Times & Guide (1909), 10 Apr 1936, p. 6

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- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 1 All persons having Claims against K b have of ANDREW STEWART. Lib did at the Villlge of Brampton, If“ tho County of Peel, on the lst day 'c/att, A!” 1985, an required to file (,; U name with the undersigned l or More the lst day of May, .D., pe, Sule- culin" ta hod- 3921 tt.r ttret; an: _ livery on thm eertificat My re-tei I2'tt,etft' ' One. THREE Yor weaned p F loud, Weston [ After that date the Administrators. lulu. George and William Stewart, rm mood to dintrihate the Estate. "riie regard only to the claims of gin}: they shall then have had no- none: TO CREDITORS RELIABLE man in Weston will . polish hardwood floors, or any - work in the house. Floors clean. " Terms reasonable. Phone 26. D.H. QWERTY FOR SALE I FURNITURE FOR SALE BABY CHICKS, Hi-Quality, Blood W, Canadian approved Jruar- It"",' from trap-nested stock, 11c, . Why par more? George Peck, a“ Yawn Road, Mount Dennis, . droning hug; 'cuiiris‘ Riki M; reasonable. Call Weston lllsi x- W iiiirhvE' 'ttidle,', go-cart; babr's cnnvu top Ora-in: able: can“; bed. hack, - " nie isrstem; JImeswny chick a lid trtiler. Arthur Dobson, 13 mt, Weston. Phone 412-W. " practically aw.' wiitaG%y' 'ttr "Nr. Phone JU. 0896. x-lw tPhtt -GiiFiir, aiatiiGTirc, New: new. Will take any 27535:“: . ' U111? of a roacaiaFsoaT, "liable for young couple or busi- ” girls, partlryd furnished}: Tquir- -, I. "I 'tte. pt) y 96 tig It. Walton, FLOR 6. o-lw an bitchenette. _ Appl biitii. (tt ir.' West. Phone 95-“): o-1w Fauflmu‘fixfifififiififfifi an, kitchenette. Apply 61 Dut {Lanna dii.ruk, Gar, FruiViiiri/, We ip ' . nitor ser- vho. ',tlfr"thiilrls2e'li. x-lw In 18-Plate Guaranteed _ “mums .-------.--i.-.,-, M mm. Ford " . ”mums .-"------t--------. LN" li-Phu Hoary Duty BATTERY-Replacing _ all “and " Plate Batteries ._m..,......_m twigs'fommo this 20th day of may, iiboPmt & HOWELL, WI Yonge Street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Administrators. x-3w Spring Values In - i -_ - Auto Parts and Accessories Lowunfém (mummy. tested FLOORS POLISHED >UCKEYE incubator, six-hundred mo gin. tuttomatie tun. good n, " bargain price, instruction 'ptith purchase. Apply 168 Rus- med pigs. W. Bin, itiiiividi, l Weston. . x-lw DR hie - "Government Tuber- culin” tented dairy cows. pure- b and trades bred for type and Wu. sixty Julius and up. Free wiry on truck loads. Compensa- -titieates accepted as collateral. I) must gxaranteed. Murco 2eLiIfer, t., Telephone 13§2, CITICKS FOR SALE dairy GG "reeiaiiiaGi"i whey; at from Fi. County farms. t W. , Nuthlle, Phone Woodbrjdge inane for ab " rear of * . Store, Main St. N., Wes- tp,'. x N'. co ated steel sides, me, brick nabL. Suitable for V F ms ttRAfttsG-"rtte Sub”. "For Rant”. etc. Me. _ muwvmwithuminimumofzscmh. we _ if ed. aha 10e extra if W! Box No. we of this any nut be in by'lo an... t'HURSDAY, to insure pub- tton in entrust ism. ', Pt-o-ite, 26 ' MAL _ *Blt,11'll ND fe Win! iii - xiii Good “Eénvditioi. I. m 1186. . x-4w DUPqujro LET ROOMS TO LET Ihl' mm bl,uBttnu'tlu'h, tortsiGusolrs, in pig; and DAIRY CATTLE Incubator. with At f comNete not l .._ .. TV______. -qrrr_ ct .‘I‘D I an t. the time to that me us... We'll do thr Joh tor ynu. ftlht Special low priest _PP.Vq_rt_-_ Tirr_rF '_Frtr. _____r. --We can "" you rul money. "W. 6" Reta" I“ ”If lining installed with our spa-kl equip- cannons? G, FORD A., complete set, BATTERIES PISTON KINGS AT BIC, SAVINGS 0.13w' o-8w' oUk fresh o-lw m Special Price- mr-Tires, Tubes, Id Gasket: In! Fm Belts. o-3w PISTON RINGS TI "--e- A? - I M " set), butter {It ’Litd. 96 AC tw l M in eottat." pitytr-"Go,.Jyjnp in the lake. I Isl-(sq you a civil tiuksrtion." 2ter persons feel art, some un- derstan it; but few both feel and understand it."--Hiilard. , "Can I trust him?" Tp, he's so crooked that the wool ho‘puln out your eyes is half- Diner (to waiter)--'Mhat's the name of that selection the orchestra is laying?" 8mm - " 'Go, Feather Your Nest.' " ' A? able tttir/lit cvirridirGrrnTisiri. John Elp lek. 26 Denison' Rd, West, phone 830P. x-dw 1' phorte"-jhen tn need of printing, such " Men, store bills, window cards, posters, tickets, office station. ery or factory forms, a call an the phone to Weston 26 will bring our rep- resentative on the double. rice con- sistent with quality, prompt service. The Times and Guide, 3 Main St. S., Weston. _ PigiyT,y,.5thFt,.EiiEi, :1 reason- able prices. sill Work marantpnd IT‘S so any to piaeGsTeTkTrcracir, fied advertisement. Just 'phone Westgn 26. Migimum charge 25c. PRINTINCT; "As nelr as your 'rhorte"--When tn need of nrirttitur The Town Treasurer in authoriz- ed to ,,"irg'Meg',',,rv'nent on account of the 1986 axes. . For nmounta so received in pre- pai'ment of Taxes. interest at the rate of 5% per annum will be allowed from the date received to the date fixed by Council for pay- ment of the first instalment" of taxes. IRts.hJ",t, grey male Persian, strayed from Denison Road West 10 thy: ago. Finder please call 724-W, x-lw l venue. reasonable. Apply 'Timég Ireifruide uffiee. Phone 26. x-lw THREE-r0338 flat, in vicinity Fern avenue. relaomble. Aunlv Timon {KITCHEN cupboard: all); Quebec E heater with drum oven, 86.50; lbod, dressin table, $5.00; chester. ffield chair; {nu-seat. $8.50; kitchen labia. porcelain top; hall mirror; oc- (etusionat table, 83.00; lawn mower, 82.50. Apply " King St., Weston, phone 558.). o-tw " or 100 mfrnoutirrGil" or LG. horn year-old hens. Wilbert Wudluv, Weston. Phone 8'2-r-3t. Ltd. Prepayment of Taxes TOWN OF WESTON MACHINIST, mus-(be “Imam. in bench work also, experienced p!!!" on brass. Carl Austin & Co., GARAGE WANTED TO RENT 'ousr: ia-Grp-ri-Gil-lip/v-easy" spending the pm irdiifdkshiithi/r' and garage. Apply 605.] Weston. sister, Mrs. Geo. MGassIc, of Toronto. ACmNisr-Mdi be experienced , in bench work. Carl Austin l ft , 0- W For Sale or Exchange MISCEITLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY UPrt0rArriia7INTi HARRY G. MUSSON. Treasurer, Town of Wilton. HELP WANTED A1110 um . -_trrr $1 .55 $2.35 $4.75 $6.95 $7.85 SN x-tl x-lw o-lw x-lw Save the Wildflowers . (Amherstburg Echo) In his horticultural lecture in Am- hertsburg last week, Mr. John F. Clark urged his hearers to pick wild tlowers with moderation. The tril- ‘lium, which has been chosen as 0n- ‘tario’s flower, is rapidly disappear- ing through the wanton manner in which it has been picked. If modera- tion is not shown" in Pttog it, this bemtiful flower 0 the woods will soon disappear. It will not be. many weeks before the spring flow- ers are appearing. All flower" lovers should keep Mr. Clark's warnin in mind and also try to htisl2'd"l1L'r',' Belwood Beau Meaford (Fergus News Record) Some time ago, the News-Record told of six persons living in Belwood with an average age of ninety years. Meaford claims a .better record with seven persons of ninety or over. But Mentord will have to do better than that to 'be in the same class, for the northern town has a wulation of 2700 or More. but Belwo isn't even an incorporated village, but has a population that is pro ably less than three hundred. Ratepayers and pupils of Lower Ninth School Section No. 13, Vaughn township, were treated to a crokinole party sponsored by Miss Esther Bessy, teacher. lust week when winners were Jenn Troyer, Lorne Carr and Alex. Marnoek. Prizes were presented the winners by William Armstrong, who made a brief address. Other items of the evening proceedings were the act.. ing of proverbs. conducted by Miss Bessy and a contest by Murray Coles. Kin; Edwud Furnish“ Example (Barrie Examiner) In In recent sddreu King Edward presented effectively what e had to say in 14 minutes. If our long-wind- ed legislators and other voluminous speakers would follow this fine ex- ample it would be , great relief to a long-suffering public. The United Church Y.P.S. meeting. Monday night, was in charge of Thelma Shore, fellowship convener. The pr.oeramme included scripture les- son by Bert Smithson and explanation by Viola Watson; Easter poems, by Esther Bessy; a piano solo. b Fern Berry; tl reading, by Bertha “Kline; the story of the Crucifixion. by Mil- dred Nattress, and I number by the ladies' quartette, comprised of Mrs. G. W. Shore, Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Mrs. Lindsay Ward and Miss M. Miller. Opinions of Other Editors The play was under the dirvctiun of Miss L. McNeil and Mrs. G. Farr, and the cast included Misses Lillian Brown, Margaret McKenzie. Jean Dulziel. Viola Hugill and Mrs. Lorne Bagg, Messrs. Robert Young, George John.. ston, Juck Nuttress. Clarence Coles and Bill Nattrexs. Rev. J. S. Roe acted as chairman and Robert Young sang a number of solos. The death occurred on Monday of Robert Alexander, only son of Mr. Ind Mrs. J. Rice, in his sixth week. The funeral was held Wednesday from the residence of his trrandparents, Mr. And Mrs. J. A. Rice, concession T, Vuughnn- with interment at Hillcrest cemetery, Woodbridge. Rev. T. Burnt, of Pine Grove, officiated. ni service. Tho choir In: minted ”has hazy and tt. J. Pita Other solo pun wen taken by in Janey Nutreu. In. Wm. 'tt the Illa an; a duet, and Mrs. Wad. Mr. Jack Nattress and Mr. Wm. tut. tress also assisted. The PrmiI-I choir and. the Mali“: of lin- Jou um, "F untod u later eantata, “but tlay" in lye chgrck {glowing may“: Mryy M: M. Patterson has been k: LN 1m It'll 11ml how Thr Timlfc and Clteidr rm: promote your produrfs’ 30108 In a, rm-pormivr, frat-buying market The suburban paper goes straight to the hearthstone of the family. Its approach is more intimate and friendly than any other medium. That is because suburban residents have learned to have confidence in the pages of their community paper. They look for it because its scenes deal with them- selves and people like them. They read it thor.. oughly and favor the advertising represented in its pages. And they back up their confidence by steady purchasingr power and fidelity to reliable advertised brands. Establish direct contact with this valuable home market by using a paper that penetrates to its hearthstone. ' 3 Main tbt. s. -- Weston M Phone 26 WOODBRIDGE Puhohed, By: CHARTERS PUBLISHING COMPANY d V. han Townshp' . tle'. W. llStve.d2ll'llf,'h' 463 The Times and Guide STRAIGHT TO THE HEARTHSTONE MAM, Munro Make Best of Things (St. Mary's Journal-Argus) One thing that is needed nowadays is more people who will do the best they can with what they have. This applies to their talents as well as their possessions. Many people do not I Another Racket _ (Renfrew Mercury) I Warnings were issued this week a ainst men claiming to be agents of the Ontario Government, who are operating an advertising racket .'y'tty- in that they can obtain rights for 1'lutli',"e,.,t, to use the names and photos of the Dionne quintu‘flets in the advertising. Hon. Devi Croll, Labor Welfare Minister, says the Government has no agents soliciting advertising tie-ups with the famous habits. Business firms are warned to have no dealings with men who" purport to be able to secure rights. All negotiations must be made direct- ly through the Provincial Government or the board of guurdixns. payments to capital expenditures such as those involved in the build- ing of a home. It is widely re'cotrttiz- ed that installment buying helped to precipitate the economic crisla and that we cannot spend our way back to prosperity. from ruthless destruction of our wild flowers. Could Be Used Profit-lily (Simcoe Reformer) Ex-Mayor Stewart of Toronto re. cently spoke to an audience of young business men in that city. "tkhtt some pertinent gharvttlona whie mark him out. as a min whose knowl- edge and ability could be used ad- It,nttve/,'g',"t1g in the public service. He a vocated a rttu..rn..to the pay-ps- we advocated a return to the pay-as- you-zo gystem and limit primetime The programme consisted of a read- ing by Mrs. Russell Ward, poem by Mrs. A. B. Cousins: vocal duet, Mrs. Lindsay Ward and Mrs. G. W. Shore. Bible contest, conducted by Mrs. Shore, was won by Mrs. J. W. Wallace and Mrs. Charles Tamblyn. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. E. Kearney. Mrs. Boyle Kellam and Mrs. J. W. Wallace. Regular monthly meeting of the United Church Women's Association was held at the "t't2r"I'r'Le/ with Mrs. Anderson as hostess. T e devotional period was led by Mrs. Kenneth Stev- enson and the topic on the crucifixion we'. taken by Mrs. Jean Anderson. A number of members from Queen Victoria 982 and N. Clarke Wallace L.0.L. M, attended the meeting and social evening of the Daughters of Portadown bod ' of Toronto, the meeting being Ta ak the Temple Building. Pro-cut I'lny The Presbyterian Young People's Society presented their it-nct comedy play, "Here Comes Charlie" to engu- ity audiences both Thursday and ri- day nights in the Orange hall, Wood. bridge. The Orange Hull was filled to capac- ity, when the Intunutional Harvesters presented moving pictures. The enter- tainment Wu Ipomlorud by Mr. J. Gil- Un, local agent. Refreshments were served at the close of the evening. Rev. G. R. M hy was in charge of both morning 'lllt evening services in Christ Church on Sunday. It is hoped that Rev. Kidd will be able to be pres- ent next Sunby. foFin ofririodu‘ "r"iiii;siurity'", During the but.“ sum! it in unused to have no mocha] next. Monday. owing to the anus. kn in 2tu'."r',,'11 in the church in the Non . An invitation I!“ Bi.ote.. ecptod from the A.Y.P.A. of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Mount Dennis, to and their next Tuesday pith: gaging: which is to take the a. -. “an cl on. Church LYJA. 11.: held I“, 'uitintuthr-schoolr-etu chunk. f the "can" in tta/tune/g, of Toronto. Part Dal-bk- ”nun who at to her “third. “Mrs the He " Art". or “in. dealt with m from {Magda gently, mil the preset time. "Injustice declares the absence of law. Justice is the. moral 'fli'liv'.'""" tion of law."--Mary Baker E dy. “Tho suvprnizn is called a tyrant who knows no laws but his Caprice." -Voltaire. But if each young generation ls wilder. how come they haven't in- sented a new kind of nauithtitttvas in five thousand years? begin to use up their possibilities be- cause their special talent is not equal to that of their neighbour. And so they drift helplessly through the years, when their lives might have experiences of thrill and accomplish ment. This thought even applies to giving. Any church official knows that there are scores of folks who, because they Cannot give five dollars like their neighbor, withhold the one dollar thry might donate, and give nothing. _ The Women's Guild had a most on- ioyable meeting hm “wok. it being a social afternoon open to all the ladies of St, Andrew':, congregation. ltr )2qu speaker was Mrs. Dr. Henry. of Weston. and was Very much rutjoyed by all. The Guild meets every Tuesday in the school room of the church. Charles Pcntncy who has been ously ill, is recovering nicely. On Good Friday tin-n- will bv a ser- vice at St. Andrvw's ttl 8 p.m. V Sprcinl prayers wow said for all the sick of le Parish: 'vuteittliy yomolw baring Mr. uid-iid"." 1i/iiiif both whom arr seriously ill in hospital. Rev. T. B. Butler assisted by Mr. Wynne-Field, finished his series on then Ten Commandments at St. An- drew's church on Sunday. All his sen mom, have been most helpful. t On Sunday, April 12, there will be an open session in the Thistletown United Church at 10.30 a.m. Service will be held in the Thistle- town United Church on SundaB April 12th, at 7 pm. Rev. R. G. avison will conduct the service. Easter music will be rendered by the choir. We have been very pleased with the congregations who have come out to Lenten services. On Sunday, April 5th, Rev. R. G. Dnvison conducted the service in the Thistletown United Church, his text being found in St. Mark's Gospel, 11th ch-pter, 9th verge-los- blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord." The choir, under the direction of Mr. W. Dunning, rendered "Alone" and "Come and Mourn", Misses Louise Stewart and Annie Gardhouso singing the duet parts. w "lllli _ 'I (may I Will " unity THISTLETOWN NEWS Trawl the K ing's I l ighwuys Coach Connections at Buf- flln and Detroit for all points in the United States. Ticket: and ittomtathart at MriIrljIjijIil a 5.58 pan. . 7.05 um c 6.43 pm. b 8.20 pmt, b 10.33 pm. -uily except Sun. & Hal tr--h'un. & Hnl. vr--?sat, only. Mrtgte--85e Retterrt-8i.ss Toronto Coach Tel-din! AD. "n Weston --tiehomhertt have hem Wnton Schomh DAILY SERVICE I. J. Ward & Sons Funeral Directors PHONES: J U. 0691 GRAY COACH W. It. SCOTT lull-uh! lurks FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 78 WOODBRIDGE h'tandard Time wit-“hm. St Weston 168 Woodbridge 99 Leave Schomberl scri- of serve To cawh the echo of His voice-pmt mg The day. 1y.ill, cope, when we of find a way. And but the brunt of things gone Wrong, He would Forgive the hurried prayers, the ha- tossed thoughts That sweep at times between our con- Iclouaness And God's Eternal grace. And He would know That nomelhow through the chaos of 1 a ' We strive to heed the lesson that He taught So long ago. Pausing the while we "'mnng'siasg: """', '.Re “‘ Our heritage revoked, shall. sit in peace Striving to serve the needs of than we love-- Driven to making bricks without the "raw--. Would He rebuke us for our anxious days. " Our rest ass nitrhts--teat-ridden, lest grim Want Reach 99: apd strike our little ones? 7 Aina- _-e-___- --. ..-.... N_..w._F. Surely his understanding heart would see That, ulwnys. some must serve, must in: wor"xfs W”â€" -WT- __..- To.M|rthn. And a-down th? misty years Her mm? has been synonymous with toi . I wonder, if today. He dvhlt with us, Daughteri of Martha, in a world mane The Mute} {nuke those ttentle thii. Telorw "o,, in far-off Bethany, S Presssed "ii"iiTi"ii"""'"""""'" I “I nits n an D 'i',?it,l'iila1,'r'a'ilila-----. " teases an an S Pressed 'ireiiiriGr"iirir" Tlk pring oats cane an Pressed "'""---r-.---. 7th Work Cnlledfor Ind Delivered " MAIN NORTH Opp. New Post Office ' PHONE 730W Suits Cleaned and QLEANERS'E “Wins WWW. J. B. "AWE. Prop. Easter Hats See {hue outstandingly smart suits. Short lucket And cont fully lined, III-- term: no ht l" the new weaves Ind (weeds. A splendid v-riety of Hades to theme from. Make your appearance thit Easter in a charmingly gay frock, coat or suit from our most complete stock. Salts - $15.95 DAUGHTERS 0F MARTHA Fashions for EASTER are Gay at GANG'S GANG’S F URRIER New Strum ard ~- g-ann in Inge head " MAIN ST. N. Thanh a reason for than mom-mm“ "sum with Hum Click Start". And thin in it: Mnatae Chick Btarter in I grattvi" min-hue feed. It is vitamin foetifud,arith mud Cod Liver Oil, yollov com mod. and choice Ilfnlll mod. In protein numb in Mitt " with highly nimble milk powder. In mimnla m Inland. It will buy you to raise your chick: on Master Chick Starter. Have a bag or two on hand when your chicks arrive. ChieumuodeitrrChue-furtutirstsiar- than tell on! “Ind-d JS?', for their at. The] Ibo! ,.. mrhbk uniformity in It” a quot-AW od “at M yrowthi'tethntrt-il)!irtdusuth-rdtgumto%in' lawn mortality, earlier f1oeh maturity and haw on prediction. fvAe.t.pypLT 19112 . k '. cums WILL " naval Bee Our Dinky of Fur Capes um! Neck Pieces 51-49”. CHICK STARTER: 3 PIECE MOODY BROS. .--hA9UR AND FEED... _,. 76tt .450 .. 76tt " 75c Phone 36 --.. Dt With 'peg? daughters, It the feet af l CARPENTER ind TrifnaiER Government Loans. Plans and spg,i,'//et,ie,'r Estimates. ep-ira and Alterations. Phone Weston "rt PHONE 26 TIMES a. GUIDE WAIT ADS. The Power --and the Want Ads. Quick in tsetion and flr reaching in results. Want Ads are proving to more and more users that they are the menu: of buying and selling to advantage with I minimum of expense. Advertise to-dny and sell to-murrow . . . the modern way. ARTHUR LEITCH ciirhi, of the Press . . --Elisabeth V. Munro. W ESTON 4w vi

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