It. Punk G. Warren and Mr. and Illu". J. Anderson, 85 McDougal Av... Wanton. wish to thank their my friends and neighbors for their ttttAt-sion/s of sympn‘thy tsn- F :1? “w “gm . we. dud ' in their reéeni 103's of 3 I'll; We and daughter. O-tw Tires and Vulcanizing 58 Main St. N. Weston 360W Arthur Fish 426 Main St. N. Phone 925W M. L. Graham -'"D0DGE-.DrrMyN' FV mJDSoN--TERRAPLANE WESTON 96 LY. 3883 DUFFERIN tyr.-At Main Install 1lghttlsttsriatt I Cabinetmaking Shop 223 MAIN ST. N. Phone 424d buttresses remade $2.95, and re- covered in new cover, $4.00 and up. Also all kinds of furniture recover- ed, repaired and refinished. All work guaranteed and estimates free. Burt the year right by hav. ing your work done in your own locality. Ni ht Phone: Weston 550-W (causes Reversed On City Calls) Vestal! Ice Service G. MACKAY Lake Foreman of the T. Eaton Co. ' MAIN ST. S. We Deliver 53111111133313 cut. for all makes of CARS, We also cut household keys Fish ' Chips We Have Moved - - 3 Main Sr. South “31‘: My, a ISe Etna: & (Saint WESTON FISH MARKET CARD or THANKS 1pc: (ham. to Mr. wmum a! Mount. Avuuo, the to who plan the 22nd of ttt John“ Anglican Chursh. Fred Fish Dnily KEYS BNGAGRMENT In. Garratt, 116 b, ','tPtmd,tg, the n- id their neon-i Muslim. .. pun-m. to Mr. W Mam New Address SPECIAL "Plane 2 2 6 lr-IF-tiw x-lw --POR SALE-SEED CORN, Salt, coarse and fine. Moody Bros. xAw. Punt Ollie. Boum -Due to the fact that tomorrow, May 24th, is Victoria Day, and there- tore a public holiday, the Weston Post Office will be closed all day. There will be no delivery either by letter carrier or on the rural routes, but mail will be despatched as usual. John's R. C. Church, here, attended the funeral of Patrick James Lough- rin, which was held last week to Mount Hope Cemetery. The deceased was prominent in West Toronto Poli- tical circles for many years and was formerly well known in the lumbering business in Northern Ontario. He passed away Thursday in his 8ist year. Picnic at Woodbridge --The York County Holstein Breed. ers are holding a monster picnic at Elm Park, on Saturday, June 1st. in- vitations have been sent out to the breeders of all the surrounding Coun- ties, including Peel, Ontario, Halton, 'Durham, Victoria and Simcoe. Picnic ldinner will be served at l2 o'elock, {standard time, and will be followed ,by a programme at which Mr. Jack 'Houch, a Holstein breeder from Chip- 11'i'i'li, and a member of the Milk Con. trol Board, will be the guest speaker. Demonstrations and judging of Hol. steins and a full programme of sports for both kiddies and adults will com~ l plete the afternoon. The Directors) the York‘Holstein Club extend a C'Dr- dial invitation to all breeders to join with them on June lst. T Recital Held --on Friday evening, May 17th, the “mils of Miss Rheta sosnowsky, and iss Violet Hopton. a graduate of Miss Sosnowsky's, gave a very enjo '- able piano recital at the Moose Hall, West Toronto. Those taking part were: Lawrence and Douglas La Rose, Betty Ross, Mary German, Dorothy Hatchwell, Helen Harrington, Audrey Ainsworth, Mary Hay, Alice and Andre Riddelt, Margaret Hunter, Mildred Holliwell, assisted by violin {inpils of Miss Ada Campbell, and arion Forber, dancer. Enjoyable Euchre --MNrlehurst Lodge, Daughters of England. held a most successful and enjoyable euchre on Thursday after, noon at the home of Mrs. T. Hilton, Main Street South. Prize winners were: 1, Mrs. Denison; 2, Mrs. Bare. foot; 3, Mrs. Galbraith; 4, Mrs. Bolter; Cunsolation, Mrs. Rushell. Following the euchre, a pleasant fea- ture was the presentation of a beauti- ful silver flower basket, containin sweet peas, to Mrs. Frank 'll'l';!.l,'ldlf, who is leaving with Mr. Marshall for England, very shortly. The presenter. tion was made by Mrs. George Med- hurst. At the conclusion of the after- noon, dainty refreshments were served. Constable Injured -P. C. Stan Whitehead of York Township police received minor in- juries lnbe Thursday afternoon when his motorcycle collided with a car at the intersection of Jane and Dundas Streets. The driver of the car, Ross Phelps, aged 47, of Orillia. was ur- rested on a charge of reckless driv- ing. According to the police, White- head was proceeding 59am on Jane S.treet.rith the light, and Phelps _is Entertain. At Tel . I --Miss Helen Rowe-McHugh opened I 'here lovely home It Weston on Sun ‘urdey afternoon for a Silver Tea vgiven in aid of the Women's Associ- lktion of Wilmer Road Baptist (Church. Music was rendered by Miss Myrtle Bryan. soprnnn. Mrs. H. leuhias Turton and Mrs. Frederic Scholtielrl presided It the ten table iwhigl) wat, centred with talisman roses and tall green randlcs in silver . holders set on In lulien mosaic cloth. ‘The hostess received in white suede lace over black crepe. Miss M. Hal. 'ford And Miss E. Mt-l'lerhern assisted in looking If!" the guests. Among those present were: Mrs. H. H. Bing- ham, Mrs. Maude Rinzham. Mrs. Riley. Mrs. Matthews. Miss W. Brodie and many others. all-d tor-have Arrosaod against the light. Damage to the car was esti- mated at $50. and half that amount to the motorcycle. After receiving first aid the injured officer was re- moved to his home. He is suffering from 3 severe shaking-up, body bruises and a sprained ankle. RC. Llwrence investigated. Llwrence investigated. _ Refusal was awarded the remind"; --------0 --_ _ - inf the United Workers', Association; Driver in (11"de ifnr an iteira:,w of rolirsf wages to bol - ers. Annie Jackson. aged 44, of cents an hour by Reeve Bales on [he _ IM Lisear Street, Toronto, suffered :groundh that council muld not ask the I a fractured skull and internal in, E taxpayers to pay another mill to raise I juries Sunday when the car in which l the necessary funds. i we ani I passenger. Idriven bth.; -------o---- i . no son, was struc by snot er “ma ; gar trd/iii': by, ThomasOAh. JohansTegi,iJUNl0R MI AGAIN I I I ac venue, s awn. e; i, accident occurred at Rogers Road andl ON TUESDAY my 28TH Silverthorn Avenue.I when Johansen.' ' . l it is Illeged, was driving against a. -,TeT' , r traffic signal. The injured ir/iitivT,Boys Ind. Girls tt. he Enter-l, was taken to the office of Dr. ll. D.; tamed at a Picnic 1 Thompson, 165 Oakwood Avenue, and) Lunch 1 later removed to the Western Hospi- .. 1 tal in Yorke Brothers' ambulance. E '.rq , .. ... ' . ' _ [ -tlev. Fr. Winiyn Kelly, of Fr A charge of reckless driving was laid ugainst Johansen. who was later released on bail of $500 to appear in county Police Court. " Edd Ten aL",,"')',".',',', the mama's work, the mum Brow of the Gronfell Miro sion will hold its Inmnl ten and ttttwer oy _PrituCttterttyott, A", 31st. " the home of Mrs. J. K. Maf- flt. ram Drive. " will he noted that t in event is on' the fifth Friday of the month, owintt w the regular day. the fourth Friday. falling on May 24th. whieh is I holidly. _The nag“? is making [sped-l apnea! fell His-ion. to trttmtd this ten andl M,whenith bruise n!- then-ma with. thqttrtHtt-" vm be use. "ltr and. Pam-hm for) to at those mm“ _ i'n'dh'gre-"é 393'th _utteeor,, an; {the rent Weston Local Items '1i7ili'Fiif.iy'e'h? 1rclt.'?.P. Il 2",Ct',L.C"r"2jll'il,t11t'ir",t' iiiiiitiiiiiiii ,A“ td"4h'Fttrltl's "... r. b'i'k2lltutuM.',tl a. moM.0_"6"0""000t""6M0Mo"tt-ttgtt-t-r"t-""-"" --Westonia Rebekah Lodge No. 305 was en fete on Monday evening, May 20th, for the visit of their Assembly President, Sister. Mary Williams of Brannon], Ont. Sister Wilson, As.. sembl Warden, Sister Middleton, P.P., gister Courtney. D.D.P. of West District, Sister Bryson. D.D.P. of the North District, and D.D.G.M. Bro. E. Dockray of District No. 31, I.0.0.F., were present also. Sister Gordon, Noble Grand of Westonia Lodge, pre- sented Sister Williams with a suitable gift from her officers and members. A musical programme and dainty re- freshments brought the pleasant evening to a close. --ln the Baptist Church next Sun- day morning, Rev. J. C. Williamson will speak on 'tWhat of the Night '." His t?vtning bulged will be "The Secret of the Lor ." -S'et. eant Bob Wilson, of North York pdlice, is still pondering on the strange mentality of car theives. Mom day, he was notified that a stolen car had been left in a field near Mc. Dougall avenue. Upon arrival he found that the thieves had driven the car into a field of growing grain, and continued to drive in circles until they had run out of gas. The crop had been ruined over quite a large area. While rescuing the gasless car, Ser< geant Wilson spotted another lying on its side in the corner oLthe field. From its trail, he came to the con- clusion that someone had attempted to drive it between two lar e and sturdy trees at a fair speed. I bank of earth had altered the car's course at the last moment. The net result was that one of the trees looked as though an elephant had tried to up- root it, and the car, a brand new 1035 model, Wo' though the same elephant and its brother had walked on it. From the lack of bloodstains, the sergeant believes the enterprising driver escaped unhurt. ASE FOR RESTRICTIONS ON ELLERSLIE AVENUE Claiming that they had boon Ivd to believe that a building, nuw nearly completed, at the earner of Ellerslic Ave. and Sanalac Ave. was to be "a solid red brick house," two property owners on those streets appeared be- fore North York township council Monday and objected to the erection of a factory. They claimed that it we?) hinder residential fevelopmenty Property Owners Protest to North York Township Council "The place is ready for the roof, almost," said Mrs. Alive Spaltun, one of the property owners'. "l under- stand that they are going to employ eight or nine girls there." Reeve Bales pointed out that tin- building inspector was perfectly in order in granting the building per- mit for the erection of the factory on April 2, 1935, as there were no building restrictipns on those streets. At the time building restrictions were put on certain streets in 1931 a deputation of people in the Ellers- lie Ave. and Avenue Rd. district had asked that those streets be left open to promote the sale of property on Avenue Rd. No action was taken on the ir/isl,it,tj; -a.iiiGu(rtt. i? Giridirr .geslgd t pt.c_ettai_n_ rtst.rictiortshe put a, the sirGL,rGf%leillif, l The annual Live Stork Judging l poaching eggs. I pinch of salt in the _Cort.ope.titio.n tor. Junior Farmers will 1 water makes the whites set. Eggs glam be heTld 1:; ).hedi/2'1gf, Hill lwill beat more quickly with a touch 1 istrict on ues ay, l ay 8t , regis-l ' BB. "ration at 8.30 standard time. Ten ,0! salt speeding the pm ‘classes of stock will be judged, in-', "luding two each of horses, beef cat- i Longer Lives tor Flowers tle. dairy cattle, sheep and swine.l Freshly cut flowers bnÂ¥hten up 3 ‘Classes of stock will be supplied bylmm.“ and to " them onger, try local breeders. The whole group of yidiryr. . touch 0 tutlt to..the water boys and girls will again he ontor-l'" whiett, they Ire standing. Most taiued to a picnic lunch at the farm iflowers livt _nevertsl d.†longer when ‘nf Mr. John D. l'nttnrsnn. Richmond {the water " treatmi that way. .Hill. l ----- Request from the Humberview Workers" Association for Ii hts in the Harding Ave. district of lamb York was put over in order to draft a hy- luw that. would assess the cost as u lorry improvement. . _ _ 1 The Junior Girls nf York (tounlyl Keeping Green Vegetables Green [who have always held a Household', When 'Ta'",".'!,, green vegetables, IScience Judging Competition It this ithe housewi e wi ind I little salt time, are changing their plans con- ‘preserves the fresh green color and iriderahly this year to rnmply with ‘natunlly improves their flavor. Bring the recommendations of the Institute the water to I boil, add one and a Branch under tho new Superintendent, half te-spoonsfuln of salt per Ge,', Miss Bess MrDermand. No Judging [ and then put in the vegetables. hen iCymir.'titirrn will he held. hut in lieu prep-ring thick soups and slums it of this, n prmtramme-plnpnine day " well to add the salt very early in will be held tho «in» day as the boys' the cooking, a it takes a long time competition. and all girls are invited to get a through blend. should to nttpnd. A complete day's progrnm also .be salted)“ the ttEtthtlr ttye is being outlined under the direction of Miss Betty Wallace of the Insti- tute Branch and the lot-I County Executive of the Junior Institutes. This pmgrlmme will include demon. strations. recreation, music and A 'gee,', conference It which Miss all.“ will outline the new policy of the Institutes Brunch with respect to ("if work. _ _ _ _ A human tor both boys and girls will be held in the evening at whirh the presentation at prints to the boys will be malt. and at which Mr. W. A. Gordon of the M. Simpson Com- my will b. [but speaker. in A a k M: "t 'mnt-er2- V!!W.,¢!' My"! 'f tht M Cnr Driven in Circles may: at» District Five of the Raina-0d Nurus' Auoclttlon of Ontario met Slturdpy " the Hewitt] for Con- numptnvu. Weston. r. W. Dobbin. superintendent. discuszjod tthi X Ray plates an illustration), the c ini. cul aspects of oi ht cue- treated at the hospital. Agar a to!" of char- vation through the buildings and grounds, tea was served to the 90 guests in the Nurses' Residence. kmgtrsiuti.Item AT mm; smmmuu Miss P. Beatrice Austin, district chairman, presided. .A discussion. problems of tuberculous nursing. nu arranged by Miss Webb convene: of the progrun and Miss kiiiiiGi' Mc- Namara chairman of Public Health. A resolution passed by the board of directors of the Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario that its com- mittee to Study Health Inaaranee add to their study the question of the pro- vision of nursing service to the below insurance level or indigent group, was approved. Miss Maud Wilkinson, superintend- ent of nurses led a di ' -ussion of hos- pital care and 1'f'ptrsei'sfil'n' and rehabi- litation after discharge, of the cases discussed by Dr. Dob ie in the after- noon. Nurses who are now in contact with these patients and contributed to discussion were Miss McGurk. Public Health Nurse, York 'I‘ownshigi Miss Ann Scott, Oshawa General otors, Miss Dove, Miss Hickey and Miss Fraser of the Department of Public Health, Toronto, and Miss Muriel Mac- Kay, Hydro Electric Commission. Miss Edna Moore, Chief Nurse, Provincial Department of Health, stressed the value of an annual hysical examina- tion as a factor in I early diagnosis of tuberculosis. Miss E. MacPherson Dickson summarized the discussion. 'll_‘he Fall meeting will be held in (hil- "I. This week is a blank. On atQ-uunt of the holiday we have to postpone our meeting until Thursday, May 30th, then again most of us are busy with our gardens or else someone has requested us to tackle theirs, which ever way, we are busy, oh, so busy. That reminds us, we have nut as yet been overburdened with requests fur labour to renovate the homes of our town. We have a long list of mechanics who will he in a position to do that job just as soon as you place the order. Lot thy words between two foes be such that if they were Ln beumw friends thou wouldst not be ashamed. --SAADI. Are we doing all we can In help} along the boys? Men are doubly busy trying to figure out how they can live up to their codes. Worrying details occupy their minds. Yet all about us are boys who need help-the help that comes from encouraging words, a helpin hand, a little boost. All these helpful things take just a minute of any man's time--and yet they mean so much to a boy; Just a cordial word of greeting in t e morning as the lad is-or: hisway Leeched will 4requent- ly give just the needed encourage- Fment for that particular day. There (is so much We can do in boys' work without ever having to take any time to do it. Most mere are willing to do this if they only realized how easily it can be done. Whn is Mr. Hotchkiws'.’ Ask ll py'. 1 To keep eggs fresh, pack them ' l small ends down, in salt, making sure I _ that they do not touch each other. In l l poaching eggs, I pinch of salt in the u i wtt.tey makes the ptly'tes net. Eggs] A quotation from Hm (Nah) Times-Herald says, stands so straight as when to help a hoy. , Longer Live: for Flowers 1 Freshly cut flowers briÂ¥hten up a â€room and to he? them anger, try adding a touch o salt to the water lin which they are standing. Most I flowers live several days longer when {the water is treated that way. l Household Uses for Salt . Do not forget the Club meeting will he held on Thursday next, May 30th. Be on hand at eight o'clock sharp! "Say Mr. are you Mr. P----?" "Run along young fellow. I'm Mr. prep-ring thick soups and sums it " well to add the salt very early in the ranking, " it takes a long time, to gel. 3 through blend. Meat should I also be salted " the beginning of the cirei"a,rtg,'; It pom-kn better then t n later in! will give a more even fuvor. , mu you Evan's“)? Ttt THINK By Edna R. Waite. Shawl-e. Okla. J. K. P. Schrnpp. publisher of the Lebanon o'r.) tfews:Tiptes, aâ€: "Advertirdng is ring a bigger part in the truth nyhthe world way than ever before in history. No rm duct is today madden-d too menil or ttto lug-guy: lg’ble te rgnp the ban- emblhhed m" Ai it how] an; 9W9"! 'l! as" In"! 'tf a of%tvertisiit .- . Inf-Sum "Er. ting is amped without the we Within. te, pun the ny. "Puma in Main: is unduly Sal; ind Eggs ES'I‘ON ORKINGMEN'S ISECRACKS IT'I'ICISMS & GUIDE Alliance "No man he stoops f ap- not uh for - puck of antenna. but will Ink for the brand mm. that has planned hi: mm. The hon-owl“ will not ask to n ‘cnn of poncho-J but will demand the brand name that hag boon impressed on her mind. com blie b their trade name in! 's"rl"t'l5h'll'lful. ull; A '.t.tun Fil . “Constant brand y1eerysimr-)sep: Ing before the tuditii-et' effected the average min until ‘canned soup' may make the stomach revolt, but the use of a brand name will make the mouth water." CHARMING MAY BRIDAL AT ST. JOHN’S CHURCH Tall standards oi pink and white snapdragon and narcissus decorated St. John's Anglican Church here on Saturday afternoon, when Mary Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Paris, John Street, became the bride of John Alfred Herron of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Herron. The ceremony was conducted by Rev. W. W. Mackey and Mr. W. Greaves played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her father, war; a charming figure in her long gown of bisque sheer, fashioned on princess lines. The long skirt lengthened into a slight train, matched with a woven turban and a shoulder veil of the same shade. She carried a bo uet of lily of the valley and oe,1,l,'ig',l'%"ii,,'s. Isobel Paris, sister of the bride, was her bridesmaid, and Wore a starched green mousseline frock and a white French poke hat. She carried a bouquet of Johnna Hill l'lh‘l'm Mr. Janios Horron, brother of the groom, was lu'st man. At the rom-ption hold afterwards at the homo of the hriulv's parents, Mrs, Paris ptvvivtrd hrr “ovals wearing " igrm't'l'ul gown of block and silvcr lshN-r crvlw, a largo Mark stpaw hat land at) orchid rors'ugv. Mrs, Horron, _ mother of tho groom, was "Iso charm, _ ingly attired in black. Later the bride 1and groom loft for a motor trip to _ Montreal and Ottawa, the bride travel- _ ling in a black rout with Galiiac trim, l mine, with white twtwssovies. On l their return, Mr. and Mrs. Herron will i live at 307 llrookdale Ave., Toronto. Rev. W. E. Mackey Unites in Marriage Mary Joyce Paris and John Herron "Woman's emancipation has brought her tn tho point where 'she doesn't have to stand the things her grandmother stood Hum any man.'" --Faith Baldwin. SAVE‘. _ MONEY! " IWmmm OWNING a Pontiac is much easier than you think. Three factors matte it Bo: (I) generous allowance on your present car: (2) the low price of the new Six; (3) the low financing rates of GMAC. If your present car is ageing to a point where expensive overhauling may be necessary, why not turn it in on a 1935 Pontiac Six or Straight Eight? You will save money in the long run. Certa‘nly you will enjoy what you may be missing now . . . dependability. economy, performance, comfort . . . in fact all the advantages of motoring ex- clusive in a modern automo- bilc. There's a sm-rt- new Pontiac at our showrooms rcady for you to look at, ride in and drive. Will you come in and try it out? . A Cllllll "010.! VALUI J. T. FARR Ch SONS LTD., WESTON" J. BARRY, BOLTON, OWL, Parliament is again down to busi- ness determined to complete the wbrk of the session with all due speed, and ullow the tuxpuyvrs to pronounce. up- PHONES: WESTON 676-1 WEDDING B0UQUETS--h'L0RAL DESIGNS JANE ST.-OPEN EVENING-S Delivorod. ltu equipped " urtort, Oahu-u. oy. freight and detaining!!! Rwrlt‘ion Associate Denier ffor the Stand-rd,†2-N... Faro only our; Prices of swimm- models " factory begin at $ttq9. PRICED Why not visit Jay's for your require- ments, your garden deserves good plants, we have them. _ Only the best and latest varieties of bedding plants, well-grown, not forced. Our plants were a revelation to those who bought them last year. A splendid assortment of bedding plants, vegetable plants, perennials, rockery plants; and geraniums in a veritable riot of colors. The best in plants at the most reason- able of prices., "Gydening On The Holiday ?" I. - - - "of Course! Slag’a , [mint '934 manna". IA? a. 1m on the record and policy of the gov- ernment and tn weigh carefully the value of the promises of the Oppo- sition lenders. TlIRRET-TOP I007 " FISHII KNEE ACTION on In». " In. " and "no â€Ind-ti Sh Nod-II MMlultlt1 BRAKES caoss' now -- mum TRIPLI SIALID SOLID 're" MELROSE 5292 t"