31 ,1“ 'iii. MIXING; 1mm ta: Rico with Analo- 2 cups rice, Vs cup sugu, V. cup milk, 3 can, 2 Cana, diarrgrown upplen (named). Pam and core the Canadian- grovm apples; cut in eighths and cook until soft. Steam the rice: add the well-beaten vollu of eggs nnd lug-r: mix well; add cooked limes; fold in the Btiffly beaten w in: and bake 30 minutes in electric oven at 350 degrees F. in I well buttered baking dish. Serve with cream. if“, Tin app]. cinnot be mud in mommy all» when no guide: thy Patia9ctity.t of In ml- eonuin {mounts ot linen]- and“ for Rood bones and M and md blood. One apple W1 providg tt.st.tota) mount that '0' and daily} but when cooked 3nd combined with such food. " milk; mrst dish“, cheese at am we lily be Island of ent- ing th-QroViding dishes. . RECIPES vim ___ -a good Ontario eating- mlt. and u . fruit it um high tijmtritioqal vduo. , I All aua === . I l :': w I... loco-u z "I VALUE or AN APPLE Rollo Homo-“km! "Aa Apple "tu.'. gm doting away" ie ya " IAIN N. PHONE JU. 7216 TRY OUR HOMOGENIZED MILK They Both Spiced Apple Pudding 8 cups bread crumbs, 1 cup :3 -_ g _i,,_'_',li,s,i,) "iiiii,ii:i/--i/,i,iii'ii,, Weston Dairy CLEANERS and DYERS Men’s Suits and Lagies' Plain Dresses "rt'lf&l,'" 49c "ttu'"' 2 DENNISON RD. WEST More and more families in the nation are taking better care of what they have until victory is won. They realize the meaning of a rising cost of living and are trying to prevent inflation by using what they have instead of buying new goods. Let us help you do your part by servicing your garments for longer life and better wear. WAR TIME IS WEAR TIME! CLEANED AND PRESSED CASH and CARRY CLEANED AND PRESSED CASH and CARRY CLEANED AND PRESSED CASH and CARRY FUR TRIMMED COATS * STAR ' GENTS' OVER’COATS LADIES’ COATS Build-up for convalescenis. pep-up for nurses! It's no hospital secret - doctors advise, "Drink milk to stay healthy." Dried Apple Pie Wash the dried apple: thorough- ly; soak over night in cold water; stew until tender. Rub through a sieve, add sugar, a little lemon rind and about 1 teaspoon butter. Fill and bake as anv other pie. Serve warm with sweetened cream. Apple and Cheese Salad Mix browned soy: beans with Cull-rd Sure it cup milk, yolk of 1 egg, IV, tablespoons sugar, salt, few more vanilla. Beat yolk of egg slightly, Idd sugar, salt; mix well; then gradu- ally add hot milk. Cook over hot water, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Strain and, when cold, add flavourintt. DRINK MILK Inga. K pound val-inn. 2 talus-poem (Junl jam, , ua.. I n un covu. cup: T,rlu'l'l'l.'L, g cup. milk, 1 teaspoon unnuman. 1 tea.. apoon mace, 3 up (beaten separately). Scald the milk, atir in the crumbs and acald for 2 mlnutea. Remove from tire, mix together all the in- gndienta. adding lastly the whites of eggs beaten tstiff. Butter nud- ding dish, fill with the batter and bake for about 40 minutes in a moderate electric oven. Serve with custard sauce. PHONE Weston 126 $1.25 99c 79c Ian, acting manager of the employ- ment and claims branch, said here there is a shortage of about 3,000 common laborers in the Edmonton area. Men are needed for highway and airport construction and for packing plants, coal mines, lumber camps and on firms, he said. Anne Allan invites you to write to her e/o this paper. Send in your suggestions on homemnking problems and watch this column for replies. Blue whales have been observed travelling at a speed of 50 miles an hour for short distances. Answer: Liver may be sauted (that is, cooked in a frying pan with a small amount of fat) or browned in a hot Dan for only I minute, then place in covered pan and bake for 10-15 minutes. Liver may be minced and shaped into a loaf pan and baked. Baked Liver Put in bottom of dripping pan or baking dish slices of calf’s liver, cover each slice with a strip of bacon. Put hot water about {i inch deep in bottom of pan and bake in a moderate oven, 375 de, grees F. frryn 41to 50 minutes. MEN ARE NEEDED EDMONTON.-). o. MacLach- Answer: No, oranges contain Vitamin C which the grapes do not. A better food to substitute is a glass of tomato juice or raw grated tytpips, - . Mrs. S.W. asks: Would you re- commend mnlaga grapes to wind- ture for expttysive oranges? . . ""iiiLi,il.'asks: How to cook liver withourtryimt it. - _ ii. ihore apples and winter pears in slatted crates in a cool, dry place. A A ' -i." Dif Gai, should be tstored in a temperature of 40-50 degrees jutt strove fraying. . _ . 5. Carrots, beets and turnips should not be washed. Dry and pack in leaves or sand in I dark but ventilated room: keep " 38 degrees. Use a thermometer to check temperature of lower part of storage room. 2. Do not hm; cabbage; up- sidedown, unless the tompenture in close to freezing. been†mois- ture collects in tho leaves cumin: Krowgh. _ . . _ . 3. Store pumpkin Ind squash by wrapping well in two folds of paper. Only dry Ind well matured ones yill kegp. _ -- _ _ . mallow tart-ur-G/dai-Ga 3136 m the on“ into rim about .U_ineh.thiU. Aynnp d... a! J. The storage apnea in non im- portant. A separate room in the base nt of your home with a win- dow in it in adviuble. twhotldrhllkotuu-ehuu. "dingaiittu-rtrtoUmdth. mixtum.thanttetvith-.wsd lug-Myth by) tiarball_Py.r. Jinan lun- Gii via? laud choc“ balls in the tmttm. Suva potato and Ind are-lint. ttht and "trertattus from tha um I gudm mun be Mull! stored thin you. sine. imported “(sublet m expend" and wo- ceued vezeublu m not nvnilnblo It prggent. . . THE QUESTION BOX TAKE A TIP: PHONE 323 I Isn't It in: mum ' The Row“ New announced that a tug, H.M.S. Destiny. towed a ship 1,660 miles thrnuzh foe and heavy seas from Gibraltar to the United Kingdom without charts and with only a pocket atlas as I How many mints can you score out of a nossible fifteen? Try and see and then get your friends to play. 9. Know the address of: (A) Your nearest Local Ration Board? (b) Your nearest Consumer Com- mifgeeg? (two pointsfor this). 12. Accept cheerfully the restric- tions, inconveniences and small self-denials which are Dossibly vour main vontribution to the drive foxyicjorv? ._ _ _ _ -- 5. Sth "UAV" 161$ - Vie]: and carry your own pixel: to relieve the stain on retail services? 8. Get every inch of went out of what you have before making I new Dumb-me? 10. Destroy {mused {nick cou- oons--and take I in†and: in hav- ing 50pm _to destroy? A "lt. Lend a seeptienl ear. to ru- mours and trv to find out the truth behind them t 13. Take a pride in being well informed through press and radio on the latest orders and roqulations chug Crest your Jelfare? . 14. Refuse" to take part in any infractions, however small, of the rationing resruhstions? 6. Avoid, wherever polsible, the rush hours in the Itreet can, Ind buses? -'7. Buy only what you need tor immediate use? 4. Check prices and coupon value1at Four. m.tailyrtore.'. - 3. Spread your purchase: of n- tionod commoditiel evenly through the month to avoid staining sup» plies just baton coupons become invslidt 2. Know the coupon value of n- 2,Y, comedian. "peteinlly of ma Cu on qualify for u t on tpi"iisi','i,lhtiih'iri':l?i,itt.' owing bun pn- Wd by the gamma: Brunch. utm- Ptiem and Trade Baud. DOYOU: t. [up In oy- on ntion data no that you know which coupon at. valid? Spencer trFr. with Frank Morggq Quiz for Canadian Shoppers Prepared by Price: Board Errol Flynn with Willi-m Bendix "STRANGitiN TOWN†on NOVEMBER 26th at tt p. m. _ 8peaker--MR. ROY LICK What improvements on present conditions in the Milk Market can you suggest? HAROLD BOAKE, President. CLARKE PETERS, Sec.-Trena. MR. P. A. BARKER, Representative. . Jil. 1960 with Franchot Tone var-maizr's WED.CH URs.--N0v. 24 -25 "KEEPER OF THE FLAME" .-AMO-.. "THE GHOST TRAIN " and Erich Von Stroheim as†Marshal Erwin Rommel -Aldj0-- "THE McGUERINS OF BROOKLYN" "Fotnsiiiirg- iiTviiiik DARK" ___--- _ A _-_-NAO-- IS is Perfect - Score If Answered Correctly MoN.iJEs.--Nov. 22-23 THE ANNUAL MEETING FRLaA'r.-NOhr. 19-20 "FIVE GRAVES 'IO CAIR0" of the TORONTO MILK PRODUCERS' ASSOCIATION DISTRICT NO. 9 JrAr,rtryurreptrurn in 2521“!- Minrnhall in flichard Carlson ortANtiti%TLiiVtRiiiimmGE WESTOI 130 Grace Bradley TIMES AN D GUIDE Ann Baxter will be held in the "7'ITti1e" iaiiifirut of military mails. the Post-Office Department co-operates in one of the most im- Air mail service across the At- lantic over the northern route from the Dominion to the United Kingdom has proved its value. Its permanent establishment as a regular postal service awaits only the_day§ of peace. - .-. I In Canada, the use of air mail has increased fourfold. The extent of this Post Office activity can be gathered by the fact that 611,000 air mail letters are being carried 'aiirgPrd."t,ir, the main Trang, Cams a Air Lines routes alone. This excludes those lines which serve the nation's vast north coun- try. Like other employers the Post Office is suffering from lack of help but increased responsibilities, have been handled despite the lack ot experienced personnel and under th handicap of training new work- ers. As in Britain, where the per- centage of female staff employed by the British Post Office Depart- ment has risen sharply, many of the ne_w employees are girls. .. Mr. Ind Mrs. June: Szulgnl, whose mud-3e took late this autumn in St. John gv-ngelist Church, Weston. The bride In the former Marguerite Anne Kloepfer. daughter of Mr. Ind Mrs. Joseph Kloepfer, Weston. The groom is the son of Mr. Ind Mrs. E. Sguignn, Toronto. British Columbia has a BhsieL/rr'y river, too.-Vaneoaver province. Working day and night without let-up, the Post Office Department has been able to take care of the phenomenal expansion of its nor- mal work, brought about during four years of war. The increase is not only in mails for overseas, for the amount of mail between different points in the country has also increased enormously. Yes, British Columbia has I Blueberry Creek-three of them, in fact, for in this province we do things in a lavish way when we do them at all. And we do not mind repeating the same name over and over. For instance. we have 36 Bear Creeks, 30 Beaver Creeks, 11 Deer. [fakes ‘and five DuelSrisltutdt. STANDS REPEATING Lack of Help Does Not Prevent Pest Offiee Mail From Going Out WED IN WESTON Lt The Soviet government has pur- rhased two Ottawa homes as resi- dences for members of its legation an action which indicates. that as far as the U.S.S.R. is concerned its good relations with the Dominion are going to be on a permanent basis. --Wirtdisor Star. The Post Office Department aside from its ordinary run-of-the mill activities, is Canada’s leading agency in selling war savings stamps and certificates. More than 144,000,000 stamps, exceeding $36,- 000,000 in value have been sold and delivered to purchasers by the postal service. When there are heavi demands on cargo space. airgrap s are of great value. While an ordinary mail bag will hold approximately 2,400 ordinary letters, the same mail bag wilt carry 408,000 air- graph letters. These letters in ordinary form would require 213 mail bags and 689 cubic feet of cargo space, portant phases of Canada’s war effort" says the Postmaster Gen- eral. "The regular receipt of letters and parcels is vitally important in maintaining the morale of our fighting men." The airtrraph services were in. augurated in 1941 and have proved moat popular. At the present time more than 76,000 airgrnphs are flown weekl from Canada, while in one 2'l'l'lif 88,000 were received from across the seas. In the inter-company shoot, the first of the winter series. "A" Coy was nosed out by "B" by 21 points. getting the good score of 408. "D" Coy, Support Coy Ind Adm. Wine followed "A" in that order. Our boys say it will be different the next time (Smoke gets in our eyes.) On Wednesday. November 17th., the Coy will parade at Fort York Armoury with the Battalion. The Indoor "use practice will be fired that evening. Street car will leave the Town Hall in Weston at 0700 he. (7_ pm), Plans are being discussed for I Xmas party to be held for the Coy soon. Now that Lieut. Eaton is gone Sgt. Grainger will have to act as Santa Claus he being the only other man of substance in the Coy. There is conaidmble activity around the Memorial School grounds these Wednesday evening- where n e w noodrurhta onlble mining to be “tried on outside in good weather. The Coy in getting training. Sunday, November 21st.. the annual church parade will be held at St. Jude: Church on Ronces- valles Ave. Capt. (Rev.) R. J. Shires, the padre. will conduct the service. Further details will appear 1n Eegt. Orders. It in â€(rotted that Ida! Crud. dock, formally o.c. of the Coy was forced by pnuuu of work in his now position as President of Alu- inlnium Goods Ltd., to “Hamlin commlnd. “out T. Eaton the “/0 bu been mmfomd to commlnd the Administrative Wine of the Bu. in Toronto. “out. R. C. Mit. chell is the new eomnuutder of "A" Coy., and it in to be hoped that he will carry on the good work of hi! predecessors. m "A" Coy of tho 'ttnr/ttttt and toe the donut and malt “nu. Thu vu quite I father in the W og the bots of the Coy hon: alum and In. I elimu to the don battle batman "Al'.a"D" Conn _-. _ _ HENRY POPE summon traCiGGiiGudut Bid 32. have mu tat to tt.' math. Bpiinbua training OI Hangman: math. T M" canny Hm “Have ‘those plumbing jobs done NOW" Fawn: aCaitiir Ihig. "It “I WARM AIR FURNACES Weston 934W REPAI RED The idea of Airirrine anything that looks as complicated u I heating system may, " first, be With husbands away at war. or working in other parts of Clnadx the woman of the house mnfy fin herself running the furnace or the first time this winter. Authorities at Nutrition Services say that raw apples in the lunch box, as an after-school or bed-time snack, will make a small but not unimportant contribution to the daily quota of vitamin C. They state that it is advisable to make good use of apples, green vege- tables, potatoes, cauliflower and turnips now and save the home- canned tomatoes and tomato juice for later on when these other foods will have lost some of their vitamin C through storage. Coming down to more modern times, an apple a day is reputed to keep the doctor away. But in spite of all the stories, chemists and nutritionists have not been able to attribute any magic pro- perties to this popular fruit. They do agree however, that the apple is I. useful member of the dietetic family and that it provides tr cer- tain..gmoun§ wt _vitamin C. The later GriUG, containing more than the earlier types. 1 Apples have played a prominent part in history, myth and legend. Until the serpent offered Eve an apple, peace and harmony reigned in Eden. The gods dwelt amicab.ly, together on Mount Olymfus until Paris came along and o tered an apple as the prize in what was probably the first beauty contest on record. An apple which hit him on the head let the mind of New- ton working in channels that re- sulted in the discovery of the law of gravity. APPLES BEA LTHFUL Shrewd Housewives Attempt '[amjng of the Family Furnace Free Government Booklet On Efficient Operation To save these liven hundreds of donors are needed. Yes, many, many more donors are needed for the Weston Clinic. This one war job we all can do . . . it cost] nothing to make this donation. Thanks to you, this Cindinn boy will not, nor need not die. For, if you wear a Blood Donor: Button you have helped save a life. WESTON RED CROSS BLOOD DONORS’ CLINIC WESTON POST OFFICE This advertisment sponsored by Times and Guide. 250 DONORS ARE NEEDED NOW'. Phone your name to 132 or Zone 4-550 The first thing to Inn: is that the furnace should be kept u um te, span as the kitcnen_sink. Al- though It’s I. dirty job, It's not A sut1tcatit one. prerts have esti- mated that a scat deposit of only a traction ot an inch on waste up to one-third of the temin's can supply. The furnace is cleaned through the cierurout door, which in Just above the fire door. Inside it are cast iron sections, which should be kept soot-free. The only tools needed are a scraper and wire brush, which ere pert of the tum- nce equxpment. The expert: "r to scrape the section we sides tmm top down, end then finish off with the brush. Clean out the fire pot as well. This, of course, can only be done when the fire is out. When cleumnz the tire pot. it'q n good ides to check the grates. It one ot these happens to be wsrped, it should no repllcod. utnerwme, I great deal of auburn: coat Wilt drop through to the an pst and be wuted. A fur-moo an be run efficiently Ind economicnuy, 1f two important ruAes Ire Clrefully followed. trirst, Avoid overhauling. Don't In". unm the noun ll thoroughly wnrm before checkiu the tin. A good plln in to tend the turn-o. about hut 1.4 hour baton retiring. “an.“ .--_ -... A. . _ ,, J, _-.-.- ........... Second. chin out the uh pet every day, and sift the "he: care. tally. Anne: are valuable for bank- ing] tire. _ frightesuntr. The chanceq m that it won't be any morn 'itrieult than remaking a man! wit Into a now outfit for Junior. And iota of women an engaged in that work nowadays since war started Eu pnrtly solved Eire’a unemployment problem. During 1942 nearly 52,000 travel permits were inued. competed to M,000 in IMI and 26,000 In 1940. 1‘hird, keep I hit depth ot "hen above the gut". Tho tire will hold better and b. on“! to control. fourth. clan the furnncc Ta week when burning soft coil; w hard coal, clean it - two weeks. Fifth, know the draft can†The gavemment booklet, "Thirty-three Win to a“. Otto Ton in Five" bu dial-um ghonr- ing draft control: and how 'her work. Cart.diart coal declar- In“ Inpplloc of mu boom The Royal Navy’s battlefront is 60,000,000 square miles of ocean; it covers hilt the world’s seas. Dec spite the help from the Royal Cin.. adian Navy and Allied navias, the Royal 'f,'gr has to carry the mnin burden nil and thin requires great endurance from men and 'ships.-- Ottawa Citizen. EMIGRATE TO BRITAIN THE ROYAL NAVY To make a new broom hat longer soak it in strong salt water before using it. This toughen: the straw and makes it more durable. be put away in the kitchen closet, clean and fresh, and free of " harmful substance that might all“ it to rot. A broom that in hung up or stood upside down who, “at m To renew tut old broom, not]: it in hot suds. After this, h2e ends off evenly. When the room EBB thoroughly (grieg. qut, it can - V---†.....- ... w... "P or stood upside down an not mi" use. will last much longer than one left with the brittle: resting on the floor. STRAW BROOMS Dust cloth- and mops often get a good scrubbing, but in some homes one neglected member of the kitchen household il the ordi.. nary atnw broom which never (at: a bath from one year to the next. . Large fog]: plyigratién to Britain