Times & Guide (1909), 5 Nov 1936, p. 6

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:' Gore Pumps, Straps and .. Ties . f " M or Brown Kid Leathers __ AG _- Men --- ttti.t.riii!irt thwkk’l Selected Footieu Am You of "PLAY FAIR WITH YOUR FEET" M nu be had in "B", "C", "W' and "W' Width. “It DELHI!" " mun BY. N. M 300-1 f Agents: Thr Tots Tailors ind " 81119 Style Tailors "WE DELNER" Ji9 MAIN ST. N. PRO] Cooking is Better With GOOD MlllLlK $1.00 Cuban: and All Silk 81.5. to 82.50 yum Gen-he Goodyear Welt: _ LADIES VELVET GOLOSHBS Are Now in Stock At HAROLD R. JOHNSTON Nnv. Tutu Effect Wool Scuf- Quality, Style and Durability English Broadeioiit - Shins $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Oxfords At POPnhl' Prices s2.ss $5.00 $5.00 SCARFS Altman Valtaer, in Black Catt "WestmN Fine-t Men's Store" SHIRTS lbs 19.50 22.50 25.00 'rti)l Serviced“: Coats at Monte Prices Mackinaw and Melton Cloths $3.50 to $4.95 Camel Pile and Leathers 86.75, 87,95 to $10.95 Leather Jukets $7.50 to $12.95 Latest Shades Kiwi grunt Shap.es $1.95, $2.50 and $3.50 A Warm, Serviceable OVERCOAT Lined and Unlined Capeskin 81.00 to 82.95 Wool and Chamoisette Me to 8t,00 Tailored-“Jim O’cula 323.50 and 325.00 WINDBREAKERS ORANGE HISTORY DRAWS FAVOURABLE COMMENT had splendid congregation: on Sunday for its mniverury services. Rev. Mr. Huddle of Dwmview m the arch] speaker in the morning and Pro user Luce of Trhonto in the evening. The fre, of the chef; under the direction 0 r. . . mung e that ttto Sr/a."""'""' If bin be can . Doeakin Shirts For Warmth and Comfort $1.00 to $2.00 Professor Stephen Leacock, of Me- Gill University, has evidentlg been reading Prom The Home to ramp- ton with pent pleasure and sends the author "My best congratulations on yon-r inttrestinir_voLufite." -___e - H“ 't _-... -..v -v,..- =v Brampton. You are to be felieiUted in your wisdom in placing before orange, lndn .verrwuri, not only the import- ance of the Order in Canada, but also hitrtorient events and early !strutttrley, the success of which must inevitably any I mean? of cheer and courage eapecinlly It t is time when so many sinister efforts are being made to hurt the Order." Loltus H. Reid, gttndisr,,ret,g.,vc, Grunge Atnsoelation, ritiah America, in I recent letter to Mr. Perkins Ball, an: " trust Canadians generally will “a thcmaelvea of the “liable Ed R I: matter It? the, pity; of The United Church a Thiltletown -"The 3mm: Kid",.tstarring Al m mthersdid much: on Sundny Jolson angl Sybil Jason, is one of the for in 'tart-i, tservices. Rev. Mr. feature pictures to be shown at the 'kddie of Downwiuv m the It . l Weston Theatre on Friday and Satur- - in the morning and 'r't,','l'I',l,') day, November f and T. The other Luce of Toronto in the evening. The t,tatere.is9hillt1rs Holmes and Moe . ofthe choir tntdsrthedfreetion Clarke tn "The House of a Thousand of Er. J. W. Dunning left nothing to be Candles." The fin-l Bad-Min contest haired. taken place at the Saturday matinee. ' -._--.. _ On Monday and Tuesday, November g Rev. T. B. Butler punched a ver and 10 there will be tttoutstanding fitting sermon " St. Andrew'. far “All ‘felturee, Bum: Creepy, Fumes Farm- Sninto' Dar." Appropriate hymns and er and Bob Burns m "Rhythm on the payers made . very inspiring service. Range," and Edward Arnold and Con- V --.- stance Cummings in "Remember Last St. Andrew's Women's Guild held a Niaht." The features to be shown on business meeting in the Sunday School Wednesday and Thursday, November 100m mfTuesdi' with a good number 11 and 12, will be "The Prisoner of mtesent. Shark Island." with Warner Baxter ------ and Gloria Stuart, and chk Oakie and' _ Among our sigh 1.r1esgre,v,ed for ISally Ellen; in "Florin 8pecial." -Among our nick friends I. ed for were the Rev. Dnviwn’s L",,trf; and Mr. Norman Button. From TE; boil-via iGr0t%"y" M. Andrew's Women's Guild held a bruins“ meeting in the Sunday School Toma mfTuesdi' with a good number ,present. The Hullowe'en rty under the nus pieces of the Things.“ Women's In, mum was . and tween. "hom the Boyne to Brampton" Attaining Widespread ' Popularity _ Mrs; k%iirV "iTriiissmr.B ll r k e writes: “This ip go tell you with what tttiiirriildf FroFfiiiijiiihe1"ii' DANDY salad Gr iGiGriaai" Mei. "WWI-dumb s?eterr-.eptituut GLOVES Thistletown HATS Up Your with PHONE 89W “l fi8iliiiitt:sr5sa5 -Mrs. Tomlinson and her three daughters were hostesses to the Cath.. eart Chas of St. Matthias' Church, and while "Tom" ind “Topsy" mixed hilar~ iously with Cnrdinlll and moms and other happy characters. the whole house spoke of mrllowe'en. Witches de- rided and pumpkins grinned from every l window curtain. Twelve cups and I saucers were donated that night to the i' china cupboard. La-tcz".,,,?.:,',,': 'J,'Itlr?,,': l 'elc m on My mini. the Hum“: Tum- Weston, under the aw, of 1 ChaperNo.u4, ofthe 'eterittrur',nritttntnmtigiGtuittG mi friends in “uni-nee. Daron- yerpirtMitdo-nttdtb n. W! that at. when”. mad pumpkin. Music for 'ms,prrrvjderittrrtmmr3omr. of nah fume. no price: w costumes went to n. Hm Mn. Bil Gm:- Ihriy, Ptet Joye: Fm. ”in. a B.rum. m v'ta,ultltui2efid,id t.' t%tuiieliiiLiNi9irfF --Mt. Dennis Chapter O.E.S. No. 1207 held a moat mcceaaful Theatre Night last Wednesday " the Weston Theatre. There was a gratifying at- tendance, and the chunks of the Chap- tee was tendered to the audience by A. Weir Eckenswiller, Worthy Patron. -Mrs. Austin Banks was the special soloist and Mr. Hooper gave the gospel mange at Harding Ave. Mission lust Sundny. Friday, Nov. 6, at 8 p.m., a three act play entitled "All in the F mily" is to be put on at the Mission gn aid of the Sunday School. Candies will be sold at inter- missions. The play is to be given by Harwood United Church Young Peo.. ple's Society. m” -, ttk, mi; friWi _-__ for at!- m m " (M: W. AM; 1. Atfttie WIN! Ind In. “RH: “some, If: Me L.1t, W,"t=tfAh,tgt Ber- i, -aervieets at St. John's Anglican Chm-ch next Sunday will be u umi. Iwith the exception of the morning when 1 special Armistice Day service will be held. and all hymns, am, will be of In appropriate nature. Vim Statistics --Vital atatigtiea tor the month of October this year ire as follows: Baths 4, births 8 and mini-{es 8, is compared with 2 deaths, 8 irtha Ind 6 marriages in the same month last year. --At St. Matthias', Westmount, on Sunday night, the rector, Ret. T. B. Butler, very clearly showed his hearers I forgotten truth of the spiritual, un- seen world which would, it appeared, mltly benefit the daily lives of hu- manity. The choir is stil seeking male voices, especiall‘y a good bass. Anyone volunteering wi 1 find it a pleasure and an education to Join this group. -Radioh, hunt tom-minim - RCA. Victor’s PE', voiei'-O len- hnd at Weston all: and Radio. Eur them for yourself and be con- vincgfl. “Trude in your old radio on Sunday]. Nov. 8, at 9.30 a.m. at the cairn in t e town park, and at 10 mm. in Memorial School. All are welcome. There will be no service in the Weston Theatre in the evening. ~Clovdly Chute: No. IM, 0.2.8.. will hold . Rummage Sun on Sutur- tga"utle,Attniiu2'g,igit,i'aid de office. Main Street South. VThe Rangers Branch. Canadian Legion. 213, will hold its Poppy Day mmpaign rtu',"r,1,1g,,tp, Nov. 7, and would salient e fullest nugport of the citizens of Weston. The ranch will alstLhm‘re a ?t.emePbryryy Day service --There muy be new blood in next year’s Town Council if J, o. Scott, popular manager of the Weston Thea- tre, is successful in contesting the of- fice of Councillor at the polls on Dee, 7th. In lny event, Mr. Scott is per- mitting his name to be pat forward for nomination at the nomination meeting on Nov. 27th, and he has a sound, progressive platform in which to base his candidature. -There were 5.726 accidents re- ported to the Workmen's Compensa- tion Board during the month of Octo- ber, this being the second Ingest number reported during any month this War, and comp-res with 5,513 during September. and 5,696 during October Int year. The total benefits evaded amounted to $519,278.87. of which $434,074.77 m for compeme~ thm, and $85,204.10 for medical lid. The total benefits trrarded to date this year mount ta $4,468,104.76 as comptred with. $4,46t,922.tm during the me period Inst your, and the lumba- of accidents reported this year t 'tt ere 50971, n 13:33th or corresponding mi " 1 . m fatal (cadence reported to date this year number 286, as compared with as during the corresponding period of was. --.ttr, CH.. Gun-ran will be the new wink?- jiGCtr%iiG -___ 31 iG baton BIN-t church. PHONE " --WirsdqruYS min lead with ml ulna in hull, footwear. . Quality, atyle sad and”. at popular prices. is featured in - pair of shoes pur- chased from Windivick'ts. THE mm & GUIDE --Men. to.) up you “wanna. with a 'aLhty winter “grant. Harold J has a aphndid my on land and very reasonably pric . too. ~Continuing his series of sermons on “Portraits of Christ", Dr. Day, supply pastor of Westminster Church will preaehmext Sunday morning on "Jesus, the mm of physical power and manly Vigor)! In the evening a service 11tPg,'ft to Peace Sunday will be held and the tsuNeet.of the sermon will 2t "Creatine a world conscience." x-aervice men and all interested in world peace are especial- ly invited. --A treat is in store for music lov- ers of Weston Ind district on Friday evening. November 20th when .the choir of St. George's United Church, Toronto. will uremic a concert in Can- tral United Chung}: under the auspices of Central Church Choir. St. George's choir is conducted by Don Linden and will be named by Nellie McGhie, well known violinist. Among the soloists, who are memberg of the choir, is Irving Levine, who is heard frequent- lv over Toronto radio stations. Keep thisyitte open feq an evening of rare ---w- taaw She 'I 8th - nunl fill In). i now Q'rlil swine- nov in your to ttet that coat or am. " “mince; C The Brownies of Mount Dennis have loaned gone very pretty costumea for the fairy play to be presented in West- mount Community Hall on Tuetsday, Nov, 10, as put of the concert ttt put on by St. Mutthins' Sunday Schoo . --AV comndu of Post 218, Canadian Legion, are regulated to attend a 'pee- ial meeting on Pridar Nov. 6, " 8 p.m. in the Legion Ha I, Elsmere Ave., to amaze for Poppy Day and the Re.. membrane Dar services on Saturday and Sunday respeetively. --When a hike was sawing kicked back, Wilbert Iver, 38, of hiswick Avenue, had hits right hand bndly lamented by I Mutable circula- saw on Tuesday. He was taken to the To- ronto General Hospital where it was found necessary to amputate'three fingers. _ --Tyad. fn that on: radio now on I beautiful, diamond General Electric. Drop in " Richardson Radio mil Electric-Company's show room and they'll exglaln to you how any it ie to acquire one. musical enjoym M " - JD. .733 1iNCllliiliUit Phqnes: Weston 53 JII. 8733 1lNClliili'tit Amazing Values Mt. Dennis Store MN AN" 'tr. m3 Drug Needs Two One Sale Drug Stores CUT RATE DRUG STORES SEE OUR HANDBILLS AND WINDOW DISPLAYS Weston Store SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR OUTSTANDING VALUES IN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE REXALL ONE CENT SALE NOW IN EFFECT AT CUT IA" AT OUR hold a. an: _ d the w " 'bt2tg M't,tht n 5',iiiiiii on . The git Team? 3!! ud Wonk u. . . Vb. W Mrs P. H. htlll'Mt m the M of the club. [In Roberta Ember“. accompudod by her Iimr, In. Whit. inf. remitted vory ucephblo violin so on. The halts-I served dainty ro- lmhmenta Ind a pleasant sock] hour was enjoyed. --ritrq*lk-oWrdtrt- al,; ammun- iiriit'iii.rlrili'i Room In: (North. I , iiaiuriaai; mutual-Mn; awuyyourwuk ma. --tht 2g.rtg lut " the home of the convene ' rsi J. C. Irvin, the commute. for the Grentell Orphan ”Wanda? and discussed b'"t,'", of e nee-our money com- plete the enr'e F,ti's'"it'ii'i:ri After much iiHi it was lded to hold I Shilng en st the home of Mm. J. C. Irvin, 88 John Street, on Thundey, Nov.86,ftmrttto 6.:ndfroln8w 10 pm. The evening is planned so that me: who know and admire Sir Wilfred Grenfell'l heroic work on the L-budar mey come to enjoy a chnt and . cup of coffee, and nuke their contribution. Some Miaaiopmrrmind- ed friends. have volunteered donations for the cause and Mrs. Irvin will be glad t: receive they gin day. g In re: my program " n arm; for both sessions. Ind 'l'll,'lL') details will be published as they are de- veloped. . _ --e e-Tee- ~~v~ “-v-“r-“n'” "l MA. Norman Cherries. Among those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Htg h Esyu, Mr. pméfuen' Mrs. Wsuén. Mi. and Mrs. axles Comfort, Mr. and Mrs. Peter storth, Colonel and Mrs Erie Phillips of Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kettle, Mrs. Irving Find- ley, Mr. FrederickMsnnin , P. and Mrs. Ettore Mazzoleni, 'il,1'fit'.a"lii,'li-' gelly, Mrs. H. E. Scott, Mr. snk Scott, Mr. James Craig, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Potvin, Mr. and Mrs. C." E. Dur- and, Miss Grace Shier, Mr. Miller Chase, Mr. and, Mrs. James Duncan and Mr. Edmund McDonald. ~Mldame Jeanne Penttelty, of Syku Ivonne, Weston, who is leaving shortly to sing with the Petgt.otti,i, Optrd Compuny in New Yor , w" honored lust week with a reception at the Heliconiun Club, of which she in a member. Receiving the laminate with Madame Pengelly were m. R. S. Van Valkenburg and Mrs. J. N. Shenstone. Coffe was poured " the supper table, bright with autumn t1oirera, by Mrs. Gordon Kennedy and Mrs. James (knig. Assisting were Miss Isobel McLaughlin. Miss Kath- leen Irwin, Mrs. Maude million. Miss Wilma. Tait, Miss Gladys ontgornery and Mrs. Terence Shear-d. A group of songs by Mme. Pengelly w“ warmly 'yyP1h1.. Pt wns accompaniegl by Miss Helen Farley, 14 Stem of age, residing at 44 Main St. uth, passed away on Saturday evening after an illness of only a week. She had been confined to the Sick Children’s 3039‘- tal during that time. She had reai ed here for only a year, but had become quite popular among the young people of the town, many of whom gathered to pay their last tributes at the funeral on Monday afternoon. Rev. Dr. Robert Haddow conducted the service and ind :sts Univ-ram Yee" Club Mina Helen Foray "a f_tp" arrere tacit, at: HOME IMPROVEMENT BANKOF MONTREAL nuns-Io my . . . Inn when: hum Under the new provisions in respect to (In Dominion, Housing Act The Bank of Manned is co-operntirg hoopla, announced by the Dominion Government for assisting home owners who wish to renovate, modernize or other. wise improve their homes, and it is now prepared to make loans to property owners under the new provisions of the Dominion Housing Act. Briefly, the provisions regarding home improvement loans Are: 'ttttttUtterly-trest.'?)';";!? h"err"1artddi-srrmrrerrsr-tticis L014 OMninum loan on one my - 81.000. .piemr-fsm, equal In ”.23 per $100. of 'et'rg.tyta.ttieothr1cej.erii-' able in advance. Wynn: by monthly ml- OH“ be 'deule'gut WWM36MMM ).'.'ALIAG.M tter Valle iii T" it law. Rom at 'at'tt " P'r&git81ahtgtf, 1.t,t V“ II e ' The local Lt Gnu. 111-.ch rtati8, no" u an agent for the To" W913." Gyru.t.ttt.e/pstreh.qrinctob. for Atut __ EXIT-0:0; EE- FUFGiiiir" Ind'urvin: in w " (until... ' Under Rh! Walk“. to “an; nourished Mm waived at. milk. Under Soldlm’ work, 61 lol- dierl " the Samarium wm tuba can of ind " vigita made to ”man: funnies. Other nethu inehtad ttttei aye dams, dentures. bod- ding, coo in: utensil“ can, when to. quired. Two Home binning Clam were organized nth nu enchant of 49, one under'the Homo and School Association, and the other In chug- of the Girl Guides, with Mus. Lulu Aearintr and Min o. luau Instruc- treuel. A nutrition clan wu formed ‘with Min Scythe: in charge and 24 ‘in _attemltmear." Contlnd ho- p... G- The Westmount Auxiliary we: or- (united in Much and “slime given as requieed. Christmas baskets were arranged for through the churches and lodges for 106 funnies and other minor activities resulted in" a busy year. "he President thanked the otnem, te,, all megherghol tt bunch to; t air supo e expreese thanks to the Boy Scouts for tog; the Women’s Council for fruit, the an Club and all churches, ”museums md individuals who had saluted in the work, TA'lt,'t'.'i'E 'rtrp_teialir Mia. Cook, Miss Allan, has Mevetin and C. L. Fraser. A relief committee, Mia. E. R. Cook; cunpdg-n trounrer. C. L. Fri-Er; executive eomniittee, Min Savage. president; Mrs. Oliver Master, Mrs. C. L. Mofftst, Mn. T. C. O'Gorm-n, Mrs. $1,. an'nhnnh Me: R... J... Flynn, Mrs. q. Office" Elected The electi of officer: followed, with A. L. (inter in the chlir. On motion of Rev. Mick” end Mum Morten. the officers were reelected and the executive given power to fill vacancies caused by mania or other muons. Wmorrry president, War, F. W. Martens; president, was Ethel Y. 'bvatrt; In vice~pmidont. Mrs. C. L. Mott“; 2nd vicrpreaidmt Mrs. A. L. Coult‘er; secret-13, J. 6v. Fraser- bassinet. C,_ .L.Piyyserr.son_venrr of -. ----" ....u. u. -. Any-nu, nun. u- H. 'ttpi Mrs. D. _ButVrlitmr, Mrs. G. E. For B, Rev. G. E. Forbes, C. A. Graham, J. W. Fraser and C. L. Fuser. The President and Mrs. Cook were appointed delexates to the.Red Cross Council of the Division. . TE Eomplete III“ of otfteam, is " foggy: for the “RNiPIJ'W‘ - - C. L. Fraser wu' re-elected con- vener of the Cnmaign Fund and A. L. Coulter as Auditor. A vote of thinks we: moved to Mr. Coulter and Mrs. Lym, to the presi- dent, treasurer. ucretuy and to Mrs. Cook, converter of the Relief Com- mittee. "Spiritual force is stronger than Eaterial: thoughts rule the world."-- Emersén: termént was made in Riverside ceme- tery. 1'i7hi'attri /) 'il. was ram 2'l'll'llt, m. to m 'rir,imtseoeor My}: are volcano" BrontiL-u6iEriiidr tomhlp council has promised “mums nupport" to Bronte fire department in proposed additions to its equipment. Hue Early Voting 2ti'ae,tfgtt,isti, election- will gape plug pn Perm] Tth ttt Wk this Fir,' iGauraai if; REES; day In Jnnunry " in former you". RHYTHM bNTfthF; RANGE REMEMBER-LAST NIGHT Reliable Home Remedies (Satisfaction Guaranteed) Stationery and School Supplies Quality and Value Assured ..-Atao-. Edvard Arnold M0NDxY-rtnttutAY NOV. Fit TWO FEATURE Bing Crebr-zh- Fur-u ttityiatttnotN l.n.A. DRUG STORE WEDNE8DAY--rmm8DAY . NOV. 11-12 TWO FEATURES Wlmer Bszut--Ghteia Stuart 11m swarm KID -,Mao.- Phillip. Bot-o-au. Clark. THE HOUSE or A THOUSAND CANDLES OPP. POST OFFICE PHONE 435 now on disisiiiy H Early Selection Suggested Christmas Grggtilyg Curd: Your Prescriptions Accurately Dispensed by Graduate Pharmacists SATURDAY 311mm ma Ind-Min Com-t Jack o"ic.usur an». "ortrrrA"'iiimcur, THE PRI§0NER OF SHARK ISLAND Help Brigade Purcha- ts-'rrsfnhrso. inn-kin Congtnm Culling- sly. I. D. A. AT tith'

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