" HARDING AVENUE MISSION 3 p.m.---sarulay School. 7 7 p.m.--Fiveninit 'clervierc-llev. Archdeacon Warren-Humber and Mem- rial Lodges, A.F'. & A.M. will attend. . [can Rev. W. E. Mickey F. W. MERTENS " JOHN’S ANGLICAN MISSION ll Rev. Harold E. Wellwood, B.A., B.D. . 31 Queen’s Drive SUNDAY, APRIL 28, 1935 ll ".m.--Rev. C. E. Silcox, “1)., General Secretary, Social Service Council of Canada. L45--Church School. 7 pam-Rev. H. E. Wellwoml. "Au After-Easter Message-The Spiritual Body." Over Post Office Real Insurance Service Fire Automobile Casualty Phones: Trffiee--193 Rersidenee--tg " Presbyterian Church (Interdenominatiunnl) SUNDAY. APRIL 28th Sunday School-3 pm. Evening Service--, pm. Mr. Hooper: Speaker. Special music. The owner of every dog is required to register such dog and procure a licvnso therefor. License tags are now avail- able and may he obtained at the Tmpsgrer's office, Town Hall. Also take notice that under @mw 5'72 enacted by the Municipal Council. no person shall at any time suffer or rmit his or her dog to run at large in the Town of Weston. as: running at large contrary to the said By-law mv be captured. killed, or otherwise disposed of by the duly minor- ized persons. . J. E. HOLLIY. - Mr. Bruce Metcalfe, Musical Director I ".mHItrvninir Servicn 3 p.m.-Sunday Srhuul. T Fm.- Evening Service. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH TOWN OF WESTON Notice To. Dog Owners Rev. R. BfLQdinghnm. B.A., - _. _ Minister ' q FRIDAY. APRIL " 1988 Opening Monday. April " 1theeAlrehool Kindergarten WESTON We Believe in Church DO YOU 't As individuals and as members of a community where we have seen fit to rear our families, we believe not only in the church itself but in going to church and in supporting the church-morally, socially, spiritually and financially. We believe it to be part of the foundation of all civilized life-.. a basic principle which we should adhere to full heartedly not merely with contributions but with mind and body and soul. The executive and mem- bership personnel of your churches daily strive to make this community a better place in which to live in every way but it needs YOUR HELP. Support it as you would your club, your lodge, your home and your business. Go to church this Sunday! " MAIN ST. N. For Girls and Boys 3 to 6 Years OUTDOOR CLASSES FOR Harding A vettue--Communit, Hall Phone 950W V PHYLLIS HASTINGS McKlM "With the growth of great indust- rial forces we'must continue to add uttetstrgintt protections from abuse and exvioitation."--Herbert Hoover. "Private charity makes its strong appeal because it IS urged by the love of God and. second, by the love of tttan."---)' E. Smith. ll aam--Rev. Geo. McLean of Social Service Council of Canada. Rev. J, C. Williamson, BA., B.Th., V Plato:- F. A. Silverman, BA. "Jun-cl. nu" mm. Hours: mun um Tm,» dnd ThurIday mnlnu. was rer's r"i'.'.iir:' 5‘ 8 p.m.~Sunday School, y pan.--'"' Children of Life." Barrister. Salk-luv. M. Ion Weston Road. Mount Dunni- BAPTIST CHURCH MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND BECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES _, Jthooc483F, an" “We-Ion 546M" lie-Menu: Ken. 4111 Sam Wilson, in Charge PHON ES _ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Barefoot, I0magh Avenue, entertained Maple.. hurst Lodge, Daughters of England, members and friends at a most suc~ cessful euchre recently. Prize win- ners for euchre were Mr. Lake, Mrs. Coulter, and Mr. Deadman. The next euchre will be held on Wednesday, May lst, at the home of Mrs. Gal- braith. 168 Main Street North. . * * Nineteen Boxes far Weston Members of the Forget-Me-Not Club met last week at the home of Mrs. F. W. Courtney, 60 Falcon St. Reports were given on the work of the past three years, during which thirteen hundred gifts have been sent to the wives and families of war veterans in the Weston Sanitarium. The gifts have included boxes of fruit and dainties, and books. Nineteen boxes were pack- ed, each one containing an Easter present as well as other gifts. Mrs. Allen Ford was ttlertted president. Beautiful Easter music featured the special services in the Presbyterian Church last. Sunday. In the morning two suitable anthems were splendidly rendered by the choir, "Death Where Is Thy Sting?" and "Why Seek Ye the Livinf'.†Mr. Roy contributed a fine voca solo. In the evening Miss Jessie Wright was the" soloist, and the choir rendered two numbers from "The Crucifixion" and also, "kin of Kings." The' attendance at these special Easter services was 'thed: audible mi.ris.tecRiy.ipt. B. eding- ham was in the pulpit, speaking in the morning on."JesusArLthe, Midst" and in ths"VekmfrGiT"%is"rr"iiiiii'p1, of Faith." 'Gi", f,%"iA"l my. In TTI; iiiihiiii " lt"atlttlhd the In charge of the tea and musicale given by York Local Council of Wo- men for which Mrs. T. G. Beattie, Pinewood avenue, opened her home this week, at which Mrs. H. P. Plumptre was the guest of honor, were: Mrs. James Crang, music con- vener; Mrs. Kenneth Stratton, tea Convener; Mrs. Newton Magwood, Mrs.‘ J. Eyrh Larson, "its, J. W. Mina Mun-y Stake-pure, of John Street, spent the week-end u Barrie. Miss Ruth Rothery attended the Ontario Library Association Conven- tion in Toronto this week. Eiet.nut the tables; Mrs. A. Mc- r Man, rs. W. G. Bartlett, Mrs. Kenneth Dewar, assisting in the drawing room and Mrs. Gordon Wat- son. Mrs. A. E. Nylon Mrs. v. Car- lisle, Mrs. C. A. eeber, Mm. Luke Teskey, Mrs. R. M. McIntosh. tea room assistants. There waa a splendid turnout on Tuesday Tr,tg for the regular meet- ing o Clovely Chapter No. 144. O. IS., held in Masonic Temple. The Worthy Matron, Janet Totten, and the Worthy Patron, K. Ainslie Bur- gess. were in charge. A guest of the evening was District Depluty Grand Matron Ruth Quinn, wit her Cen- tennial Patrol members. Clovelly Chapter presented Mrs. te," with a beautiful waffle iron. he evening was brought to a close with games. dancing and dainty refreshments. The draw for the quilt resulted in Sister Minnie Peek becoming the mud winner. It should be noted that ill") 14th will be the occasion of the installation of the new officers. when it is expected there will be a large turnout. . . rf'e"ui,teh-d,2eie,7 Quietly, at the home " Mr. and Mrs.‘Weston Wrigley, 14 Kingsway Cres., the marriage. was solemnized Thursday night of their daughter. Maurine. to Robert Gordon Archi- bald Galbraith, son " Mr. and Mrs. John Galbraith, Toronto. Rev. Amos J. Thoma! officiated. Given in mar- 1i1nj,t.r)ytirisrrAiiGo1iiriiai'iuyF, Friends are pleased to note that Master Bruce Butler is so much bet. ter. Mr. Herbert Boake, of Woodbridie. underwent a tonsil operation at t P. Cottage Nursing Home here on Fri- day last and was able to return home on Wednesday, _ .. The Ladies' Auxiliary of Post 213, Canadian Legion, will hold a. euchre on Tuesday night, April 80th, at 8.80 p.m. in the Legion Hall, Main Street North. Good prizes. Refreshments. Admission 25t. x-lw In the Harding Avenue Mission (Interdenominatioiial), on Sunday avening next, Mr. Hooper will bring the Gospel message. Mr. Harold Ed, wards and a friend will give music on the trombone, tioliy an piano. The Ladies' Auxiliary, Canldian Legion, Post 213, held a successful luncheon and euchre on Wednesday, April 17th. Tables were tastefully decorated and a substantial luncheon enjoyed by sixty ladies. Prize winners for the euchre were Mrs. Ern Ella, Mrs. Celia LaRose and Mrs. T. Barefoot. rig by her father; ttid inde wgre an mpim robe of chalk-white new an 12mph: robe of chalk-white new d'nxge lace over white satin, the sale " nowiNt lines of the skirt lengthening " the back into n brief train. Miss Irene Brown of Strut- ford urns maid of honor. mrin I charming frock of bod-grim Tllc. The groom m attended by Mr. 'ttTI, wailâ€, brother of the bride. o w: cemony a Won m PM?!†when of the Imme- diate families and I few Intimate Maintain Wanton Pat', It m M warm shiffon. In. Sign)“. who ','ul'lt Half, - GGéIEE GirGGie -iiT"iiii, Easter wee -end. The C.G.I.T. of Central Church will hold their annual "2tgg Blossom" Tea in the Sunday Schoo rooms ta- morrow from 8 to 6 o'clock. A most successful Amateur Night was held on Wednesday in the Com- munity Hall, Harding Avenue, under the auspices of the Ratepayers' As- sociation. tgi."%.,"thitl2't,','iifiift 11iius_G'tac.e Griffith of McDonald Weston Personals . Vocational Guidance l In 1934 Ontario Boy Scouts quali- fied in 1,461 Biitriteisttraittted' to help them discover life work: The list included Airman (mechanical), Basket Worker, Bee Kee er, Black.. smith, Boat Builder, 'll'Qgi'll'l'et', Camp Cook, Carpenter. Clerk, Dairy- man, Electrician, Engineer, Enter. tainer, Farmer, Forester, Gardener, Handyman, Journalist, Leather Work- er, Mason, Metal Worker, Miner, Musician, Photographer, Plumber, Printer, Prospector, Radio, Rigger, Stockmw. Surveyor, Tailor. Please send us your local and per- sonal items. They are of interest to your friends. Times and Guide. Noble-Belt A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the Westminster Church Manse, 32 William Street, on Friday, April 19th, when Rev. G. Ernest Forbes united in marriage Miss Jane Bell of Mount Dennis, and Mr. George v. Noble, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Noble, 21 Denison Avenue, Weston. The attendants were the bride's sister, Mrs. E. South, orn of Toronto and Mr. Harold Wheel, er of Weston. Following the cere- mony the bride and groom left on a short motor trip trLNorthern points, and on their return will reside in West Toronto. In. Gillies and daughter, Miss Gillies, of John Street, spent the week- end It King. _ The Easter Thanknffering meeting of the Weston Presbyterian W.M.S. was held recently. In the absence of the President, Mrs. E. C. Roy presidete Mrs. W. A. McLellan. of Toronto, gave a most interesting talk on the work of the Society. The scripture lesson was taken by Miss A. Fraser and prayer given by Mrs. R. B. Ledingham. The soloists were Miss Muriel Partridge and Jessie Roy, accompanied by Mrs. Bruce Medcalfe. amir, In Central Church on Sundai/ even- ing, Rev, H. E. Wellwood wil bring an After~Easter message, "The Spirit- ual Body." . Mr. and Mrs. David Boot, Jr., of 495 Beresford Avenue, West Toronto, are torbe congratulated on the birth of a son, at the Cottage Nursing Home here on J'hyratiay, April 25th. Mrs. E. H. G. Worden, 116 Queens Drive, was ,hostess last night to the Dorothy Pearsoh Auxiliary of Cen- tral United Church on the occasion of their Easter Thankoffering Meet- mg. Mrs. Donald Sutherland, 340 Main Street North, will be hostess to the Grenfell Mission Society for its fourth tea of the season this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. As it is getting toward the end of the working season, a large attendance is urged. _ {mil 3 m Sundiy' with M}: Gli Mrs, h. an». Mr. Bob Scott, formerly of Edmon- ton, Alta., and now of Peterborough, was the week-end guest of Miss Eva- leen Graham, 84 John Street. In the Presbyterian Church on Sun- day morning, Rev. R. B. Ledingham will speak on "Our Task After Easter." In the evening, Rev. Geo. A. McLean, BA., of the Social Ser- vice Council of Canada, will speak on social service work. Mrs. W. Evenden and Mrs. T. Evenden and children of Westmount, spent a very enjoyable day at the Deer Park Apartments recently, hav, ing luncheon at 1 p.m., attending the Hollywood Theatre in the afternoon and ending the day with indoor amusements. THE TIMES & GUIDE My.. and M11. ngry Cgstqgor and, 'llll'lMt1itlklPlllldlhlll" No other low: price car gives you the greater safety of. . . tAtutu't any IOOIES a}; or 'mb-att HIIDSOI norm-tomato "lutEt--TttE name ttlt" ttFur-ot-tot "1mm: mmc ammo: omen "Tttttt-ttttAtt nun: on "mum mm BELL THEM (“PM MARKS sm "imWItr Today the Bell Telephone plant and equipment in the tet service in On- tario and guebec as con. over 3190.- 000,000. he comparison is roughly indicative of the Immense progress that the telephone has made in this country whose citizens use it more txtensively than any other country in the world. Public _SierAee-in Ontario The Bell Telephone Company here and throughout the two provinces, is commemorating the 55th anniversary of its incorporation, April 29th, 1880, by flying the familiar Blue Bell ensi n from the flag-staffs on its 'ill'i'lfi',U, today. When the Bell Teiasone Comzany began its corporate existence in hut. 'ttil/s year; _ago foggy, its tytal aa- aa year: ago Collar. its total assets amounted to slight y more than $490,000. WESTON FLOWER Old Country Roses Extra fine quality-strong and hardy Each rose bears a celluloid label-good for years-name won't rub off Climbing American Beauty, Climbing American Pillar, Climbing Pauls Scarlett. Betty Uprichard, pink Clarissa Guodacre, chrome yellow . Comtosse Vandal, salnmn ruse Dame Edith Helen, glowing pink E. G. Hill, red Frau Karl Druschki, white Fisher Holmes, bright scarlet Gen. MacArthur, velvety red Pr,, Wemyss Quinn, deep Scarlett Rd. yellow - _ F Hadley, dark velvety red Hugh Dickson, dark velvety riid . H W John c. M. Mvnsing, pink Kaiyrin Augusta Victoria, white VF 7 â€a“, Lady Willingdon, deep apricot yellow Los-Angelus, pink with coral red ' Mad. Ednuanl Horriuu, red yellow _ _ Mad. Abel Chatenay, salmon pink Mad. Car. Testout, silvery salmon pink Souv.._ de Claudius Pernet, yellow 7 . Julian Patin, yellow Luqise C. _Breslau, coral chrome yellow . Ulrich Brunner, cherry red Prices Most Reasonable Main tit. N. Attractive Reductions For Quantity Purchases tr. P. Graham, Florist and Quebec “as Cost $190,000,000 Shipment We Have Ever Received of Imported CLIMBING ROSES HYBRID TEA ROSES THE FINEST SHOPPE Greenhuuues: Weston 798 Weston 298 Now Is The Time To Put Your Winter Things In - , FIRE MOTH BURGLAR M MAIN ST. S. ASK ABOUT OUR GUARANTEED STORAGE RATES Ef)DlltiDej)XC? SCREEN EVERY _ DOOR AND _ . WlMl0Ow _ CLEANERS , DYERS (l,5_'lr.t.tllltAGtllllt I PROTECTION r. S. WESTON 845 Plant: Weston LY. 2168 HE WESTON 845 WM