3mm wry pleased with our success on o. A. C. Cafeteria L We luvs fed them for three seasons which shows 'ttmi “tidied we ue with our results. At the present our six but!“ old pallets are laying 70'; and gaining in body weight. 53 MAIN NORTH -houid take advantage of Johnston's SPECIAL GIFT VALUES in Men's Wear. 59 MAIN ST. N. Christmas and Your Boy College lk Dovercourt " " Membership Fees Or Special Rates For Those Requiring Two Street Car Fares, Call The Office. $1.00 to $3.00 st.0trt $2.50 51.39163350 l s145’6"‘$’3.f75 -HAROLD R. JOHNSTON &y'lf,',Ni"e"ir'se' 25c " Mitt ea, GLOVES West End Y. M. C. A. LAST-MINUTE SHOPPERS Ask for the 1936 edition of Feed Facts Give him a year of Opportunity LOCKDELL FARM, ALTON, ONT. Feed Monarch "Open Formula" Feeds PYJAMAS MOODY BROS. SH 1 HTS With Cafeteria Feeds A membership in West End Y.M.C.A. will give your boy a year of recreation. inspiring comradeship, and enthusiastic development of his best self: A year of upwilding'in body, mind and spirit, molding the eh‘nc‘Qer t!.tat. sustains. tltrousrhou.t life. What a truly fine Christmas gift for rGurGorf From this membership in West End Y your boy will receive n year of fun, 4eveloprnent, in spirit, mind and body, and opportunity to prepare for his ma- turity. This "Year of Opportunity" for your bor will be an expression of [he real spirit of Christmas, N you will make his Christmas gift a membership in the Young Men's Christian AnsMiation. inhu- " MAIN ST. N. PHONE 79x h I“ Imus Gm: Stark“ Rd.. Plum 2†E? 4 " fig L% r. / " G 0 liiLT MI ‘1 'ia, {1:24; I "Vt, L t,":: T (2!lir " tl 'i", _ g1 SOLD BY PHONE 89W stat td $3.50 V HUSIEIIY 25c to $1.00 pr SWEATERS $1.95 to $3.50 SWEATER COATS WESTON I'HON K 36 , Weston Flower Shoppe H ATS You can make Christmas a brighter occasion " someont- . . . and yourself . . . with the gorgeous blooms. potted plants, Xmas Wreaths and artificial Wreaths, from L0. 1166 WESTON For Christmas ---St. John's A.Y.l'.A. held a social evening on Tuesday 1nd brought gifts for Christmas cheer baskets. --Boyts and girls don't forget, dou- ble votes on one of the finest toiletries made, Jumine preparations. lnch's Drug Store. N.C. --The Weston Local Council of Wo- men held a series of teas and bridge parties throughout the town last Fri, day, Dec. 13th, in aid of the fund for the establishment of a dental clinic for needy school pupils in Weston. In spite of superstition and decidedly in- clement weather, the day's objective of $100 was more than reached, re- ceipts up till Wednesday being well over $110 with still more to come With Mrs. F. W. Moffat, Mrs. J. K. Moffat, Mrs. G. Howard Gray and Mrs. T. C. Q'Gorman as tea hostesses, and ladies all over town arranging bridge tables to aid in the cause, guests to the number of 250 were Pri- tertained during the afternoon. The Women's Council, through its Presi- dent. Mrs, Gray, desires to extend ‘heartfelt thanks to all those who con- itributed to the day's success. r-Xmas gifts of all kinds at lnch’s. Prices same at Toronto, many lower --The Weston Rink reports that icv is fast agapcaring on the surface and it is hope to have skating next week. Alterations are now going ahead to accommodate hockey and now is the time to get your local leagues under way. ' -The preacher in St. Philip's Church, Etobicoke, next Sunday, will be Rev. R. B. McElheran. M.A., D.D., principal of Wycliffe College, Toron- to. The choir are preparing special music and there will be a carol ser- vice. St. Matthias of Westmount and St. Andrew's of Thistlotown are hold- ing their annual carol services (in vSunday next. -Serv'wes for Christmas 'fray to be conducted by Rev. T, R. Butler will be as follows: Celebration of Holy Communion, Sick Children's Hospital. Thistletown, at 6 a.m.; St. Andrew's, Thistletown, 7.30 a.m.; St. Matthias, Weslmount. 8.30 a.m.; and morning Communion, Sick Children's Hospital. Thistletown. at 6 a.m.; St. Andrew's, Thistletown, 7.30 a.m.; St. Matthias, Westmount. 8.30 a.m.; and morning service , with vommuniun at St Philip's, Etobicoke, at 10.30 am. _.-..-.-.- _-o------- . "hiectirv-$750 ’ l --Mrs. Hyltop, Ti,. Queen's â€â€œle -Trw L-xccullivv of the sttun Hull announces hy: final glisplay of Chlnese Cross Suck-{y but to rvpot't that the) hap.d 'iieg'iit'T,i, linen ,and silk a."d‘Campai;zn has. got well started, and) satin .li gene. and pens pure 1ilriTirrir/s) acknuwledi,re the following) Ityyurinsr i'gbes and klmonas, etc. Ars contributions: Previously acknow-' ticles on display from Dec. 20 to Dec. I lodged, $435.00; Miss Marjorie Vun _ M. A x-1wl/iiiUf,' $3000; The Misses E, a_i_ul A.) -ln.Westminster United Church/h' D'IIKD' ngxt Sunday morning the nii"n'i"ct'rTs,',2C; Mr. will preach on "Christianity-a Fel-l r. J, Muay lowshim" In (hr owning n r),'prihil.',e/'/.'"i; .r candlelight service will be i,ri'li'n1'iiir?lf,; Mrs bv' the choir. Jack Moffat speaks "mad“ Cyclc '/The Miracle of Christ" at the meet-i Mrs, ri, " nu: of. Westminster Young 's'iC)irlryyyr, $1 Class m the afternoon at 2 o'vlm‘k. (id Wowhv‘n. Iartdhrgtt. a. Presbyterian Church ‘ M ~Noxt Sunday at the i'rToyterianR, Church special Christmas srtrvierts) N will be held with Rev. F. C. Harper†as preacher both matnipg"and even-lg“ inn. His morning subject will bum "What a difference l?s cominz‘l made," and in the evenin , 'Cro.wdyil Out." Mr. Bruce Metcalfe will be inl charge of the chair and will be at the; organ for, Christmas carols, i The Primary and Crud]? Roll Christmas party will hr hold Satur- day afternoon at 3.30 p.m.. and the Sunday School Christmas tree, Mon, day evening next, at R o'elock. --A most sin-vomful (mi wn. lwlvll at the home of Mrs, Robert F'vuuey, Lee avenue. on Thursday of last week, with lanlivs from F',lvrsrstrrrrl Park. Imwnsview, Brandvivw Gar-' dens and Albion Park being prvzmnl. The "mating anew-d with thr, singing of hymns and a piano duct. hy Mrs. Penney and Miss era Mills. A guess- ing contest by Mrs. Bridget} and Mrs. Parker followed, and Mrs. Hines, of Harding avvnuo. [rave a vocal solâ€. Mrs.-Ponney and Mrs. Norther)“ 1'frti- tributod a vocal Ilut't and short atl- ‘dressos wert- given by Mrs. Dil'klll. President of Downsvivw W.A., and Mrs. Calhoun, President of Elverston Park. Mrs. J. Murley contributed a vocal solo and Mrs. Rees a recitation. The meeting was closed with lunch. served by Mrs. Penner, assisted by Miss Penney, Miss Mills and Mrs. lParker. Weston Local Items --rA special Candlelight Carol ser- vice will be held in Lentrul United Church on Sunday evening, when all lights will be extinguished and the church will be lighted entirely by candles. Carols of different nations will be presented by the choir and will be illustrated bv beautiful lantern slidrs ot the Nativity. Mr. Frederick Pollett will be at the organ. In the morning Rev. H. Fi. Wollwnml WIll Pollen will be at the organ. In the morning Rev. H. Fi. Wollwuml Will speak on "The Word Incarnate" and will brine a buys' and girls' message, “The Christmas Crumb." THE TIMES & GUIDE --A special A.Y.P.A. sorvim- was“ held trtl Sunday night in St. Jnlm's ', Anglican Church. RPV. R. L. vs.sil'/l,e)'iil's', M Si. Simona Church, Toronto, who‘' ‘is Chaplain of the A.Y.l'.A. y:'fy.ll Council. was the speaker. Assisting weer Mr. s. Wilson, Prvsidvut K1-n.|y' Harris, of the A.Y.P.A., arid Vii'o-‘l President T. Worthington, who riiatl,' .the lessons. Rev, W. K. Mui'kny, thol [Vii-3r. also took part. Sam. Churlnsl and Ken. Savage acted as ushers. Fol-l [lowing the church service a Fireside" ‘Hour was held in the Parish Hall,) with members from the following/ A.Y.P.A.'s as gumts: St. Paul's Run-) ‘nymmlv; St. John's. West Tovtrntrr;i Calvary Church, Silvnrthnrn; Mounll Drums (‘hurch M the Good Shepherd;! St. Mark's, West ’l‘umntn; St. Simons.‘ ‘1anunio. mid St. Barnabas. Dani'nrlhi -The annual meeting of Rangers Branch No 213, Canadian Legion, Weston, takes place on Friday (to- night), at 8 p.m.. and all members are urged to make an effort to be present in order to take part in the nomination and election of officers for the ensuing year, On Saturday af- ternoon at the Legion Hall there will be the annual Christmas tree and C'lie tertainment, and all members of the Rangers Branch and the Ladies’ Auxi- liary are invited to he present with their families. Santa Claus is ex- pected some time during the after- noon to look after the younger folks and a good time is promix‘t'il in all. k. This Sunday the sm'viro will be in koopinz with the frrurth Sunday in Advent, and in the evening an. Dr. Kingston will mndlu't a :vvrvir‘v pro- pamtnry tn Hip (fhv'iullnus rum- munivm. We'ston Red Cruris Campaign 1935-6 M. Briggs, $2.00; Mr $2.0â€; Mr. K. Smith: T. J, an'uirv. Flu-â€"17", .'r,'r.i)it: fluhrfh, $10.00; I, of “hamâ€. “In. W $I1HNI; Mr. "r._rrrt Mrs, ri, It Cook, $2.00: Mr. ll. J. Church, $10.00; Ladies Bridge (‘lulp 'of Wv-,tou,'Mrv. W. C, Rinldvll Trcas., $10.00; Mr. c, lmrm- Framer. Ed)â€: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Riddvll, $5.005 Mrs. ($001110 M. hymns. $2.01); Mv. Isaac N. Draper, $5.1M. Total, 197.00. All further contributions will hr gran;- fully acknowledged from time to tinw in this 'pupor. Suggestions " FOR HIM HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS I'ulmv-liw $0124 l ruvtulirrcr lets' sees sees Lamhort's Sets __VVFr_tFt_T Trrrrr» Shave 3503;) in 89wa .00; Mr. J. r'. ('m-rin'mx w. A, Rum-ll. $1.0â€; t"an and Minor Crc, $15.00 Cook, $2.00: Mr. H, J Fountain Pens- $1 AS to I'ircturl',, Shm'r Sq \Nllllilhl homey: lhrvv Sorrow SM Treasure ('ht'J aNP.9, I-lw‘nlng I PHI'I~ t_uerprti.c_Srts- Ashrs of Rosrs,jompart, Prr. furttr attd_Pow+tfenhi_na_tiorts-- Stht to $5.00 "rrfr- Mitt lr, $10 _'.';-,)'.')-,, 49tt to " _',,",:,'-,):', t Sth: to $10 35c tttht 1.25 2.50 ""2,i,.. 75c $1.10 'ialts vPV Pprfumr wrth Atomizv-rs meunn 'i"i"i.'1irii""itus $1.50 C. LORNE FRASER, Campaign Treasurm‘ Pans Dustin! iueo hog gSeta-i FOR fr; Mr. J. G. Eyrvs, Sullthall. $2.0“: Mr 21:15.00; Mr. A. W Mr. J. r'. iuarvip:an "use ii, Stth00 tlk and $1.00 4tht I" m l'nn- ' n.~mvtu‘ r» M to " 00 tt . sorvim- was in St. Jnlm's R. L. Sunburn Toronto, who Shaw -and $1.00 $10.00 tr, 98c '" 98c HER. Tho hum! $1.00 TV 98c __-_rrr_ 85c $1.00 53.50 J ls! Weston Troop News _ A business meeting was held last week in the lst Weston Troop head- quarters. After the reading of the Treasurer'." report each patrol was informed of the amount to its credit in patrol funds. Then followed the presentation of the Honour Pennant to the Beaver Patrol which was the first patrol to successfully wrest this mark of distinction from the Otter Patrol. Then followed presentation of a Second Class badge to l). Wil- liamson. and a First Class badge to R. Byers. Three boys in the troop were presented with 5-year service stars denoting continuous service in the Boy Scouts of five years. The honoured ones were Jack and Guy Barnes and Bob Beale. The solemn investiture of five boys from the Beaver Patrol as Boy Scouts then took place. Yet another boy will be invested this Friday when the Troop expects to have as a visitor the Assistant vainciul Corutuissioner, Mr. Irwin. At the conclusion of busiuvss a fvw games work played and 1hr llH‘l’llllL! broke up with a rmnimlvr to tlw scouts in the troop that full attend, uncv (If all swiruts would he l'xln-ru'tl next, Friday night In wvlcotuv our dir,. tinguishud visitor. - Weston Found] on Monday nigh! \mtwl an honorarium of $5.0 lo Mayor' b'. W. Morn-us in tumrvciatirrn of his services to thv, munit‘ipality for 19:53). -The Baptist Sunday School holds its Sunday School entertainment to- 'night at 7.45 o'clock, and pupils of the school will present the Christmas play, "The Christmas Thrill". BOY SCOUTS WHA, _ CAULK ANY HOUSE IN WESTON FOR FROM MIKE’S SHOE REPAIR Hats Clvzlnod and Blocked. Shoes Dyed Any Color. with Spray Gun. Work Guaranteed. SHOE stHiNFi.J'A1tLOr, SA MAIN ST. N. Expert Workmanship Best Materials Repairs of All Kinds PHONE 336w " to " MARINO Bath Salts Large Glass Bottle Double Votes on Jasmine and Gardenia Sets Priced at 85c to sl tl â€mum l" n .' Im-m of Xtnue Souk. Rum"... ('rllaphmw Park,, at Xma, “nub box nf l0 WESTON " Mt. Donal! JU. .733 INOH’S XMAS cAnns Me, Mht, 490,590 “THE SURIIHfih' 5c lo 25c DOLL CONTEST Ho" 25: Just Récci‘vcd CH’S 332223 to/ up ---i---i-B' I ri, gm At this year's pricc . sidered headline m ' ever, are equally sen W", won't be pressed tempted! lg . Xmas GI In I _ Wrapping 3.9] I Xmas Gift . Wrappings a T , 5c TO ..‘ I 51‘0er _ At this year's prices, "Free 'Nrkey" would be con- sidered headline news. Kirby's Gift Values, how- ever, are equally sensational. Come in and see. You won’t be pressed to buy2-but you’ll be sorely tempted', 'l'aum, Seals. Tissues, Cordtr, Ribhonu Assorted Packages. Tags and Seals ., ___ m. _F____ _...-......-......." White Tissue, 24 double sheets ., '___.. _-..,,..-......-..) Culyred Tissue, 12 double sheets _.......,.',.....,.......,.,..".., Fancy Papers, roll W Metallic Cords, ball ...5e, China TE \ y'sFrrti-- KIN“ "DUNN TRAINS Celluloid hulls 'TV I " I‘ll; ()rgaldif 1lressyrd_INLLs'-- "i-u'iiBoAAi"'N IG-inches, ~xquarl- with " counters _. '_.rrr______.r_q____ c Pyjama In ILLS Mutiical TttPri ' You will surely find the ones you seek here-and the price will he agreeably low. Smart hoses. Rig value at-- A wonderful arraly of rnlur; ful Harrkits new ' 5tt and Ith; "r, 31 MAIN ST. N.--opp. John St. “I'll 15th Mth 396 Iain» 'Kerchiefs 2%, 39th tttht hm., ITS" Light 15c tr, $1.00 Stht and 98c MN I trurrLr 101 Nm, “mummy L "all": Sth 10d, Mth 75c \um. Crackers hitr.c, h'tytrlorrcr tid,Tths, 15c Sc 10c ISc 20c 2Se V." \mau Wreath V ith Ugh†Thousands of Clever Toys $2.75 Women's, Chtidrvn's 98c 25c and Stht mnmmMZOc o,..,..'., ..dttttt 1 tht fand 1 Stt TOYLAND - BOOKS AND GAMES - All the old favorites and many new mum 25c t" 59c 10c - For The Last Few Days of Christmas Shopping 10c 10c We mirry u mum-luv line of Gan- ung's. Muir's. Hunks: and Chuckles and P:Utcrsrm's. All in Xmas packages, from-. to a box 500 $4.50 Huchclnr, box of 10 Murglk‘rm Mmlu'u Pipes l'uruti, "ru%uzftm, Sweet t ul and Winrhr‘stl‘r a Cig"rvttvs, Iroxes of GO ... Gift Sou fur "w" and worrtpn-- Srhir, The ift this never mm oqt-- and {as so.» ROLLS RAZORS I0 CANDY CIGARS and CIGARETTES YABDLEY’S Thousands to choou trom and the when Ire really Inu- veluuu. f 5 4 or c 3 for Se mum. tmaN1mtt a. an _ HOCKEY Steering SLEIGHS "TICKY,' HtK'KEY HORSES M “SIC BOXES DOLL Ib, Xmas Hard Mix, lb. __.._V.__ ""151: Jelly, Cream and Chocolate 'i'Fi1yltY BEAltti- Mix, lb. t__e.eV-.__..H___.....'V__ Christmas Kisses, lb. 85c to $18.50 l h',.,,,, $16.50 GREETING CARDS Complete With -krrvetopes 351551: " â€was 106 $383106 , 335;“ 25c 50 and _ ttht ett. Smart Holley Boxes of 1uliciour, Chocolates 59c to $1.00 Candy "mum It. 2 for Gc, " each CANDY 256“ 98c 2 for 50 15c ttt 5:23:36; tl mrtd " $1.50 and and and $1.00 , Sth, $1.25 to WESTON $3.00 25c Itht 25c 25c 98c 50c