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Times & Guide (1909), 11 Mar 1937, p. 4

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'AOI m ' I naumir.. srrrseqrrr-aa-.irar-,trsxgos BRICK Hol'SE. 6 rooms, all conven- iences. hardwood floors, mantel in living mum, garage, nice lot, pos- session April Ist. t Rectory Road, Weston, Apply Mrs. A. Johnston, 1dailt,ce. §treet. Woodbridge, phone WILL EXCHANGE. sell or rent, ban, gulow. York Township, Mount Den, nis. near 3 car lines (Rogers Rd., Weston and city line), vacant March 25. stucco brick. Ras, light, water, inside toilet, 4 rooms and hall. light fixtures, gas stove, clean. newly de. curated, adults nreferred. 317 month. For terms apply owner, 40 Main St. N., Weston. phone Weston 286 af.. tet. 6 am. x-15-iw WANTED-- 5 or 6 roamed house, by reliable tenant, May lst. south and of town preferred. Box 202. Times and Guide, 045-1" FOE R9Ta-?..fu.rnis.r,ysd Tore: Ap- EIGHT-RUUMED house. Scarlett Rd., Weston, aiso 3 acres of land it de- sired. Apply to Frank Kingdom Thistletown. x-l5-lw WANTED TO mrY--Rteby carriage, must be in good condition and rest- mnable in price. Apply Box '200, Times and Guide. o-l5-lw RESPONSIBLE woman d93ire§TNoE by day or week. Phone Weston 677. W. x-lS-lw BRICK HOUSE. newly decorated, hardwood floors, furnace, balcony, conveniences, garage. Apply 28 Riverside Drive, Westmount (off Scarlett Road, new Weston.) o-tw TWO 0R THREE rooms, suitable for light housekeeping, vacant list April. 110 Rosemount Ave., phone 143-W. _____~,A‘IE!W :15 C.ASM enema 107159;: aa-G wANTEIF--Young Woman for general housework, sleep out, $15 monthly, alternate Sundays free, also every Wednesday p.m. Apply morning; 11 to l, afternoons 4 to 5.30. Mrs. E. Boake, Boake Road, oft Jane Street. x-lS-lw Prepayment of Taxes rm of Weston rho Town Treasurer is authorized to weep! prepayment on account of the 1937 Taxes. For amounts so received in prep!- ment of Ta’xm. interest at the rate of 47; per annum will be allow from the date received to the data fixed by Council for payment of the first instalment of taxes. ply 61 tyrttdpCiitGsii,-iusa'it, phone 95-W. x-l5-1w kodriadfiiaTnrde'iriGs.'""irh"orii; Weston 1045-W. 0-1511w Iepiibiidi House'For Sale or Rent 1000 um. Anthracite Nut (:1. 1000 lbs. Range Coke ........ ttt.oo per (on 1000 lbs. Nut or Stove Coke 1000 lbs. Anthracite Move . . . . UNDER THIS mtADisG-"ror Sale". "We tuatr,' ote., ete. the charge in le per word, with a mini-Inn of as. cash. 10.e saga if booked, also 10c extra if apply Box No. we of thU " MN). All copy MUST be in by Ir pam, TUESDAY, to insure pub. lication in current issue. RANGE, Per Tm ....... NUT AND STOVE, Per WEtmBurmlat,TU....._... “MAMMAS'S‘IOVE....... "r0CAW3NT'M"NUT.............. Mummi- 1000 lbs. Nut Pocahontu . .. I000 lbs. Stove,(‘0ke .0..... READING. L-Isl VAL“? an "BLUF,a:oat nmors'mvnm ."".q"re....e.. " Exchange, Sell or Rent WANTED To' RENT WANTED TO BUY. Weston [gel Supply HOUSES TO LET WORK WANTED HELP WANTED ROOMSTO' LET HARRY G. MCSSON. Treasurer. Town of Weston, [a 1 17-J ANTHRA'CITE Phone-Weston 26 L121! COMPANY PIANO, Moffat electin smile, 81:36 erfie}d suite, wardrobe. Apply 164 John Street, Weston. o-l5-1w 35 ONTARIO HORSES from 3 to 8 gears; also some young Manitoba omen. several wel matched gain, all gutgangeeil quiet up! well- roy. FUR SALB-Used Tapestry Rue, 9' x W. Apply 53A Main Street North. (upstairs), Weston. 14-tt BICYCLE, road racer. practically new, cheap for cash. Telephone MB,. Wes ton. 0-15-1w SEED GRAIN, barley arucatsf, also alfalfa. Apply L. Espey, Wood- - bridge, R.R. 2, phone 466. o~15-1w THREE PIECE suit, size 18, sand. very reasonable, good as new. Tele- phone Weston 581-W. o-lS-lw FIFTY HORSES: thirty well-broken. twenty colts, for sale on March 17. Apply S. D. McClure, Mount Plea- sant, No. 7 Highway, 3rd Line west of Brampton. onli-lt 0N.E GE.“ GS0SE and. “so zan- BABY CHICKS. mixed and sexed; tour, six and eight weeks' old Puls lets. George Peck, 1153 Weston Road, Mount Dennis, phone 503. tf BABY CHICKS and custom hatching, Leghorns, Barred Rocks; 2e discount per chick, for early orders; blood tested breeders. Rockvale Poultry Farm, Thistletown, phone Weston 324-2. o-l4-4w IRISH COBBLER POTATOES, for seed, grown from Northern On- tario's seed last year, nice and clean. Apply Arnold J. Gardhuuse, Thistle- town, ring Weston 237. 0-15-1w s40 BUYS SMALL MARE, mnd', suit market gardener. Apply H. .rlroyrha.Loy '2, Coty. ii, Yaushqm (I? LADY'S BICYCLE. stood comm? priced low for quick sale. Apply 189 Main St. N., Weston. x-lh-lw IT'S SO EASY to place a weekiy C l I s s i f i a d 'uivertisement. Just Rhone Weston 26. Minimum charge PRmTING-"As near as your phone" -When in need of gnnting, such an dodgers, atom ills, window cards, posters, tickets, office sta- tions? or factory forms, a all on the p one to Weston 26 will bring our representative on the double. Price . eonsit.rtent ....witly.. quality. NEW FURNACES INSTALLED (Tor-s " Desired? Galvniled Pipes. Elbows, T-Pipes ESTIMATES FREE 'it.Aqlr, 10E A. WARD (Tins-Min. greet New Work. c. " FERN AVE; )PEONE 1113-1 ders. Phone VWestoin WALK-24 R. g," Weééon'). Tefephotre VWobrdr- bridge 491. x-15-lw Emmpt service. The"Timliii" aid aide, 8 Main St. s.. Weston. Repaired u Kauai-Ni Chan HORSES FOR SALE $12-25 tter to" $10.00 per ton MISCELLANEOUS AUTO BODY AND FENDER REPAIRS FURNACES _ _Cteeed--ttAt0 H d J. T. trrowriAdsre/iirGG- efephone 273W. 1w FOR SALE . $9.50 .. $11.00 x-l4-2w iproierd, I ,‘ These Cows are an extra fine lot, The r:- {but have to be disposed of owing to the This! the ill-health of the owner. the Town l Terms-CASH. A social _ W. A. r'lJi!'.,"2Ha..Adeieryrtr. I meeting L l nann- u,.. .n A. . . _ Mr. T. Chapman and Mr. E. D. Wor- Can aw acting on jury at the city hall these days. Much sympathy is felt by friends and neighbours, for Mr. and Mrs. J. Ereizhton in the loss of their home by we. Mr. and Mrs. R. Ashton of Toronto were visitors with Mrs. Ashton's ptlr- ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pearson, on Sunday, Mr. E. Castator and Mrs. Devins, brother and sister of Mrs. T. Chap- man, and both in hospitals in city, are. we are glad to report, improving from their serious illnesses. The W.A. held their March meeting in the church. The President, Mrs. M. Warren in the chair. Mrs. L. Taylor led in the Devotional. Mrs. Rev. Proc- ter Rave a short talk on missionary work. Plans were made for the Anni- versary supper and concert to be held an April 12th, with Anniversary sor- vices on Sunday, Anril 11th. A social hour was held with social hoatesses Mrs. L. Diginzs and Mrs. W. Allen nfficiatinz. The April meeting will lw held at the home of Mrs. Warren. Good results, financially. from the travell- ing tea were very encouraging and the travelling basket that attended its first meeting was emptied uf its con- tents. Thurs,,, March 18 WM. WINTERS to sell by public auction at lot 3, first concessinn north of Dundas Street, half mile east of Burnumthorpe, on 16 good mcleG.srr.iC'iirari, Ten of these cows ure fresh and six, "t §pringers. qustein Ball. 3 Plans for widespread distribution of electrical energy in the rural districts of Nova Scotia, were outlined to the Nova Scotia lazislature on Fridav, by Highways Minister A. S. MacMillan. The undersigned has received structions from RELIABLE MAN in Weston will pol- ish floors, do small paint Jobs, and any odd jobs around your premises. p,'."'" reasonable. Phone We??? ESTIMATES free on landscape wnrk. pruning, moving trees and shrubs. All work guaranteed. Imam, mam are and cindera rvasnnahle. Pine, vale Landsoapo Flxpvrts, phorw Woodbridge 6414. x-15-2w " two 01¢]?ch shag), the.., {allowing Auto onkimir ofG'éc-xi iiriirs, 4 and 7 years. 50 bulls of Potatoes. Cnhhlnra gm! Auction Sale of Dairy Cows; Horses HUMBERVALE I. J. lard & his mom ”new: w. a. scan ll Granville Monumental Works PNNIB! IU. om Walton 168 SERVICES OFFERED FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone " WOODBRIDGE Pure Bred ayrstikiriiirrd T11 Ind Mood Tend fluid by that mttMartdirttt Herd Sire. "KARNELBF',Lr. MAPLE "AF." "i! mun-Ill DIM hu- Mnly " 3.0.7. inching. have. hwy and “he: and h m. " HEM) oF AYRSHIIES Fresh """uSeehuryACe Vang Stark Landschpe Gardening laud-curls: Ana-riot: 6min and Marble. the Gun-dun. Seoul Ind other Foul“ (Er-nu... Shoo cgulyngd ttth _the but Inc Is. (is. & Am r' bags of Potatoes, Cobblers nndi haul-8:134:36. "iiadsiGt. ’rlu or all Ind (a priest. AUCTION SALE -- -i'ruaua7" lac-I Illuminati" J. A. KATIEWS I" Ind-- 34.. Ton-n 'htod1Mdee " B. IA mum: KLSSELL, Au tioneer. l moetinl BERT s"le"likra?, Clerk. 3 later at " , o'cutett T I Cm For": cl ("manila :qua,wq Till PLACE ) Mrs. Georgina Kerr Die. . --3itus. Georgina Kerr died last week [an the Toronto Women's Hospital td- ter a long illness. Born in Scotlnnd. IMrs. Kerr moved to York Township in l 1907. She was an active worker in war lveteran association circles and was a ‘member of Bethune Tabernacle. Her l husband survives. W hre and dam. qtoatytd by m“: Athletic Wu held in Community Hall attuned my in. different parts of York. Vaughan and Etobicoke. Prise win, noru won Mrs. J. Reid, In Wood.. burn, In. D. Bllnclnrd. A. human, A. Foster ard It Middletown. The dance g m was under direction of Die Harrison with music by Thompson a Orchestra. Thieves were busy last week at Woodbridge with two break-inn being reported to the police. Watson’s Ser- vice Station was entered end denied out of a unity of tobacco Ind some money. Tndrew's Barber Shop was also visited by the urowlers who took all the tohecu stock and some of the barber's tools. The. service station has been visited periodically by thieves for the past six years. George Robertson, many 'yenrs an in, valid, died on Thursday and was buried Saturday afternoon. The funeral took place from the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Rob, ertson. Wallacv street, with interment in Hillcrest Cemetery. Rev. J. E. Anderson and Rev. Sprouie of Toronto, officiated. The pallbearers were cous- ins, Norman Robertson, Charles Rob- ertson, Kenneth Robertson. Fred Har- rKison. Charles Kinnie and Kenneth Mc- ay. Constable R A. Bag: has been in- structed by council to check up on speeding in the village, following a serigs oCeomvia'mts. A - _ _ "Speeding down 8th Ave. is ter- sible," said Coun. A. B, Cousins. “They go right through the Mop signs at 80 miles an hour. and think they can get away with it." Truck drivers were especially cited. _ _ The {amiable was instrugted to issue summonses. council elaimine that warnings had proved ineffective in the past. - A total "f 1225 visits had been made in York by the St. Elizabeth Visiting Nurses Association in 1936, it was reported by Helen Hefterson. Su- perintendent ot the Association, in asking the York Township Council for a grant of approximately $600. Of the total visits, 647 had been made with- out any charge, and at a cost of 90e per visit to the asmciution. The request will be dealt with at a later date, Council (Incided. --u. W. Ansley, principal of York Memorial Collegiate. spoke on what is expected of high school pupils. to the senior classes of Roselmds School when the schéol held "open house" and entertaintd many of the parents. Mildred Clark entertained with danvo numbers. Prizes for horticultural essays were presented by H. A. Griffiths. W. A. Fiddell, LP.S.. and F. Taylor. presi- dent of Roselands Horticultural So- ciety. --on tho 74th anniversary ur her birth. Mrs. E. Gray, mother of Inspec. tor Alfrml Gray, of York Township Police Ihmartment, wns honored by a luncheon at the home of her daughter, My. E. Robinson. 210 ngelands Ave. Born in Enzhnd. Mrs. Gray came to Cunada in 1918, settling at 204 Rose- lands, where she has resided ever since. Sho has five daukhters and four sons. as well as 28 ertutdehlldren, and six great-grandchildren, several of whom attended the luncheon. Birthday congratuhtions to Mr. Me Manna. The " the This! the Town A social The daughters are: Mrs. S. Warne, Mrs. H. Morrey, Mrs. A. Rance. Mrs. E. Rubinmn, of Toronto Ind district, i' THISTLETOWN 's, NEWS Mount Dennis Locals THEMES86UIDE date, ruin monthly meetin of int-awn w.r. will he 'il'efd in Hall, Wednesdny. March 17. waning is planned for this .as had to be postponed until and Vaughan Mttttt at In. M. Ghu sud Alf “up.” to the local public lib bond, no lucceod Mm. W. [mix Ind C. A. Jack-m who NF thed, “snowy 'arirai' hey _ Vagina Township ratepayers will " in county tuition. for 1937, tll 607.56, which is $4,501 less than in Grd.' The reduction is due to the provincial government taking over the municipal share of old age pen- sioyys my! mothen’ Illowance. IBM“. Mrs. Ryan] mined in order to accept the librarian post. Mr. Thompson Ibo nudeeeds Mr. Juckman an mMuy-mmnr. More than 100 friends from Etobi- coke, York, Vaughan and Scarboro assembled at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Torrance, North Eto- bicoke, to offer the aged couple con- gratulations on arriving at the 48th milestone of their married life. Mr. Torrance is an octoge'narian and apart from a cripple At,ppi, many years Ago enjoys the st of health while Mrs. Torrance who was Mrs. N. /.ttte of Scarboro, some ears his junior, is in excellent health. Mr. Torrance is a son of the late John and iJean McLellan and was born at Klein- burg and as a youth together with iii parents moved to Etoieieoke. His father was one of Canada's leading 'breeders of draft horses and exhibited at all outstanding fairs throughout Ontario, winning many prizes. The ievening was devoted to games. con- tests and dancing. Vlafhan's contribution to second- ury ucntion in one of the principal 1m trf the county’s ex diture. This year it will amount to $761.80. This upon in: communicated by the county treasurer and rend at the monthly meeting of .the council held at Vaughan Township Hall, Vellore. All members were present and Reeve R. W. Scott presided. and Mrs. B. Farrow, Surrey, England. The sons are Alfred, Walter, Albert and Wilfrid, also of Toronto. --A young married couple were for- ced to flee to the street in their night attire through fire in their residence at 220 Winnett avenue. Awakened by the Gund of crackling wiii,W . V ----, Mimn*.hwmm; _ - -__ --r" __ -_-- v-v-uw tau-ran. nodal . . . wheelbase. from “Zinc“ Io "4-inch. Tho engine an“... in 'g.tcrci,tf, trf maple our cl the “cylinder, "arf.'.! “I "I... . mm. do” - Per---eatrtr ‘1’!” toeqte6royrwtthye-dio3xie-rlghut-ariiru; mm -oo.91r-1ied.trair-rtkruekkikd.tArai, GGGririariG; M- c mused, Im-als. mum d misty, A'"eme%-tre. 2ta,,ttd, -siqetem. 2tgetr; Inthe “m" frame ”"4”“ a Madonna that tho bah-t payloads tutu-helical 'et?-trsoee.ctGd-ttrosudiGGiiou,rtiiG pm“, 'nitt"tynreraddttttftorttiettrtiiitraiitaGrGGcii'. h tirtteer-yatttrs-'iulGiGGn%Girr2' "Jawa.?""" qroef5eoetmax 2'etteeat hon how oodly Attanehsq can haw“ INet-st-ttoh-it-trt/kit" mm“ it"-hka-lhirrar-ttt-rrmrrGG. "WWW" EAeeqrydstsCaniidiyttriteiiGG'ii1urriiai?iili7.' fro- Vehtas pickup to Ttrn Mum Lou! kudos-Inna cun- “ff'im if“?! “P" erred 9se.tty tebotye+ HeS'dLutt,tgey,gf,,h,iehn city,lovw- ricodtru h -reiedttsCtxnddian 'IS2"l,'le'd'J “a?" all one... Hockey" with Ann Fun! ”and; Purcell. On Monday and Tuesday. March 15 and Iti, tho double bill!!!“ consist of “Wivu Never Know" with Charles Ruxklea and Mary Roland. ard' “Walking on Air" with Gene Raymond and Ann Sothern. The fauna on Wednesday and Thursday. Much 17 and 18. will be “Montana in Man- hattan" with Jean Arthur and Joel hicCyen.‘ and Luck link in Zane Grey's the Siii0ik1iioAitGi"iii REVS t the M? The": q a FtiAday 'fmhttfdlt thin 1%l th. igh-vb: 'ant.-.:.." Ar M! :6... J1'tii?tliii'rta'li ffSiid r an " ffoeker" with All" ml‘sudlguk with i383 it,', tiii/hill" iiilli. "End of this 'Tn'n." turtm, . but ma: l','Sirai.it, Ci'h'il:tl't 24t. Ward 1 than“. with: Deputy Chin! WWW any“ tw.? III-- st in. . An arplicntion for construction of a half-mile race track on the Townley estate, east. of Weston road, north ot St Clair Avenue, is before the civic tsdminiatration in Toronto, and n re- port on the project is to be submit- ted by Buildings Commissioner K. 8. Gillies. Ontario's furniture workers' strike, which started last Monday, March lat, and involved more than 1,000 employ- ees in 20 factories in 11 different states, was settled on Saturday, Hon. David Croll. Minister of Labor, an- nounced. The men returned to their work this week Wage increases were granted and a conference is to be held to bring the industry under the In- dustrial Standards Act. $50.00 Furnace Blown. “0.00 Hi in. Batt Bearing Lawn Mower. “Am. 3122A": (ierytrytyusetrie Radio, 1931. (used 6 week»). 'M.00. Kiddy-Knr. TGe. Kiddy-Kar. rubber-tirod, mm. Child's Red Tabla 3nd Chair Set. 81.ts. 23-Key "N.tiorusi" Cub Roam". ’50.”. 25mm) Gnu Range for 385.00. 1 Green Sm! Kitathan Btoot, .l.0.. ”Anson-ed) Framed Plcturu (out 83.00) N _ "'"'e"'F -____ei9_ _ w“... ___ um...“ ".00. Mnjutlc Electric Retrurerrrtor, 350400. 2 Wicker Chairs. t Wicker Fern Stand, ".00 Btvelud 1yy9. (Hun Mirror, 2 ft. x c, ft., oak PRIVATE SALE Au-iécrfii'foo'.""m - ..W___.i_P ww.... "u $ti).it0 Gummed Tape Machlna for $8.7S, Apply warnings only at ttT MAIN BY. SOUTH. WESTON Yr%UViiiLV." -"eee w" - ._. - V .... -.. Rurrtie Funny. ”.00. 8 Peeoeipeetric Futures with pendant -Read the ads. W: it 'HURJDAY, lune}! It, z Passenger (to cook on ship): "Tell me, sir, at}; you the Tate, ?" Cook} "i'ni not; 71"“,th man that cook: the mate.’ N BINGO EVERY MONDAY NIGHT Under New Management Good Prizes 4 Lucky Draws l2 GAMES-N CENTS You Are Cordially Invited to Attend At St. John's Separate School Rooms, George Street, 8.30 pm. Auspi..eys.st/htfy (R.C.) Church --with-- Edward Arnold Dick Purcell .-with-- Charter, Rugglés - Jean Arthur m. bums I' Wyn-"Ind.“ Widoup'm 'mtf.2,tra Mum-n. Ina-“f." ”110mm." DOUBLE BILL WIVES NEVER KNOW WEDNESDAY-THURSDAY March 17-18 DOUBLE BILL ADVENTURES IN MANHATTAN In.“ TIM To. ”In.“ Luv-Irma PM.“ END OF THE TRAIL ""ltJiW,'2""' M. h "P 110qu mu. COME AND GET LT KING OF HOCKEY MoNi?AYrTUESDAY BINGO "mm March 15-18 Zane Grey's ---also- Jack Holt --witk-- --with- --tslso-- --in-- Mary Joel McCu- Joel McCrel Anne Nap!

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