- Club Given Pal-e lebton Mil1ts.-v%inee the incep- tion of home and school clubs. interest in adulation has materially increued 1nd I more intellectual interest is be- ing taken in school authority," Mrs. Pater Bundlford told members of the 1.1mm Mithr-Kintrtomr Home land School Club on Wednesday night. IM Que!) fir".1C"'i,ursme 751 “The Add Kirk" Weston ‘ lulled Director; Mr. Bruce Mote-ate ARMlS'l'ICE DAY SERVICES SUNDAY, NOV. 8 will In conducted by the minister, I ' the Rev. F. C. Pat. . '3tu'lt School and A 1slt Bible ii-cr-Four" -___ -â€"â€"â€"-- gonad welcome to visitors. . _ Wendi} _ Under Auspices of Mt. Dennis 0.E.S. 207 Winter Clothing, Shoes, Etc. Bowl for Recreation! Bowl for Pleasure! The Weston " MAIN Br. SOUTH RUMMAGE SALE . -Sat. Nov. " In Eagle Elock, Main St., If. - - II m AN APPOINTMENT PIONB: '23....“ 'ttten E. Mun 'Mrqderge TM {at 'i-Anniversary Services “(In mir. but km " - Driv- SUNDAY. NOV!!!†I light Ban.--- of lam-bum. w mas.-ACtatmh school. 1:0 .as,-tNertitte Sonics. ' '15-'3th will conduct the union. WESTON BAPTIST CHURCH: Bowling Alley 27 MAIN ST. N. Beverly Ann Beauty Shoppe ILLUSTRATED LECTURE THE LAND OF THE MIDNIGHT Get in on the Fun 'riiiii.-s--t-eur1-r- Cottage Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 8 pan. Aeitinir . 'éverr'yr V wanes- REV. D. A. HACKETT a neat anther. FOUR SQUARE MEN’S CLASS 2.45 “a Nov. 8th, Masonic Hull, Weston PM 933-W Rev. c,, J. Cameron NOW! will be vividly ductibod in the address , to be delivered try At will preach at 11 aan. and T pan. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 3 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 8th Nat-nil. Pam-nuts rue Waves; , CU, TP' Muted-40: "EAM-B" Remnants. A I“ Pennant Wave m tgurtqmr--Me Miss Louise Estes Penney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hut-old 2,gfe,'t4 Pen- ney of Ironton, Ohio, formeri of Weston, on Saturduy became the ride of Mr. John King Moffatt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lang Moffat, of Weston. FORMER WESTON GIRL JOHN MOFFAT’S BRIDE Palm and white ehrrmnthermmta mingled with gleaming tapers, hm transformed the living room of the bride's home into on e tenths setting for the plighting of the Vows. Mem.. bers, of the immediate families were in attendance, in addition to s smell group of out-ot-town guests. The list of visitors included Mrs. Thomaa Lang Moffat, lain, Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Mof at, Jr., rs. Howard Charlton, of Weston; Mr. Marsha.“ sterty. Tos ronto, Mr. H. S. Pettit of Hamilton, Ohio, md Miss Lois Brucey of Cin- cinneti. Miss Louise Penney Wears Ivory Satin at Saturday. Wedding. As the music swelled into the state- ly strains of the wedding much the bridegroom, accompanied by his bro- ther, Thomas Lung Mofflt. Jr., who served as best mm. took his piece before the amu- and waited his bride. Mime Madeline Joy Penney, sister of the bride, was maid of honor and led the altar processional. Slender Ind graceful in a bouffant frock of wine moire mm. with Pd accessories. she curled an armfu of ch the- mums. Than.) came the loves bride with her fa or who (Ive her in mar- riage. She wore heg- mother'a wedding Fawn of ivory satin, cut on princess me: with etosesfittintt collu- and cuffs of handsome lace, and Nahiomm with e short train. Her veil of illusion tulle camded from a mull coronet of penis. Her costume wat, ',',ogtltir'2g I shower bouquet of white orchids lilies of the Valley and a dainty hams kenchief of duchess lace which was made by her trrnztdrnother. The simple ring service was in: {reaming read by the Rev. Kuhn nther erhardt, vector of the Pru- byterian church, and after his bene- diction the bride and groom turned to receive feilcitntions. A brief recap tion was held, during 'dtilu1',h'g ttlter b9uquet were prren tr the bride to her mother and the mother of her husband. A short time Inter Mr. and Mrs. Moffat left h‘rnotor for WhiteSulphur Springs, . VI. They will continue on to mud- to aub- llah their home in Weston. Harding Ave. Mission "Them iiiiri- Eoiiix-ewiy costume was (green “it with brown m. ies. ' I. li 8 pan.-AundV Scth 7 pan.-Hhmptsl mango. Mr. Hooper. Music by Girls' Choir. M! Mr. It. J. Patrk. 10' Ink but Dr. ATtMrtmCrt SUNDAY 2 pas-tP. BIN. Cum. I p.m.-4Nndar School. q sr.m.-at-rnttr- Benin. (IntorJenomlnatIonal) SUNDAY, NOV. g Emmo- Park Unit-i church HaireuN-SSe BRIGGS PHARMACY if the new tel-tine LIJOYD’S TEYMOLATED CORN SALVB CKLILousns.’ in 5.). M bliiiiEeiFe" 25.69333 " IAIN trr. N. PHONE "' $10.00 REWARD Manieure-Sge [-jjriiii] 'WES'I‘ON 82.5. " Petty Jt, .' It. at! In. R. (hm W In. Cnmmn’l mother " Bunch"! " Sunday. . . . . I Mr. and In. Pormt and Ltttiin vio- dud Mr. and In. Earl M uni family " Rushdie. Int Sunday. w. tad In? V. Wittismn Woos- bridge. an to ho comm-M on the lag-£31: of a non on My. October Congratulations are but: an.“ taMr.andMm.ArthurM LWut-n, on the birth of u BortrNov. ht. " the from“ Narnia! 'et. Mr. Ind In. John Maehiin, 100 Belg-win Aunt", Toronto, Announce the irthatts.onontktoberMthat the Cottage Neiryr you _ Mrs. A. Prom "13 kindly openod harbor-tektites: Boeiniinaidof 'Urdintr Ave. Minion Sunday School last Tuesday .1}.me and evening. Pupils of the Weston Branch Tor. Conservatory of Mule will resent n Ruled in Memorial Schoo on the evening of Tuesday. Nov. 17, hadn- min: at 8 o’clock. - ' The Senior Golden Rule Club ot Had- ilac Avenue Mission held a fdlS'ffi a e "r'ltgt,',"N',titt on My an Junior Golden ule lub members were guests. Danna refreshments were served during 9 evening. cintion held a very muse-ful Hallo. we'en Social on Snturdntx, Oct. Slat. The winning ticket for o balm: of trs'glg was No. M8, held by Robert anrllne. 64 Cup: venue, Toronto. There was a splendid turpout) It Central Church on Mondn' evening, when Mr. A. Patton. former Princiral of Walton High and Vocation: School, gave 3 melt interesting akin" on hi: recent trip throng. _Gpmyt Ao. ' of __Centnl gum and the pastor, trar'." Hon'y Prow- eon. occupied the chair. Min Fury Healop sung, accompanied " the piano by‘Mrs. M. R. Dcmoreet and radius: were given by Miss iiGiii Beraee. Numbers by the 'dot,tldfg, Ladies' Quartette, g'."E,','f of :1. Shore Mrs. McLean, n. W. L. Ward we! Mrs. J. E. Anderson accompanied at [the piano by Miss Miller, were much '; appreciated. . Churéii 'y,Nierkireiit g thin-o: The lovely Rosemary Lane home of Hon. J. Eur Lawson and Mrs. Lawson was opened for a bridge, ten and take sale. sponsored tr, the Cradiuhip Creche of York ownship. In the drawing-room, where Mrs. Lawson, wearing a graceful non of black vel- vet with awe:- tunie, sud coma of orchids, received. the decanting: m white ehrrtsanthemurna and “has. The same flo era were also used in the morning 'lit. Assisting in receiving was the President, Mrs. John C. Me- Fnrlnnd, to whom the creche also pre- sented orchids. 7 A __ 7 ' Tea was served in the diningroom and in the red and white sunmm. In the dining-room, Mrs. Leopold Mn- gnu‘lgyLMfs. JLA. Buy.rteys Mfg; J. C. McClelland, Mrs. G. S. Green, Mrs. l C. A. Warren, Mrs. K. B. Stratum and Mrs. George Tyndall were in chug; and the usistants were Junior Cree E115, Betsy Cochin 2'tt.t,2tgyit',t ye Elliott, Jean gar, rothyJane Lawson,~Mary Macaulay, Marion Chambers end Betty Moody. In the' sum-00m Mrs. C. F. R. Oman wu in churn-e with Mrs. Roydon D. Ker-by end Miss Charity Smith$ouri% the tea and coffee, and Mrs. . J. orth- WA Mrs. Floyd Chalmers, Mm. arren D. Heating: and like Dorie Start as “shunts. Other members of the executive looking after the guest: in the 2rtr, end morning rooms included Mrs. ishn Hope, In. Russell Locke, Mrs J. J. WieHtf, In. Arthur Money, itrU. Stanford Deck. Mrs.0.W.Cnningdex-|.Evn Guy. The Junion Creche eahn won in :cherge of Betta Wheeler, Pauline le- (Gibbon, Mary itchie end Betty Mi- The 1ur1timrton mun-var? Ango- IL)iriESE)NiiAltS' som mum-Am mm. Annual-duh: Com-n.va mammal: Cluck “than 1"lld1h3ro','tlth" Hone-Hub We. DINNERS So, and up ‘sfahmidwa “a: Winn-C... - MBNU' M Chain .. Skid-Stall DHDNE " THE TIMES I GUIDE iiir'gfitCttird - = n m - tfdh'gh,et',Sr.yg',. or f,i."Gi, “Tifobdiiéi GG; mend- Ind He planned to know In. MrrtTidg, of Chan- wick Ave. in m Ilong well after he: (mention. _ _ - iGiidiu' HIKE-i it on Frida/tGF. 18, iglonttsr of he. debgtanee daugh- It. and In w. Codlin (nee Marie John-on). “Wu. are to, be con- mtullud on the huh of I son. Oct. Lam, " the Cottage Nursing Home, Walton. " _ _ Tho Young MW! danees at Bard. te,". Conan-Ry In“ begin on an- y, NW. Tth, vi. Manro's orches- tm lupplyinz my -i..e. iG,Wiisirtfdkrtti9ee Lawibi. The “cowl no. of the Peel Dean- - u " ""ii'ioiriii7'"inoiirliii cry Sand-y Schncl femur Auocln- Mm" ' at: ir,ti, 'gl',',',,") trimming And Clan 101th. 1936-87 season will be hold cm of red ram. Following the on 2t.%'2tt,t " at St. George's reception Mr. Willigm Lawrie 5mg. Church, In (con. Bav.J.S. Roe propoaodthetoutto . . . ihVbAastsatdalioirestodtJtbrHe. I Maw articles of warm clothing for and mm with . Manuel bound 'rtig'h'g,ti,tS,"l'itrtt willbe and Bible tin ttitt of Knox 1'l'h"g,'t'l'll'lll " Rummnge Ede to be held 0n church, Vm‘hn. After the om', Saturday in the Eagle Block under anyone, M. William E. MI',", - the III-pica of Mt. Dennis 0.E.S. 207. turn minim from cum. all has: . . . . irunatthernirri-od tubrid" [rho 939118.01 Mia. T, H. Poms are mun, spoke a In words of can- 'st,trt8.trdf,,tiytgL,aeit.tl 1.n View -rrtsta1tttittn_ Mt., steals! Atyhtt tle The pupils of Mia. T. H. Rogers are giving a Piano Recital in Welton Town Ball on 21tiU'v4ttt,i " thin wok-â€Med by. Mit Mme gy.rytee, shadow†iiii"ai, V ut" GladA, Shibli' mu Jug-aw CIT Jl'll'llfh', tpt pupil of Gwendolyn Audrey ox. T A _ _ Misses Bernice Stinlon, Thelma Mat- tison and Joan Living: with the “Hol- lywood Kiddies Revue†entertained the engineer- of the University of Toronto " their homecoming banquet It the Royei‘York Hotel on Thuudny night. naught!» provided the entertainment for e Queen's Own Regiment " their kytqest in the__Cry§tnl {31111er of. the King Edward Hotel on Saturday Mf: The children were $21: a party af r- mdn in the Blue m as it was the birthday of the Garner twins, who are members of the Revue. Some af the tr,tiiu,te.e', " the party were Col. Kirkpn ck, who cut the 1tl"td cake end proposed emu“ to the Kddies’ Revue, remarking on the exeeptional ability of there twelve dfudli enter- hiya!†flol, quhop, y. A.. Col: grew and Col. McKenzie of the Queen's Own. The "BoWwood Kiddies' Revue" is ap- searilig It the Royce Theatre on Pri- " and Saturdgy q! Ibis week. An interesting We“ wee sol- emnized Wedneedny of but week at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and. Mm. W. B. Tapscott, 67 River- side Dr., Weston, when their daugh- ter, Dorothy Grace Ph"."'??' became the bride of Leonard . S. Thomas, Ion of Mr. Ind Mrs. R. F. Thomas, the Rev. B. C. Packhnm ofBeiatittir. The ',',','l,'il'.'o,'.T took pure in the liv- ts roam. w ere a {mature garden been arranged with nutumn no,.- er: and miniature fence. Mm. Cam, eron Hand sister of the bride, 211M the ','lhdilli flush}, end #1. Dorothy Cross sens. The bride, given sway by her (ether, wore a gown of white Min made on long, fitted lines, with full sleeves end high neckline. Her veil wee of embroidered tulle and she curled roses and bduvardia. Miss Marion Gun-ell attended her in pink triple sheer. in jacket style, 1 metall- in: turban end curied_ roses end bou- media. Mr. William Mitchell was best mm. A buffet luncheon followed the ceremony. The bride's mother use in powder blue crepe with coresge of pink roses. The groom’s mother had chosen block aux; with silver neck- line end roses. ter e trip to Star- [ Lake, the couple will reside in 8l'ldf/. The bride mulled in *s more brown dress fashioned of crepe- ‘beck "tin, mtghigg accessories. 14m}. EyH 1-9-0" ELMO“ Ptt1ter-LaqMe The home of Mr. and Mrs. John William Lannie. ninth concession Vaughn township, m the seen. of I hp mm on Satan!†Moan, Out a" when their â€we daugh- ur.Annie f.'ygr,gtt hammo- Malt to Mr.. Ms Fuller. sae,', non of Mr. and Mrs. Robert " and 1f,il,t 6rd. 1hhl't'tg,','ltt room " 'ty ,W Inch, plum! by mun-n 1',taltgtt.' of theiride. Aftartto Mr. William p, anrle‘ bro- New)“. William D. â€me. Bro- m at - m spasm: we»? urn-tn" - Tim.“ oT.irtiitViEitt9?., shal- win:- accordion plated tim- d u nil of eath'irttddred not il,'l.llhk,'it',iie,5iii',Criitiii stFirtmrstkarr,aod I‘ll atthq M"td whit. = Ul'?. m We! 100.,me than mm!“ Ind ,rrpu_.heit.t.ttf AL. 1"a"s"1"d"';iC2 W m"targhite ntl um' m itugrep,,ritg"iht Raul-mu gin... ,gieeirtetAtt.oft.?t.ert.- zoo-Mammal! i _ of BBime, Ar rri,t1tdt.'tt/',U'attotg nth BINGO PARTY “1“.†mm out St. 1"2gs=t"s! of in L T. B. . u'tit't's thm Tth, . " du.era- , RUMMAGE SALE Sapmhur, Nov. 6th, trtsaodtthaaonee,sreAmsrerrsrrrmr. (human-dead... ummmmNgluass. 3rtrtourttt Aye., is unwind: of fern on either “do and Wet.- of tons and will: and bronu Minuteman. Six finds ofthe bride stood. three on any, i,iiiigii 1i; Giiiti, ii2hiiit Gai. m; - in Gwendo no NM and Mrs. Palmer Kitratriek in Ptllow, Miss Illa. CpiampatWitm Jain Hyd- ine in pink. and Mines Theodor: Sanding Hid Int-mt Wallis in white. All were matching caramel, km in the afternoon they minted at the moption and buffet luncheon. 2,rh'l't with the bride were, her mother, n navy tri lo Ihur with no net trimming uni corggge of p13 yum-m... -. -ww. -ee-__e-" V, __ em. Afterward I dainty buffet lun- cheon we: served to shout 80 Men. end relatives. Later the bride and groom you on B motor St to Ottawa and points eat. the bri e ttNa in ' new sheer than, trimmed wi eirtridge pleatinf. new cont with plutinum wolf col Br, navy velvet hat, and my uncensoriee. On their return maul Mrs. Fuller willneide at the Ira',",',',", home, Woodland Farm, neu- mtford. . e. _ I 69d. We need men in our Federal, our provincill and municipal seven:- menta that will fight for the right, and not for' some f',,',,', eliqun, m yortKliticd form government, but lrn r men on whom the a?!“ of the (Lord is. Men who will loo after the interest.- nf their fellowmen, putting on the whole amour of light " the crusaders of old did., Four Square Men’s Class Hears Rev. Frank Day Continued from use 2-- son. as it Ins on Jesus, that mm will know it. Jesus knew for he said "The spirit of the Lord is upon me," and His whole life proved that statement. We do not want men filled with the spirit of Might, that is what is troubling the world todsy. We need men filigd with. the spirit of tys,Lor,d - l MIrr With That at d Perfection "We need men of action. Jesus did not choose men of leisure to so out an pteseh the gospel. He chose work- ers, fishermen/ men who had hailed all nifzht all their lives to !grown food or those who needed it. e gave them' the message he had received from God, and it was a real message -it took root in their very hearts. They__no doubt were the fix-squas- The speaker then referred to the need of men to den out the slums in sown and cities the world over. and read a. clipping, which in 1 conveni- tion between a lady and I doctor: - "Well, I guess I'm u: old-fashioned def!" FOR A WELL-'rrxlmnzn don}! 2†- . "What is ity' . Dr. Rut looked at her queerly. “Why ho’n Just u: ordinary man. like Juan, who In: his land on the filth of the world’s flesh, but who Iris -r.TrharGadttusisu1oirrr"1eprtta: ed, and held his breath, "bruised ham and broken 3min." COLEMANIH “Like Jenn?" she cried. "You, I Jew any that?†“Why not?" he smiled, "Jesus we: elem And as doctor [men mm. He was our rum doetob--He cured unkind“! will: there way one such in the†merit: slums." A shale" of conumpc mud over her me. A MLBiirtr av, not being I doctor," she ethyl) “that's [rubbing in n garb-ge- She looked 'Ill quickly. "That one" kahuna mammary...“ -ii4iiurer"irrt'toi-ttoft.hy 'temi, "ff.t2pt,tgt,t2t',i2a-g,gS,; 1fll 1ilitit',',',iiriiiiEiicit'i "I all-u, to on my to W boa-71m my}!!! in»? 1. smiled sadly m “In Net under-M.†he said â€say. “This city hu 1 du-e-a amen" _ _ 'iiSiriiti'"t9iiritiCiiCi%rygti 'iGiiiit3tireicthterll We iriiTfetiiuiutithy-sr'e_ Vtmdmm!!! "___ “I!!! TAILOR" u um s1. B. mm- 8--Ph---JU. m4 I‘M‘IMW m 13 am Ava-n. an... in. T," 1006, - M Tu [ml-III. Aeton.--Btsrkintt of I three-month- old dog aroused the family of In. Beatrice Taylor when fire broke out in: the pantry of their home here on Sun- day night. Occupants were shle to ex- tinguish the blue before meh. dun- nge mglted. The puppy in and to be I irony-e]. It THESE days of comfcting alums in the dry cleaning tSmit-tr a will do beat to choose the cleaner whole work mm!†yo- uthhction. REMEMBER, Felker Brothers' prices Ire the lowest poulblo to (hi you quality workmanship and to luume the to: .ibility than“ in handling valuable personal and household i'luflrl'lt FU RS Neekpieees cm Coats Under auspice. lulled Aux. W.W.C.. inAClulglgom, At Mths Bt. iid., Siillrdly, Nov. IA, It 8 PPP. " Main St. 8. Weston 845 BAKING SALE cle-d-Pre-d-Re-edt Hive Your and Your Winter Offer You the Latest Styles, nt Prices You cu Atreed, in M OVERCOAT Mongrel Save- Fanny At Very Reno-able Prices November Sale of Frocks" and Coats Jim Howudloohtmdumwakahlnln taT2,t:Ltatattgt:atttg'l't , wM-pwmwwhhdu i-tran-os-rs-tnr-ht-.'. ', dwaddMnM-‘-b' “Numb-i - 'c," ', 'ittr,"c2:t1e,"s'N2r:T,ttl'atE;, k it, i. A Splendid Arrat to Choose Pro. in Guy Colour: and Mating Style- We Invite You [W With No Obligation to a JOHNSTON’S LADIES’ WEAR FUR COATS REMODELLED STORE RETURNED TO YOU WITH NEW LIFE AND 1.08132 SKIRTS, SWEATERS, BLOUSES $1.95 and up YOU CAN TRUST CLEANERS & DYERS -Reratredt 1 CLEANED AND 3mm MADE TO LOOK LIKE NEW! M'th-v‘ LYIIlIlnu'It 2168 LADIES' unfairâ€? nu Baby Show Ind Buns, m LT.B.A. 498, Weston, Odd PM Hall, Church Street, Smut-day. Mk. 28. Ban:- 1.00-6.80 pan. My Show 2.30 p.m. - MAIN and DUFFERIN Bingo Part! Every Pruay--sa0 p... Weatam Working-n5 Chi 12 Gnrrsetr--89es Tax he“ bfi' COATS ad DRESSES Cleaned Ind PM HATS So, -.49PrilCIAL- ."'i""STW" m a; g: Eiiéii