and how much sin claims of you: and how much of this claim you 'admit IS valid, or comply with. The knowledge of evil that brings on repentance is the most helpful stage of mortal mental, itr"-ahirv Baker Eddy. Union Services Baptist Sunday School at 10 mm. each Sunday in the Bap- tist Church. -Read the ttda. "Examine yourselves. and see whaf R Naturelle Permanents. T $2,50 up Finger Waves _ _ T Me With Shampotr--50e Marcel Me Manicure Me Haimut--25e Free Advice On Your Individual Appointments For An Appointment _ Phone: MISS E. DAWSON Weston 744 o "FioriBU' Telegraph Delivery" h WESTMINSTER Clllgcl out t',tltr, during Jul . Pr-ur-ttBy. G. E. F038 ' We: of est-Inner gin-net. WESTMINSTER & CENTRAL UNITED, CHURCHES ' WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO FLOWERS (Under the Auspices of WESTON MUSIC_&_RADIO) MR. BERT wtimy--Torortto Accordionist Teacher and Principll Come to Our New Showroom Ind have us demonstrate the Piano. key Accordion-the most'nodern of all musical instruments. "FOR EVERY OCCASION"- WEDDING BOUQUETS WESTON _ Howl-:2 "ih0PPE . in the Presbyterian Church t During July at 11 Ban. and 7 p.m. Rev. P. C. Harper officiating. CORSAGES FUNERAL WREATHS “and \n hand mu B"'"? _ Teas-w - an sandman m PC" “my dive “nudity issd good cheer ‘ Anon dinen and ViiFtiiel: “If: - '7 - 7.,atste. mo“: dis- "_-. howl the The Shoppe will close It 1 gun. on Wednesdnn BEVERLY A“ - Beauty , ' 7 Shoppe BAPTISTS AND PRESBYTERIAN S Announcing the Opening of the NEW WESTON ACCORDION SCHOOL ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY DINNER-tto-t Chieke---4+ Btel.-or-Chieheat sand (w. P. GRAHAM) 24 MAIN BT.NORTa - PHONES -. WESTON m and 298 wgprgoy 1m ha we - - bers. vhf "We UNITED SERVICES 14 MAIN ST. S. WESTON who}? "Gut as“ is? The " IAIN BY. N., WESTON R. A. McCallister, who has been Act- ing Deputy Minister of Public Works for. several months, was confirmed in the post on Monday by special Order- in-Council of the Hepburn government. Mr. McCallister takes over the office of Chester 8. Walters, Controller of Finances, who was forced to relinquish it because of press of Treasury duties. BONITA at'EAultddtgg nLvnns'rou an MAIN ST. N. WESTON Prompt Cheerful Delivery Service "Make Your Own Movies" With A BROWNIES ....N. KODA S ......... CINE ODAKS CAMERA, PROJECTOR and FILM complete .--...-.---...$4s.6g Come in for I demonstration. Itlty01l1080lt'8, I.n.A. onus sum: UNIVEX Movie Camera FOR ONLY $14.95 128 MAIN ST. N. WESTON EVERY MONDAY-WEDNESDAY SATURDAY "See the Prizes in the Window" HUinhisFi/rew Club UNITED CHURCH G. D. Patric " Mt Loaf Dr. BUNDA ' JULY mm 2 pan.-Y.P. Bible Clul. 8 tr.m.-Ahuttuy School. , p.m.-Eeenintt Service. Briggs' Pharmacy LOWEST EVERY " DAY t'lBlliNGo" " GAMES - 20c 28 MAIN ST. N. 2 Phones: LY. 4098 Weston 842~W -Phone "s-- " Mlin M. N. (Opposite Poul pilice) "ltt-rtoatrt so Fried Chicken ug-or-. Chicken sand c Shrimp sun These orders i'teNde--CoehtaB-tk--aatd Dessert ttee Crea- Sundae) PHONE 720 “It's Cooler Inside" PRICES "ji' ANNIVERSARY -ti.25 up ,..35.00 up $39.50 up For THREE DAYS ONLY-B-tua run-m "DOUBLE-DIP" SODAS or “DOUBLE-RICH" MALTED MILKS. ttht reg. l5e. hr nly M...~.W.._~.__._.._m_.__ '0 Fried Chicken ug-or-. 40 t c shrimp Salad c " maze during the past twoGGi," LTirGTtViiiuii"ior"G to maintain our original standard of high quality foods, " a mini- mum cost, served in congenial surroundings. _. FRESH "MINT JULEP" FREE With every FRESH CRERRY--PREam RA8PBBttrtY-.FREtm STRAW- BERRY SUNDAE. or with Arty Other Sundae - the Menu. 'N APPRECIATION of your patronage we are offering on our 2ND ANNI- . VERSARY the following Speck]: for , Din thttr- SATURDAY. Swan AND MONDAY E SINCERIFLY THANK. our many cuggomqrs for their pat- Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Farr, formerly of Church Street, Weston, and now of Edmonton, Alta., motored to Wes- ton and are spending a vacation with Mrs. Farr's mother, Mrs. Jackson, Main Street. Accompanying them was a former retsident of Weston. Mrs. McDonald, who is visiting friends here. V Mr. 1:0. Scott in vacutionin‘ with his family " Honey Hath". Muskohl. Mr. and Mrs. T. 1'pt"'t'ttt,n are " freaent "entailing in aw Zel- Un . Mr. Wotlterapood is looking for- ward to nome interesting fishing trips while there. ch Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Warren, Miss Marjorie, Mr. Victor and Mr. George Warren of South Drive, Etobicoke, at- tended the 8trath reunion It St. Vin- cent Plrk, Barrie, July 7. Mrs. Warren on retiring after six years as secretary-treasurer was presented with a lovely toilet set. - - W -- v..- a--- “Mm“... Mount Dennis, a pretty wedding was ,olemnized, the Rev. R. P. Walker of- ficiating, when f.'t& May Whistance- Smith, dau hter of r. and Mrs. Wm. 'sG1'lt'afl'l1/Slyi'c of Mount Dennis, was married to Mr. Robert McMurdo, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. McMurdo, also of Mount Dennis. The church was beautifully decorated with sum- mer flowers and the wedding music was played by Mr. L. G. Slater. The bride) who was given in marriage by her father, looked lovely in a period gown of ivory satin. With it she wore a sr‘nall ivory silk ne_t lust and carried At four o'elock "iGtTfriGyGirtu"rnoon is the 2111331: of theuGood Fyoherd, Min Mamie Bench ha returned from a motrt ew'twypble Aeation a Port Jefferson. . . Mr, Wilt Strath of Richmond, Va., U.S.A., visited with Mr. and Mn. Ernest Warren, South Drive, while en route to the Strum reunion. _ 7 --. m... ..-. ..... ...... w...“ a shower bouquet of Talisman roses. baby's breath and maidenhair fern. The bridesmaid, Miss Maud Stephens, her only attendant, was charming in a shell pink lace gown over pink satin with a matching hat and accessories. She allied. a bouquet of, Premier roses. The best man was Mr. David McMurdo, brother of the groom, and the ushers were Mr. Wilf. aylor and Mr. Tom Whjttanee-Smith, brother of the bride. After the ceremony a re- ception was held at the home of the bride's parents on Weston road. Mrs. Whistanee-Smith received the guests wearing a blue and white georgette en- semble and a corsage lf pink roses. The groom’s mother and the bride's gran mother also' received the guests. Later the bride and Broom left on a motor trip to Northern Ontario, the bride wearing a smart green tailored suit and accessories to match. On their return they will live in Mount Dennis. DURING JULY AND AUGUST FIFTH ANNUAL PICNIC SATURDAY, JULY 1 Tth SATURDAYS ONLY MyrMtet-yvlphonce-smith Weston’u Quality Cake Shop 9 MAIN STREET NORTH OPEN ON _-C" 2nd WESTON 1llnR0itaititi'8 CLUB BONITA‘S 'tEFrtesrrmtfstomErt OFFER (llDEylllu")NlAllli,.S For Delivery Phone 555 DENE’S" JULY 17-48-19 Members: Please Bring Basket Lunch WITH THE LADIES' AUXILIARY PHONE 26 CRUICKSHANK PARK PHONE an mm; ‘6' That J Ink nonh. Gaia. auiuai $131533†wan: T%tt in Human; ' nm' In. The Canadian n Post 218, Wes. ton, and their f Auxiliary, will hold their an": " Pelmo Park on Satunhy. July t. WIRE: tot later nnnouncomontl. q Miss Phyllis Cameron, 15 Joseph street, leaves all? week for Camp Bolton, where she will take up duties as a counsellor. Mll- Cameron's ef- forta will be mostly t't the lines of musical instruction to t 0 children gheedre, for which the is highly quali- 1 . Pupils of Marion Demorest, LT.. C.M., who were successful in Weston Branch Conservatory examinations are as ‘follows: A.T.C.M., Mae Hayes; Grade III, Neville Pike (aged seven); Grade II Theory, Edith Luckett, hon- ors; Grade II Piano, Joanne Davidge, honors, Janet Davidge; Grade I Piano, Joan Hunter, honors) Memorial School class, Harvey Christie, lst class honors. Mm. Harry Wood who we: invited to represent the W.I.S. at the dediea- g',',',' Janice g, a; New 1):“th an: on t a Iywnyse cu po - gene, Rouburn, Wan, has returned ome. A amt wedding was solemnized " the Inge. 82 William St., Weston, Sunday, July 3rd, 1937, when Fred- rick Herbert Child: of Downaview and Edna Irene Hopkins of Orillia were united in marriage by Rev. G. Ernest Forbes. Pupils of Miss Anne G. Goveniock successfully paused their pilno ex- aminations at the Toronto Conserva- tory of Music recently, with the fol- lowing standin '. Grade m Piano-- Isobel Barker, ionours; Helen Ward (Woodbridge), pus; Grade 11 Piano-- June Moore, honours. Jottes--PiUtrerald St. Luke's Church, Ottawa, was the scene of the wedding on Wednesday of Elizabeth Pearl, daughter of Mrs Wir. liam FAtzpa.triek, and the late Mr. Wil.. liam Fitzpatrick of flfoye,Nue., te Alexander' H. Jones, B.Sc.A., formerly of Denison Ave., Weston, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Jones of Toronto, Rev. Sefson Clarke officiated. Mr. Leonard Ron presided at organ, and at the signing of the sister Miss Betty Jones, sister of bry.etrryo.ry, sang. A - ,, . -__ l, - "___ -ei_'._rwi9.. T""'"".".'."' The bride " iven in arri e b Phase who should have been His her 'fArlf/r',Tl,'.'A1?2lu', "hTJ'l'gdT, friends w.ou.nd.ed Him. and He Smeit-. and was attended by her cousin, iiirited to what IS ta.llef death and “hi Winnifred Irwin, a bridesmaid. mum hope of which He had complete William Stevens wan beat man, artdeptssio?..and others took care of It Mr. Edgar Lachance usher. {and found It a resting place. In a rocky The bride wore an exquisite gamigrave there lies the max}, or rather of white braided silk net over taiiif/t.he temple or house in which he dwelt. and wide-brimmed hat of white Fir?., divine form, perfect but somewhat hair. She carried a shower of gittialyysrred. The hands and tlle feet bear fly roses and bnlty'ts breath. ‘the marks of the cruel nails. The side ( The bridesmaid was attractive in .resyals the wound causeii by the sold- ‘pale yellow silk organza over yellowiier's spear; the head still shows the ‘taffeta. Her hat wat, "ura,ri1iiii"eiilp?int? of suffering caused by the imohair in matching tones, and Sheffiercmf of the crown of thorns apd learied an arm bouquet of Talisman ash o the lxetors whip: The third roses and yellow mamas“, (iii whole body gives evidence of the Mrs. R. M. Jones mother. of the day has eom3, the body of the man, bridegroom, wore ira; pink tiguredit,"n Jesus, lies in the grave, cold as crepe and corsage of roses and lily-3°13!" 'e throbbing Jrulst, no gentle of-the-valley. lbreathmg lungs, all is Sh". end mo- Followin the ceremony at rseeptionittn.letss.. But the Master Spirit comes was held gar immediate 'aiiiii'ri', of Blrtun, the earth trembles, the rock the family and later Mr. and Mufblocking the doorway rolls back from , its place. The life giving presence en- -"-"--'""'-"-"-"""-'-9 ters, the dead, cold marble of that hu- The bridesmaid was attractive in pale yellow silk organza over yellow taffeta. Her hat was wide-brimmed mohair in matching tones, and she earied an arm bouquet of Talisman ragga anti. yel_10w_ snapdragpns, ___r_____ -._- "W" -.._,.......u..o, Mrs. R. M. Jones, mother of the bridegroom, wore pale pink figured crepe and corsage of roses and lily- of-tttvalley. _ " A My. out In. 0. Aide, Kain “not My. Yorg (33111138 " the Sixth Con- Chi.1d.B-Morthim, in 'mktGiL the the Pgtt ttt,e'veoter tr!» tl Jona- ht: on "a motor trip through an Adirondack- and to New York. On their return they will take up residence in Ottawa. Out-of-lown guests included Mr. and I'll-s. Ra. M. Jones, Ind Min Betty J ones," tdau.' Jesus said “I am the resurrection and the life, he who believes in me even though he die, he shall live, and whosoever' is alive and believes in Me shall never die." Martha, the sister of Lazarus, who got this message, had just told Jesus that she knew that her brother would rise again in the resur~ rection at the last day. Martha's faith was great,' Jesus tried to increase it but it was hard for Him even though He spake as never man spake, A day or two previous to this incident when sickness and death were under consid- eration Jesus said "Our friend Lara, rus is asleep but I am going to awak- en him". His disciples said "Lord if, he is sleeping he will get well." But Jesus spake of his death and they' thought that what He said was sleep-‘ ing in bed. Jesus then said to them plain]? "Lazarus is dead, and I any glad or your sakes thatI was not) there so that ye may believe." At an- other time when a fine young girl was‘ pronounced dead by the crowd, Jesus declared she was asleep, and He proved the truth of His word and‘ brought the child home to father and mother for a little while longer. Jesus‘ is the same today, He invites His Peo-' ple to come to Him; He makes the, .dead alive and gives them the assur- ance of the life everlasting. Jesus not only guides his people through the dark valley, but He Himself passed Vthrough under dreadful conditions. Those who should have been His friends wounded Him. and He submit- ;ted to what is called death and left ithe hope of which He had complete man frame becomes animate again, and the genial voice asks the tearful Mary “W y weepest thou ?" Jesus was there. He aid down His life, no man! took it from Him. Millions of His peo- ple have invited Him to come in and they have passed from death unto life because He is the life-giving One and abides in them. He is the resurrection and the life. He any: to the returning, lpenitent sinner "Thy sins are forgiven thee. Come unto me, all you who are) tired out and carrying burdens, and tl will give you rest, Take my yoke upon; you and learn of me, for I am genial) and meek in my heart, and you will: find rest to your souls. For my ytti is very pleasant and my burden in: t.stpan.'tGiriitiieGis SEEKERS; School cannot be with for than. Speck! street cm have the church lighter"." 8.15 mm. and 2.14 m. slurp. Boats leave Queenston dint! " 6.30 pm. and midnight. Please new I conge- tion in the time printed on the tickets. There is no 8.30 pm. boat from Queen: 'ton; onlgf.†pm. and midnight. Alt SEMII_ hool childnn not Incon- Sunday School Scholars Will Have Trip to Queens- A ton The Church of the Good Shepherd Sunday School, Mount Dennis, is hold- ing a "Community Picnic" to Queen- ston Heights on Saturday, July Nth. All Sunday scholars are expected to come with their parents and friends for a most enjoyable outing. The slink: 1'a'S',",',','lt/', are as fol- loy}: ts have oronto Wharf at CHURCH 600D SHEPHERD Milt ON SATURDAY Jesus the Resurrection v “up: “not" MN " MAIN at. s. Weston '--Phe--au. am lurking-cf: cm rd: School children not incon- [iedybx pHenty1ymst_ret1rrn on an :13.“ coiiérr- ABLE at THE LMMrTRBT AND C'00LEBT or SUMMER. curtains by Rev. James Thomson QLEMAN BINGO - FRIDAY u. pl. (um " s--" 0‘ “All-ML!!!“ COOL at 7 mm. SPecial cars meet the 6.80 pam boat on y. Come along, one and all. and help us to make this a real community event. "The slightest sorrow for sin is suf- ficient it it produce amendment, and the greatest insufficient if it do not." --Colton. BALANCE OF LADIES' SUMMER SPORTS FOOTWEAR, All-White-Elk, or Brown Leather and Elk trim Pr, . '""T".,_ , __. LADIES' bRESSJI'YPE FOOTWEAR, reg. $8.00 and $10.00 values, pair--- l, ees a: AND a. a: Join the Building Parade i YOU'LL never 'tnd a better “he to but bk effect that do“ “a one elm you the M for In“. OI â€It hon. property. "you rm teakyaWh-u. 1r.eth-6efeet-eait"nuiiGsGrk' 1tY1e.e m_nm_nu; Pm I“ or â€a, "at" Ic-wa In rut 'lh5hT'lhfi a I h r“ MIR-rig nii’il "Ens-o __ 'if5,Siicit3 W ' who. dh but "In ITU.",,',' in. - the hat. " m h tip â€I M tTAc?9t.A.9mPyyRr.Akamt or CLEANERS and DYERS STORE PLANT " Main St. 8. Weston 845 MT NOW BEFORE PRICES ADVANCE! Heat-waves are here! Keep cool and eomfortable in CLEAN CLOTHES. NOW in the time to have your-- FREE man: My m NTNEBW-aaer In mu m WINDWICK’S M-MM, RE-IODEL, Iii-PAIR mom: ma non: FiiiiiTG7 Have Your Clothe "lllttttt-thtttdlt'iutd" ' II 0 E S 48 MAIN ST. N., WESTON PHONE 360-1 REAL SAVINGS GREAT VALUES A GENUINE SHOE SALE Giving You Summer Clothing Sportswear CLEANED AND PRESSED INSULA'I'DN unsung [E2113 Special Reduction -lnsi|le and tut--. ALEX. D. $3.95 '_'i'_.i._..i,_,.'_-.:..rj't REMOVAL Flannel: LYNDHURST 2168 Windwick’s Great Continues Till End of Month E5 i, any? _ 4. _ fr ' ' THE BINGO COMMITTEE will to thunk the may kind Wat who attended our Bingo. e will to announce that we at DISCON- TINUING the Bingo until further notice. POST 213, B.E.S.L. $2.95 ttttd $3.95 SALE MEN'S White Oxfords CALF OR BUCK HES $1.95 "Y-B- -III'II Re-ro-thi. irrfnrtirmthatr- mlwillhvuh- I“??? , . lien-that tlt In! it. petite! d In. trtHrLAytAtt ltr, as 'tWE) , AS'