Ind the way to an in touch with' them d a " thmuxh the Want Ad miumnx Other, haw- , , ,w. found My": recently- why don't you bring , " your property to thts (re-tut of tsll mnrkov ) , puees---rrur local newspaper? k _ a“: , j-i" E C wt WA N T A n I 1tflif.i'"i""tio'u br tld,,?, Mitzi?“ “nod?†* a thet * M Sal-5%; non; _ -V - WWW uni: matu- ttu. 0:. among the moat imaging injurious insect pests that a flict “a: mimetic ttite' and man, new y " investizm 'iitiAi'iE out by certain officers g Ingram“) Brice}: of the t o iculture. but '*eemt Iitill on the‘idemity Ind m!!,.th.e apegies it} Canada, ant' P. ityyteytee.wsmitre that Nick . “I B!" TEA Mott All persons Davina china mint the title of the aid Violet R. that to the said stock and implement: the hunky toque-tad to and I their claim. tmeified by afrtavit, to the undersigned solicitors for V 3.34 Violet B. McEvvn. not later than the 10th of July, was, after Wt it... the abid uh will be completed 8nd the purchase money paid W. to the said Violet R: MeEtren. "l" NOTICE maths-aid Viola: R. t6e51sai"iramarotaod 1etrP-itiettthttmau1raeiuiiUtiaGc""iiiGT. â€huh-aloud ptareh-uttuNouw'ut. stock nah-mu mvmnkmwumwhenhm,biigpndlmsh ‘ * Township uf Vaughn. And mun normal"), aeeriUd In It“: " con 16 Holateins, 2 Jamâ€, 1 Brlmllo, 2 Durban, l Nut). Odmlwawu. tram, " hmbu.86mm har.7sNutotrof pain (was), t sets double harms, 1 turnip pulp", 1 wuon val Wk. l at of scales, 1 bag tiuek, 1 wagon with gnvol box, 1 food W t wring tooth tultivator, 1 m uf sleigh: and not, 1 menu, t Mulch Mr. 1 'mltintr plough, t Many-Hutu drill, 1 Fun: . Wood an“. 1 “up like. t tmetor cultivator, l in". 1 not 400'.) 32:" l eultivntor "traittVtootht, 1 demon-t, l In: C but ' 1 lira bench vue, 1 "can". “I, t extension St In drum, 1 power hone dipper, and I food box. ttttafted otivedceu Hearts PORK "r'i1"lial'ilih'4 or BALI: l Pity-ID CHICKEN wwr‘cm i"itii'""'" " MAIN BT. N.. PHONE 864 0p- Fiom ' .3. Till I I... (I! Hours of Service. Nitty Allow mum: or tn-iris may “andâ€: f P.?"eeriteaudwrurtututsccGiiiia7fGar. .'"_inthec-toet,tr-rewiihiiiGiriii2" - q -__ -w_*. u. '-'"'"."6B, an! 'iatriUtioai, breeding places um I ttitoest, Only Female Slime: Known To Be Bloodsuckers 'ii is Il#ttdr f mun-11%;...“ Iona . Sam Act . iililiiilRii!ii.t?, qisatitr "ods It Popular Prim“ Served in Pleasant Surroundi I“all" Mal-nae Up SUNDAY DINNER sag/u. RAVAGES 0F BLACKFLY WM' only the femnle " tleotisueFeric, but un- kllhltl11r' 9"“th con- [had this C29th day of June, 1980; Scum simple And it u s'rmpte--Nst pick up 'm"pbtoeordrtpitttottteTieswtdtaide like. "a Main a; S. and pine In ad that hulk: your property. and buyers will beat I nth to yum door. Tina'- . trtarket tor It- tnetin cottages and unmet mun property; there In My": with money looking around, I22 riyjir.iirfiieV'iF my IT dire We,,rlr a Want Ad In iii" 1rl mos and and; ANDERSON, BOURBON a SINCLAIR, . 28tst Damian Street Weit, _ . Toronto 9, Ontario, Solicitors for the aid Violet R. McEwen. It‘ll? IOU‘I'I o WESTON __,- -. -_......... - um... n...- AUTtiii further study will brunt}: to Beht the existence ot Additional anodes. Five of these lpccies Ire widespreld throughout the Dominion; fifteen of the others have been found only in the West, and eighteen only in the East. The importance of bueulie, as bloodsuekeis ha long Mn recogni- If); not t't/"tLct'tht. in: also It: 0 r artso tewor . mongt :25: Famous and sputum†out- . aka of blaekfrtys, or buffalo or tur- mm“. " they "a Iometimea ' are those that have occurred in a but Missippippi valley of the' ind Mates, and in mm dt south Custom Europe. In both regions, at various times. blacktties have caused all deaths of many thousands of wild Ind domestic animals. Recently, W have been shown to carry in this region, twelve of which an new to science. The mnjority of them Were reared in Ontario and Quebec, in the Ottawa district. from fast- {lowinx rivers,"streams Ind nus, in which the insects pus their lnrvae life, or were collected on the wing, or in the act of sucking blood. it is pro- bable that moat of them an widelx disributed in the eastern provinces. total of tttirtrreitrht specks of black- flies ue now known to occur in uri- o parts of Canada. and in, is prob- .33. that further study will brain m June, but may peniat in smaller {numbers thro hunt the summer, and (often ue mug-m min, in some lo. calities, in late manner and autumn. Although their worst. attacks Ire un- 'YW aperienced in wooded or tores, ted country, they are sometimes tt severe pest in more op.en, regions in which satisfactory brrieding place- occur. A recent study of the Ipecies in Eastern Canada, by nu officer of the hhttomolotrieal Brunch, " Ottawa, showed the {nuance of twenty-three gpecigs of ' ese trqublesgmq insects PHONE WESTON " p, instance, in parts a ANU, uni i Mexico and Central America. black- flies were found to the transmitters of a panama worm tfilaria) that causes disease in mun. 1n Canada, and other parts of North Amerisar, I very common pram; is the carrier of n serioua‘_an prevalent protozoan blood disease of wild and domestic ducks, 1','llt is frequently fatal ta young i . It in possible that furmer studies will show them to be of greater lm. penance as disease carriers than in at present known, but whether this prove: to be so, or not, their blood. sucking proclivities alone place them in the category of insect: pests of major imporunce in Clnldt, A small boy returned home from uhool and told his father he wu new second in his, clan. The top place was helfi_ by a trir). _ - U _ A "ttai, Gres, John," said the fa- ther, "gou're not going to be beat by th Tytrtyriri'." A _ - _ - certain 1ietytyefettg organisms. D..- t.-b.r.-, .'.. -».4_ -- ADA.‘_ --u "Weil," iron see, father," explained Jan, "girls are not nearly no mere u they and to be." Mr. Fraser Wu presented with his official badge and certificate of mem- bership by resident "Doe" Inch, who heartily welcomed him, and make of him as a man, of whom it could,» said "he truly live: up to the motto g Rotary 'He profits most who serves st.’ " A new member in welcomed into the Weston-Mount Denni- Itotary Club st the weekly luncheon last Thursday. June 25th, in the person of C. Lorne Fraser, well known Incl] lawyer, who wu introduced by H. G. Manon. Mr. Mun-on welcomed him, not only Is.) now member by“. u an in}! Aitnd, 'eutandine ei.tiHtt,.tl.te Club: kind known as ‘u aqunn shooter†in all his business denim†in the com- munity. and a mu: who has always maintained the ideals of Rotary, Il- ibopgh not officially a member of the NEW UMBER 1niumm BY LOCAL ROTARIANS l Lorne, Fraser Becomes Mun; her of we.tonaGGriieGiir Club _ I. J. ward l am Funcral airman PHONES: JU. om Weston 108 -- Woodman " H. II. SCOTT FUNERAL AND AIBULANCE SERVE! PM. " WOODBRIDGE o/sthlhtS. e - .- " y - I Loul On rad" Ind , ntmt u,,e, 'lrt will 'fid,i,?',"g' Hill _ll)"d'r,g'g,".','rtgugt to be ea sn- I)", M the lion-ions t2th I} Wamimt In! Iowa Chm-h. i on will comm union IN“ al SIM-y. July It ,"kl'","1J, to": I. and": my. V re that our rs. The mount com-s school MM And a locul thwarts. -'"e - "_'""""'. “II-ll nu- ne- benturea to an -ttt of 3206.177.†ff. Pf' to/A. A. Ates 994 Cal-my. Weston Bot' hie band heads WS", Puma btldi; St','),,'.','?, , n unending edges. w an- nual church wade is held to St. George'- Chural. 1slirtetott. were “med at $294,481 In com? with 184 puma a nine of til for same period in 1925. In rim six month: of 1926. building permits hand in Etch PSP jawed a; 8294,48) as com: at once. Exhibition Grounds an scene of ptherin of Cttiham-Ranr1and fami- lies, for their 16th annual reunion, nnd may delcendllts of Ewbicoke pion- eers Attend. John Cuiham is made {resident and In. W. H. Marshall, week. tiruiia aa, -irGr'" 1125; levelled and polls and not: erected may}; expected my will be mad 1 William Fountain of Weston, aged *8! years. is fatally injured July lat ‘when his unto collides with 1 street at in the city. He was tor some game an employee of J. T, Parr and us. ' Work on the tenntu courts of the Walton MA 'rm he 'eotttrrletmi_tlria Mmer--Beaaer The wedding took place " the United Church pawn-3e on Thursday, June M, tsf Min Either Benny. daughter of Mr. and In. J. Remy. Georeetown, to Mr. Ron: Miller, son of George Mill- " Year. Ago Two hundred and twenty-five members of the Kellam family gather " Dundurn Perk. 1Untilton, or their annual reunion. Officers elected ere: President. David Kellun, West Tom. to; Vice President, Horace Kellam, Simcoe; Sea-True, Herbert Kellam, Weston." Mr. and Mm. Robert Young and daughter. Marilyn, spent the weekend " Niagara Pulls Ind Buffalo, visiting relatives and friends. , 'fillet-Be-er .0n Thursday, June 25, a quiet wed- ding wu mlunnized " the United Church Man" in Woodbrldga. when Misa Elthor Bessey of (hometown Wu married to Mr. Ron Mi pr af '/d'u'i'r.'?d io 12i,ri2,iviSi,C,ii, Is v1 2, maria. e a py coupe Val reside on the farm 'IT, Nash. w o. ', tdtiler-Neat ' Lat .Wodnudsy. June M, a quittf weddin; m solemnizod at the Imam of Mr. and Its. James Neal, Nash! Villa. thttaeiir, when their younger; auditor. hm Marie, wu mnrried‘ to Mr. Gordon Miller also of Mill»! ville. Mira Hazel iari played the Wedding music. After a short honey. moon the couple will take up residence on the mom’s farm near Nashville. Mmhll!§i}d~,ln.c. Ieaem. Nlehol'um and Min Anne“: Nichnlm m the was? of In. ' fy/lists of Woodbridgo . or the put lil- My McKenzin of Chat- ham has he. spend“ the lat two treeks Mex in Wo bridge before mummy h . Mr. and In. Marvin Mitchell spent Sundly in Woodbridge. A Ind Mine." The sol-non was 'ttt the Walk." and tho this, with the hymn, "God With You Till We [at Alain." Li ah. .iiriG -. “'57" muff" :3: "ct, J. 1thglt2t'i"ieii'riid.'ji?ii'o'i.i 31ml: Va,“ Our God," dd w. Ter To?!“ Tmchglh ae- (iii,'::"!,',!?".!),-', l k'.1'gtir' "iii? ti', .... .... It. TL-, I’M at iiiitRk tl Mr. Harper W in th- maaient at 13:4: Put} ttnt tl And mum Rm In. duet. “Lon out..." "Ah-y- at rumba-vie. Day at Night" 'UAaii "Fai, “5.... a a: E“! t18s'irftttt"sr.adtW,i I" “if a; h - - airlivv 1mtiitithhotitic w}: I". ' t mm. and - 'irdttii),4.r the un- Pl Extracts From Our Files of 10 and 15 Years Ago and Vault“ Township PM 2». In! MOO-I4! an] Wit., if 1926, WI in Etobieoke m P-hr-b-t_ ain't." $legttte,yiiiifiiithiit? “thanâ€. Anion IMO-i“ m. 'rqt*t"tr.ime. _ â€an†, !..A..qeurnreer.ervieeiatot,e Weld ttith. new. Amie-n Church ttet “I"!!WL lynx-a mu . alterin- nswtrz, wllj'l',rrgg'tiuttghuiit'ilidi,i:' hum-med. mm“. :23! e.rllrt,'at'at,JSrtii'i O in The nodal for†Chill-en. The Nauru. main aim with Mold- and "Httyga, - gm 'atMett-.sehiitaGiitrCiG; WOW. haw-thorn- ideal Mmm. V Commencing Smithy, July 5th, the (linked Ch will hold service " 10 an. Gallium“ Build-y. at this service, . G. Dnvuon, pastor, W. Dunning. organist. trt. My.“ sin?" School and Sttttttettationat picnic will be held July ttth to Peel Park, Stmmille. At St. Andrews, Thistletovm. on itgt%lt,'; T. B. Butler took for his an. is mun receinth shun-n." and nude I most helpful inâ€? from these words. afterwards s- penning communion. A large erowdUttended the Cut.- tor reunion on Snturdny last. Every- 'll', armed about the good time they 'l‘mmelown Athletic Club wish to announce their annual picnic to be held Frlday, July 10, nt Thistletown Pure. Everyone welcome. Ladies plane provide n bullet. One of the horses working on the street as overcome with the heat on 'hTi'iW2nT,lJd and collapsed op- posite the Langstaf! rmpeny. Efforts to revive the animn proved useless and it died Tuesday afternoon. Workmen are -busy repairing the Grand Trunk bridge over the Humber near the golf mounds. " ,7 _ "ep V. -_r..... wan“ um last sermon as Pastor lf Methodist Church. Thump-on, Bolton, Miss Lulu Hannah Wallace is married to Thomas, Agar of Vaughn). . Final arrangements were made Bad I program muted for the combined tst and boat trip It lakeside Park, lhounie. on July 18. MiBee--Neat The voddiux took pine Wednesday, June " at the home of the bride's greats. of burn Marie, daughter of P. “Ad In. June: Neal, to Gordon Albert. son of George Miller and the into In. Millet of Nuhville. Rev. J. Anderson of Woodbridze United Church ottieiated. The bride wore a gown of white mouueline do uoie with I bridal veil of embroidered net. She curied a bouquet of butterfly roses and boby’l tueith. The wedding much and mini: was Played by Mini Haul Ned. The bride I mother received in n dreu of navy blue chiffon. with a cor- Ef?, of Iweetpeu. later, Mr. and Mrs. Mi ler left on a motor trip to Eastern points, the bride unveiling in a brown net dress with a beige coat and match- ing necemriel. On their return they will reside st Nashville. . m ttp the score of " to 4. A commune meeting of West York And Peel Dance was held Monday tl,thf, It Christ hureh, Wtto.dbridtri. in: Ig,v,,tgg cridvau attraeted to t an try an wand murmurs Um Church on the chug lawn Int Thursday evening. After sup- per . concert m given by Damn Count mad hi: compuIy ot mm: from Toronto. Ree. s. T. J. Former. pastor, legal lg Mm. Tte9aaiFiirid mum] team won km) 'te "mi-mks: week. base te, i ityat . .tewore us to 3. i'iiii my light Scimmbcrg vis- Itef L’aqdhridce {with home team . “than" WEMWVW on: Mt, tglqt/Lt,t Feodbeii, vi-i- dsit, II Dob-an. l .- 'll'l'"fr". ,ttrtMitttt'hrtc- ma -d. -irEliFirTiGaiai"iri. S. Whitman. '7o%'ll'l'., Mr. Whitmore is "appointed num- uy and Clinton Jukmn, ome- m- ' Te. t. dLaaa iuTirmitaii7Gr,. #3:... 1mm. cur-vim; J. M. m- 11m. Net.Lti1ELJecpAiiu,rttrai. In. of 88,66610 than u “can". on impronmu of “O bu made. A seven per can. In†In: 'NI te stoekhrrham, - Ukilu - â€â€™7" tuitcaiart irauiGUG. no Firi'ili.,9'i)'it' it.“ . " IMO. of 88,66610 my: Att, uplift»! - _ -ttaiiri""""- W n. In! and“ cl IM- hn‘dpo 'l'll'G', Ct In L't'd I'd- iuuuririEdtriGrrauc%iui liiidie2aca tr 'rouheusqrat1teCo.mMamtrat iiiiqut V. _ iiyik.iari; 1- pat6wili, on their run: ';t'h'.ltttdtti,'fl'lrd'llll'fNt 'iitt'ifit"iiifiliiitilkti'i' a: giriA='.t'lna='ttt Totutoy.rn. Athletic Club TI-IISTLETOWN NEWS Siewgrt pyegqhes his m. A AC gle?t'.= mun. The , the trip m 'ttgltid "As soon whraiiiiik, fed with r flpeers in "r, "tientht atâ€; 'NTI'. mme In oreUn body - u to, hero an; {the teett. If the month is tight “in, pay no 'rtrtrq attentiort to it until but. _ that "(or 3nd oher"tkiildi%iiTGii; any from the victim. “in“... ___ “n..-“ "yang... "Quickly remove viztim from water and place on mm! or other hard surface. If possible have te trlieht- l lower theAttett of . 339d) ago This method of artificial respira- tion, known as the "prone pressure method," can also be used in cases of electric-l shock and gas Myxinion. It is the one r.tstrrprpertWd by the Ontario ',,'rtoAti,tt Pore]: Com- mission I the Electrical Eetttiloyers' Assad-ti th,, i The 'lJl'liica Accident Prevention ‘Anociutiona urge .1! min: to put up these posters in their summer cot- tages 50 due the important informa- tion on resuscitation V! be handily available, if it should ‘b suddenly needed to an: to"". mioun life. Edwin “tampon? 'di he 'ttft: re. 0 c ' u yin to t el LLPA. can?» " tlt., gamma. Etch vital may in restoring normal lax-5,991.. is chi-dull; .expNined. -""'eee"eW___V .w. n... As part of their safety drive, the Industrial Accident Prevention As- soeiations nre h',"h,eiteg the province with thousands of circa an and pos- ters, showing in I clear. graphic way. how to revive I person who has been pulled out of the water in an uncon- scious condition. _ ...- a“... '"'"u""B". “During the past IO years. there his"been an average of one drown. ia a day in Ontario; This terrible to must. be reduced. Too mung fam- ilies in Ontario are plunge into mourning when they shout still he wearing ti,'S' ra""',,", clothes and hlving a ealt ful holiday at the lake." The campaign is endorsed by H. R. Glllard, resident of the Gen-dim Amateur Ki'(l'l,'i"l, Association. who points out that 1089 persons were drttntli in (gammy last year, "Drowning claims more lives in Canada every year than automobile accidents," declared R. B. Morley Kenna! manager of the Industriai ceident Prevention Associations, who is"d/.rt.e..tiyr tly lttyCeampiurii, With all Ontario timing Jakew’inl for its holidays, the Industrial Acci- tet kPJrevemi‘op ‘Asspciatiorns l have launched u: intend“ educational campaign to cut down the number of drowning fatalities which wag year 1r,i,',1g tragedy into scores of Mario omes. ' BROWNING KILLS MORE THAN CARS, IS CLAIM Safety Drive Ifiaunched By Industrial Accident Preven- tion Associations n. ish hardwlkii jioiGTiG"'iidii', do small paint jobs. Terms ren- somble. Phone M. D.H. WAVNFED by oGiF,Tarriiit-aG; of $800.. Bag 6 nor on“. Anni" " of $800,. {my iihGT, Box 67, Times and glide L-r-_------------- PRACTICAL hum denim. work by day or week, expel-hm. Mn. flurry Wright, 9 Rectory Rodd, Fey" Yamaha will do plain towing for reasonable mrtmuterntion. Ap- ply 15 Joseph $9, Weston. x-lw AT tsgteer. 1amer autumn. Mod, 4 mama. bathroom. henna-No. Lac-ad tor-ether: lacuna Mll- ville Av... Mt. Dennis and Church St, Weston; or, 4 room brisk Wow. Apply Box 7ibrimes and G . . YOUNG in]? desires affir ,__,, -_...... """"v"""", ' desires office work or elrrkirttr position. Rhone 358-1, Weaton. x-lw Ppin'a . tJPteitrgtr o aut' V Ae ara" I'M" kiiiiil r. Walton 198, or‘iohik 4t86. __ inhuman no Cede) for ninth 1,1 tlytilfLitiii'iii LEAVE WW LEAVE scnom all“ Fm. tt 5.43 p.11. _ sun-lard ' " un. h 7.46 d 0.8! pm. h 9.58 pm. The e " pm. 6 “my new! Sun. Ind ad. 5-“. and not only. r-tht. d-d-ily new! In. in. and Hal. ETIABLE man tifiit FFT"iii'7i"GiiTA'iT “rm "JG: £5 if autrttrotrtmifaaqfrtiitiiGniiiriik " y mm bomb: mu... amnsmv, may. '_.,, tl2i'l'l'ul"tt,l'tt"l2a'! tq uh Pt-.--.- ' Hiâ€??? _V.11)t. MlADtsq--trtte sub". "iiiriiriF, ii. WANTED TO iiEVi mam“ unis": . " iii".?., uun: HURON " il&Wiititiiii'i' WORK WANTEB ttee i," '77 Fri. "I; ','tj,',ir,_tt,tecrh if: Fort RENT FOR SALE WANTED Junior nitriculm in Weston will pol- . $NtmrN-agtato-rtG ' cent. Abpiy tide. o-4w 35466;) 0.1., _ - -.. ... u".-. gum-I. uluvu" sal free trade is nowhere in light. [Economic nationalism is u 'rpriktr ifuhionable as ever, and until all We nations have securely established in- dustries of their own and cm thun- aelves supply the main neceuidee of life for the bulk of their home market real free nude will never began“; Tariffs have come to Enttlan to my for a long time, And now that the rieulturiR has at last estebllshed a claim to be as other men, end not to be sacrificed to the townsmen’a pu- sion for cheap food, the free hum eri have [out their most powerful weapon.--Caleutu Shannen. Phone "sae Special Rates For “My Trips and Wedding; K. 3 Cater-N-Hour Service giggly St. N. was. "'""_ __ v.... AIL‘ "" (“up creed is aboutho enjcg any 'iliiii'i'i p0 Urity in rent main. riva- 'IT/h',,' trade is nowhon in d-‘» Warning is given against. movinf the patient unnecessarily. “Should t be necelsary, due to extreme weaker conditions or other reasons, to mm the patient before he is blunting normally. resuscitation should I). car- tied on during the time that he is be- ing imoved." the circular adds. Full ip1ruti,trciiiiticii $111M to restore rent ink y â€my!!! rhythmic pressure to the back the unconscious person, who is stretched out, face-dowm in a horizontal posi- tion. "The ordinary and general tan f death should not be 'iiiiitFii'di circulates. "Any doctor F make several very careful and fttsal nvnmxnoo;...... _»J l .. "Do not stop to loosen the "that’- clothing, but itrynediately both “had resuscitation. Every moment of delay in serious," the circular WW. . ' Poet: But I bee re. I've put my whole mind into this." ' Editor: "And I tell you we are at} buying blank verse." ' e - V-.. n... - gun: I phone"-Whenin neodot ' such " dodge", store bull-rm cards, posters, tickets. office I . ery or factory forms n can on P phone to Weston 26 wih bring our rop- resentative on the double. riee con- sistent with qunlity. TPI,'. union. Tte, Times and Guide, 8 hill St. 5.. eaton. Pm,t,t?,?J,t.EEeLi..r.riiir. phone".--, in hand 4 waEFâ€"W Jktt.ttp2ttrg Ita at: and iildii? . p y ' . SERVICES thrthaitt ,._.., V- "w - "my - l fied advertisement. Jun Than Weston 26. Minimum chug. 25c. Tennis mum- remind and ti. "m u rt worm-ash! . ,Cnl'ils1Pid','tgU, 61 min 'id a. Walton. phone 456-W or JU. 9012. S no an to W . EM “imam: "tttlr 53 " _ “vâ€. T", "P"e"P' Albert IU' 1'lltll'it dt'ii" tiiiiLaiiCju'ii7.' 0 'ttCelia-tTiara-ia-tTi-ia-ati; ) lil','.?,;),".':"",'",':"):?' â€â€˜13. ' W'e _'if the {use Central Taxi A, / 1i.ll,Pt11ee, "um. FREE TRADES ECLIPSE . 590M AND BOARD ESCELLANEOUS LEAVE SCHOIBIIG WELL WILLIE limp WANTED c-Stt. only. I tai