Times & Guide (1909), 30 Sep 1943, p. 6

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Four men were charged with launches of National Selective Ser- the rexubtionn Priday night when lands of police "arched pool, mm, hotels, loci-l clubs and restaurants. Fifty persons were “ken to Dundu street west um. qtmtittttimr. The raids were cut under direction of Sent. _ in: Martin, James Butler, idiot enforcement officer of select- lve service, R.C.M.P. and city plain- _I'eii'ti'GiiG' and detectives. . The liberal caucus in Ottawa and I "very full and frank discus- Bion of the existing political situ- .tion," said Premier King as the Mt'frit'g?tgnd last week. The i A a mister was 1tniritorrturtive 'ttrms Minister was uninformntive I'll!!! questioned ubout the possi- Jrttitr g I federal ttpg, this Mr. no correspon ent suggest- ed that Mr. King earlier had inti.. mud that there would be no elec- tion this year. Mr. King observed: "When did I any that? I don't re- lumber saying that." In n'movs to strengthen the gsmment for post-way planning, ime Minister Churchill brought back Canadian-born Lord Beaver- .brook as lord privy seal and made Sir John Anderson chancellor of the exchequer. Lord Beaverbrook is 64 years old. He was born at Maple, and is . publisher. Re is to help Mr. Churchill with special ad- arsitiistrative work. anier George Drew will of. l/gr',','?.", the 65.000 horsepower plant " Decew Falln. two tenth of St. Catharina. on ' 15. Dr. Thomas Hogs. communion Chaim-n, and at er hm". hydro and gnvemment ' together with Canadian CT) and municipal repre- _ from the area. will at- the ceremony. Water will from Lulu Erin via the Wel-. a], nun! and Gibson Lake ' tread will romo from an " IM-font drop down ' escarpment. At the recent meeting of the intuitive of the W.CT.U., they decided to conserve fuel chewin- hr bgemeeting in the homes of the new re. The'next meeting will be held Tuesday. October 5, at the home of the president, Mrs. Dave Dnvidze. The meeting will open nt 880 yid all menllgen are cordially Hon. C. D. Howe, Minister of [Innitiom and Supply, announced Ite all puaenger-car owners mav pow have their tires retreaded with ranger-type camelhack without ttm ration permit. The new order does not affect conditions govern- In. the Illa of new tires for calen- ttdl puaenger can. 'alt,':',.,' hut continue to certify at their “I" or tubes are completely un- ”his Ind cannot possibly be re- 'Aired and keg» in service. Reclaim rubber. whie is made from old than and tubes. in med primarily ht mixing with other rubber in hiking military or essential Mich tires. 7 Hay W Gfi,foriii iriterGiioGr, Ths Women's Guild of St. Muh- in church. Scarlett Road, will hold their annml sale of frmt and vege- we. also miscellaneous table on Salinity. Oct. 2, at 3 pm. 1n the uhool rooms of the church. Har- vent Festival services will be held on Sunday. Oct. 3. Any person h4i'N relatives who hive eerved in His torsty's Navy, Army Ind Air Force, whose re- mains Ire buried in any of the three Weston cemeteries, please an names to Branch No. 213, eebon or to S. Powell, 1784 Jane Mreet, Weston. These (revel will he in turn decorated b the local Legion on Sunday, 8U',ild 3, 1943. KW And Vaughan Plowing As. uei'atlon. one of the oldest in York County. is holding its annual match on the farm of Manny Feder, at 2't,tT?g.'voilpi; on Wednesday, oeto r 20, officials announced. Victoril Order of Nu- Elpg you want the nurse, phone I Wednesdati. Nov. 10, was set as he gilt. of (annual Chicken Roll _ Sag night of the Weston . Club. Further details will be weaning later. Weston Lions I itted " men to membership It the Int meeting bringing the total . to 81. Prizes for 100 per cent Idendanca were presented to'12 Dumber: 1nd ten received awards rifrwtife’ii 'GAL iii Gd 17:35:53??? {(1 quot ofAe)vin Jones, gynerg Bee. I W. J,, BARTER will bo Iran-c {or " u quite a few rum Met have romplnined of mu. Every dbtriet in Pom. I10! the 2tl by his!“ l wu- M u n a I he... in tho ,number of I ml mu. “I. fellows t2)2tnthtl'x,,'r, all in m and sugar-man in mrrrttgtm ST. W. it} aiidnd. Plain note chamfe ,CIIRYSLEI CORP. PARTS and SERVICE ", I chmlor Service -De Soto Dealers Locals NEWSY NOTES 4! Town and Dinah! Ladies Auxiliary of the Weston Workingmen‘a Club. don't forget your meeting is Thursday, Sept. 30th. Mrs. Barefoot, Patriotic Con. venor, would like all names of sold- iers. so that parcels on be sent. So get your boy's name in Thun- day night. The Seatember meeting of West- minster .M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. Alex. Barton. The president, Mrs. Dean Newton pre- sided. Mrs. A. W. M1290. of Al- hnmbrs United church was the guest speaker. who introduced the new study book for the ear. "For All of Life". Mrs. Hateful Dickens was soloist. The devotional was led by Mrs. J. A. Livingstone and her group. _ - Criteria in post-war days is go- ing to see one of the really great periods of expansion, Premier George Drew declared when weL coming to the garliament buildings a class of 4 members of the RAI'. who recently received their pilots' wings. Forty of the 1t,e.g, were from the British Isles, tee from New Zealnnd and were guests of the Cnnadi-n Junior Chamber of Commerce and the War Service Committee. Labour Minister Mitchell ‘en- nounced thlt an amendment has been made to National Selective Service Mobilization Regulations which will grant postponement from military training to coal de, livery men in cities of 50,000 popu- lations. or more. The Il",,",',',',',',': ment of these men will effec- tive next February 1 and until that date no coal delivery men will be required to gran: for military training, nor ll he be moped on npplieetion for voluntary en- listment in the Armed forces, un- less a Selective Service office gives written permission. Come to the Fall Fair " Me. morial school. Saturday, October 16, 3 to 1tiy, Watch for further details in in paper. . . . Mein_highwey between Toronto and Barrie which has long aroused condemnation particularly on sum- mer a7iaiiiU, is " bottle-neck" and must be corrected in post-wet hlfhmy planing. Minister of thweys George B, Doucett de- clared after completing In extend- ed inspection trip of Ontario high- ways between here and Kenora. Mr. Doucett declined to discuss what route the improved road would take, but he said all glans will be, considered before e de inite route is decided on, including plans for a route around the south and cut end of Lake Simcoe via Beav- erton, to link Toronto directly with Orillia. has provided a striking example of what can be achieved by following such policy. the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture states. In 1939, of 4,800 hogs shipped to Montreal only 13 per cent were select and 40 per cent were discounts. but last year of 8,278 shipped. 33 per cent were "A" grade and s few were discounts. Major credit for the change in quality is given to Ossie Villeneuve, drover, and to co- operation he obtained from Ontario and Dominion Departments of Agriculture: - _ A hog irtiirroveittentCpun in the Maxville district of Glengarry pounty, jpprpertrtiop since 1939, Does classified advertising pay? Early Tuesday morning a resident of Kin street reporte to us that she hag had 28 calls regarding an article she had for sale in last week’s Yaper. This ad cost her Me and wil coat any advertiser a like amount to carry a message of M wands in the classified columns. Thirty-three hundred homes in the W Work. thin'“. authoritative new booklet- the: (the: nil the mwork out of good nutrition It's practice] . . . time-saving . . . any to use! And there's I copy for you FREE,simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the impomnce of nutrition for heath. u an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show diet the diet of 60 percent of CID-dill.“ is deficient. Perhepe you family lack proper foods to build heelrh. canine. high mm help keep them it, on the job! Solenrheo-yweyco"‘ood-co-eer'mds that provide every food need _ 1 of6ebo4r. Sendforpcrcopy WOMEN everywhere acclaim ”Bat-to- “Incl“... Am:-”. -n.LA.J.-.1_- ---- 1knh the New, Easy " to Healthful Family Meals” "dill m mummy (mun) h h '-- - nl huh minim-win" mag» ZONE 4.525 3153313“; Word was received this week by Mrs. Cunningham. Gray avenue. Mount Dennis, that Pte. John Kerr Cunningham is dangerously ill overseas " a result of a road acci~ dent. Pte. Cunningham has been overseas since December, 1939. Mrs. Cunningham has received three cables from him since he arrived in Sicily. She believes the accident. may have occurred in Italy. Before enlistment he was a singer and entertainer. He has three children, Tom, ll; Jimmy, 9, and Jane, six. Mrs. Cunningham is engaged in war work. Munitions Minister Howe has announced that no order had been issued by the government which could be interpreted as either a ban on the heating of dwellings, stores or offices before a certain date or as limiting the tempera- tures to which these buildings should be heated during the com- ing winter. "While we must con- serve fuel, it is equally essential that our health be preserved," Mr. Howe said. "This we cannot achieve if we work in extremely cold offices or sit at home in un- comfortably low temperatures. I appeal to you again to save as much coal as you can, and above all not to waste it. At the same time, I repeat that there is no order or regulation te"'/',irllit,,inf, the lighting of furnaces fore a speci- fie date or limiting temperatures." The Home Plowin competition sponsored by the 1u,"rok' County Junior Farmers for the past 20 years will be carried on again this year asusual. W. M. Cockburn, of Newmarket points out that there have been no changes in the rules from Irevious years and he is please to announce that the fam. ily of the late A. J. H. Eckardt has again offered an Eckardt trophy. Anyone desiring a copy of the prize lists should write the Department of Agriculture, New- market. or f" in touch with the secretary 0 any of the York County Junior Farmer clubs. Ill over the county will par-dc their entries in the uwdu-t ring before June "me. Henderson, of Portsmouth. Mr. Honderlon in one of Canada's moat. popular Judges. Vmdom--king George suggested to Parliament that his daughter, Princess Elizabeth, who may one day be the first reigning Queen of England since Victoria, begin her training for the work which lies shad. His Majesty asked revis- ion of the Regency Act of 1937 so Elizabeth " 18 instead of 21 could be included among the Councillors of State to serve in the event of the_Jfirtir's, absence from the realm. W“. In» Donuts. Wood- tltt 'histi.tom, no. m cow- bp thin - Do you think 'g,g,lu'rietrtAtt,tut new? "on to the pubic? Dem't that and gm of Mum shading idle. 011 the public about it and with tho pro- and: you may be able to invent in Canada's Wu Snvingn Sump. or eertitieat" or even a mull wr, tory Bond. A A A wink will Vlcituiortho: -tiiiit Inna-l York Count Blatk Ind White Show when Jul-bin broaden from Elizabeth will celebrate her 18th birthday in April. n a message read both in Commons and Lords, the King stated that the "earnest desire of the Quen and myself that our beloved daughter Princess Eliz- abeth should have every dpportun- ity of gaining experience in the duties which would fall upon her in the event of her accession to the Throne leads me to recommend that you should take into consideration an amendment to the act in such manner as to provide for and in- cluding as Councellot of State, a person who is heir-apparent or heir-presumptive to the Throne if over the age at which accession to the Sovereignty does not necessitate a regency. namely, age 18." _ Bored Gucst-Good ziécious. you're quite right! I had no idea it was so late. Good-bye. Host - Talkian about Africa makes me think of the time-.. Myrkltyn, Pair on Fry!” of thit TSe sur-tion' iGGpifrova. Any person having relatives who" hive served in His Majesty's Navy, Army, or Air Force whose remains are buried in any of the three Weston cemeteries, please give names to Branch No. 213, Weston, or to S. Powell, 1784 Jane Street, Weston. These graves will in turn be decorated by the Local Legion on Sunday, October 3rd, 1943. . NOTICE . "NUTRITION m WCI'OIY". Box ‘00. TORONTO. CANADA, Pu-d-r-trr-a-rar-wire, I‘ll. Tte" COUPON For the present, female employ- ees are not to be included in this further control. . Instructions, being issued to Nat- ional Selective Service Officers will permit of the issuance of the nec- essary permit to change employ- ment, in cases where obvious hard- ship or unfairness would mult from a refusal to grant permioion. "Many thousands of firm'", the Minister of Labour explained, "tall m categories "A" or "B". While every effort will be made to avoid imposing hardships on any individ, uals, the need of preventing avoid- able labour turnover in industries highly important to the war ef- fort is greater than ever, and the new rules are expected to give sub.. stantial assistance in that diree. tion". "A" and "B" are two highest priorities Ind include all war in- dustries and essentisl civilian serv- ices, including the delivery of fuel in cities. food processing and meat packing plnnts and runny other services. . Local Emlpyment and Selective Service Ofifcea will notify employ- ers that they are in either "A" or "B" category, and immediately such notice is received by the em- ployer, he will be required to post it for the information of the em- ployees. The rule will then be ef- fective m the particular plant. Hon. Mr. Mitchell further point- ed out that the principles involved in the new regulation, before be- ing approved by the Governor in Council, were carefully considered by the National Selective Service on in "A" or "B" labour prion!- in may not releuo male employ..- without the written permiuion of n Selectivo Service Ottieer. Simi- larly, male employees in the lune industries may not givo nation of ncpu-tion to their employers with- out first having secured the writ, ten gel-minim of I Selective Serv- ice fficer. Tha Government Us, by Order in Council; ”0wa thet amply- Banana-til. Humphrey litduu, Minister of Labour. mom tur- ther comm] a! mphyuent in high priority indultriu. TIMES Still, GUIDE New Control of Employment In High Priority Industries You have no ration worries when you eat in Bonita Tea Rooms. The service is prompt; the man-ment is obliging. MAIN N. PHONE 812 Your Rations CONSERVE TIME Air-conditioned For Your Comfort SAVE TEA ROOMS BONITA The new control on employment in "A" and "B" priorities does not constiute Iny interference with men joining the Armed Forces volun- tarily. nor with men required to re- port for medical examination or military training under Mobiliza- tion Regulations, The Minister concluded by ny- ing: “The gfra'r, into "Net September 20, l ' and than will be no doubt in ma“ plants u to whether the employment come. all: der the Order or not; however, q 'cuel of doubt employers will be lumiphad the information by the local Emloyment And Seloctivu Service olfice." The standard penllqu, contain- ed in National Selective Service Civilian Regulntions, will nrply in the can of failure to comp y with the new regulation regurding lep- aration from employment in cate, goriea "A" and "B". Little Mary had been for a walk in the country. When she arrived home, her mother asked her if she had enjoyed her walk. She an- swered: "Oh, yes. Mummy, I had a lovely walk, but isn't it funny what a lot of cottmzes are called “Ne Eggs?" “View loud, Ind um um- imon-ly append try that Bout The Board In: repaint-lion from wanted than, unplann. tprm. en. returned soldiers, und Gov-ru- ment departments. WESTON THEATRE chestttrorritr-iean Parker in Johnny Mack Browt_t Two Features Hedy 1e?er.t,yelttr'jdgeon in _ Two Features Fat _Btintft-tHygh, 111119;; Mary Kuwaiti; IAieaIfo Cortex in _ Two Features . Leon 9191]., Grace McDonald in Main St. I.-Phtm ZIIII 4-483 THE OLD cuisHOLM . TRAIL y tfhinttrrr:Hygh Herbert MRS. WIGGS OF THE CABBAGE PATCH --ALSO--. I LIVE ON -tyAfuiirt WED.-THURS., OCT. G7 Were Sound Sounds Best . wAots' """_" HOPE SCHUYLER? STRICTLY 'IN' THE GROOVE --ALSO- MON.-TUES.. OCT. 4-5 Here are the world's famous cloths for overcoats, Crambie Elysium. Distinctively tailored in better quality coals. Exceedingly warm but not burden- some. Shades of navy blue and grey, easy fitting slip- on and the popular form-fitting models. All sizes, 35 to 46. FRl.-SAT.. OCT. 1-2 3025 DUNDAS W.,.IU.8228 1234 ST. CLAIR W. KE.4181 S3 MAIN tiT., WESTO H----.; Zone 4-550 SCOTCH ELYSIAN OVERCOATS cmmws JACK F,WVtilEll8,lll,7lll"D,, WHITE CARGO“ -ALSO-- STUDENTS' OVERCOATS I BOYS' OVERCOATS 19.95 to 27.50 Tex Ritter in Balmaccn and Bolted Backs Sins 33-37 Stores Open Evenings Till 9 p.m., Mom, Tint, Than, Pride; and Saturday Good Warm Coats in ELYSIAN, MELTON, BARRYMORE, and the Popular Warmth Without Weight ALPACAMA. The coloring: are Blue, Grey and Sand. Raglans, Slip On and Form Fit. Sizes 35-46. 'jIllii'f0Ilfik) Men's and Young Men's Glowing tun were in widen:- all over the uhool und may mu were told of happy summon went down on the tarm, “my girls and boys from Wuhan left school only last g,eg, to help the firmer: overcome e than-go of help, To than, both teaehera and Itudnnu offer their congratulations. The Stu" Besides our regular quota of teaeherr, who in spite of anticipat- ed deUntiona, we welcome back, we have four new members added to our very efficient “may staff. They are. Mr. Ferguson, r. Cal- turn, Mr. Rainaberry and Mr. Mu- tart. All of these new members are impressed by our school and the co-operatioa of both teachers On My. Sopt. " tatt empty corridon lulu mg with vow of teaeher..atsd mad-nu and n.. 3101:th clunoom .etuted to the sound u the that " Our friend: in first and neon! forma inning curried th. torch for In for two week: were. I believe, glad to no. " hock. 22so 24ss 29so 35.00 35 HEAD ' ACCREDITED HOLSTEIN SALE CAMPUS' COMMENT at 1.30 pm. - . 17 choice Registered Holstein Cows and Heifers. All fresh or close to :alving. Some extra nice individuals, all young. A few with R.O.P. records and tests near 4 per cent. _ 17 choice Grade Cows and Heifers. All fresh or close to calving. Also quite a number. of calves, Pure Breds and Grades. Some ready for veal.. ing.d Don't miss this opportunity. Cattle listed. They can go into any her . _ . TERMS: Cash. Folders on Sale Day or on request. . A. J. GRAcErY,pyrrer,, _ -_------- _ Weston, _ y, mile east of Malton Airport and 4 miles west of Weston, just off new Malton Highway, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 6 WINTER A.' B. BRUBACHER, Don’t Miss This itil', your we have wm- vary bri liant will in the school. Two 'G'l'lt'hutl were awarded: to Joyeo Bo kn, the Mon: Hoary Aitken 'l'Jlhu'lll, in Litin and Iutlyutta.ties, and to Mary Neale. tho vamco ot Ontario seholarahip for when! profieieney. We court-tuba the" two girls und other outstanding Itudonu on the honour they have brought to Lhamnlvel and their school and wish them - lucceu in you: to come. _ . Social Activities Last Friday afternoon I locial tea wu held in the school by and for the members of 18A and MB. This we: for the purpose of get- ting acquainted with new pupils nn 2,'eir.iT neqtusintane" with old friends. e are sure that manK new friendship: were begun whie Ind It‘d-nu. W. of thelsool sin. unly volcano than mad hon that our '"", ofne'-t-tudar eon- tinuo to o thaw“.- with u. ll2LttathLtt'g _ ' " 10 Your: " to " Your: FOR FRESH COWS at the farm of ALEX J. GRACEY 39.50 to 45.00 7.95 To 9.95 93513351535 ing you. :3 Wu Sui-u , This you n for the put an. Tit weal? "mi-nu in it 0 out y no In I. may. 'gl commits. line. but} our can” that m n have bold B,it 'tgt',' WI: "virttm lumps and um, und in the iltt tin. vie- tory loan drive-3‘; ,000 I victory bonds. . no put! our grand Lot-l of $11,910} hop. this your to top anything we but yd done. Din all Data Teaeher--Joe, ivtu, wen the Pil- grim "tttera..', - _ - . , muMmmmqa-ugg Don't forget ttiris, tunicl mull be worn mry day this you. '33.;b3r’aéd if I know: I thus do got those religious onion ballod up. Lndy-That parrot I bought here goings frighdglly. _ Dealer-l doh't deny, madam. that he use! violent human. But you must admit he domn't drink or smoke. _ Did you hear about the Itt former who ukod in I local Icon tor th tan cont locker fest HIV. tpl'.', donated your quart" to the I letic fund? _ rmmmiv, sunk». M HEAD LISTED Auctioneer. awaits? r ii?itiii). ' " mi _ I 'i?b',iit"ii A t'prt,,,'ptUf a

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