Times & Guide (1909), 30 Sep 1943, p. 5

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'.rl' $7,800---63 QUEENS privy, Wes- 51,6:00 - sixc.RooMED. bungalgw, you ought to Bee, seven-roamed house, all newly decorated, inside and out, hot water heated. $1,500 caslf, immediate possession. Pack- ham Realty. . o-25-1w ton, new, detached, six-room, solid brick, square plan; hot water heating, modern tiled kitchen, tiled bathroom with genuine built-in bath shower; recretstion room, di, vided basement, private driveway, garage, situated on one of Weston', finest ntreets. surrounded by fine homes. Open for inspection on premises. STONE Blocked Garage for rent $3.500 -- FIVE - ROQMED b r i c k close ta Weston, nice garJen, small down payment. S e v e r al others to choose from. Puckham Realty. o-25-lw $5,600--N9W here is something bungalow, gas and electric, good furnace, screen doors and windows, storm doors, eleven fruit trees, raspberry bushes, chicken coupe, small down. payment. Packham Realty. o-25-1w $6,000thNUAave. been lqoking tor something like this, so here it is; nix acres of good garden land or trood building lots with a solid brick, almost new house, close to Weston. Don't delay. Packham Realty. o-25-1w CAPETNi.E.R, ' pert time for a. PA.RT-TlM.E w.ai.trcss, a]so_pa_rt- time kitchen help. Apply Bimini Tea. x-25-1w bfidle for rule. F tjwndr in "my. Sacrifice. Apply 128 Run- sell Ave. nc-25-1w BEDROOM SUITE, 4 pieces and steel spring, almost new; 2 leather rockers. All for $40.00. Phone Weston 227»w-1 n.c.-25-lw four an1ilydiplex, Chaffe and Avery, 372 Bay St., WA. 2316. to fetch bundle of sheets, pillow: slips, etc., fortnightly to wash at her own home. Inquire 9 John St., Weston. V ts-M-tw 1937 PLYMOUTH comm, Jroed tires and battery, meehdnialy right, heater, $5.65.00. Phone Weston 1289-J 0-25-IW ONEV four-poster metal' bid, N 'li/rtnird ind mattreués: mo Gil; gas water heater. Phone 444-W, Uter six. o-ZS-lw mittrems; walnut fin-lama dress- er. Phone 1299..R. o-25-1w ONE GOAT, _milkipg 9nd I _fox DQUPLE t.h r e e-pitet Simmons bed, excellent co'ndiiion, wiihut mlor, price $5. Apply 1804 June St. o-26-1w any, and walruit knee-hole dei). Gil Weston 70, evenings. o-2li-1w YOUNG sgddlc mare, spddle and WANTED. good, reliaYe laury1ress new tunnel Ind hand Portables Get you" while they last. Alto med machine! tor ale. Rout-ls and regain. Singer Qh Getter, H98 t. Chit West. Enwood 2154. . “a.“ DOLL carriage in good condition. 6 Vimy Avenue. o-26-1w BOY'S bicycle. aeolian} condition. Phone 11954. ewnings. 0-25-1w MAN'_S bicych for agile. CAIN, -ir, good condition for immediate possession, $30.00 cub. Apply 67 Lawrence Ave. W. Phone 690-R. o-M-iw V iterrrierrdog' for ad PilLne"w-eL' ton 151-W-1. 0-25-1w QUAN_T!TY_' .oCtire wqod tbody "iGlrd included) for sale. iiGii, Zone 4-466 for particulars. x-lw BEDROOM suite, totusted _rtultosr AYRSHIRE Miter a". register“. 5 month, old. Phone Bone 4-4tl, BED, metal, _coil wsprjnsr.s, and WE HIV? {FEB numbn- ot Aphly 4 Lippincott E. nr Phone '9. _ 024-1w GARAGE TO LET AaytCW8 "" SAL! HOUSES FOR SALE HELP WANTED ANT [1' 'trME 712011! ' a. am. son. "" T|MES&GUIDE TRANSPORTATION wanted to and from Weston for King and Spadina district Leave Weston 7 mm. and leave Toronto 5.30. Phone Weston 321. o-26-1w "You've made a mistake in your paper," said the indignant mamm- tering the editorial sanctum. "l was one of the competitors at the athletic match yesterday, and mu have called me the well-known lightweight champion." "Nu. I'm nothing of the kind, and its confoundly awkward. be- cause you BPP, rm . coal mer- chant." TWO, bright unfurnished rooms three unfLrnished tongs. FGG 210-W. o-M-tur "Ivey," aren't 'you?" said the editor. LARGE room with or without grill, continuous hot water and phone. Apply 117 Rosemount Ave. c_rf-2_5Uw TRJCYCPE, 1yt.u1ted_gmtall or me- NURSE in factory needle keping rooms 6} Gai ment immediately, Weston Dennis. Phone Zone 4-317. --'_v v-.. ._ -,...-- w. "r tenth“ 12th, in the vicinity of the Pine Point Golf Course, 1 black And white In]. hound puppy war- ing I bru- studded can". Any- ono knowing of his wheruboub In“ noti y the owner " 10 IIT.' Ave. Reward. x-25-lw TWO lgrge brisr.htAoorty in priy- YOUNG married woman desires IMMEDIATE lion-union, a e v e n roomn, water h a a ti n g with blower, built-in bath with shower, oak floors, can] lire‘glnce in in“ living room, newly ecorated and painted, insulated. 86,500. FURNISHED to o m DRIVER going down town morn- ings, King and George, leaving 7.15 a.m.; as room for passen- "rs. Phone Weston 66NW. and kitain 'forV'i-Véht'.‘ If var. voniences. Business couple, no chil- dren. Apply 6 William St. o-25-1w S'IZEXEJDZH‘om in. P'"".' P? Sop; 41“, grey deluxe with chromium trim, in vicinity of {Knox-lie Temple or Cordelin Ave. on Monday or Tuesday. Reward. Tone 4400. 'rNsTLE'110WN, four rooms, oak ....-.u......vu n, um; “mum, till floors, all conveniences, insulat- ed, low taxes, large lot. $3200. WESTMQEJNT, , a rge_ lot, four roomed frame house. Total price, 3750,00. ACKROW. " MAIN ST. WESTON FOUR. roomful, ykhsiriiiriE p93- HAVE eod heme Att -sr% 6-7 years ad, gnome; oiifd 5331}. £38 in home. Box 2548,- Times and Guide. o-25-1w ate horne, {likable fie hellish. Phone MO-W. ___ o-'d5-tw REAR. tire pgrgcl cover for Buick 352va rooms“ .h,ot. tsir.. hating, oak noors/ifivii% gala-1".“ Eng? bright rooms, new roof, large lot. good location. 86,000. session, Oct. . I. Am}; Worn]; Box 2576, Times and Guide. ROOM and board for 2 girls, no lunches. Phone Zone 4-439. LARGE front room with board. Apply 64 Dufferin St. W. dium size'. Phrmuimriciisg." 26-o-tw Phone 752-J. ROOMS To LET unwamsnzé OPPORTUNITIES OFFERED PIOPIITY FOR SALE ROOM AND BOARD ROOMS TO LET WANTED TO Lid for rent. oali-lw x-25-lw x-25-1w 0-25-1w or2)irlw o-25~1w o-24_tw house.. apart- or Mt. Debenture Maturity Number Date 168-31 Sept. l, 19l 168-32 Sept. I, 191 222-27 July l, 19l 222-28 July I, 19l 245-18 July l, 19t 268-40 July I, 19i 268-41 July I, lip, 268-42 July l, 19l To the Holden of Gourd pe- ‘bontum of the Town at Wanna Maud tbe In dire! January. 1988 ah'.'""'""" in the you: I.“ "iii? 349-43 350-17 449-55 469-56 449 -57 449-58 449-59 535-47 535-48 585-49 535-50 535-51 688-10 690-10 691-19 691-20 714-24 714-25 71 4 -26 759-9 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town ot Wiors.irstotdn to and will on the let day at December. n43, redeem ita general debenture: dated the 1st day t "nuary, 1988, whtcll mature the {an 1955 and 1966, hereinafter set orth by payment to the holders thereof of the he: value of the said debentures to be Io redeemed and occrued interest thereon to the said 1st lily of December, HMS, after which date interest will can to lccrue. Payment will be made " the Bank of Montreal, Weston, or the Main Office of the "id Bunk in Toronto It holder's option upor surrender of the debentures re- deemed, together with ell unpnitl coupons thereon. The said de- bentures to be redeemed are $26,9M.10 in secret-ta principal amount and are I portion of a larger princifal amount of general debentures ated the lot day ot January, 1938, which were issued pursuant to By-law Number 875 passed the 15th day of August, 1938, as provided for by I plan of refunding, readjustment and reor- ganization of certain debentures of the said Town dated the 23rd day tuyt 1938, and confirmed by Or er of the Ontnrio Municipal Board dated the 15th day of Au ust, 1038. The said debentures to go so redeemed are as follows: 349-41 Dated " Weston this 13th day of September, 1943. J. P. ALteNv', H. G. MUSSON. TOWN OF WESTON ! '"'%uU'geao,t To I " GENERAL DEBENTURES Ae.u.A.3L'?..t.t.e..h.e.eee.1 c40 139 MAIN ST. S. -42 Irvin Lumber Co. Ltd. FOR LUMBER July Aug. Aug. Sept Sept, Oct. oct. Oct. Ort. Mayor. Debenture OR JU. 9662 Courteous Service 1956 1956 1956 1956 1956 1958 1956 $25,925.10 .Pri99ival L000.00 982.93 1,000.00 781.56 768.62 1,000.00 1,000.00 745.65 1 .000.00 1,000.00 1.00000 162.28 222.21 1,000.00 1 ,000.00 1,00th00 1,000.00 815.15 1 .000.00 1 ,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 725.47 170.96 459.28 1 t000.00 M9.71 l ,000.00 1 '000.00 678.88 542.40 Clerk WESTON 74 AND CALL BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES mouope fn 1851. Still each yen has brought im- provements both In instruments and methods of diagnosis. The ophthalmoecope enable. one to look through the rgil and to explore the interior 0 e eye and thus gather valuable information concerning blood pressure, intri- cnninl prenurc Ind the begin- ning: of certain diseases. In the eye. the blood velsels end nerve: are exposed to view and nilord an opportunity for study that is im- possible in my other orgnn. The optic nerve and retina are direct extensions from the brain and ere visible in.the back of the interior of the eye. These often reveal trouble which develops in the brain. Death of the optic nerve from c{mison and infection, hemorrhnges. etachment of the retina, 1nd cutanct are all exposed to view. The work of the Optometrist is to correct refractive errors which cause decreased vision, headaches, sick stomach, em, and show train eyes to work comfortably together, but he is trorousryre.itysd to de- tect any abnormal condition in the eye. So, when an Optometrist lo- cates any sign of disease in the eye or other parts of the body, he immediately refers the patient to his general physician, eye physi- cian or to whom he feels can help the patient most. Apart from the information gathered by viewing the inside of the eye, much can be learned about the health of an individual by care- fully examining the eye. externally. To make - thorough examina- tion of one's eyes. In ophthalmo- 'l',Q", must he used with great one an skill. Editor's Note: - Please address your questions to E. F. Attridge, C.P.R. Optometrist, 2955A Dundas street west. over Ostrttnder's, or phone JU. 8166. HENRY POPE YOUR-EYES YOUR HEALTH lawman YOU! BY "Have than plumbing job! done NOW" WARM AIR FURNACES W eston 934 W REP/”RED s2,',1rU,tivg, n nun-m; Juanita! the gody through a. eyo Ivar than Hetmholts invented . little inhuman: ed1- od the 0phdul~ WESTON TIMES AND GUIDE _ "My. guess is the. war'll be over a by Christmas!" AEp9A9rlr-91t “New 33v? The family of the late Matthew Hun-is wish to express their tin, cero thanks And appreciation to their muny motives, friends and neighboun for the kind uptu- liom of sympathy, mus cards and beautiful non] tributes during their recent and loss of n loving “that. o-26-1w Cards of Thanks Tiqpin. Weston. The marriage will take place on Saturday, oe, tober 9, in St. David's Anglican church, Donlnnds uvenue, at five o'eloek. o-25-1w Births Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Harvey C. Ken- nfy, Dunn avenue, announce the e gagement of their eldest daugh- ter, hyllis Mildred, to Corp. J, B. Hunter, C.M.A.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hunter, Scarlett road, Weston. The wedding to take place four o'clock. Saturdly. October 6, " Parkdale United church. 0v26-lw The engagement is announced of Edna, youngest daughter of Mn: Ferran and the late Mr. John Fer- nn. to LAC Frank Sidney Tippin, 11.CA.P.,_ym of Mr. Ind Mrs. L. In Memoriam DAVIDSON-ln loving memory of we iG UG. niiELi'EiF; In". In laud-ii yye. 'left-. Maui-u M, ”43. to Mr. And In. Juk Anderson (no. Gmee Malia). I“ In“: street north, Weston, I baby sister for John, nine pounds. Mother 1nd baby both doing tine. 1-254“! ave to make a better safer world for them to come home to, can and will speed the Victory. That'u why I'm going to ave every dollar I can. the“ why I'm going b to without thin”. to buy more Bond. this time and maybe bring my John home leaner..." 3 “I with I could believe the war would be over by . Chriltmu. So does everybody. Then John would be back home with me and the children. But we know it's our we: at home too. What we do here, what we l “Well, I hope's he's right . . . but it sounds like a pretty . dangerous guess to me. Dangerous because, with ideas like that, some people are apt to slow down and go easy on the useful jobs they should be doing to shorten the war. Sure, we're winning, but when important things like this new Victory Loan come along, we've got to put it over I Then we can be sure we are speeding the victory. What's more, I figure Victory Bonds are better than even a loving: account." “I wish t could believe the war would be over siseasiaus,lll0l'lllllf Edmonton - Brig.-Gen. J. A. O'Connor, officer commanding the United States northwest service command said that Construction of the 1,000 foot steel suspension bridie over the Laird river on the Alas a highway route, will be fin- ished this fall. DAvitW0N--In luvs: memor‘o! n. 'te hon-bud Dad, it- bun Davidson, who _ may ture 29, 1937. From on: ttrg, home uni circlc. God has on on: we love; Borne any from sin My! sou-ow To a better hon:- above. Badly mind by wife and chil- dren, 'JAmu, Jean, Julie. Joan and Betty. o-M-tw King Street Home and School}. Anodntion will hold their first) meeting of the season on Monday,1 chber 4th. Thit meeting will[ tage the form of a social. The Ex-', eeutive Committee are entertaining the teachers, new parents in the district and parents of the kinder-I garten class. Games and a sing- song are arranged for. also Miss Betty Bowles will sing a solo. A large attendance is expected and. all members are welcome. 1 Gen, O,Connor said "The Alaska highway looks good." Gravelling operations are going aheod and there will be enough gravel on the highway: this year to put it in good shape, 2 added. T;- t 'ii 1N1" GiG Not #15:: m’ '5. and a. a thit and. L In“. [no the now. but: lilo Of that unload-d when. My mind by ttst,,' huh. Altmet And -iehi In Joya and Joan. 045-1! ALASKA HIGHWAY .erd.tar.r.tndnrt4Gmned,wii. 2 'This Victory-by-Chriltmnl talk is wilhful thinking. . My own common we tell: me that winning this War will be a tough dittieu1t job. The best way any man can help his country, and protect himself and hi. own business, is to put every dollar he can lave into Canndn’: new Victory Loan. Thath one sure way I know to speed the victory and bring our boys as, home nonet- . . ." ' mum emu mum .7 _" AND NINTH!" The undersigned ha received inatmctiona to In! Public Auction the following property of _ 1 greenhouse, 12' x = in good repair 1 levelling board 1 oat bin 3 hotbed frames 1 ladder, 16 feet 1 set heavy single harness and odd pieces 2 stable forks 1 horse collar 1 stable broom 1 crowbar 1 seed drill, Planet Junior, No. 4 1 wheel hoe l 1 pair trussels 15 hotbed sash _ 3 bags fertilizer, About 100 fish boxes 1 doubletree 1 pump with 40 feet pipe P Quantity of piping 1 Chevrolet Vs ton truck, 1928 . 1 roll fence wire 1 logging chain Quantity of roofing l sickle 1 chicken coop l scythe 1 round mouth shovel 300 rhubarb roots 2 scufflers . Mrs. Geo. Chap-an, Thistlotm i Saturday, October a, fMt Gash set single harness single Educ plough stoneboat small table 2 toilet sets brass bed and springs 1 kitchen table kitchen chairs bed, springs and mattress, dresser and stand rocking chair couch Congoleum rug, 9' x 12' “which“ out mhmd‘xhgin Mend-1m.Wob-veoddthun dutnnanh-nlch’um uvinp, give thing: up, by more Victory Bond! than we’ve ”bought, we have served ootice on the Vol-Id that Cum aundl for I (nick and If all of m u hm taupe together REMEMBER . . . FURNITURE at 1 p.m. 1 and screen 1 wheelbarrow I. single horse wagon 1 1 pair trussels 3 bags fertilizer, 4-8-10 1 doubletree logging chain sickle scythe rhubarb roots Bat , if?

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