradpmy of Medicine has the custom of exhibiting each year the art work and hobby products of physicians in the city. --Rvv. T, E. Butler will conduct a number of svrvirres on Easter Sun~ day. bexining with llnly Communion at c, a.m., at the Hospital for Sick Children at Thistletnwn. This is fol, lowed hy Holy Communion at St, Andrewk, Thisthrtown, at, 7..30 a.m., Holy Communion at St. Matthias, Westmount, at 54.30 a.m., Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at St. Phili 's, Etobicoke, at lt mm. Than will go an afternoon service at thrco O'clock at St. Andrew's. Thistletnwn, and an evening service at SON-n ut St. Matthias, \Vnstmm'nt. At with of these churches special music is bo- ine prepared. On Good Friday thvrc will be a 10.30 mm. service at St. Philip's Church, and an f) p.m sor- vice at St. Andrew',, Thistletnwn. Rev. Canon Fiddler, M.A., will be the preacher " St Phili 's, Etobi, coke, and St Andrew's, 'fl'i'softe,?,1,- on Sunday, April Mth --0n Euler Monday, Arr“ 22nd, there will be only one mai delivery ie. Pr,tyfhat in the myrplng. Th; [trrlll'.' Riots. Time TIM†Ind all (Teach Travet Information at TURUNTU COACH TRRIINAL AD. “I l A Toronto lawyer emplnyell as l special counsel by the Ontario Hydro- Electric Commission has bren paid in ',fces $13,471 since Mr. Hepburn took I office. His opinions. given in return for this mm. irwluded one to the Pfirzt that the power umtracts are i illegal and ummforveahlv-but for all l that tho Government bluntly declines l to submit them ti, the courts. On Tuesday, the Women‘s Mission, ary Society of Asbury celebrated their Mth birthday by holding a birthday party. The C.G.I.T. girls opened their program by singing “I would be true." The recitation: by Mrs. Duck of Emery were very inuc appreciated as were the solos by Mr. Aha. sung in both English and Fin- nish. A very pleasing feature of the evening were the slides of a trip through Finland shown by the Rev. A. Lappala. Finnish pastor at the Church of All Nations, Toronto. This part of the nrozram closed with a short dialogue “Thanksgiving Ann." As the ladies trom Iiownsview had put on the program. the members at Asbury served lunch. The birthday cake was made by Mrs. H. Phillips, Downsview. The next meeting of the $31.8. will be at Asbury on May 'dn . On Thursday evening, April llth. a very enjoyable party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Young, Strath Avenue, Kingsway, under the auspices of the Toronto West Pro- gress Club. Mrs. Young proved a very charming hostess to a large num- ber oCmembers who participated in bridge and dancing. The recipients of the lovely prizes were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lacke , Mr. and Mrs. War, ren Dean, and in and Mrs. Chas. De, Guerre. The members present were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Corman. Mr. and Mx-s.“Clare gewitt,_Mr. ami Mrs. Wars .V.... y“... “ya...“ u“. mu- Lula. "zu- ren Doan, Dr. and Mrs. Ken Harris, Dr. and Mrs. Stan. Baker, Mr, and Mrs. Jim Lackey, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Trebell, Mr. and Mrs. Norm Wells, Dr. and Mrs. Keith Davey, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hargreaves, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mears, Wr. and Mrs. Vie Weir, Mr. and Mrs. A. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Ross McTaggart, Mr. Sid Higham, Miss McTazgart. Mr. Deak Deaken, Mrs, O'Dell, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sloane, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Westlake, Mr. Cham. ThomEIson, Miss Me- Kechnio, Mr. and rs. A. Bonnett, Mrs. Kelley, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Yorke, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. Griff Griffiths, Dr. and Mrs. Gord 1'lyig Dr. and Mrs. Mur- ray, Mr. and rs. Chas. DeGuerre, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Elliott. With the revision of the dominion voters' lists, now in their hands and the political campaign which follows politicians will have a busy four or five months. All interested should see that their names are on the lists. No additions can be made on election day. So Mr. Hepburn is nist going to carry out his promise to amend the Assessment Act until a session in tlw fall. In the atusatitUrur.the federal elections will be held, and the sug- gested aid to separate schools will not injure Hon. Mr. king's campaign. On Saturday evening. April 13th, a surprise party wt" given to Miss Ada Miller by her C.G.1.T. at her home, Fern Avenue. The girls presented her with a lovely silver dish, Ind the evening was spent in rallies Ind con- tests, followed by refreshments. Lust W'ar the people of Cunzulnl expended $4K,000,000 for cigarettes.i A large amount of money to bel puffed into the air. Which shows) that there is still considerable looser; change in circulation while everyone) is talking hard times. , L K. Fleck, President of the Hal. ton Liheral-Cvnservative Association, has called a meeting of the executive for Ttiesday next, April 23rd, to make arrangements fur the holding of a convention for the selection of a candidate. It is hoped that Dr. An. donon. who has represented the county sinu- 1917, will be prevailed upon to accept the nomination. membership were Min Laura Gove, [in Irene Gave, Miss Nun Hull. Mia mum Dance. Mr. Ind Mrs. Willlum "nitrous. former»! members of tnthroy United Church, And Mrs. Alanna“ Met,'ort And Mina Mabel Me. Cort, formerly members of Quilt-l United Church, Neinburs Circuit. p, BobriraFfra." Political Notes 1rthtllrttnll0lmttttt U. M. Wright, M.P. for North). 'r'rth, has announced his mtirement: WESTON PIESONALS fun Thee; W 'd.dx'ffJlinto In future farm loans will be made by the Ontario Agricultural Doveluu ment Board for 50 instead of 65 per cent. of the value of the property. The amount of any loan will not PX- ceed $7,500. The board is being given power to waive principal payment for three years, when the presently pm- posed measure becomes law. Shortly after the Hepburn government took office, the Chairman was dismissed and the announcement made thut no further loans would ire ttrathr. This, like other promises has been fuund impossible of fulfilment. The Municipal Ctuutnittee of the Ontario legislature approved a bill providing that a candidate for muni- cipal office must be assessed for $500 in a municipality of 3000 or under and for $1000 where the population exceeds 3000. The present law, which was passed by the Drury government, made it possible for any" iwrson to qualify as a vandidutu for municipal office. It has been slated that men Richmond Hill-Archbishop Most Reverend Berwyn T. Owen of Toron- to ave rites of confirmation to 22 cangidntes in St, Mary's Anglican church at Richmond Hill on Sunday. on relief are members of councils ex- pending the moneys of taxpayers and in.a position to say under what con- ditions relief should be granted. This is scarcely fair to those who are car- rying the burden. The bill should pass. Quebec will m-uk tn 'mcreasw rov- enue of the province by a tax on gasoline pumps. In cities with a population exceeding 25,000, the tax will be $3.00 a pump; $2.00 if the population is 5,000, and $1.00 in municipalities under that number. The gasoline tax in Quebec is " cent, per gallon. " the clone of the preunt malla- ment. In. Wright in held ot one of the Ibtmtford tirmts that safArr'od BO unruly from the strike in that city. His business requires his personal attention. Mr. Wright is one of the most highly renpected members of the House. He will be missed in the next parliament. a. x. “an a you: Lam‘s». iij)isiviril'S THE RIDE TSOUNTSI Fun-t Hill,-.. ith a In.†out. I PM. Dr, . We)! To- mas-u in 'lliiiii1Q mm would dttda, ?f i! check so tor Much, buildinf activity in /'lrhtet'i', :10. who a th. Lao: of two in; in Forest Hit village and in ex- autihi window! in TUton United pected to increase more as spring church. will unveil tho window- at progreues. apociul services an Easter Sand-y. Weston 25Hlinc. ",ti3" _ Amiato Dealer ' tor, 1llltolMrON, ONT. um sum-gi- m Share the pleasure with the folks' at home. Call them on Long Distance. Clans Distance takes are of little things u well as big. The Cost is (filling. You can talk 100 miles or so for as little " 30 cents See the rates in the from pages of your directory.