Members of Central " United Hoar Report the Minna] dinner and fif"lfJfl'r'li tiolul meeting wu held in entnl Chunk 'ttlt', School room. There wu- rotor attendance. Reports, showed [11,648.80 mind for all panele- t"M 1943. The church autumnal g2 M.40 to missions, imludipg $1 57.20 from Mission- ary ttM88gr""id)/l) t", ti. c c . awn Irc e, 311137; Dorothy Putin Auxiliary, $263.08; c.9JT, $14.00, any the Vim? $4599"er , a a we ty, wow». I" w..- an... “F“... $414.60 received for war services, with An additional amount of [172.82 given béhthe congregation tor avenu- giqtlaus parcels. The receipts 1,tltdltd,'"s2, :3- i.tionwere, .,te una Illill,'ll who. the XL. Bibi); (31 $152.28, theBenevolent Fund 'llth'illtf)"rh"i' you 548.195, tl,", iiir,%'jfiirc"ra.e Roll “use, the Choir $33.92, and tor the Ontario Temper-nu Federatiog, s9fhay,f2, “ All! ___ 4..) ML- l a m,..'li, DvrAllianeo Ind the Bible Society " 5.00. The chunk treasurer re- ported $6690.31 contributed to the curunt account which on Dec. Slit had . Immune of $760.00. Toward Wmuidltm of the debt on the Uni Church of Canada, 8623.00 ha: been paid by Central Church Ind $400.00 more promised. Dur. in; the you " members were re- ceived into the church. The mem- bership stands at 7.61. During the owning meant.- tiorus were mude to four Inâ€; whom tbs church desired to hon- our-Mr. J. N, Kellm, treasurer of the church for 24 yearn; Mr. Sidney Macklin, chairman of the Property Committee; Mr. tk Muir. ulwhlte, superintendent of the Eytar. Sghool: â€we; 1.1."..A' G. Dunn-y DCIIUUI, Inn nu. n. u. Elm“, luder of the Trail Bangers Ind Sunday School teacher. The presentations and addresses were made by Mr. Lorna Coulter, Mr. C. A. Graham and Mr. George A. Court. New members elected to the official Bond are Messrs. W. 8. tg,','.",",'.,',', Ted Culley, M. L, Grahtun, he Helen, Stewart Hill, Fred C. Irvine, Don MncGownn Ind 8rglt,' Ward. Dr. W, How. Ird 7 ton we: secretary of the handing. On Sundny at St. Andrew's Church. Mr. M. thh had a. most marking menu... "That Ihlll I do' In: tho bun of his sermon. Thu new: unt hit: best thanks for the {my iu entrreirtrtion Aad I" the I'tl the congregation had ra~ Ipond to the nfpul for the (who mu In Ch m sud Indh. Our good friend, Mr. "ll,, In; stricken ill while doing church du. ties and our prayers are that he will be lurid to In tor I long On inland†of this week there will be u paper drive for the war auxililry. Our but willie: for a speed; re- covery to Mr. A. Sherman an Mr. Alan Tnylot, both in hospital for opersttmu. Hagpy birthday to Margaret When er Ind Margaret Usher and all who have birthdays this week. On Wodnudny a trustee meeting “a held to elect I new trustee on mount of Mr. A. Wynne-Field re- signing.. This ,!IU.u.taoyt.titrtt [THISTLETOWNI hmiior td.t"i,eerdtie,tverr from tonsil adenoi operation. yean that Mr. Field bl! held of- flee on the school board. Mr. G. thtmpttrie, and Mr. W. Doole were nominated. Mr. Doole Wu elected but filled to quAllfr, Mr. Hum- ter, going in by Accllmntion. aging: In held ttt first Wed- iGifar% every month. Thundw ovum " the [Avon Trail tht kr51'l'x'lli,'r'r' Reutriyta- tttttt met with about ten members present. The fees were Accepted and "mall rtrffU put on by mm- but. for members. A letter was read by Mr. G. Humphfiu on the (internment 19-point plan for post we:- plenu. The ticket books were paced on for the lovely hind-made imttt. â€can buy I ticket is up- fouhod. Our clung i so worthy. {In D. Hernia W, I vote of think: to Mm. C. healer for boo In: nepomibh for the quilting. On ebttydy.r night, Jemuary 27/ Im' -- Ji'iueiGT,GrG"ii buck n. Can t w, regret In hospital. In. Ink we“ the gift to mHU, In. G. Wmtphrtes holding ttte lucky cum. Mm! Vain: Middleton n- has. n I." m- waak and. â€in Ulla: Ind Margaret Fir "tiored I may party bfrttt and entertained their scth Beat wishes to Marlene McCal- Our but wishes were sent to o,t)itrr'"m 50c ,,fst,iris8c my . if )j,lii, I /' a "ift." i,;,',',);),),,,, . tr" i/ i? IV. "IIIâ€? I. I.“ owes mu. woonnnmaz FRIDAY, M. 11, IM4 mu "NM! 'tr {hit 1-2129qu Sponsoer Br GUYS Ind GALS CLUB 01323:" on; -IGiW.iisu4nr' night 107031: Ll/tlid' " fort Yprk armouzy‘ by .Wyrden Joh." “in t r e n, Commissioner. J, L Stuck and C. H. Hooper, and members of York County Council. The muu wu taken by tho Pt; dtn and "tor gm. much, put and tht wmmwwpeu InlpettOd tho â€noun commute! tha bat, talien and our wanna and» units from Eagt York, urban and Wont/on Gallium. -q.YM,-. Our congratulations to tho has " the Weston Cadet Corps upon their smut mrg't',u'."' the fine chowtng thoy m 0. Out thinks _tUso foe tttfine warnin- ment tKey raid“ on th. strut egg to Ind romfh-iour.t. Ip- cidontally, our etuufttttr wiih the private rod cu- vu s little In. picking up up at the town hall but we arrived In time foe thte main oven! of an aging. Among the loul celebrities Pt ent were noted E. G. Fur, . G. Hurls, W. J. Glrdhouse, Ju. Cameron, all tax-wardens of tho county and residents of Walton; P. J. Mull“, Run of York Township; Geo. Mitchell, Reeve-a! North York, and many others, in- cluding our own Capta W. W. Gardhouu e o u n Ir, taunt-r; Llcut. W. i. Hum, It,1t in!" of North York, and Lou . K. L. Thompson, Deputy Run ot Weston. A --- -- "h" Company in wall mutate ed on the York Rings.“ 0 tum by Opt. Mitchell. It. lithium and Pa. Kelly. The irat match in the D.C.R.A. tournament ‘WII held Int Wednesday tuning. Compute results It: not avail-bl. at the time of making this upon but the highest Icon wu made lg Ext. McMurdo whoyteryd up . conirruu1tytiqns to “out. R. L. Grunge: and Lint. H. W. Johnson W' meshing their communion. c regret is will, mean thdr EVE}; it' Handle that an A. 4 1.t.. been trhoted his disclaim on we, count of pressure of bulineu. With the Ion of then urgent. 3nd with Sgt. Overguxd at!!! in holpibl In be will short of senior N.tuh'r9ut we understand some Promotiane Are to be mule in "A' Company ranks very shortly, We are also to receive two new officers from other companies and hope to be Able to give you their numel in I week or two. - WWI 01' lowâ€. - all. -- It nom- vn "a to muko refer. enco - weak to the loan of on. or man of our men to the not!" union, and thin week it in Pu. J. "A" Conway News and View. There was an medley}; gurnput It's the body building, 'rrtergy-prodaeintr qualities of Milk that makes it so vital for the men on net!" "rvkes PHONE IN WESTON DAIRY For Health And Vigor 1; 91.12 - - 0333. "T. 9913:: DRINK MILK , DINNIBON RD. WEST I Who It On -t, MSW? In m 'kli/1jb', ii't,iiihisllt Ittt In. “M . a Tff, twin: . av Wilt.» II WJ', f,'rd"tt2o2,',"g,,'tt, ti'.', -¢on 0 II 'll'llul'Jt, "chm- tt f, on at ' min [TIT. 8, .Milly ot No, 10 “about, why is szjnm tht LOAF. We behave t o tune went tn tlte Mom “a! ha: been [and pnpmtoty anyâ€; or the“ chap. who any. Iâ€, g m and we hop: to obtain my 'd'rdurt 'thut, the lip. in on: "a ' " _ on hear the 'im/sho',' naug- tor yd“ Reserve: on Fred Allen'n udio lhow Sunday night! - 79-3-33" _ -v-.+&.n.v- Br! ht o d ml Sand: - in; 8'lh, gloat 10):“). I Sung;- fg'le"llt', " "A" Coy. marchad lrpp __ mung) trhool. swung: “5% Drive and trated" on In quit sud bit}: V $5111. Her. saw for lunch tqmn: onder if we seared the wild life with our blank Show; It least we gathered up In admiring audience of young but pountipl ruruiu. For our- ulvel 1V. Ind a 'tutroughty enjoy- IbleVdny and picked up some use- tul training, not to mention a lib- eul lupply of burn: and mud. The much home .wu done_in "can! tim, Capt, Mitchell lath": I turi- ‘oua pace whish had the rest of us _lt,'l,tl'lt by the time the school wo- reaehe . ttt (mew) gamut groundâ€: WI " I “1 man Limit. T. 'l/tte/et": on 'trotV The Women’s Association hold} their January meeting on Wednw‘ day evening in the church. There were nine members present. The pmident. Mra. E. Ewart, opened the meeting. Mrs. M. Warren read th. Bible lesson and Mrs. F. Ellins the [anon though“. A committee w†appointed to prepare a pro- gramme for each month ot the year. The meeting closed by linzv his God Suva the King. The next meeting is to be held at the home of Mrs. W. Allen, Crime Avenue. All ladies are cordially invited on Wednesday evening, February 2nd, at night o'eloek. 6? i133 TaWGiairinGjttGi Y6} gather your. Grant crodit is due _ Mr. .P. Roitet w.ho. My Jrilten The co-tttttN and board meeting of Humbervalo United Church wu held on chnuday evening in the church. Splendid reports were read trom the Church, Sunday school Woman’l Associa- tion and Eii.'id.' 1tlt It wu mend and errriod t t All_gfficgn of his time up willingly both in the Sunday nhool Warm-ch and the members wish to thank him so 2,7, much. After tho muting the an or clams of the itreg uhool rendered nom- beautiful to k song: which won amend by all. Ree. Cunning do: . with punt and Madame?!“ won "rved and I pi-ant time was mjoyd by all. HENRY POPE “In" thou plumbing fotm . dam NOW". WARM AIR FURNACES Humbervale wu'i'ou 934w REPAIR!!!) HINT? OF [00M IN â€MW IA“ N. "" siiiiietii, It seems that some women are knitting comforts for the Red Cross out of wool which they buy themselves, instead of from y,gtl supplied by the Rod Cross-. all): Rod crmuuedrl"m therwouldn't it. Let Red Cross Supply Wool Volunteer Knitters Asked Mrs. C. F. NeEaehtrrn, chairman of National Work Rooms, hoped that knitters for the Red Crou would all use wool supplied by the Red Groom. "It dmum't serve tho some purpose if women buy wool trom shops to knit for us. The wool in the shops is pet' there, un- der control of th-ernment, for women who want to knit tor their own relations in the services. “So, by buying that wool, the 're really not living up to the {ch Cross agreement with the govern- ment, whereby we are assigned wool on the understanding that we tion't buy my from pugsigo youre? tovytinirnhers tohut" she aid. Whether the unwitting offenders bur the wool from the duh-o to help out the Red Cross, or be- cause they find Red Cross wool is hush doesn't matter -- b e c a n s . they still uen’t helping the Red Crggspy doing it, . _ . Cross by th it, l "It is true t st wool for sweaters is harsh and a bit hard on the fingers. We have to use wheeling wool, made in Canada, and there- fore available in larger amounts," exrlained Mrs. MeEaehern, But Knitters should remember that thick wool makes good, warm sweaters ._ and, following I tip from Mrs. Mchhren, they could rut their finger. by swiping to Inuit “n nlnv-n In tho In tor anal knit up iIovek" in Ge Gfier Fool prgvi'ded by Red Cross for Imnller artiely. Giorgio“: 'sndrlwrumrl It cali" get and it seems that women send in barrel. of socks, mitta nnd surfs. uii/f'that hat .up mother Luuuon. The R Cross needs all FRI" FEBRUARY " Speak to Her of Love With, Valentine Posies I B h ' ki . Corsages C','.,',",,',',"'),':',' 593;" :0 ht]: win a war . . . let her feel 0 Cut pampered, cared for on Flomrs February 141 Thrill her with a Valentine bouquet of . Plants Spring Flowers . . . or 1 lovely come! WESTON FLOWER SHOP Weston Presbyterian Church Choir M. _ will present ST. GEORGES UNITED CHURCH CHOIR Toronto TIME! AND GUIDE but" 1731] RAIN ST. N. PHONES: "a, Iâ€. m. Im, Watch for further details. IN A CONCERT but te, don't “In banal um " or seemingly gloves. "Ust week, then wun't I “up Welter in England. The navy II growing stead] y, our Airmen are flying over new that" ot won and now the “my I: in the field, We want long-sl-Mr-pot shonv Ietss--tsweaterit V-nukcd in khnbi, turtle-necked in navy or air force blue. We could never get enough of them. 7 7 a they (91116 In]? iw'oimi,’ 'au _ nun wil to without. It the women 1','t"gho,r,', It need for awaken, In eves, t ey would rupond’ Mrs. 'i'll,1l'i',',h'r'l1 said. , “We no inning u dull the may» od 09M. to J the won-n at cm. they (All to knit IV" may wil go yithouy I I War Service Unit I "We but: plenty of qmail - tides. Turtle-neck tuck-ins, for in. stanee, no like the Boreerer's Ip- ' you get them com- m: in you cant get them 'iitvpiiii': . I . .. - .. So don't. be In}? ludiel. Tackl- the big-time nut Knit mentors Ind gloves for the Red Crores-and, don't buy the wool when the Red Cross gives it out frag. St. John's (Anglietut) War Serv- ice Unit will hold their meetings on Wednesday of each week, until further notice, in the parish hall at 8 pan. sharp. The object of this group is to form I mean: of con- tact with the boys of the parish who are in the armed forces. A hearty invitation is extended to all relatives and friends who are in- terested in this movement. With reference to the appeal to farmer: to order and 'v".'tt deliv- ery of fertilizers now, t e ideal place for the storage of fertilizers should be dry and not luvs any vegetables or livestock under the "me roof. The fertilizer should be placed in a neat pile on the lanks clear of the floor and may growl the wally. The map for t?.se is}? H13 "ii-thut- ii" 53's; Giiiy covered with straw, eh f, or other tv, material that will also exclude t. ii'tltliri1.'ii:tttiiritr't"t'i i'h/ariirfukifie {w - " biets,bird-d.bter.Ct#ttrf-, ' an. , . “ï¬lwflm "... - and. ',,tT,,ttg mm.“ (at V h ap.2'gdritgMg,1t1,t.t',eftst. Luau n th- main. Won! an that thor. he“. 1.11 u- be.) bah- vhuh loo-ad u [only to npyone Ibo 9mm bye “you “in. Then how would wo has: tt 'liit Ttttpt', tgu"tt; I w. Iv I 3nd to t,ur, who: alfa- bra simply been“. we can't gag VI horrible manor! " our wads, We'll remember tho mum, ham luc- h an helm! no. Ind numb. And "an the turn. tht, obs" I“. '05! Mamba! tho 1M." 'ret tar-run W.â€- ttt â€I“ B-tto. iiG ERIE); it?! 3W. thir" ii, Eir‘ibrihu' in)»; "ind; Ted, we’ll any, - (can our W,C,V.S.I u. use grarittt m The Grandson cl Rirtmn-T1n in “FANGS OF THE WILD" WED.mrtrtttk--rwr. 9-10 “FOREVER AND A DAY" with a " Mar Cut with Jean Artur-Joel McCru “SPY TRAIN" with Richard Trivi- / tun-"I... “SAILORS ON LEAVE†with w. My: CAMPUS COMMENT†{M Johnny-pm, has. want to [a to [Weston Gut Rate Meat Marknt ' ‘REVEILLE WITH BEVERLY" Frank .matrw-.B.t, - Au Miller . --AMO- PHONE MI SPECIAL Choice rand PORK, with Dressing, lb. ._.- Smoked SIDE BACON, sliced, m. ..t..e_-...._..-w.t- M0N.-Tuu._rm " "THE MORE THE MERWWt" Peamealed COTTAGE ROLLS Boneless Tendenweet SMOKED HAM, sliced, lb. $331343 FRONILAMB BONED ROLLED 29c Mild cured PORK SHOULDER, shank off, lb. _--.....-..........'...--.." ..._ LEGS, lb. ..... LOINS, FRONTS, lb. ...F.._PV._ LOIN LAMB CROPS, lb. o............'............................. Choice tender STEAK OR ROAST, Sirloin or Wing, . Its. _-r.--.-..--.-..........-...-..-........-.....-.... 39c BUMP ROAST. nil-n ind. PRr.-SAT.-rEB, " hears Cailurlne cm; YEARLIN G LAMB “I†has THIS STORE CLOSES T PM. SATURDAYS Cash and Carry "All NORTH lug by Bill.Beytrrtt, W MIL Lu,“ I†III - Ill',' van required to u for whoâ€... “hymn to grand prize by mg by - and Incl-turd: win-11in: Ion uni bin luau band I†, “In liar-2mm" Tho two wt» and: nah M "at " urn. " Beach and All. an; from uri to l I... .m- IIIn. were pm!“ with no mu ll be and W an! u I contend“: prise, Shirley minim. Tieeota any to "chant. rewind . an ,6igtls from ' tra"ttlt't'g,t The tuning “journal at 9.80 .m. #290 per mph. A - Il'tl'lrdlnlVlg'l'l'lN.'l'iClit'lt u expound Ind we In an it the Bonita. everyone will In" I good If... " Main St. 8. Quality Cleaning Kiwanis Music Festival Eaton Auditorlum Feb,, T, 8, 9, 12, 14, " Northern Vocational Collegiate Feb. 10, 11 Mom, Feb. T to Wed., Feb. lil, 1944 INSTRUMENTAL and VOCAL MORNING - AFTERNOON - EVENING graabtgiihas CLEANERS AND DYERS 35c 45tt 35c 55c 25c 35c 29c 21 c 33c PROMPT. commons SERVICE Choice THICK RIB OB BLADE ROAST, lb. - Boned, rolled POT ROAST, extra choice. lb. aâ€... Choice PRIME RIB, honed, rolled, lb. u PORK SAUSAGES, Lean MINCE!) STEAK, lb. _........._..._........._.. Loin LAMB CHOPS, Choice ROUND STEAK ROAST, lb. Wm... Mild cur. PICKLED BEEF, boned, rolled, tb., SPECIAL ... Lou BOILING BRISIGT, ban. bond-n STEWING BEEF, lb. .....__~.._,_- Delieioue MEAT PATPIEB. V EVENING SESSIONS Pun MED. I for M... [.1th 2168 me For Details ’7 "TIE Bi; wad-l" tiii",?: an..." I ttt2'g it. no can. . Mars.",'.' I PHONE 241 "est, - It“! warms us 'arc-'" __ “i." thiq 'it,i'i,.rittetiii)! . 'zlei'.v'i'l,"'ghJit'i t,e"gg',y,',g2t' . flounblhd'lu‘r t 27c Stht 25c 23c .31 c ttht If!