r i'tTiilik, l Rectory Rd., near 11’, nix-roomed brick house, ---t-- â€0......“ <R am A' “nuances. garage, $39004 Apply Mry, A. Johnson, WuodlrvidKe, phage u mu "APARTMEN TS TO LET PU“ rooms, hardwood floors, heat- ed, fixtures, blinds, refrigerator, dove. For rent Ma Ist, $25.00. Ap- ply 27 John St. or "f,ror1d JU. 4884. mt t,. "t'iii,i,eti,i,fi"tirf,'ir,': vrunm and kitchen- ette, furnished. Apply cn Duf~ terin St. W., Westqn. o-iw BEAUTIFUL half-acre lots, Wilson; and Dufferin, on highway. goon.“ f r gnsoline station, store or home site, i G improvements. $3 and $3.50 a Man, Evelyn Phillips, Weston, 104-F. x-tw) {CUBE {or rent, 3 rooms and cel- F in. $10 mmonth, ll Vimy Ave- ue, Weston. Apply Bridger, Wilson News, east of CPR. tracks. u-lw mm '1 the char m“ , All, 'iioy $33 "1:33:33; $5115., with": EiirhuHBf b-se ash." toe mi! MA', also 10e extra it apply Box No. care of this Alreaty. must be in by 10 a.m., THURSDAY, to in- mm publication in current issue. Phone-Weston 26 FLORENCE SPENCER Oil Burnel, anil GO-gal. oil drum, for kitchen tinge. Used 10 months, cost $41, will sell for $l5 or trade for car or kitchen cabinet. Phone 174-141. Weston. ‘HOUSES FOR SALE FEMALE HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED Eh for general housework, sleep out. Apply 15 Joseph Street, - x-lw 440. HOUNI), white and black, long, tan Ears. somewhere near Edgeley, some time a o. Apply In St. John's Road East, 'li,to2.: o-lw G'li,i",",t5,?." gm 'rtst-watrh Mm.- tatte; vicinity of Pine John, yum, nison. Reward. 175 dueen’s Drive'. DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME WHEREAS pursuant to the powers invested in me by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Etobicoke I hereby re- quest the citizens of the Township aforesaid to observe a period of Day- light Saving Time fur the current year cummencng at 2 o'clovk a.m., on Sunday, April 28th. and omtinuintt until 2 o'choek a.m., nu Sunday, sep- tember man, 1935. ROOMS FOR RENT To carry out this request of the Township Council it will be necessary that all clocks and watches he ad- vnnced one hour at 2 o'clock a.m., on Sundny, April 2%. Theiowitship Crtuneil most respect- fully requests the co-operation of all clams of (Mums in making a sur?'Y qRL or woman GGtdd for gsneral iririiiLCiriA, must be reliable, , sleep out. 24 William Street. mm TRIS HEADtNF--CF.'or sa.u',', Tor, JtP1t"ef1eo ttt. Gneht “minimed pursuant to the in- ntmctions of “In Township (“aunt-i] this the 10th day of April, 1935. WILLIAM A. ARMSTRONG, Rant HOUSES TO LET ht t. Bank ot [Mn-Id Manna“. w d thr To" " Weston, in the My " York. [ennui-II. dr. Wm 'mx having claims :xninst .- We! Donald MncDomld. do- who died. on or aboot the m January. 1935. are notified to b m midrrsirted, W. H. Kirk- nlk'itor for New“. John Mal- Domld and Robert Mumm- of the Mid estate. on or an an day of Mar, um, their d "drertes and the run para d tilt claims and a. mm -ttes (if my) hetd by than by "atqtor' declaration “to? the add an by . the - of the on as T dtteretrrrted Wk†PROBLAMATION -i1;uséu'ork. Sleep out. Weston x-lw "iiiis'%ii%kerii {gr Ge public FOR SALE G9 Robert Street, bath- sunmum. all cunvzn» decorated, gas. Phone x-iw God.Save the King To Creditors Rd., near car I RELIABLE man in Weston will re- 'ick house, all: move and More storm windows, $35004 Apply l polish hardwood floors and otherwise dbridge, phone trqsist in spring cleaning either in R.R. house or garden. Rates reasonable. ---eeey Phone 26. DH if}! o-N mac-yo! it stl sal, Representing Memorial Home and, 'oodi School Club, Mrs. W. o. WhiLe, Mrs.‘ kite IA. Briant, Mrs. ll. C. Rims and Mrs. out†D. W. Shier, attended the meeting of Ciilt.,h,e Federation of Home and School; '__', 1Clubs of Ontario held on Wednesday! own) in Toronto in conjunction with thel "d. Music Section at the H.F',.A. Corwen-; “w i, Lion. In attendance also was Mrs, L. r if i Buliuntymj at: Wfstun, u Past Prosi-l x-Iw n-lw -v.t.‘.......4 -....v.,...-.., M. - _ r guaranteed. J. Klphick, Ws K1118! Council decided to turn over the Street, Weston. n-lw 1 office formerl occupied by the tuwn- seersrac-.-er--e.e--ssesrse.u-s-e'-"r-"-e'-el "hip relief 'JIU',1fi,, to the rolice de-l, , N partment, permitting the po ice to va- _s8irrrvrfrh' OF FERED cate their present quarters in the THE Longstaff Pump Works are base-merit of tht township building. In still doing business at 40 siiiiriithe 1liscuss.iyu it was stated that the St. N., Weston. Pumps, Jiuitfc',lrresetrt pojic.e Tuners were dingy, pressure systems, repairing. Norman [ dump,_ nnd. inadequate and, hecause; G. Pearson manager. Phone,: Wes- i "l the" adjacetwe to tte septic tank“ tun 285 and 48-r-fl. x-lw l distinctly unhealthy. [he more Is to ‘take eftect May 1st. iml Consideration was given to the .granting of a permit for the erection ILOCAL ll. (k s DELEGATES “if a store on the north-west corner of l . " Fergus Avenue and Lanibtnn Road. It ATTEND Tommo MEETING‘WHS pointed nut that, though this is a restricted district, the restrictions ---- iworv the affair of the Hume Smith $re%oriat Home and School Cluh l "st/lt/ict') :'/2.%titt'g::,,1i,it'; gm as l r , M..'., oc,: ... S‘SS|, aVpus- Well Represented This ‘surnncc that three hundred foet of l Week iwati-r muin would be laid to service ._--e_--" new homes planned for Thompson l, Representing Memorial Hume and _ Avenue, “hen the huusvs were erect- ‘Rn'hnnl Club. Mrs. W. o. White, Mrs. ed. Y By request of the local delegates,' we reproduce an interesting little ex- tract from n pamphlet distributed ati the ypee.timr..'. It is,ott "Thy Valle, Jr tiGGG.kkip"" dnd is written by Mrs. Marie Potter. In part it is as lollows: Ciiiiri'eE Vupholsvtered, all work magnum]. J. Klphick, Ws King l V.alue of Membership‘ i' Is it worth five cents to insure the", What Js a quarter worth? Just future of nvory child by laying a} vwrnt.s-rive cey.ts. 1,i%i/iatidn of home and school L'o-op-'; Is it worth five cents to tho pawn! irrmmn; irrrrpel' health supervision; l P. PM"? loyalty ty yw t+ildtvrt by “ hettvi- citizenship examples at home) y,,')),"! an association islrAted to L and school; llmw-lopmpnt of turn-CU Child Welfare; to meet ssith "ther(mtsntal attitudes; understanding mull parents on Cummnn gruuml to study o,ut'idence'.r l and discuis child training; to PM?!" Iluim- and School Associations a Mothersirurer group for u Ebb“ of i stand for those things. Are they worth finer thnughts; to hear fun-must lead- " 1iuapter'.' Prs in all branches of educational and; ------o----- 1 economic life; to knnw the parents of', First Jubilee Beacon our children's playmates? ', The first of the chain of over a _ -t.rit worthr-fire rents hr TemthersrthousatuL, Jgoy.Scout,heaeotiic,rl)iuh. and parents to meet and discuss their i will celebrate the King’s Silver /'ll'1l'll'i' interest-the child; to pro- Jubilee in England will be li hted by ' mote as natural an adigstment as pos- ‘the King himself. From L1i'rfilLl'd lsible between the home and the [ Palace he will light a bonfire built , school; to understand the child in by Scouts in Hyde Park, and this will both environments; to work together _ be the signal for the flaring up of to maintain the best standards of edu- l fires on a thousand hill-tops in Eng- cation and health for the child; tolla.nd, Scotland and Northern Ireland. At Etobicoke High School on Thursday the Ittth of April there wa, held the annual School Night. On: the prvceding Wednesday there had keen a full 'lress rehearsal to prcpun for the final display. The activities' started at eight o'clock as planned. twith the singing of "ft (JanadaSW This was followed by a few remarks i, by Mt. Wallace, Princi al of thr, School. When Mr. 'ilGL/', had finishbd his address the first form girls did a dance called "Arithmetic." hon came the presentation of awards for work done during the year just past. Two rites were awarded for Geography gro'ects and these were 1mm by Gordon W,','",", first, and Miss Allen. wcnnd. Miss Betty Adamson Won the prize in the Art Contest with a landwape in oils. Two prizes were given to the winners of the Orator- li€.l Contest in the School. Miss (F.lesnor Lowe Ind Miss Fern Levis [wore first and second respectirelt; . WORK W ANTED I'PHOLS'I‘ERING Crests and sweater: wore totarde?, to the Etohicokr Junior Basketball Tum for winning the T.D.I.A.A Otnmpionshitt, The t%'s are Hugh Bailey, Jack Nutting. tsl Fleming. William lemma». Roh Roblmon Ken Gordon. Emerson Alien, Haw-Kl Sari". Loon-rd (‘19.:in and Bots Rhoda. All members of the can “opt Hugh Bailey received their Selma! "E's", "ugh won his ltrrt you at the T.D.I.A.A. trark meet at the Vuraity stadium, .lark Hunting. tre captain. mom-d the cup for Fao. bicoke. Fnllowing the prmntntimu Jame [towaung thttt songs. .m"" Tiie feriiiu, " d3 ttt TYW' cu .6oqegt. In n. cue, - mmlk..lis- Amen 79mm of the ovum VB I the gymnastic work a thr 2"eGiiitl (mm win tre.""', on the hat; put. nape! rs, .matshum‘ h. bur, - bars, mats. and at! hm»! err-tie. 'ntdirl'll'cl.'tP, '35 ter tr _the.emilr “FYI!!! tuiiii"it'i'iEs th"iiiiiii'iii'it By Norman Jones [.mlnm'rlup uruirstarrdiugs bvyumd lhn-l rh- whildE vlumruum inttsests? Yill 1 Is It worth five (wills lo tire child to loplh’el that in this new school world in his pavtmts urv still lwhinll his every 301. (Hort; to learn to revere his home *en.lb9cuuse that home understands his the , school; to respect his teachers more tan- I because his home and school g-o-oper» '01- (Hort; 1.0 learn Ln revere Ills “mun-yum en- 1 because that home understands his,to the i school; to respect his teachers more i [we uan- I because his home and school co-Oper- 101 the i ate for his good; to be the object of: an, mk- l a health programme including educa- 1 mt lion and physical examinations ? len les f . ls it worth five cents to}: commune a w; "1 1:1) to have parent education classesLin I A. I . othersinger groups; child heullh I (i-, tttfit lfffiifftft tit um 101mm ktobieoke Offlcon Vacate sent Room on May Relief Investigator Visits Recip- ients Every No Weeks Outlining the new arrangement for relief in Ctub;coke Township Engi- neer Walker lit Munday's meetin of the Cuuncil, stated that the rem-go!- flee had been moved from the town- ship building and had taken u heml- quarters at the industrial sl'.IU',f in Number Ila). T0 occur? RELIEF omcr. Under the new plan, an investigator will visit each man on rnlief every two weeks and will submit a list of men for each district to the township, rhowing how many hours each week the men are to work on relief pro- jects. A report from Township Engineer: Walker revealed that 455 men were: on relief in the township in March,) as compared to In: in February (mm that the :n'urugv amount of relief in; Mun-II was: M2373, m'm'y two weeks,) par mun, i .._, H “aw PH", . A.ot.hersity.rH" groups; child health 'clinics; child welfare stations prnvld- T ing school lunches and adequate cloth- ‘ing to the under privileged children; ltu have better understanding of thr. ,7 - _ a l Another of the wasonK' gala tenuis l events has conn- and gonr with the: ken-lop urulvrstarrdiugs beyond ieapyeaMucy of Hill 'l'iIdi-n and coin-l .hild', clumrooni interests? . puny at the Maple l.¢-al' Harden»; 'rirt": Is it worth rirc ccnts lo tire child tol big follow is still a ~tar of the tcnnix' feel that in this new school world) fiwtttament and gate Ellsworth Viue.s, I his parcnts arc still lwliinll his vvt'ry i, the world‘s No. l pluyrw, considerablc l I (Hort; 1.0 learn ttt revere his htrr.ty'ltroubhy to put him away in two sets) because. that home understands his,to the tune of an and 8-6. In the! school; to respect his teachers more l preliminaries Hans Nusslein disposed! because his home and school compel“ 1 ol Lott, tho great doubles player, 7-5 l ate for his good; to be the object of: and G-r. He has certainly learned] a health programme including 'iaciCiii'ih, from his association with Tild- i tion and physical examinations ? len. In the doubly; Tilden and Vinesl ls it worth five. cents to a commune a were teamed logcllicr and in spite of it F to have parent education classes; , the heroic work of Nusslein they won ‘ Zlh0dl,illl'el. groups; child health l 6-4, 4-6, 6-2. The doubles match was' clinics; child welfare stations provid-lthe treat of the cvening. The work) _ ing school lunches and adequate cloth- l of the ball-boy at the net was another ' ‘ing to the under privileged children; feature. l lto have better understanding of tin-l A meeting of the officers of tht, lpublic schools? l Weston tennis club was held on Apr-ill l Is it worth five cents to insure thCis'th, and mean.» of preparing thcl I future of every child by laying zllcourts for a bigger and bctlvr scnson: el'oundation of home and school cnjop- i wore discu>scd. lt wan decided that l lei-anon; proper health superviswnzlthe practicc board should ho move-d! llyettcr oitizenship examples at home) from its present [Ilinllltlll to a more Land school; development of corn-ctE suitable onc not so near to the first, , mental attitudes; understanding andl court. As usual tln- officers are [in-l confident-c? l ing the bulk of the work of gutting. ‘ llllan' and School Associations tho courts ready. Any help on the) l stand for tllcsc things, Are they Worth part of thc other incmbcrs will bol a 1iuapter'.' docply upprtwiuted. The opening datl',l r ------o----- has inn-n Hot for May ll, but if there. 1 First Jubilee Beacon ' were moi-c to help they could bu IDIN'H‘ “ i The first of the chain of over aim] carlicr. hum Hodgson. Rita Bailey. and Frul ‘Honnen. This play closed the per i, formance and the dancing commerked. ,While the young people were dancintr in the gymnasium. the parents had ‘an opportunity of going through the i-zchml. wherr. a typewriting domnn- stratinn was in progress and art 'work, zmgruphy posters and upro- plnnv models N'"' on exhibit. senior gym team appeared again and vlispluywl tlwlr skill on the parallel bun. The pn-rfnrmuncv t-attusto " close with u secund play "Villa fut Sale." The cast was as follows: Evelyn Cook, Noreen Mitchell. liar; With field day coming on May 3rd and only a short time to prarfisu, Mr. "1" will be at the School during ttw holidays betweon the hours of two and four. On Monday there was not as iartte a turnout as 0prth but tuite R few boys canw to pratcise. flu) juryping Mandarin were put up for high jumping and pole vaulting. Liter on Mr. Hull advised the how to try some sprint starts and srsvoral lama! to start faster and with bet ter form. i: FEE msyuLLA'rmN ': ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS So long until non edition Now that furnam will soon be out for thv 'itttl1ntrW, WHAT ABOUT YOUR HOT WATER SUPPLY ? We are mu installing Hydro Flam Rate Water â€muons. For a year round mpply of hot water. a! a pcnromahir, nun ttet in touch with: M Weston No.1 In prmAc UTILITIES (‘OMMISSION TOWN HALL. WES’NIN 1TI0i_l runs a GUIDE Large c-ev','.!!! Attend Enter l Mrviren l All Woodbridge churches were well l attended Sunday when Easter ser-l vices were held. llev. J. Thompson, retired minister, of Weston, preached at both services at the Presbyterian Church, where special music was pro- vided (lt choir, with Mrs. Lindsay Ward, oodbridge, as soloist, and a (wanette compgsml of Robert Young, illiam Lawrie, William and John Mattress. Rev. J, K. Anderson had charge of both servwes at the United ‘Churrh, amrtlw rhuir's presentation, of a cantata, under the direction of Dr. G. D. McLean. tTutured the even- ing service. Christ Anglican Church, with the rector, Ill-v. J. H. Kidd, con- lducting both SerVu'vs, was well at- tended. The chum. under the diree. tion of Miss Queenie Humbletnn, and ’ussisted by Arthur Hui-per. as solu- ist, rendered a mumm- musical pro- l gram. Musical and Literature Features Miss Mary Quantz and E. Price. W.1. Program j ------ The April meeting of Vellum: Wo- Mr. Andrew Stewart, of sth Ave. men's Institute was held at [he resi- was removed by amhuIam-e to Pee dence of Mrs, Chat0s irickmart, and Memorial Hospital [an Sunday. was well attended, with Mrs. Roy . â€"vâ€"v McDonald presiding. Music wast Mrs. Frank Watson and family, o', chosen as the tome, and was respond- Hamilton, haw been visiting with he: ed to by each member naming avp1oth.ry-.irylaw, Mrs. Jue Wahun, ii favorite song. The remainder of the l Wuodbridge. grogram included u reading by Miss} ___"" -__H ina Docks from the works of Nellie; Friends of Mrs. Chris. 'l'homsm McClung, Canadian authoress. A E will regret to learn that Mrs. 'l'lunn paper on "The Other Fellow Isn't l son has been seriously ill for the im." Always to Blame," given by Mrs. J. two weeks. An interesting meeting was held Wednesday night (if the Knights of the Round Tahle at their club rooms. Bob Smith, assisted by Russell Kneeli- l tel and Paul Hughes lead a discussion inn the tvlation of the Knights of the iRound Table to the Chureh. There was a varload of fuur visitors from Chapter x in Hamilton and 4 men from a pi-nspoi-tivv grim); in tho city. It was announced that Mr. L'ndvrv liar, of the- Post Office would givv a lit-chive on Egypt. I If a plan at present said to ho under consideration by the govern- ttnent materializes, " second city to be WOODBRIDGE Gained "I was trwvibly thin. rumluwn. tired all the limo yr! vrsuldu't slew). I tried all sorts of (Allin. and was mulling (list-nurngml when lt friend told me ahout c. c. & ll. Tonic Tairltrtr. l quu'kly Ruirirul l2 pounds and fol! like " nmv pmmm, Bohr-W“ me l can't pr;tisu' C, l'. & " "llnllgh.:' . you, too, can Rain from. >nlinl flesh to fill out )Imr hme In its natural weight. I' I', & ll, Tum. Tablets mmsist of 4 great tonics in I -Calcium Carbmatv to purify th, blond. vloar up pimply skin and 1m! the stomach in firsbclass order.- and Ilrvwvr's Tteast, "laud's Iron and Extvurt of Cod Liver. all mak ing you an abundance of rich lun- irlout. I. h, Y. " MhiN ST (MK. 1'. x n. Tonk 11mm at ISLINGTON RICHARDSON'S and Vaughan Township Marjorie Fly, Lurhinr Twelve Pounds OVER With It. B. " NET mu l, S11 DRE The JUrtet. 2700 PHoN F. In} ‘unvnuauu, ruwu rum“. “mm... . '_.'b... l Wm. Crane and Frank Foster. In the lfreezemut contest the winners were (D. A. McKinnon and Frank PUSH-l“ A. McNeil. A plper on "Home" mad by Mrs. Garnet Hoover. A mummy contest was conducted by Miss Annie Kerr and u musical contest by, hire. W. Winds“. A liberal contribution Wm; made to the Jubilee Cancer Fund. Newlyweds Are Honored Mr. and Mrs. Henry lveland, newly- weds of Tesum, won- honored hy about 100 friends and neighbors when they were showered by numerous usel fur and fancy gifts. The address I',t',ii,'gf,'i',t.'"r? was made by Miss Hattie )icemun, Fl. Carson und Frank I’ierc , to which Mr. and Mrs. Ireland “1‘.ch suitable t'espotise. Euchre Prize Winners At the closing mvoting of the Vel, lure Euchre Club prizes were won by Mrs. M. McDonald, Mrs. Wm. Bun-s. Mrs. C. H. Rutherford, Miss Deburuh Davidson, Art Foster, Gordon Foster. Mrs. Frank Watson and family, of Hamilton, hurr been visiting with her nmthm-in-Iuw, Mrs. Joe Watsum, in Wuodbridge. Friends of Mrs. Chris. Thomson will regret tn learn that Mrs. Thum- so“ has been seriously ill for the part two weeks. Q Cvuzy Water Crystals $1 .26 Lil'elmuy Shaving" Cream 35c And 1 Cake ol' Lifohuoy Soap Free Kolynos Tooth Push- 45c K011>\._[:(L): Tooth 45c l , Mickey Mouse Book Free /fflv)',)'///" soc, $1 (ii";""':""',',"",' 75c,$1 W. S. BELFRY EVERYDAY PRICES --ltltt'GGly'/l' - WoHltMtiirtiFi, UNI MAIN STREET NORTH Y J. T. FARR th SONS, Hitt Now ms APPEAL momma DialOnrl Scam, t 'lite,',,',', lul- torieV on. r, w 0 Ion. [reams worn in Toronto and = Yolk, and ha now returned to Ger. mnny, his written for It. Mini gull); help in 'll (tptrt',u,hr',', ll as we prep, " Peta n. run settlenielllit in Ontario. l Ila In- furmuliim regarding the We: " original settlers in eel I'M Nmi- lies are still living there, ref-Min. the changes in vegan“ , and re- garding t e change, in , ,numbor and pusit'lon of the church . He hall also asked permission to we a n- voduution " the map which MR ‘r’orkins Bull has been gndnlli com- ‘piling on the last subject. Th imap 1'iiirii',, the location where alt regulur lt-(el'vices of each denuminatiouqmre Sul‘timll Team of St. Gi/is, Churéh. George Street FRIDAY, APRIL 26th m F.ll \LIS -t'arhurtt's, Ilig NS and Walker's, Mark or MIN, 7mm ~'hrunk .. TrrreF T_r______ W. ___-rr-v-r-trevere-Wm-tr--.'.'-'"""""'"""""' Wot k Shh! lzlnu- Mini mm NINTH†llxvrnH IN ii'. JOHN‘S SCHOUL om when, ' $130th .ltlt; EUCHRE i'irfiiiiiiii mm iihiiiiiiijii. tttttr FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 78 WOODBRIDGE H. N. Smith- FIRST CLASS HOME-COOKED MEALS WOODBRIDGE 8.30 p.m. Good Prizes ADMISSION 25e WATSON’S HOTEL WORK CLOTHES VALUES WESTON, TORONTO AND SUBURBS N0 EXTRA CHARGE Phone Charges May he Reversed M wk m blue (Successor to J. J. Deane) SONS , Lama WESTON 254-40431. Rim Mile. iiajiiiiiiiiii( Monumntal Wm wtqu .2 w. J. Ward t Sons Funeral Blroctors PHONES: JU. 0691 WOODBRIDGE 31W ROOMS BY DAY OR WEEK SI Weston 168 Woodbridge 99 .1."£5.31:ffii'if'. $1.96 ..._.. 7%, $1 .00 $1 .25, $1 .50 Phone "