Times & Guide (1909), 5 Nov 1936, p. 2

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r: " In ' h a a an: V bl t he. no- " this an int panda It the tin. of with]. the it',S"'d, ttt “t - a: w um. I victory for the Raouvelt support.- UI. Mt in it ','/"t'Cl' be u Victory. I. the vhnleof t linked Stay-3 That i the " question. u it you; te - to be a victory for Hm? tt In doubt will be a big undertl . 3 form“ those upon whose shoulders In beep placed the task ot putting tmrs, into torce. We do not like the word "force". It sounds too much lib Whip. But there is one great M which. had the money barons not “INN by the death of Abraham moln, would have been solved in his dug. No other man since Lincoln at! the need for a sane monetary system. Lincoln had just concluded a series ot addresses, we no told, on the subject at political economy, and 'IIIQK men of vision, men of thought, man who could in their days see the clam coming which we now find the world in, all due to the present mone- tary system. The opposers of the Roosevelt regime are those equal td the rebels in Spam, u' ole L\'e_w Deal the rebels in Spain. ti ole New DealI . . . _ _ _.... "'"'""". _....- -. ~---- -,--~-'--- I'" --~ " we have seen it so tar has not l tePlut/"i',"t'o1e,g'rhgt," Jl"r'l,"u,"Ti 1 h.as, prostituted all that Is holy m. the; amded, it' is not due to the short. be no such a thing or condition .sl‘Sightof God. His whole scheme is tul MM of the New Deal, but rather i debt war degradation and 1"l/liolll't',Yht labour, l", plan ?t ruttlessney due to the opposition, and the ob- 'on the GU; of starvation in a i'l'l'lr,?tt been overlooked. Lives of men ts, ltacles placed m the way, by thoseiof plenty Weston pays two dollars“ secondary consideration. There does) who have been bleeding the humanigor everydollar it borrows You 'v't'd/'Y.,t appeal to be the least retsem- m too tt This monetary system, for the election what should be called i blance of democracion the earth. The, along with t e apathy of our .rtlitric) "board of management " Are 'ttl'i'l'ie.eme,oir goes pn ‘5 way pandering on: institutions, can be blamed for ailmen ou elect fitted to maria e _'t..l'l'iiltr,o, the prejudices Pf .the populace'. our troubles. If ever Roosevelt, 'ir/J/h? Has it the appearance , being People are not think"!!! for them- - '. . . selves or -o- tivel W f president, is permitted to get into,a town well managed'. How long' L. C' opera eV... .re are ar, ds stride, the only ones to suffer‘wouid any of the men 'asking to “in“? from the true and living (1011., ', will be the financier, the areh Wo'ielected hold the job of running a fat-i . he autocrat such as we .tind m stltuter of industry, and humane lysono involved to the extent of onei-h'gh ply:ys has taken POSSessmn. he tens of industrial management. IR ' ' . 113 exercismg a power over the world Inn ion dollars'. Don't you think forihe' ma nitud f h '.h eds 1 And now let us look at conditionsione moment that I am casting onei th tf, _ g 0 w. IL' excek t5 al right here in the town a! Westnoliota of refleetion upon those uponi%h ','u',',"d', , 'd1,lrti',u,'/vsl'J/i,r, nown. 'lnere is a municipal election coming; whose shoulders have been placed the) 'k-rs, er fs",',') ing. - oney power along. Who are you going to vote fort Imamgement of Weston in time gone I pge ",',',1nlr,'; . ever m the history of You are not worthy if you do NOT) . I am not. But I am placing thong” wdorw were; strong 'IIS, more vote for. someone, if you do not as-{whole blame upon you, Mr. and Mrs. I'l e "f l (d nee ”gen of nowledge. same some responsibility by castingiand Miss Voter, at some time previ-iden f, J,'ll: erita rig, men .who y.ll,1, your vote. This freedom to register ously. voted for this debt, you lis-M‘?lo ewe” Ill', to tf-efommg well your vote, cost thousands of the m: tend to the voice of the man whoseig“ "in. , tmel', w f.', “‘1, study the citizens the world nit-v their life's‘interest it was to purchase the Wes-i I'i"i,'l" _fll . t't,vr',','i'll'12"ii,' men who Mood, that you and l may have the 1 ton debentures. You did not study the I Wt . e we P. fr','),'). as to‘what com- opportunity of taking part in the situation and ask yourself whether of?!“ Is, an “ at fascism stands management of the country. city, or 3 not these men you were electing were, or. the town in which you resi e, and re-icapable of managing the affairs of) .Th.e speaker rtternzu/ to the World member, you, and not the elected, are l the town. You did not consider auitiyoetr Corypess,.Capdian Delegation, ttalert'?,',')'",', How many ever stoplthe responsibilities were, and around the determination of that body to. ink that they personally are theywhich you are asking these men toiWhell they came away from the government, no matter which side or'assume. If you are a mechanic, vou_meetinsrs held. It 15 stated that they party is elected? To hear p61itietllrill see my point, as to ability when'came away "With an enthusiasm to speeches as reported in the press orll ask, "If you knew that a certainillo back . ' . to lead other youth to over the radio is becoming’moat tlryey1elt.i.ne. would require a 50 horser'study', and 'titudy' and 'Study' the likable. There are men today addresiv l power motor to o erate it,,you Would l present Situation to realize what is ing clubs, and people all over the never attempt the job with a 25lactually 201")! on:" There can be no country, whose word I would GiliiGiipo%rr one. So for once in ourjdqubt but what, "Youth in the ptesent trust for one moment. These menilife, take seriously this task you iClJ,r/yr'l','i's' wants to be intelligent and target that they cannot throw mudlto perform of voting at the next elec- aware." Dr. Day did more than ad- ‘witbout mirintt their own hand. Theition day,.and see to it that you do {dress the visible r'our Square Class of charges and counter-charges that areinot place a responsibility upon in- Weston. He appealed to the souls of made makes one feel that it " 1titrtlet,'t1f,,1gt Remember that if imen. He quoted several lines; the fol- tiine to clean house, and take e the 26 horsepower motor fails to dollowintr, though short, contain much stud that the man who casts iG'ii'ii's so h.p. tt; it is not the motor meat for the soul: reflection on the character of another} to blame. nother word, to those‘ " Awareness" halt as we hear or read ad‘twe who do not vote. They a like adman do”, ought to be made to prove isi who needs a job to be iu', an ex- (rel", me be ar.art... .atatoment. I personally would make) ects it to do itself. If I had my Gr/Let me not stumble blindly WW" the " a use of perjury if a "ll'nd'i'lst't"e'ii, would vote for the man who will} "PY, , for elections of any kind made airtight tooth and nail for' h law to Be Just getting somehow "safely thvough false statement. I do not blame those ) put into operation that will make a! . the days, . who uphold the present monetary sys- l person pay a penalty of $25.00 with: Aot even “WWW for an1ther hand, tem for BO doing, but I do lay the;the option of not less than six months?“m evr'n wondering why it all way blame upon every citizen the world l in the common jail if he or she did not i planned, . over who have' or have not given vote. It is high time to awake out) EYES to .th,e ptround unseeking fot more thought to what iii going on,lof sleep. It is high time that everyi the light, . _ and will go on until that time tlr- person be made to assume his or her Suul nty.ef aching for 'd wide-winger; the: when every citizen with the share of the responsibility of govern-i , “whim . power to vote does vote, along with ment, and not be like a lot of sense-; llease, keep me eager Just to do my all who do not take more pleasure less sheep led to the slaughter by' share. in being serious. / political tricksters. bankers. iiiikeieaGod--lee .me be tiware. Weston is overburdened with debt.land mortgage holders. It is high time T --Miriam Teichner. Who y to blame? . You, _Mr., Mrs-wve all took God into our con idence.l "We ncedmun of thou ht who l v. or Miss! Every resident in Westonithnt's the whole. story in a nutshell. iing acquired a true i5r'diCll'd"'),", Yes, folks, wr haul a finr dun Halloween, we packed' the House" to its full capacity, and and everyone had a grand time We sometimes wonder if that fnble about um hare and the tortoise has Willy any truth in it, pmgress at tintes mu So slow, but then wr nulire at the and of Path» “was. sumo 'progress has really been made. You know, folks, win. we look at the working of our organisation, meeting by meeting we feel that the word progress should never be used. but had it not beenwwe should not have been in the position we are w. thy. thanks to the untiring efforts of our members, throughout the four years " the club's existence and the duh critir gets the same Imam". of mine, for criticism well placed " I-ya acts in the capacity of a good hair. We 1mm: we are gaging "my. tlie boys forgot to take Ai:rwat the Bingo sign on Hullnve‘en, of emtrrqte n know it is getting tattered. tmtrmrtTtsoort.ueear-rmte. or mm the sin does not stop our M unending the Bingo party Ind it will tttd big crowd. Join in 1'lb, 'l2tc,'N,,r"l. “$.03 .- m D- My night. k Fri-n6 to the fold of some win in ‘i kind My” lost a lime hi“ but M mined sum and an n". to (h 1*! Asrxitinry would like tn tett - if the! hid time all om" tAeérh-_bahlrtg_tobrrtehirt It! W” on Sunny 'ftpr- tlru"t,'T2,", u. Ja tttttt My m t thee, trr,erre1.he. tawny I vim’t r ‘a'wn thir - look, tmy M and may um! M", tt' it” ”a m I ttire" m not M, " haul a finr dams: on , we packed' the "Club its full capacity, .and each ESTON ORKINGMEN'S ISECRACKS ITTICISMS Minn By C.O.N. Til with L 'tplmNdr'iU"gtett,Ut “m" u ,trdi't2t mm dehu. And “II! alt (on. I! data. on. too. And you in" voted C tum, your _ whither you or not you have to pay that. That is the Iynem under which you end I ire IlVin.. We on 'tll to In thrifty, .to have money. I " ttre l run! n when it ,"J,'dNl'hl'.ud conducted there would be no rainy nys. That :hou‘tedthe ',ytu.t'gtittg,? lielever oiat upon t tless pea e is, that saving "urls' being tgrii‘ty. tttvt, /lt'll it" 'tLl',! have. 'IL'. y po 1, on " serious y, or we won not be so overburdened uith debt. We have impoverished our- selves to such an extent that we are owing in Weston municipality. nearly one million dollars. We Ire paying an enormous interest to the fellow is one personal savings by doing without the things he needed when he was oun ' now is bleeding you so that lie. the so-called thrifty (crafty) one may take toll from you whose oppor- tunity. due to the system. Wu: re- fused you the chance to save, as they term it. ' Physician Purchases Two Vaughan Farms Continual from page wood and clm. One pine I feet in circumference five the ground. T Several yea” ago two other virgin pines on this property were removed by the Cane Pencil Mtinuucturintt Co. of Newmarket for neil manufactur- ing, $250 bein JUTr' the two trees. One massive 'S,', 18 feet in circumfer- ence overshadow, the old log horse smirk. while a grave of stately clms forms a shelter he". back of the lug Adjoining the trropertirm is tho country estate of Garfield Weston of the Gown Waggon 1_ee1rd and Sign: ha r n -iiic 61513.3" tGGGritt be pregnant. along with the last sanding original pine tree. The sale price was some Co. Liiira (Garis%iilt" one of the finest countrtr homes Ip, the loculfty._ First Wen“! Troop There will be big doing: It the First Weston TYoop's Headquarters on Friday night, when they eettertain the First Hardinnon Troop to a Hal- lowe'en party. You will hear all lbw: it next week. _ The wane of the World Bo Scout Jamboree has been definitely axed at Vogeknsnng Bhremmtdatt, a villus: ten mites war)! Amsterdam ind. two rg',,','. north o anciem Harlem. Hol- Ind. The dates [.th will he ol, 31.nt go Aya. my. FL“. the of: fieUl opening August lid. There will be ten sub-cum” of 8,” mt: each Ind the Chief Scout will be Colon!!! A. Mont. chief commissioner of the [been new”. De Nederumbehe Pud- vinders. - - Memrtirte" was MM in Italy and (my team scouting helps a by to think for himself. Dirutors 'oitot-tpmqkto_thirtY TM than!“ M scouting in Germany and Rab b not . ”and for 'trm-c h Nt1"t d (in “he of an n- m "as. man. did. (m BOY SCOUTS One pity: Int-mun ii,"'n?lilthgRtigtii' foot ab, we lug l "spirit INT It " Mt tttgd, . but . y to our Square In“ Clan last Sunday. un- der the W ot 2'S't Ion Wanted." Dr. D. ducnbod _le {can who“; though Hid. up]... w they a t r occupa- tion as fishermen, to be ‘Fjrhern of ma,’ how some whom he spoke & naked. that they be excused, one that' he might go and bury some relative. Jenn told him to lot the dead bury‘ their dead. All manner of excuses were ; put forth. The speaker also referred': to conditions in the closing years all the Victorian era when there a pearl, ed to be calm and peace, when Bemo-i crley had come to its own, but that! was evidently not so. "We are men of l, our fg',.'Teiti't' are largely respon-l, sible or conditions as t cg are. The; problem then with, whic we are faced, will have to be grappled witn by strong men. Men whose souls are' a ive to the conditions found the whole world over. Democracy is about do t.erirt from off the face of the /eart . The whole world is in the shands of the exploiter. This type of iman is and has taken possession of ithe earth and all that therein is. He ‘has prostituted all that is holy in the |sight of God. His whole scheme is to “exploit labour, no plan of ruthlessness has been overlooked. Lives of men is a secondary consideration. There does jnot appear!» be the least resem- l blance of democrac* on the earth. The .Demexog goes on is way pandering to the prejudices of the populace'. People are not thinking for them- !selves._ or toperatively/e are far W'M Mgr'"" o. " Mere intent“! on kitted to mm unm- " Show a ht t.hu Wment, roaming tutr view. ”Minot: if local 0 Wind." y.?.i.oatl agar-tame. The Time: and Guido accept: no 'tteg! -rt'T: . bility for new the mount“ and menu the tight to refund tttt ttCrt) tt,"t" tftiatf pubhcatm for letters deemed undecirablc. Pen-name: or need- squm UG' Chi: {at gum". a: plume; gr. pcrnu'sgabte Ir,',','?,',',',',', the writer fumble: The Tune. dir the heading of “Stron Men CM Guide with has or er true name and address. Any. Get,'; Wanted." Dr. my de-criM IL, nanny lions receg'ved from readera with regard to making T e was: 'pr. J,,'itgl'oteptt'rtis'gir1i,'d,dpit I “Md Guide' a [laughter and more interesting paper will be wol- tion ki fishermen. to be 'Fishers tiico"ted by the Editorial Staff. . The speaker referred to the World Youth Congress, Canadian Delegation, and the determination of that body when they came away from the meetings held. It is stated that they came away "With an enthusiasm to go back . . . to lead other youth to 'Study' and 'Study' and 'Study' the present situation to realize what is actually going our" There can be no doubt but what, "Youth in the present crisis wants to be intelligent and aware." Dr. Day did more than ad- 'uress the visible r'our Square Class of Weston. He appealed to the souls of (men. He quoted several lines; the fol- [lowinm though short, contain much meat for the soul: [Soul never :chmg for a wide-winged l flight, ' l Please, keep me eager just to (In my I . share. iGod--let .me be aware. way, Just getting somehow Isafely' through . the days, Not even groping for another hand, Not even wondering; why it all was planned, Eyes to the ground unseeking for -. _ the light. - .. _ . "We need men of thought, who, hav- ing acquired a true knowledge of things as they actually me, will not be afraid to throw out the challenge to men whose rapacity is the cause of all these hcavt-yearnintts, men whose awareness is sound, men who have a capacity to study and presen; tigurcs and mmpnre ktatistivs that are unrvfutuhlm nwn Whnst' wrnclus- ions ar" th" result of deep lhoughi and dvlibcrrstion, having prmrfs that are so very apparent. "We need men of spirit in no small P wny. Anything not founded on tho sgiritual need of man is of perish- a le nature. No words of Jesus have ever been doubted. That does not ne- eessarily mean that we are to believe ali that is said abbut Jesus, but what he actually said himself. when the "spirit of llw Lord is upon" " nor- on! is up Continued on ”an With rel-rum to your editorials. "Civie Eloctluu Nearing" and "At- cept the Mpnaibility," in you is- sugrof 22nd um. TU, Editor, TltrTime. 4 Guide Mu'y Ti; Shaw to debate with you through the medium of your col- 'll',',',',',', the two editorials aforemen- tiome, . . Firstly, I spa! I you that "thU your l 'make it a point to 1 an intelligeit hill”! Secondly, I do not agree with the following quotation from your first- mentioned editorial. "Do not be led away by statements, but find out for yourself just what the value of a ctut- didnte is, and how he will fit in with the work required.” Now, Mr. Editor, we have here two quotations from your editorial, "Civic Elections Nearing", and you will probably ogre: With me that the ac- tion taken in the first quotation le just a natural sequence to the second quotation, providing uf course that the required information is gleaned congectly. . _ _.. .. _ OPEN FOR UM-- You inadvertently, possibly, did not suite how and thruugn what channels are the general public able to obtain the'true value of a candidate, and just how is John Citizen able to verity a candidate’s statements before obtain- ing _office. _ - A _ _ I beg to state right here that it is the bounden duty of the "Fourth Es- tate" to check the veracity of a can- didate's statements and place before the constituents and general electors a true summary of the candidate's qualifications, irrespective of the pol- itical bias and adherence to any pol- itical party that the publication or its editorial staff may have. Invariably the press is divided into two camps. In the majority of cities, one group of publications supporting practically all the candidates of their mgr: political creed am cglour imd thr. "Bar Sinister" i, placed against all candidates of the other camp, irre- spective of their value and qualifica- ttons for office. Mr. Editor, ynu must [runkly admit this to be the truth. I further qumit the statement herewith that nine out of awry ten votgrs who go to the polls and mark their ballots, are biased by the newspaper that enters their home daily, and I further state that nine out of ten voters do not know the candidates they are voting for from the proverbial crnw, as jar as true :merit for office is concerned. - candidgture for public office, whetheri in the sphere of municipal, provineiall or federal politics, but in the largely fields of peace and wnr. But alas,; how many publications are the're v:rl, the Dominion of Canada today, that have the courage ot their true con- victions, "dave come out flarrpoty.i" The public ,pot, or will not, red-1 ize that the s has a tremendous responsibility, tfot only in educating! tile-Pgblic in, endorsement of election, and call "a spade a spade," in the) majority of matters of vital import-l ance, especially if their support would result in bestowing any benefits "on the so-called "common herd."' 2. With reference to your second' bditorinl, "Accept the Responsibility".) I quote first from your cditrsrial, “chi bditorinl, ' I quote fir: people are sibility 'du people are willing tn accept respon- sibility as' long as thef' can sidestm} an issue." Here again will prove to you, Mr. Editor, is another grass dc- linquency of the "Fourth Estate". There are various prominent. Publi- unions throughout, Canada that ran give nuinlmw ttt Miss Eleanor Whit, va in “Sirlv Stopping" in their pub- lished issuuucus, and hrn- again I submit the statement that the chief cuntribulary muse of the (let us call in "laissvr(ireism" which you at- tribute u, tho voting public. is caused through the general lack of verncious- mss and political humbug indulged in by the New around election time. One need nut wonder lnng why the voting public not, ns you qunu'. too lazy to rwn cast a ballot. I am inrlmed to lu-lirw that a 52 Nickle AV... Mount Dennis, Oct. " was & GUIDE unreservadly with every voter should come out and cut great may of your radon will Inb- nantlnu my statement that icon. ttf thus during recent. years while whim}: shoulders with the public, one o en hears such remark; as the following around election time, “Wham tAtt - et wting? 10oeytr gitiriel. iirit ‘1; Ge nix? on gun". 2l'"i old Gillian defigit." Pr, same 0 y r [a an axe] grind, (i'r/,?,si1'is',nr,) out of office to put a inky w: " in," or words to that e! ect. To get down to brass tacks, Mr. Editor, an individual is either liter- ate or illiterate. There are no half Ina-sums in that statement. We (and by the mural that pronoun I mean humanity in general) learn by exper- ienge, a word that sums up in its componency the senses of which, if normllhwe have five: sight, having, taste, smell and touch. We cunnot traverse the universe in, dividualli'I during each 24 hours and verify' t e statements of the press ldaily. to be enabled to eliminate the 1'iii,it, from the grain", so we are >compelled to read, mark, learn and ,digest and absorb our knowledge in Igeneral of national and world a fairs ,through the medium of the press, and It, the press. oppress, compress, re- press and depress the truth, in what ‘way are we to check up on the ver- lncity of statements disseminated by "he..press. . ', ' ' - By the use of these senses we de- velo mentally, or should do so. and of tglese senses; the one that devel- ops the average individual's mental capacity in quicker ratio than the rest, is 'tiih,,ti .unleys one is unfor. tunately blind, and then touch or begging take preeti!snee. . . "iWGriGirixsed, then/that the pre- dominant sense is Sight. "Nlons"r- The press can by the methods of alteration, adulteration, elimination, and dissimulation, sway the ubiic to any extent that is requirecf to ac- complish the desires of individuals, corporations and governing bodies, and there is no medium by which we public can-ascertain if they are be- ing "hpodwinked". B . , Surely no more glaring examples of the malodorous use of the press is necessary, to prove the powef and capacity to stunt mental knowledge of world and national affairs, than are in practise in Italy and Germany' totier. _ . . , L .v-..,. Therefore, I again state that the responsibility lies not with the ir,- dividual, but with the "Fourth Es- tate". As regards your reference to the church in your second ed.itorial, my following statements may be con- sidered by a few individuals decidedly "de trop" an I realize that I am on "thin ice," and on a dangerous sub. ject to enter upon controvevsially, if one considers one's friendships. But neither the less, whether I gain or lose friendships by this article, I feel impelled to take up the cudgels for truth as I see it. . . . MULH99AND GRAY T3111}; 2titersit or agnostic, and'irt mm a” M, Donald Ii. Mulholland. ILA BARRISTER. SOLICITUR. Rte. " Mlin N. (Opp. New Pont Uffk-v) Ron. IR Fern Ave. Phono Il., For Amsointrttvut {lffirr "prtrt Turs., Thurs. and I'.'ri, Evenings and Sat. Afternoon GEO. W. GARDHOUSE Barth nl Ninth tlortl. Ctooohrts. Wrumu Tumult» om": F. A. Silverman, B.A. C. Lorne Fraser,M.A. W. M. Penman, BA. "1-an Off-u "Gt: Dally: All? Tun-hr and uni-y minn. J. Edgar Parsons Business and Professional Directory BAI‘RISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete, lgin 1863 Home: to [an " Tonia Street. Ton-to 0-16-52 BAKRISTER. SOLICITOK. Ete. Bank " Non Semi. Chunk}: WESTON Weston t.5tw " Ilia M. N In Fun [lurk In Itttiy'mCRt'v--y'r0t," 'l'l‘l "It; NOTARH4y', “KRISTEN. SULK'ITOI. in. omee In": My. a! Iva-hp I, "" nrl. an" “Wt-um " ROI-Hence: Ken. "" MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGE SECURITIES "Ii-R. N. M II” Bard-hr. South-r. It. I“ 'tond. In!“ Dumb PHONES LEGAL Am.“ Alex. Gray, ILA "Wu-um MA M" land. 0769 H6',t lmy youth had my daily catechism, 1mm form at a formidable and on. itimes wrathful Dominie. who neither 1"spnred the rod" oi. "spotled the child" if occasion demanded. But i imaintain that the church has failed in numerous large issues and is still [tailing today in others. "0“de "Hum "mum W”, to the emu-mg. up not with cm. ad - VII kin than m6 'rr ,w PM I "tyilllillaalllhhtter' 1n mentioning the church I embrace And That News Your Car Needs I Little My, to Withstand Whatever Punishment He Hinds Out . to Automobiles , Dr. A. C. Clarke Mills Wrrrtort 10.'UN My“ "" . Dr. Harmon C. Roos DENTAL SURGEON X-RAY EXTRACTION BY GAS Nurse in Attendance Office: Bank of Montreal Bldg. Main And John St., Weston Phone 295W Residence 2951 Dr. W. J. Rodwell DENTIST orricr-. Cor. Main and John Sta. Over Inch's Drug Store l'hnnv: "Hire 80 Ites. l07l NO GUESSWORK HERE'. Our scientific instruments see to that. Drive in today for a winter checkrupQefore the culd weather arrives. 122 MAIN st N. MRS. T. H. ROGERS Marion Russell Demorest IS JUST AROUND THE CORNERh Bruce Metcalfe Gruickshank Garage E1133] . . .5! [M An. 'c"""",",',',,,','."'.. Wm "N (Incl Ayn.) Singing. Pink). Organ Private or Chas TEACHER OI" PIANO AND THEORY Teacher of Piano I'RIVATE TI‘IT'UN Trkpione 2044-6 DEN TISTS DENTIST Offieet FARR BLOCK 16 Main St. N. PHONE 129 MUSIC LT.C.M in Tr" , 1',"i 0 L we? “‘ "Scientific Motor Tune-Up" Icahn. , so am B". m h“ tuna” w 'idiit" on it 608 u, v GA on we 'isli'iu1l; GW" 7 10% 'l,,Artl oe', numb V! the“ a. The “OWE we 05:6 Jet..', K9 \ 7et,', Mt io gamma sub 'xc :isl (/,t,i.ire bt' name be who“; ot \ tle' u, “We one g iie'." ss,\' “12“ as ol iN We om“ tated), /i,i),ii"jl',',ct,'i' ge,ri.',iiisi,) 'thl..i?ail madam checkeé “A. " t,1)ret. at we \enn'mda. new” or tcvhs- _ ea K too but)“ tlliiet Mu conoae& tetm'msu "iiisse a "Very , o hens cGiet',; (iF?, Wsb'f,'. ow t'tiet, be out Kola n A We awoke»? nab We New“ irie, (ol, JM, tGY', human mm “M r'is")ir,iisp,',s" br6 rm ”Ac. XY 7,. 'ire') ami-keue 'tro" What a Well-Known Service. Manag‘tlir Has to Saf on t e Subject: ,1: t "Hal“. Haw are you getting on as t a s .m I'" no. a "he. 'i'F um on.“ u. the an nté tiii..'!.?, :1." int-P i: thet Q. _ " an. Ono - of d J' GJ/tirhh1Jt'Wt 'r" "tyr"' _. THURSDAY. mnu1 all the Christian creeds and pick " no particular sect to vent all tlk faults upon, as I see them. Some sects have failed more than others, and for various reasons and causes. Some have failed because of the petty rivalries and inane jealous- ies within their own congregations -Gonttnuee. on [use FIRE "mu with A. u Mant-ry G that.” "tvvntmrttt Sen-mien (Mun Hun) (bu-ul- rum-nun Bldla 320 BAY tiT. " "a. F. W. MERTENS In Farr Block Real Innutancc Sonic; Fire Automobile Casually Phones: (Min 77 192 Ressidenee--29N Patronize your local ,'rhohtemr for first class wow “a (from you are deatitrg V153 A kinds of furniture "and In! manna. Slip cm eqt - muck. Manama - “b a". Slmial: 1.,9trsteefieH I“ rent“!!! 37.”. SIT-I“ In WESTON UPHOLSTERIIG General Insurance Ute of the T. m4). Ltd, Piano Tuning First Morn-u Funds Avnlhik B l'PHOLSTERING A. E. M ELLISh PIANO TUNING AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT SICKNESS BURGLARY GUARANTEE BONDS "net. GED. MACKAY INSURANCE 16 MAIN ST. N. Vivi duaiirid PHON E 70l-W Cur-Mn! WM. A. IlIGGS "" I“. M. MT. DENNIS _"" Ir Wow I?" Blunt-Gaul WESTON 387

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