To. c-eil"'" Hilliard ll "THE FALCON STRIKES BACK" SELECTED SHORTS LET'S GO OVER THE TOP WITH THE VICTORY LOAN-- THE ONLY INVESTMENT TO HURRY THE BOYS HOME. by I... Sound sound. but lab 81. lunch but £433 ttrr% FirG--wexu Smith in "MY HEART BELONGS T0 DADDY" -AMO- WED..THURs.--Nov. 10-11 m-SATPNOV. " YW FEATURES Nay ur..-'" Archer in "GENTLEMAN JIM" --ALSO- W v .ria Future- Richud Carl-Martha O'Drimll in MON.-TUEF-N0v. " '--Atstr- ArgtAt'lT Bunw " BART o THE GOLDEN WEST" "8RANTYTOWN " fr a 'tXtt , 5/311 II u! {do 'dtehhurse [bull don't {and that r'.''tttlhl.',t,e b Nomi .It $15 puns: airman-watch. ESTON EATRE 11thters of England It should not be necessary to call attention to the fact that the Victory Loan in Weston is not getting the support it should get. . Every citizen of Weston must be a bond buyer'.AIf you have not bought yet do not wait for a bond salesman to call on you. Look up your salesman-- or call at the local National War Finance Committee Headquarters. Do your part to help to end the war quickly. Help to bring our boys and girls home from the fighting front. If you have bought bonds with cash you hadon hand--buy more bonds on the convenient savings plan, which spreads your payments over a six months' period. You will help to speed the vietory- . And you will be saving money which you will have for the things you will need and things you will want when the war ends. Buy MORE Victory Bonds l _ 1lllli'lltllli SLDWING Ill? IN WESTON ' What are we Going to do about Victory Bonds? . lunch: in This is Our Opportunity to Speed the Victory After four years of war the Germans still occupy all the countries they have invaded. The Japs still hold most of the territory they took. The Russians are fighting to regain their own country. The Chinese are fight- ing to regain China. On the battle front we're just getting going. On the home front we must keep on going. We musgbuy more Victory Bonds. .__ ...t,, we“. --'-. "'V" __ _ good work. The unit was tstarted on Oct. 81, 1939. under the cepoble guidance of Sin. mo. G.P., and since that time over 26 bale: of used clothing, knitted urticlu, etc., have been sent to England. Re- member, sisters, the war is not over yet and many more in of socks, sweaters. etc., will It need- ed for the members of our armed forces, so if you have n few min, utes to spare each day why not get in touch with either of the two sisters mentioned above Ind secure enough wool to knit I pair of socks in order to insure that the work of the unit will be carried on in the ume way as it has been in the put. . Juveniles, please keep in mind Hangout next meeting will be held on riday. November 26th. We would like to see us many of the juvenile members out " possible; we would also like to see more of our advisory hoard out " these meetings. war unit have in the past done good work m providing not only for the artned force. but for the victim. of the bombed towns, but without the uni-knee of the member, of the various lodge. connected with the unit, they. “gm! cgrry on. thyir, “autumn. The. wttiuamtrbmuidatt66Haia,tlov.1ttth, 'lla'h'l'l,hTrad. We would uh to nmind the what! that ttii'", day would unto: vodb it soeu.- autumn-n aluminum gh1r,'2ti,'lu',T, iftlrvriilet in bud! with either Sin. Gun". than. lots-J at Six. Luehett, phone, 85. they may obtain tho wool tgrg."qd," tug of the above n- he]... _ . Torque tnd. district. (Chaim-u) Mr. D. w. CI-phll Mr. E. W. Eden-VIII" Mr. L. W. Parr Mr. C. A. Gnu- Mr. M. L. Gun. Mr. A. B. sun- Mr. A. SALES PERSONNEL: 309 Main St. N. 1052 242 "all! St. S. 2591 " Dennison Rd. w. 373 Office: " Main M. N. 339 232 I!" Strut meow " John Strut 347 48 George Street 565M 170 King Street 416 Idling Motors Waste Gasoline And Go Iowhore Cut off motor: on stops Mgt than five minutes duration. ere stops are only I minute duration, my giving in fuel is not ttuftieient to offset the wen- on the equip- ment caused by starting the motor "ttin. . . .. . 'Keep I close watch on the cool- ing system. An overheated motor waste: gasoline. Idling motor: wuu “Incline Ind let you nowhere tut. 2 im- portance numbed to idling motors is emphasised by inatruetiong giv- en to many of the bus drivers across the country. These few in. atruetiong to drivers Ipply to the ord_inary motorist: too. _ in that and who“ at now out. at and“ for the autumn. tt In Imports-I that the best an be than " than an even it thy m on the “sick list" tor an moment. The “a. will com. all: who: they will be popular. new. th- wont out bacteriol- Worn out batted. un in n at have I tandem, to "all and the metal M of the radio may pou- Iibly carted; The not, without batteries, thunk! ha “and in I cool, dry not until the var is over. tht "8let Us For Duration No hm tte portable Mia an luv. but: maul-dud in Canada tor nom- tim., The malt An tsero-engitte mechanic in the Roya1Xuutadlan Air Force. Airwomnn Ivy Brown of Winnipeg, rushes a fire extinguisher to an aircraft wait. ing to take off on . training flight. Airwonun Brown is I! familiar with pliers and hammer as most girls are with their needles. She'ia the daughter of Mrs. Ethel Brown of Winnipeg. TIMES AND GUIDE "THAT MIN MAYFLY†Whole Grains Contribute To Today’s Meal "There are more ways of killing a cat than drowning it in cream," says the old proverb. And similar- ly there are more ways of getting t at daily serving of whole grain cereal into the day's meals than serving it up as porridge for breakfast. Because they are such good sources of B vitamins and iron, that every one should have one You’ll find our gift furniture pious to be marvelous vo-very one. And you’ll find that, they are smarter in appearance than' those you generally soc. -That the dearest thing to a woman's heart is her home. When you give her something for her home you please her immensely. And this Christmas, above all others, gifts. should be practical. " MAIN NORTH Stop and Think a MttItttntt---artd You’ll Find LANE CEDAR CHESTS MANY STYLES WESTON MUSIC AND RADIO DINETTE SUITES FROM $99 to $179 539.00 - END TABLES PRICED PROM $5.95 ll' a and up serving of whole grain cereal every day. Oatmeal, cracked wheat, or one of the other whole grain cereals served as porridge is the ideal, but not the only way, of meeting this That Night's Here Again "A FULL LINE OF HOME FURNISHINGS" Date: Wednesday, Nov. 10, 1943 Time: tt p.m. Place: Pine Point Golf and Country Club Admission: $1.00 STAG NIGHT MANY VALUABLE PRIZES AND CHICKEN ROLL WAY SAGLES MADE Chesterfield Suites (N Invariant Annual Plan) PROCEEDS m AID OF WAR CHARITIES $159.00 Weston Lions Club if J. PETRIE, PROP. (3 Pieces) trition Services suggest: ways of including whole cereals, every day. part. of the Gy's food needs. Nu. A switch to whole grain bread might well be made when porridge Be Sure To See Our Large Stock at Lamps Many Styles and up Annual 000 a TABLES In Many Styles BED-ROOM SUITES other grain $99.00 is taken off the bill-of-tare, whilm bran or whole wheat muffins would doubtless be regarded, by the family as a very fine substi? tute for the morning dish of por- ridge. " PIECES) ZONE 4-400 and up t28.lio ma