.3-1vi would , clean Etchi- ~34} 'iii? , , “woman's SLIPPERS t't v . STRAP FELT SLmrS '"gi'iAe"1iNPl'es FELT cozy SLIPPERS‘ ri,7CT ' _ 'iiisAi/'i"iiil'"isTtlTiitrl Ttht 55c n, six; at " tAl, I. '-F 1' 'u-W, Apply right» " - tw com- turett dt.. I w Min; Port s-3‘ tw mire. mil), r8-1w loom: musc- hone 3-17 rim AGE fl " IFLowEFs with m an. “I am): far them vita midway than. ho nimble to “than; 52th Inge an a sweep to t. In ow was: it draw to inclina- almost in- vilihlo trartkl" by the we power of attraettittu-Lthe ,"eh'N2,',g'; like my ISntter in the and, overs no mean; but. let the datum heart Ivan through the day, and as the 3mm P,ru the iron, so it yin find, M-trBusai.e. It on. 'ttottldatv.moadiitof a"tdomttd1nsetur-epartieu. ltd-tttttttttmute-tttess, In "GiivriiFrriGia"iGGni7'tiiii7 ta only the iron in God's and is I-a. W. Backer. Gift Books-Suitable For All Nies A Great Variety-By Popular Authors T0BACC0S PHONE 132 You Are Ctrrdiany invited to Inspect This Array of Gift Merchandise A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS GIFTS: 'Funoan l .Wedding , “'03 "BY . - ttttd Brain $2.95 -- Spiral Boot $2.49 "'fdPh8l fi", DREN'S " NET GOLDSHES. sizes 7-10'/z .2 1 ,. - _ . T ' " Yur- ln Weston FELT COBY swans Meath Lefeireo-r-. Inn'- ___.._. In" a! .Ger’. In. 11-5 'r.--. (heating Catch, Finley Wrapping Papers, Calendars, Gift Stationery (attractively boxed) _ Beautiful Gift China (Cups, Saucers, Novelties) Christmas Tree Decorations . -. 793596331198 'iiirit"i3T.'"iitr "In: "aiytt. may» ufuu'--Jc hut-50"..†L--..-.,:-..-" Eat. SKATING OUT FITS may mums felon â€and 298 NOTION Wot “We Dollar" _ " MAlM Mr. M. m0]! £5954.» 'mHgrapt Delhiry†I mm slant A,, T. SQUIBB CIGARETTES WOMEN’S VELVET MOTOR BOOTS Ick and Brain $2.95 - Spiral Boot $2.4 Bookseller and Stationer " MAIN ST. N. NO GIFT m MORE ACCEPTAQLE THAN GOOD FOOTWEAR AT POlLlLOCllK'tlit fr, “a Rev. Mr. Porbes ttB" an infoml y.Hee which wu very interesting to In: fellow-Rotarians, planned to we!- cogne him back to their midst. He n§1in_part: _ _ _ _ "PerUps you might be inter“ in the variety at vehicles in which Mrs. Forbes and I tnvellod in the put four months. The summpn came to my mind thin morning while SPEAKER _llfilBlii fllllElfhllllilfllff wltgat Ir,2iiei; 'dif,ttg a cum ter n In: . o to- tumat list wobk from g,llrf,'l',',A'i in the Orient, was the sum up?" tur, rT,t"klu,t'e1tta' of tri, Bi - cum. nil o " ll Wednesday night. Prtsituitt T, Woth- "tpoorer _in the chair. Rev. G. E. Ittteressting Rain-e of .Trip Given to Local RODE IN MANY WINES tth, .59 JULIET SLIPPEBS ItotariUk Men‘s Slippers siurii"tri'u' Men‘s M Sold SLIP- PRES. m and: a... and NI anvs' sort scum sums w-G----..-- IIN’S arm _.mcunv ants Sign“ an "as, ub- " ___..._.._.. L880 MY." mums out I II cit behind the We! ammo! $3,300.! cue. with]: felt v can“. Just name of our . Pirst ot 'dal m" at. i',tii'i'2qii v. on. an {iron await? M {can - om n . m . te,', fd't cg 'vuirg,sh' iiiiitii ran 3 _ mom". can. any wil‘icll tool; " you: _ _ A039! which exist in tut bud. Tnxn In much and in a. - emu we: then and 1 man Ja-1','2iti,t,',' the driven who took cu. throw the crowdod, narrow .in o molt datum: my the ut- nm ot pnthnec ml my. “From Vucoum the ban 1 and um C.P.R. f,',',',',,).','.' IU Victorh and from n t " y 2 C.P. . litter, Th wt“ of in, hogs us in mm_ without Kain. Borin- 2,',i,a!i,ii'f GiWFfthmrt y licknul to gum Hon §dr Emmi: man â€no: nuke tlt. .T.C. take a second plus. The nil- ‘uy trains in 113:1) m 1 model for clunlineu, Bere and romptuell. The courtâ€: of each 'lUI'.T',',",' em- ployee can] not be and!“ sad if you any n time table you can set your watch at the correct time " the moment an; trainémlls out from my Mon. p. . md .N. take notice'. The anmue steamer, Keifuku Mm, on which we were for some tight or nine hours crossin from i'li,et.ntrtht in man to {gun in one, t s " puumr crowd of betweed two And three thousand, gave service that left nothing to be eluted. _ , “Rick-he- are the moat common ve- hides of transportation in man parts of China, which are very comfortable if you stay in them, but it does not take long to get out if your rickshaw nun happens to stumble as he ocean- Iionlly does. For the most eBart, however, they are gs awe-foot _ as a mountain goat, though we did see more than one tumble. The sedan chnir is 2hgtt to Iooklatkgnd in appunnce assenger 00 com- fortable indeed. We rode 2t','Y, miles in them and the physical com art was I“ right, but one could never get any from a bit of mental distress for there is always the feeling that you are tr,'".",', to be not feigt,t.ir,'rtt but liter: y, suddenly "let own." Of tttttree,,"," method: of travel the wheel- 'arrow is perhaps the most ‘comfortablo and it is amazing the speed these men develop with their [study "dog trot." The wheel of the burrow is covered with a light wood frame on either side of whie you ex- tend a foot. The barrow has no spring. "The most interesting and fascinl- l ting method of transportation for as. "was the magnificiently equipped tut las aeroplane which makes a tri-wee - ty trip each way between Shanghai near the count to Chengtu, not far from Tibet. In this we travelled in luxurious comfort ‘nearly two thome and miles. The Sampsns or river boats on the Yangtze and in South Chin; were neit er so luxurious, clean or comfortable as the aeroplane. We were an many of them and found it: encir‘one didHts"Mt am! served its purpose. Ottr good old friend the Empress of Asia brought us from Hong Kong to Japan. and we found ugcgssm SUPPERS 1 " $1 .98 $3.98 c $2.75 $2.85 59c unc' h] aiFtsiAui, on Dee. Ith and y t ,Suppon Tu. lhdtah'. wanna Clan aunt n maximum. and emrfetic event]: at rectory making m nee- mm Lt Wodneuhy evening. in. Butler was lumen. --"Whttq Gin†will b. ob. and in 'tt SM anâ€! a! the 1_ “It. ',r.,tty nut tttr Dee. a ',LW.titd,ugf, but» _ n m s I); chant-r. mu Whit. 6min to by Memo Ctto wad of I relief in the I ‘huhu ot a». Womon'l Mmhtion. ind thin in inst another Ividence of [the manner in which the only Pres- byterinn chap]: in Wetton serves the [welfare of It: constituency. Major Rev. F. C. Harm will be in charge a this service. Chin: Chiral:- Ip/ltr,),,, _;£l- ti; 'seater 'lt m. Joh.n's Anytliettt Gym): int Bur-duly evening. while the Vicar you in the morning. The Adult ible Ciau'hld an attendance of 38 in the shown, This comi Sun- day the church will be visited% offi- as}: grid cadets of the church umy 8ufa,t; Lennox, Capt. Morrell and Cap . Gibson in charge. Service: will be in hoping with the Sunday before Christmas. t the 8 p.m. service the children wilt Mini their white gifts and a special wen er is being arran- tted for. --crttiekattartks Garage, Main Street North, is offering some really attrac- tive Christmas gifts for car owners this year. These gifts are not only attractive from the standpoint of beauty and tit.itletyiet?,r, but also from the Man point of economy, and will glndden the heart of any motor.. ist. The list includes Mohair wheel covers. Fulton frost shields, Trico fan: (will remove sleet, frost or (steam), tire chains, batteries that will really start your car, Auxiliary wind- shield wipers. car heaters (installed with variable speed switch), car polish (complete kit), and many other arti- cles. So far as quality, price and dur- ability are concerned. these gifts can- not be surpassed anywhere. You are invited to look these pleasing items over without any obligation to buy. F "uod of Flowers" " Weston.-Japan, with every avail- able foot of ground under cultivation. was described is a land of flowers by Rev. G. E. Forbes of' Westminster United church, Weston, when he ad, dressed the Weston and Mount Dennis Rotary club but week. to 1hutada. ' Japan the Empress of mails ht Mt Honolulu to Vancouver, .P.R. train to Wes.. ton station where the faithful Chev brought us to 32 William Street." that we yin-Emu just half way home --"msitt Gitt'1 8m -.-Nt.. (3910.!) I. AL Kidd pf At EASY TERMS ' GYRATOR tt $61.95 up ii WESTON MUSIC -Am 128Maln8t.l.(cn.u-&) “Ill-m As Low As ' 1 .00 Per Week Payment , . Generous Trade-In Allowances' Your Old Machine As Down VACUUM 0UP M $89.50 u. l LIFETlIE alumni! GOOD TIDINOS RR THE TOWN OF WESTON This is the senson ot Good Tidings. We can now say that people of Wes- ton are going to get a service never before given in its history. a service where you may, In it were "pack up your troubles" and take than down 932.1153? £1.19._c_ue__mv be. to "tte WESTON FIXIT‘ SHOP, Sim-ted It 3 Little avenue. Weston, right appos site to the Hydro oftiee. "There's not a thing we will not fix, it it's worth while spending the time on or is fix. ‘able." said the proprietor., This little "Fixit Shop" is going to" do more than that as soon " it is thoroughly organized. Two nights a ‘week will be devoted to showing your boys how to do all the little jobs around the house. It will show them how-to do things in accordance with the Mat practices known. It will take an interest- in boys. and tt to them and work with them to t e end that as they - older they will be better “WESTON; 01.953? EsrNggsttto RADIO $tthitrhttiratt 'rttithttttt, f At mm Wa Perm-II. Bath W San. Powders, tau, Crag, frail',' Ivory Toiletries, Clocks, thttex and kn Matti. cure Sets, Ate-dun, Stationery, Yardley"- and Potter & '""tte.""'"'" Gift Sets, Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals and Wrapping: Kodaks, Snapshot M Negative Album. Dollar Watches, Electric llenttmtPttdtr,Mot Water Bottles, -Myrmtariem, Lowe Leaf Memo Books, School Bags, Music Rom, Waterman, Parker and Eclipse Pen ahd PHONE 435 F Note-A Small Deposit Holds Any Gift, Till Xnas Eve Bee Detailed I.D.A. Advertise-alts in Mar and Telegram Newshtpér's GENERAL GIFT SUGGESTIONS Pencil Sets Model .- MOTHER’S WASH DAY . canbemadeso " You Give Her “Canada's FinestWasher" for Christmatrd fitted_.to choose I. hide or mmtion. and he independent in more ways than one. It will make 31de was for this work with the born but l 'et- couuge the idea that the bopa "tamd- ine these classes. will bring stmtetltiattt 1mm the home to fix, for themselves. "usd as far as possible do the work )under the guidance of the proprietor. And now a few wprda nbout the proprietor. Many Westonhns know him, and we know him too. Re he: " may faults as moatStlk, but he has some virtues. or he would not have been chosen over 28 you" no to be- come the editor of the Smith? Ensu- neer. He would not have been aleetrdl, Pam? years later to be one of the presidents of the American Society of {Sanitary Enttineeit. He would not have been aupointed to the position. which he held until the work we: completed, by the Department of Agriculture. to tenth fem boys the sciences of Rural Sanitntion. Heating, Ventilation of farm tad-tun] homes. and Fnrm Mechanics. And u but ine, we mny any that seed, over n period of seven] years, this Weston- mums m sun amt all. EASY "WE DELIVER†Yudleyl. Wtttturtraatotter8bteiit+ Bill Folds. 81mins Bowl- nd Itergttmb Schick, WWW; Auto-trap, M H Gillette than, Keyhhen, mm. mam 0mm . _ XIIII Way's! . Me, MM, {1.00 "te, w . pm 25 lim, 00 a.“ m " c, . l Nellson’s Xmas lee ied!Ule. Order in Advance to Mtttejlettalrcof Xttrtr SUW'Y- We Deliver, F Hum 10 min" inn lectured; and did ‘00: practical 691mm.“ rout Ontario. winking muse 'bare, towns and villages. And, tho _ of this mm its drom an on be It the disposal of it. " Tu" 2lr'iplrhfgtguffi'tt now Times and Guide has with h in, iatrodwinw . w. “b0. an: admit rtie,fir,g2itt,Neiii, - gig. PP3'itttt','"',; of “f op" o . e “an. Thank you. ,. Aurora.--"The Gent-Jon: .19“ presented by Am; AKIN 'Sauee tor the Gander." +11 John's A.Y.P.A.', of Oah ' V ‘tured a drama Mal local ocuncil of the Welt (It (ery of the LYCRA. in HM iii; Aurora on Thursday at“. Tit A person’s enuncia- 1 pit' 'P" It cram: be stun“ h g was . Character is Like; 1"†'N', Stage DID-I Emu! ,‘ , FREE Purchased“ III " I“: PHONE 435 I, Eta.