4'i) '. "HALE HELP WANTED TQILET ARTICLES . trite, 955W,“- W ". 'meme, fouv-roomed flat, m In. on. car in page. light ‘ - how in rent. Apply C " “15': non. corner Gordon ttE lid Iain St. N., phone Wes.. x-52-lw ttav OF HOUSE. commung of liv- I it non, kitchen, bedroom, newly! mud. bright, ‘wum. hardwood; . also â€rage. Apply 50 King- [ m‘ K, Westmount. o-52~L}v l an! _ West El, NEAT typewriting, letters, lull-us or other matter done by â€and typist. Lowest rates V immediate service. Write Box "t film and Guide. D.H. an W MUST he in by 5 p.m., TUESDAY, to insure pub. Iuth in current issue. . . LIMITED "on: LY. 2123-4 WESTON lutnn- 1020 TYPEWRITING I MEND‘NG WOOL Large ueG---A11 Colors FLAT TO LET W - IIWS " " woot, M. ;qTeetye1'e'-t'-'--cc- G'laite.cef I reyg",1"l, ungai- It wowod, with a as... d 5iUiaiéi."iiii if Rod, 10e extra if apply Box No. care of this FOR RENT 3"me 1811 “in ROSS ll. FAWCETT a Ji'hone--Werton 26 “mewtl For Firm/01w ftte a UNFUINIS‘IID ROOMS. including liv.iryeootm. tmdr.oorth kitehen,_lysst- FOR RENT--. Two furnished rooms, also kitchen, ground floor, for tent, . heated, nus. light and water. Apply 141 King St., or phone 180W. Two .rT.rPysr0.'s0 [goons 1orAent, '7li.il)0-CREY. '28 Coach, good run- ning order, four mew tipes and bat- tery, also good paint job. Phone Weston 103-r-14. o-52-1w BIRDS for saAe-d_sintrers, also _| T0rtstii':i'_lir,,Ttm j, ed, $2M. hit Liifal Giirr."Pjiae 318 , or apply 18 Main south. for light housekeeiriU/isi bulk-rim St. West, gimme M..W. 7 _o-ii2-tw some 'ttth'. vhgns; Borda, F3353}. Mats. inegan, 12 King George R ., Weston. _ ts62-lw “A; man up an: im ms REQUIIIBNTS Se " MK " tte and $1.00 than: n. I. Mun.) VIM ROOMS TO LET llltlllltltlf' You will save my on your [equivalents hen! FOR SALE ",ithttJriii1--i.iili'ii A COMPL6TE ASSORTMENT n GAMEb'z-B00Ksr--00LLs MECHANICAL TOYS COME IN AND SEE THEM cmtMmtAs "annex CNtWr--'rAG"3--h'EAur TISSI 'hr-CAF-RIBBON' DISHES (Dozens of Kinds) W x-52-lw x-lw WORK yum!) T'" guy odrjrs LARGE STOCK. my “and re-condi- tinned; machinu’ bought, guaran- teed tannin. Allan’s, 106 Dundas Wes§ at Mg, Toronto x-2t tutitAvooD"ii2iiiiiii wax Wand. unlinked. storm ndwa-I "DmNG-"Asmear as your phone" --Wherr in need of grunting, such an dodgers, store ills, window cards, posters, tickets. attics Ite- tionery or factory forms, a call on the phone to Weston 26 will bring our representative on the double. Price consistent with quality, prompt service. The Times and Guide, 8 Main St. s., Weston. ' ws SO EASYWio place a weekly _C_las‘a_i__fied gqlvelgiouont. Just Ttye 0065 mum nun" in Weston ai t8liah_ttyrtr,oo.d .Qoo'I-Jut Inâ€. around how. P,tt't polishing floors; or window, will o anything. Phone between l2 a... mad 1 pan. or aftar 6 pan. Phone 635W. n-"v' - in!“ T nu. waxed, polished. storm Tara' eloaned, glued, put "k, painting, general house repairs, um IL tended, motor can valued. - re- moved. Phone 469, Weston. o-V t'iiitt? _,'llJififii] fi.E?jijfiif. " 0000 "nun. god to tt! “a... 'tr2f,rlfia'. “all: 1iL6aIhtt-Lmisic_-ut, SERVICES OFFERED Drink Milk foe For quick, vital energy for work old for play drink milk. Every glass of milk is a reservoir of energy units that you can use to good advantage. Start today. 's _ And to put yourself on the sunny side of life, take advantage of the health-building properties of milk. You’re always more healthy when you’re well fed, and milk is your best food., The minerals, vitamins/Utd other nutritiw elements in milk are nature's best source of strength'." Build strong. bones, teeth and firm muscles by drinking milk. . Call Weston 126 ond Westoi 26. iiEEuEEEE for prompt service. WESTON DAIRY mm 126 - 2 new“ In. -- w. 7216 MISCELLANEOUS FOR BOYS AND ':ilFir"'Pm GIRLS or ALL Adm MOUSE “ups CAsrftt"tklrs'FiiTit" won: WAN'mb' STRENGTH WANTED ENERGY HEALTH Ir98-1w Jersey cum J..Hiig LUNG WEAR'NG lather SOLES, D EASILY APPLIED RUBBER HEELS. C""---.-..., BOYS- "UR 'lf'lttt I dies' BE], Tro. Jf..'.'.'..'??: " 1ty7Cl','l"'iia RUDOMERS Ntd VEs-m C"tr---d' Y '::tGirJr1"l'tili' H I tad art can give 'him 'in-iGiiirSi against disc". and death. The address was listened to with rapt attention. A cordial invitation was issued to the doctor to come again. In closing, Dr. Withrow called atten- tion to t2g."zrshiv'qstt't sentence in the records, hy faith hath nved thee." He tinned the plane ot faith in India. continuing however, that too much nttUt'not be made of this, but that Ill the resources of modern medi- cine should be enlisted in the fight nail!“ and then faith would prove I mi ty factor in the enntlve process. e patient must have faith in his or her physician. Tao nanny people relied upon Faith Heeling to the exclusion of other necessary manna. So with ChrUtUn Science. The founder of this cult had a couple of very good ideas, but they had been carried too far, he declared. But " long as the world lute, there will be cults. rising and falling, while the true physician continue: to use everything thin; science hour. " N W "We at all h the Health ttrd Puppi- nau Mm" said the weaker. “Rum new to: on his!» t happineu. is no pine. for “:0 m? ht,', y ,rtilt",'lae/tr, re remark 1"d 'l'2't'itfi.'l'l tUt the Lord . no to he bunny att the time. In tho one of out Mull. thin should " a built». that struck in this Hulk Ind H-ppimu balm“, the use“ pad mum.- very carefully eon-idoud.†“BM m not an... ad to than and be the cloud and» “on have“ the individual and tho B("mom FANCY DOLLS NEW DEVON: â€THIN-2n Rims ' DECORATIOIS "tpta-deed'.""' etc. LATB'I' and BEST It 1m PRICES Es, XMAS Pair 25c 3rorro,, Ge to u 2Se Je Township of Etohicoke The meeting scheduled to be held on December 7th, 1986, will not be held on that date owing to said date being (Election Dag:e but will be held on Wednesday, ember 9th. 1986. The meeting scheduled to be held on De- cember 15th will not be held on that day but will be held on, Monday. December Aust, 1936. - _ 5065A of the Township of Etobicoke fixing the date of meetings of the Council for the year 1986, has been amended. The .g,'i,t-ri"gg/?rltt.d to be held on_Npverrpber thl 1986,_hys Dated at Islington this the 18th day of November, 1936. . S. BARRATT,. ' Clerk. W. A. ARMSTRING, NOTICE OF CHANGE OF DATE OF COUNCIL MEKrtNGs-Nov. Mth, DEC. 7th and DEC. 15th, 1936 bdenaneeuisd Gd no meefing will be held on that date. IN HMS HEREIN 'lflfHllll.llr' (lllfljE New 60 Horsepower; V-8 I Striking Innovation 'in North , America The new Ford V-B cars for 1987, now on display in the showrooms of Rosa H. Fawcett Ltd., Main St., Wes- ton, present a number of out-taming fehtures, pr.ineip.al moo; wl.sich org: Two engine sizes, a brand-new 60 horsepower V-S which makes its first bow in-the North American motor car market, and the famous 86 horse- power V-8, with -a number of im- gurtant refinements. The car itself is uilt in only one size, with one stan- dard of roomy comfort and modern appearing. . . . f. .. J. "tTerra-tr-ie-and-conduit contra "tsoft any action" brakes, with the “safety ot/ter/tri-pedal to yhgekf ... iNéivV-biordy Geil in' which the "tear drop" form has been used wherever prgcticqblg. -. _ . . ... A de-luxe 1"irtt't'gievr, eiutr coupe is the newest, o the eleven body types :vnilnble, five either With or without de luxe equipment, six with de luxe equipment. All closed'body types have char-vision ventilation syspgm. _ . _ . _ .. .. Increined inhibit, oinduding new qujstneupf operation. A, _ IAN-steel body, including new all- uteel lop, as well u nee] structure. "tel phrtel?..Hyi all 1sttel floqr. . . The new car "g'teT to those who previewed it at the on! dealer meetings‘ in Windsor end Detroit is the most beautiful which Ford ever built. Its sleek lines flow without a break from the smart "rt"v1',ttu.rill,e.r through the new shield-tnm h ' the new slanting “nape windshield and the smoothly maul ed steel top, to the graceful reverse curve of the rear quarter. -- l, ', . Virtuilly every visible component of the ar reflects the tear t,'t'g,t .-the hgdhmps moulded into _ tere (1,'jeeigiett,ir.rdrl,it, steerihg, with Ingressed whee] gvgragy. _ .. der ttprints, the highly crowned fen- der-II; the chromium strip- which ha; gr the Mod Iouvres, the graph: line, the urchin; curve of the top and tte..rmrtrf.orm% rcpt M. , 7 The interior Humln the same dati- rulous Intention to details. 159 trut- - is modern. 2tt'N is pil- lawed, with wide ge,,",,'; " It: with, m and no animal The instru pan! is gained. with the dittls and engine control. in m of the driver. carter mum. is on the dash, the hm! broke at the in Ink der- the panel, out of the way of front I!!! museum. _ TAKFrN9TLCB-TNAT' _By_-layv_ Ny. From . Minion! standpoint the M imam develnpmnt in the new P in the " ttrea wt in. mum new tn orth Am- i,ilrrs1,t has been built in End.“ 's a. fore not; than! says? foe an designed of Import: flu- in in in a ott- m. h was duck-pet! [has to [in 'nntrigttqtggt ho! - I. J. I.“ ' all Fulfil Imam W. t '00tT Monumental Works 111.001 ‘ ' inn-m AMBULANCE SERVICE aa-iGari.au6aiiia,_ g1; ','tt'i'e!litr,?,S, 1rttt gin-3mm wok. MM. rite or an and [It prion. MANYFEATURES J. A. KAT-I'D no bib- Md., Tan-l- WOODBRIDGE Local Iona-have B. R, III-pm: _ Itesire. x-52-lw -8 Is ttlhmMArrmettuWtat.ef FREDERICK GEORGE FOX. 1m . a! In“: Dunn} in the 'ret of Wee, In the County of Y eqgttraetor, doom-ed. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditor: and others having any chim- or tUrnauds against the estate ltf said Frederick George Fox, who died " Mount Dennis, on the 19th dag of In. 1986, Ire teguired to sen by in)†prepaid or to eliver their claims uly verified to the executors William Continued from [use 3-- - such nominations. For almost every office there were four or five names submitted. and the'election took l great deal longer than Was anticipat- ed. The complete slate of officers as completed, was as follows: New Officers Honorary president. The Rt. Hon. the Prime Minister of Canada. W. L. McKenzie Kine, and Premier Mitchell Hepburn of Ontario; honorary vice, presidents. W. A. Edwards and George Notice to Creditors J. Fox and J, Eds-r Psrsons, or to the undersigned on or before the 80th day of December, 1936, with their - and Addresses and descriptions and full Kartlwlnrs ttheir said claim- and t e nature of the security, if any, held by them. And after said date the estate will be distributed and the executors will.hsve regard only for clsims of which they have theri had notice. W. h. Paterson Beads West York Liberals October, ‘ ' -‘Z3~‘E?-'. 1H Dated Mus “Wk-253 for Mi, _ Prunes 'ra/ ii: to, k, Pears six-mm. ". up _ . Blueberries rs z l" 23)t iMaéaroni M, cu snot, T _ Quin Tea, . . lb. Tea,†lit'""'"' 1/: lb. tt Tomato J toirieeA,,Vig." M451 Grapefruit 5 ... 19.; l [3 Oranges, my. m... m. " ': Conduct t,yg't,t,t,"g 2'"ng Pineapple " " 10$? Tissue; Non-thin: 3 m alAleT.N..W!8mN _ mu V ii"iiiiFiiiiriFdG- leap Deal 4 In: minnow." and IMFnhongp alter "e _ A.D. 1986. _ "E JARSoys a {AGE 18 Toronto Street, torkito, Solicitors for said Executors. x-4w tt.uToerhto this 28th day of or Oats .... m. 3mm“. _ TOWN or WIQTON NUHCI 70 "Iâ€! VOTEIIS lulu-cl Act, Soul- " (8) ",,sirrifi"iii l (, E tt _ot an tul “£35m ad a 'rrlldfu'.. ice: by " Manhattan. and not dill od Mr this Art ',,"dt law from voting. who has paid in mum- "one! Ion-9- Elan m. in intone was! not mi than Ill VI. of h INCO $1353 omxaagss, wit? tAt fltn,',"t,thg 'ie,u',',tr,,dti't m'n‘é‘mnper tit/tft/io/tli, us? ACr than he entitled to Vote at I iiiiiei"ii election in the municipnlx in he true. either if reap to huh†“dance or 'laeis of bud therein, sad to gain I cc:- tificptq entitling Mun 7 vote upon munkt I electio- in the municipnli in “if. he trike. either if 11le to his Blue â€has or 'laeis of lei therein, and to gin-in I co:- tiflcete entitling ttttn to vote up? producing to the clerk of the muni , pnlity at any time within thirty day: prior to the limo! polling for such election the o in] receipt evidenc- "T payment of the ssid income m. he Inst day for making complaint to the Judge under the tters' Lint Act iy.Aovytoer 10th. 1986. Verral; president,. W. A. Paterson, Lone Branch; viee-pretsidenttr, tpr the ladies, I, Mrs. James Pena. Swnnm; s, Mrs. T. o. Carter, Milioo; ' Ma. George Book, Mimico; for the men, I, Jack Van Eatrik, Mount Dennis', b, Edwhrd Lung. New Toronto, and 8, T, 0._Ceter, Migigo; sect-en“, Mrs. W. C. Squire, Islington; A6Nsurirr, Andy Eckersly, Mlmico. ' Speakers during the afternoon were Dr.-J. A. Faulkner, Wnitte.sr of Hulth for Ontario. who was introduced by W. J. Gardhouse, M.L.A. for Walt. York. and Paul Martin, M.P. for Wind- Bor, who was introduced by Colonel J. E. L. Straight. Young Doetor's Wife--"" an' aren't t e clouds and moon lovely' " night Y' f Young Doctor "uensmindedtvi, "Nm, that cloud cumin; over the moon remigdo me of A toirriti liver." Published puradritititiate, 234 , " my