mnmmn g, 1936 New Radio' Thrills" Awam RICHARDSON RADIO AND ELECTRIC CO. MAGIC TONE A three-band All-Wave console that you will be proud to own. The entire standard broadcast and short-wave bands, as well as police calls, aircraft, and amateur signals/are within its receiving range. Eight metal tubes. Brilliant rformance. The modern walnut-veneer cabinet possesses an implant: Yarhtonites with any ‘ F , $1 " 50 Interior decoration . V T T F-rt, vp-r _ . _ I For n small down payment we will place a 6-8 Retrigerator in your kitchen . . . and the suing: n G-E nukes possible will probably cover the an]! Homily â€moms. With a " Refrigerator you an on food t% . . save an current can: . . . and save on upkeep. Only the 84 In the sunny Shirtless Shel Fm which dill not chip; rel, rid a tarnish. And only the 6-3 In: fumed-feed “triad.- w ht Itett Per Lett. tut Mriggntbl. _ In new Ind no the I“ - beâ€!!! new G-E Add. 7 W iiGaGGGuiiGinir, Taa; 7i"ti'iia"i; oai)NoiiatAotaraaatrrottrc Refrhterahir THE OUTSTANDING RADIO VALUE OF THE YEAR When Your Radio Goes Wrong Phone Us For Service 1iliiNi1tAolLEerme HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES ON EASY TERMS SHOP AT "WEST0N'S BrdikiWiijWi%TnjT6iiE" GENERAL [LEEIBIC Bring Crhe World To Your Dbor Service and Repair " Applied“; AND UP _ o THE 1937 General Electric Radios give you, to a greater degree than ever before, command of allthe interesting doings throughout the world-- with a simple twist of the dial. You have a choice ot tuning in your favorite stand- ard broadcasts, foreign short-wave programs, grim calls to police cars, weather and aircraft reports, amateur messages. You receive all this, remark- ably free from interference. with a stabilized magic true-tone, and distinctive performance such as you have never heard before. You ean't really appreciate a General Electric Magic Tone Radio until you have actually heard a demonstration. Let us arrange one at your eoev venienee. . ON CONVENIENTTERMS Decide NOW to trade in your old radio set. You’ll always be glad. you bought a General Electric. GENERAL ELECTRIC Magic Tone RADIO I Cv/lt, (Ma cw ‘ Tt v» 'l... ‘ YOU (‘AN BUY A THEMES & GUIDE 18-20 Main Street WESTON: 1208 -PH0NES- Tm A MODEL FOR EVERY PURSE BETTER Allowances SEE US BEFORE THAT RADIO OF Trade - in YOU TRADE-IN BE SURE TO Always YOURS Our A five-bun! De Luxe AllcWnve con- Iole that cover: all ntlndard broad- can, foreign and domestic short- wue, gluten", police, weather and graph tht' an nun-short- and Iircnft [In I [no band. A"t'l'd A (our-band All-Wave console for those who demand above the uter- Me radio "caption The tuning “an embncea I“ standard hund- clltl " well " foreign and do- 'tteste Immature. police, aircraft Ind tin-tent limb. Nine Radio. trontr-. tt 57.50 ARE _ Showroom: at - Troom. 2-157 MODEL 12-98 Com: to our not! and In: out can! t8tttdi'rlfrerfmodt-rrettroiate Hi-Speed Ranges. You’ll find a model exactly united to your and: Ind your pocket-book. . We will irttrtiRotpoint Range in your kitchen for u little u 810 dttmtandFrmtMrto16 _ was to a, the Mulch: 'rrWr" ytnynm 'ryd.emetetyeeth.ryyiCett-o. ehtshendranta-erftttdG-B; Hotpoht...udnhowyu why it "so. km an ,lgetEttIhgANgr,__, __ Prlcod " Low As $99-00 A two-band table node! that cover: standard broadeasts police calla, amateur a:d aircraft calla. foreign and chic-tic a ant-wave stations. Five Radiotrona WW.-.†$59-00 A three-bald All-Wave table model covering the entire almdlrd Medan hind Ind the foreign land domestic short - wnve [renunciu plu- polieo. “It", uku- ealU. Mi so Rndiotrona _.._. I OOOOOOlQOODCO MODEL 2-53 Wii' --- 5A...†660-0. MADE"! CANADA I2t