Times & Guide (1909), 11 Nov 1943, p. 5

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J 'f3iitiiiii.F ‘ , _ ES; tr, , I Ill, ~ I I g P. . llll ltiltti . '; illl MI Ir ' $127. Ill? I $5k00.00--7 ROOMED Brick und Stucco. Lovely home; large lot; every cpnvenience. Extra good dis- trict. "Owner occupied. ackham Realty. 0-50-1w has joined air force, husbgnd ul- ”MW: overseas. Would like to rent her ome for duration. Packham Realty. 0-50-lw 3 ROOMED' furnished flat, light houtsekteNng"in a Iéver home in Mount Dennis. Packham Realty. 0-50‘1w $16.00 . A MONTH Weston jad_y WORKSHOP for rent, 18' x 30', equwped with water and light, neu- eaton Post Office on Main Street. Apply 143 Main St. N., years old, desires work after 4 pm. and Saturdays in store, restaurant " home. Phone 1128-W. 0-50-1w Weston. isa, 170, c.N.it.%Gi'a/ -it "166 St, Phone Weston 20. (TAPABLE‘A High School. girl, 16 W513}! gauge for rtrlt, frir rent, self-contained bath- room. partially furnished, gas stove installed, insulated. Middle aged muons: pr‘eferred. Adults only. Appl _ Box 5050, Times and Guide, 3 Mynin St. S., Weston. Ave., first street south of Lawrence, off Jane, $4550.00. Ap- ply 21 William Street, Zone 4-39]. 0.50-1w B0.N0hLqWr for tale, 'S_peer§ new trendles and hand Portables. Get yours while they last. Also used machines for sale. Rentals and re airs. Singer Sewing Centre, 1198 Ill. Clair West. KEnwood 2154:. x-134w star in good condition, also Mof- tat range, 4 burner, side oven, white and gmy porcelain. Phone evenings only to Weston 545. ”FEE be/ly .With. Way-SPHless springs; kitchen chairs; electric fixtures; solid walnut table, an- tique. Appl after 7 o'clock even- ings. MIA {lain St. N., Apt. l, Weston. Phone 663. 0-50-1w Ht90ME0duplex and sunroom SIX ueu.bie fotrt Elerie retrizert WE HAVE, a limited number of LA..T.E MODEL Acme gas navy, like now. (burner. broiler; single bed, walnut finish, bed only; Con- [oleum rug, 6' x 9'; walnut dresser; Weston 547-12. o-60-1w GEND_RON PRAM, willleed some repuin, very reimnable. Phoné 1192-w. _ o-EU-lw twawman. fot 5-19.. mo. "tubdis. ii'%iruiirst.rieutGr. Wner in Navy. 0-50-1W QUEBEC cook Itovgilnd gompreap- Jim 30, good condition; 2 win WWHQII combination underwear. an .80. good condition. Apply 160 King St. Weston. 0-50-lw " tiiaiGGirirtGuirR'o. YA"; " " Lippincott St., Weston, 7 “MES" tise1.t,... new.., tire 9nd IAN'B bicycle, in good ionditioit, 'g,t counter. set $26.00. 10 *,' ew Ave., Weston. 0-60-1w i-r""'-'----------------- AAELAEK hoedhidt.lether con. I-IURNII laundry Itove' and at diam: room table and O _ " nin St. South. Woman. Phone INN. 0-50.” t80 MAIN ST. S. Irvin Lumber Co. Ltd. mini: unit. 147 Main St. South, 'uten. . 0-50-1w BUNGALows FOR sick WORKSHOP FOR RENT '.' "assume WANT ADC, EMPLOYMENT WANTED Int. HOUSES FOR SALE GARAGE FOR REN‘Y HOUSES TO RENT DUPLEX FOR RENT ANKLE m SAL! bl: "any: in good con- 171 Blur-i a Dr., Wart. _ 0-50-lw um“ OR JU. 9662 Courteous Service NOV“!!! lt close to William x-50-1w 0-50-1w 0-50-1w 0-50- 1w 0-50-lw WESTON 74 CALL AND BUILDERS’ SHPPLIES Iohool student); must be" in ‘go'ad condition. Phone 702-J. 0-50.1w Ind boots, sizes 6 or 7. Musiire ht good condition. Phone 257-W-1, Weston. _ 0-50-1w LAR.GE. pizg gchool Aag. (high. house in Weston hi the November. M. Anderson, view. . TRANSPORTATION to Richmond WANTED 1 pair pf lgdieg: tubes SAND and TWO unfurnished rooms for light Iz'..et'tigf, by refined young couple; no chi dren. Murrttli226. WANTED to rent a li and Yonge, arriving 9 o'clock. Phone Weston 629. 0-50-1w GENTLEMAN desires room Ind board. Private home trreferred. Centrally' located. Box 6066, Times and Guide, 3 Main St. 8., Weston. x-50-1w with light housekeUGr, hail; aged couple. Phone JU. 4862 or 1123, Weston. 0-44-1w 3 " 4-RO0M flat or apartment in Wanton district, 3 adults. Ap- ply Mrs. P. Fox, Vining Ave., Weston. 60-o-lw TWO bri ht unfurnished 'rooms and kikien for rent, ttll conveni- ences; buyineaa couple preferred; no ehildrert.. Apply 6 William St., Weston. 0-50-1w ONE. Dr.. he “wished Roma. ATTRACTIVE Room and Bond COMFngBL}; fumished VuAllA v-‘Anuuu AuxlIlDlIUu room, suitable for light housekoeping, in quiet home. 48 Emmett. Ave., Mount Dennis. 0-50-Iw containing pictures of nil-man and sailor, Thursday, Nov. 4th. Re- ward. 213 Dufferin St. E. Phone 320-M. o-50-1w Interior Painting, Free esti- mates. Courteous service. MeCart. may. Phone 57 Weston after 6, stone neon which is mounted the initial "P' , on Main St. on Monday, Nov. 8th. Reward. Phone Zone 4-426 or Weston 1167. nc-60-1w GOLI? pirforcajvinga with locket LADYS Iistnet y.in.tr,.tro1d with blue not make extra money before we return to peace times. We want part-time workers for Afternoons or mornings for light faetory work. Carl Austin Ivory Factory, Church St., Wanton. x-Bo-lw Yquyc MAN for. put-Elmer's); YOUNG house‘wivea mutter). WI; but muiii%' iareii'7Gu"iil2 where. Carl Austin Ivory Factory, Church St., Weston. xatraw LADY circular wanted for Col. legiate Ind Vmmtionat SchooL Apply Lon] Selective Servico Of- fice. x-So-lw YOUNG married women for tttnoe work as put-time workers. A ood chance to make extra money, Eu! Austin Ivory Futon, Church St., Weston. x.6it.1w YOUNG BOYS or girl. for full than work, " you: and undo: " yar- ot a for Itudy em- ployment. Carmina]! Ivory Fle- tory, Church St, Weston. ROOMS TO LET. uirunmsnm for two business girls. LY. iiif. tVlr0..1w Forulngluudmbo goons To "r-Civ/ttCarer, F. Morm.--LL 3206 ROOM AND BOAitti Net up and d.lisr. ELECTROLUX srAavel. git "uNeertt to WANTED PERSONAL LOST roamed 15th of Down:- (y-tro-iw tr-60-1w 'Nc.1w' x-So-lw Ina-w Fowl Euchre, Thlstletown Ath- letie Club, Thursdly. Nov. 11, at 8.80 p.m. (tonight), Thistletown Hull. Everyone welcome. Admits, sion Me. o-50-1w STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! Wed. nesday, November 17th, dampen and exciting. Tht plugghome of _..... “u..."- . “In new, Hume OI Mrs C. B. gem, 3 gal-hint Road. Sale of needlework and home cook, ine, mff1ett and refreshments. Aus.. gicea Westmount unit of the Eto, icoke Red Cross. nc Solicitor, for The Trusts Ind Guarantee Compnny. Limited, Jen. nie Luis Cousins, Alfred Lorne Cousin: Ind Archibald Morrow Cousins Exocuton. DATED November 4th, 1043. THE TRUSTS AND GUARANTEE COMPANY, LTD. 302 Bay St. 7 Toronto C. LORNE FRASER. Bank of Nova Scotin Chlmben, Weston, Ontario. _ I dining Events I Immediately after the uld first Gy of December, 1948, the use“ of the said deceased will be distri- buted nmong the parties entitled thereto lining reg-rd only to the clnimn of which it aha]! then have notice. i' All pawns raving emu“ satin-t tho and. " STANLEY GAR, FIELD COUSINS. dean-ed, who diod on or about the 6th day of Aueust, 1948, are notified to lend to the undonignod Executor The Trusts Ind Gnu-um Company, Limited, Toronto, or to the under. signed C. Lorne Prtuser its aolieir tot, on or baton the first day ot, Dumb-r. 1943, their numes Ind} midi-um and full particulnrs or thair claims, and the nlture of the new!!!” (if any) held b them‘ guy verified by statutory LflT. tiori. In an but. " Stanley tHrtuH Con-Ins, Inte ol Illa Town of we... u-. in the County of York. Dairy. In the loom Chi ti, "r..." -_ at", WI! h- m,, Now. hr with. a. " s o’dock p... All unb- hm m n- xlind to uh new. ad [own cumin. mm. H G. Hum I I", Town 'lus. Woman. ouch: nu. ma. who“. u novrm .tu.TGiiFeiriioii'hiTs"i"iaiC' lull t'tjNrhd'P,iitiilii; 1Ath-1M8,wiitbi --- the Council Chum. Ton Court of Revision “WE M tr,.ttrtitttiiidVt m""'c'€:n.: " MAIN N. lotion to Creditors 1XM"CNtttttyrttaor Town of In!" ”H CLEANERS and DYERS to a minimum number of only the necessities. Spend the money you will save for war bonds and Aamps to insure your future security. Have your tslothieleaned, pressed for another Season of wearability. Cleaning preserves the fabric, helps it to hold its shape, makes clothes fit better, last longer. Try our quality cleaning service today . . . we guarantee complete satisfaction and protection for your garments. If you're considering buying your usual quota of fall clothes this year, stop and recall all of the warnings you’ve read on the dangers of rising prices. It's patriotic, it's} smart to save by limiting your purchasing CONSERVE for WARTIME THRIFT! and giidaiiG * STAR ' Women's'auits eletrited and trr-d-tlah. Coco: oiling]! C038; (optional) Saute onions in hot in for 5 minutes; add crumbs und saute until light brown. Add milk And senoninza Ind simmer 10 minutes, stirring frequentli. Serve over soaked ”nigh-30,. ropcoli, new EARS; diiGfii%ipr,TGli;, c233}; at carrgu: Mike} Iyyp of sauce. l flour 8% teaspoon: baking powder V2 teaspoon “It 2 tablespoons augu- 1 cup bran 1 mg milk f 2 ta lelpoom mobile: 2 tableapoona melted dripping: Mix an sift flour, bakin pow- der and tsnlt, add sugar 'IIT bran. Beat egrg. add milk, molasses and melted " Add to dry ingredients all " om! and stir vigorously until mixed;--do not beat smooth. Fill muffin tins 2-3 full and bake in a moderately hot oven, 375 de- Wd', F for 20 to 26 minutes. Ike: 12 muffins. Savoury Vegetabl- Sauce , upleapoom Tipetd onions Thu clarified fut: can be used in {any or biscuit dough for men pin, in lune", cream loupl and Ituffings and may be whiti- tated for other his in spit-d cookies, gingerbread, wnfflu, etc. Today's recipe- which uu dripping: instead of other tsta ahow Just how successfully the substitution can be nude. Bran Muffins ly,. eups.tul-iturptyse flour or “all ’ntaivh _ 1| "iec%. h:- (list; n tut ii amt-”h: to up w an be and u (and We! be no utilised, dumb; [admin thm mount of cooking fat TML to be Maud. gpert with the "comma of bacon a, should be eiarifi.d u. tom an in baking. This in don. iUttltt null mount.- of fat water mum- for " minus. than straining though a doubly thlchuu of chuuchth and " lowing the fast to harden. The fat and wan will lepgnte and my edi.ent.Mhtriptt to the bottom. 63th.: GGGiii't an it; $33 It . Important War F Ti'mo Teak-Soetie Helpful Racipes " Inn hm Aer, In 1tittt 2,tr2,tng suing " ttt,e,etet9ftre We. .9“ 1 tenpoon baking powder y, humor: salt 1-3 cup coco- % cup sugar 1 as: $6 cup milk ly, teaspoons vanilla % cup melted dripping: 2 cup: fine rolled out: Goycmlont Exorclm Ind For Housewife To an Fats 1% win Ai-inirfriarnour or l, cups ”my flour A but, Bf "isdpirG- Piyh..or thyme or mnrjonm 2 sauna; 33355: I“ Keup 'nrlul' New? crumbs .i)t. chasm; 1% mips' 1tag flour or "i, flu" lean 1 ta lespoan putty m salt TIMES AND GUIDE Ema): ends which become I an be straightened out. bristles no immersed in b water for I few minutel. should be allowed for drying, Bread crumbs should not be stored in In air-tight container, for this will “use them to de.. velop B musty fltwour. A few holes may be {unwed In the cover or . double aye: of cheesecloth fastened on with an elutic band 2ll keep the dust out And let the I r in. Bread Crumb- Need Ate Mr. William Club wishel to express his heartfelt think. to muting. friends uni neighbor- for their mmy kind upteuionl of Iympnthy Ind handful floral tribute. during the time of his re- cent and bemvamont. NAPTEU-E. R. A. John H. Nat. tel, R.C.NN.R., and In. N-ful. Ide: Nova Scotin (nee ohm No an), formerly of Weston, 0n- nrio, m hnpry to announce the nth-i ot the r son, John Doug- lu, on November 4th, 1043. 0-50-lw Cards of Thanks Weston Furniture Exchange 647 MT. PLEASANT RD. MAYFAIR 4197 a... "reds., l-um-huu 3"“ 2N)raud 'tgtgh7'ir1'h"llrrlU2',"ltt'dl"lfl Gai; t. huddnlctu-oopyoluu a 'ttig ttaut tgt an”: beau», let; atletttqrt93diuhirai_ P" 2itt,w.tttrie.ai. Wet), _ Uuu M m It: For ' Hid-u. an: Ail kinds of good, WANTED which“ furniture wanted for cash. in indir- 'u RITE."- leog II u__u llama. 4V. m iroI1iU" Time curled ao, 1w -looalirithar Tum 7 7 1336;; r,l.t1ettie1tr..ttraCuGVGii n ERA-9| him. may: W .r.'q., I.“ an In" on. The, add colour and am Vitamin. and an the M of young, ":3- Wv-c- _ lat”. tWt tifiiiitci', EE - ad loll Ind Ind cod It gin; Ind, it should in mud - an cod. "ir, u td ma. addi- u... I. 3:... ..., tid?,':,,?!:', IE ,'trtp,tdVt'Mtrd' JI'. Tttf, has]; again WELCLAIRAVK. MEN and YOUNG MEN Wat. End Stores OVERGOATS 'Ill') jlgl0.lliljkdlll39JtrliL iritrs Jli1lllUllilJ1ilf11li1K JfygJ,lLl.tl.liJg I " _ FOR Il _ Jack Fraser offers a large aeeortment of Heavy Winter Coats in two price ranges. ‘These two price brackets offer excellent value to the public-tor those looking for a good coat at a moderate price. Styled in the loose-fitting, single-breasted Ragllne. the double-breasted fitted models, also the slip-on end Balm-r-modest to our specifications. The fabrics include heavyweights. all-wool Veloure. Melton: and ttlee- well tailored and trimmed with choice linings. The ehadee include plain. Oxford grey, blue-grey. teal blue, brown and green heather. . Types to fit the tall, regular and ahort man. Buy now when the selection Ia complete. Sign " to " Priced at $24.95 ..... $29.50 324%329W WINTER “spay-akin OI minn- otqateriahoid-bewatod 'rhiutur.mbttrNeth.qaar Inmate-henchmen]. M1uNlt"r,atterg,r,2ul utihmhehudulurluo "y4riti-iivteadtoktuiti which tsnmnotummomd.Wtm. mpy nu: will do the job qnd, the "rNeIahttuidbenriHd dry atterehir.te., _ " Nov-Can at Aka, ua9aiuraiGl7i5 C A do. (and its, of '33:.1" IA bola ibGriri."rTGo" Eur-If 'iiiiiGaoT;'i w. Btu-“adam- been. and. Each” fliEEEiriC'E “can“ lump-unto tom-diam! Vacuum-en 'lruhhi HENRY PO "Ha" Ihou In.» . done ‘0'?" h. WARM All FURNACE! Nam .84. REPAIRS” Weat End Store. H)

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