139 MAIN trr. s. Bring your building and remodelling problems to Irvin's . Everything you need for modernizing and repairing-- LUMBER - ROOFING - SHINGLES MILLWORK - LATE - PLASTER - CEMENT TILE AND DRAIN PIPES INSULATION MATERIAL iUUt - ’ih'towv?‘ Qifliiy?‘ Ite. limb, (After four months of W): "What d'you think, I“? Pvt [at . job as a postman.†my? Hunky: f‘Now isn't that tine? “airs; “Th De b an: Opal Ndw. mi..." r y " e In; m,itYibifti1ieai,yij,?iti,'; tfc'1lPhp1stf, bttttr (gum walking Tunic (during him lesson): “M II! the nu: whiciyhuve dom, 'red Etteletd since the invasion of 'eAssEiariiiitiViaNT PHONE 268 Saul.“ tu, #. Weston '50 ft. Twine, perNis lbs. $10.15 SPECIAL Lamina Rope, 31.", lb. 10c 'tl..". 'Nine, per 100 h- -. _ _ 39.15 ORDER YOUR COAL NOW " _ I I.' w)ftffry:i8, In! To 3m?†mo iiaw tNit mm: iii Kiiiism M LPt""ud Manama! immedistolrafter than u. mgowed for payment of and 0d 4th {human on . _ . w. A. ROWLAND, A.__.____,,A _ A . Tax CW. - IRVIN LUMBER 'teaiiriGkerii" Stock MANILLA " BINDER TWINE rm: tGUIDE tg:,')?.',",'.: tusd 4 "' Mieor when 1936 TAXES COMPANY LIMITED '"1immia'troNes--an. m2 t! - . AT SUMMER PRICES! Sehoolmaster.. "And-er-wut pro- tension does the young man propose to follow Y' Parent: "Well, he says he wants to be I chemist." ff,lyy.11nasttr: IA chemist, eh? A'plr,ti,ctl.t.iite.ysihte,"r M, ' d St. Philly: and St. Andrew's joined for t it Sunday School picnic " Streetsville. Parties were taken by bus and truck. Ind the usual me: were indulged in, all reporting a good time. A large congregation turned out to communion service in the United Church on Sunday morning. St. Andrew's Church held its firat flower service on Sunday with I lplendid attendance. Gifts of flowers, fruits and eggs wen brought up to the chance], and afterwards were sent to the sick of the parish and the Sick Children's Hospital. Mr, Wynne- Field gave the address. In memori of Vimy an“ out- door ,','ll'1'1% urvice will ht held It Gnhamsvllle on Sunday, July 2ttth. Three choirs will be in uranium and n canâ€: invitation to all war-m Ind Mr friends in extended. Rev. P. Sullivan will have a special message for that day. Mrs. Dunning wls the tttteat over the whom of Rev. and In. Sul- liven, Grahamrritu. Jorment, A most “mum (uni? union was held at Thistletown oteamity Hall but Saturday by the Horton clump! Figaro}. Idet yegthor elm af Bra-3:0). Ida] weather gonditiqns ad much to the an on. Contrratuiationa AN ennui-d to Mr. sud In. Aitrid Watts on the birth of a sun. Sunday, July 6th. Ttfe YoiuttriGtritTrm1sr. “Cash; THISTLETOWN NEWS l Emory.“ Wm oi.ish rBECAUtgtN- ""“" ','g.ig,'tgg,t T,d'tt eorht1ttmttr It a nod enough for In to live In to buy in. In, b good ertemtt) for m or “we or mutant in you n- I but to take the proceeds - to other ',r't,' "id cities, I {In very bummed u "elf a cw es- “on: ntl of whic‘nnwm fh Fd,l,i5 living ht our mm. or their on ome town. I ask nay-I! the motion shown ht the hon-tint. My Milking“ to My 0" Inmrs one can get when 1ay,N "what are we gain; to do about it is on what’s the use I can’t do any- thing about it, The debt will have to le paid, and will be somehow. why ‘worry? t t , _ As a mamr of Net the dat will NEtERAep.id,amittteurriiiFiriiG, n.b?iritftitettr.ntrmmtettttiSitU, what in my opinion in one of the bash located little towns in Can... get; busy, and take thought of habitat. we are I pool; example to those I ii) Mn: - won who-e Mid"- "in: landed this debt. . When t so people on "mill-e bent" taking their an?†to torus. the proprietors of whie have at one tf, or ti1tlt of interest in you n- I This town will never be more than I third rate community until its busi- new men devote more time to study- 'a problems of nine to the town. e hue altogether too many person- ul criticsqu detest ' man if he hap- W' to haven different opinion to us. e tie like a lot of babies criving over t inns we h-ve spilled curse bets. We have formed a bunch of cliques, and Bo, we need to conduct more open meetings on such subjects as will help Cumin out of the mire. We an do , pnd_reoutthttodoEtte%Gri, in Weston with a debenture debt of nenly A million dongs, and theyâ€: The local business men Are crowded opt, and other advertising matter al- most fills the pages. And right here and now I wish to say, that I have often wondered why the Weston local business men do not use more and Inner space. They are deliberately inviting outside advertisers. I do know that the publishers of the Times and Guide have the town of Weston's interest at heart, or they would try togy,1ynyt more outsidePdvertitripyr. For the information of the t9adert qetheTir-&thgd.,t,ridh'tCea their attention to the (not that t.he wg, is printed every page and line or the people of Weston' specially. By that. I mean that it is not full of "rendy print" matter, or what is known ,t.0,tut1igl,tp/, IS "Boiler Plate Matter". is kind of 1 paper is pre- pared by some printers. who re-hash, or print items that as a rule have ap- peared in scoresnf other local papers. And the sheets of printed matter is sold to local papers, all to 2t,fl51 ment of the people who pumh Be n, to this extent, that as a rule very, “th lqcalnnatter is printed. ; ton, tuui, the number of subscribers, there are more local items, more of I variety of news, more penonnl mention, than is found in most local pagen._ _ _ .." u-u yuan-mu Inc .a0or Mt one or the lat-felt publishing houses in the world, venture to state way emphat- ically, that them in no loc gum- in Ontario that will compare tom all angles, as Invounbly " will the Times & Guide, and that is a state- ment backed by having travelled all over the province of Ontario visiting over 600 towns and g,1Tt I have checked over the pure: 0 scores a! small local pawn, and I have Proved to the h.ilt,. that Ltr the mixer o Wes-, it? As . iGuira"tiiit"i Kain; brief for the Times & Guide, but as :1: o,ld pulgliahququ .4itor in one of it? Now how in the name of common game can one expect ta know what u appearing in his home town paper ,ity Yither sqhmibg-jo it, or rend- tain article ,iaaia .- 721357531 fi,elt and h: rypliotdiwthat he has; 0 an m pa r we reading. mn‘unin nked rd, if he subscribed to the paper, And Irie he laid that the paper u not wort read- A few days alt? CLad . bushels 234m _t'1.wysiton it pa 15141314} Cerr WHY I SHOULD BE LOYAL TO MY OWN COMMUNITY “mun-alum â€all. -- - - v- "" “a†m. Soil ttt his! carton of Manchur- (IPS - . zwmmmv'gmmm'f" hum PHONE: JU. 0091 Weston 168 WoodtMdre " "'-""-""'-"ll."lt.eBq.ab-d6B. LEAVEMN "NDIt,gtttt'tt MATE lull". I luv Ind we“ prom medicine for I" forms a! Rheumatism “1†PM e b.48 Fm. rirdtemhetnretirmigi. "camping tPhTmettifhttor-taraGfj, t _ d4.68 ..... h9, . mupnm‘gngimmrmmmn , ya" '9an pm Mp.m Finn _Measteur'ttan by C.0.N. IE It. 800'" FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone " WOODBRIDGE F. J. Ward & Son's Funeral Director: mums“. tua iuuai6 'ltlelrei'mitiii" an“: Rlt1tllilUMAat'1ttggl' _ L, tl WOODB: I How many of you readers are Mare of the fact that the United States of America built itself up on a tf,,ig of purchasing all it could at ome, and that it was Lincoln who spoke those thought provoking words in his day, which meant so much to his country. and can mean even more to us in Weston if we will forget our little diffemces. Just rot what Lincoln "id- . "When you buy goods from a foreign country you get the goods, and the foreigner gets the money. But whenycu buy goods in your own country, gr: not the goods, and wrlll ’m money.†_ on you - goods. I any. out of town. you not the goods, end the man gNtt your money has no interestl In eaten. Or when you 'mu,'",'.',','! in Weston from those when. " ï¬ts} temt s b your money, whose â€about; it not local. Well " gm Ce, to let you draw your own cone sinus. And ts the darkey once‘ slid. "NUP SED". The merchant I buy thm pays his shun of the town and county taxes. If ill-luck, misfortune hr bereave- ment comes, the merchant I buy from is here with his kindly extsresiion of greeting, his words of cheer, and, if needs be, his Pocketbook. THEREPOREy--Let us all make this a good lace in which to work and live in. Yt’sgasy and eertain if avgfyone will do "his and her share. . Some parrot" Gai; Giiifr' I spend at home stays at home for the wel- fare of the town I live in. The merchant I buy from helps sup- port our poor and needy, our schools, our churches, our homes. _ I want to get what I buy when I My. fo_r it. ' My; iGiie merchant will take care of me whenI run short of cash (He does an_d i? doing that). I believe in transacting business with my friends. Each hrhhch-i-Q WGrimr sufficient lunch for their own members and tickets are in the hands of every A very complete progrnmme has been worked out which will include activities from the moment you set foot on the boat until the last Wt',',,' leaves the dock some time euy the next mo There will not be one dead mom and the one dollar you w, Lim- l Ir,ttAre, Ity'scoutityr idAnks /ri',eiiiisi,i," be Til" caGi? teh Till, be ye] ITer.tt.. --- 7 "AI-“.4 hall '03- mummy July 15th, Is to be a Ct dny In AJU’A. circles, when eel Denna-y and West York Local Coun- cils undointly sponsoring a picnic and Moo ight Sail to Port Dalhlousie. A.Y.P.A. ranches throughout Peel have been supplied with tickets for this event, and it is anticipated that representatives from alltgzarts of the Dennerzi WI rally for is the first of its hd tu be undertaken by the Council. "" -"""B" '11:. r. n. luv-a, aux-Uh war. 2""rt t,i/1gN,e,'g.',1,i clothe; pin ringing, elma p inzton. mie Rind, Avis Poole and gloscoe Ring. tide 1'Nfor, wu Inb‘W. :- Mid 92. ton-u: Expo In In by Balm Willis, Mm. 2; N, and Arthur Kidd. Win- non of events were: Primary tiii/tet.?'??:?, Dongs! Elana; orig int. ty ay- nud. mom-e Reeves, Muie Strat- ford; Judo: bo s, Danny Kitchener, Freddy Bruin; KITS. K. N. Smith's all“, IW, Wise, John Thompson, Ernie Mu; Miss Bessie Wallace'- cllu. mime ngington. any HOME, Evelyn tratford; irla' Bible m, Avis Poole, in? Thomp- Ion, ,,v,%fgithi, Boys‘ Bi 1e Class. Gordon d, Manley Upgingan; kicking the shoe. Dorothy Ki d, ve- lyn Egon. M15. F.'. w. 1ritttsrfutr-o.f- In: In ‘ B. N. Fiii?i',r Inn of e tiF/tet? M. Knee 'phtuPgi,trit l ; elm. 3111'," w Peel A. Y.P.A. to Hold Gala Picnic at Pt. Dalhousie and t6iWdraGrttirG%"i iu7uii;i,' In Nubian Antrliean Church, by Rev. F. Albums. on Smithy nix». Annunl M _ 7 The mu] picnic of Christ Church Smithy 'tttil was held at Elliucon 'trk Int 'tday and wan Aturtded Py a†PM and childrgp. An m- “MRN. Central Taxi Jul H3. "s1i"itiaiesi'i'i", moto to idUnd It" they "not a no» a'.,".", wax-.4. It. [use Many Hr. W. Lin d d the Mdk a! 'illr41A,tn 1lL'l'L'l'ildlf. ld. In Mr. [mm a Cabin. lo: ,i.'id?yiti"tifiiiti'iy r,,1't.'ttt I'ter.Et,terette "on. 143W Special Rates For Holiday fftyrdtrcJyly 18.th,, is to be a gal- Trip and Weddings 2 CHEN" Service want to see the goods I am buy and Vim Township a, Jn..tt I ' td in Itt't't 'lll'i' mm... tdlgttt'ge marfet, we hue necked authentic word '/','griTtd'rd,Nit"f,,r cruelty 'mtrirtvolmdtUn tof cumin; chicken. home by the by. human-mumm- 1tteatster.rt-tnepkeeis"irtiii"a 'ire/ed ,6; Inf-it; “31;; iitiak", l e. (Pinon Guano) Dominion Day mind: as that Cumin is no longer I young country in any other than I hfatoriat sense. Scientific developments in the In: shin-11hâ€? 'etdlT "engage the 11 p . arm com- gtR"/ which formerly took centuries to tttta.tr.lut, gun be Ind have been {is possibier. "rViiiGaiiiF7iirr' 'tor 'd'l'd'l%'letfol', etc., NgW! (Porcupine Advance) Curie, Brown, who has just cele- brned his 95th birthday " Chatham, Ont., is quoted by the newampera u boating that he has never taken a drink, never used tobaccn in any form, never gambled, never he: an hour‘s sleep at night, end never Vinit- ed -- doctor. Lots of, people will yonder how the gender-Ian put in the . (Plato. Tlmee) It In reported that in England there in one village of four hundred ere with only one telephone. A ll rings, and the nearest villager answers the tmane. That's nothing! Here when telephone bell Ite, on a rural line four hundred peope not only answer but listen. (Petlsrboro. Examiner) The members of the new radio board are not to receive "Ir salaries. In view of the criticism t at " in- evitable became of the impossibility of pleasing everybody with radio gro- grams it looks as if these pu lie- spirited citizens are a real sacrifice squad. Opinions of Other Editors Remember the Date -- Sunshiny, July 18th-and the time the boat leaves the docks at Toronto - 2.30 gm. (D.S.T.)-and see that your rtrteh.htts. a: lgrge an attendance as Without a doubt, everyone attend- ing will hive the time of his lite, te, the, Committee, headed up by ansel Ketchen, Lakeview S‘whose or. (mixing ability along we lines is ruted by everyone In 101%) In hope- ful that thei will have the co-Oper" tion of all ranches in linking this rally one ot the moat successful yet upo‘nsored_ by Qoungils. Brunch president or Secretary. Points will be awarded for winning various water, boat and land I rt Gun“. and a vex-K Lamina] Mpg; (It lent that is w at they are going to call it!) is to be presented to the Branch obtainityr the Ingest number of palms!†the ‘whple day. _ The trtrdw4FiiuriiVa'rtiud on the church lawn on Saturday was I big success. The re-opening of m Plumber Sum- mit Congregations! Church Sunduy attracted I capacity conmtion at bath afternoon Ind evenmx sonic", conducted by Rev. W. P. Bum, pastor of the Pinetrrove Church and Rev. ngt‘gootc rogenflt' Appointed pe- Mrs. W. -ti."iiiiie -_- G -iiriiiuFriiiiii'i Dttps Tere, WM stunt-- -- prdii-nm of iiilmdiaorrGi." mm um: was}. uu'a. taeh. The reaentatiort Iddrpu .wu nude by 'd.' R. Scott. and tho plantation by line- Marion Wuhan And ltd Bum. Lyteh wan _urvod and a Inn manila-ii, i} {Ti-SW'QTHE IWhtly “and. Sarina" iaa (at the lumen 3:.ng “utmr‘k nt-on's‘ me. even In: mm,» Ttey Wrie,.m AWL-1!!- Cet M2291": Wm "'klhtt'tig'Cffefi.ii'lid",itiE. _ ot VIN pun I. 5.5"“ sitter. aâ€!!! 'gt.1. taeh. Mr. and In. Ron Kill.†Mr. and In. Gordon Millet, ywndl, on "tur.ttbte from tttair hon. unwrld . (db-no by the cm etyoir, of, which both t, no q '. of an rm and tttlu'. of Car in strltett ll- " v. who. tour W was.» " lee . l n . m hyod bonus: the Ruger. and Summon Legion, which proved I Inning event. ' 1su1teq14e-.t"up - tyfwmch forFtiil5aTGitGi'is that iiLiaaT-' "w". w Swain, t'?'l2t, "td i'T be: Stand there " “tent" n, so CTMt a . tO - In I span o I nun tk/gt.'"" km. by '0" mm “d ---H- p I Leah and Pointy Abe! 'e 'Ott BAt1tdyste in we . Do-inion of Canada Have Nothing On Us Time on Ills Hands Real Sacrifice Squid "f2flqiiLi,ii,f m ',ttdtl 1333? Bin-he" "m" -e- 1'61 plans 11! you’re making the trip to Vimy any pal, do a Ivor for me lAnd ten thousand other soldiers, ( phone banker: would not stand the e. Thai is Poeluppelle Road, the old Scottish lines and a thou-tad and A?" thhutr,'a a 1mm n t i w n is y 1tteilt gone Imus, “and to men AtkAInienu: ,ir, jugs. heâ€) Tmad te tly " Punchendnek. Um der at grRuld they Bank as they fell in the mire. And every [at foot of that bitter-won Sg,. sent 1 Inn to the heavenly e our. - ____V - ,-_ a u, m: Cloth Hull, on the "iartii'at we so often trod, . And there " you step, â€y.- payer 'rar.", "matured to the armies 0 . If the tunes and the grass in SINC- tuary Wood have covered thou ' tytll, 111?“st of my, __ Peettryu Y. you shopping but. Prom the ts_ag cum the most eerie sounds, which turned out to be those made by a ‘live fowl suffocating at the bottom of the bag under the ttge, The other use was that w ere purchasers of a live lamb wen endelvorin to get the animal into an 1v,'irl'l5,d. It was firrtslly kicked into exhnustion by the aspirants for a lamb dinner. ' strung ex iert wo/GiilGhiarriid English furniture, 61 Main St. N., Weston, phone 466-W or JU. 9012. TENNIS ncquu malted and w strunz. exnert workman-Mn PM NU, modern bungulow, in Wm; Iix lane room-chm w-nv Fan-O. " nix large room: -hot want hut- ing, built-iii ha}: Men. :11. sink, fixtures, insula ' lids drive Ind gur- age. "800. Would consider vacant land. Apply Box '15, Times and Guide. B. HUFFMAN, wdl-driiler, 38 years’ experience. Apply n " Albert Ave., Mimico, or write e/o Times and Guide. . MW a" _.'__'-._..._ It‘ll-"W, an "union, IN six large room hot mm hat ing, bum-In hath, 'i'VGri', tite link. fixtuns, ItuntWud,- aide drive and pr- age, 84800. Would consider "can land. Apply Box 75. Times Ind Guide. UPPER duplex, Wuhan, ii/G, electric stove Kelvimtor. Phone Egon 193, or iioiiGr'i' "ttli., 0-3w ROGERS Radio, I In! Ruth, “6; bridge lam ' w, Clem hot plate, " and vigor mm... 84 Vie. tore Blvd., Mount Dennis. o-lw " room suite: #ttehiiritGfiGi,Gat 'eP,Hout,ott.tho-ttudiidrA. , iciiie' " Fiuriiiu7iiGii"hr FT"; s" V luv. dam: 'miédié" GEE 't,ra%ka2'tg Emu Mina: I c . . - my: own duo. 'Atld"ttiJ. ram tiictu4GGiiii ___ “WWW On this Mde. ‘M idi Jr Benn! zukiii7,-ifoiiit". "iii/ii in diet eotytttiot, In. it“: tlvtt', land. smnu pricey. â€an. Wuton lil!, 0.1. t Anions, why, just keep our Ut in r hand. Thereyi {wowed inirr/,?rs'ii?'it,,,,Ti. ile up " the Somme, remember a: then, Wen nil got . pal duping en. m - as you piis. There', I pal resting therd, uniting Hit coming some day. SERVICES OFFERED ,AK dining-mm mm; 2y an: _ ' "Poe lentâ€. an. C, t5,','irih'i' h 'e'tg',1f,tt'gtif,ti'ii',t .. m m, t mi! 'd,aiattt0ekxtidiliirir'iiirr'iG%tGrii'titrfi [arr "e'"""-"""""'"'"'""""'""""""""', Mmmnth‘oh 101.31., mURsDAY, toinnm fllltflt'if'l'1'dtttl't..i t L58 pm. e " pm. Standard I 8.06 mm. b L58 pm. b 9.58 pm. The e 6.06 pm. “my emu 8n. ma Rolf 3-9... and ROI. may. e d-d-ily - Sat, Sun. and Hal. '0 ton: chic. hay. Apply 33211711;- ud Wan. f HUSKOKA LA! WELL DRILLING Pofertt bungglow, in Walton. electric FOR RENT FOR SALE VIMY TRIP pee, .! Bot tau i Ziploc. bed.. by the x.5w o-iw tVid o-lv -W0lton " ttoiiiGLGrayuret. You see, with slid she would come round with I. fe,r, 1 night or two till I ttot and h mi]? 11:99. . to' E???“ "G' for I few wee . Do ym wil! t,t.e all rial!!!†- --- "__" 'eeeet "W,†v. _.... "use. The plan is to arrange for I " plly of each lending flower in new rah.)~ A committee is appointed hr each dis lay and members are up courage; to enter their best blooms. No prizes Ire offered, but new less competition is keen In such lead- ine kinds us Roses and Giulio“. Novel Flower Show _ The Exeter Horticultural 80cm, has developed an interesting plnn for displaying flowers. Instead of holding numerous flower shows.in building or other secluded places, window it,",'; plays are arranged in the let tne "we nrltd shops of the village. 'r - .. .r.- I, A - n ft won't make a burden, this favor w. crave, it's only just momenta m as You’ll, do that for us? I knew that you would. Bon voyage, good luck in your task. Back in Blitthty and out on tin Strand once again, raise your In. to each mothertxuu see, For they were e girls when (I. came back on leave who dished out the smiles with the tea. c.. ,-_ ..-_. -- p... I phane"-ien in need of plinth], we): no dodgers. store bills, vim curds, posters, tickets, oftied Intim- cry or factory forms, 1 call on the phone to Weston 26 will bri our rep- resentative on tht double. “Eric. eon- ttte,,', with (guilty), IEoppt. erviet nu..." TVIN" quality, T"l'i'll Ill The Times and Guide, 3 tin . Wanton. , gt: of furnished Tar; on Gorirgian U an neu- Pnrrv Stun"! v... nu..- U Bay near i'tsii/iiF.itiiFGtii7i I load of amp supplies in truck. Phont Weston 1071. 1Niw PRINTING _ "Aa nem- u Itltane"--When in bud " m- Pet,TfA,'lLEriEfii.iii'rTii'cii.ri"r' dar or neck. naturism"! M..- I day or .uerCarGiiiiiLi7%T. Hurry Wright, 9 Rectory Road, Wu- ton. DM. "iF77irrrTtzrt-,rr-r--i--.----f= OUNG Indy will do lain um Y for mum-bin U,',1,',de',.ed. AL Fi', so any to place a weekly ars fled tuhrertisenurnt, Jun 5.1m... E fied tutireriiiGGi. "3322' iri'Gr Weston 26. Minimum eharge Me. oyiuiGFuGTiirTt7rtTF"iiiii'i'a Y housework. must in ah]. " an emu. Weh22EEFjhErrEt.Fic n ttee, Petr , "ren. YOU)“: in lighted for homunrk. mun he a. RELIABLE uni-Tm mam will do Uh {Andrew}! 2t"rgt', an] pain t io . em: Ion-bk. Pinon: " a I megri; Grit-if children, sleep out. Mrs. T, ton, Scarlett Road. Ott, ta: or two mall furnia d. It ant-n n '_ - v - uwv “I“... III“. - V furniJzad, at once, centnL'No- mum. ' Phone Weston 94. 54' Ins] C.A.K., In Port-Erie TitnetrRevior, l housewoi%Gi"ii Giuriri;; nun cooking, small lazily. = out. Apply u once to 167 Ila-elm AT.. nodded and Palm Engineers "Always It Your Service Day or Night" Tun Ar-. LAKE [DIOR PINERIDGE ELECTRIC for 'rteeiutire,iiuiiiriiiiiii'.'77 " Lee Sn. Weston. mg! WANTED ’10 iii? mséELLANEOUS II. N. EVANS WORK WANTEIi LEAVE SCHOMBIIG HELP WANTED T--. - - tia - (to he} policqngp); "I WANTED e-Sct. only 7.46 F., hon nikirt"htr- you 't1h',','k you x-lw 4ii