,Fl'VE-Roomed Bungalow for Rent, . newly decorated, modern conveni- "Beer, also for sale, dining-room suite, Jill. thy bed. Apply 40 Main St. N. M phone 286. T _ x-iw . l Rent-Reasonable, " acres or S! Inâ€. good market garden land, I‘ll long ed, on Fraser Estate. Ap- (iii'.' R. Fraser, Scarlett Road, Was- _ x- w ' " "rived mother carlond of .. 'Manitoba, Percheron, Belgian and f ROMS. from 3 to 8 years. All $thth quiet and ready fur 3'!†work. We have "tso une cu- - of Ontario Horses for Buyers 3bAts prefer them. Apply J. T. Brown- '.'dttqi, Brampton, phone 273W, Bramp- EL__,,7 ___ 1-11 " suitable for young couple or busi- ness girls, partly furnished if requir- tf., -e,_trarden, etc. Apply 96 Elti1titer_itop,_ptiorte 6. x-lw HOUSE and lot, private drinhf and garage. Phone 605 J, Wes- ton. o-Iw FURNISHED light housekeeping room, bath flat, electric, hot m, use of laundry. trarden, pleas- tpurrouruiintm, quiet home, central. ( ht weekly. Box 201, Times and PM... fur-M5, 1:60 F "on. ulnar. god condition. " Main th. . . Phone 404. v' , o-lw VACUUM Cleaner, $2.50; Electric Mates. Mk. up; Kitchen Table ted Two Chairs, $2.75; Rug "x9, £5; Bldga 7' fi" x SI, $3.95; 3 Yd. ' Er, . Mrs. Martin, I Dufferin j 7 HT~piece dining main suite, “I. h good condition. very reasonable. 189 .1th Street. _0-tw Prepayment of Taxes TOWN OF WESTON The Town Treasurer is authoriz- ed to aeeept Â¥npament on account of the 1986 axes. For amounts so received in pre- payment of Taxes, interest at the rate of 5% per annum,will be allowed from the date received to the date_ fiyfed Yr Coyntil.forpayt taxes, ARTICLES FOR SALE i in W" , bm’mm -codeisAria" Aa ‘ nintt order, cheap. James hits. Duffel-in St. West, Wetton, ("TE of 8 rooms, eeriralreaTeé, WEB Sewing Inching; child's I walnut cot; on trunk. good u I; tth, high ehair; clothes tk; t silk amp shades; d dos. jun It. In. Bert Harris, Tt Daninon lad West, Weston. o-lw For said ori'Chartre- any mt be in by 10 um. mURSDAY, to insure pub. in current ism. Mat Roam, furnished, hal- cong, kitchenette. Apply.61 Duf- It LWest. Phone 95-w. x-lw MIG-lay "td “hm....th uni-nun; The Power rip.',. Incubator, with fresh - â€new: Jamny chick 'tld tuner. Arthur Dotson. 13 to“, Weston. MHZ-W. 4 "a Wattt Ads. William and In relellnghmlhs. Wall At an proving “mud-onus": (â€harem-um HORSES FOR SALE of Trouurer, TAn' ,0! e “with. x-tf of the Press . . FOR RENT the first instalment' I]! HARRY_G. mgsan. "tit MG~WOI w. “What". ate., on. ia1ettersrued,nritlttosirelmmosfNieeuh. 10e Md', aka Mr utn if - Box No. are of this Ph--we.ton 26 x-lw Mu} o-Sw and GE I phone"-When in need of printing, such as dodgers, store hills, window cards, posters, tickets, office station.. cry or factory forms, I can on the phone to Weston 26 will bring our rep" resentative on the double. Price con~ sistent with quality, prompt service. The Times and Guide, 3 Main St. s., Weston. MUSICAL EVENING TO All) GRENFELL ORPHAN FUND WANTED i'rnhueiiazely __ Experi- enced tit] or woman for veneral Mrs. George Stewart of Thistle- town, spent I few days with her sis- ter, Miss Riley, at Emery. PR Sale - "Government Tuber- cuun" and dairy cows, pure- bred: and grades. bred for type and production, sixty dollars and up. Free delinry bn truck loads. Compensa- tion certificates accepted as collateral. Way re-test gunned. Marco lama, Lindsay, t., Telephone 1862, LindUy, Ont. 0-13w PLDER with" driver's iid/Gi; and permit. finder Diane "hone 484.6. I permit, finder please phone 48-126, Weston. x-lw WOMAN'S fountain pen, black and white mathle effect, silver trim- med, valued as keepsake. Rowan] if returned to Times and Guide "Ti, " enced girl or wormG for Fua housework, [greferably one who could sleep out. in: Weston 160. x-lw A? able prices, All work guaranteed John Elphick. 26 Denison Rd. West, phone 880F. x-4w PRINTING - "As near as your ohone"-When in need of orintirur. A musical evening will be held to- night " the home 0 Mrs. P. W. Mof- fat, 33 Denison Rd. West, and prom- keen to be an entertaining event. A silver collection will be taken in aid of the Orphan Fund of the Grenfell Mission, and everyone interested is cordially invited to attend. The pro- grn_l_n will_b_e an follnys: _ -- Piano Selection, "The Grand Pol- onaise" (ChopintL-Mrs. Marion De- moront, L.T.C.M. Baritone Solo "The Trumpeter," Mr. Daniel; Realm}, "The Forsaken" by Duncan Campbell Scott-Miss Patterson; "Musetta", soprano solo from "The Boheme" by Puccitti--Mrs. Harold Williamson; Three. little girls, None; Moffat, Shirley Fox and Alicia rasca- will interpret "The Daffodil" and other (hum; Violin selection "HettreUti" by lluhay~Miss Tufts, A.T.C.M.; Miss Joan Livings, dancer, will inter.. pret "The Toe Damn"; "The Birth- day" by Woodman-Mrs, Williamson; "Tho Patchwork Quilt" by N. Price _-Miss Patterson; "Rose Marie" by Krieslcr--violin selertion by Miss Tufts; "The Lord's Prayer" by Mtsiottr-rolo by Mr. Daniel. There will be no Euchre this Fri- ‘h’ night dre.to the play which in h tti d 1%' $'l,',g',g,, WA2tffe,-/d.i'.',yJy servant, plain cook, references required. Apply in evenints, Mrs. Van Allen. Humber- view Crag, O-lw RELIABLE man in Weston will polish hardwood floors, or any other work in the house. Floors clun- M. Terms reasonable. I'Nottr2fj._D,H. FURNITURE upholstered at AdaT able prices. all work guaranteed. IT’S so easy to plate a weekly Classi- fied advertisement. _ Just 'phone Weston M. Minimum charge Me. We are sorry that MrsJGrprze Usher is confined to her had again AM! hope tor a speedy mow-w. WIRE haired terrier, famine, white and tan face. Phone Weston 58-r-3. 0-lw inch. I I ttttire-trice/G/Ca loo-w. I'LL; I p In. ILC) ptr,, to let, three -rai.T, and kitchenette. unfurnished. with (a. acyclic ligttt_pnd All conveni- what-'1“ wmmflmw tfhi VISION CUT BAT! CLEANERS & I"!!! Suits Cleaned md Tla, A M --r..qr.- LIVESTOCK FOR "iiirCi5 APABLK girl will mind children '. ty.en.ines. Apply Box 203, Times I. I. “It. Prop. iriaRhiiEdTtFCi'ii)rLiiit_ FLOORS PBLTsnED MISCELIZKNEOUS UPHOLSTEmE WORK WANTED HELP WANTED 22m DAIRY CATTLE FOUND EMERY and tttit _xrl_w Fir of the Woman's Auxilil? of Christ Church held their (Mun hunt on I'M-y "mint, April Nth. in the Smut-v Whoa] mom. when many In!- do: of fancy nods wry-o sold. an" we" in churn of Helen Winis and Doris Ontnndpr: tmeh 'Ind tor booth, “OM Smith and Olive . - will: ham: and tutttdy, F, I Brown and Iron. Many; " in? branch fish pond. Mrs. Hove“. M short plays - unsound. the first M the Junior brand: with a "a in. I'hle Dmi- Rin' In" Ho Ure, [vein ttttsteered, Mm Hymn», . The Junior Women’s Institute of Woodbridge held their annual social evening and dance in the Orange Hall last Wednesday night. Court whist was played during the first part of the evening and winners "were'. Mins Mary Kersey, Mrs. Roy Barker, Mr. George Stewart and Mr. Andrew Mc- Clare. After a number of games and contests, refreshments were served and the remaining part of the evenimt was spent in dancing, with music furnished by Pal Barton. Alvin Wood ‘and Cameron McClure, with Stewart Rutherford as floor manager. The Junior Wnmen's Auxiliary of the United Church presented a three.. act play entitled, "The Three Pees". to a very large audience in the United Church on Fridav evening, The ulav was under the direction of Mrs. J. E. Anderson and the cast included Thel. ma Show. Mrs. Arthur Donn. Mar- iorie Darker, Mer. Alvin Wood, Jean McLean Mrs. Bert Smithaon, erv Bang, Marion Watson and Ellen Wal- lace. Others who assisted on the pro- rnm were Mary McLean and Marie Allen. who Sam: a duet, and guitar selections hv Mrs. Harvey Robertson, Luella Robertson and Stewart Rown- tree. Visit L.0.L. At the regular meeting of N. Clarke Wallue L.0.L. 28, the County officers of West York paid I visit, brief ad- dress†were mven. nnd a report on the new tax-bill was given by Wor. Bro. H.~Swaby, Count uter. Others Brggenguwerg: Wgr. Lll,1'"lw. Styles. The Director: of the Wumlhridgu Horticultural Society met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Smith last Sunday evening to arming? several matters of business, the chief of which was the forthcoming canvass for members. The directors have an- nuum'ed that this canvass will mm- mencs during the next week and are asking all citizens to- assist them in their work of beautifyine the district, by becoming members. resem were: War. Bro. Geo. Stiles, sE)1".';'.lj.v'g'..7rolvfo'.5'lcn1et'lt, C ap- lain; War. Bro, G. Chellew, Treuurer; War. Bro. Neeretrrd, Finuncial Secre- tary; Wor. Bro. Alex. Forbes, Murshnl; Wor. Bro. P. Henbest Jr., County Lect- urer; War. Bro. Wm. Hamilton, Dis. triet Master. Court 515, lndeiwndent Order at For-raters, WoodbridRe, held u Euehve and Dance in the Orange Hall on Tues- day night. The following won euchré Ll,'.'") l, Miss Bessie Elliott; 2, Mrs. o. Watson; 3, Miss M. Wallace; gents': 1, Less Wallace; 2, Roy Rown- tree; 3, Bert Wright. A lucky draw for a ttl:,' of blankets was won by George W ite. After the euchre, dancing was enjoyed with music furnished by Thompson's orchestra. Ruekrrood ladle Right Won Col. R. H. Brown, n.n.. G.M.. of Toronto district "D" paid his official visit to Blackwood Lodge No. 3]. AF. and AN.. here on Tuesday, neertrrtnattied by his setrreutr.v, Wnr. Bro. W. Boyd. The first degree was exemplified in the Wire room under the superintendence of the Wor. Master, Gordon Kaiser, assisted N several past masters. There wue 15 lodges represented at the inspection. among whom were Weston, Bolton. Maple, Richmond Hill, Behambere and Celt-don East Rt. War. Bro. Brown was accompanied by several of the officers and members of Ulster Lodge, Toronto. After lodge, the brethren ttd. turned t shebgnnge Mild w’hereha mint . n prep", t e Woddtsridee Juvenile Grunge Lorne. to which nbont 120 Bat down. War. Bro. Gordon Kaiser meted u tttttMrttaater and uddream an mummy were Yen by Rt. War. Bro. Brown, Wor. m. Boyd, Rt, War. Bro. G. W. Shore. Ig?, War. Bro. 8. W. Mayhew. Bro. ( av.) C. tr. Down-n Ind sever“ others. Anderson. iirrd."iictigdrVaereii' G chairman. United Chunk Wins . The final in the Woodbridze Inter- Church debates was held Monday night in the Sundnv School room of the Prestytetitttt Church at Wood- bridge. The subject of the debate was "Resolved that in the event of a European war. Canada should sunport England." with Miss Vera Smith and Mi. Herb Eastwood unholdimz the affirmative for Christ Church A.Y.- P.A.. and Miss Bessie Nattresx and Mr. Wm. Watson, the negative for the United Church Y.P.S. The three ministers. Rev. J. S. Roe, Presby- terian. Rev. J: F. Anderson. United, and Rev. J. H. Kidd, Anglican. who gave their decision to the negative. upheld the United Church. Other items on the nmzram. which was in Mutrar of the Pi-esbvterian Precldent, Miss Mavbelle Harris, were solos hv Mr. Gordon Mi-Gillvery and Rev. Roe. Refreshments were "served at the rim» If the program. F There w.- I very large Insulin“ " the United Church on Thursday lirhg,,tf. leg t,tt,,ttrelo,rtt meats b - Elliwoiii. 561177516115 Trik- 73.133 tigeymrld. {I} the absence of ev. J. E. A number of [unborn ot N. Clark. Wallace L.0.L. were?!» of J. It. Hula Sr. Lodge, in aunt Dennis on Rll'dL' night. Icahn of N. Clarke W311.“ L.0.L. No. 28 vialted the Lamhton Lad.» on Wednesday night last week, when Mr. Cecil Ammo“ of Toronto was the nest sucker. {an wad-BREWER nu. J. H. Kidd on The J_u_nior {IMAEygping 81']th Malt ill-k of St. Jet-1- fVet, wddtijiiiiiii'j" and Vduxhan T ' mung mi- iith' Continued In. II" I-. Titan-Moni- ln speak of tuhen-ulosis. Dr. Currey went on to any that close to Weston we have one of the best institutions ot ita kind in Almeria for the treatment of tubereulmsia, the Weston Sanitarium. Giving figum for 1934, the speaker aid t at urlng that year the govern- ment contributed $738,000 toward the work of tuberculonis, the municipalities give 81,200,“, and the mothers' " iwnnce paid out $400,000 because bread-winners had tuberculin, one out of every seven cases. The total coat of health in Ontario in one year wns $2,- 725,000. Therefore to each municipal- ity with an avenge of two deaths from this diIeIse the coal of these cases was 84,000 nah. Nf there were two deaths from this diam then you had 20 cases, for such in the average. we learn. in spite of the cost 1300 pel‘suns died of tuhercular in Ontario in 1934, We can prevent this trtuutuulous toll of liven if we have the co-operation of the citizens. “Individually, as a community or as a nation, health is our greatest asset. As Lloyd Geo once said during the war, 'You can’mve an A-l nation with cn men.' More attention in given to breeding of live stuck than to the hringing up of children. Position or money or anything clse, nothing makes up for poor health. In the days of our forefathers when there were only paths through the forest We did not think about health-, the u'miklillgs div" off. and it resolved itself into a survival of the fittest. Thrn as communities sprung up there was trouble with the water supply and epidemics hogan which they culled phmues. Preventative Work "The first preventative Work I can find record of was in 1796 in England, after smallpox snuffed out 3500 lives. I am glad to hear that smallpox cane not run ram ant in Weston as I note that 300 chirdren were protected last year. Public health can be purchased to a certain extent-it is up to you as citizens to decide how much you want to spend. One-third of all deaths are preventable-fifty per cent. of illness is preventable. While I am not averse to libraries, education, ete., we must realize that children cannot enjoy these advantages unless their health is cared for. We mutybok ahead at least twenty years. t is a fine and com- mendable thing for those rescue work- ers to risk'their lives for two men at the Nova Scotia mines, yet there is not a municipality in Ontario the size of yours which could not save two more babies next your if its citizens so de- sired. -"I would my the M.O.H. is the most important of civic officials, for does he not. hold in his hands the health of all citizens? The Board of Health must have rvirular meetings, for that body are the advisers of the M.O.H. Your budget for health work must he ade- quate. The salary of the M.0.H. should be large enough so that he can spend Public Ila-Ii Work hrs Greatest Dividends E ay "uteHdU an. fil.OliSti, Auk Km, In. . hing". Murray trate Emlyn Bun. ris Ostramur, an In“, uni " Poole. li- Don-h RIM an. man! solos and piano duets mm gh- by Audrey Ring “d lily Thoma... -dlyee3uti.r. Tke-ttfthe WARDROPE COAL MAPLE SLABS Ahu, the owner of we]? dog in unwind u, registri- m"?! doe imt procure a license thonfnr, .icemu- tux In now available and may he nMninM at the Treasnrn'a office, Town Hall. HEMLOCK SLABS MAPLE BODYWOOD Notice To Dog Owners TIke noute that under Ry-lnw 572 enacted by the Municijbll Ctrtmeil. no gem" dull It anv timo suffer or permit his or her " to run " lap in the ann of Wanton. Dogs running at In? country to the sum tsy-law may be eaptvred, killrd, or otherwise inward of by the duly authorized persons. - - WOOD -- M.O.H. is Important TOWNAQF WESTON S. STATION ST. _ WESTON PHONE SSS AND CARTAGE Continu tr, Dr. Currey highly ruin- ed Wasting: M.0.H:, Dr. W. E. Pilem'y. who, he said, had been very well trained for the work. "He is very keen und has everything needed to make a unseem- ful health officer. His problems are doubly difficult became he must work in conformity with the Public Health Act, which is not modern, and some- times there are by-luws, and often the act and the by-lnwa overlap. An M.0.H. must deal particularly with‘illnenses due to water and milk, and must get diphtheria and smallpox out with the use of toxoid. I am highly pleased to learn that in Weston in almost five yours you imm- uut had tt singlnwuso of diphtheria. tt you ever want to change the mum in your town I would suggest you chtrosor the name 'No Diphtheria Town.' l understand your milk supply is well looked utter and that you have uu_illnosses trureublo to water supply.". In mmclusion the speaker pointed out again the importance of health work and prevention, and declared that money spent in public health returns bigger dividends than any other invest, ment on earth. He expressed willing- ness to return at any time to Weston to help in such work. - Vote of Thanks A hearty vote of thanks to the speak- er was moved by Mr. Western, and' later Mayor F. W. Mertens spoke briefly. Mayor Mertens spoke with deep appreciation of the spirit of co-opern- tion which exists between Weston's Public Health Nurse, Miss o. has. the V.0.N. nurse, Miss Laura Spearing, the M.O.H., Dr. Henry, the Board of Health and other health bodies. The Local Council of Women and kindred organi- zations had done much to bring Wes- tony public health machine to,its pres- ent fine condition. During the evening Mr. J rendered a group of splem solos, and Miss Stella V. Rown well r.yyiered piano numbers Dr.’Henry hopes to arrange to hold similar meetings during the year, as well as arrangimr smaller studv R‘rnlms to give our people a clearer idea of the importance and necessity of preventa- tive work m the warding off of illness. Following this, films loaned for the occasion by the Ontario Department of Health wew- shown. These dealt with dental work, "Man against microbes," and the working: of toxoid. his whole time It it, not do health work as a sideline." PER CORD PER CORD PER coho J E, HOLLEY. I. J. Ward & “I: PHONES: JU. 0691 Weston 188 Woodbridge 99 W. R. SCOTT FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Plan 78 WOODBRIDGE Funeral airman Chief Count-Mp. “3me 3.50 3.50 2.50 Mr. Joe Poole splendid vocal Rywntree Rave Weston Householders P.! P 4.5K We have installed several of these in Weston, and the users are well satisfied. We will gladly submit names on request. With Brine Tank Tho tmining division on manhunt Sound New" mnttuNrturer In naming I in! young men in each dintrict to train for tuturs mnllion- in the Ttleviuion tend Sound Mayra Industry. Thou aloud mm b. mhnnlully or elerll'h'llly incline-l Ind In. wi"i'yr/e IIIMIIYIHII!‘ tim_or gamma. ,, It?“ iaiul'iriG"w"iirGuiTG"JnTa mm the hmr! will be ammtn the but mean. Write fully manna phonic. In. occupation. Demonstration of this unit in operation may he seen at Public Utilities Office until May lst, 1936, after which it will be removed. TORONTO COACH TERMINAL v-ect AD. 4221 _ - U“ _"""".).'"... ....T. an: "a: ulsylly or III types of CRANE Bathtubs, Kitchen Eguipment. Basins and Toilrt.c. Also DAISY Boilers and WARN-I -KINC, Jnckot Heaters and Radiators Also Water Softeners. li. Have Sever-l Petkstat Ruins " Spock] Prices. You ttrefmyitit2 visit. our showroom and " MAIN ST. N. Chick: niud on Hunter Chick Same: for tho tint six - no dun well our standard weight for their age. â€a, M - nurhblq uniformity in nite and a taper-abundance of vigor and (:42me that you will tind is worth many do!“ lo you in lower banality, earlier flock tnalurity and heavy an; product“ Thanh! I reason fur theme money-making results with In“. Chick Starter. And this is it: Master Chiek Starter in a granular [nit-hue {out It is vitamin fortified with tented Cod Liver Oil, yellow corn meal, and choice alfalfa meal. Its protein strength I. bulIt up with highly valuable milk powder. In minerals an balanced. - mum sum“ Vila!" . . It will pay you to raise your chicks Have a bag or two on hand when your CHANGE OF TIME TABLE IT. 12, WARLO WATER SOFTENER (As lllusti‘ated) -- Brine Tank y I 9.! We Will Gladly Furnish Installation Costs On Request IN TELEVISION AND SOUND PICTURES No More Hard Water P.H. I'M. $131,933 Ant. c 5.43 h 10.3.1 Time a 6.05 tc-daily new! Sun. & Hol. ',rcit.t & Hal. only 4'.-~Snl. only. r.~duily exeetrt Sal ' Sun. & Mol. MASTER CHICK STARTER ' FREE SCHOLARSHIP EFFEf‘TIVE SUNDAY, APRIL 26TH LEAVE WESTON LEAVE SH MOODY BROS. CHORRD BRAINS (LEAKED $93-75 :2 Tickets and Information at --FLt 'UR AND FFIF.0- Phone " - until-n Mid Includlluz free trunnnorutivn to and "on ' h '-- an“... l Without Brine Tank DmIEST'S. Box 267. Times and flu-do. u" Master Chiek Starter. which arrive. LEAVE SFHOMHERG Ite um: diyrhty of all $78.00 W ESTON b itâ€