Times & Guide (1909), 13 Mar 1936, p. 2

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w as: r,' l ‘5 Mfgroper utilization of t't'- 'r " w by e works department in 5- of streets, parks. etc. ? i I." the police department def- , 't Inn. and do the night constables , 1'ritg'eg 1min? Ce; . . How may ours in day nn- WP :, nrttb.mtt polic- protection? C . C . W in’t the dignity of tht. chivf 'l,s,-)diii'ih'ii'itii',?'sii, by keeping him in it; on duty.' :5 it the Department of Municipal g , boa advised on 'smalgamation i; l nrbn- municipal offices in the ii. d 'rJlt,'l,"Lt',',d, efficiency , If T . We: action n taken on this? 3,, i did our whoa] board visit, (/ . 2ti2.t ministers of education V pol oft-in a few days ago! "k " got-{out trouble in our school f It" it. food rouds eneiieer, ot - comu, ted by council on our “my problems? It not, why . I. tt I fut that the money spent . “Wtion of the roadbed at ". I”. “Id was thrown away ? . I. the any condition of the can wwuble (or the wvetehed the pavement by allowing w " up in under the roadway , L)' " My" Enquire: End-an. to The Times and! do litany" of Weston I beg k I'd 2t you-paper dom, my i . on the hap- r =t'tttl, whoa! board,) Ina-ion? l _ _ be a t may prob- “ 1m public bodies r of interest to th,. um F - who cannot. always I will“ and trtusl . 'mr , _ W - hull paper for the ’ tii- madden-able gossip and no about town of the doings " the council and school C. u the citizens were taken th. eaertidmsee of these bodies 'rouht exist and an in- _ Judd, no doubt, be to those municipal bodies a: ttatt".',',',', of ttts ' mi t " you to te the magma: of your paper: action. if any, is contem- h -eil on the street railway ' Agireated in Ilia 'ttttMt-ttmeet are invited to “in. to thit.de.srtment, munch. their view. '3fldetiratitnasoaGii. rum-u ' I. Win for News thus presented. and I. rich! to NM publication for letters deemed _ Pow-om or umu-deqahcma an permissable “I writer Inmates The Time: and Guide with -his or he “address. Au “nations re'reived from read- I W to making r1'l1/1"lt and Guide a trrighhw and Irdatitt' up” will be welcomed by the Editorial Staff. 'tttie. out Cpl" CW lo cu readers the opening W df may interest we hope, “my. a, the: OPEN FORUM Consider th- Company Back of tho cur J. T. In t an MIL, Hutu Amen-u bum ”W m" w. “I! J. Barry, Bolton, Out. A “Carp "tWieilaatms" giving voluntary service, might be of some assistance in checking things, and such members as were approved of, could be sworn in as special cun- stables. No matter just what line of action is contemplated, the. big and all important thing is, to (In some thing. 77 To those who have been horrified by the Ruth Taylor case in Toronto. I would put the question, "What if the next victim was your own daugh- ter, or sister?" It would be fully to wait until something akin to the Tod runto horror takes place here. The deputation's complaints come in good and proper time, leaving the council ample time to make Nome preparation for the summer. It is to be hoped that every parent and every brother, will use pressure to have something done. If the matter is let slide'hy. unheeded, who will be to blame if something does happen? and it may be.to PP" at ghgg. -- I LIME“; Giik.rr7iii'/7reri"i'i"iTe The booklet is win-ch reading, and of the moat lured “Imam,” of our even lune Commercial student may ,lireavCer'li,"y'lu','t' it function. tInd it useful fur thieHvaluuble info“ . nation it contains. ousewives wi ( (Sng WESTON ltATEPAYER. in it find how In manage their homes I Editor's note: In publishing this let. '3 their husbumis manage their byi- tee wedosowith the hope that thou in new-sea. After all the any is as un- authority with a knowledge of the portant in the other. Joint acciiunts town's akin willuaethese columns to for httsbund and wife are explained, “My," the same. Constructive critic- andthe many, uthgr sewn-es available llsms and “I, etstittms will be ttrvatl an: coverml in this neat Jittle publi- apprecic:w".. ill letters received "lr, c'ati.0.n 3 f/% "f.,. which 'PP, ,"Wk’ come under our careful scrutiny and if iiiiiiiiue In e Times iuiil Guide by deemed of an improper or libellous na- the local Rank manager. Mr. J. W. ture willbe withheld from publication. Wallace. Lyur tvtulers would sh! ttll , - -- to willy-um, and the barnk will with, lThe Editor, _ nut Imposing any 0 aligatiun, be , h' b s . . s . lThnestr and Guide. _ ilplsffulf‘ ypely..it f" T""?? If the conned has any regard for 'the good name of the town, and any concern about the well being of its young people, the appeal will not fall on deaf ears. it is to be hoped that the Parks Committee to which the matter has been referred, will not simply file the request, or unt"tiiort- ably elay in taking it up. If our pub- lie park is to become a happy hunting ground for young vultures who have no res ct tor t emuelves or others, it weal]: better be closed. l 16. Would there be any: harm in e“ub- l linking. _:_lin of civil “lulu. tea era It was with considerable satisfac- tion that I noted how our Town Council had been approached by the Local Council of Women, with a re- quest that better protection for yuun women be provided in '/ldfi'U,t'f//,f Park. M. Mr. Editor, and many other question- in commonly Inked by may razepoyen today, Ind if they are being dismiued by our municipgl bodies-" let the public know. A tree pre" is one of the moat sacred intitutions of our demucmvy--let it function. (Sud) WESTON RATEPAYER. ineiudar.' the can: of ration too great , tg If.: Ctv'l'elll'thilr",' tty we! harm in pub- r-n--t. 'rr Yours truly, PRO BONO 1 BONO" 'PUBLICO 'i'i'_"'"'t'li" a a soap wot k products. The Bunk of Montreal, Is Mt years older than the Dominion of Canada itself, and its hiahil'y for almusl 120 years is clusrly interwuven with the Dominion', dywlupmunl and growth] 19A MAIN ST. N Potted Plants Fresh Cut Flowers Weston Florer8lutirim "Your Bank Ami How To Use It“ in the like of a very useful and inter- uting booklet recently issued by the Bank of Montreal. Not only does it five the most detailed infutmmiun u to the various types of services ren- dered to th, customers by the insti- tution, but " gives the readers an " sight into its every function. The (mention of Current and Swing- accounts, exchange and the handlin at traveller's funds with safety an}. cozvenieuce, are explained" minutely, FiCARLETT Rb." __ t 13:10er 298 Toronto Subscribers Call JU. I707 "Flowers Delivered Anywhe/e in Pt, ti” Wsrr.isi,tsy/rebrrirt.': .2 Ul induct C,T'l'le, that gt'itr, “at no a -ttrtt . it - in “In e-ntl "cord , en's mm evils that but: “him: not availin‘ I " k arititiess would soon and. In: Wives, but too o.ttro on which the he! that I bank is In important to an individual as it in to ' humus. . 1 Coud“YmIa-kuduwu Us. tt" tu, b.Ntaiaseiat Patriek'r; Bulche r Flowers Florists’ Telegram nelivory Greet With [My hit (W. P. “NANA". Provo --We "vhvrr-- Wedding Bouquets Funeral Designs 'rreertituusies Locum anuu lU'v planning to use up waste tat PHONE pa, 5 On March 20th, the Thinlocown [Wurkingmen's Club will sponsor In (amateur hour with pictures, elm. It iThistietowrt Hall, mud a good turnout iis hoped for. ,. .: 'Tr - , STV. . W..tt'V. Auxiliarv 3e! tt 15:5ng hf Miss Minnie Calhoun”? their March meet- ing. The large number present en- jude a program which had been very nhlv planned by Miqs Huscn and Mrs. Carman Johnson. It Was decided that a shower be held for a family ren- dered homeless by a recent fire. Met Stewart "resided and Rev. Mr. David son was in charge of a question box. On Sunday, March 8, Rev. J. A. C. Kell addressed the congregation of the Thistletown United Church, his [tr,) being found in 2nd Corinthians, ,hapter 5, Verse '20-"We are am- bassadors for Christ." The choir under the direction of Mr. W. Dun- ning sang "HiO at the North" and "Jesus Saves." At St. Andrew's, Tnstletown. on Sunday, the special me her was Mr. lt. S. Green of Wycliffe Colle e, who tuck for his text, "fiod forbitf that I should glory” and expounded it in a must inspiring manner. To all who are ill or have met with tidents, friends send best wishes for a speedy recovery. not forgetting Mrs. T. A. Fl". Early Sunday mun-mink fire destrov- "d Wooden-g And chickens on the nremises of Mr/ tai' MEL gear}; Parr. Neitrhturrts under their sym- puthy. Ladies are reminded of the date. March 18th, when, at the home of Mrs. C. Watts, the 24th travelogue an! be given under the auspice: of the Thistletown Women's Institute. The Annie Kiuhing Minion Circle met " the home of Min Iris Akin on Wednesday, larch li, at Slum. Mrs. Wm. Hog: was in charge 0 the program. On March 26th the Athletic Club at Thixtletown will put on another Euchre and Dame and a cordial invi- tation is extended tu all to attend. gave a very iniGutrriii%oG, -' The Junior League mot It the home of Donald Newton on Thundny. Much 12. Aim Annie Gardhouu T Service will in held on and". lurch Ili, a , pm, in tho Nub- town Y..nittd.dmohh. Rev. It. G. DIV!- "v... w...“ yuan. luv. at. u. all non will addu- the convention. New 0mm in the A.Y.P.A. ha” been inst: and plum In tell under way for & year‘s "minim. I No“ I m) I“ the. :3“?th with a inl- PH-ts at any to lur- that Roll 8yttmihafiGt-ir4, wellandhw observation in “ital. tr-tm-dr-tg, will mug.“ mun-rumi- . wrist in I fUGrtiiYG, nu. Agni mom he _treo.g"i"iitif met but in the Sud-y lulu] 2lfl1uTflr' my bee. Thimbl- tMr.natdMrs 1ii7il"ikTl'l'tw"Lr"at'l'L"tit Pun m??- rjiiriiriiiiiii" and Professiéfiéilfiyféctory i Starring for Weston Music we find Freddie Norman, f//,,'ent'g, and Eddie Dodds defencemnn; t ey were excellent. Th Dairy team's two star players were Bennie Harris, who scor- ed the first al, and "Fattie" Hall who scored 'til', tying and winning goals. Dairy took this game by I 3-2 score. making them the winners of the'"A" Group Series. Monday night, March 2nd, Weston Dairy ( inners of "A" Group) met M. . Graham's Hudsons (Winners of "B" Group). After stepping on tu the ice both teams seemed to be a Thursday's game, February 27th. was (ought-out between Weston Dairy and Weston Music to decide who should represent the "A" Group in the League Finals. RESUME op GAMES I’RECEDING HUDSONS’ WIN Following the -musiea, pkg-mm dancing wu enjoyed by all. but: of the evening were as (allow: Mr. Banting, to.“ to the King; Mr. “at, VierPrelidont ot Working- un'l Club. (out to the Mien. re- send“ to by In. B. Wood, Pro-Manx the Auxi hr , and In. Killian, immediate Past Ere-idem. Mr. Dough- 'g'g proposed the ton: to the town, wh ch was responded to by Mayor Mer- tenl. A short municnl pron-m then followed, and .the artists akinf part were: Mrs. Smith, Iolo; Mr. Gal own], minimal“; Mr. D, Maekeyuyelestioiti on the" ti,tiiije,'f GiiiirHiCiii7/; liken nd also give 'selections. Toronto Conservatory Of Mutic WESTON BRANCH Milli And John Sta. Worm nu Wanton Rd. Mt. Donni- Clm For Pro-School Children Piano, Shams, Violin, Theory, Dining. . oculion, Guitar, we. blete 9240 We“. 1051M (Cert. R.A.M.) Vain Culture and Sight Singing ' WILLIAM ST. PHONE 985W a. With": iia.ari 'nie','; 0d (1 Ci 'iilri't 'fAfi' ii'i'i'di2i'iE or n . Club. occupied the chair. "' ad who M w, tgttttrt', . a}... an: a Ee" .t.tttehttutt 'tlarde PM“!!! Madam Rutherford - . ~â€"~»â€"v - - ---- an": cake, which ecu-lend the main table, in donated by In. J. Bell. second vice-prank!“ of the auxiliary. The "I!" of the "Mink wen: u “lam..- Dr.. Harrison C. Roos Dr. A. C. Clarke Mills Main GduaCsii.7iFiuiti' Phone 295W Residence 2951 DENTAL SURGEON X..RAY EXTRACTION BY GAS Nurse in Attendance “SEE: 1yPptM.t,ytr.e.y Bids- piia"i'iriiiiii Dr. o. H. Sloan Marion Russell DEMOREST Over Inch’s Drug Starr; __ Phone: Office 80 Rina. 1071 DENTIST omeft Cor. Main and John Sta. Dr. W. J. Rodwell b.T.C.M. Singing, Piano, Organ Private or Class \ Weston 1051M Lloydbrook 9240 Bruce Metcalfe DENTIST Bank of Commerce Bldg. a PHONE 224 TEACHER OF PIANO AND THEORY Telephone 2044-6 FAraiiiLirrx 16 Main Y'rt. N. DENTISTS PHONE 129 MUSIC DENTIST Office: Wednesday's game, March 4th, was again played between Weston Dairy and Graham's Hudsons, in their battle for the League Championship and the trifle puzzled as to the way this glme should be played. As we saw It. there was no real hockey played until the last period whiz both teams warmed up and cream the specta- tors to some smart mixlng. We would rather not comment on t is game as it is hard for 3 Teht unlooker to catch all the fine minimum arrive at (an impngtial decision. Wagon Dairy an itsxutial decision. Weston L battl through to a 5-4 decision, "tfire mer/i, Morning: and Evi'eningn Phones: _ Weston 495 ., Toronto EL. 4381 0ttiet-i9t BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Etc. " Main N. (Opp. New Post Office) Res. 18 Fern Ave. Phone 113 For Appointment Office Open Tues., Thurs. and Fri. Evenings and Sat. Afternoon W. M. Penman, B.A. F. W. MERTENS " RAIN try. N. Over Put ome Bed [w Service Fin Automobile Canny t. Lorne Fruit, MA: " Main M. N. Over Post Otfiee BARRISTEIL soracrhm, Ete. Office “on": Dnitr Prom " PM. Tues. and Thur. " PM. GEO. W. GARDHOUSE Walton 152W BARRISTER, SOLYITOR, Ete. Bunk of Non Scot Chlmben WESTON; -- Fitment F, ELA. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. Elgin 1863 Money to Loan 18 Toronto Street, Toronto , 0-16-52 J. Edgar Parsons" ottire Noun: D-ily: III) Th Thur-any autumn F. A. Silverman, B.A. "Junrl. u I)!" th noun cm LL B. w. r. Honours: BARRISTERS, ETC. 16 MAIN NT. NORTH MUSIC SEWER 122 MAIN ST. N. Should you need any new parts-we carry a eoattphete line of genuine ignition and carburetor requirements. Your linen, ignition system and “(in in" u I ll! pun m the winter. Put it blip-top Ship I" “an lano- with our "eersd- Burl'hur, Sandi". It. 1011 Want: Bold. Maul Dunni- Reside-to: Ken. "" MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES Trina“ PRrvAgttCrtnTrtht Cruickshank Garage INSURANCE LEGAL Spring Tune-Up and Complete Check PHONES Fix It; pm "WeMmt 514M” Phone "36 land. 0169 Tut-‘11 and x-46-' 3-T "SpeiiaWrd Motor Tune-up" I!” $2.50 __ -e ,,., mum " null m I" fifth Git rovcrty, “runny all“); grant temp as, string: etmtoettg nevertheless. "out but]; ttiN many other lands: are?!“ ‘ Sh-nphli, China, where the m ' w!" broke for a month and mu M pt I job. where they had their - cam with "upon: and uh!” stolen. Ind. when mum mm Jobs, working on I steamer for " dun. which them to Vancouver. from which M a; I»: 'ta,tti'tle?i,rt'd1ltiitTit'" M. t m e thee iill'lifll am It“ (urinating my! gun. mm "mum: um mt _ - fatetmttintt" not, of, 'lti'td n , w"llllaaa,ti t fiiiiihl,1lt dun undu- to, “a. (Continued from Pap 0" brothers spent their list Mi Palestine, reading by moonlit! iff/r, of Christ‘s axon] in that ft Rttrde'rt--atll were of the - tereat. Experiences in the llnd of an Pharonhs; a visit to ancient Cal thd 'h'li,ehrgi,',tf Jf/att ii','itliik a r ; MI: I m “Kr JP',',',,':',',",,': nun. it“ Work! Traveller: ttt, . Trell d Emmet "Art does not imitate, but inter. pret."--Mazziui. . DODGE-DE SOTO mJDsoN--'rErtrtAPUNrr WESTON 96 ‘ Ly 388: DUFFERIN 8T.--At M“. Saalrmsn's Trophy. They played mart hockey-clean and lard-fought on both sides. Dairy Boys ”Manly play best on hard Ice as the ”mm of the ice seemed to lump" them considerably, M. L. Gnham'l Hud- smm smashed home with I 4-3 win. This necessitate: another me for the final crrampion.thip decision, Which will be played Thursday evening, March 5th. Patrrmizn ynur local upholsterer fur first class workmanship. Know whom you are dealing withhu Ali. kinds " furniture repaired and recnvore-vl. Slip covers cut and made. Mattresses remade like new. Special: Chesterfield when rewebbed $7.00. Estimate: (m. Night Phone: Weed». 550-W (Charges Rtttryed On City Any Place in Weston-Me Three or More Per-tr-Me Rates to City and Other Points, Very Reasonable A. McKAY Phone 156W WESTON 1PM1STtitti% Late of the T. Eaton Co. Ltd. . In arm (Crowded Hut LIB! Week) GEO. MACKAY TAXI GENERAL I’HUN E 701W from P... 0.3. their hot M t in ttt by moonlight the "any: in that famou- WESTON 387 by; Faariir: Mot?

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